Waimakariri Tributary Report
Waimakariri tributary report Report No. R09/11 ISBN 978-1-86937-927-8 Taryn Wilks Adrian Meredith February 2009 Report R09/11 ISBN 978-1-86937-927-8 58 Kilmore Street PO Box 345 Christchurch 8140 Phone (03) 365 3828 Fax (03) 365 3194 75 Church Street PO Box 550 Timaru 7940 Phone (03) 687 7800 Fax (03) 687 7808 Website: www.ecan.govt.nz Customer Services Phone 0800 324 636 Waimakariri tributary report 2008 Executive summary Water quality in the lower Waimakariri catchment, including Cam, Cust, Ohoka, Kaiapoi, Courtenay, South Branch/Otukaikino and the Styx Rivers have been monitored since 2000 by Environment Canterbury. Cessation of waste water discharge in 2005 and the initiatives to improve discharge methods of both Waimakariri District Council and Christchurch City Council have yielded significant water quality improvements in the Cam River and South Branch/Otukaikino. Water quality in the Ohoka, Cust and Styx Rivers has remained in a steady state, while water quality in the Kaiapoi River has shown signs of degradation. Concentrations of faecal indicator bacteria in Waimakariri tributary streams regularly exceed the contact recreation guideline of 550 MPN/100ml, resulting in very poor contact recreational grades. The sources are likely to be a mixture of natural (wildlife), agricultural (livestock), and discharges, but exclusion of livestock from stream banks and springheads hold most promise for reduced concentrations. High nitrogen concentrations are also an ongoing issue, and it is therefore recommended that monitoring of these tributaries (both water quality and ecosystem health) is continued. Additionally an investigation into declining water quality in the Kaiapoi River is recommended.
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