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Manchester Historical Society ■ i. \ .V f ■ ■ . .... A- PAGE TWENTY y . - THURSDAY> /ULY 24, 1969 U|anrt)[i?Bt?r lEnrning HrraUi A r m g e Daily Net Press Run ^ ■ /■ ^ v . Elor m e Wedi Ended tor and he assumed his post are from Multimedia Learning Town Seeking on June 9.’ June 28, 1986 ,, The Weather ’ Systems of Northampton, Mass., Youth Arrested »♦ Rec Assistant Applications for the post of $’ 2,680; and from Chester Elec­ assistant director may be ob­ tronic Laboratories of Chester, Result’of Crash Cloudy tonight and tomontnv tained from the personnel office 15,459 with chance of scattered khow- - The Town of Manchester Is $16,267. Both companies prom­ In the Municipal Building. The ised delivery in 60 days and A 22-year-old . youth has'’ been ers throughout. Low tonight in advertising for an assistant rec closing date for filing is Aug. 6. ” 60s with high Saturday 86 to 86. both offered a discount of one arrested and charged with reck­ Manthester— A CUy o f Village Charm /' dtreotor, to start at an annual per cent, if paid in 10 days. VOL. LXXXVin, NO. 251 f less driving, followdng a two- TWENTY-TWO PAGES salary range of $8,690 to $10,- School business manager Ma n c h e s t e r , c o n n ., F r id a y , j u l y 25, i 969 Two Submit Bi<js oar accident on E. Cenljer St. (Claaalfird Adwrtiaing on Page 18) 266. , Douglas Pierce said after the PRICE t e n c e n t s The new assistant would re­ On Language Lab bid openings that a decision on near Cobum Rd. last night at place Wally Fortin, who be­ accepting or rejecting the bids, 11:30. ■ X -J l- came full-time director of Sen­ Only two bids, noth over es­ or on other alternatives, will be According to police, Mark A. ior Citizens activities on July timates, have been received by made by School Superintendent Gibson o< 46 Tumbiill St. says 1. Fortin had served In the dual the town for modifying and ex­ Donald Hennlgan. One of the posts of. assistant rec director panding the exl.sting language alternatives is to ask the .Board he was going too fast and lost and senior citizens director, In laboratory at Manchester High of Directors for an additional control of his car. ITie car spun addition, from Oct. 31 to June School. appropriation. sroui^, and skidded backwards 9, Fortin was acting rec direc­ from the eastbound lane Into the uts .Found Fit • An estimated $10,000 lor the The bid specs. Called for the tor following the resignation of expansion had been included In addition of seven language-lab westbound lane where It struck William Boyle. a school bond l.s.sue,' approved booths and 'an eight-tape deck. a_ car driven by Phillip Oataldo, On May 14, Melvin Siebold of by referendum last November. There now'are 28 booths In the 20, of 19 Green Manor Rd. Bristol was appointed rec direc­ The two bids received today language lab. Catoldo and Linda Merril^ of 91 Diane Dr., a passenger In his Now! You can be selective car; and Richard Dyber, 19, of After Historic Journey R eception Guest 24 Frederick Rd., a- passenger about your hair care with new In the Gibson oar, were all taken The Rev. Kenneth W. Steere, A B O A R D U SS H O R N E T Many aclentlrts doubt U But the were in excellent irolrlu iin.1 e-.. .u to Manchester Memorial Hospi­ ( A P ) - - Back fl-om the National Aeronautics .md Sj>ace still Uvlng on Hourton l^cTthe associate minister of Center tal. Miss Merrill has been ad­ moon but isolated fmm the was taking no whl<* probably meant hev To?ocaLL^ • PINEHURST JUMBO SALE! Congregational Church for the mitted to special care for multi­ umeM tb.. Af A....11. ohiUlcee. Tolocaats of Tinirsdays world, the men 6f Aiwlio ^ r e about ready to to IhhI .Mpla.xhilown and recovery were past three years, will be honor­ ple facial injuries. The hospital 11 today w e re pronounced " »>lvery quaran- thiMqth dlscrlbes her condition as satis- MW It wa.t mldafterncm rtewed throughout Europe, Mos- ed at a reception Sunday from factory. Cafa^do and Dyber in better condition than cow TV carried parts of It live 7 to 8:30 p.m. In the Narthex were treated and released. - Tried S.True' astl-onauts l-etui-nintr from coAild barelv see '<»klng on.sp anl fnmi the Hornet nnd the Rus- of Center Church. Both oars were towed. previous flighte. ^ hTuSue^' Zi L T Z Zi, .mU the .4 soviet The Rev. Mr. Steere Is resign­ Gibson will appear in court instant conditioners created by_Max Fodor JJicr 11 hours of cx>imlnlng JJ^rby^nl'dl^e^one^'^^ P«^ro>n> mid «ho.