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Feb08 2007 Vol38 No16.Pdf In Focus // A look at Black History Month PAG IS 7 - 9 H i HuMBER ET Cetera February 8, 2007 http://etcetera.humber.ca Vol. 38 No. 16 Million idoUar bonus Government grants additional funding for disabled Evan French dent, has vision and dexterity issues because of a per- NEWS REPORTER manent disability. He said although the policy change Homber College will receive nearly $1 million fkim the is going to make things easier, he hopes there is more McQuinty government, as part of a new plan to ensure stu- to come. dents wWi disabilities succeed in their studies. "I'm not going to say they're done, I would hope "Full-time students with disabilities are the ones that they're not. As long as the cost of education is who will benefit," said an excited Judy Harvey, dean of going up, the cost of the equipment I use to get my student services. "Because a reduced course load is an education is also going to go up." essential requirement for them, they usually wind up Rakowski said he'd like to see students with disabil- paying for the program several times over." ities, who are forced to enroll as part-time students, Until now students with disabilities have paid the treated more like full-timers. same tuition for courses they may have had to repeat "I'd like to see every student just get a laptop when at the end of their programs. Harvey said the new they get here, fully loaded with everything they need, changes will make it financially possible for students but that's not always possible," he said. with disabilities to succeed. Sean Cunningham (pictured), 29, is completing his Students who need more time to complete their final year in the Journalism program and he only studies will only pay $20 for each extra course. wishes that this change had come sooner. Harvey said that although she is thrilled to have "I've paid for courses and fallen on my butt, you more money available, change has been a long time know. Paid a small fortune," he said. coming. "For those people coming in, I think it's a great .."What has been added is now covering our costs. thing. It's another way to make colleges more accessi- .We were running deficits. Now they're meeting our ble to people, as it should be." [.^jDeeds, in terms of usage," she said. Cunningham said that so far, students with disabil- Chris Bentley, minister of training, was at Humber's ities have been forced to jump through hoops to suc- l^iakeshore campus last week to announce that more ceed in their studies and he is glad to see things are than $40 million had been set aside to help students starting to change. with disabilities enrolled in post-secondary programs. "All these changes that are coming are huge. Is it it's start. can't before le sum includes a $4 million contribution as part of enough? No, but a You run you Access to Opportunities strategy, designed to pro- walk." will ilc students with disabilities new services. All Ontario colleges and universities get their share of the money. In addition to the new tuition lif "l believe so much in making post-secondary edu- cation available to more people," said Liberal MPP of policy, services will include new adaptive software as l^bicoke - Lakeshore Laurel Broten. well as arranging note-takers and interpreters for Bryan Rakowski, 22, a final year social services stu- visually or hearing-impaired students. •-• at Grammys i \(;i 1 1 Valentine gifts From class to kitchen I Humber KTJ NEWS ^ ^braMxA2007 A NASA astronaut was arrested Monday after she allegedly attacked and tried to kidnap a woman she considered a rival for the heart of a male astronaut. - 4P KPI lets students give the grades The Skinny Ryan Vella is available." News Repohter After last year's survey results indicated overall student satisfac- Humber students are accus- tion was nearly 77 per cent, the Cop hurt near campus tomed to being graded on assign- college was granted $1.3 million in ments and exams, but this week funding for the KPI performance A police officer had his foot they are the ones filling out the portion of the provincial funding run over and his cruiser report cards. formula. smashed TUesday night follow- As part of an annual survey con- While Embree knows some stu- ing a traffic stop at Finch Ave. ducted at ail Ontario colleges, stu- dents might not realize the impact W and Hwy. 27. When the offi- dents are being asked to rate their the survey can have on their over- cer approached the car, it was put into reverse, driving over level of satisfaction with their aca- all educational experience, he the officer's foot and into the demic program as well as things urges all students to complete the like facilities and food services. evaluation. cruiser. The car then took off on Finch before crashing into a "It's all about continuous "We encourage them to look at it tree near Humber College improvement," said Carlo and take it seriously. We try to Blvd. two girls inside Mandarine, research associate for work with the HSF to get the word The the I vehicle, both 17, have been institutional research at the col- out that it's an important aspect of charged. - Toronto lege. "The opportunity for us to judging our success," he said. "We Star look at results and monitor how don't go out and say 'please give us we are doing in all of these differ- a high rating so we get more y UK bird flu outbreak ent areas, provide us with an indi- money.' I'm not implying that. But cation of successes areas phiiui by ryan \c-ll.t our and it is important that people Nearly 160,000 turkeys have that need to look at." Rick Embree explains that the results of the KPI Surveys have we may respond." been killed and shipped out an impact on the funding Humber receives from the province. The Key Performance Indicators In previous years, results from after the H5N1 virus was (KPI) survey, is distributed which the survey have brought about Baljinder Brahm, a first-year- used textbook section in the book- found on a farm in Suffolk to every Humber student in every changes such as the numbered nursing student, shares one of store." England. Officials have set up a program, plays a role in determin- queue system at the registrar's these same concerns. Embree said he is not concerned biosecurity zone around the ing the college's annual provincial office, curriculum modifications "The cafeteria is really bad, so about students not taking the sur- farm and farmers within a 10 funding, said Rick Embree, dean of and new computer lab equipment. maybe they'll improve it," she said. vey seriously. km radius are forbidden from planning and development. Despite these improvements, And while she "thinks it's good "Some students may treat it friv- moving birds or selling them at "It actually forms part of our Embree said there always seems to the school is trying to improve," olously," he said, "but the majority open markets. - CBC.ca funding," he said. "The better we be concerns over food services and she also said she wants to use the are serious about putting down do, the potential for more funding parking. survey to "recommend a better their concerns." Young offenders The federal government plans to introduce a new bill to Hwy 407 rewards frequent drivers treat young offenders more harshly. The bill, which could be introduced as early as next Eric Humber Scott Welch, a first-year market- reward drivers who frequently use kilometres driven, discounts can NewsReporteb ing student at Humber who uses the highway, and not to change the be obtained for gas or used fdr week would include a provi- the 407, was skeptical of the behavior of other drivers," he said. weekends of toll-free driving. sion that would make adult People who drive to campus via announcement. lohanna Marchewka, a second- For example, a driver averaging sentences automatic for violent Hwy. 407, might soon get rewards "Seems like a marketing ploy," he year interior design student, said 400-699 km per month receives 40 and repeat offenders over the - for travelling the toll road. said. "If they want more cus- she uses the highway and doesn't km free on Sundays, and a slight age of 13. Canada.com A four-year, $40-million rewards tomers, they should decrease the think it is too expensive. discount at the pumps. program, which started Monday, tolls and provide more benefits. A "I don't think it's that bad, and I Perks or not, Welch doesn't think Watch your vehicles will give frequent drivers of the free tank of gas at Esso doesn't take it at the busiest times," she he would use the 407 more. highway benefits for the number entice me enough." said. "I usually only take it anyway if Police are reminding of kilometres driven. Dale Albers, spokesperson for the Marchewka said she takes Hwy. the 401 is backed up," he said. motorists not to leave their Perks will be automatically 407 Express Toll Route, said that is 407 to save on gas and was pleased The 108-km highway extends running cars unattended fol- applied to customers' accounts not what the program is about. to hear that she will now get perks.
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