1 St. ’s 140 Lawton Road, Alsager Parish Priest: Fr. Tony Grace Stoke-on-Trent, ST7 2DE Permanent Deacon: Rev. Eddie Miller Tel: 01270 877736 16th May 2021 7th Sunday of Easter www.stgabrielsalsager.org.uk St. Gabriel’s School & Playgroup, Tel: 875770

St. Catholic High

School. www.st- thomasmore.cheshire.sch.uk

th 7 Sunday of Easter. The readings for this final Sunday of Eastertide remind us again of all the graces we have received through Jesus’s death and resurrection, and the joy which comes from knowing just how much we are loved by God. In the First Reading, we hear of the election of Matthias, who takes the place of Judas, ‘the one who chose to be lost’. He joins the Apostles as one who gives witness to the wonder of the Lord’s Resurrection. The short Psalm extract reflects the enormity of God’s love, and the boundless depths of his forgiveness – a theme expanded further in the Second Reading. Here, John’s letter reminds us that it is because God loved us first with such infinite love, that we must love one another. Through Jesus’s sacrifice, we are saved and can live as one with God, with Christ Jesus and the Holy Spirit. In the Gospel, we hear Jesus himself as he intercedes for the disciples and for us – asking his Father for everything he knows we need as he sends us out into the world. During the coming week, let’s pray for the grace to recognise the gifts we have been given, and for a greater awareness of how we can use them in showing our love for others. www.pathwaystogod.org

Mass Times. Saturday Vigil 15 May 6.30 pm Mass in St. Gabriel’s Church

th 7 Sunday Easter 16 May 1 1.30 am Outside Mass in St. Gabriel’s

School Playground, Well Lane, Alsager.

Monday 17 May 7.30 pm Mass St.Gabriel’s Church.

Friday 21 May 10.00 am, Mass St.Gabriel’s Church.

Saturday 22 May 6.30 pm Mass in St. Gabriel’s Church

Sunday 23 May 11.30 am Outside Mass in St. Gabriel’s School Playground, Well Lane, Alsager. Prayer to Our Lady of Fatima https://aleteia.org/2021/05/06/prayer-to-our-lady-of-fatima- for-healing-and-strength/

World Communications Day 2021 is celebrated on Sunday, 16 May. The theme for 2021, chosen by Francis, echoes the words of the Apostle Philip, recognising that authentic communication leads to “encountering people as and where they are”. https://catholicnews.us6.list- manage.com/track/click?u=8bfb372c271fbad8a971552fb&id=6b215f7f53&e=d5cb67f88d 2

Please pray for the eternal rest of the recently deceased, Joyce Higginson RIP, Horst Meister RIP, Baby Gracie-Mae Green RIP, Derek Grime RIP, Valerie Parry RIP, Catherine O’Neill RIP & those whose anniversaries occur around this time: Karen Bastiman, James Turnock, John Bagshaw, Marjorie Turnock, Frank Bostock, Susan Large, Florence Costigan, William Knapper, Debbie Boote.

PLEASE PRAY FOR THE SICK: Especially for Kay Charlesworth, Andy Lockett, Claire Woods, Dorothy Eccles, Kathleen Briggs, Trefor Campbell, Alma Plummer, Ann Stones, George Lawton, Annie Shallow, Elsie Turnock, Margaret Pearson, Peter Pulford, Betty Bostwick, Joan Phillips, Ben Thomas, Francis Dockery, Anne Connolly, Edith Greatbach, Sean Fitzpatrick, Ashton Hume, Patricia Capp, John Laing, Hilary Tantram, Kevin Fox & all in our hospitals & nursing homes.


