Who Will Be the Next US President?

UCCESS IN 'S ILICON VALLEY Reliefs of Guanyin Bodhisattva figures in an oyster shell.

Pearls are eagerly sought by many for their beauty and lustre. One of 's pearl production centres where oysters at;e cultivated is Zhuji County, Zhejiang Province. Here one can find not only pearl-breeding oyster farms but also producers of various kinds of relief figure pictures. This hew handicraft is used to create decorative articles and tourist souvenirs.

Phofos by Gu Shoukang

Injecting a special solution into an oyster shell to boost the growth of .pearl.

A pearl cultivator spreading oysters in a pond. BeijingR«-i«- HIGHLIGHTS OF THE WEEK

China Launches Meteorological Satellite \oi >i. NO. SILFT. I«-25. m» • China successfully sent up its first experimental meteorological satellite by a Long March No.4 carrier rocket CONTENTS on September 7. The satellite gathers global meteorological information and transmits the data to satellite ground stations NOTES FROM THE EDITdRS 4 worldwide (p. 5). New S>sti.Mii of Public Service to Oo Into F-rictt KIVIT Urged to Begin Talks on Reunification EVENTS/TRENDS 5-9 Chinn i.:iunchos MeiumiUigicaJ • Thirty-four KMT leaders headed by Chen Li-fu recently put Satcllilc forward a proposal for reunifying China through culture. Zhao on ( hiiia's Price Relurm Renmin Ribao (People's Daily) published a commentary I-irsi Sccrcis Law Made warmly welcoming the proposal. The paper expressed the hope i'uWic that both sides can initiate co-operation in economic and Chin:) Hosts the cultural fields and conduct talks on all pfiatters at an early date Can a Millionanc .loin the Paris'.' either on the mainland, in Taiwan, or at any other place (p. 14). Wcci^lyChrcrnK-lc (Scplembcr

(NTERNATtONAL 10.13 China's Silicon Valley in the Ascendent Polaml; Strikes F-^nd. l*roblcms Remain • Since 1980, group after group of scientists and engineers 'i he PinhppiiK-"-- 1 nparlitc have quit their secure jobs to found their own electronic Controniiitiot* Shaping Up businesses on Zhongguangcun Street in Beijing. Now the SinLMpoic: Kiiiins: l'arl> Jilcctcd largest micro-computer and computer components market in .•\iiam China has become China's answer to silicon valley in Qatar: fc'conomy l^cks Up combining scientific and technological research with trade (p. 15). KMT Urged to Begin Talks on Chinas ftfidinification Chinas Silicbb Valley in ttie A Brief Analysis of US Presidential Elections IS An Ov&tviemvt tiS PreSiciei}^ • The fact that George Bush and Michael Bukakis have won, Elections 19 respectively, the Republican and Democratic presidential Snow's Red Star' Holds Lasting nomination shows that moderate conservatism and moderate Appeal liberalism represent the current mainstreams in the c»iipaign. TTie two candidates are expected to run a close race, the 26 outcome of which cannot be predicted with any certainty at present (p. 19).

FROM THE CWWESE PRESS !5D-W CULTURE/SCIENCE 32>34 Singapore's General EleeHim ^OVER: Stofic GrtHitp of ihe ffiott^iiangcun F.lettronic Street. • The Singapore People's Action Party wins again in the Chen Zon«iie recent general election on its record of increasing prosperity (p. 12).

s„i...(.ijr,.i.., .„.•. , (1 ..:,u; USfl Pi.l.listird irvctv Vlon(!.i, G.-rieiiil tiliton.il OlUce lei 8314318 A.»24.pO Canada .....Can .$23.00 BttJIMG RtVlhW tii.lliah D,:i)t l,-l 331 5b9!) txt SIB New Zealand NZ.$33.00 .M Bniw.in/hij.HK! Road 1' .'iihiji.n iiy £hma International Book UK £13.00 ».-,,<:,<, 100037 Trading Corporation iGUOJI SHUOIANl P I..;, R.-p[ililii a< P O Box 399 B..i|ni(j Chiii.i •1 NOTES FROM THE EDITORS

New System of Public Service to Go Into Effect

by Li U

hina is now actively preparing document includes a series of strict tors from various provinces, Cto implement a new system of stipulations on public servant municipalities' and autonomous public service. Starting from next discipline, and contains a plan for regions. They discussed the drafts January, all government depart• the establishment of a mechanism of the Provisional Regulations ments will recruit and promote enabling the people to exercise Concerning Public Servants and staff in line with a new series of direct supervision over the work of related statutory decrees and stipulations concerning the system public servants. Those found suggested several revisions. of pubHc service. violating this discipline will be Energetic efforts will be made to The Ministry of Personnel severely punished. The statute also establish a national public servant under the State Council is going embodies detailed legal norms for training network based on the through the final examination of the management of public State Administrative College, an the Provisional Regulations Con• servants. institution of higher learning cerning PubUc Servants and some Six auxiliary decrees have been specializing in training public Other related decrees. The regul• drafted, covering areas including servants to be built. The network ations include articles on the rights examination and recruitment, will include several local admini• and responsibilities of public routine checks of work standards, strative colleges and various servants, classification of posts, rewards and punishment, and training institutes. These colleges examination and recruitment, salary scale. Plans have also been and institutes will devote their rewards and punishment, pro• made to enact another ten decrees attention primarily to training motion and demotion, training on the training of pubhc servants, public servants at their posts. and education, salaries and changing jobs, insurance and China's current personnel man• welfare, retirement and work welfare. agement system came into being in discipline. The Ministry of Personnel plans the early days of New China. Its The document has two major to estabUsh a comprehensive basic functions have been the themes. First, it gives prominence statutory system over public recruitment, selection and transfer to competition. The regulations service within five years. of officials, with its work overseen stipulate that in the future, all state Since the beginning of the by Party committees and organiz• organs must recruit public serv• second half of this year, this new ational departments in an univer• ants through open, competitive system of public service has been sal manner. examinations. The state will tried out in four departments The advantage of this system announce the qualifications re• under the State Council, including lay in its strong political "cohesive quired, the examination proce• the State Building Materials force." But its major defect was a dures and the methods of Bureau, the State Auditing lack of strict, scientific and legal recruitment-, so as to enable every Administration and the State standards of classificaton for -citizen to have an equal opportun• Environmental Protection official positions and selecting ity of applying. Staff will then be Bureau, the provincial govern• Officials. As a result, it inevitably recruited according to the examin• ments of and Fujian, •gave rise to some abuses, such as ation results. In addition, the and governments of eight cities choosing the wrong person for a promotion of public servants will including Guangzhou and Shen• job, incompetence and be based on a comprehensive zhen. Initially, the results have favouritism. appraisal of their work, supplem• proved successful. In addition, it failed to offer ented when necessary ' by In August, the first training every official an equal opportunity examinations. class for the introduction of the in applying for vacant posts, and Second, the document stresses new public service system was held so was not conducive to the supervision and management in Beijing. The participants were intellectual growth of talented according to the law. The 106 personnel department direc• people.


China Launches iVieteoroiogical Satellite

hina sent up its first experim- ; ation, temperatures of the ocean Cental meteorological satellite surface, and coverage of ice and from a launching centre in snow. Taiyuan, Shanxi Province on It is also capable of; surveying September 7. the composition, of particles in The satellite, Fengyun (Wind space. and Cloud) No. 1, has entered the It is designed primarily to Consequently, the old system solar-synechronous orbit, with all gather global meteorological in- has fallen ever more out of step meters and instruments function• with the need for highly efficient ing normally. Following its launching by a ExtensWe cloud chart transmitted by the government work required by satellite pictures all of China's topo• China's reforms. Therefore, the "Long March No. 4" carrier graphical features. i>y 13th Party Congress pointed out rocket, it transmitted information the necessity of establishing a in about 15 minutes and its first scientifically managed, modern cloud chart picture in one hour public service system character• and 30 minutes. ized by open competition. It is The chart of clouds over the only through such a system that Soviet Union a:nd Asia is clear, government functionaries can said experts at the Beijing-based remain competent, qualified and Satellite Meteorological Centre honest. And it is only with such a affiliated with the State Meteor• system that they can form a ological Bureau. . powerful and highly efficient The Xian Satellite Telemetering goverment network to effectively Centre and the State Meteorolog• manage state administrative ical Bureau are testing the satellite affairs. according to plan. The establishment and imple- It is capable of telemetering rhentation of the new public cloud charts day and night, earth's service system represents a major surface pictures, ocean-water step in the reform of China's color-charts, growth, of veget- political structure. It is un• doubtedly a complicated social Chlna launches Its first meteorological satellite by a "Long March No. project involving the country's few 4" carrier rocket. xu ZHIMIN million government personnel. The most important question is how to accomplish the transition from the bid system to the new in the shortest possible time. Therefore, the Ministry of Personnel has worked out a graduated reform plan, starting at the top and working down. According to the plan, the transition for state organs, and provincial and municipal govern• ments will be accomplished in five years. For the county and township administrations, it will take a little longer. •


t'ormation and transmit the data Zhao on China's Gibney, co-chairman of the to satellite ground stations joint editoral review board of a worldwide. Price Reform Chinese version of the "Concise Three meteorological satellite Encyclopaedia Britannica," who ground stations in Beijing, hinese leader Zhao Ziyang has visited China every year since Guangzhou and Urumqi are Csaid that China must be clear 1984, said that compared with a capable of receiving data from the in orientation and take resolute few years ago, China's in• satellite every day. and reliable measures in price tellectuals seem to speak more The meteorological satellite is reform. openly. He asked Zhao whether it the third successfully launched Zhao, General Secretary of the is true that the Chinese govern• this year by China, and also the CPC Central Committee, made ment adopts a tolerant attitude 24th since April 1970, when China the remark on September 6 at a towards writers and artists whose launched its first artificial earth meeting with the American opionions differ from orthodox satellite. publisher Frank Gibney in views. The meteorological satellite, as Beijing. In reply, Zhao said, "On this compared with other types of China will firmly carry out the question, we stick to two satellites, has the following price reform, Zhao said. But the principles. One is upholding the characteristics: reform will not proceed in socialist system; the other is Launched by a new carrier isolation. It will go ahead together following the policy of letting a rocket. Just Uke Long March with the improvement of the hundred flowers bloom and a No.3, Long March No.4 is a three- economic environment and con• hundred schools of thought stage one, with a great carrying solidation of order within the contend. This can be applied not capacity. The only difference Party and government. Measures only to natural sciences but also to between them is their power include stopping loopholes in art and literature." installation on the third stage. commodity circulation and solv• ing problems related to honesty Not long ago, he added, the Moves in a different orbit. and openness in Party and country's two films "Old Well" Rotating in a direction opposite to government organizations. and "Red Sorghum" won intern• that of the earth, the satelUte 1 He said China faces the major ational awards. In China, some circles around ihe earth 14 times a problem of dealing with an people are in favour of these films day along the solar-synchronous overheated economy. Measures and some are against them. The orbit and twice passes across the must be taken to limit the scale of attitude of the Party and the sky above all regions except the capital construction and control government is not to interfere, but two poles; in this way, it can the speed of economic develop• to let the people discuss them obtain high-quality charts and ment. The price reform should freely. Praise of the films is pictures from all over the world. keep pace with enterprise reform. allowed and criticism is permitted Observes a broader area. The The price reform hinges on the too. "Our future policy will be one sntellite applies the space tech- efficiency of the enterprises. of less interference," Zhao stated. noloLry and remote sensing Then Gibney asked, "When we l^^hnology to the scientific study The rate of price increases next met last time, you were premier of atmosphere and meteorological year will be much lower than that and now you are the Party's survey, therefore, it can observe of this year, he stressed. General Secretary. How much the surface of the earth as well as When talking about reform in time do you spend every day the atmosphere from outer space. urban areas, Zhao said that China handUng economic and Party M^-eAm^ "fias the advantage of allows the existence of a private affairs?" transmitting information pro• sector of the economy. Predom• Zhao said with a smile, "Things mptly and quickly. inantly state-run enterprises will were different when I was premier. China proposes to further raise not be turned into private ones, as I do not directly deal with the function and Jevel of the solar- in some developing countries. But economic affairs, but concentrate synchronous orbit meteorological China is going to adopt measures on research and investigation so satellite and speed up the ; to separate the ownership of state- that I can discuss major policy development of the earth static run enterprises from the power of issues with my colleagues at Party orbit meteorological satelUte so as I management and to introduce a meetings." to advance the science of stock system with the state stock He explained that now China is meteorology in China, promote as the dominant one. Zhao said going all out with its modern• the national economy and benefit this is feasible and he is very ization. "It's quite difficult to the people. • hopeful about it. distinguish which are Party affairs

