Balaam’s Wood LNR Management Committee Meeting Balaam’s Wood Held Local Nature Reserve Thursday 13th June 2013, 6pm (New in Parish Council Office)


Cllr Andy Cartwright ( Ward) Cllr Ian Cruise(Longbridge Ward) Linda Coates – New Frankley in Birmingham Parish Council Nadeen Justice – Tenant Participation Officer BCC Penny Moore (Joint Secretary) – Friends of Balaam’s Wood LNR Adam Noon - Lickey Hills Ranger Hub Bruce Pitt (Treasurer) – New Frankley in Birmingham Parish Council


Sue Amey – District Parks Manager Ken Moore (Joint Secretary) _ Frankley Forum Stephen Trefor-Jones (Chair)

1… Welcome

Bruce chaired the meeting as Stephen was on holiday. He opened the meeting and welcomed everyone. Bruce introduced Nadeen and welcomed her to her first Balaam’s Wood LNR meeting.

2… Review of Minutes

(i) Forestdale Park

Bruce had spoken to the parish councillors, but felt there was no point in trying to restart a friends group at present. Cllr Cruise was still hopeful the land transfer would take place at some stage.

(ii) Bat Walk

The bat walk had been successful with around a dozen people coming along. The meeting wished to thank Steve Hinton for leading the walk. Adam informed us that the rangers were buying some new detectors and software. This meant that they could make recordings and analyse them.

1 (iii) Easter Egg Hunt

The Easter Egg Hunt at Hollymoor Park had been very successful, despite snow on the ground, around 40 people had attended. Great fun was had by all (especially the Easter Bunny!)

3… Ranger Report

Adam then gave his ranger report. He informed the meeting that the dead hedge around the river bank by the culvert had now been planted with blackthorn saplings, thanks to his Tuesday volunteer group.

Adam said the rangers had been working with many different corporate groups, as well as Phoenix Futures and the Duke of Edinburgh awards scheme. They had held very successful events at Easter too.

There were still restrictions in place at the Lickeys due to the presence of plant disease; sadly trees would need to be felled to help prevent the disease spreading.

The Lickeys now has a new member of staff, Penny Marriott; this good news was welcomed by everyone.

Adam and his colleagues were thanked for their continuing support.

4… Community Orchard

The orchard was now cleared and Adam felt we needed to get on with creating a dead hedge. Nadeen suggested we should plan a multi group ‘Orchard Day’ to get groups and local residents involved with the community orchard project.

It is planned to remove the ash tree and spray the ground this autumn.

5… New Committee Member

After sadly losing Cyril Ashmore the meeting discussed finding anew committee member. Penny will email around and ask other organisations if they would like to put someone forward.

2 6… Any Other Business

(i) Waterside Care

Linda and Bruce have been working for sometime with Waterside Care; through Frankley Street Champions. We are now going to start doing water tests at Balaam’s Wood. Adam was interested to know who their contact was with .

(ii) Safehaven

Penny was trying to organise a day working in the community orchard with the local Safehaven group.

(iii) BOSF AGM

Linda, Bruce and Penny are to attend the Birmingham Open Spaces Forum Annual General Meeting on 22nd June.

(iv) Cockhill Estate ‘All Out Week’

Nadeen was organising an all out week for Cockhill and asked if we were able to help. It was agreed some of us would join the rangers for a work party on the quarry. It was hoped this would help further the plan for a friends group. Nadeen was also using the carnival marquee for a gospel event in Cannon Hill Park on 23 rd June.

Bruce thanked everyone for attending and closed the meeting at 7.30pm.

Next Meeting:

Thursday 12th September 6pm, New Frankley in Birmingham Parish Council office, Arden Road.


Thanks to New Frankley in Birmingham Parish Council for use of the parish office.