View Now Issue 37
ThirTy-SevenTh ediTion • SeaSon 2014/15 ROUND 19 | SYDNEY DerbY PROUDLY brouGhT To you by TIME TO CLAIM BRAGGING RIGHTS INSIDE THIS editiON Topor-STanley vS faTy • WandererS vS GuanGzhou: your Guide derbieS from around The World • adam d'apuzzo WriTeS PLUS our dubiouS ConverSaTion WiTh Graham arnold This match This match 05 from our foundaTion player adam d'apuzzo 08 06 Warm up 08 Time To Claim braGGinG riGhTS 13 playerS To WaTCh: TOPOR-STANLEY VS FATY 14 WandererS vS everGrande: form Guide 20 Today'S maTCh 22 derbieS of The World 26 SLAV'S SPOT The differenCe 27 $100,000 up for GrabS ToniGhT from pepper 29 Take five WiTh kerem buluT 14 22 30 Guardian funeralS WanderCreW member of The Week: poppy koTSiopouloS 31 a dubiouS ConverSaTion WiTh Graham arnold 32 GraSSrooTS rivalrieS 34 Who Will beCome The faCe of WSW Tv? 37 The arChive 38 our parTnerS The views in this publication are not necessarily the views of the NRMA Insurance Western Sydney Wanderers FC. Material in this publication is copyrighted and may only be reproduced with the written permission of the NRMA Insurance Western Sydney Wanderers FC. All photography courtesy of Getty Images, George Suresh, Steve Christo, Jarred Stedman, Ali Erhan, Sebastian Giunta, Les Shorrock collection, Deakin University Library, Liverpool Rangers, Doonside Hawks, Baulkham Hills FC, Blaxland FC, West Pennant Hills FC and Revesby Workers SFC. STay ConneCTed VISIT FOLLOW US @WSWandererSfC WATCH WSWandererSTv PROUD SUPPORTERS OF 2014/15 CORPORATE PARTNER ENJOY A HAHN SUPERDRY ON GAME DAY AT ONE OF THESE LICENSED VENUES FOR YOUR CHANCE TO WIN WSW GEAR Parramatta RSL Check with each venue for Terms & Conditions.
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