Goan consists of regional popular in , located along 's west coast along the Arabian Sea. Seafood, milk, and paste are main ingredients of Goan delicacies. The area is located in a tropical climate, and and flavors are intense. Use of Kokum is another distinct feature. Goan cannot be considered complete without fish. It is similar to the Malvani cuisine/ Konkani cuisine. The cuisine of Goa is influenced by its Hindu origins, four hundred years of Portuguese colonialism, and modern techniques. The state is frequented by tourists visiting its beaches and historic sites, so its food has an international aspect Seafood The cuisine is mostly seafood based, the is rice and fish. Kingfish (Vison or Visvan) is the most common delicacy, others include pomfret, , and . Among the are , , tiger prawns, , and . The Hindu food of Goa is unique, and the food of Goan Christians is influenced by the Portuguese. Introduction of new edibles to Goan cuisine The Portuguese brought potatoes, tomatoes, pineapples, guavas and from to Goa. Of these tomatoes and potatoes were not accepted by the Hindus until the late 20th century. The most important part of Goan spices, the chilies were introduced to Goan cuisine by the Portuguese which became immensely popular. All these above mentioned ingredients were not used in Goan cuisine before the advent of the Portuguese. Hindu Cuisine Hindu use less heat, and Kokum for souring and for sweetening. They use , , leaves, mustard and urad .[2] It is not very spicy, less amount of and is used. It also includes more use of , , pumpkins, gourds, bamboo shoots, roots etc. It is less oily and the medium of is . Goan Saraswat Brahmin sub-castes, Daivajna Brahmins are mostly fish eaters. Broadly they can be considered as facultative vegeterians, i.e. they eat fish and chicken on most days, while eating strict vegetarian (no , no-fish diet) food on some days, due to religious reasons. Fish and meat in their diet is considered as non-vegetarian. On the other hand other Brahmins belonging to Pancha Dravida category are strictly vegetarian. Their is unique. The rest of the Goan Hindus are non- vegetarian, but unlike the Catholic Goans, do not eat or pork, due to religious beliefs. 1. Fish curry called as Human and rice also known as Kadi. 2. 3. Fish Suke or Dhabdhabit - dry spicy preparation of fish, eaten as side dish. 4. Fish Udid Methi or Uddamethi - Fenugreek and fish. 5. Kismur 6. Dangar or the Fish

7. Kalputi - with different varieties of fish 8. or Shak made of different vegetables and fruit 9. 10. Tondak, made of , nuts etc 11. Different varieties of sweets made of rice, lentils like Payasa, Patoli, Mangane, etc 12. Different varieties of Pickles and Papads 13. Solachi kadi, a spicy coconut and kokum curry Catholic Cuisine Ambot tik - A sour curry dish prepared with either fish or meat. Arroz doce - A Portuguese derivative of kheer (sweetened rice) of India. Balchão - A curry based on a traditional from Macao, made from shrimp, aguardente, laurel, lemon and chili. Canja de galinha - A type of chicken broth with rice and chicken, and is originally a Goan recipe. Chamuças - A Goan derivative of . , beef cutlets and beef chops are common snacks. Roast beef and beef tongue are popular entrees at Goan celebrations. Sorpotel - A Goan pork meat, liver, tongue, blood curry that is very spicy. Xacuti - Goan curry made with roasted grated coconut with pieces of chicken or beef. Samarein Chi Kodi - Goan curry made with Fresh and Dried Prawns Pattoe or Patoleo - A dish of leaves stuffed with rice, dal, jaggery, and coconut. - A dry rice cake, considered to be a Goan variant of . Solantule kodi - A spicy coconut and kokum curry - A spicy curry whose name is derived from the Portuguese term for a garlic and wine (vinho e alho) marinade. This is popular in the West, particularly the United Kingdom, Australia, and New Zealand. Unrelated to aloo (potato). Bebik () - A pudding traditionally eaten at Christmas