6 BEIJING REVIEW, SEPTEMB5R^I^;5, 1988 and which are related to economic secrets will not be allowed to leave According to him, the newly issues. I devote most of my energy the country without clearance promulgated state secrets law and to reform matters," he said. from their superiors. The State an additional regulation for "Generally speaking, questions Council or other government punishment of criminals reveaUng related to reform take up 70 institutions have the power to state secrets, which won the nod percent of my energy, including block approval to leave if they from the NPC Standing Commit• my meeting with you since we are deem his exit would harm the tee on September 5, provide for talking about the reform." • safety of the country or cause heavier penalties on anyone losses to the state. leaking or stealing state secrets. Those who steal, buy or The law will come into effect on otherwise illegally leak state First Secrets Law May 1, 1989 and will replace the secrets in serious circumstances provisional regulations on keep• shall be given a prison sentence or Made Public ing state secrets issued in June, even the death penalty, along with 1951. deprivation of political rights, the hina's first state secrets law additional regulation stipulates. To strengthen the country's was approved at the Third No secret, no need to conceal. C control over state secrets, a new Meeting of the National People's When discussing the law at the state secrets bureau has been Congress (NPC) Standing Com• NPC meeting, some members of recently set up under the State mittee which ended on September the NPC Standing Committee said Council, replacing the former 5 in Beijing. that it is necessary to keep central secrets commision, a The 35-article law safeguards information secret which is senior official in charge of state national security and interests and confidential or secret, while there secrets said on September 7. obliges all state institutions, the is no need for concealing matters He said that China will tighten armed forces, social organiz• which are not secret. For example, control over official secrets and ations, enterprises and citizens to they said, the Chinese people impose severe penalties according keep state secrets. should know the things which to law for acts of harming state State secrets include important their leaders tell foreign visitors, security by leaking state secrets. decisions on state affairs, activities and which are allowed to be made of the armed forces and national With the increasing intern• public abroad. Sometimes hap• defense construction, diplomatic ational exchanges and co• penings in or connected with affairs, secret affairs concerning operation since China opened its China are well known abroad, but national economic and social doors to the outside world in 1979, the Chinese people know nothing development and science and various forces in and outside about them, they complained. technology, and activities related China have increased their efforts This phenomenon should be to state safety and to the to collect information on the corrected, they said, implying that investigation of crimes. country, the official said. top leaders should not keep the They are divided into three Moreover, some Chinese have people from access to information categories: strictly confidential, sold or illegally divulged state which has been made public confidential, and secret. "Strictly secrets to foreigners. overseas. confidential" information means Statistics show that 80 percent According to Huang Shunxing, disclosure would seriously of the cases of revealing state a member of the committee, the damage state safety and interests. secrets in recent years involved limits of secret information and No state secrets should be providing state secrets to overseas materials should not be too wide, disclosed in press releases, maga• institutions, organizations or otherwise the reform and open• zines, maps and other publications individuals, and some of the leaks ness will be harmed. including broadcasting and video have severely damaged the Some journalists are worrying tapes. country's security and interests. that if the law is not carried out Military zones and secret state Though China's central govern• properly, say, the scope of secrets institutions should not be open to ment issued a set of provisional is arbitrarily set too wide, it will the public without special per• regulations on maintaining state hinder the process of China's mission. No documents or secrets in 1951, the regulations and democratization and the policy of publications can be carried or some relevant provisions in the toumingdu (transparency — posted; outside the mainland "Criminal Law", passed in 1979, Chinese equivalent of the Soviet without the approval of desig• cannot meet the needs of the glasnost). Thus, they said, the nated authorities. current complicated situation, the enactment of a press law is Officials taking charge of state official said. imperative. •



China Hosts the ICFS '88 The 1988 International Congress on Forensic Science opened in Beijing on September 4. Present at the meeting were about 300 legal medical scholars from 27 countries and regions. China boasts a long history of forensic science. The Redress of Grievances written by Song Ci in 1247 is generally recognized as the world's earliest forensic classic. Today's force more than 7,000 legal medical workers have contributed a great deal to social justice in China.

the company has 240 employees prescribed by the constitution. Can a Millionaire and runs a fleet of 49 motor The debate about cases like Join the Party? vehicles. His fixed assets are worth Liu's has spread to many parts of 5.2 million yuan (US$1,400,000). the country, with interest fueled by Although Liu has demonstrated the rapid-growing private sector his civic virtues by handing over which now totals 115,000 busi• more than a million yuan to the nesses having at least eight hould a millionaire be allowed state in taxes and donating employees each. S to join the Communist Party 300,000 yuan to local welfare Hundreds of Party members of China? It is a question to which departments, his application to have written to the provincial the Party has never had to address join the Party has so far not been itself since its founding in 1921. accepted. Party committee supporting Liu. Yet it has aroused wide debate "The vanguard role of a among grassroots Party organ• "I'm rather confused about millionaire, who leads his villagers izations in northeast China's this," mused an official in charge to fight for common prosperity, is Liaoning Province. of provincial Party affairs. greater than that of someone who The discussion focusses on Liu "Should the Party accept an is a Party member in name only," Xigui, a 34-year-old farmer on the affluent private businessman or wrote an employee of the Datong rural outskirts of Shenyang, the not?" railway administration in Shanxi provincial capital. Nine years ago He noted that members of the Province. he contracted an old truck from a Party should be advanced ele• Many have commented it is not local unit, using his own savings ments of the proletariat, according fair to reject individual business plus some loans, and engaged in to the Party constitution. They owners just because they have private transport. must not seek personal gain or more private property than others. His business flourished. Today privileges out^de i.^e, i¥;o©P However, others argue that 8 BEIJING REVIEW, SEPTEMBER'IftlW. 1988 most of the wealth of the rich has September 8 at a news briefing cites the three been acquired by squeezing • In response to a reporter's principles guiding China's export surplus value out of the workers question, a Foreign Ministry of military equipment. they employ. That is exploitation, spokesman says: "We are deeply First, the export of military they claim. concerned over visits to Taiwan by equipment should be conducive to They consider it ridiculous to the Malaysian Prime Minister and enhancement of the just dpfense even imagine that an exploiter Minister of Trade and Industry." capability of the countries con• controUing large amounts of He says these visits are not in cerned. Secondly, it should be surplus value could become a conformity with agreements conducive to the maintenance and communist and devote his life to reached between China and promotion of peace, security and eliminating the system of Malaysia upon establishment of stability in the relevant regions. exploitation. diplomatic relations and are not Thirdly, it should not function as The Liaoning provincial Party conducive to the development of interference by China in the committee has invited wide- friendly relations between the two internal affairs of other countries. ranging discussion but has yet to countries. come up with a clear-cut statement. CULTURAL • Addressing a banquet hosted A committee official said the by the Democratic People's city's Dongling district branch September 7 Republic of Korea (DPRK) • A 17-volume "Collected where Liu applied has the right to embassy in Beijing in celebration decide whether to admit him or Works of Leo Tolstoy" will soon of the 40th anniversary of the be off the press to commemorate not. founding of the DPRK, Chinese But the branch itself is the 160th anniversary of the great Premier Li Peng says: "It is the Russian writer's birthday which obviously divided. A deputy head firm policy of the Chinese said that whether an applicant for falls on September 9. Communist Party and govern• Eight volumes have already Party membership employed ment to consistently further the workers or not was unimportant. been published by the People's friendship between China and the Literature Publishing House. The His income comes from his own DPRK." labour and is justified since the collection will include all his The Chinese government and central Party authorities en• novels, most of his novelettes, his people will continue to unswerv• courage the development of short stories, tales for children, ingly support the Korean people private economy in China. • plays and other writings. in their just struggle for the peaceful reunification and inde• September 8 pendence of their country. • An exhibition entitled "Sex and Its Knowledge" is beirig held Weekly Chronicle in the largest park in Nanjing, (September 5-11) ECONOMIC capital of Province, China Youth A^ews.reports. September 5 This is part of the Iqcal POUTICAL • China has become the 13th government's more open policy largest trading partner of the regarding sex education. Exhi• September 7 United States with a trade volume bitions like this have rarely been • Deng Xiaoping, chairman of amounting to US$10.4 billion last held in public places before. the Chinese Central Military year, according to the second Commission, tells visiting US session of a Sino-US economic co• Defense Secretary Frank Carlucci operation seminar held in SOCIAL that China is a trustworthy and Shanghai. , responsible country. China is In 1987, about 16 percent of September 5 pledged to modernization and China's export goods went to the '• The number of people above world peace. "That is the starting United States while US imports the age of 65 in China is expected point from which we raise and from China amounted to US$5.9 to reach 73.98 million in solve problems," Deng adds. billion, just below the figure for 1990; it will reach 86.48 million in Japan. Deng expresses satisfaction the year 2000, 36 million more ais with what he describes as the compared with 49.72 million in "steady development" of Sino-US September 8 ' 1982, Renmin Ribao (People's relations in recent years. •^A^Foi'ei'gn Ministry spokesman Daily) repdrts. BEIJBSQ .REVIEW,' SEPTEMBER 19-25, 1988 • INTERNATIONAL ——•

PoHsh Interior Minister Czes- POLAND law Kiszezak met outlawed Solidarity trade union leader Lech Walesa on August 31 for talks on Strikes End, Problems Remain preparations for a coming round- Although the strikes ended, following efforts made by the table meeting between the govern• ment and representatives from all Polish' government and departments concerned, the walks of life. These are the first government still faces arduous tasks. talks between the Polish author• ities and the banned Solidarity since the government declared the demands reasonable, but never• ith the end of strikes at the Solidarity illegal in 1981. theless declared the walkouts W Szczecin Port and Bus On September 1 Walesa re• illegal under Polish law. Depot and the July Manifesto turned to Gdansk with a call for Actually only a small number of Mine on September 3, life an end to the walkouts and the workers were involved in the wave returned to normal in Poland. But next day, he drove from his home of work stoppages and by August problems still remain, as Polish to Jastrzebie to join strikers in 28,18 plants and mines had ended leader Wojciech Jaruzelski their talks with coal mine their strikes. On August 29, pointed out at the two-day 8th authorities. On September 3 coal walkouts continued in the July plenary session of the Polish miners at the July Manifesto Mine Manifesto Mine in Katowice and Workers' Party, which ended on resumed work, thus ending the some shipyards in Gdansk and August 28. worst strike wave in Poland in Szczecin, but they involved only The work stoppages were seven years. 3,100 workers, who accounted for triggered off by the failure of the "Problems still exist" after the 0.18 percent of the total number of price-income policy. Early this end of the walkouts, Jaruzelski workers in the country. The 20- year, the Polish authorities said, and the authorities are day strike wave has caused the initiated a drastic reform of the prepared to solve "the most country a loss of 49.3 billion zlotys price-income policy, originally difficult issues" through dialo• (about US$105 million). planning to raise prices by 34 gues. Observers believe that the "The cause of the current percent and incomes by 36 round-table meeting will promote difficulties is the faulty economic percent. However, resentment was the establishment of dialogue. policy. The demonstrations are a aroused among the people during Still, the round-table meeting will signal that the leadership has the first six months when prices confront arduous tasks because made mistalces, weakened its rose by 53 percent and incomes by the Polish authorities and Walesa relations with the working class 62 percent. have distinctively different pos- and failed to act prompdy in "The price-income poUcy failed tions on the restoration of the dealing with the problems," to reach its goal. On the contrary, Solidarity trade union and other Jaruzelski pointed out at the it has intensified inflation and thorny issues. destabiUzed the market," said session. Wladyslaw Baka, Party Politburo However, there is no doubt that So, during the 20 days of strikes, the majority of Poles hope to carry member and Central Committee the Polish authorities actively secretary in charge of economic out economic and political sought dialogue with the strikers, reforms in a stable situation, to affairs, at the plenary session. in contrast with their previous The strikes, which lasted for 20 develop the economy and to raise poUcies in handling strikes. the people's living standards days, started in the July Manifesto Although they had said they Mine in Katowice on August 15 through reform. would stop the strikes by by Wen Youren and spread to 14 mines, 15 plants, mandatory sanctions, they did not shipyards, and bus depots in do so this time. Gdansk and Szczecin. The strikers Observers in Warsaw believed demanded higher pay and official that the situation in Poland would recognition of the Solidarity trade become worse and that the union, which was banned in 1981 already-improved relations with when the Polish authorities the West would be dampened if imposed martial law in the the authorities took mandatory country. sanctions. And this would harm The Polish government consi• the country's economic dered some of the strikers' development. , ,

