PAINESVILLE TELEGRAPH 1882 Use Control + F to Search This
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PAINESVILLE TELEGRAPH 1882 © Judy J. Stebbins 7/01/2020 Use Control + F to search this document. PAINESVILLE TELEGRPAH Storrs, Harrison & Co. – Nursery two miles north- Painesville, Ohio east of the village; Wholesale and Retail J. F. Scofield, Editor and Proprietor UNDERTAKERS J. Palmer – Undertaker, No. 95 State St. Jan. 5, 1882 Thursday Painesville, Ohio p. 1 BUSINESS DIRECTORY County Officers ATTORNEYS Judges of Common Pleas – H. B. Woodbury, L. S. A. A. Amidon – Attorney at Law Sherman F. J. Jerome – Attorney at Law Judge of Probate - G. H. Shepherd Burrows & Bosworth – Attorneys at Law Clerk - F. Paine Jr. Lord Sterling – Attorney & Collector for the Sheriff – A. D. Barrett Business Men’s Union of Painesville, Ohio Deputy Sheriffs – H. M. Mosher, Painesville; H. P. PHYSICIANS Allen, Madison F. C. Price, Physician & Surgeon – Office on Main Treasurer -O. A. Hoskins street over Pratt & Co’s. Tailor Dept. Recorder – H. B. Green A. D. Flagg, M. D. – Office Milwaukee Block, Main Prosecuting Attorney – C. D. Clark street Auditor – W. C. Tisdel Dr. Kate H. Whipple – office at residence of David Surveyor – H. N. Munson Perry, corner Washington & Liberty Sts. Coroner – H. M. Mosher Dr. J. L. Gage - office in Clayton’s Building over Commissioners – E. B. Griswold, Joseph Jerome, Gould’s Hardware Store, No. 77 Main St. A. P. Barber MARBLE AND GRANITE WORKS Infirmary Directors – E. Burridge, Carlos Mason, Charles T. Morley – State street, Painesville, Ohio R. H. Woodman – in Parmly Block Superintendent Infirmary – D. O. Carter DENTISTS School Examiners D. C. Wilson & Son – Dentists, 88 Main Street, H. C. Beardslee, I. M. Clemens, W. W. Gist Painesville, Ohio (laughing gas, vitalized air, or nytro-oxid for extracting teeth without pain) Wm. H. Fowler– Dentist, Milwaukee Block over Lockwood Brothers’ store JEWELERS J. A. Babcock – Watch repairer, Jeweler and Engraver, No. 87 Main St. PLANING MILL, & C. D. Donaldson & Son – manufacturers of flooring, doors, sash, blinds, brackets, molding, &c. Shop rear of Wilder’s Building, State St. HARDWARE C. O. Child – General assortment hardware, paints, oils, glass, &c.; 55 Main St. NURSERIES F. F. Bernard, Fairport Nursery Avenue Nurseries – Jayne & Cole – 2 miles west of Court House on Mentor Ave. L. Green, Nursery, one mile north of Perry Depot. Hiram Bowhall – two miles east of Post Office, Painesville, Ohio 1 © J. Stebbins 2019 Jan. 5, 1882 State and Neighborhood --The Geneva Times is sweet sixteen. --The Ashtabula Telegraph is 22 yrs. old. --Mr. Bernard McGettigan, a Kelly Island prisoner, died last week. --Frank J. Smith, an Andover cheese dealer, has made an assignment. --Hiram Finot, a noted Mt. Vernon horse doctor, dropped dead on Friday. --Adam Kail, a prominent Upper Sandusky lawyer, died recently in Florida. --The holiday edition of the Rock Creek Banner was printed on pink paper. --W. R. Dyer, a wealthy Hancock Co. farmer, accidentally shot himself on Saturday. --At Kent, James Grimshaw was fined $25 and costs for assaulting Mrs. Lizzie Bowers. --G. W. Monroe attempted suicide by drowning at Mt. Vernon, Thursday. --Two army deserters, Edward Conroy and John Walton were arrested at Newark Thursday. --Near Cuyahoga Falls recently, a number of sheep in the flocks of Lewis and Lyman Gilbert were killed by dogs or some animal. ---- p. 2 Delinquent Tax List Madison Foster, Leonard A. Haskell, J. C. Olmsted, Emily Porter, C. N. Stevens, E. C. Shaw, Anna H. Stearns, A. C. Waterman, Laban Whiting A. J. Patch, Heman Reiley, William Wells, E. E. LeRoy Colly, H. G. Mann, Oliver P. Concord Carroll, Homer Painesville Brown, Bridget, M. Bradley, Mary 2 © J. Stebbins 2019 Jan. 5, 1882 --Mr. & Mrs. F. C. Moodey came from Brooklyn Tibbals, George W. to spend New Year’s with their Painesville Painesville Town Lands friends. Johnson, E. M. --P. H. Kelley, of Portsmouth, Ohio, is stopping at Moore, Robert B. the Stockwell House. Palmer, Clara --Fred A Keener, an employee in this office, Tillotson, Sarah M. returned from a week’s vacation to his home in Kirtland Cleveland. Hardy, Mary A. --Mrs. Dr. Grauel died of consumption on Nichols, Abigail Thursday and her funeral was on Sunday. Clarke, E. W. --D. C. Foster, of Concord, died in Cleveland on Mentor Tuesday. Funeral at the residence of his sister, Brown, James S. Mrs. Foote, In Cleveland, Thursday. Losey, Sylvia Weather: Real winter weather commenced with Cox, David a snow storm Saturday. The change was hailed Mead, D. W. with gladness for all were weary of the warm Payne, G. W. malarial December. Holcomb, A. B. --Mrs. J. S. Mathews, of Cleveland, is visiting her Willoughby father, W. L. Perkins, Washington