In The Pit News Of The Theatr Chooses U. S. Atlantans Greet King Of Three B's Defense Bonds For His Gifts Band Members To Tour With U.S.O. Show Dorothy Maynor Form Committee Pleases Again For Purchasing At Maestro Sets A11 Carnegie. Soprano Appears Time Record At With Philadelphia Albany Hotel Symphony Orch. —(SNS)— Bv CARL DITON With the currently NEW YORK—fANP) — Dorothy in far flung engaged a world-wide, Maynor was with us again Tues- Americans from all walks conflict, day night Barely two weeks have of life ’are aid to lending every elapsed since the gifted soprano about a victory. The bring quick made her first appearancp i,n re- its Treasury Department through cital in Nnw York's famous hall. sale of Defense Bonds lias proven Last evening she assisted most no- towards rais- itself a vital agency bly the world-famous Philadelphia funds to ing the necessary support, Symphony orchestra, Eugene Or- war costs. of his re- the Cognizant mandy canducting, in one of its Cab rated sponsibilities, Calloway, annual musical invasions of our as one of the nation’s foremost great metropolis. music makers, is distributing De- fense Bonds as Christmas gifts to Perhaps America’s greatest mu- the members of his band. sical achievement ol the past In addition to giving bonds. Cab quarter of a century is her major The Four Toppers one of New York’s best liked singing aggrega- has requested each member of his symphony orchestras of which the Setting a precedent Carter and tions, has been given an important spot in the USO show which Noble organization to make every effort Philadelphia band Is, needless to Bowie, reading from top. ace to buy bonds with their spare Sissle is now carrying on a tour of army camps. The hoys have a style say, one where words fare badly ! dno, are featured in the orchestra monies. To lend his aid, Calloway which is distinctly their own and can dish it both sweet and hot. for lack of descriptive power to pit at the Winter Garden Theatre, has provided a special purchasing convey adequate conception of the New Vork, with Olsen and John* committee from among the band high quality of music it is capable i son’s “Sons ’O l un” in which Car- personnel to handle the details of making. To even the most crit- men Miranda and Lila Logan are The committee members are: Cozy ical musician the opening Bach star red. Cole, drummer; , Toccata, Adagio and Fugue in C and In trumpeter; Benny Moreland Lead for orchestrated by l’ayne, major organ pianist. the conductor, was all-sufticient. Cab hung up another record to There was a beautiful singing Vidor Records his long list of achievements when tcne quality, color, contrast, bal- he shattered all attendance marks Of Picture ance and ensemble. So perfect was three week Jungle the illusion created the violon- during his engagement by at the New Al- Kenmore Hotel. HOLLYWOOD, CaL—(A N P)~ I Johns’ Schedule. .Joan Bennett can cclli in octave company with the Of bany, N.Y. With the start of on “Law match star for be- and the solo players m Compositions filming any Hollywood contrabass:, The RainBow Room of the Ken- of the Jungle,” Monogram this ing busy both inside and outside the woodwind, of organ pedal and since j moie, instituting a “name week has three pictures in produc- I the studio. In the past ei&ht manuel effects, the music could band’’ has of policy played a score tion—the last to go before the j months she has starred in four well have emanated from some Doctor N. Dett the nation’s orches- leading dance cameras until after the holidays. important film, ‘Manhunt,” ‘‘Wild g’-and a,nd great supernatural pipe tras but it remained for the King Geese Calling,” ‘‘Confirm or De- organ. Several Suites of Hi De Ho to the room ‘‘Law of the started Dec. Miss of jam Jungle,” ny” and ‘‘Twin Beds.” Outside the Maynor, with somewhat nightly with crowds in 15, is directed Jean a sacrifice of clear enunciation, de- unparalled by Yarbrough, studio she manages her home, the history of the hotel. and the locale of the written herself two Are story, supervises the care and education livered beautifully of By Composer With a schedule which will keep by George Bricker, is the arias: Mozart's “Ach. ich fuehl’s jungle of two young daughters. flies i Cab and his orchestra busy for the borderland in South Africa. Only from “The Magic Flute,” and Han- something like 10,000 miles a year, j Not Yet Published next six months, Calloway has in- members of the cast so far an- del’s “Vadoro from “Ju- The of the 1 to J. goes in for bowling, skeet ! pupille” undisputed king piano stylists (standing- r) son’s residence. to med that is shooting his personnel he nounced by producer Lindsley Par- and lius Caesar.” B’s (Bach, Beethoven and Boogie- Neal and Graham a National Broad* deep-sea fishing, designs her Montgomery Mr. Tatum, granting them a week’s the sons are the Mantan More- well-known Ameri- N. C.