
"So my watch has ended" list = Die Survive Ep 3 Ep 4 Ep 5 Ep 6 Comment Somewhere in between Battle Big White Post End game with What will each Ep. Cover Walker battle in Kings Golden Battle regroup Landing Company

Take down Cersei and then tops himself. Completes the redemption loop.

Might make a guest appearance in the cribs as part of Catelyn book fan service (Lady Stoneheart)

Cersei Lannister Now she had no elephant's she is fucked

Daenerys Targaryen Queen of the 5 Kingdoms

Jorah Mormont He had a wrap up scene in Ep 2

Jon Snow Mother of Dragons will take him down and he deserves it

Sansa Stark Queen of the North

Arya Stark Now she got laid - what more is there!

Theon Greyjoy Will never again get laid - what more is there!

Bran Stark / Three-Eyed Raven Please - his creepy hovering around is freaking me out.

Will go out like how The Mountain (Gregor) took Prince Sandor "The Hound" Clegane Oberon out

Tyrion Lannister Will live but don't know why he is in the show anymore

Davos Seaworth He is a nice guy - he feeds soup to poor kids

Samwell Tarly Become Mastra of the Citadel

Melisandre It has been predicted - per her chat with

Bronn Tyrion will take him out as he tries to kill Jamie

Varys It is either him or Tyrion. "So my watch has ended" list = Die Survive Ep 3 Ep 4 Ep 5 Ep 6 Comment Somewhere in between Battle Big White Post End game with What will each Ep. Cover Walker battle in Kings Golden Battle regroup Landing Company He made dragon glass arrows and got laid - what more is there!

He has been there, seen that and fed off the teat of a giant…he is done!

Brienne of Tarth Her story is done - where does she go from here.

Gilly Become Ms. Maestra of the Citadel

Missandei Goes back to the Sun Isles

Grey Worm Will not be going to the Sun Isles

Gregor Clegane (The Mountain) He will be Oberon'ed (see his bro's comment)

Beric Dondarrion Still can't figure out his real purpose in the series.

Podrick Payne The women of Westeros will mourn his passing.

Yara Greyjoy Queen of the Iron Islands

Little Sam Become brat of the Mastra of the Citadel

I want her Queen - she is the best and she does not need Lady Mormont dragons but I think she does not have a role as the action moves south

It is time now that there is no Nights Watch - and now his Dolorous Edd watch is done.