10 BEIJING REVIEW, SEPTEMBER 19-25, 1988 THE PHILIPPINES provisions, and as some of its members were associated with deposed President Ferdinand Tripartite Confrontation Sliaping Up Marcos, the opposition coalition has not yet won as many followers as it had expected. A tripartite confrontation is brewing in the Philippines as The UNA has two possible political parties realign into three major groups. presidential contenders: Laurel and Enrile. The reahgnment of the political ue to different stands on some personalities in the ruling coa• parties is regarded as a move in Dissues affecting the Philip• htion for their candidacy in the preparation for the 1992 pre• pines, two separate alliances are 1992 presidential election. The sidential election when President emerging among the political LDP is scheduled to hold its Aquino finishes her six-year term parties of the ruling coalition of national convention in mid- of office. President Corazon Aquino, while September. To observers of Philippine the opposition parties have just politics, there seems to be no regrouped into a single The LP-PDP-Laban-NUCD- fundamental difference in strategy coalition — the Union for Na• Bandila Alliance is opposing the and in principle among the three tional Action (UNA).. formation of a single administr• sectors of the political elite. There The ruling coalition is divided ation party, arguing that it might be a divergence of views in between the Laban ng Demokrat- violates the constitutional provi• terms of tactics for dealing with ikong Philipino (LDP) on the one sion for a multi-party system. some problems besetting the side, and the alliance of the Liberal Headed by Senate president and country, such as how to handle the Party (LP), the smaller faction of Liberal Party leader Jovito issue of US mihtary bases in the the Philippine Democratic Salonga, the LP-PDP-Laban- Philippines. Party —Laban Party (PDP- NUCD-Bandila AUiance enjoys Laban), the National Union of support from most of the 23 The LDP and the LP-PDP- Christian Democrats (NUCD) senators. Laban-NUCD-Bandila Alliance and Bandila on the other. The It has several possible president• both support the minimum LDP is envisioned as the single ial contenders including Jovito programme of government of the administration party representing Salonga (LP president), senator Aquino administration, but they a merger of the three largest AquiUno Pimentel (head of the have differences concerning the Aquino-supportive political PDP-Laban smaller faction), miUtary bases issue. parties in the ruhng coahtion: the Foreign Affairs Secretary Raul The LDP has taken the Lakas ng Bansa (people's power), Manglapus (NUCD president), "options open" policy of Presi• the bigger faction of the PDP- and senator Agapito Aquino dent Aquino on the issue of the US Laban and the majority of the (Bandila president). bases, while the LP-PDP-Laban- members of the United Nationa• The opposition UNA is com• NUCD-Bandila has been voicing list Democratic Organization posed of the reunited factions of opposition to the retention of US (UNIDO). the Nacionalista Party, a faction bases beyond 1991 termination of As a trusted follower of of the UNIDO, the Grand the Philippines-US military bases President Aquino, the LDP is Alliance for Democracy,the Mus• agreement. expected to become the main• lim Federal Party, the Mindanao stream force in the ruling Alliance and several other smaller The UNA has called for the coahtion. It has won the parties. retention of the US bases beyond support of most of the 203 The UNA is headed by vice- 1991, but subject to several members of the House of President Salvador Laurel, who conditions, including the drafting Representatives and the majority has just broken away from the of a new treaty with a ten-year of provincial governors and city ruling coalition. Senate minority limitation. mayors. House speaker Ramon floor leader Juan Ponce Enrile, the News analysts take the Mitra will likely assume the lone opposition senator, is vice- emergence of a unified opposition leadership of the new administr• chairman of the UNA. party and a splinter group from ation party. As the UNA'S 10-point pro• the ruling coalition to mean that The formation of the LDP is gramme of government is seen by the Aquino administration now being perceived somewhat as the some people here as lacking faces a stronger opposition as well preparation of several political concrete, reahstic and popular as a dissident group from within

BEIJING REVIEW, SEPTEMBER 19-25, 1988 11 while pursuing its domestic and affecting the stabihty of the Yew, has attracted a wide galaxy foreign policies and dealing with country. of talented persons and formed the various substantive issues by Zhai Shuyao prudent, highly efficient govern• ments which have been imple• menting a set of practical economic policies. SINGAPORE Singapore, a backward colony 30 years ago, has been built up into a thriving centre of finance, Ruling Party Elected Again commerce, communications and transport, both sea and air, well The Singapore ruling People's Action Party, holding a known throughout the Far East and other parts of the world. The majority of the seats in parliament won during the recent country's GNP per capita has general election, will soon form a new government. reached US$8,000. In 1985 when the country faced economic recession, the second-generation ingapore held its general percent. Among the opposition party leaders successfully Selection on September 3 in candidates, 32 were from the manoeuvered the country out of which the Singapore People's Workers' Party, 18 from the its plight in a short time. These are Action Party (PAP) won 80 out of Democratic Party, 8 from Na• the reasons why the PAP enjoys a total of 81 seats in parliament. tional Solidarity Party and the rest such great prestige among the Eleven of the MP's were returned were from other parties. In the people. unopposed. previous election, the PAP won 77 The People's Action Party will The percentage of the winning out of a total 79 seats, while the soon form a new government and PAP votes was 61.8 percent, 1.1 Workers' Party and the Democra• as expected, will continue its percent lower than the 62.9 tic Party each won one seat. efforts to increase the prosperity percent in the 1984 general Since taking power, the PAP, of Singapore. election. led by Prime Minister Lee Kuan by Li Yongmin This is the eighth time in succession that the party has won the general election since its first A street in Singapore's busy shopping centre. victory in 1959. The number of seats it won this time increased from 77 in the last general election to 80, while the number of total seats contested increased from 79 to 81. Meanwhile, as to the opposition parties, only the Democratic Party came through, winning one seat.

^The Workers' Party, the National Solidarity Party, the United People's Front, the Singapore Justice Party, the Pertubohan Kebangsaan Melayu Singapura and Angkatan Islam Singapura all lost out. The number of oppsition candidates involved in this general election was the highest since 1972. The number of candidates run by opposition parties and independents was 75 as against only 51 in the previous polls, representing an increase of 47

12 BEIJING REVIEW, SEPTEMBER 19-25, 1988 1984 saw Qatar's financial deficit reach US$1.5 billion and US$1.37 QATAR billion respectively. Economists point out that the Economy Picks Up favourable turn which appeared last year in-Qatar's economy is due to the picking up of oil prices on After several years' slump, Qatar looks to a bright economic the international oil market. In future. addition to this, industrial devel• opment other than oil, such as in chemicals, iron and steel, and n September 3, Qatar celeb• launched a series of plans for • fertilizer played an important role. O rated the 17th anniversary of developing medical service, in• Besides, after four years' stand• its independence with great cluding free medical care for still, Qatar's insurance, finance fanfare. Foreign reporters in Qatari. The Qatar government and real estate began to prosper. Doha agreed that on this occasion allocates adequate funds to Last year the country's GNP the Qatari showed growing develop education, sending stu• reached US$5.1 billion, a 1.7 confidence in their country's dents abroad to study as required percent increase over 1986. economic future. Recently, new by educational conditions at home When meeting with foreign building projects have been and inviting foreign professors journalists on September 3, Qatar completed one after the other, and scholars to lecture in Qatar. Minister of Information Issa including a new gynecological Qatar Amir once said that the Ghanim al-Kawari stressed that hospital and huge post and reserves of petroleum will dry up the nation's economy is on a solid telecommunications building. The some day, but quahfied personnel base and its future is bright. Also magazine Doha which stopped will be on hand for ever. That is he revealed that the country had publication for a time due to the the point. already begun the development of unfavourable economic situation a tremendous gas field in the is being revived by the instruction Although Qatar had made north. This project, when finished of Qatar Amir Khahfa. marked achievements after its in 1991, will bring in over US$10 Qatar, a tiny Gulf oil-producing independence, its economy billion. It is deemed an indisp• country with a population of plunged into difficulties at the ensable measure for coping with about 245,000, was formerly one beginning of the 1980s because of the eventual exhaustion of pet• of the poorest and most desolate unfavourable changes in the roleum reserves. regions of Arabia. But the relations between supply and by Chu Qimen exploitation of large reserves of demand on the oil market. As a high-quaUty petroleum, both member of the Organization of onshore and offshore, has trans• Petroleum Exporting Countries formed the economy. Today (OPEC), Qatar is bound to Qatar is one of the richest observe the organization's re• countries in the world in terms of commendations on petroleum average per capita income. production levels and pricing. From 1978 to 1981, the Total output in 1983 was only worldwide energy shortage and 107.3 million barrels, and rev• stable petroleum prices showered enues from exported petroleum Qatar with financial advantages, fell below the 1982 level by 43.7%. amounting to an average US$3.7 For much of 1984, production billion per year. The petrodollars averaged more than 400,000 have been used to finance barrels per day (b/d). When over• extensive welfare services, educ• production and falling prices led ation and development of the to the temporary lowering of country's infrastructure. The gov• production quotas by OPEC ernment has made ambitious countries, Qatar agreed to pro• plans for industrialization and duce no more than 280,000 b/d, a urban modernization. Since 1971, level which was maintained to it has put medical and health work 1985. Because of the sharp drop in on the top of its agenda and income from petroleum, 1983 and

BEIJING REVIEW, SEPTEMBER 19-25, 1988 13 KMT Urged to Begin Talks on China's Reunification

t the first KMT Central Chinese people, and should be country is in the best interest of AEvaluation Committee meet• fulfilled in our time. To strive for a people on both sides of the straits. ing since the 13th Kuomintang peaceful reunification, the No polidcal party or facdon (KMT) Congress, 34 members Communist Party of China has should put its own interest or view headed by Chen Li-fu put forward put forward a series of sincere above this higher interest, or a proposal for the reunification of proposidons on its own initiative present various "preconditions" China, which has attracted a lot of and taken appropriate actions and obstacles ardficially to delay attention from the Chinese people. since 1979. These efforts have not reunification. The proposal calls for "the only relieved the strained at• Deng Xiaoping, chairman of reunification of China through mosphere across the Taiwan Central Military Commission, Chinese culture." It states that Straits, but have created a good said, "All people who love the "the reunification of China is the climate for developing normal Chinese nadon should unite in the common desire of the people on economic and cultural exchanges. common effort to accomplish the both sides of the Taiwan Straits Following the death of Chiang reunification of the country." In and all overseas Chinese, and so its Ching-kuo, the Central Commit• sharing this historic mission, the realization is only a matter of tee of the Chinese Communist KMT and the CPC should sit time." Party sent a message of condol• down in a spirit of conciliadon and The proposal continues, ence. Party General Secretary open a dialogue as quickly as "Chinese reunification must be Zhao Ziyang delivered a speech possible. All past enmity should be achieved by the Chinese through hoping for polidcal stability, eliminated to reach understanding their own efforts," and argues that social tranquility and continued and, together with all patriotic in seeking reunification, it is economic growth in Taiwan, and a political organizations and per• necessary to establish a common prosperous and contented life for sonages, the reunificadon of the confidence leading to mutual its people. country should be brought about. trust, unity will then automatically After Li Teng-hui was elected As Chen Li-fu and others have result. chairman of the KMT, Zhao said, "China's reunification must The foundation for mutual trust Ziyang immediately sent a mes• be achieved by the Chinese should be established via Chinese sage of congratulation, expressing through their own efforts. It is not culture. This should be followed the sincere hope that the KMT something that can be achieved by the joint establishment of "a and the CPC, together with all through the wishes or assistance of promotion committee for the Chinese, would make efforts for third parties.. ..If reunificadon is country's industrial plan" to an early reunificadon of China. In hopeful, then limited contact is develop economic co-operation his meeting with US Secretary of inevitable." between both sides before finally State George Shultz on July 15, Without contact, misunder• proceeding to peaceful reunific• Zhao said, "There is much standing can only increase, and ation through "consultation on common understanding in the the mountain of ice between pohtical coalition." polidcal, economic and cultural Taiwan and the mainland cannot Although this proposal con• traditions on both sides of the dissolve. Without dialogue, the tains some inappropriate wording, straits which should facilitate the programme for the reunificadon it favours a peaceful reunification, realization of China's reunific• of the country can only be delayed encourages dialogue, consult- ation. All these indicate the or at worst prove unrealizable. adon, mutual trust and co• sincerity of the Chinese Commu• We maintain that as long as operation, and contains some nist Party for this noble national talks can begin, every issue can be concrete ideas. It therefore cause." discussed and solved properly. conforms to the people's strong People on both sides of the The KMT and the CPC can take desire for a peaceful reunification straits agree that there is only one the lead in reaching an under• and rejuvenation of the Chinese China, oppose the independence standing on peaceful reunification nation. The positive attitude of of Taiwan and favour peaceful and putting forward a concrete Chen Li-fu and 33 other KMT reunification. All Chinese have a plan for discussion with the leaders for reunificadon of China share in the unshirkable historical people. We welcome and are is admirable. responsibility for bringing about a willing to consult and co-operate Reunificadon of the country is a reunificadon of the country. The with anyone who offers positive historic mission facing all the peaceful reunificadon of the and reasonable proposals for the

