HOUSE. ,No. 125.


OF THE Tax Commissioner


Commonwealth of ,


December 31, 1873.


WRIGHT & POTTER, STATE PRINTERS, Corner Milk and’Federal Streets. 1874.

Commouuwaltl) of ittassarljusctts.

Treasury Department, Boston, \ February 11, 1874, f

To Hon. John E, Sanford, Speaker of the House of Representatives.

Sir : I have the honor to transmit through you to the legislature the Annual Report of the Deputy Tax Commis- sioner made to this Department,

And am, with great respect, T our obedient servant,

CHAS. ADAMS, Jr., Tax Commissioner.

tHommomucaltl) of Massachusetts.

Tax Commissioner’s Office, Boston, 1 February 11, 187J. /

Hon. Charles Adams, Jr., Tax Commissioner.

Sir : —The following tables exhibit a summary statement of the results of the Corporation Tax Law for the current year

Whole amount of Taxes assessed under Chapter 283, Acts of 1865.

General list, ...... $1,317,699 12 On Coal, Mining, Quarrying and Oil Com- panies,—

May assessments, . . $4,039 83

November assessments, . 3,142 26 7,182 09

Aggregate of assessments, . . . §1,324,881 21

Taxes of 1873 paid to Jan. 1, 1874,—

General list, . . . §1,289,992 30

Under section eight, . . 2,009 44

Taxes of 1873 unpaid,—

. . General list, , $18,146 62

Abatements, . . . 9,560 20

Under section eight, . . 5,172 65 §1,324,881 21 TAX COMMISSIONER’S REPORT. [Feb.

The following statement exhibits the outstanding unpaid taxes of Corporations on the general list and the changes during the year :

Taxes of 1869,—

Outstanding Dec. 31, 1872, . $5B 51

. . Abatements, . . 58 51

Taxes of 1870,—

Outstanding Dec. 31, 1872, . $ll5 80

. . Outstanding Dec. 31, 1873, . $ll5 80

Taxes of 1871,— Outstanding Dec. 31, 1872, $19,895 68

. . Amount paid, . 5,601 02

. Abatements, . . 8,633 17

Outstanding Dec. 31, 1873, . . . 5,658 49

Taxes of 1872,— Outstanding Dec. 31, 1873, $21,961 56

. Amount paid, . . 11,407 25

. Abatements, . . 8,966 67

. Outstanding Dec. 31, 1873, . . 1,587 64

Taxes of 1873,—

Outstanding Dec. 31, 1873, . . . 22,165 98

Aggregate of unpaid taxes, . . . $29,527 91

The amount accruing to the Commonwealth under the oper- ation of the law for the current year is as follows :

From General List Corporations,—

Net amount assessed, .....$1,317,699 12

Amount due to cities and towns, . . 986,771 91

$330,927 21

Balance accruing to the Commonwealth : 09 From corporations under section eight, . 7,182

Total amount accruing to the Commonwealth, $338,109 30 1874.] HOUSE—No. 125. 7

Of the amount of tax assessed the present year, the sum of $986,771 91 has been paid and will be payable under the terms of the law to the various cities and towns of the Com- monwealth. A table is appended, marked " C,” giving the amounts to which each city or town is entitled. As usual, a distribution of that portion of the above amount which had been collected on the twenty-seventh day of November, was made and certified in season to be offset against the amounts clue from the cities and towns on account of the State Tax on the first of December.

The amount collected at that date was . . $1,057,408 84

distributed was . . . 801,965 39

The amount retained was .... $255,443 45

The comparative valuation of the capital stock and real estate of corporations during the years 1872 and 1873 is as follows :

In 1872, $239,547,044 00 1873, 233,437,610 86

. Excess of 1872, . . . $6,109,433 14

The value of real estate and machinery,— In 1872, $134,789,879 00 1873, 156,200,129 00

Excess of 1873, .... $21,410,250 00


aggregate a was ' The oO o excess on which tax laid,

In 1872, $104,757,278 03 1873, 90,938,561 07

Excess of 1872, .... $13,818,716 96

The year for which accounts are kept in this office is neces- sarily the year for purposes of taxation, commencing May 8 TAX COMMISSIONER’S REPORT. [Feb. first. The following table has been prepared to connect the accounts of this office with those of the reports of the Treas- urer and Auditor which relate to the financial year com- mencing with January first. The whole amount realized by the Commonwealth during the financial year ending Dec. 31, 1873, has been :

From taxes of 1873,—

General list distributed, .... $255,443 45

not distributed, . . . 58,383 44 Mining list, 2,873 44

$316,700 33

Taxes of previous years collected in 1873, —

General list, ....$7,113 90

. . Mining list, . . 2,986 11 lO,lOO 01

Total amount realized, .... $326,800 34

To harmonize this result with that which appears in the Treasurer’s Report there should be added, —

The amount now in the treasury to be dis-

tributed among the cities and towns, . $181,861 80 Amount belonging to cities and towns on account of the dis- tribution in Nov. not called for

Dec. 31, 1873, . . . $9 63 Amount received from towns in repayment of taxes advanced by the Commonwealth for equal-

ization of claims, . . . 710 54 720 17

■ Amount carried forward, . ■ $509,382 31 1874.] HOUSE—No. 125.

. . Amount brought forward, . $509,382 31 And there must be deducted the amount paid during the year to cities and towns, on account oftaxes of pre-

vious years, . . . $90,488 34 Taxes under section eight reported in theTreasurer’s

books separately, . . 5,859 55 96,347 89

Treasury balance, .... $413,034 42

Whole amount paid by Coal, Mining, Quarrying and Oil Companies during the year ending December 31, 1873, is as follows: —

Taxes of 1872, $2,052 70 of 1873, 2,873 44

Four per cent, taxes, ..... 933 41

Aggregate of collections in 1873, . $5,859 55

Whole amount of Mining, etc., taxes assessed in 1873,—

Taxes paid, ....$2,873 44

unpaid Jan. 1, 1874, . 2,986 11 15,859 55

The whole number of Massachusetts corpo- rations and charters to which my attention

has been directed the present year is, . 1,283 Of this number 69 have been dissolved by the courts or by special Act, and 130 new corporations have been chartered or organ- ized, leaving as the number of corporations and charters to be reported, Dec. 31, 1873, 1,214

The authorized net increase of corporate capital in the State during the year, including the capital of three rechar- tered corporations, is as follows : 2 it) TAX COMMISSIONER’S REPORT. [Feb.

Authorized by Special Act,— New corporations, $2,130,000 00 Increase of capital, 150,000 00

Under chapter 224, Acts of 1870,—

Corporations . under section 11 (59), . 6,131,250 00 Certificates of increase of capital by 36 com-

panies under section 34, . . . . 3,623,100 00

$12,034,350 00 Certificates of reduction of capital under sec- tion 35 of same Act, .... 562,150 00

Net increase, $11,472,200 00

By chapter 327, of the Acts of 1873, 463 corporations were dissolved, having ceased to exercise their franchises. This substantially clears our list of corporations of that character, except in a few instances of recent formation. This Act has relieved the department and the officers and shareholders of a class of useless corporations which have filled our list and files, without being of any benefit to the Commonwealth or the manufacturing interests. Further legislation on this point is not recommended, as those now in a state requiring dissolution can apply to the supreme judicial court at a comparatively small expense; and as but a short time has elapsed since the closing of business, it seems very desirable that an inquiry should be made as to claims by creditors and others which cannot be so con- veniently made elsewhere before dissolution is effected.

The Board of Appeal was constituted by the appointment of the Hon. Alfred Macy, of the council, to serve with the Treasurer and Auditor. The Board organized November 19, 1873, by the choice of the Hon. Charles Endicott as chairman, when the first ses- sion was held. Since that time sixty-one appeals by corpo- rations have been heard, with the results indicated in the accompanying table. There have been some appeals by towns, in nearly all of which the action of the Board was simply to sanction a trans- 1874.1 HOUSE—No. U25. fer of credits from one town to another where all parties were agreed, and the parties for whose stock credit was claimed were shown to be residents of the appellant towns.

Appeals in 1873.

Whole number of appeals (all from taxes of 1873), . 61

Abatements allowed, ...... 55

Abatements refused, ...... 5

Appeals withdrawn, ...... 1

A list of cases considered, with the result in each case, is appended, marked "B.”

Bank Tax Act. The operation of the law of 1873 has been attended with sat- isfactory pecuniary results, indicating a much more complete collection of the tax due from this class of property, than took place under the law of the preceding year. This result was reached with much less trouble to individual tax-payers and the local officers than under any previous law. So far as I can judge from the almost invariable testimony of those whom I have met, there is a general feeling of acquiescence in the present plan, as being the fairest possible in the complica- tion between the requirements of the constitution and the lim- itations of the national act. If our Commonwealth was the only one thus troubled, it might fairly be a matter of inquiry whether our organic law should not be modified. But an ex- amination of the decisions upon the subject will show that many other States have been troubled in a similar manner. A modification by Congress of the national act allowing the application by the States, of their several systems of taxing corporations, with proper safeguard against discriminating taxation, would render it possible to remove the only objec- tion which I have heard brought against the present law. This objection is that, in consequence of varying rates in dif- ferent places where banks are located, the banks are unequally burdened in the imposition of the tax. Upon the whole, this objection is not so serious as appears by selecting extreme cases. The average rate of taxation in the State last year was 814.39 on a thousand of valuation. The average in TAX COMMISSIONER’S REPORT. [Feb. places having banks was $14.29 on a thousand of valuation; a difference of ten cents only on a thousand dollars of valua- tion. It is desirable to avoid even this difference ; but it can- not be done by any system which will effectually collect the whole tax due, with so little injustice and annoyance, as the law now in force.

Whole amount of tax on bank shares assessed, $1,544,910 34 Of which there was retained by towns on account of shares owned by residents, $536,169 00 And there was paid into the

. . treasury, . 1,008,741 34 51,544,910 34

There was paid into the treasury on account of taxes of 1873, $1,008,741 34 There was certified due to cities and towns on account oftax on bank shares owned

by residents for 1873, . $438,571 75

To savings institutions, . 319,069 07

To insurance companies, . 20,566 85 And in addition there is due to cities and towns on ac- count not fully adjusted so as to admit of a certificate, 2,465 15 To literary, scientific and

charitable societies, . 20,858 95 801,531 77

Leaving as a balance for the Commonwealth, $207,209 57

The amount credited to the law for the previous year was $137,386 61 Which is to be reduced by the amount already

• 63 refunded for double taxes of . . 2,563 98 Leaving the amount . $134,822 Against the amount this year, of . ■ 207,209 57

• 59 • Gain under the present law of • $72,386 1874.] HOUSE—No. 125. Which is to be attributed simply to the fact that where all the shares are assessed in one place, and the tax collected there, there is no opportunity for evasion. Table D, annexed, shows the net corrected amount dis- tributed to each city and town. Table E shows the amount collected in each city and town having a bank, on account of shares held out of such place.

Insurance Premium Tax. By chapter 141 of the Acts of 1873, the Tax Commissioner is charged with the duty of obtaining returns from the agents of insurance companies, and from companies themselves, of premiums received, and of assessing a tax thereon. Under this law, up to and including December thirty-first, there had been assessed,—

Upon agents, $173,419 61

Upon companies, ..... 19,079 59

$192,499 20

At that date there had been collected, — From agents, $123,238 37

From companies, . . . . . 18,983 27

$142,221 64

A large portion of the unpaid amount was assessed quite down to the thirty-first of December. The returns were re- ceived in good season, considering the fact that the law was new in its operation. I do not know of any changes which can be recommended. Some matters which have been causes of trouble in some degree, may probably prove to be inci- dental to a change of plan; and at all events it is probable that new and greater evils would be caused by a change. The amount of revenue realized from this source has been unprecedentedly large. This increase, which is undoubtedly due in a considerable degree to the necessity of obtaining re- insurance, was imposed as a consequence of the great fire, will not be felt in the same degree (luring the coming year. In view of the fact that so much of this tax as is collected TAX COMMISSIONER’S REPORT. [Feb of agents, is a small percentage of a largoamount of capital removed from the State in its investments and further use, it must be considered as a favorable indication when revenue from this source diminishes, father than when it increases.

Manufacturing Corporation Laav. During the year the Commissioner has examined ten hun- dred and ten certificates, of which ninety-three required a re- examination after errors had been corrected, and eight AA'ere examined three and more times. Ninety-seven of these were certificates of organization, of which ninety-tAvo have had their certificates finally approved, leaving liAr e that have not yet presented their papers for reexamination. Of the three disapproved in eighteen hundred and seventy-two, two have been approved and one has abandoned its organization. The whole number of certificates presented and examined, includ- ing those presented as substitutes for certificates disap- proved, is as follows


• • • Section 11, . • • • 126

• • • • Section 12,. . . - 3

Section 32, ...... 73 75(5 Section 33, ......

Section 34, ...... 37

• • • • • Section 35, • •

Total, 1,0!0

Municipal Assets and Liabilities. Table F contains the tabulated results of returns received from all the cities and towns in the State, showing assets and liabilities. The assets include, in many cases, property which could not or would not be sold under any conceivable circum- their stances, yet, as supplying a public need, a statement of full possession and comparative value seems necessary to a understanding of the situation of a municipality, financially considered. It is not always a mere question of debt or free- for the dom from liability, but of what there is to show 1874.] HOUSE—No. 125.

expenditure of the past or to cause an increase in the future, that decides the matter of a good or bad condition, financially considered.

Steam Boilers. Table G contains the results of returns received under requirements of chapter 321 of the Acts of 1873, tabulated as fully as seemed practicable. The most striking feature is the absence of accidents and the remarkable antiquity attained by some of the reported subjects.

Very respectfully, your obedient servant,

DANIEL A. GLEASON, Deputy Tax Commissioner and Coynmissioner of Corporations.

Table .A..

Corporations existing under authority of this Common- wealth, December 31, 1873, and subject to taxation UNDER THE CORPORATION TAX ACT.

A. K. Young and Conant Manufacturing Company, Boston. Cer- tificate issued January 11, 1873. Acushnet Cooperative Association, New Bedford. Organization certified November 9, 1867, under 1866, c. 290. Adams Gas Light Company, South Adams. Organization certified November 13, 1860. Adams Paper Company, Adams. Organization certified August 11, 1873. Adriatic Mills, Worcester. Organization certified December 11, 1863, JEtna Mills, Watertown. Organization certified 1863. Chartered 1861. Agawam Canal Company, West Springfield. Chartered 1836. Agawam Company, Agawam. Organization certified June 3, 1857. Agawam Paper Company, West Springfield. Organization certified June 11, 1859. Albany Street Freight Railway Company,Boston. Chartered 1868, c. 97. Albert Field Tack Company, Taunton. Chartered June 9, 1869, c. 376. Albert-type Printing Company, Boston. Organization certified October 8, 1872. Albion Lead Works, Taunton. Organization under 1870, c. 224, Certified November 29, 1870. Albion Paper Company, Holyoke. Organization certified December 20, 1869. American Carpet Cleaning Company, Boston. Organization under 1870, c. 224. Certified November 8, 1870. 3 TAX COMMISSIONER’S REPORT. [Feb.

American Chair Seat Company, The, Gardner. Organized prior to May 1, 1872. Organization certified April 22, 1872, under 1870, c. 224, § 12. American Cigar Company, Westfield. Organization certified July 14, 1873. American Consolidated Fire Extinguisher Company, Boston. Or- ganization certified December 1, 1868. American Corrugated Iron Company, Springfield. Organization certified June 13, 1869. American Furniture Company, The, Boston. Organization certified December 15, 1873. American Gas Screen Manufacturing Company, Haverhill. Organ- ization under 1870, c. 224. Certified September 20, 1870. American Homes Publishing Company, The, Boston. Organization certified December 11, 1873. American Horse Collar Company, The, Boston. Organization cer- tified January 1, 1868. American Improved Gas Light Company of Boston, Boston. Or- ganization certified January 11, 1868. American Improved Gas Light Company of Lawrence, Lawrence. Organization certified August 22, 1868. American Improved GasLight Company of Lowell, Lowell. Organ- ization certified January 6, 1868. American Improved Gas Light Company of Massachusetts, Boston. Organization certified July 27, 1868. American Insurance Company, Boston. Chartered 1818. American Linen Company, Fall River. Chartered 1853. American Low Water Reporter Company, Newburyport. Organ- ization certified October 8, 1867. American Magnesium Company, Boston. Organization certified March 28, 1865. American Marble Cutting Company, Boston. Organization cer- tified May 11, 1866. American Metallic Tubing Company, Boston. Organization certi- fied June 15, 1867. American Molded Collar Company, Boston. Organization certified November 19, 1864. American Mortising Machine Company, Boston. Organization certified November 26, 1869. American Optical Company, Southbridge. Organization certified March 15, 1869. December American Peat Company, Boston. Organization certified 11, 1865. c. 76. American Powder Company,Boston. Chartered 1863. 1868, 1874.] HOUSE— No. 125.

American Print Works, Fall River. Chartered 1857. American Railway Frog Company, Boston. Organization certified January 3, 1867. American Rattan Company, Fitchburg. Organization certified August 18, 1852. American Saddle Company, Boston. Organization certified June 9, 1868. American Shoe Shank Company, Lancaster and Boston. Organ- ization certified April 22, 1870. American Steam Gauge Company, Boston. Chartered 1854. American Stop Motion Company, Boston. Certificate issued Feb- ruary 7, 1873. American Straw Sewing Machine Company, Boston. Organization certified January 8, 1870. American Tablet Manufacturing Company, Boston. Organization certified April 29, 1871. American Tack Company, Fairhaven. Organization certified May 9, 1867. American Tool and Machine Company, Boston. Organization cer- tified October 4, 1864. American Tube Works, Somerville and Boston. Organization cer- tified April 29, 1852. American Watch Company, Waltham. Chartered 1854. American Whip Company, Westfield. Organization certified Jan- uary 11, 1870. American Wiring Machine Company, The, Boston. Organizatioa certified January 27, 1872. Ames Manufacturing Company, Springfield. Chartered 1834.. Ames Plow Company, Boston. Organization certified February 24,. 1864. Amesbury and Salisbury Gas Company, Amesbury. Assessment certified August 4, 1860. Amesbury Mills, Amesbury. Organization certified December.-16,. 1867. Amesbury Railroad Company, Amesbury. Chartered 1860,, e. 175. Organized April 28, 1869. 1872, c. 75. Anchor Tape and Webbing Company, Northampton. Organization, certified June 1, 1871. Anderson Fog Horn Company, The, Boston. Organization cer- tified March 27, 1872. Annawan Manufactory, Fall River. Chartered 1825. Annisquam Mills, Rockport. Organization certified March. 7, 1:871'., Appleton Company, Lowell and Boston. Chartered 1828- TAX COMMISSIONER’S REPORT. [Feb.

Aquapelle Company, Boston. Organization certified December 27, 1870. 1870, c. 224. Archibald Wheel Company, Lawrence. Organization certified December 26, 1871. Arlington Gas Light Company, Arlington. Chartered 1854. 1867, c. 221. Arlington Horse Railroad Company, Arlington. Chartered 1857. 1867, c. 221. Arlington Piano Company, Leominster. Organization certified July 1, 1867. Arlington Woolen Mills, Lawrence. Organization certified Feb- ruary 20, 1865. Arms and Bardwell Manufacturing Company, The, Northampton. Organization certified July 14, 1866. Ashburnham Railroad Company, Ashburnham. Chartered May 5, 1871. 1871, c. 251. 1872, c. 104. Ashburnham Reservoir Company, Ashburnham. Chartered 1853. Ashburnham Water Company, Ashburnham. Chartered May 26, 1871. 1871, c. 377. Ashby Reservoir Company, Ashby. Chartered May 1,1869, c. 225. Ashmore Reservoir Association, Hinsdale. Chartered 1872, c. 205. April 13, 1872. Assabet Manufacturing Company, Sudbury and Boston. Organiza- tion certified September 11, 1862. Assonet Fishing Company, Freetown. Chartered 1860. Assonct Machine Company, Freetown. Organization certified July 19, 1869. Athol Machine Company, The, Athol. Organization certified June 4, 1868. Athol Music Hall Association, Athol. Chartered 1871, c. 67. Atlantic Car Company, Salem. Organization certified February 5, 1872. Atlantic Cotton Mills, Lawrence. Chartered 1846. Atlantic Works, East Boston. Chartered 1853. Attleborough Branch Railroad Company, Attleborough. Chartered 1870, c. 100. Attleborough Steam Power Company, Attleborough. Organization certified September 20, 1858. 1867, Auburndale Water Company, Newton. Organization certified under General Statutes, c. 65.

Char- Baker’s Pond and Drain Fishing Company, South Yarmouth. tered 1858. Baldwin Company, North Chelmsford. Chartered 1844. 1874.] HOUSE—No. 125

Baldwinville Mill Company, Templeton. Organization certified June 9, 1870. Ballou Boot and Shoe Sewing Machine Company, Boston. Organi- zation certified November 30, 1872. Barrister’s Hall, in Court Square, Proprietors of, Boston. Char- tered 1848. Owned by Fifty Associates. Bartlett Steam Mills, Newburyport. Chartered 1837. Battery Wharf Company, Boston. Chartered 1869, c. 158. Bay State Boot and Shoe Manufacturing Company, Lynn. Organ- ization certified June 19, 1873. Bay State Brick Company, Boston, Organization certified Julj- 2, 1863. Re-organized May 11, 1871. 1870, c. 224, §l2. Bay State Faucet and Valve Company, Chicopee. 'Organization certified September 12,1870. 1870, c. 224. Bay State Fire Insurance Company, Worcester. Chartered 1860. Bay State Glass Company, East Cambridge. Organization certified October 9, 1851. Bay State Gold Mining Company, Boston. Organization certified January 14, 1867. Bay State Hardware Company, Northampton. Organization certi- fied January 21, 1862. Bay State Horse Rake Company, Winchendou. Organization certi- fied October 29, 1870. 1870, c. 224. Bay State House, Proprietors of the, Worcester. Chartered 1853. Bay State Iron Company, Boston. Chartered 1850. Bay State Shoe and Leather Company, Worcester. Organization certified May 8, 1866. Bay State Steamboat Company, Fall River. Chartered 1849. Bay State Suspender Company, Boston. Organization certified October 8, 1872. Bay State Wheel Company,Lynn. Organization certified December 10, 1873. Bayley Hat Company, Newburyport. Organization certified 1867. Beaman Manufacturing Company, West Boylston. Chartered 1831. Beaver River Mills, Abington. Organization certified July 3, 1873. Beckwith Lumber Company, Fitchburg. Organization certified April 23, 1869. Bel Air Manufacturing Company, Pittsfield. Organization certified July 24, 1873. Belcher and Taylor Agricultural Tool Company, Chicopee. Organ- ization certified November 25, 1864. Belvidere Woolen Manufacturing Company,Lowell. Chartered 1834. 22 TAX COMMISSIONER’S REPORT. Feb.

Bemis and Call Hardware and Tool Company, Springfield. Organ- ization certified June 5, 1865. Bengal Bagging Company, Salem. Chartered 1869, c. 19. Berkeley House Company, Boston. Chartered 1871, c. 19. Berkshire Railroad Corporation, Stockbridge. Chartered 1837. Berkshire Woolen Company, Great Barrington. Chartered 1836. Berlin Mineral Water Company, Boston. Certificate issued March 15, 1873. Beverly Gas Light Company, Beverly. Organization certified June 15, 1859. Beverly Insurance Company, Beverly. Chartered 1852. Bickford Spinner and Knitting Machine Company, Boston. Organ- ization certified September 8, 1869. Bigelow Carpet Company, Clinton. Chartered 1854. Bigelow Manufacturing Company, The, Springfield. Organization certified March 5, 1870. Black River Mining Company, Boston. Organization certified March 10, 1863. Blue Hill Laud Company, Dedham. Chartered 1871, c. 80. Bond Cracker Company, Boston. Organization certified March 15, 1872. Boot and Shoe Improvement Company, The, Boston. Organization certified September 8, 1873. Boott Cotton Mills, Lowell. Chartered 1835. Border City Mills, Fall River. Organization certified June 3, 1872. Boston and Albany Railroad Company, Boston. Chartered 1869, c. 461, §5. i855, c. 347. 1867, c. 270. Boston and Chelsea Railroad Company, Boston. Chartered 1854. Boston and Colorado Gold Mining Company, Boston. Organization certified March 6, 1869. Boston and Colorado Smelting Company, Boston. Organization certified May 11, 1867. Boston and Fairhaven Iron Works, Fairhaven. Chartered 1863. Boston and Hingham Steamboat Company, Boston. Chartered 1831. Boston and Lexington Paint Company, Boston. Organization cer- tified May 9,1867. Boston and Lowell Railroad Corporation, Boston. Chartered 1830. 1869, c. 459. Boston and Maine Foundry Company, South Reading. Organiza- tion certified February 13, 1856. 1869, c. 343. Boston and Maine Granite Company, Boston. Organized about January 1, 1868. General Statutes, c. 61. 1874.] HOUSE—No. 125.

Boston and Maine Railroad, Boston. Chartered 1833. Boston and New York Slate and Tile Company, Boston. Organ- ization certified April 13, 1864. Boston and Philadelphia Steamship Company, Boston. Chartered 1873, c. 46. Boston and Providence Railroad Corporation, Boston. Chartered 1831. Boston and Provincetown Steamboat Company, Provincetown. Chartered 1871, c. 102. Boston and Richmond Steamship Company. Chartered May 9, 1871. 1871,c.265. Boston and Roxbury Mill Corporation, The, Boston. Chartered 1814. Boston and Sandwich Glass Company, Boston. Chartered 1826. Boston and Vermont Telegraph Company,Boston. Chartered 1849. Leased to Western Union Telegraph Company. Boston and West Roxbury Railroad Company, Boston. Chartered 1861. 1868, c. 109. Boston, Barre and Gardner Railroad Corporation, Worcester. Chartered 1847. 1869, c. 361. Boston Base Ball Association, Boston. Chartered 1871, c. 131. Boston Beer Company, Boston. Chartered 1828. Boston Belting Company, Boston. Chartered 1845. Boston Can Company,Boston. Organization certified February 27, 1866. Boston Car Spring Company, Boston. Organization certified May 9, 1867. : Boston City Flour Mills, Boston. Organization certified December 28, 1871. Boston, Clinton and Fitchburg Railroad Company, Fitchburg. Chartered 1847. 1869, c. 299. Boston Commercial Exchange Building Company, Boston. Char- tered 1873, c. 113. Boston Cooperative Association, Boston. Organization certified May 15, 1873. Boston Cooperative Building Company, Boston. Chartered 1871, c. 324. May 25, 1871. 1872, c. 184. Boston Diatite Company, Boston. Organized August 12, 1869. Boston Duck Company, Palmer and Boston. Chartered 1845. Boston Dye-wood and Chemical Company, Boston. Organization certified February 21, 1868. Boston Elastic Fabric Company, Boston. Organization certified March 24, 1863. TAX COMMISSIONER’S REPORT. [Feb.

Boston Exchange Company, Boston. Chartered 1836. Boston Fire-brick and Clay Retort Manufacturing Company, Boston. Organization certified January 26, 1864. Boston Flax Mills, Boston. Organization certified December 6, 1852. Boston Forge Company, Boston. Organization certified March 28, 1867. Boston Gas Light Company, Boston. Chartered 1823. Boston Ice Company, The, Boston. Organization certified April 6, 1866. Boston Insurance Company, Boston. Chartered 1823. Boston Iron Company, Boston. Chartered 1822, c. 5. Boston Journal of Commerce Publishing Company, Boston. Organ- ization certified September 26, 1872. Boston Lead Company, Boston. Chartered 1829. Boston Lock Company, Boston. Organization certified May 29, 1869. Boston, Lynn and Peabody Railway Company, Lynn. Chartered 1869, c. 397. 1871, c. 171. Boston Machine Company, Boston. Organized September 1, 1864. Re-organized May 20, 1871. 1870, c. 224, § 12. Boston Manufacturing Company, The, Boston and Waltham. Char- tered 1813. Boston Merchants’ Exchange Company,Boston. Chartered Decem- ber 6, 1872. 1872, c. 373. Boston Metallic Roofing Company, The, Boston. Organization cer- tified September 26, 1871. Boston Mortgage Company, Boston. Chartered 1873, c. 270. Boston Music Hall Association, Boston. Chartered 1851. 1871, c. 2. Boston News Company, The, Boston. Organization certified August 15, 1870. 1870, c. 224. Boston Paint Mills, Boston. Organization certified May 6, 1871. Boston PianoforteAction Manufacturing Company, Boston. Organ- ization certified November 14, 1872. Boston Pier or Long Wharf, Proprietors of, Boston. Chartered 1772. 1871, c. 136. Boston Red Stone Company, Boston. Organization certified Sep- tember 23, 1871. Boston Bolling Mills, Boston. Organization certified December 1, 1873. Boston Roofing and Tile Corporation, The, Boston. Organization certified April 11, 1872. 1874.] HOUSE—No. 125.

Boston Rubber Shoe Company, Malden. Chartered 1853. Boston Safe Deposit Company, Boston. Chartered 1867, c. 151. Boston Screw Company, Boston. Organization certified December 12, 1866. Boston Skating Rink Association, Boston. Chartered 1868, cc. 147, 240. 1869, c. 449. Boston Star Collar Company, Boston. Organization certified March 17, 1868. Boston Steam Supply Company, Boston. Chartered 1873, c. 70. Boston Stereotype Foundry, Boston. Chartered 1850. Boston Sugar Refinery, Boston. Chartered 1834. 1863, c. 196. Boston Theatre, The Proprietors of the, Boston. Chartered 1858. Boston Tool Company, Boston. Organization certified November 8, 1873. Boston Tow Boat Company, Boston. Chartered 1873, c. 27. Boston Type Foundry, Boston. Organization certified July 8, 1865. Re-organized February 3, 1871. 1870, c. 224, § 12. Boston Water Power Company, Boston. Chartered 1824. Boston Wharf Company, The, Boston. Chartered 1836. Boston Wheat and Bread Company, Boston. Chartered 1865. Boylston Fire and Marine Insurance Company, Boston. Chartered 1825. Boylston Market Association, The, Boston. Chartered 1809. Boylston Mutual Insurance Company, Boston. Organization certi- fied December 26, 1872. Boston. Certificate issued Boynton" Packing Company, April 15, 1873. Bradford Joint Company, Plymouth. Organization certified Decem- ber 22, 1871. Bradley Fertilizer Company, Boston. Organization certified Novem- ber 2, 1872. Brainard Milling Machine Company, Boston. Organization certi- fied July 3, 1871. Bramanville Cotton Mills, Millbury. Organization certified Feb- ruary 10, 1871. Bridgewater Industrial Company, Bridgewater. Chartered 1872, c. 226. April 20, 1872. Bridgewater Iron Manufacturing Company, Bridgewater. Chartered 1825. Brighton and Newton Railroad Company, Brighton. Chartered 1872, c. 99. i TAX COMMISSIONER’S REPORT. Feb.

