COVID-19 Delays Trial B Y DAV I D MART I N P.M
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COVID-19 delays trial B y DAV I D MART I N p.m . was rescheduled to stipulation for a previous Publisher June 15 at 1: 3 0 p.m . incident where Setzer is Setzer was originally alleged to have phy si- COV ID- 19 isn’t j ust im pact- arrested last August cally attacked his wife. ing spring and sum m er events after he was alleged to He was later arrested throughout the Cowboy State, have tried killing his and charged with at- it’s ham pering the state’s j ustice wife. He allegedly shot tem pted first degree sy stem as well. at her through a decora- m urder and m isdem ean- The j ury trial of Bradley tive glass window in the or interference with a Setzer, originally set to take front door of the couple’s peace officer. His bond place May 11 at 9 a.m ., before Green River hom e. was set at $ 9 00,000 Third Judicial District Court A later search of Bradley cash or surety . Judge Richard Lavery , was post- Setzer’s hom e revealed He entered a not guilty poned to July 13 at 9 a.m . he had 11 firearm s at Setzer plea during an arraign- A pretrial conference, original- the property , which was m ent before Lavery in ly scheduled for April 2 2 , at 1: 3 0 a violation of a previous bond Novem ber. W ed nesd ay, April 15 , 2 0 2 0 12 9 th Y ear, 4 7 th I ssue G reen River, W Y 8 2 9 3 5 Ad d ress Service Req uested $ 1. 5 0 Flaming Gorge Days cancelled COVID-19 impacts summer events B y DAV I D MART I N Publisher Flam ing Gorge Day s 2 02 0 won’t hap- pen. An announcem ent cancelling event was released Tuesday afternoon, citing the COV ID- 19 coronavirus pandem ic as the m ain reason for the event’s cancella- tion. “We have been carefully m onitoring updates from the CDC and the State of Wy om ing, as well as those from our lo- cal offi cials. This event reuires several m onths of pre- event preparation, which would be incom patible with the state health orders and guidance on social dis- tancing,” the statem ent from the Green River Developm ent Fund reads. Postponem ent wasn’t an option be- cause of how a late Flam ing Gorge Day s would interfere with later sum m er events Several events throughout the spring have been cancelled as a result of social distancing guidelines set forth by the state. Along with several ty pes of busi- nesses, gatherings of 10 people or m ore have been prohibited to prevent the spread of the disease. This isn’t the only sum m er event to be cancelled as a result of these guidelines. The Sweetwater County Events Com plex announced the cancellation of the Escapees RV Club’s 60th annual Escapade, which was origi- nally scheduled to take place June 2 1- 2 6. So far, the Sweetwater County Fair, which is scheduled for July 2 6- Aug. 1, is Breaking through still planned to take place. In the events com plex ’s case, the Garrett Smith rushes to the basket as Braden Cantrell tries to close the distance during a basketball game at Edgewater Park cancellation im pacts its budget as it loses last week. While residents have been told to remain in doors or distance themselves at least 6 feet away from one another, revenue from both its nearby RV cam p- groups of people could be found enjoying the warm weather last week. Star photo by David Martin ground and building rental fees. Green River will see sim ilar im pacts as the town will lose a signifi cant amount of the sales tax revenue the event traditionally brings. It’s j ust a tough day ,” Dawn Coursey , Silver linings for area airport hair of the Flam ing Gorge Day s Com m it- B y DAV I D MART I N slightly better than the national average, Brubaker said. “We are anticipating that tee said. “We j ust have no choice.” Publisher which is seeing a 9 6 percent drop in our revenues through fi scal year 2021 Coursey said this is the fi rst time the com m ercial passengers com pared to last will be down by around 4 2 percent.” event has been cancelled in its 64 - y ear As air service from the Southwest y ear. Despite the revenue reduction, history . Planning for the event starts as Wy om ing Regional Airport is cut back However, those declines have im pacted Brubaker said he sees opportunities for early as Septem ber, but Coursey said they due to the ongoing im pacts from the the airport and resulted in U