Saturday 15 May 6.00 pm Adoration & Confession Our Lady of Fatima Mass 6.30 pm John Bagshaw (Anniv), Mercia Statham RIP, Joyce St.Gabriel’s Higginson RIP, John Whitfield RIP, Derek Grime RIP, 7th Sunday of Easter Church Debbie Boote (Anniv), Margaret Pearson (sick), Andy 16 May 11.30am Lockett, John Laing. St.Gabriel’s Karen Bastiman (5th Anniv), William Knapper (Anniv) Day of Special Prayer School Terry Orford (Anniv), James Turnock (B’day Anniv), for World Playground, Well Marjorie Turnock (Anniv), Debbie Boote (Anniv), Ann Communications Lane (Mass) Connolly (sick), Intentions of Joan Philips & Kaye Charlesworth. Please bring your own Garden Chairs for Outside Mass in School Playground. Monday 17 May 7.00 pm Adoration & Confession. St.Gabriel’s Owen O’Toole (Anniv), Thanksgiving Intention for Teresa Church Wickham, Kate Briggs (sick), 7.30 pm Sean Fitzpatrick (sick), Frances Dorrian (sick), Intentions of Emma, Hilary Tantram, John Laing. Tuesday 18 May Mass, St. Anne’s, The Holy Souls St.John I Nantwich 10.00 am Wed 19 May No Service St. Milburgha Thursday 20 May Mass in St For all the Deacons,Religious, Priests, Bishops and Pope St.Bernadine of Anne’s Church, Siena 10.00 am Friday 21 May 9.30 am Adoration & Confession The Dedication of the 10.00 am Florence Costigan (Anniv), Horst Meister RIP, Frank Cathedral Mass in St. Bostock (Anniv), Debbie Boote (Anniv), Ray Chidlow (3rd Gabriel’s Church Anniv), Intentions of the Dennis Family Saturday 22 May 6.00 pm Adoration & Confession St.Rita of Cascia Mass,St.Gabriel’s John Bagshaw (Anniv), Susan Large (Anniv), Patricia Fox Pentecost Sunday Church 6.30 pm (Anniv), Margaret Pearson (sick),Intentions of Sandra 23 May 11.30am Whitfield, Birthday Intention of Margaret O’Hare Day of Special Prayer St.Gabriel’s Karen Bastiman (5th Anniv), James Turnock (Anniv), for the Church School Marjorie Turnock (Anniv) & Patricia Capp (Sick) Playground, Well Please bring your own Garden Chairs for Outside Lane (Mass) Mass in School Playground. Please contact Fr. Tony at [email protected] for newsletter items Many thanks for your Standing Orders and Offertory envelopes, last weekend £526.31p Diocese of Shrewsbury, Registered Charity Number 234025 Parish Safeguarding Officers, Cathie & Tony Smith 01270 879961


St.Gabriel’s hosts an exhibition created by Blessed Carlo Acutis, born in London in 1991, died in Milan in 2006 aged 15, and beatified in Assisi last October. He had a big devotion to the Eucharist and to the Sacrament of Reconciliation; a 26-minute video is here. In the two years in which he was dying from leukaemia, he decided to assemble a collection of the world's Eucharistic Miracles, which he put onto exhibition panels for anyone to download, for free - you can see them all here. For more information, please go to www.carloacutis.com These Eucharistic miracles are to strengthen our faith. Blessed Carlo Acutis, pray for us, to increase our faith and our devotion to the Holy Eucharist. The miracles are at http://www.miracolieucaristici.org/ There is a youtube video concerning the miracles of the Blessed Sacrament documented by Blessed Carlo Acutis, a 15 year old who died of Leukemia in 2006. He was made Blessed by Pope Francis on the 11 October 2020 in Assisi. Pope Francis said that Carlo was in love with the Eucharist. He did not settle into comfortable inaction, but grasped the needs of his time because in the weakest he saw the face of Christ.” There is a film on YOUTUBE which I have attached that you may want to watch. This film https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YUOgYiw_OZ0 is 25-minute in length of the life of newly-Blessed Carlo Acuti. The second part (minutes 6:53 - 12:05) shows the in-pew exhibition we are hosting in St.Gabriel’s now.

Thank you to all who have made contributions by standing order and by dropping envelopes into the Presbytery. Your generosity is very much appreciated whilst we are unable to hold weekly collections. If you are able, you can continue to make offertory contributions via bank transfer in lieu of collections. Please contact Sue Edge, Parish Planned Giving organiser, on 01270 876090 for Bank details. We have received some requests for offertory envelopes, so we continue to post them out. We are sending them to the parishioners who have had them in the past and for whom we hold an address.

Online giving to the Parish. For those Parishioners who normally give in the collection at Mass and wish to help the Parish at this time, an online donation page to allow you to donate to the Parish has been added to the Parish website. Please be aware that a minimum donation of £5 is requested if giving in this way. You can also Gift Aid your donation to help the Parish further. If you want to Gift Aid your donation, please tick the box shown on the screen even if you have previously completed a Gift Aid Declaration form in favour of the Parish for regular giving made by Offertory Envelope or Standing Order. An Online giving page has now been created for the Parish using InvestMyCommunity.com The page can be found at: https://investmycommunity.com/not-logged- donator/page/stgabrielalsagerdioceseofshrewsbury2167

For more information, please contact Sue Edge, our St. Gabriel’s parish planned giving and gift aid coordinator on 01270 876090. Thank you for your support. Attention all Gift Aid Donors. The tax year 2020/21 will be coming to an end on 5th April and the Parish will then undertake the process of claiming back the Gift Aid refunds on donations made in the tax year. We are also sending the Boxes of offertory envelopes (2021/2022) for the next year out in the post and you should have received them now. It isn't important if the box number has changed from last year, as these 4

new numbers match the master list that is held. Anyone who wishes to contribute in this manner, please get in touch with Sue Edge (Our Planned Giving Parish Co- ordinator on 01270 876090) and she will arrange to have a Box of Offertory Envelopes or standing order form sent out to you. Also, if you are in the Gift Aid scheme and have moved house in the last year, please could you either let Fr Tony or Deacon Eddie know or contact Sue Edge (876090). Thank you.