Bristol County Frear Artificial Stone Company, Fall River. Organ- ization certified March 8, 1872. Bristol Masonic Building Association, Attleborough. Chartered 1871, c. 194. Brockway Pyroxyline Manufacturing Corporation, Boston. Organ- ization certified May 25, 1871. Brookline G-as Light Company, Brookline. Chartered 1853. Brookline Hotel Company, Brookline. Chartered 1859. Brown Hotel Company, The, Haverhill. Organization certified November 20, 1873. Bullion Consolidated Mining Company, Boston. Organization cer- tified December 6, 1865. Burleigh Mining Company, Fitchburg. Organization certified April 22, 1872. Burleigh Rock Drill Company, The, Fitchburg. Organization certi- fied December 16,1867. Burling Mills, Millbury. Organization certified August 10,1869. Butchers’ Slaughtering and Melting Association, Brighton. Char- tered June 16, 1870, c. 365. Butler Braider Company, Boston. Organization certified December 2, 1870. 1870, c. 224.

Cabot and West Springfield Bridge, The Proprietors of, Chicopee. Chartered 1846. Cambridge Gas Light Company, Cambridge. Chartered 1852. Cambridge Land and Building Association, Cambridge. Chartered 1868, c. 207. Cambridge Lyceum, Cambridge. Organized May, 1841, R. S., c. 41.'' 1869, c. 271. Cambridge Preserving Company, Cambridge. Organization certi- fied March 8, 1872. Cambridge Railroad Company, Cambridge. Chartered 1853. Cambridge Wharf Company, Cambridge. Cambridgeport Dairy Companjq Cambridge. Certificate issued February 13, 1873. Campello, North Bridgewater and Holbrook Street Railway Com- pany, North Bridgewater. Chartered April 29, 1872. 1872, c. 284. Canadian Stop Motion Company, The, Boston. Organization certi- fied May 26, 1873. Canton Aqueduct Corporation, Canton. Organized April 26, 1836. Cape Ann Anchor Works, Gloucester. Organization certified June 26, 1868. 1874.] HOUSE—No. 125

Cape Ann Granite Company, Gloucester. Organization certified October 19, 18G9. Cape Ann Isinglass and Glue Company, Rockport. Organization certified November 26, 1872. Cape Cod Railroad Company, Hyannis. Chartered 1846. 1872, c. 143. Merged in the Company. Cape Cod Ship Canal Company, Sandwich. Chartered 1870, c. 36. 1872, c. 54. Cardany and Miller Furniture Company, Athol. Certificate issued March 15, 1873. Carew Manufacturing Company, South Hadley. Chartered 1848. Carver Cotton Gin Company, East Bridgewater. Organization cer- tified July 23, 1872. Cary Improvement Company, Boston. Chartered 1852. Cate National Horse Shoe Company, Boston. Certificate issued April 10, 1873. Cattle Fair Hotel Company, Brighton. Chartered 1830. Central Club of Boston, The, Boston. Chartered 1873, c. 69. Central Mills Company, Southbridge. Chartered 1863. Central Square Wharf Company, East Boston. Chartered 1848. Central Wharf and Wet Dock Corporation, The, Boston. Char- tered 1815. Central Wharf Company for Inspecting Fish, IVellfleet. Organiza- tion certified April 21, 1860. Chace Mills, Fall River. Organization certified November 11,1871. Chapman Valve Company, Boston. Organization certified January 4, 1871. Charles River Navigation Company, Cambridge. Chartered 1857, c. 57. Revived by 1871,c. 181. Charlestown Gas Company, Charlestown. Chartered 1846. Charlestown Workingmen’s Cooperative Association, Charlestown. Organization certified November 14, 1866. 1866, c. 290. Chelmsford Foundry Company, Chelmsford. Organization certified May 23, 1859. Chelsea Gas Light Company, Chelsea. Chartered 1853. Chelsea Odd Fellows’ Hall Association, Chelsea. Chartered April 24, 1872, c. 253. Chelsea Oil Company, Chemlsford. Organization certified January 18, 1865. Cheshire Railroad Company, Boston. Chartered March 13, 1845. 1869, cc. 126, 318. Chester Emery Company, Boston. Organization certified May 13, 1868. TAX COMMISSIONER’S REPORT. Feb.

Chicopee Manufacturing Company, Chicopee. Chartered 1823. Christian Register Association, The, Boston. Organization certi- fied July 11, 1872. Cigai Manufacturers Cooperative Association, Westfield. Organiza- tion certified June 26, 1871. Citizens’ Gas Light Company of Quincy, Quincy. Chartered 1860. Citizens’ Gas Light Company of South Reading, Wakefield. Or- ganization certified January 10, 1862. Citizens’ Ice Company, Boston. Organization certified September 19, 1870, c. 224. City Fire Insurance Company, Boston. Chartered 1847. City Mills, Boston. Certificate issued April 5, 1873. Clark and Chapman Machine Company, Montague. Organization certified September 15, 1871. Clark and Rich Company, Easthampton. Organization certified April 20, 1872. Clark W. Bryan Company, Springfield. Organization certified June 24, 1872. Clement and Hawkes Manufacturing Company, Northampton. Or- ganization certified October 2, 1866. Clinton Gas Light Company, Clinton. Chartered 1854. Clinton Wire Cloth Company, Clinton. Organized 1856. 1851, e. 133. Cohasset and Scituate Street Railway Company, Cohasset. Char- tered 1866. Collins Paper Company, The, Wilbraham. Organization certified February 23, 1872. Color Printing Attachment Company, Boston. Organization cer- tified June 28, 1870, c. 224. Colorado Mining and Exploring Company, Boston. Organization certified January 4, 1866. Columbus Hotel Company, Boston. Chartered April 23, 1872. 1872, c. 239. Comey Loom Stop Motion Company, Boston. Organization cer- tified August 3, 1872. Commercial Wharf Company, The, Boston. Chartered 1832. Commonwealth Gold Mining Company of Colorado, Boston. Or- ganization certified October 19, 1866. Commonwealth Hotel Company, Pittsfield. Chartered 1866. Concord Fire Insurance Company, Concord. Chartered April 12, 1872, c. 192. Concord Granite Company, Quincy. Organized 1865. Connecticut River Bridge, Proprietors of, Montague. Chartered 1796. 1874.] HOUSE—No. 125.

Connecticut River Railroad Company, Northampton. Chartered 1845, c. 8. 1869, c. 298. Consolidated Wax Thread Sewing Machine Company, Boston. Organization certified November 15, 1869. Constitution Wharf Company, Boston. Chartered 1855. 1869, c. 158. Conway Fire Insurance Company, Boston. Chartered 1849. Cooperative Mills, Fall River. Chartered 1867, c. 174. Courier Publishing Companj’, Boston. Organization certified July 8, 1871. Coy’s Hill Cheese Company, Warren. Organization certified May 8, 1807. Crescent Mills, Fall River. Organization certified November 27, 1871. Crocker Manufacturing Company, Holyoke. Organization certified May 25, 1871. Crompton Carpet Company, The, Worcester. Organization certified July 13, 1870, c. 224. Cumberland Brown Stone Company, Boston. Organization cer- tified May 23, 1871.

Danvers Bleachery, South Danvers and Boston. Organization cer- tified January 25, 1864. Danvers Carpet Companj', Danvers. Organization certified Feb- ruary 19, 1865. Danvers Gas Light Company, Danvers. Organization certified August 1, 1861. Danvers Railroad Company, Boston. Chartered 1852. Davol Mills, Fall River. Chartered 1867, c. 175. Dean Cotton and Machine Company, Taunton. Chartered 1848. Dedham and Hyde Park Gas Company, Dedham. Chartered 1853. 1871, c. 292. Deep Sea Isinglass Company, Rockport. Organization certified June 27, 1873. Derby Wharf Corporation, Salem. Chartered 1810. Dighton Furnace Company, Taunton and Boston. Organization certified April 25, 1870. Dighton Manufacturing Company, North Dighton. Chartered 1822. Dorchester Gas Light Company, Dorchester. Chartered 1854. Dorset Iron Company, Boston. Organization certified March 5, 1865. Douglas Axe Manufacturing Company, East Douglas. Chartered 1834. 30 TAX COMMISSIONER’S REPORT. [Feb.

Dover Stamping Company, Cambridge. Organization certified Jan- uary 6, 1871. Downer KeVosene Oil Company, Boston. Organization certified April 7, 1860. Dresser Manufacturing Company, Southbridge. Chartered 1834. Dudley Hosiery Company, Needham. Organization certified Feb- ruary 20, 1867. Dunlap and Lyman Manufacturing Company, Northampton. Or- ganization certified February 3, 1871. Durfee Mills, Fall River. Chartered February 15, 1866, c. 31. Dutcher Temple Manufacturing Company, Milford. Organization certified December 18, 1867. Duxbury and Cohasset Railroad Company, Duxbury. Chartered 1867, c.- 65. 1873, c. 21. Duxbury Bridge Company, Duxbury. Chartered May 10, 1869, c. 268. Duxbury Wharf Company, Duxbury. Chartered 1871, c. 89. Dwelling-house Insurance Company, Boston. Organization cer- tified December 30, 1872. 1872, c. 375, §9. Dwight Manufacturing Company, Chicopee. Chartered 1841. Dwight Printing Company, Ashland. Organization certified Jan- uary 2, 1871.

E. Carver Company, East Bridgewater. Chartered 1846. E. Stebbins Manufacturing Company, Springfield. Organization certified February 13, 1868. Cotton Taunton. certified May 10, Eagle~ Company, Organization 1860. Eagle Mill Company, Athol and Orange. Organization certified January 8, 1868. East Abington Crispin Cooperative Association, Abington. Organ- ization certified November, 1869. 1866, c. 290. East Boston Company, East Boston. Chartered 1833. East Boston Dry Dock Company, East Boston. Chartered 1847. East Boston Ferry Company, East Boston. Chartered 1852. East Boston Freight Railroad Company, East Boston. Chartered 1862. East Boston Gas Company, East Boston. Organization certified April 2, 1856. East Boston Railroad Company, Boston. Chartered 1873, c. 66. East Boston Tunnel Company, The, Boston. Chartered April 23, 1872, c. 241. East Cambridge Land Company, Cambridge. Chartered 1861. 1874.] HOUSE—No. 125.

East Mountain Water Company, West Stockbridge. Chartered 1873, c. 184. East Templeton Cooperative Chair Company, Templeton. Organ- ization certified October 25, 1872. East Walpole Branch Railroad Company, East Walpole. Chartered 1868, c. 55. 1872, c. 41. Eastern Marble Company, Boston. Organization certified October 7, 1870. Eastern Marine Railway Company, Provincetown. Chartered 1864, c. 285. 1869, c. 213. Eastern Railroad Company,Boston. Chartered 1836. 1869, c. 291. Easthampton Aqueduct Company, Easthampton. Chartered 1867, c. 84. Easthampton Gas Company, Easthampton. Organized September 7, 1864. Easthampton Rubber Thread Company, Easthampton. Organization certified December 27, 1864. Eliot Fire Insurance Company, Boston. Chartered 1849. Eliot Insurance Company, Boston. Organization certified December 31, 1872, c. 375, § 9. Elliott Felting Mills, Boston. Organization certified December 21, 1864. Ellis Saw Company, Boston. Organization certified November 23, 1866. Equitable Marine Insurance Company, Provincetown. Chartered 1845. Essex Branch Railroad Corporation, Essex. Chartered 1869, c. 183. Essex Company, Lawrence. Chartered 1845. Essex Cooperative Boot and Shoe Company, Lynn. Organization certified September 2, 1872. Essex Frear Stone Company, Lynn. Organization certified June 5, 1872. Essex Marine Railway Corporation, Salem. Chartered 1826. Essex Mill Corporation, Essex. Chartered 1822. Essex Steam Mill Company, Essex. Organization certified October 13, 1871. Eureka Clothes Wringing Machine Company, Waltham. Organiza- tion certified November 10, 1863. Eureka Ventilating Horse Cover Company, Boston. Organization Gen. Stat. 61, about May, 1870. European Globe Nail Company, Boston. Organization certified July 1, 1872. 32 TAX COMMISSIONER’S REPORT. [Feb.

Everett and Chelsea Street Railway Company, Everett. Chartered 1871, c. 132. Everett Mills, Lawrence. Chartered 1860. Exchange Insurance Company, Boston. Chartered 1870, c. 81.

F. A. Whitney Carriage Company, Leominster. Organization cer- tified July 27, 1871. Fall River Granite Company, Fall River. Certificate issued Feb- ruary 27, 1873. Fall River Iron Works Company, Fall River. Chartered 1825. Fall River Manufactory, Fall River. Chartered 1820. Fall River Print Works, Fall River. Chartered 1848. Fall River Steamboat Fall River. Chartered 1866. Fall River Street Railway Company, Fall River. Chartered 1873, c. 120. Fall River, Warren and Providence Railway Company, Providence, R. I. Chartered 1857. Fall River Workingmen’s Cooperative Association, Fall River. Organization certified December 4, 1867. 1866, c. 290. Falmouth Heights Land and Wharf Company, Falmouth. Char- tered May 11, 1871, c. 278. Falmouth Wharf Company, Falmouth. Chartered 1819. Faneuil Hall Insurance Company, Boston. Chartered 1871, c. 29. Farmington River Water Power Company, Otis. Chartered 1867, c. 134. Farr Alpaca Company, The, Holyoke. Organization certified November 13, 1873. Farren Hotel Company, Montague. Organization certified July 17, 1872. Felton Paper Company, Holyoke. Organization certified July 6, 1871. Fifty Associates, Boston. Chartered 1820. Firemen’s Insurance Company, Boston. Chartered 1831. Firemen’s Fire Insurance Company, Boston. Organization certified December 21, 1872, under 1872, c. 375, § 9. First Hudson Dry Goods, Grocery and Provision Cooperative As- sociation, Hudson. Organization certified November, 1869. 1866, c. 290. First National Fire Insurance Company, Worcester. Chartered 1868, cc. 154, 269. 1869, c. 178. First Universalist Meeting-House in Worcester, Proprietors of the, Worcester. Chartered 1843. 1874.] HOUSE—No. 125.

First Weymouth Laborers’ Cooperative Association, Wejonouth. Organization certified February, 1869. 1866, c. 290. First Worcester Cooperative Grocery and Provision Association, Worcester. Organization certified November 11, 1867. 1866, c. 290. Fiskdale Mills, Sturbridge. Chartered 1836. Fitchburg Cooperative Association, Fitchburg. Organization certi- fied November 11, 1867. 1866, c. 290. Fitchburg Flour Company, Fitchburg. Organization certified Oc- tober 20, 1869. Fitchburg Gas Company, Fitchburg. Chartered 1852. Fitchburg Hotel Company, Fitchburg. Chartered 1849. Fitchburg Lumber Company, Fitchburg. Organization certified April 20, 1868. Fitchburg Machine Company, Fitchburg. Organization certified February 12, 1867. Fitchburg Railroad Company, Boston. Chartered 1842. 1869, c. 352. Fitchburg Street Railway Compan}-, Fitchburg. Chartered 1873, c. 150. Flax Leather Manufacturing Company, South Natick. Organiza- tion certified August 31, 1863. Flax Pond Fishing Company in Dennis, Dennis. Chartered 1852. Flint Mills, Fall River. Organization certified February 28, 1872. Florence Furniture Company, The (Florence), Northampton. Or- ganization certified June 23, 1873. Florence Manufacturing Company (Florence), Northampton. Or- ganized June 1, 1866. Florence Mercantile Company (Florence), Northampton. Organiza- tion certified November 12, 1867. 1866, c. 290. Florence Sewing Machine Company, Northampton. Organization certified May 6, 1865. Foreign Sole Sewing Machine Company, Boston. Organization certified August 31, 1864. Confirmed February 7, 1872. Forest River Lead Company, Salem. Chartered 1846. Forest River Railroad Company, Salem. Chartered 1871, c. 248. Forge Village Horse Nail Company, Westford. Organization certi- fied January 5, 1865. Foundry and Machine Company, Taunton. Organization certified July 2, 1852. Framingham and Lowell Railroad Company, Lowell. Chartered 1870, c. 113. TAX COMMISSIONERS REPORT. [Feb.

Franconia Iron and Steel Company, Wareham. Organization certi- fied March 31, 1865. Franklin Grocery Company, Lynn. Organization certified Novem- ber 21, 1867. 1866, c. 290. Franklin Insurance Company, Boston. Chartered 1823. Franklin Insurance Company of Boston, Boston. Certificate issued January 4, 1873, under 1872, c. 375. Franklin Paper Company, Holyoke. Organization certified Januarv 23, 1866. Franklin Telegraph Company, Boston. Chartered 1865. 1869, c. 209. Freemason’s Hall Association, Haverhill. Chartered 1866, c. 177. 1873, c. 72. Frohock Last Company, Boston. Organization certified August 15, 1869. Fulton Iron Foundry Company, Boston. Chartered 1836.

Gardner Cooperative Association, Gardner. Organization certified November 9, 1868. 1866, c. 290. Gaylord Manufacturing Company, Chicopee. Organization certified April 7, 1863. Gazette Publishing Company, Boston. Organization certified Jan- uary 12, 1866. George H. Gilbert Manufacturing Company, Ware and Hardwick. Chartered 1867, c. 281. German American Powder Company, Boston. Organization certi- fied September 8, 1873. Germania Mills (Hartford, Ct.), Holyoke. Organization certified January 19, 1865. Gilbert and Barker Manufacturing Company, Springfield. Organ- ization certified March 31, 1870, under G. S., c. 61. Gilbertou Coal Company, Boston. Organization certified May 10, 1864. Giles County Iron Company, The, Boston. Organization certified March 21, 1872. Gillespie Governor Company, Boston. Organization certified April 19, 1866. Glasgow Company, South Hadley Falls. Chartered 1848. Glendale Elastic Fabrics Company, Easthampton. Organization certified October 26, 1868. Glendale Woolen Company, Stockbridge. Chartered 1847. Glendon Company, Boston. Organization certified May 3, 1872. Globe Nail Company, Boston. Organization certified May 23,1868. 1874.] HOUSE—No. 125.

Globe Publishing Company, The, Boston. Organization certified February 19, 1872. Gloucester and Lanesville Railroad Company, Gloucester. Char- tered May 29, 1867, c. 287. 1872, c. 39. Gloucester Copper Paint Company, Gloucester. Certificate issued January 15, 1873. GloucesterFire Insurance Company, Gloucester. Chartered 1869, c. 285. Gloucester Gas Light Company, Gloucester. Chartered 1853. Gold and Silver Association, Boston. Organization certified July 15, 1867. Gold Medal Sewing Machine Company, Orange. Organization cer- tified August 2, 1869. Golden City Mineral and Land Company, Boston. Organization certified August 30, 1867. Goodyear Rubber Company, Boston. Certificate issued March 19, 1873. Gosnold Mills, New Bedford. Chartered 1848. Gosnold Workingmen’s Cooperative Association, New Bedford. Organization certified May 11, 1871. Grafton and Millbury Railroad Company. Chartered May 20,1870, e. 269. Grafton Centre Railroad Company, Grafton. Chartered October 22, 1873. Grafton Mills, Grafton. Organization certified March 13, 1862. Grand Hotel Branch Railroad Company of Dorchester, Dorchester. Chartered 1867, c. 133. Revived 1869, c. 214. Granite Mills, Fall River. Chartered 1863. Granite Mining Company of Colorado, Boston. Organization cer- tified January 13, 1871. Granite Railway Company, Boston and Quincy. Chartered 1826. Granite Wharf Marine Railway Company, Fairhaven. Chartered 1853. Graton and Knight Manufacturing Company, The, Worcester. Or- ganization certified January 1, 1872. Graves End Branch Street Railway Company, Lynn. Chartered 1868, c. 22. Revived 1870, c. 254. Great Barrington Gas Light Company, Great Barrington. Organi- zation certified November 27, 1855. Great Barrington Water Company, Great Barrington, Chartered 1868, c. 300. Great Pasture Company, Salem. Chartered 1855. Greenfield Aqueduct Company, Greenfield. Organized 1827. TAX COMMISSIONER’S REPORT. [Feb. Greenfield Gas Light Company, Greenfield. Chartered 1854. Greenfield Manufacturing Company, Greenfield. Chartered 1832. Greenfield Tool Company, Greenfield. Organization certified August 18, 1851. Greenville Manufacturing Company, Northampton. Chartered 1846. Giejlock Manufacturing Companj", Adams. Organization certified April 26, 1872. Griswoldville Manufacturing Company, Colrain. Chartered 1840. Grover and Baker Sewing Machine Company, Boston. Chartered 1854. 1867, c. 327.

Hadley Company, Holyoke. Chartered 1863. Hale Patent Washer Company, New Bedford. Organization certi- fied March 9, 1868. Hall Treadle Manufacturing Company, The, Boston. Organization certified July 21, 1873. Hamilton Manufacturing Company, The, Lowell. Chartered 1825. Hamilton Woolen Company, Boston and Southbridge. Chartered 1831. Hampden Card Company, Springfield. Organization certified Sep- tember 24, 1860. Hampden Cooperative Association, Westfield. Organization certi- fied December 28, 1870. 1870, c. 224. Hampden Mills, Holyoke. Chartered 1853. Hampden Paint and Chemical Company, Springfield. Chartered 1852. Hampden Paper Company, Holyoke. Organization certified Feb- ruary 18, 1865. Hampshire Manufacturing Company of Huntington, Huntington. Organization under 1870,c. 224. Certified December 17,1870. Hampshire Paper Company, South Hadley Falls. Organization certified June 6, 1866. Hancock Sewing Machine Company, Boston. Organization certi- fied March 31, 186-8. Hanover Branch Railroad Company, Hanover. Chartered 1846. Harbor Improvement Company, Boston. Organization certified March 5, 1870, under G. S., c. 61. Harleigh Coal Company, Boston. Organization certified January 27, 1865. Hartford and New Haven Railroad Company, Hartford, Ct. Char- tered 1839. 1872, c. 171. Harvard Manufacturing Company, Harvard. Organization certified September 2, 1868. 1874.] HOUSE—No. 125.

Haskins Gold Pen Manufacturing Company, Shutesbury and Am- herst. Chartered May 31, 1867, c. 292. Haskins Machine Company, Fitchburg. Organization certified April 29, 1871. 1872, c. 5. Haverhill Aqueduct Company, Haverhill. Organized December 2, 1802. 1867, c. 73. Haverhill Gas Light Company, Haverhill. Chartered 1853. Haverhill Hat Company, Haverhill. Organization certified April 10. 1871. Haverhill Lime Company, Boston. Organization certified January 13, 1865. Haverhill Odd Fellows’ Hall Association, Haverhill. Chartered 1868, c. 266. Hawes Machine Company, Fall River. Organization certified March 31, 1871. Hayden Foundry and Machine Company, Haydensville. Organiza- tion certified July 6, 1867. Hayden Manufacturing Company, Haydensville. Organization cer- tified March 17, 1857. Haywardville Rubber Company, Stoneham. Organization certified March 3, 1870. Re-organized December 16, 1871. 1870, c. 224, § 12. Henry Clay Coal Company, Boston. Organization certified April 14, 1864. Hide and Leather Insurance Company, Boston. Chartered May 9, 1867, c. 226. Hide and Leather Machine Company, Boston. Organization certi- fied January 4, 1869. Highland Mills, Huntington. Organization certified August 19, 1873. Highland Street Railway Company, Boston. Chartered 1872, c. 212. April 17, 1872. Hingham Cordage Company, Hingham. Chartered 1853. Hingham Jute and Bagging Company, Hingham. Organization certified February 8, 1872. Hingham Wharf and Land Company, Hingham. Chartered 1847. Hinkley and Williams Works, Boston. Organization certified April 22, 1864. Hinkley Locomotive Works, The. New name given to Hinkley and Williams Works by 1873, c. 1. Holmes’ Hole Marine Railway Company, Tisbury. Organized in 1868, Gen. Stat., c. 67. Holmes’ Hole Union Wharf Company (Holmes’ Hole), Tisbury. Chartered 1835. TAX COMMISSIONER’S REPORT. [Feb. Holyoke and Belchertown Railroad Company. Chartered MayJ 12,’ 18/1. 1871, c. 291. IloJyoke and Northampton Boom and Lumber Company. Chartered May 26, 1871. 1871, c. 362. 1873, c. 215. Holyoke and Westfield Railroad Company, Holyoke. Chartered June 12, 1869, c. 379. Machine Holyoke Company, Holyoke. Organization certified Jan- uary 25, 1864. Confirmed November 22, 1871. Holyoke Manilla Company, Holyoke. Organization certified No- vember 1, 1865. Holyoke Mutual Fire Insurance Company, Salem. Chartered March 14, 1843. Holyoke Paper Company, Holyoke. Organization certified May 19,’ 1857. J Holyoke Warp Company, Hotyoko. Organized under General Laws, March 31, 1869. Holyoke Water Power Company, Holyoke. Chartered 1859, c. 6. Hopedale Furnace Company, Milford. Organization certified De- cember 30, 1867. Hopedale Machine Company, Milford. Organization certified De- cember 2, 1867. Hopeville Manufacturing Company, Worcester. Organization cer- tified August 9, 1870. 1870, c. 224. Hopkinton Cooperative Association, Hopkinton. Hopkinton Railroad Company, Hopkinton. Chartered June 1, 1870, c. 299. 1873, c. 119. Horn Pond Branch Railroad Company, Boston. Chartered 1852. Howard Cooperative Company, Lynn. Organization certified Feb- ruary 28,1871. Howard Fire Insurance Company, Boston. Chartered 1848. Howard Watch and Clock Company, Boston. Organization certi- fied October 2, 1863. Huntington House, Proprietors of the, Boston. Chartered 1872, c. 121. March 19, 1872. Hyde Park Branch Railway Company, Dedham. Chartered May 15, 1869, c. 280. Hyde Park Woolen Company, Boston. Chartered 1863.

Improved Rotary Heel Company, Boston. Organization certified October 1, 1872. Incas Silver Mining Company, Boston. Organized March 1866, Gen. Stat., c. 61. India Manufacturing Company, Salem. Chartered 1870, e. 112. 1874.] HOUSE—No. 125.

India Wharf, The Proprietors of the, Boston. Chartered 1808. Indian Orchard Mills, Springfield. Chartered 1859, c. 2. International Telegraph Company, Boston. Chartered 1866. Ipswich Mills, Ipswich and Boston. Organization certified January 20, 1868. Ipswich Woolen Mills, Ipswich. Organization certified February 13, 1865. Irish-American Leader Printing and Publishing Cooperative Asso- ciation, The, Boston. Organization certifiedFebruary 6,1872.

J. C. Hoadley Company, Lawrence. Certificate issued February 1, 1873. Jamaica Plain Gas Light Company, West Roxbury. Chartered 1853. Jamaica Plain Land Improvement Company, West Roxbury. Chartered 1871., c. 207. Jamaica Pond Aqueduct Corporation, Roxbury. Chartered 1857. Jamaica Pond Ice Company, Boston. Organization certified Au- gust 22, 1872. Jessup and Laflin Paper Company, Russell. Organization certified July 12, 1872. Job Chase Wharf Company, Dennis. Organized February 1, 1851. John Russell Cutlery Company, Montague. Organization certified June 13, 1873. John Russell Manufacturing Company, Deerfield. Chartered 1868, c. 296. Johnson Manufacturing Company, Adams. Organization certified September 8, 1873. Journal Newspiaper Company, Boston. Chartered 1857.

Katama Land Company, Edgartown. Chartered 1872, c. 155. Keith Paper Company, Montague. Organization certified Septem- ber 19, 1871. Kenoza Riding Park Association, Haverhill. Chartered 1866, c. 136. Kenoza Street Railway Company, Haverhill. Chartered 1873, c. 233. Kilburn, Lincoln and Company, Fall River. Organization certified January 28, 1869. King Philip Mills, Fall River. Organization certified September 15, 1871. King Stone Dressing Machine Company, Boston. Kingston Aqueduct Association, Kingston. Organized September, 1804. Kinsley Iron and Machine Company, Canton. Chartered 1854. 40 TAX COMMISSIONER’S REPORT. [Feb.

Kniffen Mowing Machine Company, Worcester. Organization cer- tified December 4, 1867. Konkapot Valley Railroad Company. Chartered May 12, 1871. 1871, c. 290.

L. L. Brown Paper Company, Adams. Organization certified June 11, 1873. Lagoon Pond Company, in Dukes County, Tisbury. Chartered 1859. Lamb Knitting Machine Manufacturing Company, Chicopee. Or- ganization certified January 21, 1868. Lamson and Ooodnow Manufacturing Company, Buckland. Char- tered 1851. 1853, c. 261. Lancaster Mills, Clinton. Chartered 1844. Lancaster Quilt Company, Clinton. Chartered 1848. Lancaster Railroad Company, Lancaster. Chartered April 30,1870.

T Lane’s Cove Pier Companj , Gloucester. Chartered 1828. Lanesville Granite Company, Rockport. Organization certified June 11, 1873. Lawrence Duck Company, Lawrence. Chartered 1853. Lawrence Fire Insurance Company of Boston, Boston. Chartered 1870, c. 31. Lawrence Flyer and Spindle Works, Lawrence. Organization cer- tified August 6, 1867. Lawrence Gas Company, Lawrence. Chartered 1849. Lawrence Lumber Company, Lawrence. Organization certified September 22, 1868. Lawrence Manufacturing Companj', Lowell. Chartered 1831. Lawrence Woolen Lawrence. Organization certified June 13, 1863. Leader Publishing Company, The, Boston. Organization certified May 29, 1873. Lee and Hudson Railroad Company, Lee. Chartered 1871, c. 162. Lee and New Haven Railroad Company, Pittsfield. Chartered 1848. 1869, cc. 243, 348. 1870, cc. 399. 1872, c. 73. Leicester Water Power Company, Leicester. Chartered 1846. Lenox Glass Company, Lenox. Organization certified November 17, 1870. 1870, c. 224. Lenox Iron Works, Lenox. Chartered 1848. Leominster Gas Light Company, Leominster. Certificate issued January 15, 1873. Lewis Wharf Company, Boston. Chartered 1834. Lexington Water Company, The. Chartered May 12, 1873, c. 274. 1874.] HOUSE—No. 125.