nited the airport. One initiative would allow needed to m ake a decision because they COV ID- 19 coronavirus pandem ic, the Airlines scaling back service to Denver to the airport to store aircraft. Brubaker have to sign contracts and com m it to the airport continues to fi nd ways to make one fl ight per day, fi ve days a week. The said if airlines chose to, aircraft could be event. Despite not knowing if public gath- the best use of the situation. im pact from COV ID- 19 is still y et to be parked on aircraft aprons, tax iway s and erings will be allowed by June, Coursey The airport has had a 71 percent determ ined, but is ex pected to have far- the crosswind runway if necessary . said the developm ent fund pay ing for the decrease in passengers on com m ercial reaching effects. “We only have one 25,000 suare-foot event could not take the loss if Flam ing fl ights in the past three weeks, with “While we are still assessing the fi scal hangar large enough to support som e Gorge Day s could not occur. a 9 2 percent reduction in passengers dam age that COV ID- 19 has brought com m ercial aircraft,” Brubaker said. “We have to com m it to bands and so com pared to the sam e period last the airport, we are fairly confi dent that “The rest of our hangar space is for m uch m any other things ... we can’t do it,” she y ear. Devon Brubaker, director of the during the height of the situation we will sm aller aircraft.” said. airport, said the airport is perform ing see an 8 0 percent reduction in revenue,” Continued on A2 Info for missing camper sought Staff Report indicating the truck wasn’t starting. However, the truck was Offi cials in Daggett County found to operate norm ally . are seeking inform ation about The area was searched for a cam per who was last reported several hours, which included seen in the Brown’s Park area aid from a Classic Air Medical earlier this m onth. helicopter crew, but Fisher was The Daggett County Sheriff’s unable to be located. Offi ce was notifi ed that no one had Due to concerns associated contact with 4 4 - y ear- old Leonard with COV ID- 19 and lim ited Corby “Corb” Fisher since March resrouces within the county , 3 1 or April 1. A deputy , along with the search was later suspended. two Division of Wildlife Resources Any one who has had contact conservation offi cers responded with Fisher after March 3 1 or to the area April 5 and found his April 1, or any one who knows his cam psite, as well as personal whereabouts should contact the property and the pickup truck that Daggett County Sheriff’s Offi ce at had been lent to him . 4 3 5 - 78 4 - 3 2 5 5 or Central Dispatch They also found a note at 4 3 5 - 78 9 - 4 2 2 2 . A2 Wednesday, April 15, 2020 Can you hear CARES Act provides funding From A1 portion” of operating losses. It will also increased funding for our new $1.8 me now? Other opportunities for the airport provide 100 percent funding on all million fuel farm,” Brubaker said. include the chance repave the its fi scal year 2020 grants, increasing their Brubaker also sees an opportunity to Come parking lot for the fi rst time in a decade federal funding by $198,000. connect with potential customers. see because so few vehicles are utilizing it. “This also results in WYDOT having “Normally, they are very busy Brubaker also said he’s looking forward the ability to fund additional projects managing their fl ight departments. us at to the CARES Act, which includes since they will not be matching the With the lack of demand, they have BRC provisions for regional airports that FY2020 federal dollars. We have more time to talk to us about business Family could be used to cover a “signifi cant already seen the benefi ts of this with opportunities.” Hearing Solutions! Hospital fund tops $10,000 Friday From Memorial Hos- ters at $1,000. you keeping you safe and In addition to these do- 198 Uinta Drive OUR SERVICES INCLUDE: • Hearing Device Sales pital of Sweetwater “Sweetwater County healthy.” nations, the Foundation Green River, WY 82935 • Hearing Device Servicing County has always supported “We believe,” said Don also has received various 307.875.1460 • Diagnostic Testing for Pediatrics Kelly’s family and we are and Patty O’Lexey with pledges from individu- & Adults The Memorial Hospital proud to return that sup- their $100 pledge.