PETRA CHURCH ISRAEL TRIP 2018 3 -12 March 2018 (Sat – Mon)


To Israel TK55, 3MAR Singapore 00:05  Istanbul 06:25 (est. 11 hours 30 mins) TK784, 3MAR Istanbul 07:45  Tel Aviv 08:50 (est. 2 hours 5 mins)

From Israel TK789, 11MAR Tel Aviv 21:00  Istanbul 00:25 TK54, 12MAR Istanbul 02:25  Singapore 17:45

Cost: S$3,980, including airport taxes, fuel surcharges at S$600. • Single supplement: additional S$900. • Travel insurance is compulsory at your own cost. You will have to submit the insurance certificate at a later date. • No visa required for Singaporeans. Visa is required at your own cost for citizens from countries such as China, Indonesia, Malaysians and Philippines.

Registration requirements: • Registration form (complete with all details) • $500 deposit • Passport photo • Photocopy of passport

Itinerary (Subject to changes)

Day 1 Saturday – 3 Mar 2018

• Independence Hall, Tel Aviv

Originally the Dizengoff House, the Independence Hall is the site of the signing of Israel's Declaration of Independence. It is located on the historic Rothschild Boulevard in Tel Aviv, Israel. From 1932 to 1971 housing the Tel Aviv Museum of Art, it is currently a museum dedicated to the signing of the Israeli Declaration of Independence and the history of Tel Aviv.

PETRA CHURCH ISRAEL TRIP 2018 3 -12 March 2018 (Sat – Mon)

• Carmel Market, Tel Aviv

The Carmel Market, or Shuk HaCarmel, is the most famous of all Tel Aviv’s marketplaces. In recent years, it’s even joined the ranks of Tel Aviv’s trendy spots for bars, restaurants, coffee shops and chef-owned food stalls. It’s no wonder Shuk HaCarmel is Tel Aviv’s largest and most-centrally located shuk: From hand-made Jachnun, a traditional Yemenite dish, to boutique cheeses, and from one-off cotton clothes to designer threads, HaCarmel has it all.

• Travel to Tiberius and check into hotel.

Day 2 Sunday – 4 Mar 2018

• Tabgha

Tranquil Tabgha, on the north-western shore of the Sea of Galilee, is best known for Christ’s miraculous multiplication of loaves and fish to feed a multitude. But it is also remembered for Jesus’ third appearance to his disciples after his Resurrection, when he tested and commissioned Peter as leader of his Church.

Tabgha is at the foot of the Mount of Beatitudes, about 3km south-west of Capernaum. The name is an Arab mispronunciation of the Greek Heptapegon (meaning “seven springs”). Several warm sulphurous springs enter the lake here, attracting fish especially in winter.

PETRA CHURCH ISRAEL TRIP 2018 3 -12 March 2018 (Sat – Mon)

• Mount of Beatitudes

The Mount of Beatitudes is the setting for Jesus’ most famous discourse, the Sermon on the Mount. Overlooking the northwestern shore of the Sea of Galilee, it offers an enchanting vista of the northern part of the lake and across to the cliffs of the Golan Heights on the other side. The exact site of the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5:1-7:28) is unknown.

Pilgrims commemorate the event at the eight-sided Church of the Beatitudes, built on the slope of the mount and accessible by a side road branching off the Tiberias-Rosh Pina highway.

The Mount of Beatitudes is also understood to be the place where Jesus met his apostles after his Resurrection and commissioned them to “make disciples of all nations” (Matthew 28:16-20).

• Capernaum

Capernaum is an ancient fishing village on the north shore of the Sea of Galilee in Israel. It is home to a celebrated Byzantine-era synagogue as well as the house where Jesus healed a paralytic and Peter's mother-in-law.

Many familiar Gospel events occurred in this village. Capernaum is where Jesus first began to preach after the Temptation in the wilderness, Jesus healed a centurion's servant without even seeing him, Peter's mother-in-law; the paralytic who was lowered through the roof, and many others who were brought to him. Moreover Jesus set out from Capernaum when he calmed a storm on the Sea of Galilee.

• Overnight in Tiberias.

PETRA CHURCH ISRAEL TRIP 2018 3 -12 March 2018 (Sat – Mon)

Day 3 Monday – 5 Mar 2018

• Gamla

Known sometimes as the “Masada of the North,” Gamla is most famous for its strong defense against the Romans in the Jewish Revolt in AD 66. The site is bordered on all sides by deep wadis of the Golan Heights and is approachable by only one footpath from the northeast.