Leyden Cheese Manufacturing Association, Leyden. Organized March 11, 1870. 1866, c. 290. Liberty Masonic Association, Beverly. Chartered May 27, 1867. c. 283. Liberty Square Warehouse Company, Boston. Chartered 1826. Lincoln Wharf Company, Boston. Chartered 1857. Liverpool Wharf, The Proprietors of, Boston. Chartered 1816. Locks and Canals on Merrimac River, Proprietors of the, Lowell. Chartered 1792. 1846, c. 48. Long Pond Fishing Company, South Yarmouth. Chartered 1842. Loring and Blake Organ Company, Worcester. Organization certi- fied November 27, 1868. Lovell Woolen Company, Holden. Organization certified March 31, 1871. Lowell and Andover Railroad Company, Lowell and Andover. Certificate issued February 5, 1873, under 1872, c. 53. Lowell and Lawrence Railroad Company, Lowell. Chartered 1846. Lowell Bleachery, Lowell and Boston. Chartered 1833. Lowell Card Company, Lowell. Organization certified May 10,1873. Lowell Cooperative Home Companjy Lowell. Organization certified March 29, 1871. Lowell Has Light Company, Lowell. Chartered 1849. Lowell Horse Railroad Company, Lowell. Chartered 1863. Lowell Hosiery Company, Lowell. Chartered May 26,1869, c. 326. Lowell Machine Shop, Lowell. Chartered 1845. Lowell Manufacturing Company, Lowell. Chartered 1828. Lowell Oil Cup Company, Lowell. Organization certified Decem- ber 29, 1871. Lowell Wadding and Paper Company, Lowell. Organization certi- fied August 31, 1870. 1870, c. 224. Ludlow Manufacturing Company, Springfield. Organization certified May 8, 1869. Lyman Mills, Boston and Holyoke. Chartered 1854. Lynn and Boston Railroad Company, Lynn. Chartered 1859. Lynn Aqueduct Company, Lynn. Chartered 1865. Lynn City Street Railway Company, Lynn. Chartered 1873, c. 216. Lynn Gas Light Company, Lynn. Organization certified August 28, 1852. 1873, c. 112. Lynn Market House Company, Lynn. Chartered 1870, c. 167. Lynn Mechanics’ Building Association, Lynn. Chartered June 15, 1870, c. 358. 6 TAX COMMISSIONERS REPORT. [Feb.

Magee Furnace Company, Boston. Organization certified March 6,’ 1868. Malden and Melrose Gas Light Company, Malden. Chartered 1854. Malden and Melrose Railroad, Malden. Chartered 1856. Malden Masonic Building Association, Malden. Chartered 1871, c. 30. Malden Odd Fellows’ Hall Association, Malden. Chartered 1873, c. 35. Maloy Pressure Gauge Company, Boston. Organization certified January 28, 1868. Manchester Granite Company, Boston. Organization certified July 30, 1873. Manganese Mining Company, Boston. Organization certified Au- gust 2, 1869. Mansfield and Framingham Railroad Company, Mansfield. Char- tered 1862. 1867, c. 83. 1869, cc. 13, 3i3. Manufacturers’ Corporate Association, Westfield. Organization certified January 10, 1871. Manufacturers’ Exchange Company, Boston. Chartered 1867, c. 55. Manufacturers’ Fire and Marine Insurance Company, Boston. Organization certified December 26, 1872, under 1872, c. 375. Manufacturers’ Gas Company, Fall River. Chartered 1867, c. 62. Manufacturers’ Gas Light Company of New England, Boston. Or- ganization certified January 5, 1872. Manufacturers’ Insurance Company, Boston. Chartered 1822. Marblehead Gas Light Company, Marblehead. Chartered 1854. Marginal Freight Railway Company, Boston. Chartered 1867, c. 170. 1869, c. 461. Marland Manufacturing Company, Andover. Chartered 1834. Marlborough Gas Light Company, Marlborough. Chartered Feb- ruary 15, 1865. 1865,c.25. Confirmed June 15, 1872. Marlborough Paper Company, New Marlborough. Organization cer- tified June 11, 1864. Marshpee Manufacturing Company, Mashpee. Chartered 1867, c. 41. Masconomet Mills, Newburyport. Organization certified July 11, 1871. Mason and Hamlin Organ Company, Boston. Organization certi- fied January 23, 1868. June 12, 1868. Mason Machine Works, Taunton. Organization certified August 12, 1873. Mechanic Building Association, New Bedford. Organized June, 1861. 1874.] HOUSE—No. 125.

MasonicBuilding Association in Georgetown, Georgetown. Char- tered May 15, 1867, c. 232. Massachusetts Arms Company, Chicopee Falls. Chartered 1850. Massachusetts Brick Company, Somerville. Chartered May 10, 1869, c. 269. Massachusetts Central Railroad Company, Williamsburg. Char- tered May 10, 1869, c. 260. Massachusetts Cigar Makers’ Cooperative Association, The, West- field. Organization certified December 27,1873. Massachusetts Compressed and Finished Stave Company, Boston. Organization certified August 21, 1865. Massachusetts Cotton Mills, Lowell. Chartered 1839. Massachusetts Frear Artificial Stone Company, Worcester. Organ- ization certified November 30, 1870. 1870, c. 224. Massachusetts Fruit Preserving Company,Boston. Chartered 1866. Massachusetts Hospital Life Insurance Company, Boston. Char- tered 1818. Massachusetts Mutual Insurance Company, Boston. Organization certified December 21, 1872, under 375. Massachusetts Portable Railroad Company, Boston. Organization certified October 26, 1868. Massachusetts Tar-Stufflng Company, Boston. Organization certi- fied April 18, 1870, under G. S., c. 61. Massasoit Paper Manufacturing Company, Springfield. Organiza- tion certified November 22, 1853. 1870, c. 266. Massasoit Steam Mill Company, Fall River. Chartered 1845. Mattapoisett Wharf Company, Mattapoisett. Chartered 1833. Maverick Wharf Company, Boston. Chartered 1853. Mechanics’ Foundry and Machine Company, Fall River. Organiza- tion certified November 14, 1871. Mechanics’ Manufacturing Company, Attleborough. Organization certified January 26, 1871. Mechanics’ Mills, Fall River. Chartered 1868, c. 242. Medford and Charlestown Railroad Company, Medford. Chartered 1855. Mercantile Advertising Bond Manufacturing Company, Boston. Organization certified June 23, 1871. Mercantile Marine Insurance Company, Boston. Chartered 1823. Mercantile Wharf Corporation, The, Boston. Chartered 1826. Merchants’ Insurance Company, The, Boston. Chartered 1816. Merchants’ Manufacturing Company, Fall River. Chartered 1867, c. 81. TAX COMMISSIONER’S REPORT. [Feb.

Merchants’ Woolen Company, Dedham. Organization certified October 20, 1863. Merrick Thread Company, Holyoke. Organization certified Janu- ary 28, 1869. Merrimac ChemicaT Company, Boston. Organization certified No- vember 30, 1863. Merrimac Hat Company, Salisbury. Organization certified July 24, 1866. Merrimack Manufacturing Company, Lowell. Chartered 1822. Merrimack Mills, Dracut. Organization certified August ? 3, 1864. Re-organized December 18, 1871. 1870, c. 224, § 12. Merrimack Street Railway Company, Haverhill, Groveland and Bradford. Chartered June 3, 1870, c. 320, 1872, e. 76. Merrimack Valley Horse Railroad Company, Lawrence. Chartered 1863. Methuen Company, Boston. Chartered 1822. Methuen Woolen Mills, Methuen. Metropolitan Railroad Company, Boston. Chartered 1853. 1869, c. 165. Middleborough and Taunton Railroad Corporation,Taunton. Char- tered 1848. Middlesex Aqueduct Company, Arlington. Organized October 21. 1799. Middlesex Central Railroad Company, Groton. Chartered 1871, c. 174. Middlesex Company, Lowell. Chartered 1830. Middlesex Railroad Company, Boston. Chartered 1870, c. 20. Middlesex Stone Brick Company, Boston. Chartered 1869, c. 118. Milford and Woonsocket Railroad Company, Milford. Chartered 1855. Milford Aqueduct Company, Milford. Chartered 1855. Milford Gas Light Company, Milford. Chartered 1854. Milford Straw Company, Milford. Organization certified December 30, 1873. Mill River and Williamsburg Reservoir Company, Williamsburg. Chartered March 12, 1872. 1872, c. 96. Millbury Building Company, Millbury. Chartered 3871, c. 94. Miller’s Falls Companjq Erving. Certificate issued February 14, 1873. Miller’s River Manufacturing Company, Athol. Organization certi- fied December 8, 1863. Minot Manufacturing Company, Enfield. Chartered 1837. 1874.] HOUSE—No. 125.

Model Lodging House Association, Boston. Chartered 1854. Monadnock Railroad Company, Winchendon. Chartered 1869, c. 126. Monadnock Steam Mill Company, Winchendon. Organization cer- tified October 21, 1873. Montague Paper Company, Montague. Organization certified May 9, 1871. Montaup Mills, Fall River. Organization certified December 1, 1871. Monument Mills, Great Barrington. Chartered 1850. Morgan Envelope Company, Springfield. Organization certified April 27, 1870. Certificate issued March 6, 1872. Morse Twist Drill and Machine Company, New Bedford. Organiza- tion certified October 8, 1864. Moseley Safety Steam Boiler Company, The, Boston. Organization certified March 2, 1872. Mount Hope Iron Company, East Bridgewater. Chartered 1850. Mount Hope Planing and Moulding Company, Fall River. Organi- zation certified December 28, 1872. Mount Laffee Coal Company, Boston. Organization certified July 2, 1867. Mount Pleasant Coal Company, Boston. Organization certified June 16, 1864. Mount Tom Thread Company, Easthampton. Organization certified September 30, 1873. Mount Washington Glass Works, New Bedford. Organization cer- tified April 7, 1871. Munroe Organ Reed Company, Worcester. Organization certified January 30, 1869. Munroe Paper Company,Lawrence. Organization certified May 26, 1870, under G. S., c. 61. Music Hall Association of Worcester, Worcester. Chartered 1868, c. 125. Mutual Gas Light Company of Southbridge, Southbridge. Organi- zation certified April 21, 1871. Mystic River Corporation, Charlestown. Chartered 1852. Mystic River Railroad Company, Somerville. Chartered 1853. 1869, c. 461.

Nabnasset Manufacturing Company, Lowell. Organization certified July 8, 1871. Nahant Steamboat Express Company, The, Boston. Organization certified May 12, 1873. TAX COMMISSIONER’S REPORT. Feb.

Nantucket and Cape Cod Steamboat Company, Nantucket. Char- tered 1855. Nantucket Gas Light Company. Nantucket. Chartered 1854. Nantucket Surf-side Company, Boston. Organization certified July 24, 1873. Narragansett Mills, Fall River. Organization certified July 5,1871. Narragansett Oil and Guano Company, Boston. Organization cer- tified November ID, 1862. Nashawannuck Manufacturing Company, Easthampton. Chartered 1850. Nashua, Acton and Boston Railroad Company, Acton. Chartered 1871, c. 175. Nashua and Lowell Railroad Corporation, Lowell. Chartered 1836. Nashua Reservoir Company, Fitchburg. Chartered 1842. Natick Protective Union Company, Natick. Organization certified November 23, 1868. 1866, c. 290. National Alarm Company, The, Boston. Organization certified February 29, 1872. National Button Company, Easthampton. Organization certified February 8, 1866. National Cotton Gin Company, Boston. Chartered 1866. National Dock and Warehouse Company, East Boston. Chartered 1865, c. 26. National Druggists’ Glass Company,Boston. Organization certified September 11, 1872. National Glass Insurance Company, Boston. Chartered 1870, c. 34. 1872, c. 145. National Insurance Company, Boston. Chartered 1825. National Needle Company, Springfield. Organization certified Oc- tober 4, 1873. National Paper Company, Holyoke. Organization certified June 23, 1873. National Self-Threading Needle Company, Boston. Organization certified April 22, 1871. National Tube Works Company, Boston. Organization certified October 30, 1869. Naumkeag Steam Cotton Company, Salem. Chartered 1839. Nelson Mills, Winchendon. Chartered 1844. Neponset Cotton Factor}', Canton. Chartered 1848. Neponset Hotel Company,Walpole. Certificate issued April 26,18 <3. Neponset Reservoir Company, East Walpole. Chartered 1845. 1874.] HOUSE—No. 125.

Neptune Fire and Marine Insurance Company, Boston. Organiza- tion certified December 24, 1872, under 1872, c. 375. Neptune Woolen Manufacturing Company, Lawrence. Chartered 1868, c. 146. New Bedford and Fairhaven Street Eailway Company. New Bed- ford. Chartered 1870, c. 126. 1872. c. 11. New Bedford and New York Steamship Company, New Bedford. Chartered 1864. 1873, c. 33. New Bedford and Taunton Railroad Corporation, New Bedford. Chartered 1838. 1869, c. 88. New Bedford Copper Company, New Bedford. Organization certi- fied February 17, 1862. New Bedford Cordage Company, New Bedford. Chartered 1846. New Bedford Flour Company, New Bedford. Organization certified January 30, 1871. New Bedford Gas Light Company, New Bedford. Chartered 1850. New Bedford Ice Company, The, New Bedford. Organization certi- fied March 13, 1872. New Bedford Railroad Company, New Bedford. Chartered 1873, c. 20. New Bedford, Vineyard and Nantucket Steamboat Company, New Bedford. Chartered 1854. New Boston Aqueduct Company, South Lancaster. Organized March 11, 1826. New Braintree Cheese Manufacturing Company, New Braintree. New England Awl and Needle Compaiyy, Medway. Organization certified January 28, 1871. New England Boot and Shoe Heel Company, Boston. Certificate issued January 9, 1873. New England Brick Company, Boston. Organization certified March 8, 1869. New England Chemical Fire-Engine Company, Boston. Organiza- tion certified March 24, 1869. New England Dredging Company, Boston. Organization certified June 27, 1873. New England Felt Roofing Company, Boston. Organization certi- fied May 10, 1865. New England Fire-Extinguisher Company, Northampton. Organ- ized April 1869. Re-organized May 11,1871. 1870, c. 224, § 12. New England Gas Condenser Company, Boston. Certificate issued March 26, 1873. New England Glass Company, East Cambridge. Chartered 1818. TAX COMMISSIONER’S REPORT. [Feb. New England Horse-Shoe Company, Boston. Organization certi- fied September 24, 1872. New England Iron Company, Boston. Organization certified Janu- ary 23, 1871. New England Lithographic Company, Boston. Organization certi- fied May 21, 1869. New England Marble Company, Boston. Certificate issued Febru- ary 21, 1873. New England Metallic Brick Press Company, Boston. Organiza- tion certified October 9, 1872. New England Paving Company, Boston. Organization certified September 15, 1870. 1870, c. 224. New England Pipe Works, Boston. Organization certified July 15, 1870. 1870, c. 224. New England Pump Manufacturing Company, Boston. Organiza- tion certified November 16, 1865. New England Slate and Tile Company, Boston. Organization cer- tified November 6, 1863. New England Spring-Bed Company,Boston. Organization certified February 16, 1866. New England Steam-Car Company, Boston, Organization certified February 13, 1866. New England Transfer Graining Company, Boston. Organization certified November 11, 1873. New England Trust Company, The, Boston. Chartered 1869, c. 182. New England Vise Company, West Acton. Organized January 25, 1868. New Haven and Northampton Company, Westfield and New Haven, Ct. Chartered 1862. New London Northern Railroad Company, New London, Ct. Char- tered 1860. 1869, c. 315. New Marlborough Cheese Manufacturing Company, New Marl- borough. Organized March 12, 1868. New York and Boston Despatch Express Company, The, Boston. Organization certified June 16, 1873. New York and New England Railroad Company, Boston. Name given to Boston, Hartford and Erie Railroad Company by 1873, c. 289. New York, New Haven and Hartford Railroad Company, New York. Chartered 1872, c. 171. New York Watch Company, Springfield. Organization certified December 1, 1870. 1870, c. 224. 1874.] HOUSE—No. 125.

Newburyport and Amesbury Horse. Railroad Company, Newbury- port. Chartered 1864. 1873, c. 49. Newburyport City Railroad Company, Newburyport. Chartered June 12, 1869, c. 398. Newburyport Gas Company, Newburyport. Chartered 1850. Newton and Watertown Gas Light Company, Watertown. Char- tered 1854. Newton Chemical Company, The, Boston. Chartered 1825. Newton Mills, Boston. Organization certified June 13, 1865. Nickerson’s Wharf Company, Boston. Chartered 1870, c. 56. Nine MilePond Fishing Company, Barnstable. Chartered 1860. Nonotuck Silk Company, Northampton. Organization certified March 19, 1866. North Adams and Bennington Railroad Company, North Adams. Chartered June 1, 1867, c. 318. North Adams Cooperative Shoe Company, The, North Adams. Organization certified July 13, 1870. 1870, c. 224. North Adams Gas Light Company in Adams, North Adams. Char- tered 1864. North Adams Woolen Company, Adams. Organization certified July 20, 1864. North American Fire Insurance Company, Boston. Chartered 1851. North American Insurance Company, Boston. Organization certi- fied December 24, 1872, under 1872, c. 375. North Andover Mills, North Andover. Organization certified May 20, 1867. 1868, c. 173. North Attleborough Branch Railroad Company, Attleborough. Chartered 1860. 1863, c. 23. 1869, cc. 226, 414. North Attleborough Gas Light Company, North Attleborough. Organization certified April 13, 1855. North Attleborough Odd Fellows’ Hall Association, North Attle- borough. Chartered 1871, c. 160. North Attleborough Union Building Association, Attleborough. Chartered 1871, c. 58. North Bridgewater Gas Light Company, North Bridgewater. Or- ganization certified September 14, 1859. North Woburn Street Railroad Company, Woburn. Chartered 1866, c. 108. 1869, c. 216. Northampton and Williamsburg Street Railway Company, North- ampton. Chartered April 4, 1865. Northampton Bridge, The Proprietors of the, Northampton. Char- tered 1803. 7 TAX COMMISSIONER’S REPORT. [Feb.

Northampton Cutlery Company, Northampton. Organization certi- fied August 4, 1871. Northampton Gas Light Company, Northampton. Chartered 1853. 1869, c. 119. Northampton Indelible Pencil Company, Northampton. Organized July 26, 1866. Northampton Loan and Trust Company, Northampton. Chartered June 3, 1870, c. 323. Northampton Pegging Machine Company, Northampton. Organi- zation certified June 7, 1869. Northampton Street Railway Company. New name given to Northampton and Williamsburg Street Railway Company by 1873, c. 48. Northfield Slate and Tile Company, Boston. Organization certified January 31, 1867. Norton Steam Power Company, Norton. Certificate issued Febru- ary 25, 1873. Norwich and Worcester Railroad Company, Norwich, Ct. Char- tered 1836. Novelty Manufacturing Company, Boston. Organization certified August 19, 1873. Novelty Steam Heating Company, Westfield. Organization certi- fied October 3, 1873.

Oak Bluffs Land and Wharf Company, Edgartown. Chartered 1868, c. 60. Ocean Mills, Newburyport. Organization certified June 29, 1871. Ocean Telegraph Company, Boston. Chartered 1869', c. 129. Odd Fellows’ Building Association, Georgetown. Chartered May 26, 1870, c. 280. Odd Fellows’ Hall Association, Boston. Chartered 1871, c. 45. Odd Fellows’ Hall Association of Needham, Needham. Organiza- tion certified July 7, 1873. Odd Fellows’ Hall Association in the City of Newburyport, New- buryport. Chartered June 8, 1869, c. 362. Odd Fellows’ Hall in the City of Lowell, Proprietors of, Lowell. Chartered 1871, c. 11. Old and New, Proprietors of the, Boston. Re-organization certified October 18, 1870, c. 224, § 12. Old Colony Batting Company, Plymouth. Organization certified March 27, 1871. Old Colony Iron Company, Taunton. Chartered 1844. 1872, c. Old Colony Railroad Company, Boston. Chartered 1862. 143. 1874.] HOUSE—No. 125.

Old Colony Wharf Company, Boston. Chartered 1873, c. 244. Oleomargarine Company, Boston. Organization certified December 15, 1873. O’Neil Mining and Smelting Company, Boston. Organization cer- tified December 26, 1868. Orange Iron Foundry Company, Orange. Organization certified February 24, 1871. Oriental Coal Oil Company, Charlestown. Organization certified August 3, 1860. Osborn Mills, Fall River. Organization certified February 1, 1872. Otis Company, Ware. Chartered 1840. Otter River Company, Templeton. Organization certified July 20, 1865. Owen Paper Company, Great Barrington. Organization certified July 2, 1862.

Pacific Guano Company, Falmouth and Boston. Chartered 1867. c. 129. Pacific Manufacturing Company, Falmouth. Chartered 1838. Pacific Mills, Lawrence. Chartered 1850. Page Paper Company, Boston. Organization certified November 6, 1871. Parker Mills, Wareham. Chartered 1845. Parks Carpet Company, Palmer. Organization certified April 12, 1871. 1872, c. 48“ Parsons Paper Company, Holyoke. Organized October, 1853, under 1851, c. 133. Pasque Island Corporation. Gosnold. Chartered May 2, 1867, e. 200. Patent Heel Company, Boston. Organization certified January 15, 1864, Paul Whitin Manufacturing Company, Northbridge. Organization certified January 13, 1870. Peabody Mills, Newburyport. Organization certified May 7, 1868. Pearson Cordage Company, Boston. Organization certified Decem- ber 15, 1873. Peet Valve Company, Boston. Organization certified August 12, 1868. Pemberton Company, Boston. Chartered 1860. Pemigewasset and Saco Land and Lumber Company, Boston. Or- ganization certified July 14, 1873. Pentucket Navigation Company, Lowell. Chartered 1867. 1872, c. 206. TAX COMMISSIONER’S REPORT. Feb.

People’s Fire Insurance Company, Worcester. Chartered 1847. Pepper Knitting Machine Company, Boston. Organization certified July 17, 1865. Pequaig Hosiery Company, Athol. Organization certified July 14, 1871. Phillips Wharf Corporation, Salem. Chartered 1861. Phoenix Cotton Manufacturing Company, Shirley. Organization certified July 10, 1852. Phoenix Hall Association, Fairhaven. Organized March 4, 1853. Phoenix Manufacturing Corporation, The, Taunton. Organization certified June 10, 1850. Phoenix Oil and Land Company, Boston. Organization certified August 25, 1868. Pigeon Cove Granite Company, Rockport. Organization certified May 28, 1872. Pigeon Cove Harbor Company, Rockport. Chartered 1831. Pigeon Hill Granite Company, Rockport. Organization certified December 6, 1870. 1870, c. 224. Pilgrim Wharf Company, Weymouth. Chartered 1869, c. 173. Pine Dale Woolen Company, Athol. Organization certified August 1, 1864. Pioneer Cooperative Building Society, Fall River. Organization certified July 27, 1872. Pittsfield and North Adams Railroad Corporation,Boston. Chartered 1842. 1869, c. 407. Pittsfield Coal Gas Company, Pittsfield. Chartered 1853. Pittsfield Woolen Company, Pittsfield. Organization certified Jan- uary 21, 1862. Pittsford Marble Quarry Company, Boston. Organization certified April 12, 1872. Plummer Granite Company, Northbridge. Chartered 1860. Plunkett Woolen Company, Hinsdale. Organized March 1, 1861. Plymouth and Sandwich Railroad Company, Plymouth. Chartered May 12, 1871. 1871, c. 288. 1873, c. 118. Plymouth Cordage Company, Plymouth. Chartered 1824. Plymouth County Railroad Company, Plymouth. Chartered May 6, 1871. 1871,c.257. 1873, c. 147. Plymouth Gas Light Company, Plymouth. Chartered 1853. Plymouth Iron Foundry, Plymouth. Organization certified August 27, 1867. Plymouth Mills, Ptymouth, Chartered 1846. 1874.] HOUSE—No. 125

Plymouth Woolen and Cotton Factory Company, The, Plymouth. Chartered 1814. Pocasset Manufacturing Company, The, Fall River. Chartered 1822. Porter Britannia and Plate Company, Taunton. Organization cer- tified April 18, 1859. Portland Brick Company, Boston. Organization certified April 26, 1869. Potomska Mills Corporation, New Bedford. Organization certified June 20, 1871. Presbrey Stove Lining Company, Taunton. Organization certified July 17, 1867. Prescott Fire and Marine Insurance Company, Boston. Chartered 1855.

7 Prescott Insurance Companj , Boston. Organization certified De- cember 26, 1872, under 1872, c. 375. Providence and Worcester Railroad Company, Providence, R. I. Chartered 1844. Putnam Hall Association in Cambridge, Cambridge. Chartered 1862. Putnam Machine Company, Fitchburg. Organization certified De- cember 4, 1856.

Quannapowitt Water Company, Wakefield and Stoneham. Char- tered May 4, 1872. 1872, c. 335. Quincy Point Street Railway Company, The, Quincy. Chartered 1873, c. 65. Quincy Railroad Company, Quincy. Chartered 1861.

Raddin Elastic Car Wheel Company, Boston. Certificate issued January 13, 1873. Raynham Cooperative Boot and Shoe Company, Raynham. Organ- ized October 26, 1869. 1866, c. 290. Reading Agricultural and Mechanic Association, Reading. Char- tered 1831. Reading Lyceum Hall Association, Reading. Chartered 1854. Real Estate and Building Company, Boston. Chartered February 6, 1861, c. 22. Relief Steamboat Company, Boston. Chartered 1844. Renfrew Manufacturing Company, South Adams. Organized May 9, 1867, under charter 1867, c. 194. Revere Brick Company, Boston. Organization certified December 3, 1872. Revere Copper Company, Boston. Chartered 1828. TAX COMMISSIONER’S REPORT. [Feb.

Revere House, Proprietors of the, Boston. Chartered 1854. Reversible Collar Company, Boston. Organization certified June 7, 1860. 1869, c. 232. Rhode Island and Massachusetts Railway Company, Milford, &c. Chartered 1873, c. 218. Rice and Griffin Manufacturing Company, Worcester. Certificate issued February 10, 1873. Rice, Barton and Fales Machine and Iron Company, Worcester. Chartered 1867, c. 274. Richard Borden Manufacturing Company, Fall River. Organiza- tion certified July 7, 1871. Richardson Manufacturing Company, Worcester. Organization certified January 28, 1870, under G. S., c. 61. Richmond Iron Works, Richmond. Chartered 1842. Ridgway Ale Fountain Company, Boston. Organization certified May 21, 1872. Riverside Company, Northampton. Organization certified October 17, 1870. 1870, e. 224. Riverside Paper Company, Holyoke. Organization certified April 24, 1867. Roaring Brook Coal Company, Boston. Organization certified Feb- ruary 6, 1865. Robeson Mills, Fall River. Chartered 1866. Robinson Iron Company, Plymouth. Organization certified August 27, 1868. Roby Manufacturing Company, West Chelmsford. Organization certified August 31, 1869. Rockport Granite Company of Massachusetts, Boston. Organiza- tion certified February 2, 1865. Rockport Hide Manufacturing Company. New name given to American Hide Seat Company by 1873, c. 17. Rockville Mills, Boston. Organization certified February 21, 1872. Rodnejr Hunt Machine Company, Orange. Certificate issued Jan- uary 8, 1873. Rogers Upright Piano Company, Boston. Organization certified December 20, 1873. Rollstone Machine Works, Fitchburg. Organization certified No- vember 13, 1867. Rotch’s Wharf Company, New Bedford. Chartered 1831. Rowe’s Wharf, Proprietors of, Boston. Chartered 1818. Roxbury Branch Railroad Company, Roxbury. Chartered 1867, c. 75.“ 1869, c. 114. 1874.] HOUSE—No. 125.

Eoxbury Carpet Company, Boston. Organization certified March 7, 1859. Roxbury Central Wharf, Proprietors of, Boston. Chartered 1841. Eoxbuiy Gas Light Company, Boston. Chartered 1852. Russell Mills, Plymouth. Chartered 1854. Russell Paper Company, Lawrence. Organization certified June 4, 1864.

S. A. Woods, Machine Company, Boston. Organization certified October 25, 1873. Sagamore Cooperative Boot and Shoe Company, Lynn. Organiza- tion certified September 6, 1872. Sagamore Mill, Fall River. Organization certified April 19, 1872. Salem and Danvers Aqueduct, The Proprietors of the, Salem. Chartered 1797. Salem and Lowell Railroad Company, Lowell. Chartered 1848. 1869, c. 24. Salem and New York Express Steamship Corporation, Salem. Or- ganization certified July 19, 1871. Salem and South Danvers Oil Company, Salem. Organization cer- tified November 14, 1855. Salem Foundry and Machine Shop, Salem. Chartered 1870, c. 140. Salem Gas Light Company, Salem. Chartered 1847. Salem Laboratory Company, Salem. Chartered 1819. Salem Lead Company, Salem. Chartered 1868, c. 5. Salem Marine Insurance Company, Salem. Chartered 1856. Salem Marine Railway Corporation, Salem. Chartered 1824. Salem Mechanic Hall Corporation, Salem. Chartered 1870, c. 102. Salem Shade Roller Manufacturing Company, Salem. Organization certified August 3, 1872. Salem Street Railway, Salem. Chartered 1861. 1869, c. 164. Salisbury Branch Plank Road Company, Salisbury. Chartered 1865. Salisbury Mills, Boston. Chartered 1856. Samoset Cotton Mills, Plymouth. Organization certified May 3, 1873. Samoset Mills, Plymouth. Organization certified February 4, 1857. Sandwich Workingmen’s Cooperative Association, Sandwich. Or- ganization certified November 11, 1867. 1866, c. 290. Sandy Bay Pier Company, The, Rockport. Chartered 1811. Sargent Axle and Wheel Company, Amesbury. Certificate issued April 2, 1873. TAX COMMISSIONER’S REPORT. [Feb.

Saunders Cotton Mills, Grafton. Chartered 1848. Sawj er Spindle Company, Boston. Organization certified June 8, 1872. Saxonville Mills, Boston. Organization certified March 7, 1859. Seccomb Oil Manufacturing Company, Salem. Organization certi- fied November 8, 1865. Shapleigh Mills, Newburyport. Organized May 28, 1868. Shaw Manufacturing Company, Wales. Chartered 1848. Shawmut Iron Works, Boston. Organization certified June 12,1866. Shaw’s Union Air-Engine Company, Boston. Organization certified February 4, 1867. Sherborn and South Natick Railroad Company, Sherborn. Char- tered 1871, c. 141. Shoe and Leather Dealers’ Fire and Marine Insurance Company, Boston. Chartered 1855. Shoe and Leather Insurance Company, Boston. Organization cer- tified December 26, 1872, under 1872, c. 375. Shoemakers’ Cooperative Company, Lynn. Organization certified May 21, 1872. Shove Mills, Fall River. Organization certified April 2, 1872. Silver Dale Manufacturing Company, West Springfield. Organiza- tion certified October 3, 1871. Silver Lake Company, Newton. Organized about 1870. Silver Ledge Mining Company, East Cambridge. Organization cer- tified December 24, 1864. Simonds Farm Corporation, Hull. Simonds Manufacturing Company, Fitchburg. Chartered 1869, c. 48. Simpson’s Patent Dry Dock Company, Boston. Chartered 1856. Slade Mills, Fall River. Organization certified June 14, 1871. Slater Woolen Company, Webster. Organization certified February 19, 1866. Smith American Organ Company, Boston. Organization certified January 10, 1871. 1870, c. 224, § 12. Smith and Dove Manufacturing Company, Andover. Organization certified June 28, 1864. Smith Paper Company, Lee. Organization certified January 10, 1866. Somerset Cooperative Foundry Company, Somerset. Organization certified November 10, 1868. 1866, c. 290. Somerset Iron Company, Somerset. Organization certified July 31, 1871. 1874.] HOUSE—No. 125.

