Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1950-06-03
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On the Inside Dodgers Beat Cards, 8·1 Weather Paqe " Partl,. doudy and cooler C:;omlcs lop . Ri~h loday, 6:) to Paqe 5 71. Friday' hla'b, 75; low, 641. Psychlalrlst Advise Parents ow.on Paqe 6 Est. 1868 - AP Leased Wire. AP Wirephoto, UP Leaaed Wire - Five Cents. Iowa City, Iowa, Saturday, June 3, 1950 - Vol. 84, No. 204 13 Johnson (o~nly Demos Island Volcano ', Truman Defending fnler June Prima{y Race Erupts, Kills 30, , Communist Intrest, (This is tile second of a series of two articles all candidates 75 Natives Flee seeking nomillation in Monda!J's prilllar!J electiolls.) HONOLULU rA') - Erupting • 0 • lIP Mauna Loa Friday sent. a fiery, Eleven Johnson county Democrats are seeking county admin· mile-wide river of lava to the Accuses McCarthy sea, engulfing parts of several istrative offices and two are seeking state offices in Monday's villages, trapping possibly 30 per WASHINCTON {AP)-Sen. Jo erh ~[cCarlhy (H-\ is.), 1950 June primary election. sons and forcing at least 75 oth "' accused President Truman in tllC Senate Friday of defendillg tho On the ballot for county officers, County Atty, Jack C. White ers to' flee. The world's most active vol "viciou vested interest" of Communist in the state department. is campaigning for renomination to the office he has held for cano broke an 18 - month slum The \Visconsin scnator again called on the President to Opell three terms . ber Thursday night with a spec White, 37, was born in Iowa tacular burst on its southwest all federal file on the scores of persons he has called pro-Com· City and was graduated trom Acheson Requests flank. Witnesses said mushro'm munists, and he demanded: Iowa City high school in 1930. ing smoke clouds towered 20,000 "Why do you defend this IJe was graduated !'rom the SUI to 30,000 feet. vested Interest, Mr. Truman? Why Prof. Mowry Takes cOllege oflJaw in 1936. Another Installment The 13,680 - foot giant on the not prove to the American people island of Hawaii, 200 miles from White was pollee judge Jor one that you are right and I am year before being elected county here, Ced its destructive stream of wrong by crlKking all or the tiles UCLA History Post, Of molten rock with geysers spout attorney in 1944. He is married Armament Aid of those individuals whom I have ar.d has three children. WASHINGTON UP) - Secretary ing 500 feet into the air. named?" Seek Sheriff Post of State Acheson asked sena tors Mauno Loa la: t erupted Jan. 7, Pre!ident Truman originally To Leave June 12 Two are seeking the Friday 10 approve another $1,- 1949. The warning of new trouble candidate~ turned down the senate investi Prot. George E. Mowry , Friday Democratic nomination lor sher 222,500,000 installment of foreign to come was sounded only Mon gating committee's reque t [or ac arms aid and told them frankly day. A sharp quake shook Ha announc d his re ignation 11'01'11 ift. James G. (Gee) Donohoe, 608 cess to any of the government'~ the SUI history department to ac Ronalds street, and Robert E. the future outlay may have to be waii. loyalty liles, and when the com ccpt II profe. orshlp ot the Los Rowe, 608 S. Madison street, larger. Hilo, the only sizable town on mittee issued subpoenas for three He appeared before a joint the island, was safe. It lies to the Angeles brnnch or the University both arc' campaigning for the top government officials in a de of California. nomination to oppose Sheriff Al meeting of the senate armed ser east of Mauna Loa. But the string mand tor thc tile!:, MI'. Truman vices and foreign relations' com of villages and plantations on Mowry, who has been at SUI bert J. (Pat) MUrphy in the No ... ,. Wlro, ••I., Instructed them to ignore the vembcr election. mittees to make a formal pre the west were in far plenty of . ince 1947, will leave June 12 Jor writs. Berkeley, Callf., where he will Donohoe, 57, is a native of Hol sentation of the administfation'~ trouble. Iowa Citian's Mother Named National Club President Subsequently, how vcr ~ Mr. request for the second section of Before long the river of fire teach durlng the summer beCore brook and formerly farmed near Truman agreed to let Chairman going to UCLA. Morse. He Is man'ied and has the military assistance program and melted rock was a mile wide NEW WOl\lEN'S CLVBS PRESIDENT AND .'Al\fIY-!