The earliest settlement was in the Early Bronze Age and the site was reinhabited by returning exiles from Babylon. Herod the Great settled Jews here to populate his border cities.

• Mt Hermon

Mount Hermon is located in the highest point in Israel. Mount Hermon is mentioned a few times in the Bible, e.g. Deuteronomy 3:8, Psalm 133:3, Song 4:8. Mount Hermon is also mentioned in the New Testament. The Book of Matthew tells of Jesus and his disciples journeying north from Bethsaida on the Sea of Galilee to the city of Caesarea Philippi at the southern base of Mount Hermon.

Mount Hermon is called ” the eyes of the state” to mark the Third Battle of Mount Hermon during Yom Kippur war, between the Israeli Army and the Syrian Army.

PETRA CHURCH ISRAEL TRIP 2018 3 -12 March 2018 (Sat – Mon)

• Kursi

The Gospels tells how Jesus heals the madman, after sailing across the Sea of Galilee and landing in the Country of Gadarenes (Gader, south east corner of the lake). He drives out the devils into a herd of swine, who "ran violently down a steep place into the sea and were choked in the sea". At Kursi, excavations restored the ruins of a 5th-6th Century AD church and monastery, the largest Byzantine monastery in Israel, which was established on basis of the traditional site of the miracle.

• Bethsaida Bethsaida, an ancient city on the north side of the Sea of Galilee, is a "tale of two cities" - an Iron age city of the land of Geshur, and a Roman city known as Julias. The area of Bethsaida was referred in the New Testament in conjunction with two of Jesus miracles: healing the blind man and the first feeding of the Multitude. It is also known as the birthplace of some of the Apostles (Andrew, Peter, Philip).

• Overnight in Tiberias

Day 4 Tuesday – 6 Mar 2018

Samaria was the capital city of the Northern Kingdom, established by Omri and Ahab. It became one of the most important Hellenistic and Roman cities in the Holy Land. A temple dedicated to Augustus was constructed by Herod the Great, as well as other grand public structures.

• Mount Grizim

Mount Gerizim is a Holy hill, located on the south side of (today's Arabic city of ). On the opposite side of Shechem is Mount Ebal. Both of these hills witnessed the mass ceremony held by Joshua after his entry to Canaan, following the return of the Israelites from the Exodus in Egypt. The ceremony took place according to the commands Moses received earlier from God - to gather the people between the two facing hills - Gerizim and Ebal - and bless the former while cursing the latter. PETRA CHURCH ISRAEL TRIP 2018 3 -12 March 2018 (Sat – Mon)

• Nablus

Nablus, known as the site of biblical Shechem, is one of the largest Palestinian cities with a population of more than 50,000 people. Historically, traveled through Shechem on his way to Canaan and here offered his first sacrifice to God. After the conquest of Canaan, Joshua assembled the Israelites here and encouraged them to follow the Mosaic laws.

Day 5 Wednesday – 7 Mar 2018

The city of Hebron was known to be called Kirjath-arba in the ancient times and is located in the Judean hills south of , It is the site of the oldest Jewish community in the world. Jews and Christians all venerate the city of Hebron for its association with Abraham – it includes the traditional burial site of the biblical Patriarchs and Matriarchs, within the Cave of the Patriarchs.

The Hebron Protocol of 1997 divided the city into two sectors: H1, controlled by the Palestinian Authority and H2, roughly 20% of the city, administered by Israel.

• Gush Etzion

The Etzion Bloc ("Gush Etzion" in Hebrew), which today consists of 18 communities and nearly 40,000 residents, is located between Jerusalem and Hebron. Because of its strategic location, the Bloc was heavily contested during Israel's War of Independence in 1947 and 1948. Although the area was not granted to Israel under the 1947 partition plan, the commanders of the Haganah considered it an essential buffer against a southern attack on Jerusalem.

• Way of the Patriarchs

Way of the Patriarchs is an ancient north south route traversing the . The name is used by biblical scholars because of mentions in biblical narratives that it was frequently travelled by Abraham, and . It is also called the Hill Road or the Ridge Route because it follows the watershed ridge line of the Samarian and . PETRA CHURCH ISRAEL TRIP 2018 3 -12 March 2018 (Sat – Mon)

• Cave of Machpelah

The Cave of Machpelah or The Cave of the Patriarchs, is a series of subterranean chambers located in the heart of the of. The cave and adjoining field were purchased by Abraham as a burial plot.

• Ein Kerem

Ein Karem has both Jewish and Christian history. Referenced as “BeitaKerem” in the books of Jeremiah and Nehemiah, the area was within the juristiction of the , from whom the classification of “Jew” originated.