Somerset Potters' Works, Somerset. Chartered 1847. Somerville Horse Railroad Company, Boston. Chartered 1857. Somerville Union Hall Company, Somerville. Chartered 1869, c. 177. South Abington Workingmen’s Cooperative Grocery and Provision Association, Abington. Organized February 14, 1870. 1866, c. 290. South Athol Manufacturing Company, Athol. Organization certified April 3, 1872. South Bay Company, Boston. Chartered May 16, 1853, c. 344. South Boston Freight Railway Company, South Boston. Chartered 1868, c. 175. 1869, c. 461. 1872, c. 183. South Boston Gas Light Company, South Boston. Chartered 1852. South Boston Iron Company, South Boston. Chartered 1827. South Boston Railroad Company, South Boston. Chartered 1854. 1868, c. 241. South Congregational Meeting-House in Lowell, Proprietors of the, Lowell. Chartered 1831. South Cove Corporation, Boston. Chartered 1833. South Hingham Cooperative Ice Company, Hingham. Organization certified December 18, 1872. South Reading Branch Railroad Company, Boston. Chartered 1848. South Reading Cooperative Association, Wakefield. Organization certified November 6, 1867. 1866, c. 290. South Reading Ice Company, Boston. Organization certified Janu- ary 28, 1854. South Reading Mechanic and Agricultural Institution, Wakefield. Chartered 1833. South Shore Railroad Company, Cohasset and Boston. Chartered 1846. South Shore Steamboat Company, Boston and Hull. Chartered 1872, c. 138. March 23, 1872. South Sudbury Manufacturing Company, Sudbury. Organization certified May 22, 1872. South Williamstown Cheese Factory, South Williamstown. Organ- ized November 18, 1864. Southbridge and Palmer Railroad Company, Palmer. Chartered June 23, 1870, c. 405. 1873, c. 148. Southern Berkshire Cheese Company, The, Great Barrington. Or- ganization certified September 1, 1870 ; Gen. Stat., c. 61. Southworth Company, The, West Springfield. Organization certi- fied November 21, 18715. Spencer Hotel Company, Spencer. Chartered 1872, c. 19. Febru- ary 10, 1872. 8 TAX COMMISSIONER’S REPORT. [Feb,

Springfield and Farmington Valley Railroad Company, Springfield. Chartered 1856. 1869, c. 69. 1872, e. 127. Springfield and Longmeadow Railroad Corporation, Springfield. Chartered 1849, c. 232. 1869, c. 70. 1872, c. 74. Springfield Aqueduct Company, Springfield. Chartered 1848 1864 c. 165. Springfield, Athol and North-Eastern Railroad Company. New name given to Athol and Enfield Railroad Company, by 1873’ c. 16. J Springfield Bridge, The Proprietors of the, Springfield. Chartered 1803. Springfield Cigar Makers’ Cooperative Association, Springfield. Organization certified December 19, 1873. November 13, 1872. Springfield Collar Company, Springfield. Organization certified Springfield Fire and Marine Insurance Company, Sprino-fleld. Chartered 1849. Springfield Gas Light Company, Springfield. Chartered 1847. Springfield Street Railroad Company, Springfield. Chartered 1868, c. 63. 1869, c. 113. 1873, c. 149. Stafford Mills, Fall River. Chartered 1871, c. 13. Standard Lamp and Glass Pipe Company, Boston. Organization certified September 28, 1872. Standard Sugar Refinery, Boston. Organization certified September 28, 1870. 1870, c. 224. Star Mills, Middleborough. Organization certified June 7, 1864. Stearnsville Woolen Company, Pittsfield. Organization certified August 24, 1866. Steel Refining and Tempering Company, Boston. Organization cer- tified July 6, 1872. Stevens Linen Works, Dudley. Chartered June 1, 1867, c. 325. Stockbridge and Pittsfield Railroad Company, Stockbridge. Char- tered 1847. Stockbridge Iron Company, Boston. Chartered 1841. Stockbridge Water Company, Stockbridge. Chartered 1851. Stoneham Cooperative Shoe Company, Stoneham. Certificate issued January 10, 1873. Stoneham Cooperative Union, Stoneham. Certificate issued March 28, 1873. Stoneham Odd Fellows’ Hall Association, Stoneham. Chartered 1872, c. 120 ; March 19,1872. Stoneham Street Railroad Company, Stoneham. Chartered 1860. 1869, c. 342. 1874.] HOUSE—No. 125.

Stony Brook Railroad Corporation, Lowell. Chartered 1845. Stony Brook Water Power Company, Littleton and Westford. Chartered 1866, cc. 62, 231. Stoughton Boot and Shoe Company, Stoneham. Organization cer- tified March 18, 1872. Stoughton Branch Railroad Company. Canton. Chartered 1844. 1869, ec. 20, 211. Merged in the Boston and Providence Rail- road Corporation, 1873. Strange’s Cylinder Saw and Machine Company, Taunton. Organ- ization certified June 12, 1873. Suffolk Coal Company, Boston. Organization certified March 8, 1864. Suffolk Fire Insurance Company, Boston. Chartered 1859. Suffolk Glass Company, Boston. Organization certified June 5, 1865. Sunderland Bridge, The Proprietors of the, Greenfield. Chartered 1811. 1869, c. 431. Sutton Cranberry Company, Sutton. Organization certified Decem- ber 5, 1870. 1870, c. 224. Sutton Manufacturing Company, Sutton. Chartered April 9, 1836. Swaine Turbine Company, North Chelmsford. Organized October, 1864. Swift River Manufacturing Company, Enfield. Chartered 1825.

Taconic Mills, Pittsfield. Organization certified August 9, 1859. Taunton Branch Railroad Corporation, Taunton. Chartered 1835. 1869, c. 103. 1872, c. 27. Taunton Brick Company, Taunton. Organization certified Febru- ary 4, 1868. Taunton Car Company, Taunton. Organization certified June 2, 1869. Taunton Copper Manufacturing Company, Taunton. Chartered 1831. Taunton Crucible Company, Taunton. Organization certified Feb- ruary 27, 1865. Taunton Gas Light Company, Taunton. Chartered 1853. Taunton Iron Works Company, Taunton, Chartered 1854. Taunton Locomotive Manufacturing Company, Taunton. Chartered 1847. Taunton Oil Cloth Company, Taunton. Organization certified June 30, 1857. Taunton Street Railway Company, Taunton. Chartered 1870, c. 18. TAX COMMISSIONER’S REPORT. [Feb.

Taunton Tack Company, Taunton. Organization certified October 3, 1855 laylor and barley Organ Company, The, Worcester. Organization certified February 7, 1870, under G. S., c. 61. Tecumseh Mills, Fall River. Chartered 1866, c. 12. iclescopic Cup Company, Boston. Organization certified March 27, 1867. Thayer and Judd Paraffine Corporation, New Bedford. Organiza- tion certified May 21, 1872. Thorndike Company, Palmer. Chartered 1836. Tilden Free Bridge Corporation, Scituate. Chartered 1872, c. 166. Times Publishing Company, Boston. Organization certified May 29, 1872. Topeka and James Creek Consolidated Gold and Silver Mining Company. Organization certified February 28,1868. Traders’ and Mechanics’ Insurance Company, Lowell. Chartered 1848. Traveller Newspaper Association, Boston. Chartered 1858. Tremont and Suffolk Mills, Lowell and Boston. Chartered 1871, c. 152. Tremont Improvement Company, Boston. Chartered 1853. Tremont Insurance Company, Boston. Chartered 1867, c. 9. Tremont Market Company, Boston. Chartered 1873, c. 74. Tremont Nail Company, Boston and Wareham. Organization cer- tified September 30, 1859. Trident Gas-Burner Company, Boston. Organization certified Sep- tember 21, 1871. Troy Cotton and Woolen Manufactory, Fall River. Chartered 1814. Truro Cooperative Boot and Shoe Manufacturing Company, Truro. Certificate issued February 11, 1873. Tucker Manufacturing Company, Boston. Organization certified May 1, 1866. Tudor Company, Boston. Chartered May 25, 1868. Tufts Brick Manufacturing Company, The, Boston. Organization certified December 19, 1867. Tufts Elevator Works, Boston. Certificate issued January 22, 1873. Tully Mill Company, Orange. Organization certified April 2,1869. Turner’s Falls Bridge Company, Gill and Montague. Chartered June 13, 1870, c. 355. Turner’s Falls Company, Fitchburg. Chartered 1794. 1866, c. 275. 1874.] HOUSE—No. 125.

Turner’s Falls Land and Improvement Company, Montague. Char- tered 1869, c. 108. Turner’s Falls Lumber Company, Gill. Organization certified May 3, 1872. Turner’s Falls Pulp Company, Montague. Chartered May 6, 1869, c, 234. Tyngsborough and Brookline Railroad Company, Tyngsborough. Chartered 1871, c. 176. 1872, c. 88. 1873, c. 81.

Union Belt Company, Fall River. Organization certified April 24, 1872. Union Button Hole and Embroidery Machine Company, Boston. Organization certified December 30, 1863. Union Cigar Makers’ Cooperative Association, Westfield. Organ- ization certified September 1869. 1866, c. 290. Union Comb Company, Leominster. Organization certified No- vember 25, 1867. Union Company, East Abington. Organization certified November, 1868. 1866, c. 290. Union Freight Railroad Company, Boston. Chartered 1872, c. 342. Union Glass Company, Somerville. Organization certified June 3, 1864. Union Grocery Cooperative Association, Weymouth. Organization certified March 8,1872. Union Hall Association, The, Cambridge. Chartered 1871, cc. 296, 9. 1873, c. 64.' Union Ice Company, Boston. Organization certified June 29, 1870, under G. S., c. 61. Union Machine Company of Fitchburg, Fitchburg. Organization certified October 3,1867. Union Marine Railway, Provincetown. Chartered 1852. Union Mill Company, Fall River. Organization certified April 20, 1860. Union Paper Manufacturing Company, Springfield. Organization certified March 15, 1870, under G. S., c. 61. Union Print Works, Fall River. Chartered 1868, c. 85. Union Railway Company, Cambridge. Chartered 1855. Union Ship Timber Manufacturing Company, Boston. Organiza- tion certified May 23, 1868. Union Stone Company, Boston. Organization certified November 10, 1869. Union Sugar Refinery, Boston. Organization certified October 9, 1862. TAX COMMISSIONER’S REPORT. [Feb.

Union Vise Company of Boston, Boston. Organization certified February 4, 1867. Union Wharf Company, Boston. Chartered 1847. United States Cartridge Company, Lowell. Organization certified June 14, 1869. United States Electric Light Company, Boston. Organization cer- tified December 21, 1872. United States Hotel Company,Boston. Chartered 1825. 1840, c. 33. United States Manufacturing Company, Boston. Organization cer- tified November 1, 1872. United States Ventilation Company, Boston. Organization certified June 7,' 1866. Upham Machine Company, Athol. Organization certified July 7, 1873. Uxbridge Cotton Mills, North Uxbridge. Chartered 1840.

Valley Paper Company, Holyoke. Organization certified February 14, 1868. Vapor Engine Company, Boston. Organization certified July 12, 1872. Vendome Hotel Company, Boston. Organization certified May 18, 1872. Ventilating Water-Proof Shoe Company, Boston. Organization certified May 12, 1870 ; Gen. Stat., c. 61. Vermont and Massachusetts Railroad Company, Boston. Chartered 1844. 1869, cc. 68, 238, 318. Vineyard Grove Company, Edgartown. Organized May 19, 1870. 1870, c. 110. Vineyard Telegraph Company, Falmouth. Chartered 1872, c. 225. April 20, 1872. Emery Wheel Company, Ashland. Organization certified Yitrifled* August 30, 1871. Vitrified Wheel and Emery Company, The, Ashland. Organization certified September 23, 1873. Vulcan Furnace Company, Boston. Organization certified Novem- ber 11, 1864.

Wading River Reservoir Company, Taunton. Chartered 1866, c. 171. 1869, c. 375. Wakefield Rattan Company, Wakefield. Organization certified Oc- tober 17, 1873. Wakefield Real Estate and Building Company, Wakefield. Char- tered 1871, c. 120. 1874.] HOUSE—No. 125.

Walter Heywood Chair Company, Fitchburg. Chartered 1868, c. 103. Waltham and Newton Street Railway Company, Waltham. Char- tered 1866, c. 214. 1868, c. 164. Waltham Gas Light Company, Waltham. Chartered 1853. Walworth Manufacturing Company, Boston. Organization certified December 27, 1871. Certificate of organization issued Febru- ary 12, 1872. Wamesit Power Company, Lowell. Chartered 1865. Wamesit Steam Mill Company, Lowell. Organization certified October 14, 1853. Wampanoag Mills, Fall Elver. Organization certified June 9,1871. Wamsutta Mills, New Bedford. Chartered 1846. Waquoit Herring River Company, Falmouth. Organized October ' 15, 1866, c. 187. Ward Mining Company, Boston. Organization certified July 25, 1871. Ware River Manufacturing Company, Ware. Organization certified August 8, 1868. Ware River Railroad Company, Ware. Chartered 1867, c. 76. 1869, cc. 138, 297. 1873, c. 217. Warren Cotton Mills, Warren. Chartered 1854. Warren Paper Company, Holyoke. Organization certified July 11, 1872. Washburn and Moen Manufacturing Company, Worcester. Chartered 1868, c. 31. Washburn Iron Company, Worcester. Organized and chartered 1864. Washington Fire and Marine Insurance Company, Boston. Organi- zation certified December 31, 1872, under 1872, c. 875. Washington Insurance Company, Boston. Chartered 1824. Washington Mills, Lawrence. Chartered 1858. Washington Mills Emery Manufacturing Company, Ashland. Organization certified May 6, 1868. Wason Manufacturing Company, Springfield. Organization certified April 17, 1862. Wattuppa Manufacturing Company, Fall River. Chartered 1848. Wattuppa Reservoir Company, Fall River. Chartered 1826. Waverly Company, Boston. Chartered 1855. Waverly Masonic Association, Melrose. Chartered 1866, c. 2. Weetamoe Mills, Fall River. Chartered 1871, c. 50. TAX COMMISSIONER’S REPORT. Feb.

Wells River Manufacturing Company, Boston. Organization certi- fied December 1, 1870. 1870, c. 224. Wenham Cooperative Union, Wenham. Organization certified November 10, 1870. 1870, c. 224. Wenham Lake Ice Company, Salem. Organization certified Decem- ber 19, 1873. West Amesbury Axle and Spring Manufacturing Company, West Amesbury. Chartered 1868, c. 188. Organization certified May 15, 1870, under G. S., c. 61. West Amesbury Branch Railroad Company, Amesbury. Chartered 1868, c. 188. 1873, c. 8. West Amesbury Manufacturing Company, The, Amesbury. Char- tered 1848. West Boylston Manufacturing Company, The, West Boylston. Chartered 1814. West End Land and Improvement Company, Boston. Chartered 1866. West Stockbridge Railroad Corporation, West Stockbridge. Char- tered 1836. Westborough Cooperative Milk Company, Westborough. Organiza- tion certified January 4, 1871. Re-organized January 4, 1871. 1870, c. 224, § 12. Westborough Cooperative Union, Westborough. Organization certified October 19, 1872. Western Massachusetts Insurance Company, The, Pittsfield. Char- tered 1852. Western Union Telegraph Company, Boston. Westfield Cigar Makers’ Cooperative Association, Westfield. Or- ganization certified Sept. 12, 1873. Westfield Cooperative Store, Westfield. Organization certified June 3, 1871. Westfield Gas Light Company, Westfield. Organization certified August 13, 1868. Westfield Water Works, Westfield. Chartered 1871, c. 95. 1872, c. 178. Weymouth Branch Freight Railroad Company. Chartered 1870, c. 48. Weymouth Iron Company, Weymouth. Chartered 1837. Wheeler Cotton Mills, Millbury. Organization certified June 19, 1867. Whitin Machine Works, Northbridge. Chartered 1868, c. 140. Whiting Paper Company, Holyoke. Organization certified June 11, 1872, under G. S., c. 61. 1874.] HOUSE—No. 125.

Whitman and Miles Manufacturing Company, Fitchburg. Chartered 1864.' Wilder Stove Shelf and Machine Company, Leominster. Organiza- tion certified March 18, 1872. Williams Manufacturing Company, The, Northampton. Organiza- tion certified February 20, 1868. Williams Market, Boston. Chartered 1849. Williamsburg and North Adams Railroad Company, Williamsburg. Chartered 1867, c. 159. 1869, cc. 89, 260. Williamsburg, North Adams and Lebanon Springs Railroad Com- pany, Adams. Chartered 1869, c. 242. Williamstown and Hancock Railroad Company. Chartered 1852, c. 146. Revived by 1869, c. 242. 1873, c. 97. Williamstown Aqueduct Company, Williamstown. Williamstown Hotel Company, Williamstown. Organization certi- fied September 22, 1873. Williamstown Manufacturing Company, Williamstown. Organiza- tion certified January 6, 1866. Williamstown Water Company, Williamstown. Chartered 1847. Williston Mills, Easthampton. Chartered 1866, c. 56. Winchendon Mill Company, Winchendon. Organization certified August 13, 1873. Winn Lock Company, Shelburne. Certificate issued January 29, 1873. Winnisimmet Company, Boston. Chartered 1833. Winnisimmet Railroad Company, Chelsea. Chartered 1857. Winthrop Manufacturing Company, Boston. Certificate issued March 7, 1873. Winthrop Railroad Company, Boston. Chartered 1861, c. 89. Woburn Agricultural and Mechanic Association, Woburn. Char- tered 1830. Woburn Gas Light Company, Woburn. Chartered 1854. Wollaston Hotel Company, Quincy. Chartered 1871, c. 103. Woman’s Journal, Proprietors of the, Boston. Chartered 1870, c. 5. Wood and Light Machine Company, Worcester. Organization cer- tified June 15, 1872. Woodman Pebbling Machine Company, Boston. Organization cer- tified February 15, 1869. Worcester and Nashua Railroad Company, Worcester. Chartered 1845. Worcester and Nashua Telegraph Company, Worcester. Chartered 1855. 9 TAX COMMISSIONER’S REPORT. [Feb.

Worcester and Shrewsbury Railroad Company, Worcester. Certifi- cate issued April 17, 1873. 1873, c. 96. Worcester and Shrewsbury Street Railway Company, Worcester. Chartered May 9, 1870, c. 233. 1872, c. 106. 1873, c. 96. Worcester Gas Light Company, Worcester. Chartered 1851. 1859. 1869, c. 25. Worcester Safe Deposit and Trust Company, Worcester. Chartered 1868, c. 77. Worcester Street Railway Company, Worcester. Chartered 1867, c. 141. 1869, c. 356. Worthy Paper Company, Agawam. Organization certified October 3, 1871. Wright Manufacturing Company, Lawrence. Organization certified December 27, 1873. 1874. HOUSE—No. 125.

Table B.

Appeals in 1873.

From taxes of 1873,— iEtna Mills. Abatement allowed.

- Albert Tj-pe Printing Compaq . Abatement allowed. American Corrugated Iron Company. Abatement allowed. American Molded Collar Company. Abatement allowed. Annisquam Mills. Abatement allowed. Ashburnham Railroad. Abatement allowed.

Belcher and Taylor Agricultural Tool Company. Abatement allowed. Bengal Bagging Company. Abatement allowed. Blue Hill Land Company. Abatement allowed. Border City Mills. Abatement allowed. Boston and Albany Railroad Company. Appeal withdrawn. Boston and Roxbury Mill Corporation. Abatement allowed. Boston, Barre and Gardner Railroad. Abatement allowed. Boston Cooperative Building Company. Abatement allowed. Boston Ice Company. Abatement allowed. Boston Paint Mills. Abatement allowed. Boynton Packing Company. Abatement allowed. Burling Mills. Abatement allowed. Butler Braider Company. Abatement allowed.

Cary Improvement Company. Abatement allowed. Central Mills Company. Abatement refused. Cigar Manufacturers’ Cooperative Assocation. Abatement refused. Collins Paper Company. Abatement allowed.

Dighton Manufacturing Company. Abatement allowed. TAX COMMISSIONER’S REPORT. [Feb.

Eureka Clothes Wringing Machine Company. Abatement allowed. European Globe Nail Company. Abatement allowed.

Fall River Iron Works Company. Abatement allowed. Faneuil Hall Insurance Company. Abatement refused. Flint Mills. Abatement refused.

Glendale W oolen Mills. Abatement allowed. Glendon Company. Abatement allowed.

Hampden Card Company. Abatement allowed. Hingham Land and Wharf Company. Abatement allowed.

King Stone Dressing Machine Company. Abatement allowed.

Leyden Cheese Manufacturing Company. Abatement allowed.

Massachusetts Central Railroad Company. Abatement allowed. Mechanics’ Mills. Abatement allowed. Merchants’ Manufacturing Company. Abatement allowed. Middleborough and Taunton Railroad Company. Abatement allowed. Middlesex Railroad Company. Abatement allowed. Mill River and Williamsburg Reservoir Company. Abatement allowed.

Nabnasset Manufacturing Company. Abatement allowed. Nashua, Acton and Boston Railroad. Abatement allowed. National Alarm Company. Abatement allowed. New York Watch Company. Abatement allowed. Northampton Cutlery Company. Abatement allowed. Norton Steam-Power Company. Abatement allowed.

Porter Britannia and Plate Company. Abatement allowed.

Real Estate and Building Company. Abatement allowed. Reversible Collar Company. Abatement allowed.

Salem Laboratory Company. Abatement allowed. South Boston Gas Light Company. Abatement refused. 1874.] HOUSE—No. 125.

Springfield Collar Company. Abatement allowed. Standard Lamp and Glass Pipe Company. Abatement allowed. Sutton Cranberry Company. Abatement allowed.

Taunton Car Company. Abatement allowed. Times Publishing Company. Abatement allowed. Tufts Elevator Works. Abatement allowed.

Union Mill Company. Abatement allowed.

Wamsutta Mills. Abatement allowed. Wood and Light Machine Company. Abatement allowed. 70 TAX COMMISSIONER’S REPORT. [Feb.

Table C.

Corporation Taxes Distributed.

. Abington, . $6BB 31 Beverly, . . . $7,098 11

. . . Acton, 614 57 Billerica, . . . 1,235 68

. . Acushiiet, 153 31 Blackstone, . . 754 50

Adams, . . . 1,489 70 Blandforcl, . . 25

Agawam,... 250 45 Bolton, ... 516 68

... - Alford, Boston, . . .350,468 97

Amesbury, . . 1,144 74 Boxborough, . . 55 12

Amherst, . . . 459 57 Boxford, . . . 10 48

. Andover,. . 7,015 45 Boylston, . . 72 77

. . . Arlington, 1,965 16 Bradford,. . 222 00

Ashburnham, . . 495 88 Braintree, . . 1,311 67

Ashby, . . . 208 98 Brewster, . . 834 74

- . Ashfield, ... Bridgewater, . 4,547 61

. . . . Ashland, . 269 29 Brighton,. 4,831 80

Athol, . . . 1,056 57 Brimfield, . . 250 88

Attleborough, . . 1,749 97 Brookfield, . . 488 88

. . Auburn, . . . 34 88 Brookline, 32,277 46

A3’er, . . . 165 55 Buckland,

i Burlington, . . 25

Barnstable, . . 2,848 76

. . . 89 Barre, . . 1,033 39 Cambridge, 26,851

- . • 90 . 1,441 Becket, ... Canton,

... 25 25 Bedford, ... 77 99 Carlisle, 33 • . . . 389 Belchertown, . 130 92 Carver,

. . 180 Bellingham, . . 811 Charlemont,

. 86 . Belmont, . . 2,446 22 Charlestown, . 11,513

• 46 . 129 . . Charlton,. Berkley, . 16 36 49 24 Berlin, ... 190 87 Chatham,...

. 91 Chelmsford, • 1,302 Bernardston, . . 137 33 1874.] PIOUSE—No. 125.

. Chelsea, . . §2,971 21 Everett, . . . $616 54

Cheshire, . . . 76 44

. . Chester, ... 42 29 Fairhaven, 693 63

- . . Chesterfield, . . Fall River, 23,771 30

. . Chicopee,. . . 1,423 47 Falmouth, 4,404 38

. . Chilmark, . . 165 50 Fitchburg, 13,169 11

... . - Clarksburg, . Florida,

. . Clinton, . . . 1,649 37 Foxborough, 205 18

. . Cohasset,. . . 1,469 81 Framingham, 2,807 18

. . Colrain, . . . 11l 22 Franklin,. 159 22

. . Concord, . . . 2,975 45 Freetown, 293 35

• Conway, . . . 8 58

Gardner’ 688 13 Cummington, . . 60 06 Gay Head,

. . Dalton, . . . 1,009 80 Georgetown, 172 66

. . . Dana, ... 444 Grill, 181 26

Gloucester, . . Danvers, ... 833 30 4,144 62

... Dartmouth, . . 1,717 85 Goshen, 456

... . . 10 Dedham, . 3,125 12 Gosnold, 42

. . . 26 . Deerfield, . 210 51 Grafton, 1,373

... Dennis, . . . 911 78 Granby, 64 28

. . Dighton, . . . 415 82 Granville, 24 30

Great . Douglas, . . . 153 58 Barrington, 2,157 37

. . . Dover, . . 112 67 Greenfield, 1,626 47

Dracut, ... 182 62 Greenwich,

. . . Dudley, ... 129 24 Groton, 5,854 42

. . Dunstable, . . 322 98 Groveland, 118 41

Dusbury,. . . 1,058 90

Hadley, . . . 147 41

East Bridgewater, . 1,079 23 Halifax, . . . 69 29

Eastham,. . . 260 86 Hamilton, . . 59 72

Easthampton, . . 2,965 24 Hancock,... 103 93

Easton, . . . 6,886 71 Hanover, . . . 1,203 39

Edgartown, . . 632 66 Hanson, . . . 334 81

. . Egremont, . . 63 66 Hardwick, 11l 73

Enfield, . . . 806 44 Harvard, . . . 809 90

...... Erving, . 10 11 Harwich, 203 78

Hatfield, . . . Essex, ... 183 29 146 49 72 TAX COMMISSIONER’S REPORT. [Feb.

. Haverhill, . 11 $2,586 Lynn, . . . $3,984 93

- Hawley, ... Lynnficld, . . 232 74

Heath, ... 10 87

. . . . Hingham, . 3,315 18 Malden, 2,930 89

. . . Hinsdale, . 737 06 Manchester, 490 30

. Holbrook, . . 1,690 59 Mansfield, . 568 80

. . Holden, ... 64 71 Marblehead, 2,766 69

... Holland, ... - Marion, 162

. . Holliston, . . 85 47 Marlborough, 196 98

. . Holyoke, . . . 3,735 90 Marshfield, 551 32

Hopkinton, . . 132 89 Mashpee,... 240

. . Hubbardston, . . 99 41 Mattapoisett, 793 70

. . 03 Hudson, ... 177 32 Maynard, 394

. . . Hull, ... 121 Medfield, 565 28

. . . Huntington, . . 171 14 Medford, 3,583 45

... Hyde Park, . . 1,077 82 Medway, 559 49

Melrose, . . . 1,134 23

Ipswich, . . . 1,914 30 Mendon, . . . 253 06

Methuen, . . . 344 82

. . 2,810 Kingston, 72 Middleborough, . 2,373 03

Middlefield, .

Lakeville, . . 240 26 Middletoll) . 59 83

Lancaster, . . 2,106 27 . Milford) . . 1,399 51

Lanesborough,. . 217 Mmbury) . . 2 55 70

Lawrence, . . 3,707 90 Miltorl) . . ■ . 5,489 77

Lee, ‘ ... 863 18 Monroej ...

Leicester, . . 1,488 25 MonsoI1) . . . I>oB o 29

Lenox ’ 198 01 Montague, . . 420 17

. . 2,366 49 Leominster, . . Monterey, 543

Leverett, ... 21 38 Montgomery? . . Lexington, . . 817 8b yj ount Washington,.

Leyden,. ... 48

. . . Lincoln, . . . 772 91 Nahant, 17,843 83

. . 3,040 . 34 Littleton,. . 360 64 Nantucket,

. . . . 604 14 Longmeadow, . 1,036 66 Natick, 94 . . Lowell, . . . 22,004 18 Needham, 2,891

. Ludlow, ... 12 27 New Ashford,

. . . 79 Lunenburg, . 308 24 New Bedford, 21,999 1874.] HOUSE—No. 125.

New Braintree, . $l9 29 Princeton, . . $l6l 64

New Marlborough, . 262 19 Provincetown, . . 643 19

New Salem, . . 83 80

. . . Newbury, . . 366 52 Quincy, 3,375 43

Newburyport, . . 6,799 47

Randolph, . . 2,343 49 Newton, . . . 17,077 22

Raynham, . . 2,028 91 Norfolk, ... 19 26

ea( . R Rng, . . 533 00 North Andover, . 983 37

. Reboboth, . 18 99 North Bridgewater, . 841 61

Revere ’ • • • 125 98 North Brookfield, . 616 77 Richmond, North Reading, . 58 03

. Rochester, . 146 92 Northampton, . . 5,387 40

Rockport, . . 763 21 Northborough, . . 970 43

* Eowe > 180 Northbridge, . . 6,375 18

wle ’ ... R° v. 98 50 Northfield, . . 374 41

Royalston, . . 158 60 Norton, . . . 125 80

Russell, ... . 27 14 Norwood, . 339 04

Rutland, ... 7 15

Oakham, . . . 17 06

Salem ’ • • • 23 ’ 988 89 . . Orange, . 1,671 76

Salisbury, . . 445 50 Orleans, ... 374 71 q^s 22 Sandisfield, . . 543

. . 470 84 . . Sandwich, Oxford, . 1,220 14

Saugus, . . . 97 46

. . . Palmer, 222 63 Savoy, ...

Paxton, ... 21 Scituate, . . . 515 05

. . Peabody, . 2,728 83 Seekonk, ... 1 30

- Pelham, ... Sharon, . . . 125 05

Pembroke, . . 76 18 Sheffield, ... 770 86

Pepperell, . . 915 77 Shelburne, . . 1,000 77

- Peru, ... Sherborn, . . 434 02

Petersham, . . 144 16 Shirley, . . . 916 17

Phillipston, . . 30 82 Shrewsbury, . . 160 99

. Pittsfield, . . 2,851 54 Shutesbury, . 55

Plainfield, . . 244 40 Somerset, . . 1,044 75

Plymouth, . . 4,842 97 Somerville, . . 4,200 63

Plympton, . . 55 56 South Hadley, . . 1,588 43

- . Prescott, ... South Scituate, 1,196 32 10 TAX COMMISSIONER’S REPORT [Feb.