14 BEIJING REVIEW, SEPTEMBER 19-25, 1988 peaceful reunification of the common basis for dialogue, common prosperity. country. consultation and the ultimate We welcome contact and With its long history and reunification of the country. consultation with Taiwan author- splendid culture, the Chinese Developing economic ex• ides on Taiwan's participation in nation has made great contri• changes between both sides is one the construction of ports, airports, butions to world civilization. This practical step towards a peaceful railways, the exploitation of culture has continually been a reunification. It is praiseworthy resources on the mainland, the great unifying force, and it forms that the proposal offered by Chen development of an outward- an important basis for the Li-fu and others contains posifive looking economy, high-tech pro• establishment of a mutual trust and constructive opinions on this ducts and the construction of bridging the straits. matter. coastal and special economic The fine traditions of Chinese At present, Taiwan's economy zones. We hope that both sides can culture have maintained national is being remodelled, while the initiate co-operation in economic unity for thousands of years. mainland's reform programme is and cultural fields, and we are Being rooted in the Chinese at the crucial juncture of being ready to conduct talks on these people, they are the major reason quickened and deepened. The matters with the Taiwan author• why the Chinese nation has economies of both sides have their ities either on the mainland, in continued to exist despite repeated own advantages and disadvan• Taiwan, or any other place. disasters. And unity has made it tages. This makes it possible for The proposal presented by possible to carry forward these them to supplement each other, Chen Li-fu and others has fine traditions. and offers a good opportunity for reportedly been submitted to the In Chinese history, those who co-operation. Standing Committee of the KMT haye contributed to this in• We stand for developing Central Committee for review. heritance and continued it, have, economic relations between both Chinese at home and abroad will without exception, persisted in sides of the straits, and maintain follow this matter closely. If this safeguarding the unity of the that exchanges should be conduc• proposal can be put into effect, it country. ted on the basis of equality and will exert positive influence on the development of relations between Both the KMT and the CPC mutual benefit. Both sides should both sides and the peaceful have inherited and aim to carry draw on each other's strong points reunificadon of the country. forward this fine tradifion and and make up each other's rejuvenate China. So there is a deficiencies, to pursue the goal of ("Renmin Ribao," September 7)

China's Silicon Valley in the Ascendent

Between 1984 and 1987, over 400 million yuan's worth of computers were bought and sold in the Beijing's area — China's answer to Silicon Valley—matting It the country's largest computer marl

ince the State Council approv• another three years of reduced tax This is China's "silicon valley," Sed the Provisional Rules on the rates, investors have poured in. except the Chinese call it Beijing New-Tech Industrial De• New firms have mushroomed "Zhongguancun Electronic velopment Experimental Zone last along the Baishiqiao, Haidian and Street." By last May, 150 scientific May, land prices in the 100 square Zhongguancun roads. An ex• and technological enterprises kilometres around northwest perienced manager estimated employing 3,800 people (including Beijing's Zhongguancun area there would be 1,000 computer 46 percent sciendfic and technical have soared. Attracted by three companies in the zone by the end personnel) had set up shop. More years' exemption from tax and of this year. than 80 percent of these businesses

BEIJING REVIEW, SEPTEMBER 19-25, 1988 15 •1 AflflCt£S

Institute of Computing Tech• nology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (ICT). Of all state-owned computer companies in the area, ICT has been the most successful. Since its establishment in Novem• ber 1984, its turnover has jumped from 3 million yuan in 1985 to 18 million yuan in 1986 and up to 71.4 million yuan in 1987, proving that state-owned businesses can truly be competitive. Clearly there is no problem with the form of ownership if operation and management are sound. ICT's experience has blazed a new way for the reform of China's scientific and technological structures. ICT's success lies in factors shared by many businesses on the electronic street: a pioneering Chen Chunxian (right), president of Huaxia Co.'s board of directors. SONG LIANFENG spirit, "fist" products, highly efficient management and capable leadership. Unsure of their initial role, however, the institute even are based in electronics. Between California's silicon valley had sold roller skates when they 1984 and 1987 they sold over 400 achieved in the United States. This started, recalled General Manager million yuan worth of computers, was the embryo for the electronic Liu Chuanzhi. This mistake was becoming the largest micro• street. immediately recognized and the computer and computer compo• In 1984, business turnover on company's breakthrough came nents market in China. the street totalled 18 million yuan. when they decided to collaborate The electronic street owes its By 1987, however, it had topped with research fellow Ni development to the proximity of 900 million yuan, and some Guangnan. China's largest academic and formerly unknown companies Ni had invented a Chinese research community. The area has with minimal financial capacity character input system applicable 50 institutions of higher learning had leapt to national fame. and 138 scientific research in• There's the Stone Group for stitutes staffed by 80,000 scientific example; Founded with a loan of Wan Runnan, general manager of the Stone GrouD. and technical personnel (one-third 20,000 yuan by several scientists SONG LIANFENG of whom are senior or middle-level and technicians who had resigned scientists and technicians). Since from the Chinese Academy of liberation in 1949, the government Sciences, it has quickly expanded has invested over 10 billion yuan by constantly turning out new in the area, equipping it with first- products. Headed by General rate experimental and research Manager Wan Runnan, its equipment. turnover has increased on average In 1980 a batch of scientific and by 300 percent a year, and in 1987, technical personnel headed by it had the biggest sales volume of Chen Chunxian, a research fellow all China's computer companies. of the Institute of Physics under the Chinese Academy of Sciences, founded an Advanced Tech• Rising Star nology Development and Service Department. Unprecedented in Next door to the Stone Group, China, the department was given on the busiest section of the the task of popularizing tech• electronic street, stands the state- nology in the same way that owned computer business, the

16 BEIJING REVIEW, SEPTEMBER 19-25, 1988 to large computers. Liu and his confidence for the future. Rec• the Scientific Instrument Factory colleagues assured him they could ently he made the establishment of under the Chinese Academy of give his invention the treatment an overseas-oriented high-tech Sciences. There she discovered necessary to commercialize it as enterprise his company's objec• that 500 research results from 117 quickly as possible. tive, aiming to complete the units had been shelved because of At the time, because most project within 10 years. a lack of incentive to apply them computer operators had little concretely. Encouraged by the knowledge of English, the many success of independent companies thousand computers imported by A Determined Woman set up one after another in China could not be fully utilized. Zhongguancun, she quit her job to Many were merely employed to The success of Syntone Corp. found her own company. demonstrate office moderniz• led by Jin Yanjing is conspicuous An amiable woman in private, ation. After repeated experiments, on the street. Since it was founded at work her true business sense a way was found of incorporating in 1984, its sales volume has soon shone through. In 1987, she Ni's work into micro-computers. increased at an average rate of 330 invested 400,000 yuan in produc• The product was named the LX percent a year. In 1987, its per- ing 1,000 sets of a nafional prize- Chinese card. About the size of capita sales volume amounted to winning anti-interference constant two books, it can be strapped on to 800,000 yuan, putting it first in the output power source. The decision existing hardware and enable area. proved highly profitable, as did computers to be operated in Syntone is one of only two joint- her predicfion on the prospects of Chinese. In addition, as soon as an stock businesses on the street. a Chinese micro-computer pro• operator types a Chinese charac• Funded by three units who have cessing system into which she sunk ter, many related vocabularies are each contributed 1 millioii yuan, 800,000 yuan to construct an displayed on the screen, thus the company practises a system in assembly line. helping increase work efficiency. which Jin, as general manager, But Jin is the first to give credit Soon after it came into assumes full responsibility under to her staff and the training they production, the LX card was the leadership of the board of have received from the state. Most awarded first prize at a Beijing directors, thus clearly delineating of them graduated during the computer competition. This was proprietary and management 1960s, and are both intellectually followed in 1986 by a prize at a powers. accomplished and have plenty of national computer application Jin graduated from Beijing professional experience. exhibition, and in 1987 with University's Department of Jin is a strict enforcer of another from the Chinese Acad• Physics in 1963. A senior engineer, workplace discipline. Whenever emy of Sciences for technological she used to head the applied she receives a gift, she turns it over progress. To date, the product has micro-computer research office of to the public and has asked all her been updated eight times and is available in three models. Much JIn YanJIng showing visiting students around her company. SONG LIANFENG favoured at home, it has sold well in and Singapore. To maintain its competitive edge, the company has closely followed global trends. Hearing that IBM had developed new PS/2 micro-computers and put them into trial production in April last year, ICT immediately organized its senior scientists to develop a Chinese-English compatible sy• stem and put it on the market. Even IBM voiced surprise at their high speed. With so many adversaries on the electronic street today. Manager Liu faces huge pressure. But this, he said, has forced his company to make constant progress, and he is full of

BEIJING REVIEW, SEPTEMBER 19-25, 1988 17 managers to do the same — an honest style of work that is shared by many other businesses on the electronic street. One of Syntone's deputy managers was recently dismissed for violating the company's rules. Jin summed up this ethic: "The name of our company represents our motto: "Integrating tech• nology with trade for the good of our reputation."

An Attractive Business

Under the leadership of Wang Zhenxi, San Huan (Three Ring) Inc., dealing in permanent magne• tic materials, now stands head and shoulders above all other busi• nesses on the street. ness by integrating scientific appropriate technology. But After graduating from the research with production, applic• through the joint efforts of Wang China University of Science and ation and marketing. Zhenxi and his colleagues, a Technology in 1964, Wang Wang has paid a high cost for complete scientific research and worked with the Chinese Acad• this decision. In the academy he production setup for Nd-Fe-B emy of 'Sciences" Institute of only did research work. Now he permanent magnetic alloys has Physics, becoming deputy director has to tackle production and taken shape. The product has of its research office and secretary marketing as well. Many of his old already made its way on to world of its academic committee. For a colleagues could not understand markets. period he worked in the labora• why he chose this road, and even In September 1985, a sample tory of Professor Neel, a Nobel he has admitted he had to fight his was sent to the French State prize winner for physics and a own prejudices against commerce. Scientific Research Centre and noted magnetist. The results of His worst pangs of remorse for his was successfully installed in an this research made in co-operation former academic position came extra-large integrated circuit. In with French scientists have been when his schoolmate and col• October of the same year, the acknowledged by international league Zhao Zhongxian won the product was displayed at an academic circles. Third World Academy of international high-tech fair held in In February 1984, three months Sciences' physics prize. But, he Birmingham, Britain artd was after American and Japanese said, the determination to do his widely admired. The company scientists developed Nd-Fe-B bit for the country compelled him began to export Nd-Fe-B magne• permanent magnetic alloys, Wang to push on. tic steep in the latter half of 1986, and his colleagues also succeeded As soon as Nd-Fe-B permanent and it is now sold in the United in developing this magnetic magnetic alloys entered the States, Britain and Southeast material which can attract metals market. Western countries inves• Asian countries. 70 times its own weight. This event ted tens of miUions of US dollars Wang says the success of the not only changed many magnetic in studying and developing the businesses on the electronic street products but also changed Wang's material. The EEC organized 58 in combining scientific and own fate. laboratories from 12 member technical research with market• Supported and encouraged by states to work jointly on the able goods will help change the President of the Chinese Academy project. thinking of tens of thousands of of Sciences Zhou Guangzhao, Fortunately for China, its rare people, freeing them from many Wang and a number of young and earth reserves of the raw material repetitive, inefficient and old- middle-aged scientsts set up the make up 80 percent of the world's fashioned ways of doing things. San Huan Inc. in April 1985. Their total. Formerly it could only sell He is pleased to be such a pioneer, aim was to establish a large-scale, this raw material at a low price saying any time of change needs high-tech, export-oriented busi• because of a lack of the innovators. •

18 BEIJING REVIEW, SEPTEMBER 19-25, 1988 An Overview of US Presidential Elections

George Bush and Michael Dukalds have won, respectively, the Republican and Democratic presidential nomination. The results show that moderate conservatism and moderate liberalism represent the current mainstreams in the campaign.