Redemptorist Publications is pleased to introduce Celebrate: an initiative designed to help children grow in their faith. Each week we will provide a Children’s Liturgy in the form of a video of the week’s Gospel reading, a reflection and a final prayer. Fun, engaging and practical

worksheets/resources will also be provided to Watch help children continue to practise their faith

during this difficult time. Here

THE BIBLE TIMELINE COURSE. Understand the Bible from start to finish, the Old and New Testament, with this FREE OF CHARGE, worldwide-famous course delivered online LIVE by Mauro Iannicelli. Starts on 7th April 2021 at 7pm (Eight Wednesday evening sessions).Info &

Registration: www.comeandsee.org


BBC Songs of Praise reports on the life and work of Shrewsbury-born Venerable Elizabeth Prout https://youtu.be/ih_pZCbyty4

The Logos & Literature: Elaborating the Divine A series of online evening talks exploring some of the great themes of Catholic Christianity in writing old and new, with Catholic scholars and contemporary authors. Every second Thursday at 7:30pm from 29th April. For info and registration: https://christianheritagecentre.com/events/logos-and-literature/

The Well-being at Home programme is a free, 12 week programme aiming to increase activity levels and improve wellbeing of over 55 year olds living in Cheshire. If you would like to find out more about the programme or the Active Waterways Cheshire project, please visit our website www.canalrivertrust.org.uk/activewaterways

Missio Resources for young people. The parish resources, which include Sunday activity sheets and faith-focused craft activities, can be found here: https://missiontogether.org.uk/calendar/parish-resources/ Missio Home schooling activities for children. https://missiontogether.org.uk/school-closures-home-activities Missio At Missio, we are committed to supporting our sisters and brothers around the world, through any challenges, struggles and hardships. We will continue to work as best we can during this coronavirus pandemic. https://missio.org.uk

Please return your Missio Red Boxes for counting. Please leave in Church when open or on doorstep of Presbytery or in the garage. For More information, please go to Missio.org.uk Many thanks. Other ways people can donate the contents of their Red Box at this time when it's difficult to have them emptied. This includes Text Giving and BACS transfers. Information below:


Fratelli tutti is the title Pope Francis has chosen for his encyclical letter dedicated to "human fraternity" and "social friendship". In English, it can be read as ‘All Brothers’, ‘Brethren all’ or ‘Brothers and sisters all’. The first words of the new ‘circular letter’, or encyclical as we know it, come from St . https://catholicnews.us6.list- manage.com/track/click?u=8bfb372c271fbad8a971552fb&id=d1814557fa&e=d5cb67f88d


The faithful continue to be dispensed in this national emergency from the obligation to attend Holy Mass on Sundays and Holy Days, such as Christmas Eve & Christmas Day. Those appointed stewards need to be under 70 years, who are not classed as vulnerable or shielding under Covid-19. We would like to enlist reserve stewards as well as the present team. Please email [email protected] or mobile 07851 376925 if you can help. Many thanks. Can you please let your family, friends and contacts know. Look forward to seeing you soon.

Worldwide Prayer Network of the Apostleship of Prayer

A Rain Meditation from St Beuno's Jesuit Spirituality Centre. https://www.pathwaystogod.org/resources/rain-meditation

Join us each Wednesday for inspirational prayer and reflection at www.rpbooks.co.uk/blog as we are guided by Fr Denis McBride

During this pandemic crisis, please see if you can offer any assistance to any elderly person living on their own. A regular call to an elderly relative or neighbour can break down a sense of isolation.

SHREWSBURY YOUTH MISSION. Shrewsbury Youth Mission Team are now fully online and are producing daily resources, prayers, and activities for young people. Their resources are on the website: https://www.symt.org.uk

Life Helplines and Information can be found at http://www.dayforlife.org/article/helplines-and- information-2020/

There is a link to St Anthony’s website to access their streaming service with Fr.Nick Kern. https://www.churchservices.tv/stanthonyswythenshawe https://www.mcnmedia.tv/cameras. Watch a Mass from home. Some churches will stream masses, so a couple of links have been added to our Website on the Mass Times and Prayer Resources page. http://www.churchservices.tv/shrewsburycathedral/embed#tab-player or Church Services TV : https://www.churchservices.tv/timetable/ 8

The National Shrine of Our Lady at Walsingham has launched a new website and 24/7 LiVESTREAMING to keep Catholics connected to its cycle of prayer. During the course of the day, there are Talks, Morning/Evening Prayer, Rosary 3 times a day, the Angelus twice a day, Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and Benediction as well as Holy Mass. For the latest schedule, please visit https://www.walsingham.org.uk