. . $l5 Southampton, 77 Warwick,. . . . $3l 39

. . 208 19 Southborough, Washington, . 21 38

. . Southbridge, 832 . 00 Watertown, . 3,7G0 39

. . Southwick, 10 04 Wayland,. . . 372 04

... Spencer, 432 68 Webster, . . . 8,523 70

. Springfield, . 30,205 67 Wellfleet,... 488 97

. . . Sterling, 798 27 Wendell, ... 25 29

Stockbridge, . . 4,410 54 Wenham,... 123 81

. . Stoneham, 200 49 West Boylston, . 673 83

. . Stoughton, 1,095 75 West Bridgewater, . 426 35

. . . Stow, 249 01 West Brookfield, . 240 20

. . Sturbridge, 156 40 West Newbury, . 265 84

Sudbury, . . . 572 50 West Roxbmy, . 19,899 36

Sunderland, . . 74 33 West Springfield, . 2,010 46

. . Sutton, . 39 86 West Stockbridge, . 84 51

Swampscott, . . 2,428 77 Westborough, . . 373 22

Swanzey, . . . 346 35 Westfield, . . 2,004 04

. Westford, . 942 20 Taunton, . . . 11,817 60 w Westhampton, . . 8 06

. . , . , Templeton, 418 34 _ , Westminster, . . 157 73

. . ~r Tewksbury,J 860 52 „ Weston, . . . 3,162 57

Tisbury, . . . 584 00 Westport) _ . 279 61

- Tolland, ... Weymouth, . . 2,233 87

Topsfield,. . . 220 82 Whately) _ . 28 80 Townsend, . . 56 88 Wilbraham) _ . 118 94

• • • Truro ’ 36 39

. 09 Williamsburg, . 541

Tyngsborough, . 298 38 WiUiamBtownj . . 132 43

Tyringham, . . 279 65 wilmington> , . 125 21

. 02 Winchendou, . 1,238 Upton, ... 44 96 81 Winchester, . 1,798 Uxbridge, . . 713 18 .

Windsor, ...

. 94 . 4,360 Wakefield, Winthrop) . . iO2 95

... 83 66 . 64 Wales, Woburn) . . 2 ,337

... 67 Walpole, 427 . 19 Worcester, . 42,985

. . Waltham, 14,686 13 Worthington, .

. . . 07 . Ware, 1,255 Wrentham, . G52 88

Wareham, . . 1,274 48

• • 852 70 . . Yarmouth, Warren, , 528 26 1874.] HOUSE—No. 125.

Table D .

Bakk Taxes Distributed.

. . ; . . Abington, $1,400 73 Beverly, . $5,400 23

. . . . Acton, 444 10 Billerica,. . 2,069 61

. 915, . . Acushnet, . 93 Blackstone, 430 72

. . . Adams, 16 94 Blandford, . . 195 80

Agawam,. . . 925 87 Bolton, . . . 608 31

Alford, . . . 216 77 Boston, . . . 21,604 22

. . Amesbury, 995 02 j Boxborough, . . 60 25

Amherst,. . . 1,107 82 Boxford, . . . 336 67

Andover, . . . 5,288 89 Boylston, . . 329 76

. . Arlington, 2,136 29 Bradford, . . 2,290 13

Ashburnham, . . 191 15 j Braintree, . . 1,762 79

Ashby, . . . 407 53 i Brewster, . . 1,156 52

Ashfleld, . . . 335 50 Bridgewater, . . 3,335 13

Ashland, . . . 179 83 Brighton,. . . 3,200 80

Athol, . . . 168 52 Brimfield, . . 1,021 39

Attleborough, . . 405 06 Brookfield, . . 719 92

Auburn, . . . 292 53 Brookline, . . 13,766 07

Ayer, ... 53 39 Buckland, . . 178 93

Burlington, . . 149 96

. Barnstable, . 3,968 13

. . . . 81 Barre, 744 77 Cambridge, . 19,210

Becket, . . . 294 67 Canton, . . . 1,321 91

. Bedford, . . . 232 88 Carlisle, . . 65 55

. . . . Belchertown, . 650 54 Carver, 582 35

. . . 46 Bellingham, . 187 51 Charlemont, 282

. . . . 04 Belmont, . 2,940 12 Charlestown, 5,962

. . . . 50 Berkley, . 304 41 Charlton, . 635

. . Berlin, . . . 375 73 Chatham,. 2,351 81

Bernardston, . . 710 87 Chelmsford, . . 2,158 87 70 TAX COMMISSIONER’S REPORT. [Feb,

. . .

Chelsea, . . $1,826 62 I Everett, . $4OB 60 Cheshire, ... 757 65 i

Chester, . . . 40 41 j Fairhaven, . . 2,171 35

Chesterfield, . . 456 04 Fall Elver, . . 128 15

. . Chicopee,. . . 1,176 97 Falmouth, 3,117 83

. . . Chilmark, . 226 91 Fitchburg, 1,037 88

- ... - Clarksburg, . . Florida,

Clinton, ... 421 42 Foxborough, . . 417 51

. . . Cohasset,. . 1,129 70 Framingham, 4,036 92

. . Colrain, . 246 76 Franklin,... 843 73

. . Concord, . . . 1,375 61 Freetown, 1,892 67

Conway, . . . 403 96

• • Gardner, • 314 54 Cummington, . . 16 44 Gay Head,

. . Dalton, ... 702 46 Georgetown, 274 13

. . . 286 08 Dana, . . . 94 40 Gill,

. . . Gloucester, 2,331 92 Danvers, . . 2,388 87

Goshen, . . . 844 Dartmouth, . . 2,940 86

. Dedham, . . . 3,799 05 Gosnold,

... . 487 60 Deerfield,. . 1,894 96 Grafton,

... 562 36 Dennis, . . . 2,599 11 Granby,

. 118 11 . . Granville, . Dighton, . 994 94

Great . 685 71 Douglas, ... 142 45 Barrington,

Greenfield, . . 1,236 39 Dover, ... 271 88

. . 246 45 . . Greenwich, Dracut, . 924 97

. Groton, . . 85 Dudley, . . . 124 09 1,602

Groveland, . . 368 82 Dunstable, . . 280 21

. Duxbury, . 1,393 86

. Hadley, . . 1,554 34

. . East Bridgewater, . 1,031 63 Halifax, . 33 41

. . Eastham,. . . 357 29 Hamilton, 402 10

. . . 259 36 Easthampton, . 931 07 Hancock,.

. . 51 . . . Easton, . 3,127 28 Hanover, 918

. . . . 637 40 Edgartown, . 98 53 Hanson,

. . . 956 Egremont, . 121 53 Hardwick, 41

. . . 1,257 . 21 Enfield, . . 1,405 22 Harvard,

. . . - Harwich, 307 37 Erving, ...

. . , 31 . . 1,598 Hatfield, Essex, . 50 2,725 1874.] HOUSE—No. 125.

. . . . $3,884 93 Haverhill, . $1,647 87 Lynn,

. . , . 1,030 00 Hawley, . . 844 Lynnfield,

Heath, . . . 11 82

Malden, ... 525 68 . Hingham, . 1,973 80

Manchester, . . 92 Hinsdale,. . 75 41 1,081

. . 300 32 Holbrook, . . 6,810 50 Mansfield,

Marblehead, . . 2,041 64 Holden, ... 302 66

Marion, ... 820 33 Holland, ... 150

. . 96 54 . Marlborough, Holliston, . 563.87

. . 435 43 Holyoke, . . . 2,218 80 Marshfield,

Hopkinton, . . 637 50 Mashpee,.

. . 352 12 . Hubbardston, . 324 68 Mattapoisett,

. . 123 48 Hudson, ... 262 35 Maynard,

Medfield,. . . 1,077 45 Hull, ... 231 86

Medford, . . . 3,416 Huntington, . . 139 74 77

. . Hyde Park, . . 774 11 Medway,. 1,72152

. . Melrose, . 579 18

Mendon, ... 507 53 Ipswich, . . . 1,397 20

Methuen,. . . 520 20

Kingston, . . 2,910 39 Middleborough, . 1,225- 22

Middlefield, . . 15 77

. . Lakeville, 598 14 Middleton, . . 139 62

. .

Lancaster, 1,179 06 . Milford, . . .1,162 57

Lanesborough,. . 221 29 Millbury,... 173 55

. . Lawrence, 1,263 51 Milton, . . . 4,774 91

. . - Lee, . 25 304 Monroe, ...

. . . Leicester, 1,971 87 Monson, . . 1,581 36

... Lenox, 949 59 Montague, . . 950 12

. . Leominster, 1,575 84 Monterey, . . 127 63

. . - Leverett, . 77 21 Montgomery, . .

Lexington, . . 585 31 Mount Washington,.

Leyden, . . . 188 37

. . . . -. Lincoln, . 1,085 35 Nahant, 7,953 63

. . Littleton, . . 143 30 Nantucket, 1,442 18

. . . 956 99 Longmeadow, . . 3,124 05 Natick,

. . . 1,379 16 . Needham, Lowell, . 3,648 84

. Ludlow, ... New Ashford,

. Lunenburo-, . . 396 10 New Bedford, . 5,068 34 TAX COMMISSIONER'S REPORT. Feb.

New . 0!) Braintree, $403 06 Princeton, . . $473

New . Marlborough, 237 10 Provincetown, . . 1,109 83

New Salem, . . 108 28

. . . Newbury, 2,107 53 Quincy, . . 1,732 05

Newburyport, . . 3,779 52

Newton, . . . 13,421 34 Randolph, . . 4,179 16

. . Norfolk, ... 339 10 Raynham, 1,710 72

. . . North Andover, . 2,822 05 Reading, 679 82

. . North Bridgewater, . 1,556 88 Rehoboth, 153 19

. . . North Brookfield, . 65 18 Revere, 149 20

. . North Reading, . 94 63 Richmond, 16 60

. . 135 Northampton, . . 4,191 95 Rochester, 05

. . Northborough, . . 515 69 Rockport, 1,348 56

... . 42 Northbridge, . 466 43 Rowe, 77

... Northfleld, . . 699 61 Rowley, 219 92

. . 1,432 73 Norton, ... 722 03 Royalston,

... 52 Norwood, . . 987 55 Russell, 27

Rutland, . . . 36 27

Oakham, ... 22 10

. . . 12,194 69 Orange, ... 337 20 Salem,

. . 89 . Salisbury, Orleans, . . 1,373 36 1,435

. . 40 . Otis, . . 20 14 Sandisfield, 27

. . 03 Oxford, ... 219 60 Sandwich, 1,154

. Saugus, . . 512 45

... Palmer, ... 373 43 Savoy, 52 00

. . . Paxton, . . . 68 81 Scituate, 784 05

... . . 58 34 Peabody, . 5,424 Seekonk, 44

... 87 Pelham, ... 363 Sharon, 464

... 286 82 Pembroke, . . 360 62 Sheffield,

. . 035 92 Peppercll, . . 614 81 Shelburne,

• 43 . 655 Peru, . . . 29 26 Sherborn, 76 • . • 403 Petersham, . . 388 69 Shirley,

. . 445 . 21 Phillipston, . 134 08 Shrewsbury,

. . 51 95 Pittsfield, . . 3,565 78 Shutesbury,

. 877 39 . . Somerset, Plainfield, . 228 96

. . 53 Plymouth, . . 3,313 95 Somerville, 3,840

. . 1,224 92 Plympton, . . 149 00 South Hadley, 94 Scituate, . Prescott, ... 12 71 South 1,554 1874.] HOUSE— No. 125.

. . Southampton, . . 8289 16 Warwick, $344 11

Southborough, . . 761 07 Washington, . . 15 40

Southbridge, . . 594 83 Watertown, . . 2,096 90

. . Southwick, . . 504 25 Wayland, 488 91

Spencer, . . . 831 16 Webster, . . . 179 50

. Springfield, . . 3,973 37 Welllleet, . 895 68

. ... Sterling, . . 1,090 42 Wendell,

Stockbridge, . . 1,491 85 Wenham,. . . 999 68

. Stoneham, . . 123 51 West Boylston, 265 89

. Stoughton, . . 1,294 79 West Bridgewater, 732 23

Stow, . . . 200 90 West Brookfield, . GOO 20

. Sturbridge, . . 415 79 West Newbury, 1,796 05

. . Sudbury, . . 465 75 West Roxbury, 10,244 60

Sunderland, . . 165 42 West Springfield, . 2,6*4 88

. . . 139 76 Sutton, . 393 61 West Stockbridge,

Swampscott, . . 2,346 36 Westborough, . . 1,004 61

Swanzey, . . 738 31 Westfield, . . 507 05

. Westford, . 740 00

. . Taunton, 2,023 30 Q 1„ W esthampton, . . 310 17

Templeton, . . 1,726 94 , Wegtminstei . 294 53

Tewksbury, . . 1,136 46 w , . . 1,789 26

Tisbur >’’ • • • 58b 39 Westport, . . 1,991 96 T °llancl, ‘ ' ’ 11/89 Weymouth, . . 4,426 46

Topsfield, . . 578 62 . 1)549 77

Townsend, . . 72 08

. 313 34

Truro, ... 345 01 Williamsburg, . . 3,019 21

. Tyngsborough,J b 6 ’ 113 26 Williamstown, . . 949 44

. . ’ . . Tyringham,J ° 101 38 Wilmington, . . 89 24

. Upton, . . . 417 18 Winchendon, . 984 71

Uxbridge, . . G2B 83 Winchester, . . 815 93

. . Windsor, . 49 54

. . 30 , Wakefield,’ 937 0 Wmthrop, . . 234 95

WaloS ’ ’ 772 Woburn, . . . 2,752 55

WaJpole, . . . 1,416 29

. Worcegterj _ 8,382 51

. Waltham, . 3,157 27

- Worthington, . .

. . Ware, . 547 39

. Wrentham, . 377 37

Wareham, . • 679 77

• 95 . . 09 Warren, . . 359 Yarmouth, 1,488 TAX COMMISSIONER’S REPORT. Feb.

Table E.

. . Abington, 5i,049 19 | Fairhaven, . . $2,421 09

. . . 56 . Adams, 11,746 Fall River. . 19,249 47

. . . Amesbury, 390 33 i Falmouth, . 385 60

. . . Amherst, 1,257 36 [ Fitchburg, . . 8,224 30

. . . Andover, 2,082 69 | Framingham, . . 2,136 27

. . . Athol, 1,959 69 Franklin, . . . 991 35

Attleborough, . . 72 32

Gardner, . . . 493 76

. . Barnstable, 399 62 Gloucester, . . 5,698 20

Barre, . . . 773 71 Grafton, . . . 1,281 58

Beverly, . . . 1,425 40 Great Barrington, . 1,318 43

Boston, . . .578,766 37 Greenfield, . . 9,108 77

Brighton, . . . 3,476 21

Harwich, . . . 5,073 26

Cambridge, . . 4,919 02 Haverhill, . . 12,976 59

. Canton, . . . 1,520 24 Hiugham,. . 1,528 92

Charlestown, . . 8,866 83 Holliston, . . 1,101 96

. 80 . . Chelsea, . . . 3,451 73 Holyoke, 4,435

. . Chicopee,. . . 2,867 08 Hopkinton, 1,898 98

Clinton, . . . 3,423 50

. . . 79 Concord, . . 671 00 Lancaster, 2,547

. . . . 8,043 87 Conway, . 1,449 91 Lawrence, Lee,.... 3,126 34

. . 81 . . Danvers, . 1,635 88 Leicester,. 1,301

. . . 610 50 . Leominster, Dedham, . 3,299 08

. • Lowell, . 23,665 14

. . • t Easthampton, . . 1,512 09 Lynn, 13,391 3

Easton, . . . 583 65

• . 1,255 . 77 Edgartown, . . 438 46 Malden, 1874.] HOUSE—No. 125.

. . . Marblehead, . $2,307 12 Salem, .$21,247 02

Marlborough, . . 2,421 50 Salisbury, . . 1,139 71

. . Methuen, . . 1,225 29 Shelburne, . 1,807 23

Milford, . . . 3,320 40 Southbridge, . . 1,726 23

. . . . Millbury, . 2,056 50 Springfield, 38,959 35

Monson, . . . 1,254 54 Stockbridge, . . 1,743 10

Montague, . . 970 29

. Taunton, . . 11,316 25

. . Nantucket, 927 60 Townsend, . . 1,835 55

New Bedford, . . 32,133 09

. . 8,636 92 Newburyport, Uxbridge, . . 600 43

. . Newton, . 1,434 68

Northampton, . . 19,586 62 Wakefield, . . 697 39

. . 764 31 Northborough, Waltham, . . 935 59

- . . Northbridge, Ware, . . . 8,102 62

Wareham, . . 777 78

• • ' 27 osford > 11025 Westborough, . . 752 74

. Westfield, . 3,287’ 15

. . . 12 „ „ Peabody,J 4,619 ,TT , Weymouth, . . 3,297 82

. . . Pittsfield,. 5,879 32 , TT , , Wmchendon, . . 1,430 81

. . Plymouth,J 4,970’ 52 Woburn, . . . 1,647 74

. . Provincetown, 2,571 03 „ Worcester, . . 28,304 97

„ . ~ Wrentham, . . 881 62 Quincy, . . . 2,967 41 |

Yarmouth, . . 5,614 72 Randolph, . . 2,454 68

Rockport,. . . 1,112 30

a Table F. —Assets and Liabilities of Municipalities. 82

Amherst. . Alford. Amesbnry. NAMES OF TOWNS, Ablngton. | Acton. Acushnet. Adams, j Agawam. I |

A CCVT« School-houses, 161,000 $27,075 $3,000 $O,OOO $3,231 $1,500 $21,200 $60,000

~ ~ ~ "" - ...... Public Library, , 7aa An , Kfin - TAX - 1,000 1, 00 ,o Other Public Buildings, .... 7,000 8,000 1,500 and Park,. ! ! I 400 100 - - - 1.161 1,500

- -

! . 3,500 1,000 13,000 5.000 8.800 oXer Beal Estate, . . . 150 Water Works, - o noa Fire Apparatus, 1,200 _

- I I I I

. .... Trust „„ Funds, , AAaa - Other Assets, 6,000 - 32,486 1,500 10’ 000

• Total Assets, $74,350 55,600 $51,486 $4,731 $3,000 $-12,361 $73,800

— Liabilities incurred for, ...... „„„

- School-houses, - $16,000 $26,000 $25,000

~ “ Public Library, - - COMMISSIONER’S - - - Other Public Buildings, ....

- - ~ ~ - - - Public Grounds and Park, ...

" - _ - Cemeteries, - - I*®

~ ~ ~ “ Other Real Estate, - - 1,000

“ - - ~ ~ ~ Waterworks, - REPORT. - - _ _ Fire Apparatus, - - 4,000

- ~ ~ ~ Trust Funds, - - - ..7aa Other Debts, $50,000 6,767 $2,970 $382,077 - $2,000 30,000 155,500 $62,161 Total Indebtedness, .... $50,000 $22,767 $2,970 $382,077 $18,192 $2,000 $180,600 [Feb Table F.—Assets and Liabilities of Municipalities—Continued. 1874.] NAMES OF TOWNS, Arlington. Andover. Ashburnham. Ashby. Ashfleld. Ashland. Athol. Attleborough.


- School-houses, $69,139 $64,500 $3,000 - $15,200 $20,000

- Public Library, - _ 40,250 2,000 _

- Other Public Buildings 34,610 32,000 $5,000 $l,OOO - 3 500

- Public Grounds and Park,. ... 8,000 - - 19000 9000 - Cemeteries 4,000 35,000 - - I

- JoOO Other Real Estate, 0,500 0,000 5,000 3,000 7,000 2,500

- - Water Works, 150,000 - _ - 2 000

Fire - - Apparatus, 4,564 16,000 8,800 6,050 WOOO

- Trust - - Funds, 74,800 200 9 000 -

• Other Assets, 9,868 14,199 38,027 - - 26,601 ge’ooo HOUSE— Total Assets, $237,231 $328,199 $53,027 $B,OOO $4,000 $76,851 $152,000 I No. Liabilities incurred for, — School-houses, - $42,629

- _ Public Library, ______125. - Other Public .... Buildings, 17,000 ______

- _ _ Public Grounds and ... _ _ _ Park, _

Cemeteries, - 30,600

- - - Other Real Estate, _ _ _ _

Water Works, - 140,000 Fire Apparatus, - 3,000

Trust - - Funds, $20,000 $2OO ®6OO

- Other Debts, 20,382 61,306 50,156 $18,761 - - 28,400

Total Indebtedness, .... $40,382 $294,585 $50,356 $19,382 $18,761 ! $59,092 $118,600 $29,000 83 cc Table F.—Assets and Liabilities of Municipalities—Continued.

~ •

Belchertown. Bellingham. NAMES OF TOWNS, ..... Auburn. Ayer. Barnstable. Barre. Bccket. j Bedford. j

Assets School-houses, $5,000 $8,500 $23,600 $lO,OOO - $16,000 $6,500 $5,000

Public Library ..... 500 1,500 'AX

- - $2OO 800 4,000 5,000 Other Public Buildings, .... 600 7,000

- - Public Grounds and Park,.... - 11,560 - - -

- - Cemeteries, - 100 1.000 2,000


- - 4,000 3,500 Other Real Estate, 5,500 5,000 0,000

- - KreApparatus,! ! - 1-000 2,000 300 : : = ™ StwissS ; : : ; : : - 3 Total Assets, $5,000 $23,550 $29,600 $31,700 $3,700 $24,100 $15,700 $14,200

— Liabilities incurred for, .. _ _ _ $5,000 School-houses, ...... $l,BOO $5,500

- - - Public Library, ...... $7OO

- ~ COMMISSIONER’S Other Public Buildings,

- - - - Public Grounds and Park, ...

~ ~ - ~ Cemeteries, - -

- - - Other Real Estate, ..... 10,000 ~ - ~ - ~ Water Works, - - REPORT. - ~ - J - - Eire Apparatus, ......

“ - - - Trust Funds, - - - 700 Other Debts, 2,700 13,000 $3,800 89,000 - 20,000 $29,700 $6,771

$3,800 $90,400 - $25,000 $29,700 $6,771 Total Indebtedness, .... $4,500 $28,500 [Feb Table F.—Hsseis and Liabilities of Municipalities—Continued. 1874.] NAMES TOWNS...... OF Belmont. J Berkley. Berlin, Bernardston. Beverly. Billerica. Blackstonc. Blandford.

Assets, — m School-houses, $41,400 $2,200 $lO,OOO $2,000 $76,300 $21,000 $57,074 $6,500

- Public Library, - - 1,000 10,000 -

Other Public Buildings, .... 1,250 1,000 8,000 2,500 63,000 9,000 2,000

- - Public Grounds and Park, . . . . 2,100 800 20,000 - - 100

- - Cemeteries, 200 - 17,000 500 - 400 Other Real Estate, 400 3,500 - 1,000 33,700 6,000 4,500

- - - Water-Works, - 360,000 - Fire Apparatus, 2,500 - 14,600 600 Trust Funds, - - 2,020 10,000 12,000 14,156 Other Assets, 4,900 700 21,146 - - 2,000 HOUSE— Total Assets, $52,550 $7,400 $41,366 $16,800 $606,600 $53,256 $63,574 $6,000 No. Liabilities incurred for,— School-houses, - - - - $70,000 $11,648 $40,000 i $650

- Public Library, ------_ 125.

- - - Other Public Buildings, .... $B,OOO 60,000 -

- - - Public Grounds and Park,.... - - - _ 100 Cemeteries, - - - - 17,000 -

- - - Other Real Estate, - 14,000 _ _ _

- Water Works, - - - 360,000 -

- - - - Fire Apparatus 6,000 -

- Trust Funds, ...... - - - - _ _ Other Debts, - $4OO 25,776 $3,500 221,950 3,400 30,000 4,689

Total Indebtedness, .... $12,850 $4OO $33,775 $3,500 $738,950 $15,048 $70,000 $5,489 85 Table E.—Assets and Liabilities of Municipalities—Continued. 86

Braintree. Brewster. Boston. Boxborongh. Boxford. Boylston. Bradford. NAMES OF TOWNS, Bolton.

- - $20,000 $36,200 School-houses $5,460 $6,756,200 $4,200 $5,000 600 681,000 . Public Library, - TAX _ on 650 - $6,000 20,000000 Other Public Buildings, .... 4,000 5,994,700 - - - 8,000 - 223,10 Public Grounds and Park,. ... =

- -

- 3,700 3,100 gtheSl’Estate, ’. !! 3,600 6 | 4,000 ■ 7 : = = gripTSs • • : : : = « ■ 12 00 StoSSfi. ’- iW iS w 4.532 $10.2^ $30,732 $74,344 $10,210 Total Assets, $25,850 $39,735,246 $6,854 $12,764 $B,OOO

— , Liabilities incurred for, . ann QAr _ - - ...... $2,703,700 School-houses, $3OO - _ _ ~ ~ - ~ Public Library, ...... _ COMMISSIONER’S - - - Other Public Buildings, .... 1,940,809 _ “ - - Public Grounds ... 442,675 and _ Park,. _ - - Cemeteries, - 1,500 _

~ - 306,000 Other Real Estate, - iT _ - 6,912,711 REPORT. Waterworks,

- - ...... Fire Apparatus, _ _

$ 21 Other Debts’ ! ! ! ! 19.438J60 $3,648 $10,910 $3,000 3,000 ’220 $10,910 $3,000 $23,300 $33,580 $21,220 Total Indebtedness, .... $19,350 $32,419,759 $3,548 [Feb. Table F. —Assets and Liabilities of Municipalities—Continued.

j 7 ’

TOWNS, ..... Bridgewater. Brighton. Brlmfleld. Brookfleld. Brookline. Buckland. Burlington. Cambridge. 1874.1 NAMES OF

Assets,— School-houses, $25,030 $120,600 $7,000 $35,000 $200,176 $6,500 $3,500 Public Library, - 12,000 - 1,000 93,000 - 500

- - Other Public Buildings, .... 10,000 14,000 50,000 206,000 1,000

------Public Grounds and Park,. ... 118,670

- - - - - Cemeteries, ...... 15,000 600 300 Other Real Estate, 6,160 26,500 4,000 8,000 26,400 1,800 2,600 Water Works, ------$938,400

_ _ _ - - Fire Apparatus, ...... 2,000 5,000 4,600

- Trust Funds 6,800 2,900 - 10,000 11,192 914 25,000 Other Assets, - 137,000 1,296 - 8,000 - 495 171,006 HOUSE— Total Assets, $45,480 $330,000 $12,295 $109,600 $661,938 $9,214 $8,295 $1,134,496 No.

Liabilities incurred for,—

- _ _ _ School-houses, ...... $2,000 $24,000

_ _ _ - - - Public Library, ...... 33,600 125. - - 153,000 - Other Public Buildings, .... 58,000

- - - - - Public and Park,.... - 93,300 Grounds ggg , Cemeteries, f ’ Other Ileal Estate,

- - - Water Works, - - - $938,400 Fire Apparatus, - J - - -

----- Trust Funds, - 2,900 25,000

- Other Debts, - - $1,779 - 278,000 $26,340 1,128,685

Total Indebtedness, .... j $443,208 $1,779 $60,000 $581,800 $26,340 $B,Bll $2,092,035 87 Table F. —Assets and Liabilities of Municipalities —Continued. 88

. I ..... Charlton. Chelmsford. NAMES OF TOWNS, Canton. Carlisle. Carver. Charlemont. Charlestown. Chatham.

Assets School-houses, $37,053 $2,500 $5,785 - $663,900 $7,500

- - - - Public Library, 200 12,000 . - - 279,000 1,000 TAX Other Public Buildings, .... 1,500 850

~ Public Grounds and Park,.... - - - 225,800

- Cemeteries, 2,000 300 - 108,000 Other Real Estate, 4,000 3,000 - - 100,100 4,000

- ~ Water Works, - - 4,000,000

- - - 37,300 Eire Apparatus, ...... 2,500 Trust Funds, - - ~ ~ 24,287 700

- - 496,927 7,556 Other Assets, ...... 145 5,843 $5,947,314 $20,/56 Total Assets, ..... $47,053 $6,145 $12,478

Liabilities incurred for,—

------School-houses, ...... $130,000

------Public Library, ......

------Other ....- COMMISSIONER’S Public Buildings,

- - Public Grounds and Park,.... - - - - - Cemeteries, - $2OO - - - -

------Other Real Estate, ......

- Waterworks, - - 1,364,000

------REPORT. Fire Apparatus,

- - Trust Funds, - - - - 24,287 $7OO

- - - Other Debts, ...... 7,459 1,273,428 6,340 $2,300

- - Total Indebtedness, .... $7,669 $16,674 $2,791,715 $7,040 $2,300 $18,148 [Feb Table F. —Assets and Liabilities of Municipalities—Continued. 1874.] NAMES OF TOWNS, ..... Chelsea. Cheshire. Chester. Chesterfield. Chicopee. Chilmark. Clarksburg. Clinton.

Assets,— School-houses, |459,000 $8,500 $3,000 - $85,000 $2,000 $4,400 $50,000

- Public Library, 5,000 - - $6OO 6,000 300 100,000

.... 300 - Buildings, 100,000 400 3,000 2,600 110,000 65 Other Public _ _ _ _ _ Public Groundsand Park,.... 118,000 _ 10,000 250 3,000 Cemeteries, ...... 200 5,000 Other Real Estate, 25,500 100 - - - 160

- - - - - Water Works, 800,000 - - Fire Apparatus, 30,000 _ _ _ 21,000 - - 3,000

------Trust Funds, ...... Other Assets, 50,000 300 - 1,200 29,170 2,950 3,499 HOUSE Total Assets, $1,087,500 $9,500 $6,000 $4,200 $266,170 $5,400 $8,449 $156,000 —No. Liabilities incurred for,—

~ ~ - ~ School-houses, - - - $25,000

~ ~ Public Library, - - - - 125. _ _ _ - - - Other Public Buildings, .... $1,250 120,000 Public Grounds and Park,.... - - - -

- - - Cemeteries, ......

~ “ Other Real Estate, - - - -

_ _ _ Water Works, ...... $200,000

~ ~ ~ Fire Apparatus, - - -

~ ~ Trust Funds, - - - ~

- Other Debts, 1,121,200 $24,982 - $145,650 $11,684 $11,684 $13,007 $145,000 Total Indebtedness, ....$1,321,200 $24,982 $13,500 $1,250 $145,650 89 Table F. —Assets and Liabilities of Municipalities—Continued. 90

NAMES OF TOWNS, ..... Cohasset. Colrain. Concord. Conway. Cummington. Dalton. Dana. Danvers. I Assets School-houses, $10,500 $2,500 |20,000 $5,000 - $13,000 $3,000 $34,750

------Public Library, - 500

- TAX - 13,600 Other Public Buildings, .... 16,000 20,000 200 6,000 1,700

- - Public Grounds and Park,.... 6,000 - - - 260 1,600

- - 5,000 - - 3,500 800 Cemeteries, ...... 3,000 Other Real Estate, 6,000 ------600

~ ~ - - Waterworks, - - - - „ Fire Apparatus, 1,200 - 1,500 1,000 - 6,900 Trust Funds 1,000 - 8,000 -

- Other Assets, 6,625 8,855 - 13.400

Total Assets, $50,325 $11,355 $54,500 $6,200 - $23,250 $19,600 $56,150

Liabilities incurred for,—

- - - - - School-houses, ...... $4,000 $B,OOO

~ - - - Public Library, - - - - COMMISSIONER’S - Other Public Buildings, .... 6,000 $1,700

- - - - - Public Grounds and Park,.... - 1,500

------Cemeteries, ......

- - - Other Real Estate, ..... '

- - ~ - - - Waterworks, ......

