AMY FINLEY 1452 Merritt Dr. · El Cajon, CA 92020 · 619.456.5232 ·
[email protected] PROFILE Versatile content producer, editor and copywriter offering creative resources to companies seeking communications and content production solutions, conveying technical and frequently complicated material to a general consumer audience. Experiences include: • Journalism for print, television and online outlets. Scriptwriting for television. • Television host and personality. • Staff and project management for large publishing organizations. • Copywriting for corporate marketing. • Development of creative materials for marketing in hospitality and publishing sectors. • Experience writing for technical fields including biotechnology; environmental and computational sciences; education and government. • Product inception and cross-departmental development experience. • Creation of branding and marketing strategies with marketing and technical departments. PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE RIVIERA MAGAZINE, MODERN LUXURY, San Diego, CA 3/2013-Present Senior Editor • Contribute to the ongoing development of branding strategies for Riviera, a high-end lifestyle magazine, within the San Diego marketplace by managing content inclusion and positioning. • Lead editorial production of 10 magazine issues per year in coordination with national and local art, sales and marketing departments, conforming to strict deadlines and ensuring issue cohesion in conjunction with brand principles. • Write 15-20 stories per print issue on subjects such as dining and nightlife, arts and culture, travel, design, health and beauty, style and personalities. Write headlines, display copy and image captions. Coordinate all aspects of copy production with a team of 5-10 freelance writers. Ghostwrite copy for publication on behalf of magazine executives. Publish unique web content weekly for associated email blasts. • Coordinate and curate all supplied art for publication.