Prayer app - you may wish to try either https://www.sacredspace.ie/ or https://pray-as-you- go.org/home/ or daily reflections at http://ln54.blogspot.com https://www.pathwaystogod.org

St.Gabriel’s Catholic School & Pre-school Admissions. We are welcoming lots of new families to our school community. We still have a few places left for our Pre- School Nursery and Reception class in School in 2021. If you know anyone who is new to the area and/or is looking for a place, please let them know to contact us for details on [email protected] or 01270 875770. For school places, parents have to apply through Cheshire East Admissions. Details are on School website. If you know of anyone interested, please let them know & ask them to contact Mr. Byrne, headteacher for a virtual tour of the School.

Shrewsbury Youth Mission Team – Online Ministry Find us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram by searching for @Shrewsbury_ymt Find us on YouTube by searching for Shrewsbury Youth Mission Team – SYMT, don’t forget to subscribe so you know when we go live or release new content. The Collective – This is a group of young adults (18+) who are meeting together for faith and friendship. The meetings run via Zoom by the team the aim is to reach out to young adults who want to grow in their faith. Anyone interested should email: [email protected]

In In May, we pray with Pope Francis for those responsible for financial services, that they may work together with governments to regulate the financial sphere and protect citizens from its dangers. Economic development needs to have a human face, so that no one will be excluded. – Pope Francis This month’s focus • The situation caused by COVID-19 in India is increasingly desperate. Please help our sisters and brothers in need. Find out more here>> • May is National Walking Month. So we’re inviting you to take time to walk in the footsteps of the Pilgrims of England and Wales. Find out more here>> • In May Pope Francis is calling for a Rosary Marathon, to pray for an end to the COVID- 19 pandemic. Please join us to pray. Our Mission Rosary can be found here>> 9

• As this is the month of Mary, why not set aside some space in your home or school to create a mini shrine to Our Lady? Decorate with flowers and use it as a focal point to ask Mary our Mother to pray for us. We’d love you to share your shrines and prayers with us on our Social Media channels! • https://missio.org.uk/popes-prayer-intention-may-2021/


§ § § • • Mary’s Meals provides life-changing meals to some of the world’s poorest children every day they attend school. Get involved link https://www.marysmeals.org.uk/get-involved/ • Fundraiser for Pax Christi. In the week from 15 to 21 May, Pax Christi, the Catholic Peace organisation, will be trying to raise funds to make up for lost income due to Covid19. Fausta is having a dance-a-thon, Bruce is delivering a peace message to foreign embassies in London, Matt is cycling 50 miles visiting peace sites, Pat is going on a walk from Victoria to the Peace Pagoda in Battersea Park, Rachel will be cycling for 75 miles, to celebrate Pax Christi’s 75th anniversary. More fundraisers are joining the fun. Please go to their website www.paxchristi.org.uk/register-you-interest/ for details on how you can sponsor them. • 10


§ § § §

Pope Francis invites Catholics and Marian Shrines around the world to dedicate the month of May to a marathon of prayer for an end to the Covid-19 pandemic. Catholics across the globe are encouraged to dedicate the Marian month of May to praying for an end to the pandemic. The initiative, behind which the Pope has thrown his support, involves 30 Marian Shrines from various parts of the world. It takes place under the theme “The whole Church was fervently praying to God,” which recalls a verse in the Book of Acts (12:5). Prayer initiative. “The initiative will involve all the Shrines of the world in a special way, so that they might encourage the faithful, families, and communities to recite the Rosary to pray for an end to the pandemic,” read a statement released by the Pontifical Council for Promoting the New Evangelization. Pope Francis will open the Marian month of prayer on 1 May with a Rosary broadcast across Vatican Media’s platforms. Each day will see Vatican News broadcast the recitation of the Rosary at 6 PM Rome time from the various Shines taking part in the initiative. The Pope will also close the initiative on 31 May with another specially-broadcast Rosary. To follow, please go to;- walsingham.org.uk churchservices.tv/walsingham ewtn.co.uk


The River Does Not Divide Us: Pentecost Novena on the Care of Creation We invite all Catholics in England and Wales to respond in prayer and action to the urgent climate change issues that we all face. The God Who Speaks team offers this Novena of readings and prayers drawn from the Bible and recent Papal teaching. Between Ascension and Pentecost, we are invited to pray these nine days reflecting on the account of creation in the book of Genesis. This Novena can be used on its own or to complement the prayers and reflections of the global prayer movement - ‘Thy Kingdom Come’ with the Care of Creation theme. http://www.dioceseofshrewsbury.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/Pentecost-Novena-Creation- 21.pdf