“ REPORT. - - - Fire Apparatus, - - - -

- - Trust Funds, - - 8,000 - - Other Debts, 12,000 $24,738 3,000 $7,000 $1,600 - 18,644 ■

- Total Indebtedness, . . . . $16,000 $24,738 $25,000 $7,000 $1,600 $21,844 $28,000 [Feb Table F.—Assets and Liabilities of Municipalities, —Continued. 1874.] NAMES OF TOWNS, Dartmouth. Dedham. Deerfield. Dennis. Dlghton. Douglas. Dover. Dracut.

Assets, —

School-houses, ...... $36,000 $56,192 $12,765 $21,000 $B,OlO - $5,200 Public Library,

.... - Other Public Buildings, 2,000 1,600 2,500 3,500 -

... - Public Grounds and Park, 50,000 _ 300

- - - Cemeteries, 700 600 - 400 $5OO Other Real Estate, 5,000 8,500 1,880 1,000 1,500 $4,000 - 10,000

- ...... _ _ _ Water Works, _ _ _ Fire Apparatus, - 8,721 Trust Funds, - 300 - - 3,488 500

- - Other Assets, 9,069 - 1,000 HOUSE— Total Assets, $42,000 $123,713 $26,014 $24,500 $17,098 $4,500 $5,900 $11,500 No. Liabilities incurred for,—

- School-houses, $31,000 $5,000 $6,000 - - $l,OOO

- ...... - _ _ _ Public Library, _ _ _ 125. Other Public Buildings, .... - 10,000

- - Public and . . [ - - - - _ Grounds Park, .

- _ _ _ Cemeteries, _ _ _ _

- _ Other Real Estate, _ _ at qoo - -

- Water _ _ _ Works, __

...... - _ _ Fire Apparatus, _ _ _ _

- Trust Funds, 300 - - - 500

- Other - Debts, 12,600 $54,460 $9,278 26,000 8,750 $42,000 Total Indebtedness, .... $43,600 $15,300 $54,460 $6,000 $9,278 $30,500 $4,750 $42,000 91 Table F.—Asseis and Liabilities of Municipalities—Continued. 92

Edgartown. E “stham Easthampton. Easton. NAMES OF TOWNS, Dudley. Dunstable. Duxbury. ' |

Schoof-houses, $ll,OOO $1,200 $B,BOO, $10,200 f 8,000 $27,300 $18,500 $1,550

= - TAX ; ; : : ***> - oS&iidin.s, : *m :

- - Public Grounds and Park, ... Cemeteries, 800 300 - 100

- - 5,000 3,890 900 Other Real Estate, 2,700 600 3,000 Waterworks, -

_ _ _ - 2,500 Fire Apparatus, _ _ ROOO


! - 9,300 Other Assets', 1 ! ! '. ’. 1,000 75,000 6,109 1.600 900_ $53,290 $10,150 Total Assets, $15,00(7 $1,600 $BB,OOO $28,709 $13,300 $106,050

Liabilities incurred for,—

~ ~ - ~ School-houses, $6,000 -

~ “ ~ Public Library, - - $l,OOO ~ COMMISSIONER’S - ~ - -

.... Other Public Buildings, 12,000 . ~ - - ~ - 11,000 Public Grounds and Park, ... Cemeteries, 300 - ~ ~

- - Other Real Estate, ...... “ ~ ~ - ~ Water Works, - - _ REPORT.

- _ - Fire Apparatus, ...... “ ~ ~ - - ~ . Trust Funds, _ - Other Debts, 9,000 $3,300 $80,950 $5,200 - 7,700 $930 $53,700 $88,912 Total Indebtedness, .... $27,300 $3,300 $80,950 $5,200 [Feb. Taiii 1c - F-—Hs.set.s and Liabilities of Municipalities—Continued.

.... NAMES OF TOWNS, w „ ■grcmon. - 1874.] nflllJ Ewing. Essex. - Everett. Palrhaven. Fall Elver. Falmouth.

Assets,— NoAs 00 : ; ; ; ; f2 -! : w.400 $22,200 $8,700 $313,300 IS fi5, 500 LibSs.: r “ Other Public Buildings, . . _ rnn 5,000 " °’4oo I’soo Public Grounds and Park,. _ 9 ’ 500 320,000 3,000 ono ~ ~ 1 I>< 00 1- 100,000 ...... _ Cemeteries, _


Real _ 65,000 - Other Estate, _ ~ I 6 ’3°°ono 7 . 9 °0 6,600 _ Water Works _ 200,000

“ ~ ~

, - Fire „ 425,000 Apparatus, ... nn , , ....!.' 4 ’ooo 800 5,000 _ i- 40,000 Trust Funds, _

' - Other Assets, _ _ „ ~ 20,000 1,840 65,000 37,070 HOUSE

T al ‘ ~ AsSeth ’ 700 ’ *U’4OO $20,400 . °.^ . ‘ - ?4 $55,300 $23,540 $1,533,360 $55,570¥ LiabilitiesT incurred for,— —No.

School-houses, - NoLiabilities. _ - so,ooomn _

Public Library, _ _ $174,000 $10,859 _ ~ ~ ~ Other ....•_ Public Buildings, _ ~ Public ~ 195,000 125. Grounds and Park,. _ _ ~ ~ - 85,000 - Cemeteries, _ _ ~ ~ ~ ~ Other Real . ’ - Estate, _ ~

" Water . - 104,000 Works, _ _

- Fire Apparatus, $84,000 425,000 - ..... _ _


... Trust _ 80,000 Funds, ’ Other Debts ’ ' i? uuu 10’ 720 58 500 2 I_ ’ 38,500 $57,800 69,400 52,389

- Total Indebtedness. .... $30,463 $11,620 $63,500 $122,500 | $57,800 $1,082,400 $62,748 93 Table F. —Assets and Liabilities of Municipalities—Continued. 04

Gay Head...... Freetown. NAMES OF TOWNS, Fitchburg. Florida. Foxborough. Framingham. Franklin. Gardner.


School-houses, . . . . . $190,664 $ll,OOO $19,000 $19,000 $7,500 $20,000

~ - Public Library, i 6,750 - - 4,000 600 - - TAX 22,000 2,500 18,000 Other Public Buildings, . . . 67,370 24,000 - Public Grounds and Park, . . . 40,000 - 6,000 1,500 2,500

- Cemeteries . - 1,000 4,600 800 1,000 1,000

- - 5,500 Other RealEstate, . . . . 4,000 7,000 6,000 3,540

- ~ Waterworks, 269,000 - 1,000 - -

- - 5,000 2,500 6,000 2,500 Pire Apparatus, ...... 59,006 ~ - - Trust Funds, 550 - - 20,820

- - Other Assets, 18,860 - - 1,950 1,200 04,904 $!._>,240 $101,954 Total Assets, ....'. $652,200 $52,000 $83,370 $37,400

Liabilities incurred for,—

- - - - $11,751 $7,500 School-houses, ...... $B,OOO

- - Public Library, - - 18,000

- COMMISSIONER’S Other Public Buildings, .... $lB,OOO Public Grounds and Park, -

- - - ~ Cemeteries, - 924

- - ~ Other - - 3,540 Real Estate, '

_ - Waterworks $269,000 -

~ - _ REPORT. Fire Apparatus, - - - ~ - - - - - Trust Funds, ...... -I 20,820

- Other Debts, 364,838 | - $lO,OOO 10,700 600 80,068 »000 $98,068 $5OO Total Indebtedness, .... $633,338 $9,000 $lO,OOO $57,520 $11,751 $12,664 [Feb Table F. —Assets and Inabilities of Municipalities —Continued. 1874.] NAMES OF TOWNS, ..... Georgetown. GUI. Gloucester. Goshen. GosnoW. Grafton. Granby. Granville.

Assets,— School-houses, $lO,OOO $2,400 $126,400 $1,400 $9OO $29,076

- - - - _ Public Library, 7,000 250 _

- - Other Public Buildings, .... 17,210 3,700 \ f 1,000 $1,200 $4OO ’

- - ~ - - Public Grounds and Park,.... / I - - Cemeteries, - 1,000 5,000 200 -

Other Real Estate, - 1,000 10,000 - - 10,647 Water-Works, - - 21,600. -

- Fire Apparatus, 3,800 36,000 - - 3,300 -

Trust Funds, - - 12,100 3,026 - Other Assets, 5,985 - - 370 - 7,293 HOUSE— Total Assets, $43,495 $8,350 $365,000 $5,996 $9OO $50,215 $1,200 $4OO No.

Liabilities incurred for,— School-houses, - - $40,000 _____

------Public Library, _ _ 125.

- - - Other Public Buildings, .... 120,000 $4OO

- _ _ _ _ Public Grounds and Park, ...- _ _

Cemeteries, - - - - _ _ _ _

Other Real Estate, - - - - _ - - _

- - - - - Water Works, _ _ _

_ _ _ _ _ Fire Apparatus, _ _

Trust Funds, _ _ _ $3,026 -

- Other Debts, $2,937 60,000 3,125 - $86,601 $6,700

- Total Indebtedness, .... $23,062 $2,937 $220,000 $6,161 $36,601 $5,700 $4OO 95 Table F. —Assets and Liabilities of Municipalities—Continued. 96


..... Hamilton. NAMES OF TOWNS, Greenfield. Greenwich. Groton. Groveland. Hadley. Halifax. Barrington.

Assets - School-houses, $15,000 $49,000 - - $23,000 $15,200 $20,000 $3,000 $4,000

- - - Public Library, - - - 1,000

- - - TAX 1,500 Other Public Buildings, .... 24,000 15,000 3,000

------Public Grounds and Park, ... 1,000

- Cemeteries, 4,000 - - 1,000 200 1,500 1,000 12,000 5,600 1,000 Other Real Estate, ..... 1,000 7,100

~ - - - - Water Works, -

- Fire Apparatus, - 400 - 1,000 260 “ ~ Trust Funds, 960 - $5OO - Other Assets, 1,000 22,500 1,869 1,000 1,200 70,000 799 <6O

_ Total Assets, 521,960 $103,000 $2,369 $55,000 $22,450 $94,000 $6,799 $5,750

Liabilities incurred for,—

- School-houses, - $29,398 $23,000 $8,500 $12,000

------Public Library, ...... COMMISSIONER'S Other 10,000 Public Buildings, .... Public Grounds and Park,.... - - - - -

------Cemeteries, ......

~ ~ - - - - - Other Real Estate, . ....

~ - - - - - Water Works, ......

------REPORT. Fire Apparatus, ■ - ~ - - - Trust Funds, $960 - - I

- Other Debts, - 75,500 $11,408 6,977 34,000 83,000 j $16,642

- Total Indebtedness, .... $960 $104,898 $11,408 $39,977 $37,500 $95,000 $16,642 [Feb Table F.—Hssets and Liabilities of Municipalities—Continued. 1874.] NAMES OP TOWNS, ..... Hancock. Hanover. Hanson. Hardwick. Harvard. Harwich. Hatfield. Haverhill.

Assets, — School-houses, - $B,OOO $4,200 §B,OOO §7,000 $25,000 $25,000 $184,900

- - 5 Public Library, - - 1,000 - - -

- Other Public Buildings, .... 6,000 9,000 2,500 10,000 1,000 6,000 122,600

- - - - - Public Grounds and Park,.... 1,000 1,000 -

- - - Cemeteries, ...... $4OO 1,000 1,000 Other Real Estate, - - 1,200 3,000 10,000 600 - 8,600

- - - - - Water Works, - -

------Fire Apparatus, ...... 1,600 22,625 Trust Funds, ------

- - - Other Assets, - - - - 6,175 HOUSE— Total Assets, $4OO $14,000 $14,400 $15,500 $30,000 $26,500 $31,600 $344,800 No. Liabilities incurred for,— School-houses, ------Public Library, - - - - $lOO $82,000 125.

- - _____ Other Public Buildings, .... $7,000 Public Grounds and Park,....------Cemeteries, $4OO ______Other Real Estate, ------Water Works, ------

- Fire Apparatus, ------Trust Funds, ------

------Other Debts, ...... $53,421 16,113

- Total Indebtedness, .... $4OO $6,000 $7,000 j $53,421 $15,213 $32,000 $251,785 97 Table F.—-Assets and Liabilities of Municipalities—Continued. 98

Holden. Holland. Ilolliston. NAMES OF TOWNS, ..... Hawley. Heath. Hingham. Hinsdale. Holbrook.

Assets School-houses, $3,117 $1,400 $50,000 $5,000 $13,000 $B,OOO $4OO $lO,OOO

- - - - Public Library - - 20,000 TAX 5,000 5,500 600 18,800 Other Public Buildings, .... 700 400 3,500 2,000

_ Public Grounds and Park,.... - - 2,000 5,000 2,000 200 - - - Cemeteries . - - 3,000 150

- - 4,000 4,200 9,225 ! . . . 1,200 7,800 Other EealEstate, . 1,600

“ ~ “ - -

Water Works, _

- - - ~ Fire Apparatus, - 10,000 1,200 11,000

- - - - 9,738 3,360 222 Trust Funds .... - - - 32,000 15,044 Other Assets', ...... 400

_ Total Assets, $5,817 $3,000 $80,538 $32,000 $28,200 $55,066 $1,572 $64,069

Liabilities incurred for,—

_ _ _ School-houses, - - $20,000 $4OO

- - - - _ ~ ~ Public Library, ......

_ - - _ - ~ COMMISSIONER’S Other Public Buildings, ....-

- - - - ~ Public Grounds and Park,....- -

- - Cemeteries, - - - $1,500

- Other Real Estate, - - - - - ~

- - _ - - - - Water Works, ......

------REPORT. Fire Apparatus,...... Trust Funds, - - 9,738 - - $3,866 Other Debts, $2,507 - 25,950 - $15,000 56,668 1,636

- Total Indebtedness, .... $2,507 $55,688 $1,500 $16,000 $60,034 $2,036 $62,422 [Feb Table F.—Hssets and Liabilities of Municipalities —Continued. 1874.] IfAMES OF TOWNS, ..... Holyoke. Hopkinton. Hubbardston. Hudson. Hull. Huntington. Hyde Park. Ipswich.

Assets,— School-houses, $168,113 $31,000 - $24,400 $2,000 $4,500 $147,000 $12,500 Public Library, - - - 2,000 - - 8,000

- - - Other Public Buildings, .... 108,000 16,000 59,000 32,000 3,000 Public Grounds and Park,.... 75,000 5,000 ______

------Cemeteries, 2,000 -

- Other Real Estate, 8,600 - 300 - - - 17,195

Water Works, 200,000 ______Fire Apparatus, - 2,500 - 4,100 - 700 10,000 8,500

Trust Funds, ------Other Assets, 166,500 102,000 $30,080 62,000 - 2,887 10,000 6,936 Total Assets, $702,613 $164,100 $30,080 $153,800 $2,000 $8,087 $207,000 $43,131 HOUSE— Liabilities incurred for,— No. - - - School-houses, ...... 1 f $20,000 $B,OOO $130,000 Public Library, - - 1,000 - _ - _

- - - - Other Public Buildings, .... 10,000 48,000 22,000 116 ’250 125. Public Grounds and Park,, . . . Cemeteries, - - 500 - _ - _

- - - _ Other Real Estate, j 10,000 _ - Water Works, 260,000 ______Fire Apparatus, - 3,000 - 2,000 - - _ -

Trust Funds, ------Other Debts, 166,500 121,000 $50,644 80,000 $13,043 $3,828 76,000 $21,460

Total Indebtedness, .... $532,750 $154,000 $50,644 $149,500 $13,043 $3,828 $228,000 $21,460 99 Table F. —Assets and Liabilities ofMunicipalities—Continued. 100

Leo. Leicester. Lenox. Kingston. Lakeville. Lancaster. Lanesboro'. Lawrence. NAMES OF TOWNS,

ss $4 - $225,000 $11,430 $25,000 $B,OOO 0School-houses,f ?f’ $l2 000 000 $8,500 «5, 000 500 12,000 600 2,000 ...*•• TAX Public Library, 3,000 - i 1,50 _ nno 180000 .... L-00 Other Pubiic BuiMings, 85 ; 000 1.500 10,000 Public Grounds and Park ouu _ 3 000 2 000 15,000 2,500 Cemeteries 1,200 _ u,OOO 2,500 6,000

Other Real Estate, _ _ _ jqq _ ~ 5 Waterworks, _ _ _ 44900 5,000 5,000

- _ Fire Apparatus, _ _ _ 2,100


Trust Funds - 375 _ _ 933 152,000 7,838 Other Assets, —. $12,933 $733,000 $31,368 $50,100 $11,375 Total Assets, $14,900 $5,500 $B,OOO

Liabilities incurred for,— s r 900 " Arin - School-houses, - *o ’° oo _ 000 - *2

„„„ Public Library, _ _ COMMISSIONER’S _ ~

- .... Other _ Public Buildings, _ _ " - -

_ Public Grounds and Park,.... _ I $404,200 _ “ ~ - 0

Cemeteries, _ _ “ - ~

Other Real _ Estate, _ _ _ ~ ~ ~

Waterworks, - _ REPORT. _ “ 000 ~ ~ 2 Fire Apparatus, ' _ _ _ 2*loo

- $70.406 *C.729 Other Debts,' ! ! 1 1 *1.770 8.193 100,900

- $14,893 $505,100 $70.406 $12.300 $6.729 Total Indebtedness, . $i, 770 [Feb. ■ . J Table F.—Assets and Liabilities of Municipalities—Continued.

..... 1874.] NAMES OF TOWNS, Leominster. Lcvcrctt. Lexington. Leyden. Lincoln. Littleton. Longraeadow. Lowell.


School-houses, $35,000 - §21,900 - §B,OOO §16,707 §10,115 §838,626

_____ - - Public Library, ...... 8,600

- - - Other Public Buildings, .... 23,000 §7OO 50,000 2,000 132,000

- - - - Public Grounds and Park,.... 2,000 - 6,000 45,000

_____ Cemeteries, 300 - 2,500

_ Other Real Estate, 6,000 8,600 7,300 _ - - 80,578

- - - Water Works, - - - 500 1,259,246

- - - Fire Apparatus, 8,000 - 3,000 - 55,500

- - - Trust Funds, 3,000 - 6,000 2,000 26,000

- - Other Assets, 5,600 825 - §3,540 731 136,555 Total Assets, §82,800 §5,025 §100,200 §3,540 §lO,OOO §18,707 §11,346 §2,073,504 HOUSE— Liabilities incurred for, — No. -* - - School-houses, - §7,400 §6,000

- _ _ - - - - Public Library, ......

- _ _ _ _ Other Public Buildings, .... - 32,000 , 125. _ ’ Public Grounds and Park,. ... [*

_ _ - - - - - | Cemeteries, ......

_* - Other Real Estate, §3,000 - - - - J

_ _ - Water Works, - - - - 1,265,000

- - _ _ . _ _ _ Fire Apparatus, . ...._*

Trust Funds, §B,OOO - 6,000 - - §2,000 - 26,000 Other Debts, 85,250* 4,943 17,000 §2,260 14,000 2,328

- Total Indebtedness, .... §88,250 §7,943 §62,400 §2,260 §20,000 §4,328 §1,788,624

* Included in other debts. 101 Table F. —Assets and Liabilities of Municipalities —Continued. 102

NAMES OF TOWNS, ..... Ludlow. Lunenburg. Lynn. Lynnfleld. Malden. Manchester. Mansfield. Marblehead.


- School-houses, - $B,OOO |406,000 f8,500 $106,900 $8,150 $25,000

- - - - - Public Library, - 16,000 2,500 TAX 10,000 336,000 1,000 56,275 17,315 15,000 Other Public Buildings, ....

- - - - - 6,000 Public Grounds and Park,. ... 100,000 18,860

- - Cemeteries . 2,000 40,000 3,000 1,666 800 5,000

’ - 10,000 Other Real’Estate ... 8,000 190,000 600 3,858 5,070 $5,234 Water Works - - 700,000 - 221,690 2,100

- - - - Thre Apparatus, ! - 9,900 4,600 10,000

- - - Trust Funds - - 41,000 780 9,600

- - _ 91,000 8,795 10,773 6,548 2,500 Other Assets, ......

Total Assets, - $28,000 $1,919,000 $13,000 $408,584 $70,448 $11,782 $82,000

Liabilities incurred for,—

_ _ - - _ _ $35,000 School-houses, ...... $150,000

~ ~ - - - - ~ Public Library, - n

- - - COMMISSIONER’S 20’9°° Other Public Buildings, .... 302,000

~ ~ " ~ Public Grounds and Park,....- - -

- - ~ “ nnri Cemeteries, - - - d’ UW

- _ - - Other Real Estate, -

“ - - 676,500 - Waterworks, AA ~ - - - - - ~ REPORT...... ' 10,000 Fire Apparatus, .

------Trust Funds, ...... $4OO 41,000 Other Debts, $6BO 3,5,000 815,500 - $24,118 63,800 $24,693 $24,118 $131,800 Total Indebtedness, .... $6BO $35,400 $1,885,000 $392,231 [Feb Table F. —Assets and Liabilities of Municipalities—Continued. 1874.] NAMES OF TOWNS, ..... Marion. Marlborough. Marshfield. Mashpoo. Mattapoisott. Maynard. Medfleld. Medford. [ _ 1

Assets, — School-houses, §4,000 f60,000 §lO,OOO §BOO §8,600 §lO,OOO §6,000 §127,000

- - Public Library, 4,000 - 1,000 6,000

- Other Public Buildings, .... 600 80,000 1,000 - - 28,100 27,000

- Public Grounds and Park,.... 10,000 _____ 10,000

- _ - Cemeteries, 5,000 - 2,000 200 17*000

- Other Real Estate, 6,000 1,000 _ 8,000 - 4,000 14,360

- ...... _ _ Water Works, 5,000 - _ - 2501)00

- _ Fire Apparatus, 6,000 _ 1,000 - 800 11,000

- Trust Funds, 6,825 - - 12,656 - 3,760

_ Other Assets, 1,200 37,500 _ _ _ _ 7,802 HOUSE— Total Assets, §5,700 §181,325 §49,500 §BOO §20,256 §12,000 §43,860 §469,152 No. Liabilities incurred for,—

- ______School-houses, ...... §104,958

- - _ _ _ _ _ Public Library, _ 125.

- Other Public Buildings, .... 79,700 ______

- Public Grounds and Park,....- - - _ _ _

...... - _ _ _ Cemeteries, _ _ _

- _ - _ Other Real Estate, _ _ _ _

- _ - - - _ Water Works, _ §237,000

_ - _ Fire Apparatus,...... _ _ _ _ _

_ _ _ - _ _ _ Trust Funds, _

_ _ - Other Debts, §81,383 §1,500 §18,500 - 88,800 Total Indebtedness, .... §8,780 §184,658 §81,883 - §1,500 §18,500 §9,000 §825,800 103 Table F.—Assets and Liabilities of Municipalities —Continued. 104

Methuen. Mlddlcboro'. Mlddlefleld. Middleton. Milford. NAMES OF TOWNS, Medway. Melrose. Mendon.

§21,500 §2,850 §7,700 §67,000 SchooFhouses, 124,000 §53,950 §5,000 §20,000 TAX : 30,100 4,000 7,000 s : : : 2,000 15.000 SS&iidin. , nds ndFark s - 500 ? ’: : : : goo ± A “ SS 9,000 - - Other Real Estate, _ - 6,000 • 2,600 120,000 . ... Waterworks, . • _ _ 12,000 6,000 11,000 1,000 m Fire Apparatus, _

! '• '• 4,718 10,000 Other Assets', 1,000 8.140 §12,518 §47,300 §68,300 §7,500 §16,450 §206,400 Total Assets, §45,000 §231,190

Liabilities incurred for,— - <. nnn 9 nnn

“ “ Public Grounds and Park,.... - 221 2,000 ~ 6,000 Cemeteries, _

“ ~

Other Real Estate, , 120,000on REPORT. Waterworks, _ 170 - ~ 1,300

Fire Apparatus, _ _

- SSSSS : ; : : ; : ».ioo £ •**_ m_mm .2,020 >12,283 .247,000 Total Indebtedness .26,570 .241,210 .17,787 .72,000 .23.500 [Eeb Table F. —Hsscte and Liabilities of Municipalities. —Continued.

..... 1874.] KAMES OF TOWNS, Millbury. Milton. Monroe. Monson. Montague. Monterey. Montgomery. Washington.

Assets,— -* School-houses, $35,000 $lB,OOO $8,600 $25,000 - $2,000

- Public Library, 1,800 6,000 - 1,000 - - - -*

£ - - Other Public Buildings, .... 6,000 5,000 10,000 400

Public Grounds and Park,.... - 4,500 ______

- - Cemeteries, 1,600 10,000 1,186 3,000 - $5O Other Real Estate, 6,000 - - 6,000 4,000 - Water Works, ------

Fire Apparatus, 1,000 1,000 ______Trust Funds, ------1,150

- - - - Other Assets, 300 5,000 - 731

Total Assets, $50,300 $44,600 ssoo* $15,986 $48,000 - $2,400 $l,BBl HOUSE— Liabilities incurred for,— No. School-houses, - - - - $20,000 - Public Library, ------_

- - - - - _ Other Public Buildings, .... 1,000 125. Public Grounds and Park,. ■ - -

------Cemeteries, ......

Other Real Estate, ------

Water Works, ------

Fire Apparatus, ------

- - - - Trust Funds, - _ _ $1,150 Other Debts, $25,265 - $17,029 $4,100 $22,951 14,000 $641

- Total Indebtedness, .... $25,265 $17,029 $4,100 $22,951 $36,000 $641 I $1,150 105 Table F.—Assets and Liabilities of Municipalities—Continued. 106 | _ | New Ashford. New Is cw Braintree, Marlborough. NAMES OF TOWNS, ..... Nahant. Nantucket. Natick. Needham. New Bedford. j Assets School-houses, §4,000 §20,000 §48,150 §51,500 §lOO §103,700 §5,000

- ~ Public Library, 4,000 2,000 - - 44,000 TAX 11,000 - “ 1.000 Other Public Buildings, .... 16,700 18,200 1 f

- - Public Grounds and Park,.... - - 4,000 I 444,0,0943 075 J - -

. 300 500 Cemeteries, . . . . . 2,500 3,500

- Other Real Estate, 6,000 - 13,700 11,150 j I 3,600

- - Water Works - - - 300,000

- - - Fire Apparatus, 3,000 10,000 20,000 - 102,200

- - - - Trust Funds, 827 - 600 §5,458

“ Other Assets, 960. 2,000 5,075 4,000 - 33,440

Total Assets, §30,477 §45,000 §113,125 §66,650 §4OO §1,436,415 §lO,lOO §5,458

— Liabilities incurred for, . . -* - - School-houses, - - §30,000 §7OO

- ~ - - ~

...... Public Library, „ nnn COMMISSIONER’S -* - - 1,000 - - - 3,300 v Other Public Buildings, ....

- ~ - - Public Grounds and Park,.... - -

_ ~ - - - - Cemeteries, ......

- - - - “ Other Real Estate, -

- - Water Works, ...... §600,000 _ REPORT. - - - _ - - - Fire Apparatus, K .r Q - ~ Trust Funds, - - - - 102,600

- - Other Debts, - §23,000 - 27,100 823,660* G 62J

- §1,026,250 §4,000 §14,081 Total Indebtedness, .... §13,419 §23,000 §77,500 §57,100 [Feb. * Included in other debts. Table F.—Assets and Liabilities of Municipalities —Continued. 1874.] NAMES OF TOWNS. New Salem. Nortll Newbury. Newburyport. Newton. Norfolk. No. Andover. North Bridgewater. Brookfield.


Schooi-honses, - - $95,734 $401,600 $4,460 $43,000 $40,500T «r^,uw$23 000 - _ _ Library, _ Public _ _

.... - Other Public - Buildings, $l,OOO 67,900 86,000 30,750 4’'?oo 20000 and ... - - Public Park, - - Grounds . 7,050 15,000 25000 ‘Moo

- - Cemeteries, 8,000 11,800 - Aon

- Real Estate - Other 1,000 $l,OOO 22,774 7,000 3 500 3 000

- - _ - Waterworks, 10,500 - ejooo

- - Lire Apparatus, - 33,500 32,500 6,000 7,000 3 300w - - - 1rust 4 unds, _ ’_ 4,000 _ _ Other Assets, 3,961 - 119,050 84,000 300 2,558 1,000 3,300 Total Assets, HOUSE— $5,961 $l,OOO $326,234 $668,174 $4,750. $BB,BOB $97,700 fSG^OcT No. Liabilities incurred for, —

- _ SehooLhouses, _ $280,379 - $15,000 $40,000

- _ Library, _ _ Public _ _ _ 125. 3s ; «*• : ; r : 4* : - _ _ Cemeteries, _ _ _

..... - _ _ Other Real Estate, 15 500 _

_ _ _ Water Works, _ _ _

_ Eire _ _ Apparatus, _ _ 4 500 Trust Funds, - - $32,500 Other Debts, - - $20,629 $25,000 444,234 138,121 27,500 13,573 Total .... Indebtedness, - $20,529 : $25,000 $476,734 $469,000 $28,000 $67,500 $16,573 107 Table F.—Assets and Liabilities of Municipalities—Continued. 108

Norton. Norwood. OM*m. Hearting. Northampton. Northborough. Northbrlrtgo. Northflclrt. NAMES OF TOWNS, North

18,000 §30,000 - fVOO $lB,OOO f-2,000 sfe, ...... *8,200 mm TAX 2 25,000 25,600 - ?"boo Othei- Public’ 'Building, • 4,000 I

400 _ Public and Park,.... _ 400 Grounds _ _ 2,000 900 -

- Cemeteries, o - 100 6,500 innr)n10,000 3,OUU000

Other Real Estate _ 2 “ Waterworks, = °!goO 1,000 - - 3 ,800 >

- Eire Apparatus, ofi _ 1,000

" - *.oo° [ [ Other Assets', 1 3,000 300’,000 1_ §2,400 §38,000 §36,000 §4,900 §5,700 §21,900 Total Assets, §25,80(7 §719,900

— Liabilities incurred for, ______

~ ~

_ . _ School-houses, _


§36,000 _

_ _ COMMISSIONER’S Public Library, _ §3,000 - §34,339 Other Public Buildings, .... _____

“ ~ -

_ Public Grounds . . • _ and _ _ Park,. _ ~


_ _ Cemeteries, _ _ - ~


2,000 - _ Other Real Estate, _ _ - 200,000 REPORT. Water Works, ______



_ Fire Apparatus, _ _ ' _

" _

Trust Funds, _ _ §23,600 Other Debts, 14,000 Sol,ooo

~ ~ [Feb 34 339 .[ Total Indebtedness, .... §19,000 §587,000 1 - —7 Table F.—Assets and Liabilities of Municipalities—Continued. 1874.] OF TOWNS, Orange. NAMES Orleans. Otis. Oxford. Palmer. Paxton. Peabody. Pelham.