—(A N T> holiday lead, own furniture Roy Harris, GREENSBORO, Woogie), the great Art Tatum was Jackson are shown taking in some company was en v'eek and draperies, ap- casting artist, before Christmas. One of the land, Montague Shaw and Theodore can composer was represented by —Dr. R. Nathaniel Dett, head of a brief caller in Atlanta last week of the of the master, who route to California for motion pears on radio programs and in artistry most active band leaders in the of the famous Rus- “Three Pieces for based the music department at Bennett Ohialiapin, son beenfits the Orchestra,” and while here like the proT^-rba! is blind. The “.1am” session, at-1 picture and night club engage- not charity by dozen, business, if the most active, sion basso, Feodor Chialiapin. on folk dance and, modern in College, is represented in the recent couldn't resist the lure maintains a kennel of mailman, tended by a select fevr of the city’s ments. (SNS Staff Photo.) has been on the for prize dogs of Calloway go You Think You Don’t effect and cleverly orchestrated. Victor release of recordings of the Two of Atlanta’s ace was Mr. When and places to New York at least piandt musicians, held at Jack- j the past 52 weeks and feels that a j He music American com- ‘‘Have Time Enough” Look at I a acknowledged appreciation piano by week’s vacation has twice year. been earned many times. posers by the Adagio Contabile his by company. The soprano then sang her final from his Cinnamon Grove Suite. An avid Nimrod and huntsman, aria: Beethoven’s ‘‘Abscheulicher, The records are played by Jeanne Calloway with several friends, will wo eilst du bin?” from “Fidelio,” Behrend. stalk the woods Ala. of Northern New the opening passages of which were York Cinnamon Suite Charge for rabbit and other light so that one hated to The Grove pre- Congressman convincing in game. hear her German recede in the sents an imaginative scene softer phrases. which philosophers from the four Symphony No 2 in D major, Op corners of the earth meet for an Used Over Radio Crime Wave Stories 43; Allegretto, Andante. Vivacis- exchange of ideas. Each movement Epithets simo, and Finale, the world-re- is headed by a quotation from the by i The nowned contemporary Finnish pen of an outstanding poet. is John Capital NAACP Causes Mimi Club “BROWN SANTA CLAUS” symphonist, Jean Sibelius, was the North represented by mad on a huge sign, ordered up j i by the final presentation. Although Donne; the South by a line from a Freddie Fleck, assistant director, j ’Neath glittering arches of the the work bears traces of the in- | Spiritual; and the West by a verse Asks Patrick presumably to be plastered on too RATING THE RECORDS To Lose “Christmas Lane,” fluence of the composed’s prede- ! from Longfellow. The East, which Business of Stage 3. The sign: DO NOT His jovial round face wreathed cessors, Schumann. the Adagio Cantabile portrays, is BOMB. ARSON WELLES SHOOT- Beethoven, For an Apology NEW YORK—fANP)— Bill Rob- in cheery smiles, Brahms, Richard Strauss and represented by the following quo- inson’s ING.” Mimo Club, one of ’s Strolls a brown Santa Claus, j Tchaikowsky, there is much evi- tation from Tagore; the back best known night clubs, has drop- while dence of the WASHINGTON, D C —(ANP)— Bv FRANK MARSHALL DAVIS eiine Green and boys sing traffic’s chain Glenda Farrcl Got Start Sibelius individuality its in thou commandest me to TONY PASTOR WINS HERE of Eckstein's vocal. The result ped floor show because of poor and j with its inevitable national trend. ! '‘When Rep. Luther Patrick. Birmingham, Billy Sweeps by shoppers trudge Tom’s business and will become a wine- ^ Uncle Cabin”.. .. .Glenda sing, it seems that my heart would is NAAGi’ The top platter of the week is is exceedingly commercial. But my in endless files. ] There was an interesting emotion- charged by the local to face and It’s is still for with and-dance night spot—and maybe Farrell is one of the few al use of | and I look thy with using tiie words “nigger” and not hot , strictly speaking'. | choice Ellington Hollywood j pizzicato in the first break, scored Monroe second. dance, depending on the musicians actresses who anti- tears come to m> eyes.’’ “darkie” in a broadcast Monday slow, beautiful and restfully Vaughn Companion But tiny tots, fair haired from is telling the truth movement, quasi-recitative Pastor called is STRAIGHT TO LOVE union. This radical change was when she effects the December 15, at 9 P. M. in number by Tony piece Nordic lands: boasts of having started phonal by the strings in ! the follow- night, held to have Dr. Dett has written BLOSSOMS in which exotic mood which is passion on the bounce. been caused by the Olive skinned her career in second, and a basso ostinato in the a news commentary issuing from Latins, Orientals, professionally ‘‘Uncle ing suites for the piano: Magnolia, and leader’s tenor are remindful of The Fatha succeeds in sounding publicity given by New York dailies see Tom’s Cabin,” The last that are undoubted contribu- station WWDC. comedienne, In The Enchantment, Eddie Duchin on to Harlem’s so-called ‘’crime tions Bottoms, Coleman Hawkins’ gorgeous Medi- something like And and a little dark who appears win Beds,” made toward symphonic form wave. greet him, Cinnamon Grove, Tropic Winter, The Washington branch of the tation.” Companion piece is OET piano, but the number gets groovey child her stage det. Little Eva with Mr. Ormandy is a superb con- stands, and Bible Vineyards, the last of I first chorus or two and However, the theatre on * ductor NAACP has brought the violation HAPPY, powerhouse jazz in which after the Apollo Cries look a touring tro ,vhen she was six in every sense of the word. Mamma, at Santa >s not vet been cuts and the beat is from theen on 125th sxreet seen an increase is which published of broadcasting ethics to the at- the ensemble sharply ready has j brown like me!” years old. Very adept he in complete can- clarinet Al on Okeb turns his in white trade the tour trol tention of the program director of rhythm hits hard. The Donahue | during past j where sudden change of tem- could be better And the worst attention to MODERN DESIGN. As weeks, according to Prank Schiff- Lincoln Theatre Carries On... po occurs. He does WWDC in a letter signed bv Ger- j There is a there’s not have to be owner symbol there: disc of the week is HEY MAN HEY music that is nothing but it's far I man, The house, which has “The show must on”! so nor trude Stone, chairman of the press food for thought. go regard- annoyed himself yet does lie and MAN the with more of a burlesque than Sammy an all-Negro or almost all-Negro less of the Lincoln his auditors the publicity committee. by Tampa Boys j True Christmas spirit knows worldly events, annoy with turn- Has is 1 show, attracts as as Murray In for an Snub band on Decca. Have’s effort. Other side WISH high 75 per theatre under new ing of the of ihe orchestral Kitty asking apology from j Mosley’s j no hue of skin! management is pages ent the on I HAD A SWEETHEART and this j white patronage at some per- | on and score, for lie conducts from mem- congressman his next j And future feel concentrating' bigger better This is a jive spiritual of the have to be ! generations may broadcast. Mrs. Stone wrote to the jumps. A cat would | forma,’oces, especially Saturday entertainment. ory. Role In “Sons O’ “Yes Indeed” school with silly with Jean midnights. naught station, “Every effort is now being mighty hep to keep up j| Veritably, last evening’s concert shouting and tuneless Schiffman Of color prejudice, and caste It is 35 fire made for infor- absolutely Gordon who canaries on this... says that the possi- percent proof and has was a for him as w'ell as by agencies public worn triumph singing. Mosley’s band does all right Harlem a lit- bility of the New thin. steel reinforced basement and sub for mation and education to create a Boyce’s Serenaders, publicity causing Miss Maynor, notwithstanding In New York but the burden is too great. The Yorkers to The ‘‘Lane’’ itself means more basement in case Fun” spirit of national unity. Intolerant tle jump crew, are a sparkling become more Harlem of air-raids. that the audience while ample and band goes for itself —thank good- bunch. often out of conscious is the cause for most of and decisive remarks directed to- Although tune, NEW YORK—(C)—Kitty Mur- —On the SING A that down which ness! reverse, they bounce brightly on GET IN the niteries losing their trade, but than has ward any segment of our popula- ray, boi n in Baltimore, Md.. LITTLE DITTY, and does a com- THE GROOVE which boasts a nice -hat his business increased Ride ermined stars jn gorgeous tion create disunity and serve the because always had the ambition to be on petent jump job for the jitbugs. vocal. drawback is the here was little of limousines, aggressors who would destroy our jive Biggest danger being the stage; during her school days Sidney Bechet’s boys