COMMUNITY CALENDAR: Ongoing and Upcoming Events, PAGE 4 Common Colds: protect yourself and others, PAGE 17 Little food pantry making a big The Islander difference, PAGE 6 INSIDE FEBRUARY 15, 2017 | | 75¢ Gulf Shores talks SAFER grant, Orange Beach moves forward on bridge projects, County Road 6 new lifeguard tower The 11th Annual Low By CRYSTAL COLE Country Boil By CRYSTAL COLE
[email protected] [email protected] will be held from 11 a.m. to 2:45 Orange Beach city leaders are p.m. on Friday, Feb. 17 at the Fire Chief Hartly Broken- looking into constructing their own Gulf Coast Zoo. There are four shaw approached the Gulf lifeguard towers after shipping Shores City Council about a different seating times. Your costs for pre-made structures far ex- federal grant that could give ticket also includes entry to ceeded expectations. Aquatics Direc- the city the ability to expand the zoo at your convenience. tor Melvin Shepard told the council its fire protection services. Tickets available through the shipping for the lifeguard towers the Brokenshaw said the city has zoo and snowbird clubs. The council had been discussing would the opportunity to apply for cost is $13, which includes a be $4,331.40, though the cost would the grant now, which will help be split with funds given by the vol- drink (soda, tea, coffee) except supplement the salaries of new unteer fire department board. beer. Beer is $2. For more firefighters. “When I first started speaking information, call 251-968-5731. “The grant is made available with the agency that builds the To see more calendar items, through FEMA and is called lifeguard towers and asked for turn to Page 4.