by Pan Tongwen

ith Michael Dukakis, gover• failure to put forward any clear- Dukakis vs Jackson W nor of Massachusetts, and cut policy propositions, poor George Bush, vice-president of the organizational work and inade• The Democratic presidential United States, nominated respec• quate funds. On top of that, his primary mainly showed up the tively as the Democratic and impetuosity did much harm to his rivalry between the moderate Republican presidential candi• image. liberals and ultra-liberals for the dates at the national conventions nomination. Robertson, a representative of held separately in July and Altogether seven people joined the right-wing religious forces in August, the US primary elections the Democratic presidential race. the Repubhcan Party, was quite came to an end and a new round of Although none of them was well successful in the beginning and led rivalry between the two candidates known — the press sarcastically others in several states. But he has begun. called them the "seven dwarfs" — emerged a poor figure from the In the Republican presidential they engaged in a rather fierce key "Super Tuesday" primaries race, the battle for nomination fight and for a fairly long time no and gradually lost momentum. was mainly fought between the one seemed to have an edge over moderate conservatives and ultra- Most noteworthy was the defeat anyone else. Rep. Gary Hart, by conservatives. of Representative Jack Kemp of holding high the banner of trade Altogether six people took part New York, a pet of the protectionism, inspired wide ap• in the Republican presidential Republican ultra-conservatives peal and took the lead in the early race. But, comparatively speak• and a few years ago widely period. Senator Paul Simon, an ing, they did not put up any fierce regarded as successor to Ronald upholder of Franklin D. fight among themselves. Bush Reagan. Many had predicted that Roosevelt's "New Deal" policies, overwhelmed all his rivals after he would be the strongest rival of was quite successful in several only a few rounds of competition. Bush in the Republican president• states at first. Senator Albert Gore Only Robert Dole, the Senate ial race. The fact, however, was Jr., known for his conservative Republican leader, and Patrick that he had never managed to lead stand on defence and security Robertson, a television evangelist, in the primary in any state. This issues, gave an excellent perfor• survived the "Super Tuesday" shows that ultra-conservatism, mance in the "Super Tuesday" primaries on March 8 and which once had much popular primaries in the southern states, continued their uphill fight against support in the early 1980s, has lost becoming for a time the focus of Bush. But soon Dole announced some of its attraction. The defeat national attenfion. But the one his withdrawal, while Robertson of Kemp and Robertson indicates who constituted a real threat to announced he would stop cam• that the ultra-conservative forces Dukakis was Jesse Jackson, a man paigning (he did not formally drop are no longer in their erstwhile with some ultra-liberal ideas. out until May 16), leaving Bush strong position in the Republican Jackson also was a contender the one and only actor in the Party. Bush's victory can be for the 1984 Democratic pre• drama. After the Pennsylvania attributed to many factors, such as sidential nomination. At that time primary on April 26, Bush won a abundant sums of money at his he proposed to form a practically total of more than 1,139 votes disposal, a better-organized cam• all-black "rainbow alliance" to needed for the nomination. paign and benefits inherited from oppose whites and won support Like Bush, Dole is also a Reagan's high prestige. But more from three-fourths blacks and 5 moderate conservative Repub• important was that he did not go percent white people, a record lican. His unexpectedly early loss to extremes and emerged politi• next only to that of Walter to Bush was chiefly due to his cally as a moderate conservative. Mondale and Gary Hart. This

BEIJING REVIEW. SEPTEMBER 19-25, 1988 19 year he expanded his "rainbow rate liberalism represented the service; to establish development alliance" to include lower-middle current trends. funds for economically backward class whites and called on all the zones; to extend reasonable poor to unite in a common fight subsidies to farm products and against the rich. He claimed a Views of Bush and Dukakis increase minimum wages; to nationwide support of approx• greatly develop science and imately 90 percent of the black There are few distinctions techoology and raise the quality of people and 10 percent of the white between Bush's poHcy proposals education to promote economic (in some states his white support and the existing policies of the development; to establish an reached 15 percent to 25 percent). Reagan administration. His views interlocking relationship of His record in the "Super Tuesday" are as follows: to limit the mutual help between government, primaries was impressive, second government's role; to reduce the enterprises and labour to increase only to that of Dukakis in number federal government financial def• America's productivity and stren• of delegates won. Then in the icit without increasing taxes; to gthen its ability to compete; to caucuses of the state of Michigan, develop science and education to clamp down on the drug traffic; on where the blacks make up only 12 strengthen Amercia's ability to defence matters, to maintain the percent of the population, he compete; to insist on free current level of military expendi• unexpectedly overpowered enterprise and free trade and ture, improve conventional Dukakis by a 2:1 edge, bringing oppose trade protectionism; in weapons, stop developing new the total number of delegates in his matters of defence and foreign strategic weapons, reduce research favour to nearly equal that of affairs, to maintain America's expenditures on strategic defence Dukakis. He created a "Jackson power and act from a position of initiative programme and strictly phenomenon." strength; to continue the strategic abide by the anti-ballistic missile Jackson owed his success defence initiative (SDI) plan; to agreement; to push ahead on talks largely to the great appeal of some modernize nuclear weapons; to for overall prohibition of nuclear of his policy propositions among continue participating in world tests; to go on reducing strategic some sections of the population. affairs; to persist in I S roles on the nuclear weapons after reaching For instance, he won extensive world economic stage; to continue agreement on reducing 50 percent sympathy among the electorate talks with the Soviet Union; to of the total strategic nuclear for his call for a stop to the outflow reach more agreements on arms weapons, and continue talks on of jobs and inflow of drugs. His control; to keep up NATO's conventional disarmament and proposal that military spending be strength; to maintain close ties Hmiting anti-satellite weapons. On slashed and the money thus saved with Western Europe, while foreign affaris, Dukakis stresses be used to extend domestic Western Europe must bear "fair" that American foreign policy programmes and establish a national defence expenditures; to should reflect the concept of universal and complete medical strengthen relations with China human rights and the American security system, as well as his and continue close relations with judgements of value; international advocacy of equal pay for equal Japan; as for the third world, to organizations such as the United work to men and women, found promote the "forces of reform and Nations should play their rightful many supporters among the freedom," and to support "free• role in world affairs; prob• lower-middle strata and women. dom and democracy fighters." lems should be resolved Nevertheless, because, as a black, through ways other than military he suffered seriously from racial Dukakis proposes that govern• means; and the US should carry discrimination and because some ment must play its due role; to cut out multilateral diplomacy. of his policy proposals were down federal government's finan• Dukakis argues that "real unacceptable to many voters, the cial deficits through rigorously changes" have been brought "Jackson phenomenon" failed to enforcing tax rules and regu• about by Gorbachev, the oppor• maintain its momentum for long. lations rather than sharply tunity of improving relations His loss to Dukakis in the New reducing domestic programmes; between the US and the Soviet York primary was soon followed to fetaliate against unfair trading Union has arisen and America by a series of setbacks in practices of other countries while must seize it and make full use of Pennsylvania and other states. opposing trade protectionism; to it; to stress America's relations struggle for a bright economic with Western Europe, while The fact that Dukakis and Bush future for America and provide maintaining that Western Europe each defeated opponents within economic opportunity for every should assume a fair portion of its his own -party showed that American in terms of access to a own defence costs; to help third moderate conservatism and mode• good job, housing, and medical world countries and reduce or 20 BEIJING REVIEW, SEPTEMBER 19-25, 1988 ii

remit some countries' debts; to in the United States seems to be House assistants have expressed stop the US arms flow to holding out, and he can turn this admiration for him, dubbing him Nicaraguan rebels, and apply to good account. an "experienced politician." strict sanctions against South He somehow projects an image Africa. of weakness and this may be his At present, both Bush and Comparing the views of biggest drawback. Moreover, he Dukakis are making use of their Dukakis on overall policy with reportedly lacks the ability to form own strong points to attack the those of Bush, one sees that his own judgements. That he was other's weak points. Bush flaunts Dukakis pays more attention to involved in Trangate is no longer a the achievements of the Reagan the role of the government and to matter of conjecture, but what he administration with all his might domestic plans, keeping his eye on knows about it has not yet been and calls on the voters to support "everyone" and on economic and made clear. This will probably him on that basis. At the same ! social problems, with less stress on become a target of attack by his time he points to Dukakis as just military affairs. He adopts a opponent. The Reagan administr• another Jimmy Carter, a liberal, a positive attitude towards disarma- ation has recently met with a series lavish spender who has had little or no experience in foreign affairs ^ ment and promises improvement of mishaps: Edwin Meese of the and hesitates to employ US forces in US-Soviet relations, stresses aid Justice Department came under abroad. to the third world, insists that the investigation; White House Chief UN should play i,ts due role and of Staff Donald Regan revealed Dukakis points out that the calls for resolving diplomatic the secrets of the Reagans; and "rich political experience" of Bush problems without the use of force. Reagan failed to force Pana• is an empty claim. He criticizes If Bush is elected as the next manian strongman Antonio Bush for having done nothing president, the current policies of Manuel Noriega to step down. All during the Reagan administr• the US government will go on as these have undermined Reagan's ation, while at the same time before. In fact, BuSh has already image and will adversely affect exposing the present said he would continue the Bush's chances in the coming administration's mistakes and Reagan administration's policies. presidential race. inadequacy, especially its mistakes If the presidency falls on Dukakis, Dukakis has been involved in in foreign policy (e.g. its Central America's policies at home and politics for a shorter period than American policy) and its neglect of abroad will undergo some adjust• Bush has, and is not as well- social problems, such as its failure ment, but due to objective factors, known as Bush. He has served as to help the poor and its inadequate the adjustment will be limited, at governor of Massachusetts for campaign against drugs. He best. nine years, but has no experience stresses that he can do better. To in diplomacy. This is his weak counter Bush's description of him point. His compe mce in running as Jimmy Carter and Bush's Strong and Weak Points Massachusetts i. his biggest calling on voters to cast their votes political asset. During his term of according to the Reagan Bush is more well-known than office, the hi-tech industry there administration's achievements, Dukakis, because he is now US has rapidly developed, the finan• Dukakis stresses that the cam• vice-president and has served as cial deficit has been turned into a paign is not for the past but aimed chairman of the National Com• surplus, the unemployment rate at the future of the United States. mittee of the Repubhcan Party, has decreased to one half that of So, he says, both he and Bush director of the Central Intelligence the whole country. Therefore, the should compete to prove who has Agency, ambassador to the "wonder of Massachusetts" has the strength, experience and the United Nations and head of the become known throughout the sound sense of values to lead the US Liaison Office in Beijing. He United States. His successes are United States into the.future. has had rich, varied political appreciated by the people. Especi• As the campaign progresses, experience and has acquired a ally where federal economic issues both Bush and Dukakis will be broad grasp of diplomacy. For are concerned, his assets are sure to adopt new strategies and eight years US President Ronald keenly appreciated. Meanwhile, methods to undermine and Reagan has achieved a certain during the course of the election condemn each other. level of success, some measure of campaign, he has been calm, which may be attributable to prudent and good at using Bush. This now provides political strategy and tactics, often from an Current Political Climate capital for him in running his invincible position. He has election campaign. In addition, projected a good image among the In recent years the US political the favourable economic situation voters and even some White climate and public sentiment have