Assets,—■ School-houses, §15,600 §B,OOO §3,000 $ll,OOO §15,000 §2,000 §146,500 §2 000 ’

- Public Library, 1,500 400 1,000 - - 100,000 25

- Other Public Buildings, .... 26,000 - 16,000 2,600 1,000 32*300

- Public Grounds and Park,. ... - _ 1,000 - 600

- Cemeteries, 4,000 500 2,000 - 600 11,000

- Other Real Estate, 4,600 - 6,000 - 2,800 10*400

- - - - - Water Works, _ _

- - Fire Apparatus, 9,600 1,000 - - 10,460

- - Trust Funds, - - _ _ 155,000 Other Assets, - - 300 1,000 4,790 1,500 39,200 400 Total §60,300 HOUSE— Assets, $B,OOO §4,200 $38,000 §22,290 $8,300 §504,850 §2,425 No. Liabilities incurred for,—

- - - - - School-houses _ $123,000 §6OO

- - §5OO - - _ Public Library, _ _ 125. Other Public Buildings, .... 23,000 - - §lO,OOO -

- - _ _ _ _ Public Grounds and Park,....- _

Cemeteries, ...... 1,000 Other Real Estate, 2,000

Water Works, - -

- - - - - Fire Apparatus, 6,000 _ ■

- - _ _ Trust Funds - - 156,000 Other Debts, 12,480 §5,160 $B,OOO 19,900 §11,416 - 67,500 7,500 Total Indebtedness, .... §44,980 §5,150 §B,OOO §29,900 §11,416 - §835,500 §B,lOO 109 Table F.—Asseis and Liabilities of Municipalities—Continued. 110

- ■ “ SSAMES OF TOWNS, |~-

’“° !28 -°°° «**» ?s 'wo W* ?2 sJSSC- «*» «M» TAX : ; - >■“» h :: »?» ; ; T S

- and Park,.... _ _ Public Grounds _ 4,000 _ ”

OOO - - _ Cemeteries, F _ 11,560 - s oo 000 Other Real Estate, >^ _ 102,000 _ -

- 7,000 Waterworks, _ _ 9,000 - I’ooo x 000 Fire Apparatus, _ 6,749

- _ Trust Funds, _ 6,250

_ Other Assets, ~ ~ #24,345 #5,000 #lOl,OOO #3,000 #174,874 Total Assets, fIROOcT §4,800

° f r - ?2 -

- #92,000 - #EBSS ... #5OO -f°

~ ~ ScS“. ’T ~ _ -

_ COMMISSIONER’S Public Library, ...... _ _

~ - _ -

.... _ Other Public Buildings, _ _ ” ~ -


Public Grounds and Park, _ 1,200 _ _ ~ ” ~ -

_ Cemeteries, _ _ “ ~ - l Other Real Estate, f -600 102,000

“ - “ REPORT. Water Works, - _ _ g qqq

- Fire Apparatus, : : - - I f|736 6,000 - 22,613 Trust b unds, _ _ 24,000 - 9 u9 Other Debts, 30,976 - #6,855 #125,000 [Feb ■ #9.884 Total Indebtedness, ■ . ■ #5OO Table F.—Hssets and Liabilities of Municipalities —Continued. 1874.] NAMES OF TOWNS, ..... Plympton. Prescott. Princeton. Provincetown. Quincy. Kandolph. Kaynham. Ecading.

Assets, — School-houses, |3,930 - $4,000 $15,600 $64,100 $83,650 $7,600 $82,000

- - - Public Library, 300 - - - 2 800 Other Public Buildings, .... 4,500 $6OO 3,000 12,000 20,000 25,000 400 2^780 Public Grounds and Park,.... 150

- - Cemeteries, 600 1,200 12,000 - - 3 000 Other Real Estate, 1,000 1,600 2,000 - 1,000 4,200 125 2*ooo Water Works, - - - - - 350

- - - Fire Apparatus, 23,800 7,000 2,126 - 2 500

- - - - Trust Funds, 500 12,000 -

- - - - Other Assets, 50,989 - 650 14,688 Total Assets, $9,580 $2,100 $lO,lOO $103,789 $104,100 $77,325 $8,675 $59,768 HOUSE—

Liabilities incurred for,— No.

------School-houses, - _

- - - - ...... - - Public Library, _

------_ 125. Other Public Buildings, .... $1,600

- - - - Public Grounds and Park,....- - - _

- - Cemeteries, - - - - - $2,636

- - - - - Other Real Estate, $1,600 - -

------Water Works, _

------Fire Apparatus, ...... _ Trust Funds, - - $5OO - - $12,000 Other Debts, $950 2,771 10,000 85,877 - 89,940 $1,950 60,778 Total Indebtedness, .... $950 $4,271 $10,500 $87,477 $85,867 $51,940 $1,960 $63,413 11l Table F. —Assets and Liabilities of Municipalities—Continued. 112

Eowe. Eowley. Eoyalston. NAMES OF TOWNS, ..... Eelioboth. Severe. Elchmond. Eochester. Eockport.

- $lO,OOO School-houses $5,000 §19,600 $3,000 $20,000 $2,600 $5,600

“ - - Public Library, „ „nr, anno TAX - - 30,000 1,500 3,300 9,000 Other Public Buildings, .... 800 6,000

- - - - 1,000 Public Grounds and Park,. ...

~ “ ' Cemeteries, - ~ - iff. - 300 Other Real Estate, 4,000 400 1,000 7,000

“ “ ~ - Water Works, ,A - - - Fire Apparatus, - 500 3,000 50

~ Trust Funds, - ~ 500 ->4OO -

Total Assets, RBOO s29,2txT - $6,300 $69,540 $4,400 $9,825 $21,800

— Liabilities incurred for, .. ... «mnnn

- - $2,000 $4,000 $lO,OOO School-houses, ...... $B,OOO Public Library, q Aaa

~ ~ ~ COMMISSIONER’S Other Public .... Buildings, " - ~ “ - - Public Grounds and Park,. ...-

- “ - - - Cemeteries, -

- - - - Other Real ..... Estate, ~

~ - - - - Water Works, - -

“ - - - - REPORT. Fire Apparatus,

~ - _ ~ ~ - ...... Trust Funds, „ - Aa Other Debts, $2,034 87,000 $2,900 $9,500 - 2,000 16,811 3 >500

$ 500 $2,900 $9,500 $52,901 $4,000 $21,086 22' Total Indebtedness, .... $2,034 $40,000 [Feb. Table and F. —Assets Liabilities of Municipalities—Continued. 1874.] NAMES OF TOWNS, Kusscll. Rutland. Salem. Salisbury. SandlslMd. Sandwich. Saugus. Savoy.


School-houses, $3,200 $8,300 $280,000 $34,000 - $11,900 $l2 000 g Public Library, ...... - 500 Other Public Buildings, .... 1,000 1,000 207,000 1,000 $1,500 6,250 3000

- - Public Grounds and Park,.... 50,000 - _

- ...... - Cemeteries, 500 10,000 1,600 - 5000

- Other Real Estate, 4,600 28,000 2,000 - 2 200 10 000

- - Waterworks, 1,246,000 - -

- - Fire Apparatus, 30,000 2,000 - 1,000

- Trust Funds, - 17,000 - Other Assets, - 25,000 16,000 - 2,800 Total Assets, $4,700 $39,300 $1,883,000 $39,000 $3,100 $20,360 $32,800 I HOUSE— Liabilities incurred for,— No.

- - - School-houses, $20,000 _

- - - - _ Library, _ _ Public _

- ....- - - Public Buildings, _ _ Other _ 125.

Public Grounds and Park,....- - - -

...... - - - _ Cemeteries, _ _ _

- - - - Other Real Estate, _

- - Waterworks, $1,246,000 -

- - _ _ _ _ Fire Apparatus, _ _

- - - - _ _ Trust Funds, _ _

- Other Debts, - $7,500 $29,000 $29,000 $Bl,OOO - $5OO

.... Total Indebtedness, $7,500 $29,000 $1,246,000 $49,000 $31,000 - $44,000 $5OO~ 113 Table F.—Assets and Liabilities of Municipalities. —Continued. 114

Shelburne. Sherborn. Shirley. Shrewsbury. NAMES OF TOWNS, ..... Scituate. j Seckonk. | Sharon. Sheffield. | Assets School-houses $ll,lOO $4,200 $lO,OOO $10,900 - $16,000 $6,000 $10,200

- - - Public Library, - - - 1-000 800

- - - - - 6,000 20,950 Other Public Buildings, .... 2,000 TAX

“ " ■ ■ ■ nd! df k - : : ; : i : IS S“ewr - - - - Other EeJWe, ! ! ! '. ! - MOO S.O» 10,000

- - - Water Works, - -

~ ~ “ i non - - - snn Fire Apparatus, 1,000

- ~ ~ - - Trust Funds, - 6,360 3,800

- - - - 4,040 900 . 2,461 . Other Assets, ...... 5,444

Total Assets, $18,544 $4,200 $21,821 $14,700 - $25,000 $16,040 $45,650

Liabilities incurred for,—

- ~ ~ - - -

School-houses, .

~ - - - - - Public Library, - -

“ ------$B,OOO Other Public Buildings, ....

- COMMISSIONER’S Public Grounds and Park,.... - - -

“ - - Cemeteries, - - - - -

" - - - - Other Real Estate, - -

- Waterworks, - - -

- Fire Apparatus, - - - - - REPORT. Trust Funds, - - $2,000 -

- - Other Debts $93,920 - - $5OO $16,000 $11,957* Total Indebtedness $93,920 - $2,000 $5OO $16,000 $1,340 $11,957 $lO,BOO [Feb * Included in other debts. Table 1. .Assets and Liabilities of Municipalities—Continued.

NAMES OF TOWNS, —'• 1874.] ShlltMb S< Somerville. So. So. ' ' Hadley. Scltuate. Southampton, Southborough. Southbrldge.

' _ Assets,—

° ° fl,oo fy,Go ~ ISiEJ f362’!°° f37 ’500 *lO,OOO 111,000 120,000 3 WO ’ »*» : : ; *?• :

Cemeteries, 500 _

B ° ;;: ; : f°° f° IHZ I>Go 800 300 SSSB 8 : : 19>°° - ’: ; : : : : : KstXT : : *m

Other Assets, - 2,800 80,000 61,500 5,616 - 600 764 Total Assets, $5,000 $18,200 HOUSE— $985,000 $lOO,OOO $19,616 $3,000 $39,000 $53,154 Liabilities incurred for,— No.

’Wo 00 - - pSS : : flls ww 1,600 Other Public - _ 125. .... _ Buildings, ~ ~ Public 25,000 - Grounds Park,. _ _ and _ “ ~ ~ ' ~ _ _ Cemeteries, _ ~ ~ 600 - .... Other Real _ _ Estate, _ _

'. - Waterworks, -

240,000 “ r ire I I I I ~ Apparatus, _ _ _ _ “

Trust Funds, _ _ Other Debts, _ _ 511,200 288,300 75,000 $10,452 I 1,450 $lO,lOO total Indebtedness $2,500 $11,200 $643,300 - $77,000 $10,452 $38,450 $lO,lOO 115 Table F.—Assets and Liabilities of Municipalities—Continued. 116

NAMES OF TOWNS, ..... Southwick. Spencer. Springfield. Sterling. Stockbridge. Stoneham. Stoughton. Stow.

Assets School-houses, $4,000 $30,000 $408,132 $12,000 $lB,OOO $50,000 $56,000 $7,000 3,000 2,000 Public Library, ...... 1,000 1,600 TAX - 5,000 9,000 20,000 2,000 Other Public Buildings, .... 50,000 188,096 3,250

- - - Public Grounds and Park,.... - - 46,150 10,000 19,000

- - - - - 1,000 20,000 800 Cemeteries, ......

- Other Real Estate, - 3,000 4,600 2,444 5,000 6,500

- - - Water Works, - - 5.600 3,000

- - - - Fire Apparatus, - 56,867 500 8,000

- - Trust Funds, - 34,114 2,100 6,100

- ~ Other Assets, - 1,500 202,976 1,800 boOQ Total Assets $4,000 $86,600 $941,936 $28,400 $45,444 $124,000 $65,750 $20,400

Liabilities incurred for,—

- - School-houses, - $6,400 $131,600 $50,000 $17,000

_ _ _ Public Library, ...... 400

_ _ _ COMMISSIONER’S Other Public Buildings, .... 65,000 132,000

~ Public Grounds and Park,.... - - ~

- - Cemeteries, - - - 5,000

- - - - Other Real Estate, - - -

- - - - Water Works, - - - REPORT. - - - -

- Fire Apparatus, ...... 1,000 4,000

~ ------Trust Funds, ...... Other Debts $8,200 15,000 447,000 $12,713 $46,444 51,807 86,386 $8,890

Total Indebtedness, .... $8,200 $87,800 $714,600 $12,713 $46,444 $106,807 $53,386 $8,390 [Feb. Table F. Assets and Liabilities of Municipalities—Continued. 1874.] NAMES OF TOWNS, Sturbridgc. Sudbury. Sunderland. Sutton. Swampjcott. Swauzey. ’Taunton. Templeton.


School-houses, - |8,500 - $lO,OOO $2,500 $19,000 $176,000 yb/ $ll,?U ’ 967

- Public Library - 150 11,000 1000 - fIS 500 .... Other Public Buildings, - - 6,750 - 4,000 if’ooo fifiooojb W olnn2 00 - and Park _ _ Public Grounds _ ’_ .] _ Other Rea! Estate, . . . .' ! 2d20 6,000 500 sS 1,000 $3,000 8,800 7000

- = - - •: : : - .■ = —i,

Other Assets - 9.800 9,100 109,704 1,000 Total Assets, $18,020 $30,160 $26,100 $4,160 $35,500 $3,000 $436,504 HOUSE— $27,467 Liabilities incurred for,— No.

- _ School-houses, _ $6,000 $6,000 - v$122,470

- _ _ Public Library, _ _

.... - „„ Other Public _ _ Buildings,* _ _ ~ 125.

- ... _ _ Public Grounds and _ Park,. _ _

_ _ . _ Cemeteries, _

- Other Real Estate, _ _ _ _

- _ _ Water Works, _ _ _

_ Fire Apparatus, _ _ _ _ qy n ~ ’ /ou

_ Trust _ _ Funds, _ _ _

Other Debts, ~ $38,000 9,000 $1,940 41,100 $5,801 201,576 $53,535

Total Indebtedness, . $4,700 . . . j $38,000 $15,000 $1,940 $48,300 $5,801 $366,796 $53,53.5 117 Table F. —Assets and Liabilities of Municipalities— Continued. 118

Topsfield. Townsend. Truro. Tyngsborough. Tjringham NAMES OF TOWNS, ..... Tewksbury. Tisbury. Tolland.

- $1,400 Schoof-houses, $10,500 $2,000 $5,300 $9,800 $5,400 $3,000

~ -° - Public Library, - U TAX “ “ 1 >"

_ ggg ggg

- '. '. 1 1 ! 3,000 5,334 - 6,000 5,000 200 - -

Waterworks, _ _ “ ~ ~ - °OO Fire Apparatus, , nnf) “ - ~ - Trust Funds, ’q nf) " 900™ - Other Assets, - 1,552

- $1,600 Total Assets, $17,000 $8,886 $11,300 $15,500 $7,700 $13,100

— -

Liabilities incurred _ for, _~ ” _ ~ ~ - School-houses, - ~ ~ “ ~ -

Public Library, _ - - COMMISSIONER’S ~ Other - - $3,500 Public .... “ Buildings, “ “ " Public Grounds and Park,....- -

- _ ~ ~ - -


Cemeteries, _~ ~ ~ ~ ~ -

..... Other Real Estate, _ ■ ~ ~ ~ - Water - Works, _ _ _ REPORT. ~ ~ ~ ~ Fire Apparatus, - _ _

‘ 2 ’ Other Debts’ ’. - $36,000 $15,000 17,700 $27,760 ff ooo $2,000 Indebtedness, - 521,200 $27,760 $7,650 [Feb Total .... $35,000 Table F.—Assets and Liabilities of Municipalities —Continued. 1874.] NAMES OF TOWNS, Upton. Uxbridge. Wakefield. Wales. Walpole. Waltham. Ware. Warcham.

Assets,— School-houses, §8,500 §30,000 §91,000 §2,300 §13,643 §llO,OOO §25 000 *5O 00

- - Library, - Public 400 - 4,200 5,000 _ Other Public Buildings, .... 2,000 - 113,200 1,000 2 500 1 000 - Public Grounds and Park,.... 600 40,000 - - 150,000 Cemeteries, 2,000 1,000 1,000 200 - s*ooo 2 500 Other Real Estate, 4,500 2,500 3,000 - 3,300 17*500 3 850

- - - Water Works, - .. Fire Apparatus, 600 1,200 7,000 1,000 - 10,000

- - Trust Funds, 1,100 _

- Other Assets, 8,600 4,200 3,003 - 39,200 20,000 11,900 HOUSE— Total Assets, §26,600 §35,200 §264,700 §7,603 §16,943 §336,700 §53,850 ~jf 17,900 No. Liabilities incurred for,—

- - School-houses, §6,400 §51,000 - §70,000

- - Public Library, - - _ 6 000 - 125.

- - .... - _ Other Public Buildings, _

- - - Public Grounds and Park,.... 22,000 - 10 000

- - - _ Cemeteries, §332 o’ooo - I - - - - Other Real Estate, _ X 0 000

- - - Water Works, - _

- - Apparatus, - - Fire _ r. otto

- - - _ Trust Funds, I 1,100 _

- - Other Debts, j 66,776 100 - 35,000 §103,000 §5,434

. Total Indebtedness, §lB,lOO §6,400 §432 - §140,876 §140,000 §103,000 §A434~ 119 Table F.—Asseis and Liabilities of Municipalities—Continued. 120

n endcll. Washington. Watertown. Wayland. Webster. Wellflect. NAMES OF TOWNS, Warren. Warwick.


- - - f 15 a£SSs» »•«» *• - S TAX ?1.» _ _ m - m

.... - Other Public Buildings, - _ " _ - 600 Public Grounds and Park,. ... ,000 100 ’ 2 - 4400 Cemeteries , 1,000 1,800 - a,wvg ooo 4,000 - rQO Other Real Estate, 3,100 RoOO

- Waterworks - _ I B>c 2 s 100 LOGO 7 - Fire Apparatus, _ 500 _ - 2 699 Trust Funds, 1-000 28,260 - 4,443’ OtViPr Accpfa . - 2,7»2 4,V‘to $3,600 - $18,674 $78,443 $44,360 Total Assets, 1 $204,513


- - $6l $30,325 $4,700 $lO,OOO .

~ “ -

Public _ COMMISSIONER’S Library,

- onn _ - - Other Public Buildings, .... Public Grounds and Park,.... - ~ ° -

Cemeteries, _

“ “ -

Other Real Estate, . ,

~ ~ nn - REPORT. Water Works, _

~ ~ - y 8 Fire Apparatus, ’_ - : SESS; : *15,000 ,»,» _,s»_ w *7,821 [Feb Total Indebtedness *35,876 *16,000 *1.006 >66.193 *'21,339 *10.160 *11.875 Table F. —Assets and Liabilities of Municipalities—Continued.

WcBt West West 1874.] NAMES OF TOWNS, Wcnham. W. Boylston. West West Bridgewater. Brookfield. Newbury. ' Bprinfrfleld . stockbrldge.

Assets,— Schooi-houses, $2,000 $28,300 $ll,BOO $lB,OOO $16,000 $265,000 $lO,OOO <»

- _ Public Library, « _ _ _ §qq Other Public Buildings, .... 6,000 - - 14,600 3,000 100,000

- ... - _ Public and _ Grounds Park,. _ _ 11200

- Cemeteries, 200 1,000 600 - 2 600 Other Real Estate, - 100 4,000 3,500 3,500 Water Works, 2AOO

- - Fire Apparatus, 500 1,000 - 50,000

- _ _ Trust _ Funds, 4 900 -

Other - - Assets, 28,723 3,056 - - I Total Assets, ~ $8,700 $57,123 $lO,BOO $40,756 $27,400 $420,000 - HOUSE—

Liabilities incurred for,— No.

: : : - ￿«»» Isstwi: r : Other PubHc Buildings . . . $4,000 - $15,000 125.

Public _ _ Grounds and Park,.... _ _

- - _ _ _ Cemeteries, _

- - _ Other Real _ Estate, 2 000 _

- - _ Water Works, _ _ _

- _ _ Fire Apparatus, _ _ _ _ _

- - Trust Funds, 1,000 $4 900 _ Other Debts, 4,441 $50,325 $4,433 10,678 36,600 248,000 5,901

Total .... Indebtedness, $9,441 $50,325 $4,433 $20,678 $41,500 $263,000 $38,693 - 121 Table F. —Assets and Liabilities of Municipalities—Continued. 122

Wcstford. Westhampton. Westminster. Weston. NAMES OF TOWNS, Westborough. Westfield.

6 *82,600 »140,000 513.4 M * 'J» TAX %& *** SSi-Sr'fckiin... : : :: ; ; »■««« »■»»» w» «jg and Park Public Grounds 300 _ 600 600 gSfSw. .88 A 6 «»

10’°00 2 atus, 6 ’^oo -°° Kr^Appar ’■’••••• I ! 500 3,300 : »» woo ■,« $28,700 |7,000 $17,100 $29,700 Total Assets, $76,780 f 224,500 Liabilities incurred for,- _ ?13 000 $l,OOO $1,715


School-houses, _ “_ _ ~ 15Q Public Library, _ COMMISSIONER’S o 200 ~ 000 Other Public Buildings, - _ " ~ 271 Public Grounds and Park, _ _ “ ~ -^OO Cemeteries, _ _ ~ otca ~

Other Real Estate, _

~ _

_ REPORT. Water Works, _ _ “ _ ~ ...... Fire Apparatus, _ _ _ -qq .' ! 33,789 $18,550 Other Debts,' ! .' ! .' '. 1 $184.000 j 500 $18.550 Total Indebtedness, $61,500 $184,000 $23.463 $3,000 | $36,250 [Feb Table F. —LLssets and Liabilities of Municipalities—Continued. 1874.] NAMES OF TOWNS, Westport. Weymouth. Whatcly. Wilbraham. Williamsburg. Wllllamstown.


- School-houses, $11,500 $95,000 $6,000 - 125,200

- - Public Library, - _ _

Other Public Buildings, 400 9,000 3,500 - $6,000

- - - - _ Public Grounds and Park, _ Cemeteries, 2,500 - 1,000 2 000 Other Real Estate, 6,126 13,400 - -

- - - - Water Works, _

- - Fire Apparatus, - - 2,000 Trust Funds - - - - 15,000 Other Assets, 5,300 10,029 400 $2,853 20,000 HOUSE— Total Assets, $24,825 $127,429 $9,900 $2,353 $44,000 $27,200 No. Liabilities incurred for,— School-houses, $2,238 $14,700 $2,000 -

- - - - _ Public Library, _ 125.

- Other Public Buildings, - 2,000 _ _

- - - Public Grounds and Park, - - _

- - - - Cemeteries, _

- - - - Other Real Estate, _ _

- - - Water Works, - -

Fire Apparatus, - -

- - - - Trust Funds, _ Other Debts, 23,729 45,192 4,000 $3,195 $30,000 $47,055 Total Indebtedness, $25,967 $59,892 $B,OOO $3,195 $30,000 $47,055 123 Table F. —Assets and Liabilities of Municipalities—Continued. 124

Winthrop...... Winchendon. Winchester. Windsor. NAMES OF TOWNS, Wilmington.

SohSSome. **,ooo *31,000 *5*,100 - *B.BOO TAX SS;3S,' ** *A> *» ■« and Park Public Grounds _ _ 5,000 Cemeteries, , i’XXX IC,BoO Other Real Estate, bBOO 5,000 _ 60Q

Works, - Water 0 7 n Eire Apparatus, .

Trust „ Funds, _ Other Assets, ~ ' lO *lO,OOO Total *S« WOO $87,807 *»B7

d - SoSSi“™ *T - mm *86,000 1 Public Library, COMMISSIONER’S Other Public Buildings, f 1,600 ~ - Public Grounds and Park, > $26,000 _ _ Cemeteries, - ~ _ Other Real Estate, ~ ~ _

" REPORT. ! - 5 000 Fire* Apparatus, - 7 ’^so B other Debts,’ ’. '. '. '. ’. ! ! '. '■ '• 4,866 80,660 3,000 $4,363 $46 000 Total Indebtedness, $6,366 $105,560 $46,950 $4,333 ’ [Feb Table F. Assets and Liabilities of Municipalities—Concluded. 1874.] NAMKs 01 IOMNS, Woburn. j Worcester. Worthington. Wrentham. Yarmouth. \


School-houses 1117,000 $831,897 - $12,350 Public Library $lO,OOO - _ 6,000 58,804 _ Other Public Buildings, 29,500 103,494 $3,000 - Public and Park, 2 500 Grounds 14,700 976,000 - - 500 Cemeteries 16,000 52,600 300

_ Other Real Estate 145,387 - Waterworks, 4,000 1,000 200,000 943,600 _ Fire Apparatus 11,000 27,000 _ Trust Funds, 2,380 183,750 4,403 Other 2,000 15,700 Assess, 26,822 127,341 - 280 6,000 Total Assets, i $421,402 $3,448,873 $7,703 $18,630 $36,700

— HOUSE— Liabilities incurred for,

School-houses, ...... - _ No.

Public _ Library, ...... _

Other Public _ _ Buildings, _ _

Public - and Park, _ 125. Grounds ...... Cemeteries, Other Real _ _ Estate, _

Waterworks, - $200,000 $1,031,274 - I ire i Apparatus, - _ _

2,380 “ - OtheiOther Debts,TVH - $2,000 $15,700 - I 89,423 1,817,342 i _ 5,500 Total Indebtedness, - $291,803 $2,848,616 $2,000 $21,200 125 Table G.—Steam-Boiler Returns. 126

. Number of Estimated . CITY OR TOWN. When Built. Accidents. Boilers. Horse-power.

\ ~ ... on/ Three in 1858, lin 1864, 2in 1865, 1 in 1867, 1 in 1868, 4in 1869, ... 24 911 None Abmgton, . | 2in 1870, 3in 1871, sin 1872, 2in 1873, ) ’ Acton, .... 7 171 One in 1835,2in 1860,2 in 1870, lin 1872, lin 1873, . . . None. TAX

- - - ...... Acushnet, .... No return received, 7Two in 1850, 1 in 1859, 1 in 1860, 1 in 1861, 8 in 1862, 7 in 1863,1

Adams, .... 85 8,665 { 6in 1864, 4in 1865, 2in 1866, 3in 1867, Bin 1868, sin 1869, 11 } None. [ in 1870, Bin 1871, 9in 1872, sin 1873, 5 unknown, . . . J Agawam, .... 5 224 One in 1864, 1 in 1869, 3 in 1872, No report. * in None. Alford, .... 1 One 1870,

. . cnn /Four about 1860 and 1863,5 in 1864, lin 1867, lin 1869, 1 in\ Amesbury, ... 15 690 None | 1870,2 in 1871,1 in 1872, ...... / '

. , . „ _ 1870, \ ~ n in 1860, lin 1862, lin 1863, lin 1866, lin 1868, lin v • 11 /One None Amherst • 307 > • • \ 3in 1871,2 in 1872, . . . ) '

Andover, .... 17 690 Two in 1856, 3in 1858, lin 1865, 6in 1868, 4in 1870, lin 1872, . No report.

Arlington, .... 7 190 Two about 1864, lin 1867, lin 1870, lin 1873, 2 unknown, . . None.

Ashburnham, ... 13 240 Two in 1851,6 in 1870,5 in 1871, None.

- - - COMMISSIONER’S Ashfleld, .... None. One 1865, lin 3in 1869, 3in lin 1871, 1 \ Ashland 12 236 / 1 1868, 1870, jfone . \ in 1872, ...... j

- - - Athol, .... No return received, ...... fOne in 1855, 1 in 1858, 1 in 1859, 3 in 1863, 5 in 1866, 4 in 1867, 131 REPORT. Attleborough, ... 52 1,494 i in 1868, 2in 1869, 3in 1870, 3in 1871, 12 in 1872, 2in 1873, 2 1 No report. 1 unknown, ...... J Auburn, .... 6 348 One in 1861, 2in 1871, lin 1872, 2 unknown, No report, Ayer, 10 310 Three in 1855, lin 1861,2in 1865,1 in 1869,2in 1870,1 unknown, None.

Barnstable, ... 3 28 One in 1867, 1 in 1871, 1 unknown, None. [Feb. Barre, . q . . “ 75 Three unknown, Becket, * _ * “ No return i^one. Bedford received, ... - ' : : • received . . ! ! ! ! ! lelcSown, ~ I No return received, i I Tj.uiino-hnm „ „ .... 1874.] Ll .’ B60 ’ lin ! ! ! ! ! o 1869,2 in 1870’ 2 in 1871, Belmont, | ° ln ISfiO r ! None ! ! Onene in 1 unknown Berkley,’ . . , None None!


- B lin-. 1 . • • • • 10 One in 1872, . . f „ XT Bernardston, . . - . None. _ None.

Beverly, .... in 1858, lin 14 499 /°ne 1864, 2in 1869, 2in 1870, 2in 1871, 4in 1872 21

1 ‘ • • Billerioa ’ • 4 190 ■ One in’1867,1 in 1866,2 in 1870, T*’ ' • 1C

■ ~ ... alorcl, ' - No . . j r.““I', ■ return received, “ olton 1 40 “ Unknown,. . f w

- No • N- „coi isfc*, ; ; Hon; v.a,. “i ■“ HOUSE— f.S; : : : : \ &*syv g«r No. • • • - - No return received, . None.

■ - S“’ • . - No return received, ....;••••• ’ LsL ■ ■ - - ' ’ • No return ■ received, ..... 125. Bridgewater m 1850, lin 1855, 3in 1858, 2in 1860. li in 1861,1 ’‘ ao 9 uno |Two in’iB63l 42 ’ .: ' BlnlB69-'* tolB71-* B ■ I ta^^^.B^^ Ito 18”’ 6 “ * • • Brimfield', 1 1 1872« None. about Brookfield, ... 9 '220 1850,1 in 1858,3 in 1867, lin /Onei 1869,'l in'lB7o ’ 1 ini 1871, 1 m 1872, > „ .... ' None. Biooklme, , I ... 4 68 One lin ] . '/ in 1860, 1870,2 unknown, . Nono

" * Not given. - t One 40, one unknown. 127 Steam-Boiler Returns—Continued. 128

- i Number of Estimated w)u 11611.„„ nilJmnu-t Accidents. 0111CITY uuOK TOWN. Boilers. Horse-power.

in 1860, Buckland, ... 3 100 Two lin Ivone^ Burlington, . . . None. TAX

• • - Onmbridw - No return received, •, ‘ ■ fSix in 1853-54, 1 in 18C2, 1 in 1863, 2 in 1864, 2 in 1865, 4 about 1 1871, 2in 1 None. Canton 34 i 1866,8in 1866, lin 1867, lin 1869, lin 1870, lin [ 1872, 3 unknown, 1 not reported, J


- - Carlisle, .... None. ■NTnne-“ one One in 1867, lin 1870, Carver, .... 2 60 '_ Charlemont, None. - . . . gin 1g56) lin 1859 i iin iB 6O, lin 1861, 2in 1863, 2in 1864,1 133 2,959 \ lin 1865, 22 in 1866, 27 in 1867, sin 1868, 10 in 1869, 6in 1870, 1 None. Charlestown’ . . .) ' \ 11 in 1871, 18 in 1872,4 in 1873,21 unknown, .