16 May 2021 Year B • Psalter Week 3 Seventh Sunday of Easter 16 MAY 2021 7TH SUNDAY OF EASTER ENTRANCE ANTIPHON no more than I belong to the world. PSALM Psalm 102 O Lord, hear my voice, for I have called to I am not asking you to remove them from you; Response: the world, of you my heart has spoken: Seek his face; The Lord has set his sway in heaven. but to protect them from the evil one. hide not your face from me, alleluia. or They do not belong to the world Alleluia! any more than I belong to the world. GLORIA Consecrate them in the truth; 1. My soul, give thanks to the Lord; Glory to God in the highest, your word is truth. THE WORD Year B • Psalter Week 3 and on earth peace to people of good will. all my being, bless his holy name. As you sent me into the world, My soul, give thanks to the Lord We praise you, I have sent them into the world, and never forget all his blessings. (R.) we bless you, and for their sake I consecrate myself we adore you, 2. For as the heavens are high above the so that they too may be consecrated in we glorify you, earth truth.” we give you thanks for your great glory, so strong is his love for those who fear The Gospel of the Lord. Lord God, heavenly King, him. Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ. O God, almighty Father. As far as the east is from the west YOU ARE CALLED (R.) Lord Jesus Christ, Only Begotten Son, so far does he remove our sins. THE APOSTLES’ CREED Lord God, Lamb of God, Son of the Father, 3. The Lord has set his sway in heaven I believe in God, you take away the sins of the world, and his kingdom is ruling over all. the Father almighty, TO BE HOLY have mercy on us; Give thanks to the Lord, all his angels, Creator of heaven and earth, you take away the sins of the world, mighty in power, fulfilling his word. (R.) and in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord, (JOHN 17:11-19) receive our prayer; (all bow during the next two lines) you are seated at the right hand of the Father, SECOND READING 1 John 4:11-16 who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, have mercy on us. born of the Mary, A reading from the first letter of St John. For you alone are the Holy One, suffered under Pontius Pilate, you alone are the Lord, My dear people, was crucified, died and was buried; you alone are the Most High, Jesus Christ, since God has loved us so much, he descended into hell; with the Holy Spirit, we too should love one another. on the third day he rose again from the dead; in the glory of God the Father. No one has ever seen God; he ascended into heaven, Amen. But as long as we love one another and is seated at the right hand of God the God will live in us Father almighty; COLLECT and his love will be complete in us. from there he will come to judge the living Graciously hear our supplications, O Lord, We can know that we are living in him and the dead. so that we, who believe that the Saviour of and he is living in us I believe in the Holy Spirit, the human race because he lets us share his Spirit. the holy , is with you in your glory, We ourselves saw and we testify the communion of , may experience, as he promised, that the Father sent his Son the forgiveness of sins, Our Gospel passage today is until the end of the world, as saviour of the world. the resurrection of the body, REFLECT his abiding presence among us. If anyone acknowledges that Jesus is the Son and life everlasting. an extract from what is called he text of our Gospel reading presents Jesus as praying, “Consecrate them in the Who lives and reigns with you in the unity of of God, Amen. the Holy Spirit, God lives in him, and he in God. “Jesus’ Priestly Prayer”, during truth”. The underlying meaning is “to make holy”. This notion can be confusing for some people, as it conjures up images of individuals whose lives are totally God, for ever and ever. We ourselves have known and put our faith in PRAYER OVER THE OFFERINGS which he speaks directly to the T Amen. God’s love toward ourselves. Accept, O Lord, the prayers of your faithful dedicated to praying and serving others, perhaps wearing distinctive clothing or God is love with the sacrificial offerings, Father on behalf of his disciples, emblems of one sort or another: they are different from normal or ordinary folk. and anyone who lives in love lives in God, FIRST READING Acts 1:15-17. 20-26 that through these acts of devotedness who are present with him at the and God lives in him. we may pass over to the glory of heaven. The Second Vatican Council, in its document on the Church, rejects the idea that holiness is something reserved for special individuals, but is the calling of all A reading from the Acts of the Apostles. The word of the Lord. Through Christ our Lord. Amen. Last Supper. baptised disciples of Jesus. To be a of Jesus is the fundamental vocation of One day Peter stood up to speak to the Thanks be to God. brothers – there were about a hundred COMMUNION ANTIPHON Jesus is about to leave them, and knows all Christians: how each one lives this out will depend on their circumstances; most and twenty persons in the congregation: GOSPEL ACCLAMATION Father, I pray that they may be one that they are not in a fit condition, so will are called to marriage and family life, others to a different path, but no one way of “Brothers, the passage of scripture had to Alleluia, alleluia! as we also are one, alleluia. need the Father’s help in the face of what is living out our baptismal commitment is better or higher than any other. Everyone is be fulfilled in which the Holy Spirit, speaking I will not leave you orphans, says the Lord; to happen in the future. Jesus sums up his called to live as best they can by the teachings of Jesus, and, in that, each person can through , foretells the fate of Judas, I will come back to you, and your hearts will PRAYER AFTER COMMUNION care for the disciples, acknowledging that be said to be holy, to be committed to the Gospel values. who offered himself as a guide to the men be full of joy. Hear us, O God our Saviour, one has been lost, but through that one’s who arrested Jesus – after having been one Alleluia! And grant us confidence, deliberate choice. Jesus asks the Father to One religious sister, when she read the chapter entitled “The Universal Call To of our number and actually sharing this that through these sacred mysteries make the disciples “holy”, that is, that they Holiness” in the document on the Church, said to herself that the bishops at the there will be accomplished in the body of the Council had just written the death sentence for religious life: no longer would ministry of ours. GOSPEL John 17:11-19 identify themselves with God’s purpose, “In the Book of Psalms it says: whole Church just as Jesus did. His final act of holiness people feel that they necessarily had to become a priest, a nun or religious sister, what was already come to pass in Christ her Let someone else take his office. A reading from the holy Gospel according to will be to give himself completely to God’s or a member of a teaching order of brothers to be someone totally committed to John. Head. will, and in this will reveal to them the love the Christian life. There would be no spiritual advantage in entering the convent or “We must therefore choose someone who Who lives and reigns for ever and ever. monastery. Her insight may go a long way to explaining the present dearth of what has been with us the whole time that the Lord Jesus raised his eyes to heaven and said: of the Father. Holiness is rooted in the unity Amen. we traditionally called vocations: it is, perhaps, not due to a lack of generosity or the Jesus was travelling round with us, someone “Holy Father, of the disciples with the Father, and it is on refusal of young people to answer the call, just that the Holy Spirit is calling us all in who was with us right from the time when keep those you have given me true to your the basis of this that Jesus is sending them a different way. The “typical” Christian is sitting in the pew. John was baptising until the day when he name, out to continue his work of revealing God was taken up from us – and he can act with so that they may be one like us. to human beings. us as a witness to his resurrection.” While I was with them, Having nominated two candidates, I kept those you had given me true to your know as Barsabbas, whose surname was name, DO LEARN Justus, and Matthias, they prayed, “Lord, you I have watched over them and not one is SAY can read everyone’s heart; show us therefore lost As you go about your daily routine, The official teaching of the Church is that all which of these two you have chosen to take except the one who chose to be lost, remember that holiness is found in the little, Christians are called to be holy. Teach us, good Lord, over the ministry and apostolate, which and this was to fulfil the scriptures. everyday things of life. to serve you as you Judas abandoned to go to his proper place.” But now I am coming to you They then drew lots for them, and as the lot and while still in the world I say these Holiness consists in our being committed to deserve. living out our baptismal promises as best we fell to Matthias, he was listed as one of the things (Ignatius of Loyola) twelve apostles. to share my joy with them to the full. can in our daily lives. The word of the Lord. I passed your word on to them, Thanks be to God. and the world hated them, No state of life in the Church is necessarily because they belong to the world holier, better, or higher than any other: each Concordat cum originali: + Eamon Martin Archbishop of Armagh. Commentary by Fr Anthony Cassidy CSsR. The English translation of the entrance is appropriate to the person concerned. and communion antiphons, the opening prayers, prayers over the gifts, gloria, creed, and prayers after communion from The Roman Missal, © 2010 International Commission of English in the Liturgy Corporation. Jerusalem Bible version of the scriptures copyright: Darton, Longman & Todd Ltd., and Doubleday & Co. Inc. Responsorial psalms are copyright The Grail and/or Geoffrey Chapman Ltd. Published in Ireland by Redemptorist Communications (www.redcoms.org); Published in the UK by Redemptorist Publications (www.rpbooks.co.uk)


