Superman: Darkseid Rising Based on "Superman" created by Jerry Siegel and Joe Schuster and characters appearing in DC Comics Screenplay by Derek Anderson Derek Anderson (949)933-6999
[email protected] SUPERMAN: DARKSEID RISING Story by Larry Gomez and Derek Anderson Screenplay by Derek Anderson EXT. KENT FARM - NIGHT We pan over the Kent Farm, closing in on a barn. A soft BLUE GLOW emanates from within. INT. KENT BARN - NIGHT Inside the barn, underneath the FLOORBOARDS, the glow FLASHES BRIGHTLY. A ROBOTIC VOICE is heard speaking in an unknown language. FLASHBACK INT. KRYPTON - JOR-EL'S LAB - NIGHT KAL-EL'S POV BABY KAL-EL sits in a makeshift ROCKET, somewhat crude, but sturdy. JOR-EL is talking to Kal-El, but we cannot understand him. He is speaking in Kryptonian. The building shakes, CRYSTALLINE STRUCTURES collapse around. Jor-El walks away from us, holding his wife's hand as they move to a CONTROL PANEL. Behind Jor-El, a ROBOT with blue eyes, standing as tall as a man, enters the launching bay of Jor-El's lab. A robotic voice speaks. Baby Kal-El reaches out for the robot as it walks close to Jor-El's rocket. It transforms into a SMALL SIZED ROCKET with a BLUE EGG-SHAPED NOSE CONE. EXT. OUTER SPACE The rocket ship fires away from Krypton as it EXPLODES into shards of DUST and CRYSTAL. INT. ROCKET SHIP Kal-El sleeps as the rocket increases to hyper speed. Within the craft, a soft BLUE LIGHT grows brighter, illuminating Kal-el.