E Professional Choristers of E Choir School of Newport County, the Adult Choir of E Church of Saint John the Evangelist, Newport and Friends of Music at St
e Professional Choristers of e Choir School of Newport County, the adult choir of e Church of Saint John the Evangelist, Newport and Friends of Music at St. John’s welcome you to these events in the exciting - program season! As e Choir School prepares for a major educational trip to England in August , we hope you will enjoy this news of our progress since forming three years ago, and previews of some outstanding musical oerings to the Newport County community. Civic Proclamations pages - Who’s Who in the Choir Tour Goals and Itinerary How you can help - Programs October Pipescreams on the Point e St. John’s Hook & Hastings organ November Candlelight Concert of Remembrance November Evensong for St. John’s rd Anniversary December 3 Advent Lessons & Carols December Christmas on the Point Concert Christmastide January An Aernoon with Barry Rose, O.B.E. February Mardi Gras, Winter Festival March Diocesan Festival, Holy Week, Easter April Daodil Days May Fourth Annual Spring Concert June 9 Clam Boil Dinner June e Hymnathon July Concert with St. Marylebone Girls Choir (London, UK); Bon Voyage & return events Choir School History and Faculty Newportopoly© Friends of Music at St. John’s Joining the choirs Advertising Directory St. John’s adult choir and the Professional Choristers provide music at St. John’s each Sunday at : a.m. on a rotating schedule. For choir conguration and weekly music notes, please visit www.saintjohns-newport.org. singing singing Front row, le to right: Margaret H., Colm N., Andrew H., Ainsley M., Eden C. Second row: Mack W., Isabella S., Orlaith N., Sophie B., Juno C., Sabrina S., Regan L.
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