BEIJING REVIEW, SEPTEMBER 19-25, 1988 21 changed. The changes are sure to great superiority in this question to 16 percent, and led in all the influence the outcome of the since 1980. constituencies of the United elections this year. States. Furthermore, it should be Recent polls show that most US pointed out that Dukakis is a new• Towards the end of the 1970s, voters admit Reagan has achieved comer after all; many voters have conservatism spread rapidly due successes in tax reduction, de• become acquainted with him for to the serious stagflation and the creasing the rate of inflation and the first time and only in marked decline in US prestige all strengthening military powers, but appearance, so their support for over the world. It was under these they are not satisfied with the him could possibly waver. For circumstances that Reagan came present situation. They are instance, the most recent polls to power. For several years, worried about the above- show Bush leading Dukakis 6-9 extremely conservative ideas pre• mentioned current major issues. percentage points. So, it is difficult vailed widely. However, by the Just as Richard Nixon said, to predict who can maintain a high latter half of 1986, these ideas American* are feeling uneasy in level of support till November 8. began to show signs of decline. the present prosperity. This is the Judging from the preserrt Changes in the political cUmate current feeling of the voters. situation, the next stage in the have led to changes in the public's Because many voters consider that campaign may prove to be hard attitude towards certain issues, the Reagan administration has not for both Bush and Dukakis, and such as the functions of the done well in major issues, they there will not be a wide disparity as government. When the conserva• have a common desire for change. in 1980 and 1984. If it turns out tive trend went up in 1980, those According to the recent polls, 60 that the political climate and the who favoured a "small govern• percent of the voters hope that the voters' sentiments play a decisive ment" accounted for 54 percent next government will not pursue role in the elections, then the result and those who opposed, 32 Reagan's policies but will adopt will probably be hke that of 1960. percent. By now, however, the first new ones and put more stress on At that fime Republican President figure has dropped to 43 percent social and economic justice and Eisenhower had been in office for while the second figure has risen to well-being. eight years and the voters wanted 44 percent, the highest since Before March, Bush had been a change. As a result, Democratic November 1976. A public opinion leading Dukakis in the opinion candidate John Kennedy defeated poll in mid-May showed that not polls. However, by mid-May Nixon by a slight majority and only the youth but wide sections of Dukakis outstripped Bush by 10 entered the White House. the voters as well hoped the government would play an Beijing Review /„Ar>,/r i,.„.' Subscription Rates increasingly active role. The public have also changed their Please cnler my s"V)scriplion lo Beijing Country ideas about what is currently the Review lor ^year{s). 1 year 2 years 3 years most serious problem. According I enclose in paymenl Ihcreof. USA (USS) 24 41 57 England 13 22 31 to public opinion polls, nuclear Name • (C) arms control was taken as a Rest of problem of the greatest im• Europe (US$) 17 29 41 portance in 1984, but today, Australia (AS) 24 41 58 economic and social problems, New Job title such as the financial and trade Zealand (NZ$) 33 56 80 deficits, the weakening of US Canada (C$) 23 39 55 competitiveness, poor quality in Address Switzer• education and the rampancy of land (SF) 47 80 114 drug traffic, are being looked W upon as the most serious. People Germany (DM) 57 96 136 have also changed their attitudes Austria (Sch) 351 597 842 towards the Democratic Party. Recently when asked which party Italy (Lire) 30600. 52000, 73400 Country can best deal with the most serious problems, 40 percent of the voters Please mail this form, together with your payment, to either of the following addresses: gave the answer: the Democratic • China International Book Trading Corporation (Gooji Shudian) P O. Box 399 Beijing, China; Party (only 29 percent named the • China Books & Periodicals, Subscription department, 2929, 24th Street, San Francisco, Republican Party). The Democra• California 94110, USA, for subscribers to Beijing Review. North American Edition; • Management Department, Beijing Review. 24 Baiwanzhuang Road, Beijing 100037 China. tic Party has never enjoyed such a Readers in China may subscribe to Beijing Review at local postal offices.

22 BEIJING REVIEW, SEPTEMBER 19-25, 1988 Snow's 'Red Star' Holds Lasting Appeal

Edgar Snow's "Red Star Over China," first published 50 years ago, has won readers from one generation after another to become a classic of the Chinese revolution.

by Our Correspondent Ling Yang

ince its first publication 50 commemorative and reminiscent saga of the Long March and the S years ago, Edgar Snow's Red articles to mark the occasion. establishment of the Liberation Star Over China has won readers Area, and his Red Star Over China from one'generation after another Personal IVIemories had long been recognized as to become a classic of the Chinese journalism at its best." revolution. "It is not often that a book of David Crook, a British prof• In June, the Smedley-Strong- reporting becomes a historical essor presently teaching in Beijing, Snow Society of China and the event in itself," said Israel Epstein, said, "I am one of the many Edgar Snow Memorial Fund Inc. a veteran journalist in Beijing and foreign friends of China whose of the United States held a vic^-chairman of the Smedley- understanding of the Chinese symposium to mark the book's Strong-Snow Society of China. revolution and the Chinese 50th anniversary. Since then, John W. Powell from the Communist Party was enhanced Chinese newspapers and maga• United States said Snow was "the by reading Red Star Over China zines have published many first to tell the outside world the and by its author Edgar Snow." He reminisced that in 1937, when the book was first published, Agnes Smedley and Kang Keqing, widow of Marshal Zhu De, In Yanan In May 1937. he was in the International Brigade in Spain. After the International Brigade was with• drawn, he had hoped to go to Yanan and take part in the revolutionary struggle there. He eventually reached the liberated area in 1949 and has since spent over 40 years in China. Peter Hyun, a New Yorker of Hi Korean origin, told the sym• posium that "for the intelligentsia in Korea and Japan, it is no exaggeration to say that China ^1JI K today and Red Star Over China are • almost synonymous." The Korean edition of the book was published in 1985 and has been considered there as the "classic inside account of Mao's China." So far, it has been reprinted seven times. The Japanese translafion of the book by Yoko Matsuoka, a noted Japanese woman writer, has gone through ten editions since its first ••HI is^e in 1975. Hyun said that in Seoul or Tokyo, if you say you are about to visit China, an inevitable query is: "Have you read Edgar Snow's Red Star Over ChinaT Should your reply be negative — which it usually isn't — the questioner would urge you to read it "before, during and after your China visit." He then related his first encounter with Edgar Snow on a trans-Atlantic flight from London to New York in the autumn of 1968. No sooner had the plane taken off from London's Heathrow Airport, than Hyun began reading Red Star Over China. After a stewardess served cocktails, a handsome grey-haired man sitting next to him said, "What do you think of the book you're reading?" Without looking at him carefully, Hyun said, "In my view, the book is the finest chronicle of the Chinese Commu• nist revolution — so perceptive, so lively and so lucidly written." His neighbour warmly offered him his hand and said, smiling, "My name is Edgar Snow, what's yours?" Immediately, they became the best of friends. William Q. Wu, from Snow's hometown Kansas City, stressed no one could appreciate too much the contributions Snow, Agnes Smedley and Anna Louise Strong had made to China in its time of travail when many Chinese Zhou Enlai. despaired for the future. Wu, a liberated area. He remembered had been drawn. Chinese-American neurosurgeon that he drew a sketch of Snow and Chen said the book was the first who emigrated to the United presented it to him. about the Red Army. It had a red States at a young age, said, "Snow In February 1938, Chen cover. Due to the political reported on the development that recalled, the Chinese edition was conditions in China at that time, no one believed could published in Shanghai. It had been however, the book had the happen He gave us fonthe first translated by some progressive somewhat obscure title Travels to time a vision of a grass-roots intellecturals headed by Hu the West. As an activist with the revolution that promised a future Yuzhi. Snow had given it his warm student national salvation move• for China — of progress, fairness, support and written a special ment then, Chen concluded the equality, ideahsm, and most of all, preface, made some minor book had awoke generation after hope." changes and supplied a large generation of young people, Chen Yiming from Shanghai number of photographs absent arousing their revolutionary recalled how in October 1937, from the original version. In his enthusiasm. when Red Star Over China was preface, Snow wrote that the first published in Britain, Snow stories in the book were indeed and his wife Helen arrived in written for revolutionary Chinese Scholarly Views Shanghai separately. Chen, then a youths. It was from among them, 17-year-old middle school stu• he said, that many of the most Zhang Zhuhong, a professor of dent, and his sister listened to outstanding men and wonfen he history at Beijing University, Snow's report of his visit to the had met in his ten years in China pointed out that Red Star Over

24 BEIJING REVIEW, SEPTEMBER 19-25, 1988 China provided the first opportun• moral and political courage made ity for people around the world to him committed to reporting facts acquire a real understanding of the honestly; and the — He was reasonably well Red Army. versed in Marxist writings, He recalled that during and analyses and concepts, with the after the war, the book had been complex history of the Chinese translated into more than a dozen revolution, and with contempor• languages including French, Ger• ary pohtical forces and trends man, Russian, Italian, Spanish, throughout the world; Portuguess, Japanese and Hindi. — He had an intense curiosity With the passing of time, he said, to "find out" for himself through the value of the book has been first-hand experience and investig• further recognized. He cited the ation, painstakingly gathering Washington Post's biographical information and constantly revis• article on Snow after his death on ing and correcting his work; February 15, 1972, which claimed — He was a simple, honest, Red Star Over China was a classic friendly and likeable man one of 20th century Chinese history. instinctively trusted. In Professor Zhang's opinion. The Chinese edition of "Red Star Over China" was titied "Traveis to the West" Larry Pinkham, professor of Snow's farsighted observations to escape censorship. Pubiished in 1938, journalism from the US Univers• about the revolutionary force of it contained much new material later ity of Massachusetts, held that the Chinese people in Red Star Incorporated into the English edition. Red Star Over China "is of great Over China still holds great value value to journalism students." He and should continue to promote traits and quahties, his methods as said, "Snow is more than a friendly relations between China a journalist and writer and the competent technician. He has a and the United States. Therefore, factors for his success. penetrating intellect that enables he concluded, people around the S. Bernard Thomas, professor him to synthesize what he has seen world, including the Chinese, will of history at Oakland University and heard, and thus to find the go on to. draw strength from the in the United States, pointed out essential, often hidden, truth in it. book. that the view that America should Added to that, he has another James Bertram, a British writer play an appropriate role in the quality that is evident throughout now living in New Zealand, world was a theme that ran his work — a deep and abiding mailed a paper to the symposium. through Snow's thinking, writing sense of humanity. It is these two In it he said, "A remarkably able and activities. According to Snow, qualities that make Snow such a group of foreign observers were as a powerful capitaHst nation, the powerful and instructive example drawn to write on various stages United States could and should for American journalism of the Chinese revolution, from accept and live peacefully and students." Vincent Sheean to Jack Belden, constructively with Marxist-based Israel Epstein and beyond. nationalist social revolution in the Among them Snow's work is world. Snow's Associates pivotal: he was a supremely Professor Thomas then dis• capable reporter, accurate in cussed various aspects of Snow's To mark the 50th anniversary of detail, modertflfc in tone, balanced qualities: the publication of Red Star Over and sensible in judgment. — His independent political China, people naturally remember Red Star Over China, that stance, adherence to democratic other people and events related to splendidly confident title without principles and human rights, and Snow's historical trip to the the question mark publisher might intolerance of poverty and Communist-controlled areas. have insisted on, was to prove oppression; It has been known for a long truly prophetic before a dozen — A deeply felt sense of time that Snow's trip was arranged years had passed. Well in advance humanity — an interest, concern by Madame Soong Ching Ling, of his contemporaries. Snow could and respect for people at all levels, the widow of Dr. Sun Yat-sen. She fairly claim that he had seen the places and circumstances; entrusted a clergyman named pattern of China's future, and that — A strong spirit of Wang to help Snow enter the "red it worked." internationalism; districts." In Red Star Over China, The symposium's participants — His independent spirit, great Snow wrote, "I discovered that also dealt with Snow's personal personal integrity, and physical. Wang alone was worth the trip to

BEIJING REVIEW, SEPTEMBER 19-25, 1988 25 Sianfu (Xian)," and "I cannot returned again in 1970, her father made outstanding contributions even now disclose his real name." was seriously ill, so the two old to the Chinese people's revolution But who was he? A footnote to the friends had never met since their and the country's construction. Chinese edition published in 1979 encounter in Xian in 1934. Activities to commemorate the disclosed that hjs real name was In the revised and enlarged 50th anniversary of the public• Dong Jianwu. edition of Red Star Over China ation of Red Star Over China are Dong Huifang, Dong's daugh• published in 1968, it is revealed still continuing. A composition ter, made a special trip to Beijing that Snow did not make his contest launched by some middle to take part in the symposium. She original trip alone. He wrote, "Dr. schools in Beijing, Shanghai and said that her father told her and Hatem entered the Communist Kansas City has ended. Four her brothers and sisters that Snow district with the author, but asked Chinese and American prize was an unforgettable foreign him not to mention it when he left winners (all girls) read their friend, and their talks in Xian were and wrote of the journey I articles at the closing ceremony of very frank, sincere and agreed to keep Shag (George the symposium. Another contest, harmonious. Hatem)'s whereabouts completely ''Red Star Over China and Me," Dong Huifang recalled that confidential, even from his sponsored by China Reconstructs, when she was young she passed family." For four months, George a multi-language publication, and confidential letters for Madame Hatem was his companion. several newspapers, is still Soong Ching Ling, including the After the journey, Hatem stayed running. proof of Snow's identity for her in the "red districts," learnt to A young worker in cultural father. speak and write in Chinese and exchange in Beijing said, "Snow In 1961, she said, her father adopted the Ma taught us a lot. If more people learnt that Snow had inquired Haide. In 1950 he became a follow Snow's example and report about the whereabout of "Wang Chinese citizen and senior adviser on our reform nowadays, our the Pastor" on his visit to China to the Ministry of Public Health. cause will receive wider under• the previous year. When he For over half a century, he has standing and support." •

