Questions Are Coming. a Game of Thrones Quiz by Scott Hendrickson
Questions are coming. A Game of Thrones Quiz by Scott Hendrickson 1. What is the motto of House Stark? 2. What phrase do you use to tell a dragon to A) Winter is coming. breath fire? B) It's getting chilly. A) Dothraki. C) Burr, my feet are frozen. B) Dracarys. D) Seriously, do they ever heat this castle? C) Valar doharis. D) Light'em up, bitches! 3. Name Tywin Lannister’s three children. 4. Who are King Joffrey Baratheon’s real parents? ____________________, ____________________, & ____________________ & ____________________ ____________________ 5. What material is the weapon used by 6. Circle the locations that are in Westeros: Samuel Tarly to kill a white walker? Winterfell, Braavos, Dorne, Astapor, The Vale, ________________________________ Valyria, Volantis, King’s Landing, Asshai, Highgarden, Tacoma, Kirkland, 7. Hodor? 8. Who appointed Ned Stark as “Hand of the A) Hodor. King”? B) Hodor? A) Jon Arryn C) Hodor! B) Robert Baratheon D) Any of the above. C) Lord Varys D) Stannis Baratheon E) Tywin Lannister 9. Who initiated King Joffrey’s 10. Circle the names of the five non-bastard assassination? Stark children: A) Margery Tyrell B) Lady Olenna Tyrell Poliver, Sansa, Myrcella, Arya, Tommen, C) Petyr Baelish Rungsigul, Rickon, Robb, Ned, Cersei, Bran, D) Tyrion Lannister Rydon, Jon E) Sansa Stark F) Hodor 11. What are the names of Daenarys 12. What song starts playing before the Targaryan’s three dragons? murders occur at the Red Wedding? A) Dragol, Rhaelar and Viserya A) The Pride of the Lion B) Drogon, Rhaegal and Viserion B) The Bear and the Maiden Fair C) Drogo, Rhaegon and Viserios C) Ours is the fury D) Drogal, Rhaegar, and Viseron D) The Rains of Castamere E) Lucky, Dusty, and Ned E) "Shake it off" by Taylor Swift 13.
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