Hyacinth Planting Guide

About Hyacinth

Hyacinth originated in . In the 1500's, traders brought them back to Europe. Later they were introduced into the United States. Hyacinth are perennial, fall-planted bulbs that are quite easy to establish provided you are careful to remember a few easy steps.

When to

Bulbs should be planted before the beginning of winter. Plant the bulbs a few weeks before the ground freezes. This gives the time to establish a system.

Where to Plant

Choose a sunny to partially shaded site that contains well-draining soil. Standing water is the death knell of hyacinth bulbs. If you don't have quality soil, we suggest amending the soil with rich soil.

How to Plant

For best results, plant each bulb roughly 6 inches deep with the pointed end up. A typical spacing is about 6 inches apart, but feel free to plant more compactly for a denser effect. For the biggest and blooms, place a little fertilizer in the hole during planting. Once planted, water the hyacinth bulbs fully in order to help the root system become established as fall progresses.

Caring for Hyacinth

Hyacinths are mid-spring bloomers and are particularly noted for a long blooming cycle lasting usually a month or more. During the late summer or fall as the plant dies, remove unwanted foliage. If left undisturbed, your hyacinth should repeat their colorful and fragrant spring performance year after year. You may dig up the bulbs after a couple years then separate and replant them.