16 May 2021 Year B • Psalter Week 3 Seventh Sunday of Easter 16 MAY 2021 7TH SUNDAY OF EASTER ENTRANCE ANTIPHON no more than I belong to the world. PSALM Psalm 102 O Lord, hear my voice, for I have called to I am not asking you to remove them from you; Response: the world, of you my heart has spoken: Seek his face; The Lord has set his sway in heaven. but to protect them from the evil one. hide not your face from me, alleluia. or They do not belong to the world Alleluia! any more than I belong to the world. GLORIA Consecrate them in the truth; 1. My soul, give thanks to the Lord; Glory to God in the highest, your word is truth. THE WORD Year B • Psalter Week 3 and on earth peace to people of good will. all my being, bless his holy name. As you sent me into the world, My soul, give thanks to the Lord We praise you, I have sent them into the world, and never forget all his blessings. (R.) we bless you, and for their sake I consecrate myself we adore you, 2. For as the heavens are high above the so that they too may be consecrated in we glorify you, earth truth.” we give you thanks for your great glory, so strong is his love for those who fear The Gospel of the Lord. Lord God, heavenly King, him. Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ. O God, almighty Father. As far as the east is from the west YOU ARE CALLED (R.) Lord Jesus Christ, Only Begotten Son, so far does he remove our sins. THE APOSTLES’ CREED Lord God, Lamb of God, Son of the Father, 3. The Lord has set his sway in heaven I believe in God, you take away the sins of the world, and his kingdom is ruling over all. the Father almighty, TO BE HOLY have mercy on us; Give thanks to the Lord, all his angels, Creator of heaven and earth, you take away the sins of the world, mighty in power, fulfilling his word. (R.) and in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord, (JOHN 17:11-19) receive our prayer; (all bow during the next two lines) you are seated at the right hand of the Father, SECOND READING 1 John 4:11-16 who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, have mercy on us. born of the Virgin Mary, A reading from the first letter of St John. For you alone are the Holy One, suffered under Pontius Pilate, you alone are the Lord, My dear people, was crucified, died and was buried; you alone are the Most High, Jesus Christ, since God has loved us so much, he descended into hell; with the Holy Spirit, we too should love one another. on the third day he rose again from the dead; in the glory of God the Father. No one has ever seen God; he ascended into heaven, Amen. But as long as we love one another and is seated at the right hand of God the God will live in us Father almighty; COLLECT and his love will be complete in us. from there he will come to judge the living Graciously hear our supplications, O Lord, We can know that we are living in him and the dead. so that we, who believe that the Saviour of and he is living in us I believe in the Holy Spirit, the human race because he lets us share his Spirit. the holy catholic Church, is with you in your glory, We ourselves saw and we testify the communion of saints, may experience, as he promised, that the Father sent his Son the forgiveness of sins, Our Gospel passage today is until the end of the world, as saviour of the world. the resurrection of the body, REFLECT his abiding presence among us. If anyone acknowledges that Jesus is the Son and life everlasting. an extract from what is called he text of our Gospel reading presents Jesus as praying, “Consecrate them in the Who lives and reigns with you in the unity of of God, Amen. the Holy Spirit, God lives in him, and he in God. “Jesus’ Priestly Prayer”, during truth”. The underlying meaning is “to make holy”. This notion can be confusing for some people, as it conjures up images of individuals whose lives are totally God, for ever and ever. We ourselves have known and put our faith in PRAYER OVER THE OFFERINGS which he speaks directly to the T Amen. God’s love toward ourselves. Accept, O Lord, the prayers of your faithful dedicated to praying and serving others, perhaps wearing distinctive clothing or God is love with the sacrificial offerings, Father on behalf of his disciples, emblems of one sort or another: they are different from normal or ordinary folk. and anyone who lives in love lives in God, FIRST READING Acts 1:15-17. 20-26 that through these acts of devotedness who are present with him at the and God lives in him. we may pass over to the glory of heaven. The Second Vatican Council, in its document on the Church, rejects the idea that holiness is something reserved for special individuals, but is the calling of all A reading from the Acts of the Apostles. The word of the Lord. Through Christ our Lord. Amen. Last Supper. baptised disciples of Jesus. To be a disciple of Jesus is the fundamental vocation of One day Peter stood up to speak to the Thanks be to God. brothers – there were about a hundred COMMUNION ANTIPHON Jesus is about to leave them, and knows all Christians: how each one lives this out will depend on their circumstances; most and twenty persons in the congregation: GOSPEL