Step Forward in Sino-Japanese Relations by Zhang Xiangshan

iis year marks the 10th Friendship would continue field fall roughly into two Tanniversary of the signing of beyond the 10 years since its categories: How to view the the China-Japan Treaty of Peace signing. He also repeatedly history of Japan's aggression and Friendship and the 16th emphasized that during his China against China correctly and how anniversary of the restoration of visit he would take the opportun• to correctly handle Japan's diplomatic relations between the ity to further friendly relations relations with Taiwan. The two countries. Whether their between the two countries. question is whether Japan can relations can progress to a new Therefore, the Chinese govern• stick to the stand affirmed at the stage after these years and ment and people have every time of establishing diplomatic following the recent visit to China reason to expect that his visit will relations between the two by Japanese Prime Minister push Sino-Japanese relations to a countries — that there is only one Noboru Takeshita is a major new stage. China in the world and Taiwan concern of the Chinese people. In retrospect, events in the years will return to China. Prime Minister Takeshita's since China and Japan established In the economic field, the major recent China visit was his first visit diplomatic ties can be seen, on the problems are a serious trade here as the Japanese prime whole, as developing good imbalance, Japanese restrictions minister in a new era. Shortly after relations between the two coun• on technology transfers to China he assumed office, he declared that tries. But there is no need to cover and Japan's lack of enthusiasm for Japanese-Chinese relations were up the fact that there have been investing in China. These prob• an important pillar of Japan's some twists and turns in political lems, particularly the political diplomacy and that the Japan- and economic fields since 1982. In ones, if handled unproperly, will China Treaty of Peace and general, problems in the political affect and impede development of

26 BEIJING REVIEW, SEPTEMBER 19-25, 1988 the good relations between the two Party. In the talks, neither side facilities, taxation, and greater nations. It should be pointed out evaded the issue of the Kokario efficiency. As to technology that while some of these problems dormitory. Takeshita said that the transfer, since the Paris-based have already been resolved Japanese government attached Coordinating Committee for through efforts by both sides, great importance to this matter Export Controls (COCOM) has others still remain unsettled and and fully understood the Chinese relaxed some of its restrictions, the two sides differ in their stand. He said that since the Japan can now be more open in understanding of them. Therefore, Japanese government had been transferring technologies to it is absolutely necessary for the insisting on the policy of "one China. new leaders of the two nations to China," it would of course insist To promote this. Prime Min• jointly review the course of on the same principle in handling ister Takeshita proposed to hold a development of Sino-Japanese the dispute. This can be seen as an meeting on technological ex• relations, reaffirm the basis and impetus to the proper and change between Japan and principles of their relations, and complete settlement of the China—a proposal that China on this foundation exchange views Kokario case in the coming days. welcomes. During his visit here, he on how to resolve the existing In continuing the open poUcy spoke highly of China's efforts problems, with the aim of and strengthening reforms, China towards modernization, convey• promoting bilateral relations to a needs and welcomes international ing a clear indication of Japan's new stage. economic co-operation, of course positive attitude towards strength• including that with Japan. The ening bilateral co-operation. During his stay in China, Japanese prime minister expressed The Japanese prime minister Takeshita met with Chinese support of China's drive for also proposed to expand cultural leaders from the Communist Party modernization, saying also that he and academic exchanges as one of and government. During talks expected such economic co• the best ways to promote mutual with Chinese Premier Li Peng, operation— aimed at common understanding. He went specially both sides reaffirmed some basic advance — would continue to to visit Dunhuang and Xi'an. principles in the relations between develop. So on behalf of the China needs to understand fully China and Japan. These included Japanese government, the prime Japan's history and culture as well developing China-Japan friend• minister declared that Japan as the fundamental changes in ship not only to benefit both would provide China from 1990 Japan after World War II. And countries but also to promote with a loan of 810 billion yen and Japan, while it should not give up peace in Asia and the world; another loan of 40 billion yen its devotion to China's ancient stressing the Japan-China Joint without attachment, and extend culture because of the rampant Statement, the Sino-Japanese assistance free of charge for post-war trend to learn from the Treaty of Peace and Friendship China's environmental protection United States, should also en• and the four principles guiding the projects. Both sides have also courage scientific study of con• Japan-China relations as the proposed corresponding reso• temporary China and New China. political basis for developing lutions for specific problems in This will play an active role in relations between the two coun• bilateral economic relations. promoting friendship between the tries and using them as the Owning to the expansion of the people of the two countries and in criterion for settling issues be• home market in Japan, the trade safeguarding peace. tween the two countries. On the volume of both sides this year will It is significant that Prime two issues — the historical assess• basically reach a balance. Up till Minister Takeshita dwelt on the ment of Japan's invasion of China now, Japan's investments in China topic of Japan's futiu-e during his and Japan's relations with reached only a little more than China visit. Having superpower Taiwan—Takeshita took the US$2 bilUon, much less than that status economically, Japan is position of Japan when the two of the United States. The Sino- advancing towards a major countries established diplomatic Japanese investment protection political power. But what kind of a relations by reconfirming the talks agreement signed by the Chinese political power Japan exactly of the preceeding Prime Ministers and Japanese governments during wants to be and whether it will Kakuei Tanaka and Masayoshi Takeshita's visit will be sure to become such a military power as a Ohira. The Japanese government increase Japanese investment in handful of the extreme right- should adopt a better stand on tlie China. Naturally, in order to wingers wish are concerns of the above two problems, but the attract foreign investments, the Chinese people and the peoples of current difficulty seems to be Chinese side also needs to other Asian countries. Even the obstruction within the ruling continue improving its investment United States and European Japanese Liberal Democratic environment, including basic (Continued on p. 31)

UiNG REVIEW, SEPTEMBER 19-25, 19 i 27 I •i BOOKS Bridging Chinese and Western Cuitures n the world's rich cultural cultivaton, quite apart from Another essay "A Brief Review I treasure house, the Chinese "social ideal," or "pohtical ideal." of Artistic Composition in Han culture is distinguished for its However, Confucianists tried to Sculptural Portraits Discovered in richness and long history, and its integrate individual moral cultiv• Nanyang, ," carried in issue influence on other countries. The ation with the social ideal that No. 1, 1987, analyses the artistic study of sinology now attracts stressed running the country well characteristics of sculptured por• more and more scholars interested and giving people peace and traits of the Han Dynasty (206 in gaining a better understanding security. Tang saw this as a major BC-220 AD). This art form is of Chinese culture. flaw in Confucianism which considered a unique kind of Sinological Pioneer is a bi• therefore should not be inherited expression somewhere between monthly Chinese magazine com• by descendants as a traditional painting and shallow-relief sculp• piled and published by the spirit of Chinese philosophy. His ture. "On the Origins of International Academy of Chinese view differs vastly from those Surnames," in issue No.2, 1987, Culture. It is the only magazine advocated by the famous Chinese traces the origins and develop• published on the mainland for scholars Liang Qichao, Qiong ment of Chinese surnames. "Cold overseas sinologists and those Xiaoli and Feng Youlan. Food Festival in the Tang with an interest in China. Since its Issue No. 3, 1987, contained an Dynasty," in issue No.3, 1987, founding in August 1987, the article by Zhao Guohua of the deals with folk customs of the magazine has attracted the South Asia and Southeast Asia Tang Dynasty (618-907). In issue attention of academic circles on Research Institute under the No.2, 1988, the article "Problems the mainland. Many famous Chinese Academy of Social of Development, an Academic scholars contribute articles and Sciences. In the article, readers Dialogue Between Young and essays to the magazine, which could discover the creative Middle-Aged Scholars From East• offers a wide range of information investigations Zhao made into ern and Western Parts of China," and research results in many some questions of Chinese ancient gives an account of the advan• branches of the social sciences. culture, and especially his views on tages, disadvantages and various Sinological Pioneer features combining archaeological and contradictions (arising from the columns, such as "Special Expo• historical studies. current reform of the economic sitions," "Digest," "PubHcation Other articles included structure) in the use of resources and Conference News," "New "Aesthetics in China Since 1983" and the distribution of funds in the Archaeological Findings" and (issue No.l, 1987), "Tibetology in east and west. "Catalogue of Essays on Sinolog• China" (issue No.3, 1987) and ical Studies." "The General Position of Chinese The themes of all these articles It also carries articles and essays Medicine Study" (issue No.2, centre on current major social covering research in the areas of 1988). Each article offers new problems which urgently need to philosophy, politics, economics, information of great interest to be solved and heated debate over laws, literature, the arts, nation• readers involved in the study of theoretical problems. alities, folklore and archaeology, Sinology. Though only a year old, as well as information on recent "Digest," one of magazine's Sinological Pioneer has set off to a publications and conferences. main columns, gathers well- good start.- Of course, there is The column "Special Expo• written and useful essays selected room for improvement. Com• sition" provides a good coverage from major academic periodicals pared with a similar Taiwan of papers by well-known scholars published on the mainland. "My magazine Sinology Study News, it and roundups of the latest opinions on Determining the has less columns, and reports on information in a particular branch Historical Stages of Chinese academic conferences are too of learning. Literature" (issue No.3, 1987) simple and general. However, The first issue of Sinological raises different opinions on ways Sinological Pioneer gains the Pioneer ran an article entitled "On to determine the historical stages upper hand by providing the latest the Confucian Concept of Realm" of Chinese literature. It proposes information in all branches of the by Tang Yijie, a professor with the that the histbry of Chinese social sciences, academic papers Philosophy Department of Beijing literature should be divided into published on the mainland and a University. In the article the six periods; primitive simplicity, complete catalogue of Sinology author explained "realm" as that obscurity, awakening, maturity, papers. which people attained through reform and the end of old moral and educational self- literature. I'SililK' Yang JIng 28 BEIJING REVIEW, SEPTEMBER 19-25. 1988 Indispensable for managers seeking BECOME A "NEW CHINA cooperative ventures with Chinese Industry HAND" —FOR LESS THAN Compiling Committee "Cliina Macliinery Industries Yearboolc" 40 CENTS A WEEK! (Ed.) if you've been subscribing to Beijing Review for the past year, you've already read: China Machinery Industries "THE ABC OF INVESTING IN CHINA" —Our series for businesspeople and companies who want to do business in Yearbook 1987 China... "CHINA'S SECOND REVOLUTION" —Reports on the Impact of China's economic and social reforms... "OPEN POLICY AND CULTURAL FERMENT" —A veteran " reporter's travels through his changing homeland... 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people's minds on material Child Labour Causes Concern benefits, and this has affected children's attitudes. The saying "primary school students earn money, while university students across four prefectures and cities "LIAO WANG" remain poor" is often heard in (including Handan, Cangzhou (Outlook Weekly, Overseas Edition) China's coastal cities. and Baoding). It discovered 7,400 An old fanner in Guangdong's child labourers in town and village ome enterprises in China are Dongguan County said sadly that enterprises. In some counties, illegally employing child his son would rather work on the S child labourers made up 10 labourers, and causing ever more land than study at middle school percent of the workforce, and in primary and middle school because he found going to school some enterprises they amounted students to quit school. uninteresting. The old farmer can to 20 percent. The youngest child Take Dalian's Ganjingzi Dis• see no way out. found at work was only 11 years trict and Xingjin County. About Some experts have argued child old. 3,000 primary and middle school labour has emerged because state According to the survey, a large students left school last year to laws and policies do not tally with number of village- or township- work illegally. In addition, more the level of social development run enterprises and family-owned and more students have been and the opinions of family heads. workshops indicated they would illegally hired by firms in In some backward areas, a large like to recruit child labour. In the Guangdong's Dongguan County number of families are unable to their opinion, a child labourer can and Fujian's Jinjiang County. pay for their children's education, be paid low wages, and is both The Constitution of the so instead they send them to work. obedient and deft. People's Republic of China For example, one farmer in explicitly states that children are Ji Zhijian, a veteran official of Zhejiang's Cangnan County has a protected by the state, and China's the State Education Commission, family of eight. His three Compulsory Educational Law has has conducted many surveys of daughters all now work in a an article prohibiting child labour. child labour. Looking at the township-run enterprises, and The state departments concerned problem from an educational their annual income accounts for have also issued bans on angle, he said, the present content more than 80 percent of the enterprises hiring workers under of courses in both schools and family's total. the age of 16. But in many places, universities does not meet the With such figures in mind, some enterprises are more concerned needs of China's developing township governments view child about their own interests than economy. A universal problem is labour as a convenient arrange• keeping the law. As a result, the that many schools devote most ment to help the poor. illegal phenonmenon of hiring effort to getting a high proportion (No. 24. 1988) child labour has grown in recent of students into higher grade years. schools. But because only a small Wang Deyi, a member of the proportion of students in China All-China Women's Federation are admitted to universities and China to Re-employ Secretariat, has said that child because the knowledge they Skills of the Retired labour infringes upon the rights of acquire there often has no contact pupils, particularly as some types with everyday life, education lacks of work seriously endanger appeal for many people. "RENMIN RIBAO" children's health. She has ap• Another reason for the small (People's Daily, Overseas Edition) pealed to the state, the depart• proportion of children entering ments concerned and local school and the large numbers leading official of the Chinese governments to work together to dropping out is the backwardness A Scientific and Technological publicize the current laws and of educational facilities and the Association said recently that stamp out child labour. shortage of funds and teachers. China should strive to re-employ Child labourers are mainly According to official statistics, 2.8 the skills of its many retired found in town and village percent, or 3 million primary technical personnel. enterprises, family-run workshops school students quit without The official said the example of and privately owned industrial or finishing their studies in China, Werner Gerich showed the kind of commercial firms. and of these, 80 percent are girls. advances that could be made by Last year, Hebei provincial The development of the com• exploiting the skills and ex• government conducted a survey modity economy concentrated perience of people whose working