\Irs. II. C. HourMon (sealed lefl) of Red Oak, Millard Tydings (D-Md.) and his seven children. for the 1951 fiscal year which and at places 10 feet deep. Three wa, elected president of the General Federation of Women's clubs without ODPO Ilion In Boston Thursday (ive-man inquiry committee ex Mowry taught "Recent Ameri Donohoe was in the purebred starts July 1. and a half hours after the erup !light. Members of her family fr:lm left to rlrhl are: ( tand!lIr) !\fr. lIourhton, IOn Clark. 306 FerlOn amine the state department flies, can History" and "History 01 the Angus cattle business tor more Only nine of the 26 members tion the first arm of this river ,,-venue, Iowa City, and son Cole, Red Oak. eated beside Mrs. Houlblon Is a aaurbler, Mrs. John Willi· including some FBI rccords, on American West." than 40 years, of the two committees showed up, boiled into the sea, 25 miles away. ams, Red Oak, 81 persons accused by McCarthy. He plans to teach Rowe, 44, a paint contractor and and questions were few. Sen. H. Police said at times the lava [an Trum.n Refu ed slmllnr courses decorator, has been in the paint AJexander Smith (R - NJ) of the at 40 miles an hour. Mr. Truman refU ted to hand In Cahfornia, ing b\lsiness here for 28 years. foreign relations group wanted to The Civil Air Patrol radioed that over the complete FBI tiles-the Mowry is au This is his first campaign for a know whether the country could the village of Milolil was en so-called "raw" flies which Mc thor of "Theo publio office. look forward to a time when it circled by the lava. There arc sev Reds' Tokyo March Fizzles Carthy has insisted contain the dore Roosevelt He served 34 months in the will not be necessary to spend so en . houses in the hamlet and the proof ot his charges-on the and the Pro- TOKYO (SATURDAY) (JP) - navy during World War II and much arming friendly nations. patrol said, "People are in them." ground that it would crtpple the gresslve Move Acheson replied: The Communist "March on Tok wo~ked with the security depart The coastal highway was cut FBI, smear Innocent people and m nt" published ment which handles navy polic "We are, of course, looking for by the laval' flow. Telephone poles yo" turned into Ii shuffle thls wreck the federal loyalty pro In 1946, and co Should've Tried Brooklyn Bridge morning, with no hint of Violence. ing activities. He was in thc Iowa ward to a time when it would be vanished in fiery bursts, cutting gram, lIuthor ot "Am lowered, but I do not think, Sen communications. !\lOWRY national guard eight years before NEW YORK IIJ'I.-Well, it happened- in Brcoklyn. Communist and labor leaders McCarthy noted the stale de erican Society the war. ator, an.vbody could honestly tell One of the arms of the molten who had called for on "all out partment Friday confirmed that II and the Changing World." His you· now . that in the immediate Two jewelers were held on $10,000 bail each Friday on Rowe Is married and the father river seemed to flow squarely into counterattack:" bowed to massed cabled me sage, (lgurin, In the Ia'est book, "Calltornla Progressi future it would be lowered. charges of grand larceny. Hem"y S. Wallach and Irving Levine 01 four children. the center of the Pahoehoe village, police authority. They abandoned so-called "Amerada ca 0" of 1945 vi. m 1900-1920" ~ now being "In fact, I think that the most Ask Renomination Kana police officials said. were accused of oaying $444 to put a \'eneer gold on 14 bricks their fa ,'orlle rendezvous in the was actually sent to the Americ n prinled. Ed Sulek, 75, is seeking re honest answer would be that in made of bronze and lead and selling them to Harry Perh tein for center of Tokyo. embas~y at Chungking, China, in During the war Mowry was a the immediate future it might nomination as Democratic candi $11,560. Some 23,000 to 27,000 police wartime 1944 . member of the war production be increased." date for county auditor. He has Snakes Foil Coil, He had been looking for a "safe investment." wet'e alerted to entol'ce a ban The state department's disclo board and served as a civilian beel'\ John~on county auditor since against m8&ij demonstraUons such sure came after Assistant U.S. At with the nrmy quarterm stcr l'orps 1917 and was deputy auditor two Veep Gets Meda I Short Transmitter as the CommunLsts had called for torney General James M. McIn 35 a policy analyst between 1942 years beiore that. noon today in downtown Tokyo. erney denied that buch a message and 1944. Sulek was graduated from thc LADYSMITH, WIS. ItI'l - Chief Paternity Suit Falls when 'He' Judged 'She' The ban extends through Sunday's was among secret government Mowry and his wlC live at 305 SUI cOllege of law in 1906 and For 'Public Se.rvjce' Engineer Danel Holbrook went to election of national senators.