ACCLAMATION Father, I pray that they may be one that they are not in a fit condition, so will are called to marriage and family life, others to a different path, but no one way of “Brothers, the passage of scripture had to Alleluia, alleluia! as we also are one, alleluia. need the Father’s help in the face of what is living out our baptismal commitment is better or higher than any other. Everyone is be fulfilled in which the Holy Spirit, speaking I will not leave you orphans, says the Lord; to happen in the future. Jesus sums up his called to live as best they can by the teachings of Jesus, and, in that, each person can through David, foretells the fate of Judas, I will come back to you, and your hearts will PRAYER AFTER COMMUNION care for the disciples, acknowledging that be said to be holy, to be committed to the Gospel values. who offered himself as a guide to the men be full of joy. Hear us, O God our Saviour, one has been lost, but through that one’s who arrested Jesus – after having been one Alleluia! And grant us confidence, deliberate choice. Jesus asks the Father to One religious sister, when she read the chapter entitled “The Universal Call To of our number and actually sharing this that through these sacred mysteries make the disciples “holy”, that is, that they Holiness” in the document on the Church, said to herself that the bishops at the there will be accomplished in the body of the Council had just written the death sentence for religious life: no longer would ministry of ours. GOSPEL John 17:11-19 identify themselves with God’s purpose, “In the Book of Psalms it says: whole Church just as Jesus did. His final act of holiness people feel that they necessarily had to become a priest, a nun or religious sister, what was already come to pass in Christ her Let someone else take his office. A reading from the holy Gospel according to will be to give himself completely to God’s or a member of a teaching order of brothers to be someone totally committed to John. Head. will, and in this will reveal to them the love the Christian life. There would be no spiritual advantage in entering the convent or “We must therefore choose someone who Who lives and reigns for ever and ever. monastery. Her insight may go a long way to explaining the present dearth of what has been with us the whole time that the Lord Jesus raised his eyes to heaven and said: of the Father. Holiness is rooted in the unity Amen. we traditionally called vocations: it is, perhaps, not due to a lack of generosity or the Jesus was travelling round with us, someone “Holy Father, of the disciples with the Father, and it is on refusal of young people to answer the call, just that the Holy Spirit is calling us all in who was with us right from the time when keep those you have given me true to your the basis of this that Jesus is sending them a different way. The “typical” Christian is sitting in the pew. John was baptising until the day when he name, out to continue his work of revealing God was taken up from us – and he can act with so that they may be one like us. to human beings. us as a witness to his resurrection.” While I was with them, Having nominated two candidates, Joseph I kept those you had given me true to your know as Barsabbas, whose surname was name, DO LEARN Justus, and Matthias, they prayed, “Lord, you I have watched over them and not one is SAY can read everyone’s heart; show us therefore lost As you go about your daily routine, The official teaching of the Church is that all which of these two you have chosen to take except the one who chose to be lost, remember that holiness is found in the little, Christians are called to be holy. Teach us, good Lord, over the ministry and apostolate, which and this was to fulfil the scriptures. everyday things of life. to serve you as you Judas abandoned to go to his proper place.” But now I am coming to you They then drew lots for them, and as the lot and while still in the world I say these Holiness consists in our being committed to deserve. living out our baptismal promises as best we fell to Matthias, he was listed as one of the things (Ignatius of Loyola) twelve apostles. to share my joy with them to the full. can in our daily lives. The word of the Lord. I passed your word on to them, Thanks be to God. and the world hated them, No state of life in the Church is necessarily because they belong to the world holier, better, or higher than any other: each Concordat cum originali: + Eamon Martin Archbishop of Armagh. Commentary by Fr Anthony Cassidy CSsR. The English translation of the entrance is appropriate to the person concerned. and communion antiphons, the opening prayers, prayers over the gifts, gloria, creed, and prayers after communion from The Roman Missal, © 2010 International Commission of English in the Liturgy Corporation. Jerusalem Bible version of the scriptures copyright: Darton, Longman & Todd Ltd., and Doubleday & Co. Inc. Responsorial psalms are copyright The Grail and/or Geoffrey Chapman Ltd. Published in Ireland by Redemptorist Communications (www.redcoms.org); Published in the UK by Redemptorist Publications (www.rpbooks.co.uk)




