Xtravagate - the Business Probe Issue 13, Jun 2017 Department of Management Studies, National Institute of Technology (Trichy)
XTRAVAGATE - THE BUSINESS PROBE ISSUE 13, JUN 2017 DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT STUDIES, NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY (TRICHY) In This Issue Paris Agreement without United States Anfangen ist leicht, Beharren eine Kunst A Nostalgic return to our Cam- pus Memories Work of an MBA Graduate MBA in Operations Management and Linked Roles and Opportu- nities World Bank and its role in the Global Economy Movie Corner– Phas Gaye Re Obama Snippets “The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go” - Dr. Seuss AUTHOR Paris Agreement without United States he Paris Agreement of 2015 the situation is not as grim as it might was an iconic moment in seem to be. Trump government may History. Unlike its predeces- have pulled out of the Agreement and T domestically hindered the progress sors in Kyoto (1992), Copenhagen made by the Obama administration, (2009) or Doha (2012), which tried to but the momentum will not be lost ‘force’ greenhouse gas emission cuts simply because of one word – Eco- on its signatories, the Paris Agree- nomics. Since last few years, the cost ment asked all the countries of the of generating energy from renewable world to put forward their own plans sources has reduced tremendously; in fact, like the Moore’s Law for tran- for controlling emissions and mitigat- Pranav Kumar sistors, there is the “Swanson’s law” ing global warming, and they did, 195 which states that the price of solar MBA Batch of 2015-2017 of them! The goal is to limit the cli- photovoltaic modules tends to drop Mobius Knowledge Service mate rise to less than 2 degree Cel- by 20% for every doubling of cumula- sius by 2060, thus giving us 40 more tive shipped volume.
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