>k his head cosmonaut-A wired cor^atula ing Sept. 1 to become a teacher on Aug. 11. the spacemen. Dr. William Car- A .xmlllng I'resldent Nl.xon *' -‘•pncenien. Uie <hx lions. of psychology at Manchester Introducing four custom proteined formu­ Town firefighters were called pentler said he foimd no evl- aboard the HHormx to delKvr hi and “a technicianteohnloian qiiiiranquiran- Ikimet, steaming„ for-....... Ha Community College and to be to wash gasoline off the. road as lations created to solve your hair prob­ dence of contamination from the i-ongratuhiUons permiivillv had **"*'‘* "'***’ •*” *'’‘**” ^‘*‘* •" arrive at part-time Protestant chaplain a result of the crash. moon. Despite one man's minor to use an Imeroommumcatlns **’^*‘' must ivis.s Kt'T -Saturday. at Mansfield Training School. lem. Whether your hair is dry, color-. -I.V the Ihiurs coopA'd up In the MQF will be tucked into 2 ear inflammation "I Uiink sj-steni to converix' u-ith the *''>urs coom-d im it. ti... The Rev. and Mrs. Steere plan treated, fine or coarse, now you can ; j'!' they're In good shape,' he said, .spacemen as Uiev -stood lU a M<)F. Uie world outside hea|«.heaivs "“t* " ^ F\>rcc transport for the to make their home in Coven­ irth.,1 . ti,. ----- long flight to Ellington Air try In September. n ie physician .said Noll A. " ’*n<k>w of the ls<!lation tracer. *'1""’ Atxillo triumph give your hair exactly the body, texture j* jf i Armstrong, Air FVirceFVuve Col. Ed- -................”a Mobile ■ QtmnuiUnc Fa- Clans for a Jtilm session of , ‘orce. Base near the Space Cen- the OLD «.e4s. tr« A *„ ... — ..Ills-. ... The reception is sponsored and control it needs. ot’i •it win E. Aldrin Jr. luid Air Force (MQFl a.ngretw Itonorittg theHiitri.. ^ ^ by the Dlaconate of Center Lt. <3ol. Michael Oolllns showed Ut. Siumiel I'hllll|vi. nauts were ann,mnced ih Wasit "Parlous Lunar Receiving I.nbo- Church. Robert Simmers, chair­ V 3 0 SI less deterioration In heart and Apollo program director, sold Ingt^. Cables of congratula- (.See rage Eight) man of hospitality for the board W eldon B r e a c h ^ blood vessels than other Apollo ApollA 12 will be Inunchtxl Nov. of deacons, is in charge of ar-. men have had. He wiusn't .sure " moon landing far to the rangements. Mni. Charles Bax­ "•by west of the sp,« where Ami- 5 ter will serve as hostess. D ru g Co. But he was sure that the In- 'Vid Aldrin uiilkod on the ^This Week Chanfjed tlw WorlrT ui tht II I * oiiiiii MAIN STREET flammaUon ■ In one of Aixn,/ Tranquility, 767 MAIN ST. strong's ears was not importan't. Samples of the nuxm's enml Manchester HOUSMSHALE DowntownZ'S Manchteter 1 He said there may have been a gathered by the astronaigs wert' P or 'iin q In H-reb S t r « i » buildup of fluid In the car dtie to •« reaeJi the Lunar Elated President Hospital Notes POfli'nrj I Of the pressiu-es of re-entry <uid iMilwratory (LHL) In Living Legends; Neil Armstrons, Mike Collins aiuf Edwin Aldrin Jr. (AI* Ptiotofax) that the fluid was draining. Houston. Tex., today. Tests KLEENEX NEW Jumbo Open Tonight To 9 P.M. The men will be imder :»aln- ImnmlliUely m m: .-Won to .00 VISITINO HOUIM DECORATED JUMBO TOWELS J . staking medical scrutiny for 21 "^<'ntlflc questions Uu.t Rolls Intermediate Care Seipl- Clapped, Cheered days due to-the rem.rtc posslblll. “««• private, noon-2 p.m., and i p.m. 8 p.m.; private rooms, 10 a.m.- Do It Yourself or Let Us Do It For You 2 p.m., and 4 p.m.-8 p.m. AT PINEHURST tiallv dangeriHW germs from the m’", w ^ "i'* that fhlingwl the Pediatrics: Parents allowed Pleads Guilty moon. "tretciKd mu in an —witne.wd the hnpjiy ending of the Aixdio 11 JUM BO any time except noon-2 p.m.; Artonim „ "p on « h>- " “ *‘*** nii8.sion w ith all the excitem ent o f a Iw.v others, 2 p.m.-8 p.m. j ^ u o l l y , no one knows AA4,eth- ble in the dlnl:uf an-a Normally sedate, the 86-ye„r On every '/i «al. of Self Service: 10 a.m.-2. p.m., r mere are germs on the moon Qirpentier said the iqxuxvmrn “ Id chief executive yelled, SAVE Sealtest Ice Cream at 4 p.m.-8 p.m. _______ clapped, chreix'd luid wnve«l his SALE! Intensive Care and Coronary WE HONOR Pinehuret this makes Gets arms Thurs.lay as he watched Care: Immediate famUy only, Suspended Sentence fronv the flag bridge of this re your favorite 99c Helictipter anytime, limited to five min­ TEMPLE'S tovery carrier utes.
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