- No return received, Charlton, .... “

~ - -

.... Chatham, None. _

• • •

- - Chelmsford No return received, . COMMISSIONER’S ’ in 1862, 1 in 1863, 1 in 1864, 1 in 1866, 4 in 1867, 2 m 1868,1 None- 1,858* /One■! ./ Chelsea, .... 37 sin ig69, lin 1870, Bin 1871, 4in 1872, 1 m 1873,9 unknown, . 3in 1853, lin 1860, 2in 1868, lin 1870, lin 1871, . None. Cheshire . 12 288 Four in 1842, on unknown, • Chester,’ 3 76 One in 1871, 2 _• • . _ _ . . . - None. _ REPORT. Chesterfield, - - No return received, Chicopee, .... No .... report, Chilmark, 1 t . ■ £°nc Claiksburg, ... 2 70 1864, 4 from 1867 to 1871, 17 from 1867 to 1872,1 None Clinton, .... 33 2,800 3in 1868, lin 1871, 3in 1872, lin 1873, 1 not reported, . ./ [Feb. - - No return received, Cohasset, .... Colram .... 3 120 Two in 1868, lin 1871, . Concoid, .... 3 105 Two in 1866, lin 1871, . Sorie- - • - None ... - No return received, "

... Cummmgton, 2 120 Two in 1865, . . , ’ T 1874.] None. T 1860 / 2in 1865, lin Dalton, .... 10 490* T° ’ 1866, 2in 1869, lin 1870, lin 1871, l\ \ in 1872, 1 unknown, > No report. • -^ ... - j ana > .... - No return received, / OnG 111 1840 lin lin _ .... > 1867, 1869, lin Danvers, 17 366 1870, 2in 1871, Bin 1872, -, '■> S'! T \ ... > _ unknown, A 1 one. . . . - _ J Dartmouth, None. _ /Ten in 1862 and 1863, 8 Dedham, .... about 1863,1 in 2in 18 745 1869, 1871,1 in 1872,1 XT \ 1 unknown, . . > No report. 5 118 One in 1850, lin 1863, lin .’ ! | DennD ' 1869, 2in 1872, ! '/ None.

~ Dighton, .... 10 400 Ten in 1868, 1869 1871, . . “ and ‘ None” • ouSlas - • • • 1 100 One in 1866 ' HOUSE None Dover, .... 1 25 One in 1861, ' ' S°“°-

• • • • 9 575 Six in lin 1867, . r nV/Uo,- 1863, lin 1871, 1 unknown, . . ’ None’ 5G ° ® 14 1 18G0’ lin 18GG> 2in 18G7’ lin 1870 3in ’ > 1872, 8 unknown,’ —No. - None.’ Dunstable ... S* i-junscdoie, No return received, . Duxbury, .... 10 One 1 in 1871, None _“ 125. East Bridgewater, 6 149 Two in 1866, iin . . 1872, 2in 1873, 1 unknown, . . None tasinam, .... - - No return received, in 1855, lin Sin Easthampton, ... 15 890 /Three 1864, 1866,1 in 1867, 3in 1868,1 in 1871 1 \ lin 1872,2 in 1873, ’ > None. / Two in 1852’ 1854 2in > 2in .... 18GG> lin 1867, lin Easton, n 505 1808, l' in 1871 1\ „T

„ \ in > , 1872, 1 unknown, ... None.

Edgartown, ... 1 J 8 One in .... 1867, xTnm, ... Egremont,. 2 48 One in 1867, lin 1871, . . . . | | | | ; None! —"■

~~ * One not reported. ~~~~ | No report. 129 Returns—Continued. Steam-Soiler _____ 130

Accidents. Number of 1 Estimated When Built. CITY OR TOWN. Boilers. I Horse-power. . 1866,1 in 1865, lin 1871, report. 145 One in 1860 or 1861,1 in 1865 or . • go ITT: ' • 4 not reported, I"’ ' ; 3 95 One in 1870, lin 1872, 1 g^e! TAX lin 1873, None. ; I 173 One in 186?; lin 1870, lin 1872, 180 Fairhaven,. ... 4 /g 1857,6 in 1859, 6in 1860,1 1 in 1865 40 in 1866 66 in sin 1862,’ 25 in 1864, 10 in None . 517 23,474 183 b fin 6in 1870, 56 m 1871, 173 m 1872, 36 I Fall River, ... I iggy, 21 in 1868, 3in 1869, , [ in 1873, 18 unknown, '■> one _ 120 ... 4 Falmouth,. r in 1856, lin 1858, lin 1859, lin 1861, lin 1862 1864, 1865, 7in 1866, 13 in 1867, 9in 1868, 4 bone.A ' |6inSi in 6in w 766 2’ 175 Fitchburg,. ... 2 unknown, 1 in 1869,8 in 1870, 11 in 1871, 5 in 1872, 1 . . J • r\one. • unknown, _ . ~ iq 370 Two in 1863,4 in 1868,5 in 1872,2 ~ Florida, .... 1869,1 in 18/o,\ in 1850, lin 1864, lin 1865, 2in 1868, 1 m None. COMMISSIONER’S /Two 606 • -7 ... 14 . • • • Foxborough, \ 2in 1871,3 in 1872, 1 unknown, _. 1869, 4 in 1870, lin 1871, 6 / One in 1860, 1 in 1862, lin 1866, 6in | None. 650 < ... 19 j •_ - . Framingham, n ig72, _ in 1868, 8 \ /“One in 1863, lin 1864, 2in 1866, 2in 1866, 6in 1867, 2 None. 1;n ig73, 2 unknown, J

■ - . . • - No return received, None.•nt„v.o [Feb. Georgetown, ! 4 73f Two in 1870, lin 1871,2 not reported, Gill, ..... _ None. _ _ n e in Gloucester, ... /° . 1860, lin 1865, 3in 1867, 2in > 29 382 , 1868, lin 1869, 9in 1870 m in 1872,3 in .’) No report. Goshen, .... None. - 1873,_ 1874.] Gosnold, .... - No return received, . 6 in ! '. ‘. ! 1866. lin 1872, lin 1873, ! Granby,' ! - None." NoJ! _ Granville, . 2 80 One in 1868, lin 1872, . . . ' Great Barrington, 7 . in 1860, lin 1871, lin 1873, 1 unknown, ' None Greenfield, ... 305 f Three 5 169 One in 1851, lin 1852, 2in 1868, lin 1872, . None’ Greenwich, ... 2 80 One in 1871, lin 1872,

' Non®’ One about 1860, ! about 1861,1 in .' 9rt 1866, lin 1868, 2in 1871,.' None! Groveland,Grove ... s land' 8 245 One in 1846,2 in 1861, lin in 1869,2 . . 1865,2 in 1871, . None.

Hadl ey, .... 1 30 One in 1872, , . None.

.... - Halifax, None. _ 1 ' ’ ' ' ! 33 in 1868, lin 1869, .... None.” xiancocK,Hancock 4 4b Four unknown,. . . . anover 2 86 in ' g One 1854, lin ... HOUSE— 1871, v ...

. 1 Hanson, ... 3 120 One in 1868, lin 1870, lin 1872, . . . No. ' 187 One in 1861, lin 1864, lin 1867, lin 1869, lin 1873, . .' ! - No _ report, xicirvaia, .... . 1 No return received, .

• ■ ■ 1 5 One in 1865, 125.

- riatneia,S' .... None." ■ No return received, . 12 325 ne in 1860 2in 1868 sin .' .’ .’ ’ - 186'9 ’ 2in 187 2in 1872, ~ T. None. Hawdev - ’ NoS return ’ _ If in received, Heath, .... - _ No return received, . /"One in iB6O, lin 1853, lin Hingham, ... 13 375 1855, 2in 1865, 2in 1867, lin 1869 „T \ 21 , m . . > None. u- , 1870, lin 1871, 1 unknown, ' 8 “ “ “ ’ “ ! 1863 5 1865’ 1868 1871 Holbrook, .’ ! ! ! g Se In S,’ 2 ’ 1 - ! None.

~ ” * Two not reported! ' 777“ 7 r f One not reported. 131 Steam-Boiler Returns—Continued. 132

Number of Estimated When Built. CITY OR TOWN. Boilers. Horse-power. 1871, 1872, in 1866, lin 1868, lin 1869, lin 1870, lin lin None. ? /One 11

Holden, _ . / unknown, ' ’' TAX

Holland, ' Xone ■ • | . • • • - 5 yo Oneune inn yoo1851, 2in 1866, 2 unknown, •. Holliston, . ... 1865, 10 m 1866,1 n 4 i8 64, sin in in 1872. report. 78 3,971 ia 18C9.’12 in 1870.11 1871.15 HolvokeJrloljoKe, ... /°?iL iR to» }No [ lin 1873, _


“ - N° return received, Hopkinton, ...... ■•••■■_ None. 40 HuDbardston, ... 2 1869, in 1865) 3in 186‘ 6 and 1868, 2in 1868, lin 21 None. 494 • 'J Hudson, .... 14 | in 1872, l’in 1873, _•

about 1869, lin 1872, .... Huntington ' ‘ ' 300 One in 1864, lin 1866,2 None^

- Hyde Park,’ '. . - No return received, 4 185 Three in 1866, lin 1870, .... COMMISSIONER’S Ipswich, None. 4 69 One in 1870, 3in 1872 Kingston, .... No report. 1 25 One in 1867, Lakeville, .... No report. j 1 not reported, REPORT. Lancaster, 4 bone. -I or 1848, 1 about 1860 or 1861, lin 1867, 8 unknown Lanesborough, .' 1 245 Two in 1847 1862 . 1 .(Cin mi, Xin 1855, lin 1858, 15 in 1860, Bin 1861, 7in 21 in 1863, 7in 1864, 4in 1865, 15 in 1866, 7in 1867, 1 in 1868, 11 . None. not re- Lawrence,. . . • 162 8,300 -j jn jBB9, 7in 1870, 18 in 1871, 9in 1872, 7in 1873, 32 , [ ported, [Feb OI |/ 6 ?’- 1 8 in 1 U 88 -. 1864, lin 1865, 2in 1867- in ’ R7 o Lee ■ 94.1 1,678 VI™ “I? 1 1868, 51 48 2 187 1 3 ' ' ' |l VL “p ? ?rom 186410 1871’ 4 from 1865 to None. 11. 1871,™VG fiom1 m illi’J1866 to 1872, 4 unknown, 1 / ol e in 1858, lin 186!, Leicester, .... } lin 1862, lin 1864, sin 1874.] 22 463 1865, 3in 1866’ It „T \ m 1869, 2in 1870, lin 1871, 2in . } None- 1872, 3 unknown, ' L,enox, .... 1 40 One in 1868, J No re t / 1860, lin 1865, 2in ... 1866, 2in 1867, -» Leominster, 34 1,054 2in 1869, 4in 1870,1 T \ 3in 1872, 18 not reported, } None.

- - 1 .... Leverett, No return received, . .

... 1 One Lexington, 12 in 1867, ■vr„„ Q

- None, _ Leyden, ....

- None^ .... Lincoln, None. _

- Littleton, .... _ None. _

- Longmeadow, ... No return received, I

- - Lowell, .... No return received,

- Ludlow, .... - [ No return received, .... ‘

- . . . _ ’ ' ' _' Lunenburg, None. _ | [One in 1861,2in 1862, 4in 1863, 2in 1864, 4in 1865, sin 1866, 91 “ 3,383 in 1867, in in HOUSE— (] 14 1868, 13 1869, 15 in 1870, 19 in 1871,12 in 1872 None. I, lin 1873, 4 unknown, I No.

- - 7 Lynnfield, .... No return received, ’ ...... _

- Malden, .... - return No ...... received, _ 125. Manchester, ... 6 159 One in 1847, lin 1855, lin 1869, lin 1870, lin 1871, ! ! ' None Mansfield,.... 8 186 One in lin 1867, 3in . 1869, lin 1871, 2in . 1866_, 1872, . None. / 4wo ln lin 1861, lin 1868, lin ... Marblehead, 11 382 1869, 2in 1870, 2in 1871 1 „ \ lin > ... 1872, unknown, ‘ , 1 Lone. '

- - 'J .... Marion, None. _ in 1848 lin / one ’ 1863> lin 1864, 2in 1866, 3in 1867, lin Marlborough, ... 29 618 1868, 21 \ m lin None. -. ~ 1869, 1870, 9in . .} ,„ 1871, 4in 1872,4 in . r o 1873, J Marshfield, ... 8 46 One about 1862,2 not reported, . . No-ip

- .... - Mashpee, None. _ x\one^ 133 Steam-Boiler Returns—Continued. 134

Accidents. Number of Estimated When Built. OB TOWN. CITY Boilers. Horse-power. _____

I 1 -

- " Mattapoisett, ... lin 1864, 2in 1867,8 in 1870, 2 not reO None. 405 /SelflB6o. .... It TAX Maynard, | ported, • • • lsOLlvNone 3 58 Two from three to ten years, 1 about eight years, . • ' Medneld,ATeilfield .... 1868, 21 one jn 1861 j 2in 1864, lin 1865, 3in 1866, 1 in 1867, 9in No re port. • 748 • Medford, .... 25 jn 1869,4in 1872, 1 unknown, 1 not reported, • ■) 1 186/, 5 m 1868, 3 \ in 1868, 2in 1860, lin 1861, lin 1864, in None. /One ■ .... 19 883 t . • •( Medwav, in 1871, 4in 1872, 1 not reported, ._ ■ in 1865, 1 in 1866, 1 in 1867, 1 in 1868, 1 in 1870, 1 not re-| None. 5 ' J+ /One J Melrose> • \ ported \ No report. * 1 80 One in 1859, . * * * Mendon .... , None. 'B3 One Methuen, .... 19 2 ’in 1864, 5 about 1865, 2in 1866, 1 in 3 No report. Middleborough, . . 17 t370-j 3in 1870, 1872, 1 not reported, J 1867, 2in jij-olie Middlefield 2 78 One in 1862, lin 1872, . • None. COMMISSIONER’S 18/-, 1m I 33 852 in 1867, 4in 1868,1 in 1869, lin 1870, lin 1871, 2in Milford ’ J \ 1 not reported, 3 . ■ • • • -J 1873, unknown,. 18/2, 7 / 4in 1866, lin 1867, 4in 1868, 4in 1870, 2in | None. 000 One in 1865, Millbury, .... 23 833 | REPORT. unknown, None. Five not reported, Milton, .... 6 164 _•

• • Mon l o0 ’ None. \ ' • • r Qne Jn 2in ig6B) 2in 1869,4 in 1870, 2in 1871, 3in 1872, 2 None. 516 18G0> Monson, .... 16 j J n _

- - No return received, [Feb. Montague, ... Monterey, - .... None. I Montgomery, . . . None. Mount Washington, . . 1 25 One unknown, "... None?

None, - .... _ Nahant, _ 1874.] “

Nantucket, ... 1 20 One in 18G8, Kone 1867, 2in 1868,1 in .... in 1869, , Natick, 15 390 /Three iin 1870, 2in 1871,4 in 1872! 1 T \ 1 m 1873, 1 old, | None. ® n e lin lin . 1853, 1863, 1866, 2in , Needham, .... 25 609 1867, lin 1868, 2in 1870, 3\ T I\ JNone. , . , in „ , m 1871,3 1872,2 not 9 r T reported, unknown, ...

- J New Ashford, ... No return received, ......

- -New ... - Bedford, No return received, . New . . 1 5 One in 1871, ! ] | | New Braintree,. None Marlborough, . . 5 166 One in 1853, lin 1854, lin 1859, lin 1869, 1 unknown,' ! ! None’. i\ew Salem, ... 1 25 One in 1870, .... None

.... - Newbury, _ ' None. _

_ , ono in 1845, 6in , , 1849, lin 1850, 3in 1861, T A f 4in 1852, lin 1855, 61 Newburyport, ... 6o 1,862 i m 1857, lin 1861, Bin 1865, lin 1867, 7in 1868, 2in 1870, 2in I No report. I 1871, 6in 1872, 16 in 1839, 1850, and 1869, 5 not reported, . . J / HOUSE— dwo in 1862, 4in 1865, 4in 1866, 2in .... Newton, 22“ 998 1868, lin 1870, 3in 1871, 2 1 \ None. „ in 1872, lin . No. 1873, unknown, . . } 3 . . . JNorlolk, .... 7 330 Four from 1865 to 1871, lin 1866, lin 1870, lin 1873, . . / None. ne in 1865, lin Andover, . . 286 1856, 2in 1860, lin 1861, lin 1863, 2in 1 „ North 11 /O 1866,’ 1 \ in 1869, 2in 1871, | None. 125. °nc in 1849, in in .. ~ 1 1860, 3 1863, 1 in 1865, 4 in 1866, 3 in 1867, 1 North nBnd ewatei, f i = . . 38 817 m 1868, 2in 1869, 4in 1870, 4in 1871, 11 in 1872, lin 1873, 2 I None.

, old, North f Brookfield, . . 5 210 One in 1867, lin 1869, lin 1870, lin 1871, lin 1872, .' .' . None

North _ Reading,. . No return ...... received, . _

one in 1854’ in 1860’ 1862 ln > 1 in Nm’ilinmo.Noi 2 2 1863, 7 in 1864, 1 'in 1865, 21 thampton, ... f 86 1,267 7 m 1866, 4 in‘lB67, Bin 1868, lin 1869, 2in 1870, lin 1871, 4in I None I 1872, . I ■ J ‘ Two not reported. t One not reported. 135 Steam-Boiler Returns—Continued. 136

of Estimated „_ _ Accidents. Number ' wh"111,11 B llt ■ ciiiCITY OR TOWN Boilers. Horse-power. |


* VI One In 1866,2 unknown, . • * * * ’ Northboroush ... 3 r(innr f ... No repoit. Novthbridef 11 341 One in 1862, lin 1860, lin 1868, 1 m 1870, 7 m 1871,

- : TAX . ’ ; : : No return received,

Novthficld • • • "N’nrton ’ - - No return received, •. 1871, 1 m 1872, None. Norwood, ; ; ; ; 10 225 Three in 1863, 3in 1865, lin 1868, 2in 1870, lin

~ - - Oakham, .... None. None 88 One in 1870, 3 not reported, Orano-e, .... 4 - - No return received, Orleans, .... • None • ■ One about 1856, „ Otis 1 15 None.PA 1870,2not reported, . Oxford, ; ; ; ; 13 560 Two in 1867, lin 1868, lin 1869, 7in .

545 Three in 1858, 3in 1861, lin 1863, lin 1867, 2in 1871, 4in 1872, Palmer, .... 14 None^ PaXton NOn °’ ~ (Two in 1840, 3in 1842, lin 1850, lin 1852, lin 1855,_2in 1856,_2 1 COMMISSIONER’S ■ sin 1860, 2in 1863, lin 1864, 3m „„„ lin 1869, , jg- , , 1857, 1858, one „ in 2in Peabody 114 3,786 1865) gia 1866 j g;n 1867, 6 in 1868, 14 in 1869, 6 in 1870, 3in | lB7l, 8 in 1872, 9 in 1873, 31 not reported, J


- -

None. _ Pelham, .... _ Pembroke None. - REPORT. q unknown, 2 not re-1 j^one. 4in 1870 2in 1872, iin 1873, 1 Pepperell, . ... 11 403 | I p 30 One unknown, i erUi .... 1 ~ ~ - Petersham, . . . None. - JSloieptp,-,,-,,* in no date, . . . , . [Feb Phillipston, ... 3 30 One 1864,2 * in _... Three 1862, 1 in 8 in 3 in „ r ~ 1853, 1857, 1860, 1 in 1864, 8 in 1866,1 Pittsfield, .... 49 1,365 ] 4in 1866, 6in 1868, 2in 1870, lin 1871, 3in 1872, lin 1873, 6 I None. [ from 1862 to 1868, 3 unknown,

- J .... - _ ' 1874.] None. _ Plainfield, _ / Two in 1859, 4in 1863, lin 1865, 4in 1866, 9in 1867, 3 in , Plymouth ... 1868,1 • 30ou 2‘>54 T , 1 2in 1869,4in 1871, lin 1872, ...... } None-

Plympton, .... 1 30 One . unknown, .... None

- .... - - Prescott, None. _ * Princeton, .... 1 Unknown, No report.

- - S Provmcetown, ... No return received,

- - Quincy, .... No return received,

Randolph,.... 5 67 One in 1859, lin 1870, lin 1871, lin 1878, 1 over 20 years, . . None. Raynham, .... 3 36 One in 1864, 1 in 1868, 1 in 1869, None Reading, .... 3 65 One in 1857, lin 1868, lin 1871, None.

Rehoboth, .... 3 100 One not in 1868, 2 reported, ...... None. Revere, .... 1 40 One in 1872, None.

... HOUSE— Richmond, 9 196 One in 1850, 2in 1852, lin 1862, 1 unknown, 4 not reported, . None.

Rochester,.... None. - No.

- Rockport, .... - No return received, _

Rowe, .... 1 40 Not reported, None Rowley, .... 1 4 One in 1872, None! 125.

- - Royalston,.... No return received, _ Russell, .... 3 148 One in 1866, lin 1867, lin 1868, None.

.... - Rutland, No return received, - f Two in 1860, 8 in 1853, 4 in 1868, 4 in 1860, 4 in 1861, 4 in 1862,1 fin 1863, 2in 1864, 2in 1865, 3in 1866, 14 in 1867, 13 in 1868, { -. Salem • 1-t197 5S,4Jot495+ J NoneT ’ • • 5 13 in 1869, 14 in 1870, 10 in 1871, 9in 1872. 12 in 1873, 9 un- [ - ■ known, I I J * Ko report. f One notreported. 137 Steam-Boiler Returns—Continued. 138

Number of Estimated .... ~ ... Accidents CITY OR TOWN. When Built. acciubuus. Boilers. Horse-power, i [

XT * some new, 1 Salisbury,. ... 29 Some old,

~ “ - - - Sandisfleld, . . . None. Two fifteen lin 1867, 3in 1869 bone. Sandwich, .... 6 185 years ago, TAX 1872, bone. Sauo-us, .... 5 165 One in 1859, lin 1860, lin 1864, lin 1871, lin . . . bone. Savoy, .... 3 65 Two in 1860, 1 unknown, in bone. Scituate, .... 1 10 One 1866,

~ ~ - - - Seekonk, .... None. . bone. Sharon, .... 2 22 One in 1866, lin 1872, None. Sheffield, .... 4 90 Two in 1866, lin 1869, lin 1872,

- - ... No return received, , Shelburne, T Sherborn 3 53 Two in 1867, lin 1870, bo report. 2in 1872, . . bone. Shirley, .... 7 274 Two in 1859, lin 1860, lin 1866, 1871, lin . 0110 Shrewsbury, ... 1 75 One in 1870, i,, ' ■ No icp Shutesbury, ... 1 35 One in 1871, • 1868,2 \ „ f in 1866, lin 1867, 3in QOK One in 1865, lin 1863, lin 1865, 22 N Somerset,. ... 37 820 | in 1869, lin 1870, lin 1871, 4in 1872, / COMMISSIONER’S f Three in 1857, 1 in 1858, 1 in 1860, 4 in 1862, 2 in 1863, 2 in 1864, ] in 1867, sin a ... oofi, ! Bin 1864, 1866 and 1872, lin 1865, lin 1866, 11 None- ... ■{ I Somerville, 64 2,265 1868) gin jgeg, 2in 1870, Bin 1871, sin 1872, 3in 1866 and f [ 1870, 3in 1870 and 1871, 3in 1871 and 1872, -j bone. lin 4in 1868, 2in 1869, Xin 1871, . . . South Hadley, ... 9 255 One in 1860, 1863, REPORT. bone. South Scituate, ... 3 86 One 1848, 1867, in 1872, in 1 in 1 ne ...... b° Southampton, ... 1 8 About 1858, '

...... bone. Southborough, ... 4 165 One in 1859, lin 1869,2 in 1872, ~ . \ ... / c 1 QOO One in 1848, 2in 1859,sin 1860, 3in 1866, 2in 1868, 2in 1870,10 -Nj-one ... 30 1,328 Southbndge, |in 1871, 1 unknown, 4in 1861 to 1865, / [Feb. 8 One None. Southwiok, . . % 1 in 1872, / Two in 1862, lin 1868, lin .... lin 1871, lin 1 Spencer,r 7 295 1869. 1872, twentyJ A XT \ years ago, > None. f One in 1848,_ 1 in 1855, 1 in 1860, 1 in 1861, 2 in 1862, 2 in 1863, 21 in 1864, 1 1874.] in,1865, lin 1866, 2in 1867,6 in 1868, Bin Springfield ... 61 416 1869, Bin XT 2 ’ ■! No re ort 1 1870, lin 1871, 7in 1872, 12 in 1873, 2 from 1848 to 1858, 3 from f P - lB6B to 1870, 1 unknown, ...... i

- .... - No return received, ...... Sterling, _ Stookbridge, ... 6 150 Two in 1868, lin 1865, lin 1866, lin 1867, lin 1869, ! ! ! None. Stoneham,. ... 32 1,024 Not reported, None Stoughton, ... 10 324 Two in 1863, lin 1865, lin 1867, lin 1869, 4in 1871, lin 1872, . None! Stow, 3 86 One about 1861, 1 in 1863, 1 in 1869, None. * Sturbridge, ... 2 No date, ...... No report. Sudbury, .... 4 70 Four in 1870, None.

- _ Sunderland, . . . None. _

Sutton, .... 9 535 Three in 1870,4 in 1871, 2 unknown, None.

- . . _ . Swampscott, None. _ 1 Swanzey, .... None. - - HOUSE—

Taunton, .... - - No return received, . No. Templeton, ... 6 800 One in 1858, lin 1870,4 prior to 1860, None.

... 9 Tewksbury, 254 Folir in 1862, 3in 1866, lin 1867, 1 not reported, .... None.

- Tisbury, .... None. 125. Tolland, .... 2 40 One in 1851, lin 1871, None.

- - .... Topsfleld, No return received, _ Townsend, ... 3 115 f Three in 1867, 2 not reported, None. Truro, .... - - No return received, _

Tyngsborough, , . , 4 93 One in 1866, lin 1868, lin 1869,1 unknown None

Tyringham, . . . None. -

* reported. Not | Two not reported. 139 Steam-Boiler Returns—Continued. 140

| I Number of Estimated when Accidents. CITY CE TOWN. I I Whm Tlnilt Boilcrs. | Horse-power, j

• None. TTnton . 6 1424 Two in 1870, 2in 1871, lin 1872, 1 unknown, . . 1 ’ 2 1868,■ • • ' / One in 1863, 1 about 1864, lin 1865, 3in 1866, 5 about 2mi N Uxbridge,. ... 13 468 | 1870 f / TAX

. None. One in 1860, lin 1863, lin 1864, lin 1866, 2in 1870, 6in 1872, Wakefield ... 12 550 • ■ *one- Wales 190 One in 1865,3 in 1866, lin 1869,1 in 1871, . . •. ’ 1873, \ ' ' / One in 1868, lin 1869, lin 1870, lin 1871, 2in 1872, lin 7 None. Walpole, .... 14 005 not reported, ■/ 2in 1868, lin 1869, 1 \ no Two in 1858, lin 1859, lin 1865, 3in 1867, jg’ong.

- - No return received, Warren, .... report. COMMISSIONER’S 20 Not reported, Warwick, .... 1 1

Washington, . None. . . /One in 1860, 6in 1863, 2in 1867, lin 1870, lin 1871, lin 1873, 11 ]sro ne. Watertown, ... 17 5J4 unknown, 4 not reported, /

• . Three unknown, Wavland 3 75 \ REPORT. J ■

lin 1873, 2 unknown, 9 not . .. 2in 1871, sin 1872, an in /Five about 1863, None 1,041 • • • Webstex - .... 29 . . • • • • , reported, 6 since 1861, J

- - No return received, Wellfleet, .... One in 1871, lin 1872, Wendell, .... 2 90 One in 1840, lin 1863, one ' Wenham .... 2 36 [Feb - - AA est ... Boylston, No return ..... received, _ West Bridgewater, . . 1 10 One in 1872, None. West Brookfield, . 6 66 Two in 1863, lin 1870, lin 1872, lin 1873, 1 unknown, '. ! None! West . , 3 100 Three Newbury, in 1868, ...... None" 1874.] ()l lin 1860, lin 1866, lin 1868, 2in 1869, lin 1 . 1871, West Roxbury, . . 8 229 | !J' | Nono _ West Springfield, . . 4 62 One about 1850, 3in 1872, None. West Stockbridge, . . 11 340 Four about 1858, 1 about 1868, lin 1870, 4 about 1871,1 unknown, None. AVestborough, ... 12 351 Three in 1865, 2in 1868, 4in 1870, lin 1871, 2 unknown, . . None. AVestfield, . ... 16 507 One in 1867, 4in 1868, lin 1869, 2in 1870, 6in 1871, Bin 1872, . None! AA'estford, .... 5 140 Five in 1870, None.

- . . . _ _ Westhampton, None. _ AVestminster, ... 7 210 One in 1867, 3in 1870, 3 unknown, None. Weston, .... 1 8 Not reported, None. Westport, .... 5 60 Five in 1872, None! in 1863, lin 1864, 3in 1867, lin 1868, 2in 1869, 6in 1870, , Weymouth ... /One 8A “ p ’ 23 574 iNoliexrnr \ in 1871, lin 1872, lin 1873, 4 unknown, / -

.... - - Whately, None. _ _ _ HOUSE— or /One in 1855 1856, 2in 1861, lin 1865, 2in 1866, 2in 1870, 1 inA -vj- Wilbraham ’ 14 595 \ 1871, 4in 1872, 1 unknown, , No.

- - AArilliamsburg, ... No return received, AVilliamstown, ... 3 85 Three in 1868, None. Wilmington, ... 2 85 One in 1870, lin 1871, No report 125.

... AV inchendon, _ No return received, ...... Winchester / ne 1856, lin 2in 1865, lin 1867, lin 1869, lin 1870, 1 A ’ 9 260 J863, v \ in 1871, lin 1873, f INorle’ Windsor, .... 1 4 Unknown, None. * AA’inthrop, .... 1 Not reported, No report.

- - .... AVoburn, No return received, _ ......

* Not reported. 141 Steam-Boiler Returns—Concluded. 142

Number of Estimated ... Arrfifont* CITY OR TOWN. When Built. Accidents. Boilers. Horse-power.

f Two in 1848, 1 in 1850, 4 in 1856, 4 in 1857, 1 in 1860, 1 in 1863, I in 1864, 4in 1865, 7in 1866, 12 in 1867, 13 in 1868, 9in 1869, 18 in sin 1872, 7in 1873, from 1850 to 1860, 4 None, Worcester, ... 161 6,095 i in 1870, 10 1871, 4 TAX 1 from 1851 to 1854, 10 from 1857 to 1862, 25 from 1866 to 1873, 6 [ from 1868 to 1872, 10 unknown,

- “ - -

. . . Worthington, None. , No report. Wrentiiam, ... 5 165 One in 1868,2 in 1869, lin 1871, lin 1872,

None. Yarmouth, ... 7 24 One in 1860, lin 1869, 4in 1872, lin 1873, 3,856 141,577 COMMISSIONER’S REPORT. [Feb.’74