Fur Trade and Exploration the French Empire in North America
I FUR TRADE AND EXPLORATION THE FRENCH EMPIRE IN NORTH AMERICA L\ ~\LJ.I\ .\KP..s POSSES.,IOS OF [.,o("lSI.ISA IS Til¥. S.\.\IF 0>' ,,'XG LOL'lS XIV Ap.1l .. l&\~ /I__~MJ 11'.........10' r 0/..;/4, '<1 ...- f""" ... nol l"';n' I by"T. <I< "'hol' lX/'O:.- "-'''''''./''77' .... .... f . "W<¥""w /?rI ~-L'Y.Nf'VT :<~/:.v; p3"/'7#/ 7'q;I?! 0y j u_o ~. 7 __ ,"9--,,1 "'1"'#1;0 ~ '/.;.,I;;I/.... LfI.."~ ..NNyny .....1',. ,.."yP>l>v ~o/ '"'1/' ,. .f-./ J~ ,,--,~ , -"'/""''' . ~.. 1...-/", tI..t< '" U'diu atJ<- :. f'7~ 9:.- '1 j- ''I'll 'l~?4 "9 ... ,p pUrJ .. ~¥"¥,//;" //" If..? t. P i:I....I{- ,. t.. _no 'Yd; ~ ~ t. r;t,...;,,, "I";'} -"" I.k~ P'lJ,tn-t 2. k:Jf~ '}. I, r. ~ t. &' k.Ii- ~ 1 vi__ f""" ,/- ?n_ L. /. Yo.l-. ?n-~ ;1. /?k~-ftikv- I. f 1~tJ;(;;v _ I.. 7JJ~ L;z;... c _ P.<- ..IJr,.,d.,L..~ -r>.~ ... ,.,....;') ~ t.-...... >~ /l- :J "" .. QIJ. '. ~~>ii a7-7~ 1 " ! ;/- .... r. fitf-.,£... m_<k-:;- .. .:J. _~;. p< a. __... .'. z y. j ... I~ t;.t.7f(;;" .,.i<!IL, ",,_k. /.r.1 • .zI~ k'&_ i}.;. t::£t<:; ~ U:":' - ~ R,.;4-.J6 ..r_ ""...,k:. .:J ~ 4 . - II ~~ 4..: Aa.. .... .J' ..• Z pH,'#-/fi"Y-:' =_d.. / /."4 JIJ/_ .... ...a..,.; < }C?'-;7;"" &A ~~~. ~. d-_-P"u. ~"""- .. " /1 \ ~'-iJ(...:r %J,~;. i4- -:..J' k, p ;;;::. :3";1- ~~ /- ,[-~,(,... - '- • ., , n<- • - c - 20" " • ~......~ George Orouillard ViIlS the son ot II French Can.. d i an and /I..Shavnee lIIother. He was the interpreter iIlnd hunter to the Levis and Clark expedidtion - 1803/1806.10 1806 he joined with Manuel Lisa and Pierre Henard in llIounting tvo beaver exploring expeditions to the Upper Hissouri - 1807/1809.
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