NH State Senators
NH State Senate District Map New Hampshire State Senators Democrats in Blue, Republicans in Red Senate District 1 Senator Jeff Woodburn (D-Dalton) Senate District 1 comprises: Atkinson and Gilmanton Academy Grant, Bath, Bean's Grant, Bean's Purchase, Benton, Berlin, Bethlehem, Cambridge, Carroll, Chandler's Purchase, Clarksville, Colebrook, Columbia, Crawford's Purchase, Cutt's Grant, Dalton, Dix's Grant, Dixville, Dummer, Easton, Errol, Erving's Location, Franconia, Gorham, Green's Grant, Hadley's Purchase, Jefferson, Kilkenny, Lancaster, Landaff, Lincoln, Lisbon, Littleton, Livermore, Low and Burbank's Grant, Lyman, Martin's Location, Milan, Millsfield, Monroe, Northumberland, Odell, Pinkham's Grant, Pittsburg, Randolph, Sargent's Purchase, Second College Grant, Shelburne, Stark, Stewartstown, Stratford, Success, Sugar Hill, Thompson and Meserve's Purchase, Thornton, Wentworth Location, Whitefield, and Woodstock. Contact Information: Senate Office Home State House 524 Faraway Road Room 120 Dalton, NH 03598 107 North Main Street (603) 259-6878 (cell) Concord, NH 03301 (603) 271-3207 jeff@jeffwoodburn.com jeff.woodburn@leg.state.nh.us Senate District 2 Senator Jeanie Forrester (R-Meredith) Senate District 2 comprises: Alexandria, Ashland, Bridgewater, Bristol, Campton, Center Harbor, Danbury, Dorchester, Ellsworth, Grafton, Groton, Haverhill, Hebron, Hill, Holderness, Meredith, New Hampton, Orange, Orford, Piermont, Plymouth, Rumney, Sanbornton, Tilton, Warren, Wentworth, and Wilmot. Contact Information: Senate Office State House Room 105 107 North Main Street Concord, NH 03301 (603) 271-4980 jeanie.forrester@leg.state.nh.us Home 78 Tracy Way Meredith, NH 03253 (603) 279-1459 jeanie@jeanieforrester.com Senate District 3 Senator Jeb Bradley (R-Wolfeboro) Senate District 3 comprises: Albany, Bartlett, Brookfield, Chatham, Conway, Eaton, Effingham, Freedom, Hale's Location, Hart's Location, Jackson, Madison, Middleton, Milton, Moultonborough, Ossipee, Sandwich, Tamworth, Tuftonboro, Wakefield, Waterville Valley, and Wolfeboro.
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