street. Abel, Mark --The druggists and grocery men have agreed to Clark R. A. close their places of business at 8 o’clock, Morse, Collins commencing this evening and continuing until th Pike, John March 15 , excepting Saturday evenings. Strowbridge, R. H. --Mrs. Mary C. Mitchell, of Washington, spent Weber, Gustave C. E. the holidays visiting relatives in Painesville. Stewart, J. W. --Mr. Franklin Murray, of Tuscola, Ill., (son of Stewart, Noah C. Robert Murray Sr.) renewed his subscription to Painesville Town Lots the Telegraph. Chambers, Ann B. --Charles W. Ritter, for some time past clerk at Elias, S. J. the Stockwell House, leaves town this week for Sweeney, E. J. Tampico, Mexico, where he is to join an engineer Thorpe, Luther A. corps in the employ of the Mexican government. --Mr. & Mrs. N. K. Hubbard, of Fargo, Dakota, Ad: Holiday Goods – L. C. Stebbins & Son arrived in town Saturday and are guests of Mrs. 186 State Street, Painesville, Ohio Hubbard’s parents, Mr. & Mrs. D. B. Clayton. --Carrie, youngest daughter of Hudson Wilson, Ad: E. G. Wetherbee, 52 Main St., Painesville, Esq., died of inflammation of the bowels at their th Ohio. Will sell Balance of my Dress Goods Stock home in Faribault, Minnesota, Dec. 28 , age 14 at Greatly Reduced Prices yrs. The family has the sympathy of their friends in Painesville. p. 5 Local Brevities --Mrs. William P. Tisdel, who has been in Paris for --Mr. Herbert Moodey, of New York, is visiting several weeks, has been dangerously ill. She is friends in town. now pronounced out of danger. Colonel Willard --Mr. D. R. Paige, of Akron, was in town a few P. Tisdel, The General Agent of the Pacific Mail days last week. Steamship Co., is at present in Paris, en route from South American to New York. 3 © J. Stebbins 2019 Jan. 5, 1882 Atchison, Neb. The vacancy will be filled by R. F. A.O.F. Officers Couch, former ticket agent at Ashtabula. Court Richmond No. 6623 A.O.F., elected the -A surprise party was given at the residence of following officers for the ensuing term: Mr. E. F. Ensign Friday afternoon for Miss Frankie Fowler, Chas. Ensign. About 40 invited guests assembled. Baldwin, Jas. --Since the death of Mrs. Sally Harris last Wed., Blackmore, Thos. there has been considerable excitement Grauel, H. W. prevailing in Madison over her mysterious death. Fitz, F. W. The facts are: Dr. Sherwood, of Unionville, was Sherwood, B. D. treating the lady, who is a resident of North Jones, J. P. Madison, for an old chronic trouble. Sam Quirk, Wright, W. son-in-law of Mrs. Harris, came up town on the Freeman, E. D. day previous to her death to see Wm. Sherwood Trustees: Chas. Fowler, F. J. Loomis, A. B. Glenn, to get some medicine for her. Finding Sherwood J. P. Jones H. Durfy at the office of H. P. Allen, V. S., he went up with Quirk to A H. Stockham’s drug store and P. of H. obtained the Huxham’s tincture of Peruvian Officers elected for the new year: Bark. Quirk took the medicine home and gave it Turney, G. Burr to Mrs. Harris, two-thirds of the amount of the Carter, H. N. medicine instead of the whole dose prescribed Wheeler, W. A. by Sherwood. She died shortly afterward. Dr. Hull, F. W. Sherwood were sent for and arrived a few Norton, E. J. minutes previous to her death and pronounced Orcutt, A. D. the death from the effects of opium poisoning. Gibbs, H. L. Rumors are that A. H. Stockham made a mistake Turney, G. B. Mrs. in putting up the medicine, causing the death of Burns, P. the deceased. Next morning, the autopsy Hull, Emma Mrs. revealed the cause of death as apoplexy. Norton, Olivia Miss Wheeler, W. A. Mrs. --Swearing off has been more extensively Thompson, C. M. Mrs. practiced in our city this year than any previous Orcutt, Blanche Miss ones. Below is a list of those who were determined to do better the coming year: Madison R. W. Patrick has sworn off working where he --J. C. Boyd, of Canada, has been visiting at Dr. will get his hand scalded Hall’s. Henry Saxton has sworn off buying second- --Mr. Philo Safford Jr., formerly of Ashtabula, is hand eggs. visiting relatives in our city. Francis Hendry has sworn off on farming. --Mrs. Lucinda T. Smith, wife of Major Smith, of Herb Booth has sworn off on pasting bills wrong Unionville, died on Tuesday, age 70 yrs. side up. --Mrs. E. Crocker, an old and respected resident Dr. Hod Sherwood has sworn off on of North Madison died on Wednesday of contributing for the Madison Index. consumption. Will Burke has sworn off on trying to sleep while --O. F. Loveridge, who has been employed many on duty. years by the Lake Shore road, has accepted a Edward King has sworn off on being a single position in the jobbing house of Howard Bros. in man. Cutler Kimball has decided not to sell any more red lead for vermillion.