serve it too recording of the molested on the well lighted 125th For each arch means a rainbow | in American institution.” pip- prominent she took part, when 7 years old, on OH LADY BE is ‘LONG ABOUT -treet. laden rich A letter directed to Congressmai ng hot Victor in bass. Turnover SEEIN' STARS school plays. j GOOD after a too start. But THREE IN THE a With for a race beneath Patrick stated. “These terms ar pretty MORNING;’ promise j! rom the time Sid starts on slow rock which the at- its a show called offensive to self-respecting colorec riding captures greens. A fev; years later oprano sax to the end, the stuff mosphere of a little gin joint with O’ Ham” in her people and their use in a radio \ Candlelight Rites ‘Soric, stopped ■s righteous. Rhythm is solid. Oth- vipers slumped around and the NEW YORK — (C)—Rochester [ with acme town and she joined as a broadcast antagonizes in a com- j ofay Lynne Sherman, wife of er side is a scoring version of place full of smoke There is and Radio Shows To I this was the taunity where every public agency So you see by the little rhyme Hollywood his maager, Milton Ebbins comedienne, during ROOM with Charlie Shavers’ subdued heat on the Erskine Haw- “My was so ;s devoted HOSE Beautiful Come To New Fear Black- Old days of ‘‘Charleston,’’ she to building national Affair above that out. here on the York; Flame”?-She’s to do an- in a mood Har- kins Bluebird of I‘M IN A LOW coast the other unity.” rumpet killing outs. .. .Eddie (Rochester) Ander- other funny that she kept James’ Columbia of MAKE DOWN GROOVE. Slow and the celebration of Christmas is go- ■y easy, SEDALIA, N. C.—(A N P)—Pal- son, Jello Star with Jack Benny, chorus girls laughing so they TO ME to it has a of ing on as usual regardless of black- in LOVE belongs mainly generous portion rhapso- mer Memorial institute held its and all of the radio shows (Bop INCIDENTALLY... Hear Nell couldn’t aanee, and the theatre Helen Forrest and she scores on the dic tenor in the Coleman Hawkins outs threatened air-raids, and taken Christmas Sing and Candlelight Hope, Eddie Cantor, Charlie Mc- Dobson, former feature writer for such an uproar that she was tradition. Paired is a other tragic happenings expected do Busy nashy lyrics. burning jump service on Sunday evening in Wel- Carthy, etc.) will eventually broad- ANP married an aimv man here out of in front of the chorus to Plattermate is YOU DON’T with a smoking beat, UNCLE BUD, to kill the spirit of the Yuletide. he.self. After several lesley chapel at Sedalia. Friends cast from New York, it is rumor- recently... Kitty Murray, new- a single by KNOW WHAT LOVE IS, sweet and with growl trumpet, lots of brass of one the show and patrons made their 32nd an- ed-Now with the war and its comer to Broadway and in “Sons months .nighters, — from orchy Artie Shaw gives an power, an Ellingtonish touch and to My First Christmas Card reached there the show During Holidays nual pilgrimage participate in blackouts, coming so and O’Fun’’ is staying her time out , different on still not to this the Rose_Due to the fact often, entirely treatment Vic- up band’s previous one Lovely with was stranded. NEW YORK CITY— (S N S)—Oil of the most colorful and. im- danger dotting every street of Hotel Braddock_off 125th tor to MAKE LOVE TO ME. His i work. that orders from the police de- Christmas Basie pressive festivals of the season. movieland, N6w York is the busiest Street-Now that Carter’s to in the At- Day Count and of or- Do fire wardens there Benny She started wrork hops and there’s fine depth you like blackout music? The the partment and contract his orchestra will conclude a two- The singing of antiphonal safest place to be now_And writing arrangements for clubs where she hestral color. is SOLID : kind of stuff that’s a natural for must be no lantic City night Flipover choirs which the light showing during has week engagement at the New York preceded cantata, Paramount Studios may resume white bands been renewed at was in 1040 “Rochester’ SAM with Hot Lips Paige taking pushing around when there’s no stated periods, I’m writing this at spotted by Strand Theatre six THE FIRST brought their former out in Is- Kelley’s Stable, he’s Jack by playing his horn for a hot ride. Then I’M HAVING CHRISTMAS, on the place Long setting pretty the famous star of the Benny light? get SO home with a tiny blue light in shows from noon to midnight, aft- the spirit of the season into the land, New York. town now with his alto sax and Radio Program, who was looking On Decca Jimmie Lunceford has MUCH TROUBLE and GOING desk as the only illumination. But er that