30 BEIJING REVIEW, SEPTEMBER 19-25,: 1988 life is supposedly at an end. varying from one department to riages has been increasing yearly. Werner Gerich, a retired another and unclear points in state The emergence of remarriage engineer from the Federal Repub• policy should be attended to. among the elderly as a major lic of Germany, proved a great It is reported that the Chinese social issue has a lot to do with the success when he was hired by the Scientific and Technological As• changing nature of Chinese Wuhan Diesel Engine Plant. sociation is preparing a document families. Because many people's According to statistics, China on how best to emulate the model children have left home to start now has more than 1 million of Werner Gerich and exploit the their own families or moved to technical personnel aged 60 or skills of the retired. Opinions are other parts of China, a lot of over. Most of them are in good being solicited from all sides. elderly people want a partner to health, and they should not be (June 23, 1988) share their life with through their ignored at the present time when twilight years. China faces a shortage of qualified There are also those who do not scientists, technicians and The Old Find Solace get along well with their families, managers. In Remarriage and so want to leave their children In recent years the official said, and establish their own indepen• retired scientists and technicians dent homes. Changes in social morals have have formed associations in every "JIEFANG RiBAO also encouraged remarriage. part of China. They now number (Liberation Daily) more than 120 with a total of Traditionally, bereaved people 50,000 members. Often they have remained single. Now, however, arranged for their members to ccording to recent statistics, remarriage of the old is protected help industrial enterprises solve Athere are now around 100 by state law and supported by the difficult technical problems. million people in China aged 60 or whole of society. The . official added that over. About half of these are In urban areas, where most although paying attention to the bereaved husbands, widows or people receive retirement pay, role of retired technicians should unmarried, and so, as a survey in there are few financial barriers to prove highly beneficial, other Shanghai's Hongkou District remarriage. matters such as regulations revealed, the number of remar• (June 5, 1988)

(Continued from p. 27) superpowers, the United States frank exchange of views, it strictly and the Soviet Union, confront observes the principles of the Sino- countries are taking this into each other is being replaced by a Japanese Joint Statement and the consideration. During his talks multi-polar system which is Treaty of Peace and Friendship, with Chinese leaders and espec• favourable to world peace. Under all disputes and friction can be ially in his speech in Xi'an, the such circumstances, Japan's resolved. Even if some of the prime minister dwelt on the becoming a major poUtical state questions cannot be settled for the matter, and it was an opportune would be worthy of welcome if it time being, they can be put aside moment for doing that. He said contributed to world peace and temporarily and not allowed to that the course of history had development. But even so, it affect the development of good- convinced the Japanese people should also be foreseen that with neighbourly and friendly that the only way out for Japan the right of Japan to speak on relations. was through peace. Japan desists various world matters increasing In a word, the Japanese prime from becoming a military power and expanding, and with their minister's visit to China has and will make efforts to contribute different social systems, disparate indeed opened a new chapter in to the cause of world peace. The ideologies and different con• Sino-Japanese relations. Prime Chinese people warmly hope his ditions, disputes and friction Minister Takeshita is noted for words will be put truly into between China and Japan in the "pursuing honest diplomacy." We practice. Because politics is the future may possibly increase. hope that the new chapter in Sino- concentrated expression of However, this is not a matter for Japanese relations will be stamped economics, Japan has the objec• worry or disappointment. Only if with this brand of honesty, so that tive conditions to emerge as a Japan persists in not becoming a Sino-Japanese relations will ad• major political state. The two- military power and, on the basis of vance steadily after they enter the polar world system where two liQltual trust and through the new stage. • . , •


Liping. In 1986, Yang's dance gained her national fame when she China's Army Anthem Ratified won two gold medals, one for choreography and the other for "The Marching Song of the the army anthem - untill the performance, at a national dance People's Liberation Army founding of the People's Republic competition. was ratified as the army anthem of China. Yang offered a reprise of her late July, just on the eve of The music was by the well- peacock dance at a recent solo the army's 61th birthday on known composer Zheng Lucheng performance in Beijing. As August 1, by the Central Military and the words by Gong Mu, a poet always, her rendering of the Committee. The marching song who now is a professor at JiUn proud, beautiful bird was the was previously a song popular during the Anti-Japanese War University. Zheng was of (1937-1945). It was first perfor• Korean origin and came to China "Fly High, Uttle Peacock"—A Oal med in the winter of 1939 in Yanan in 1933. His first work, The nationality dance performed by Yang by the chorus of the Luxun Arts women's Battle Song, was written Liping (left) and Lu Lanfen. Academy as one of the six songs in before he arrived in Yanan in the Eighth Route Army Choruses. 1937. Zheng became a Chinese Since its debut, the song largely citizen in 1950 and died in Beijing spreaded and became one of the in 1976. In his Hfetime, Zheng had most popular songs in the Anti- composed about 300 works which Japanese Bases. During the war were characterized by passionate against Chiang Kaishek, the song emotion, simple melody and was modified to be the precise structure. In the 1970s and Marching Song of the Chinese 80s, several special concerts were People's Liberation Army. As a given to him in Beijing and his matter of fact, it had been called works were greatly acclaimed. •

Peacock Captivates Audience athed in the morning sunshine, This is one of the scenes that Ba white peacock steps grace• captivated audiences as they fully onto the stage. She spreads watched the classic dance, Soul of her fan-like tail, shakes her crest, the Peacock, performed by its and preens by the side of a river. talented choreographer, Yang

Yl folk dance "Drizzling Rain." Jingpo dance "RIce-PoundIng Ballad." Yang Liping as peacock princess in "Ziiao Shutui and Namunuona." Photos by XU XIANGJUN


32 BEIJING REVIEW, SEPTEMBER 19-25^^1988 highlight of the evening. world over with a better Dances featuring depictions of Chinese TV Films understanding of China. • peacocks are familiar to Chinese Awarded in US audiences. But Yang's dance outshines all earlier ones. Her ree Chinese special films for IVIajor Fossil Find blending of techniques of modern rtelevision won prizes at the dance and traditional techniques American Television Film Fest• Uneartlied in Desert of the Dai people, the nationality ival held in Chicago last May. A to which she belongs, in creating total of 1,350 TV films from 29 her portrait of the stately bird. cache of infant dinosaur fossils countries and regions joined the Awas one of the major festival. The evening's programme of 10 discoveries made this summer by a The historical documentary The dances included seven which Yang Sino-Canadian paleontological First Journey Down the Yangtze either choreographed individually research team, composed of River describes the adventures of or in collaboration with other scientists from various disciplines, Rao Maoshu, the first man to artists. Six were dances of in the Inner Mongolia Autonom• travel down the Changjiang minority nationalities: Drizzling ous Region. (Yangtze) River in China. It offers Rain, a Yi folk dance; Fire, a bold, The team also made 50 other a view of the breathtaking enthusiastic dance inspired by the finds of dinosaurs, nests, and eggs, landscape along the Yangtze. Va nationality; Rice-Pounding as well as discovering more than Ballad, a Jingpo dance; Maqic The other two prize-winners, 40 fossils of mammals, turtles, and Footbells, an Aini dance; Tremble, Farmers' Spring Festival and Soul lizards. a Dong dance; and another Dai of the Village, have a cultural The cluster of infant dinosaur dance, Tree Colors of Xishuang- slant. Farmers' Spring Festival fossils were discovered in an banna: a description of everyday reflects the customs of farmers and ancient sand dune. The baby life in one of China's subtropical the activities they take part in reptiles were as big as sheep and regions. during the traditional Chinese have been identified as pina- Spring Festival. Soul of the Village cosaurus, a type of ankylosaur or Yang was born and grew up in takes audiences to the birthplace armored dinosaur. Philip Currie, Xishuangbanna, where singing of the rich nafional folk arts and one of the Canadian scientists, and dancing are traditional cultural customs of the Guan- said the dinosaurs had been pastimes for young and old alike. zhong Plain in Province. overtaken by the sand, but it is not By the time she was 11, her known whether it was the sand It was at the invitation of Mr. outstanding dance talent was that killed them or whether they Ed Swansor, vice-manager of the obvious, and she joined a local had met their deaths eariier. The Modern Talking Picture Service of song and dance troupe. Her find is the world's first evidence Chicago, that China attended the emotional expressiveness, coupled that the ankylosaurs, thought to TV film festival. Swansor said that with her technical skill, guarantee be a solitary animal, were actually many American friends were continuing success. gregarious. pleased to see Chinese TV films competing in the festival. He said Yang is now a dancer with the it is an honour to win a prize for The fossils will fill major gaps in Central NationaUty Song and one film, but to take three prizes scientific knowledge about the Dance Troupe. She is also a was a wonderful achievement. growth and evolution of the committee member of the 3,000- ankylosaur. The other discoveries member Chinese Dancers' Associ• The festival marked China's of nests and eggs will contribute to ation. One of her other starring debut in international TV film studies of similar finds in Canada vehicles is Zhao Shutui and competition. Jin Minjie, director and the United States. Namunuona, a historical dance of the Chinese Television Artists' The infants show no evidence of drama based on the Dai legend of Association, said the Chinese the extensive bony armor and tail a love story between a prince and a films presented were recom• clubs characteristic of adults. peacock princess. But as a result of mended and selected by the Currie said: "The skulls are her many performing tours to association. The association is striking in that they still exhibit other South Asian countries as attempting to strengthen co• many of the fine sutures and well as her performances in China, operation and exchange with structures that become obscur^ it is Yang herself who has become other countries and intends to in older animals." The team's known as the "Peacock Princess." introduce more Chinese films to scientists expect to find more by Hong Lanxing "llitlir"''" •-"•]: . =pe<)j5le thc ; -1 Cant fossils wH?t}>.they.return to


China, where it is rare to find many species of fossils in one place. The finds included about 20 skulls and one complete skeleton, as well as some unusual four- metre-long burrows made by unknown dune-dwelling animals. The scientists are attempting comparisons of the environments in which dinosaurs lived in China and Canada. Data show that the ancient environment in which the dinosaurs found this year lived was a sparsely vegetated desert rippled with dunes. Earlier theories have suggested that the landscape was dotted with large, shallow lakes. However, Canadian dinosaurs are not the baby amioieii dinosaur fossils found in tlie Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region by known to liave been desert- the Slno-Canadlan scientists. dwellers. the site in 1989. greatest number of Mesozoic Despite the differences in the The team has also collected the mammals ever from one locality in two environments, some of the Chinese and Canadian dinosaurs Sino-Canadian scientists ihiselling a carnivorous dinosaur fossil In the Junggar Basin are closely related, suggesting that of Xinpang Autonomous Region. wu CHUNZHAN there was genetic exchange between Asia and North America. The team members, who have been continuing a dig which began in the summer of 1987 in the Junggar Basin in Xinjiang Auto• nomous Region, also uncovered a complete fossil of a carnivorous dinosaur and a sauropod dinosaur. This dig is not expected to be completed until next year because it is so complex; several neck vertebrae and the skull remain buried in seven metres of rock. But this find reaffirms that the sauropod was one of the largest dinosaurs in Asia and perhaps in the world. Other fossil finds include theropods, birds, and many well-preserved chelo- nias. The team has so far collected 10 tons of fossils. The major participants in the dinosaur project, which began in 1986, are China's Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology; Canada's National Museum of Natural Sciences, and the Tyrrell Museum of Palaeontology in Alberta. by Wei Liming

34 BEIJING REVIEW, SEPTEMBER 19-25, 1988 A Xinjiang Stone Man (oil painting). Ruins of the Hanging Garden of Babylon (present-day Iraq) (oil painting).

Paintings by Zhao Yixiong and Geng Yukun

Zhao Yixiong, born in Tianjin in 1 934, and his wife Geng Yukun, born in Hebei Province in 1 935, are professional painters with the Beijing Studio of Art and Calligraphy. These paintings of China and Iraq were made after their Silk Road travels.


Genghis Khan Tomb in inner Monqolia (Chinese painting).

Stone City, in Taxkorgan, Xinjiang (oil painting).