Feast Days this week

St Milburga 19th May, Virgin and elder sister of St Mildred, founded the nunnery of Wenlock in Shropshire (now known as Much Wenlock), assisted by endowments from her uncle, Wulfhere, the King of Mercia, and by her father, Merewald. Installed as abbess by St Theodore, the ’s monastery is said to have flourished like a paradise under her rule, partly because of the virtues she cultivated and the spiritual gifts with which she was blessed. The saint, who was educated in France, was noted for her humility, and was endowed with the gift of healing and restored sight to the blind, according to popular stories. Through the strength of her exhortations she was also reputed to bring sinners to repentance. She organised the evangelisation and pastoral care of south Shropshire.

St John I The future was born in Tuscany, and served as an archdeacon in the Church for several years. He was chosen to become the Bishop of Rome in 523, succeeding Pope St. Hormisdas. Saint John I was a martyr for the faith, imprisoned and starved to death by a heretical Germanic king during the sixth century. During his papal reign Italy was ruled by the Ostrogothic King Theodoric. Like many of his fellow tribesmen, the king adhered to the Arian heresy, holding that Christ was a created being rather than the Second Person of the Holy Trinity. In 523, the Byzantine Emperor Justin I ordered Arian clergy to surrender their churches into orthodox Catholic hands. In the West, meanwhile, Theodoric was angered by the emperor’s move, and responded by trying to use the Pope’s authority for his own ends. Pope John was thus placed in an extremely awkward position. Despite the Pope’s own solid orthodoxy, the Arian king seems to have expected him to intercede with the Eastern emperor on behalf of the heretics. John’s refusal to satisfy King Theodoric would eventually lead to his martyrdom.