was decorated" with I trumpet-But, the town isn’t one to do a which they'll play a dance date a BACK chapel WONDER-if you knew that yet at that time for some slow moody bit called GONE with ; TO MY PLOW by Big Bill it is light enough to see my first at the Ballroom in Har- holly .cedar, poinsettia and fir. “Green Pastures” ’twill be on the through with aiias with while he was Savoy □AN GRISSOM singing. This is | on Okeh. The piano sounds like Christmas card which arrived as single him, Myron C. lem until 5 am. and the ex- Walter Davis. This is real down- radio hookups after the holidays? Bradshaw, who signed making his personal appearance torchy arrangement a of Deccas. A singer of genu- far back as Dec. 14. It is from the As set pair _if that bankruptcy here in New York the summer soon as the last dance is cellent. The other side is plenty stairs turns who’s you knew tours during months, ine folk blues with guitar accom- lovely Rose Bair, settling Federal over, the Basle crew will board its is still at the Famous Door on Court, listing' $850 assets where she lengthened a two wec-KS punchy, IMPROMPTU, and features in A-l singing jobs on both sides he offers IF YOU SEE here from Montana a few years paniment, auto) and two seasons’ work. bus for a tour of one-night a _ Also of this IF I Brdadway?-if you knew that (including liabli- engagement into stands, spectacular piano play- Bluebird, DIDN’T LOVE MY PIGMEAT and WHY was Califor- $3,630 DONT ago Montana’s loss; even in Boston that same night. in the Lunceford manner is YOU and HELLO Dunham and her troupe from !ties, though Brandshaw is She made personal appearances starting ing BABE. MY BABY WRITE TO ME; BULL- nia’s gain. Her expressive, finely Katy Tire his will Sam Donahue on the Bluebird of The come to town soon for now on tour with Lil Green_In- with “Rochester” at the Paramount Count and bandsmen accompaniment is tops and DOG BLUES and YOU NEVER are on Hollywood CAN chiseled features engraved deed of. music, but are won- COFFEE AND CAKES and HALF the sole is the on a concert here?... if you knew that ,Tiny spends big money!'_ Theatre ir New York and Holly- play plenty bringdown lyrics TELL, with “Pigmeat” the saltiest the card, it much more to making Rex Ingram, out of the hcs wood in 1940 and at the Strand when be able A HEART. Both sides are the first side. Too ... Hazel Scott was honored musi- just dering they’ll adequate monotonous of the lot. For those who like the artistic and attractive than any by catch some with a of trombone Also on Bluebird is MILLION cians of Cafe pital from a operation Theatre in New York 1941 and in shut-eye! spot arranging earthly, traditional stuff by a fine that could be designed by the post- Uptown Society, (minor, mind on other coast to coast where on the first and a striking sax YEAR BLUES by Wil- has now where the little lady has been play- you) is rehearsing1 Broad- many Sonny Boy blues artist who passed on, card artists in their hackneyed a week’s blend on the second. Una Mae Carl- and the is for last way for a new to after she was a terrific sensation known ETlmhton just finished liamson, boy feel- are — ing three years week?..... play open really these recommended with styles. The first the first with isle’s of “Coffee” is far low down. Other robin, to fill the first of the new year.. as the “Chew Your Bubble Gum, engagement in San Francisco waxing by ing side hops in a wailing harmonic setting the pace, all Remember, they hired her They bud, the first Xmas card, give hadn’t Glamour Girl.” Ivie Anderson at the the better. a washboard kind of way, I’M GON- Joe and his in for a one-nighter for Ida named it at press time. charming Big Rhythm ramble an unusual thrill. ailing Golden Gate Theatre’..Their best A decidedly different treatment of NA CATCH YOU SOON, but the through the gutty WHAT WILL I Cox, but, she overstayed her time DID YOU KNOW?... .that Max- I GOT IT BAD and THAT AIN’T words are far short of sellers are “I’ve Got It Bad And terrific. DO and OH RED’S TWIN BROTH- Note to Japs: “Don’t Bomb _(that’s the three years)—If ine Sullivan is getting ready for appreciative should have been, un- GOOD is offered on Bluebird The late Blind That Ain’t Good,” and “Rocks tn by Boy Puller, who ER, the latter boisterous words to Welles Set”_Next day Orson ar- you knew the whole town is talk- her South American tour for the der such exemplary circumstances, . After Mad- died a few mouths is heard on My Bed.*' piano intro, ago, the familiar ‘‘Oh Red” tune. rived to find painters working like ing' of why Count Basie recorded first of the year9. a capacity one.