World History Detective® Book 1 Review

Medieval Islamic Civilizations Review: Lessons 52-65

A 1In the sixth century in Arabia, one of the D 19When the prophet died he left world’s three largest monotheistic religions was no instructions as to who should succeed him. founded. 2Islam owes its existence to Muhammad. 20While trying to decide who his successor—called 3Muhammad was born in Makkah (formerly the caliph—should be, split into two major in English), where he was a merchant. 4According groups which remain separate today. 21The Shiite to Islamic beliefs, the angel Gabriel revealed the Muslims believed all successors to Muhammad new religion of to Muhammad while he was must be Muhammad’s blood relatives. 22The Sunni meditating. Muslims did not believe Muhammad’s successors had to be blood relatives. 23The caliphs worked to B 5Islam means submission to God. 6Its followers establish the (community) to are called Muslims, meaning those who submit to spread the Islamic faith. God. 7To be a good Muslim, you are to follow the five pillars. Muslims must: E 24The produced three dynasties 1. 8Profess there is no God but Allah, and during the Middle Ages: the , Muhammad is his prophet. Fatimid Dynasty, and the Abbasid Dynasty. 25The 2. 9Pray five times a day. Umayyad Dynasty invaded Western Europe 3. 10Give to the community. and conquered most of in the early 700s. 4. 11Fast during the holy month of . 26Throughout the Middle Ages of Western Europe 5. 12Make a pilgrimage to Makkah. Muslims continued to try to conquer Europe but 13The Koran is the Muslim holy book just as the were turned back. Bible is the holy book for . F 27The Fatimid Dynasty ruled and C 14Over the next century and a half, Muhammad for more than two hundred and fifty years. and his successors conquered and converted all of Arabia, North Africa, and parts of Asia and Europe. G 28The first two hundred years of the Abbasid 15Muslim warriors believed that spreading Islam Dynasty are considered the . was part of a (holy war). 16Warriors who died 29During this time the Islamic civilization was more were promised paradise. 17Once conquered, most advanced than European civilization. 30Islamic had to convert or be executed. 18Muslims society became a blend of Arabian, Egyptian, allowed Jews and Christians to practice their faith Persian, and European cultures in some locations. privately if they paid a (special ). 31Muslim scholars read Greek, Hindu, and Persian literature. 32Muslims used the Hindu number system and zero. 33Europeans learned these mathematical concepts from the Muslims.

Mongol Seljuk Turks Conquers Abbasid conquers Arabs Battle of Tours The Crusades Islam began Umayyad Dynasty Islamic Golden Age Muhammad lived Umayyad Dynasty Abbasid Dynasty

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H 34The primary reason the Islamic civilization (artistic handwriting). 40The first use of Islamic enjoyed such an accelerated age of learning calligraphy was to produce copies of the Koran. was the vast amount of trading with foreigners 41Muslim artists used calligraphy to represent throughout the world. 35This brought goods and God because they were forbidden to depict living ideas to Makkah. 36A common language, as well creatures or religious figures in their art. as a shared religion (Islam), made communication easier and created a cultural unity, allowing these J 42Beginning in the mid-900s, the Abbasid new ideas and goods to spread throughout the Dynasty broke into separate competing emirates empire quickly. (small kingdoms). 43In the 11th century, Seljuk Turks conquered most of Muslim Arabia. 44The I 37A popular Islamic artistic design was the Mongol invasion in the 1200s, and to a lesser , which resembles flowers or vines as a extent the Crusades and the Christians, destroyed pattern of curved shapes and lines. 38It appeared the last of the Abbasid Dynasty. 45The Turks on metals and rugs throughout the Muslim world. converted to Islam and had the largest Muslim 39Another common form was calligraphy empire until World War I.


1. Number the following in chronological order. 3. Which of the following would a medieval Muslim a. ____ Turks conquer Arabia artist not create? Circle all that are correct. b. ____ Muhammad is born a. arabesque c. ____ Golden Age of Islam b. calligraphy d. ____ Beginning of Islam c. a sculpture of a woman d. a painting of God 2. Mark each statement T for true or F for false. a. ____ The religion of Islam is polytheistic, Which sentence best supports the answer? worshiping many gods. _____ Which sentences best support the answer? 4. When Muhammad died, his successor was: _____, _____ a. the caliph. b. a souk. b. ____ The sacred text of Islam is called the c. a jihad. Koran. d. the Koran. Which sentence best supports the answer? _____ Which sentence best supports the answer? _____ c. ____ Muslims believe that Muhammad learned of the Islamic religion from 5. A person living in a medieval Muslim community the angel Gabriel. paying a jizya was most likely: Which sentence best supports the answer? a. the Caliph. _____ b. the Souk. c. a Jew. d. ____ One of the requires d. Muhammad. Muslims to visit the city of Makkah. Which sentence best supports the answer? Which sentence best supports the answer? ______

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6. A Muslim warrior fighting in the 700s, was most 9. Mark each sentence T for true or F for false. likely motivated by: a. ____ Muslims successfully conquered most a. a promise of paradise. of Europe during the Middle Ages. b. a desire to defeat the Turks. Which sentence best supports the answer? c. The Crusades. _____ d. the Jizya. b. ____ Europeans were taught the Hindu Which sentence best supports the answer? number system and zero by the _____ Muslims. Which sentence best supports the answer? 7. A Muslim who believed the successor of _____ Muhammad did not have to be a blood relative was a: c. ____ During the Islamic Golden Age, a. Sunni. Muslim scholars were permitted to b. Shiite. read the Koran only. c. Fatimid. Which sentence best supports the answer? d. Turk. _____

Which sentence best supports the answer? d. ____ European civilization remained the _____ most advanced civilization throughout the Middle Ages. 8. The Islamic Golden Age was brought about Which sentence best supports the answer? mainly by: _____ a. victory in war. b. trade. c. scientific innovation. d. Muslim artists.

Which sentence best supports the answer? _____

Written Response Question

10. How did Islam influence art in the Islamic civilizations?








© 2012 The Critical Thinking Co.™ • • 800-458-4849 3 World History Detective® Book 1 Review Answers Medieval Islamic Civilizations Review: Lessons 52-65 Answers

1. a. 4 b. 1 c. 3 d. 2 2. a. F, sentences 1, 2 b. T, sentence 13 c. T, sentence 4 d. T, sentence 12 3. c, d, sentence 41 4. a, sentence 20 5. c, sentence 18 6. a, sentence 16 7. a, sentence 22 8. b, sentence 34 9. a. F, sentence 26 b. T, sentence 33 c. F, sentence 31 d. F, sentence 29 10. Key points:

Muslims are forbidden to depict God or living creatures in their art. Calligraphy was first used to produce copies of the Koran and was a way for Muslim artists to represent God.

Arabesque, a pattern of flowers or vines, is a common design found on metals and rugs.

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