The HARMONIE–AROME Model Configuration in the ALADIN
MAY 2017 B E N G T S S O N E T A L . 1919 The HARMONIE–AROME Model Configuration in the ALADIN–HIRLAM NWP System a a b b c LISA BENGTSSON, ULF ANDRAE, TRYGVE ASPELIEN, YURII BATRAK, JAVIER CALVO, d e f b WIM DE ROOY, EMILY GLEESON, BENT HANSEN-SASS, MARIKEN HOMLEID, g a d h MARIANO HORTAL, KARL-IVAR IVARSSON, GEERT LENDERINK, SAMI NIEMELÄ, f d h a KRISTIAN PAGH NIELSEN, JEANETTE ONVLEE, LAURA RONTU, PATRICK SAMUELSSON, g g d i DANIEL SANTOS MUÑOZ, ALVARO SUBIAS, SANDER TIJM, VELLE TOLL, f b XIAOHUA YANG, AND MORTEN ØDEGAARD KØLTZOW a Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute, Norrkoping,€ Sweden b Norwegian Meteorological Institute, Oslo, Norway c Agencia Estadal de Meteorologia, Madrid, Spain d The Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute, De Bilt, Netherlands e Met Éireann, Dublin, Ireland f Danish Meteorological Institute, Copenhagen, Denmark g Agencia Estadal de Meteorologia, Madrid, Spain h Finnish Meteorological Institute, Helsinki, Finland i University of Tartu, Tartu, Estonia (Manuscript received 1 November 2016, in final form 27 January 2017) ABSTRACT The aim of this article is to describe the reference configuration of the convection-permitting numerical weather prediction (NWP) model HARMONIE-AROME, which is used for operational short-range weather forecasts in Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Iceland, Ireland, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Norway, Spain, and Sweden. It is developed, maintained, and validated as part of the shared ALADIN–HIRLAM system by a collaboration of 26 countries in Europe and northern Africa on short-range mesoscale NWP. HARMONIE–AROME is based on the model AROME developed within the ALADIN consortium.
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