For Christians, Ein Karem is best known as the birthplace of John the Baptist, and in fact is considered one of the top Jerusalem tour destinations for Christian pilgrims. Additionally, a focal point is the famous Mary’s Well, where it’s believed that Mary, miraculously pregnant with Jesus, sat and drank from its spring waters while sitting with Elizabeth, who was miraculously pregnant with John at the same time.

• Overnight in Jerusalem

Day 6 Wednesday – 8 Mar 2018

• Garden Tomb

The Garden Tomb is believed by many to be the garden and sepulchre of Joseph of Arimathea, and therefore a possible site of the resurrection of Jesus.

• City of David

The city of Jerusalem was originally built around the Gihon Spring, on the southeastern hill to the south (left) of the Temple Mount, which is today crowned with the gold-domed Dome of the Rock. Jerusalem has been continuously inhabited since at least 3000 BC, but it was only in the time of Solomon that the city limits expanded beyond the southeastern spur, known today as the “City of David.” PETRA CHURCH ISRAEL TRIP 2018 3 -12 March 2018 (Sat – Mon)

• Hezekiah tunnel

Hezekiah’s Tunnel is part of Jerusalem’s water system and is located under the City of David. It connects the Gihon Spring—Jerusalem’s fresh water supply—with the Siloam Pool. According to 2 Chronicles 32:2–4 and 2 Kings 20:20, this tunnel was dug during the reign of King Hezekiah of Judah to prepare Jerusalem for the imminent attack of the Assyrian king, Sennacherib. In the Bible, Hezekiah redirected the water through old and newly dug Jerusalem tunnels.

• Overnight in Jerusalem

Day 7 Friday – 9 Mar 2018

• Old City

The Old City of Jerusalem is one of the most intense places on Earth! At the heart of the Jewish, Islamic, and Christian religions, this walled one kilometer area in the center of Jerusalem is beyond words and cannot be missed. The Old City is home to the Western Wall . This is the last remaining wall of what was the Jewish Temple, and is today the holiest site in the world for Jews.

• Machane Yehuda market

Mahane Yehuda Market is a marketplace in Jerusalem. Popular with locals and tourists alike, the market's more than 250 vendors sell fresh fruits and vegetables; baked goods; fish, meat and cheeses; nuts, seeds, and spices; wines and liquors; clothing and shoes; and housewares and textiles.

• Welcoming Shabbat at the Western Wall

• Overnight in Jerusalem

PETRA CHURCH ISRAEL TRIP 2018 3 -12 March 2018 (Sat – Mon)

Day 8 Saturday – 10 Mar 2018

• Tower of David Museum

The Tower of David Museum of the History of Jerusalem is located in the medieval citadel known as the Tower of David, near the Jaffa Gate, the historic entrance to the Old City.

The Museum presents Jerusalem’s story. It details the major events in its history beginning with the first evidence of a city in Jerusalem in the second mi llennium BCE, until the city became the capital of the State of Israel. The Citadel itself is a fascinating archaeological site. The finds uncovered within are a testimony to Jerusalem’s eventful past and produce a representation of Jerusalem and its various historical periods in microcosm. The Citadel’s towers offer a 360-degree view of the Old City of Jerusalem as well as the city’s modern areas.

• Sound and Light at the Citadel

The walls of the Citadel serve as a stage for a night time show which is a celebration of sight and sound. Amidst the archaeological remains in the Citadel’s courtyard and to the sound of original music, the story of Jerusalem unfolds through giant breathtaking, virtual reality images. The Night Spectacular uses trompe l’oeil technology – the stones of the walls and structures fade into the scenes and the screened images envelop the viewers and whisk them off to a one-of-a-kind multi-sensory experience.

PETRA CHURCH ISRAEL TRIP 2018 3 -12 March 2018 (Sat – Mon)

Day 9 Sunday – 11 Mar 2018

• Ayalon institute

Now a museum, the Ayalon Institute was a secret ammunition factory disguised as part of a kibbutz to fool the British back in the 1940s. Jewish people used the factory in their efforts to fight for the independent state of Israel. Organizers went to extreme measures to build and sustain this secret factory within the kibbutz. Between 1945 and 1948, the Ayalon Institute produced more than 2 million 9mm bullets.

• Dinner at Old Man and the Sea

• Transfer to Ben Gurion Airport for departure.

Day 10 Monday – 12 Mar 2018

• Touchdown at Changi Airport at 5:45pm.

There will also be interactions with Messianic Jew communities throughout the trip.