Date: 30TH JULY 2014 Ref: JS

1. Purpose of Report

1.1 The purpose of this report is to update members of the Motherwell & District Local Area Partnership on progress with Community Safety in the locality and the joint work carried out in the area by the Local Community Safety Sub−Group over the last period incorporating March − June 2014. 2. Background

2.1 The Joint Community Safety Report reflects the impact which the Local Area Team and Community Safety Sub−groups are making in the area.

3. Proposals/Considerations

3.1 As a result of a review of how community safety is reported to the Local Area Partnerships and the depth and breadth of related statistics that are readily available it was agreed that the statistical analysis normally appended here would be reported every other cycle. There is attached at appendix 1 an up to date copy of the Community Safety Subgroup Action Plan that is regularly updated by partners using the Sharepoint system.

4. Promoting Positive Outcomes

4.1 The community 'ASBO's to tackle street drinking in the centre of the Forgewood area continue to be rigorously enforced and are subject to close monitoring by NLC and CCTV partners. This focus is proving to be successful in eradicating street drinking and is welcomed by the local community and traders in the area.

Joint initiatives with Housing Services and Police and to address youth disorder continues to have a positive effect within the local community and there continues to be a decline in youth offending due to resources being targeted on the main offenders and tenancies where there is a history of offending. These joint initiatives to target offenders will continue over the coming year.

4.2 In Ward 16, a tenancy which was the source of persistent noise and disorder was returned to the Council. Within ward 17, another tenancy which was also causing severe disturbance to local residents was returned to the Council. The recovery of both tenancies has had a positive outcome for the local community as a whole. In Ward 18, 2 ASBO's have been granted in favour of the Council, an ASBO interview has been carried out and several Notices of Proceedings have been served on tenancies due to anti social behaviour, giving a clear message that anti social behaviour will not be tolerated. Furthermore, joint visits have also been carried out by Housing Services and to target households identified as problematic. Joint night time visits with Police Scotland and officers from the council's new Anti Social Behaviour Service have also been carried out and this proactive approach has proved to be a useful mechanism in reducing incidents of anti social behaviour.

CCTV is now successfully installed in the McClurg Court area of Motherwell and has already contributed successfully to the Community Safety agenda by providing vital evidence to substantiate criminal and anti social actions. Joint visits were also carried out by Housing, the new Anti Social Behaviour Service and Police Scotland. Consultation among partners is now underway to enhance the environmental outlook through Estate Based Initiative funding.

CCTV also proved useful in detecting the person responsible for vandalism in the Brandon Court area. The perpetrator was traced and costs for repair were recovered to the Council.

4.3 Community Safety partners continue to attend the Youth Offenders group and the number of youths under discussion have not increased.

The 'Street Soccer' initiative continues to be well attended and currently children in the Flemington area are taking part and enjoying the experience.

Motherwell Locality continues to forge good working relationships with Police Scotland and Social Work to identify trends of behaviour affecting communities as well as identify 'hot spot' areas using Police reports, CCTV reports and SEQ updates as well as information from the new enhanced 'out of hours service' which is part of the council's new model in tackling anti social behaviour.

Daily/weekly briefing sessions with Police Scotland in the Motherwell/BelIshill area are proving beneficial, enhancing information sharing between community safety partners. The commitment to provide a proactive approach to tackle common issues affecting our local communities and address anti social behaviour will remain a top priority for the Motherwell Locality. A recent example of the effective joint working between community safety partners was evident when a gas leak was identified in the Hamilton road area of Motherwell. All partners worked collectively to ensure all tenants and residents continued to be safe while the matter was brought to a timely and satisfactory conclusion.

Officers from Motherwell Housing continue to attend Tenant & Resident Association meetings in Muirhouse, Flemington and North Motherwell to contribute to both the Tenant Participation agenda as well as the Community Safety agenda as these meeting are often attended by Community Safety partners. A new group from the Newarthill area is currently working with the Tenants Information Service (TIS) a further update will be provided in the next quarterly report. Furthermore, Muirhouse has been selected to represent Motherwell in a documentary due to be launched in October 2014 during the Scottish Mental Health Arts & Film Festival and the area has been involved in creating a film about The Life in the Motherwell Towers from Past to Present.. Assistance was given from Officers at Motherwell Housing to Muirhouse and St Brendan's primary 6 pupils to help complete a project on the towers. The young people researched the history of the towers and spent an afternoon touring a few of the towers. Feedback from the visit was that it was a very enjoyable afternoon and changed the childrens' perceptions of the towers to a more positive one. A further update will be provided in the next quarterly report.

4.4 On the 9th January, 2014 the new Antisocial Night Response Team started and have received a total of 776 calls to date 136 of which have been for Motherwell. Patrol/Reassurance visits are also being carried out in the area during the times the team are on shift; these are ongoing and can also be at the request of the Antisocial Behaviour Team within the Motherwell locality.

4.5 In December within Dalziel House, Motherwell training was provided by police officers to approx 30 members of staff from SAMH, allowing SAMH premises throughout to become Third Party Reporting sites.

4.6 Throughout December, all identified vulnerable business premises were visited in relation to Robbery prevention. General security advice was provided and the offer of a full crime prevention survey was given.

4.7 In January a Day of Action was held in the Motherwell & Wishaw areas. Police Scotland (inc. Gang's Task Force, Mounted Branch, Dogs Branch, Violence Reduction Unit, Internet Investigation Unit, Offender Management Unit and mutual aid officers), Scottish Fire & Rescue, Trading Standards, HMRC, SEPA, Immigration Enforcement, VOSA, BTP, Scottish Business Resilience Centre and Scottish Power were involved in the day which ran from 0600hrs to 0200hrs.

The day consisted of vehicle check points, visits to licensed premises and scrap metal dealers. Intelligence led visits were carried out a various business premises in relation to immigration offences. Areas identified as hotspots for Anti Social behaviour saw additional officers and our Mounted branch. Police dogs were also out carrying out drugs scanning checks as licensed premises. Information from the day's events was covered on the @motherwellpol Twitter feed.

4.8 Also in January Door Step Awareness training was provided to NLC Social Work. Although the training took place in Bellshill, the staff in attendance were from all localities. The training provided carers and key workers with information to pass on to vulnerable members of the community to assist with the prevention of Door Step Crime. On 30th January a meeting was held with Motherwell Crime Prevention panel providing them with details of emerging crime trends in the area to allow them to pass the information on to the general community.

4.9 VANL held a networking event within the Glo Centre, Motherwell on 20th January. A presentation was given by PC Kirsteen Salen providing attendees with information on Third party reporting and Door Step Crime. 4.10 Officers from Police Scotland attended at New Lanarkshire College, Motherwell where presentations were given to 54 pupils with learning disabilities to raise their awareness in relation to drugs. On 27th January all P4−P7 students from Ladywell Primary School, Motherwell were given a presentation on Internet Safety and Cyber Bullying in line with Police Scotland's national campaign. 'Stay Safe Online'

4.11 Excellent preventative work ongoing between Police Scotland and Scottish Fire and Rescue Service, who are delivering a series of presentations, mainly aimed at 1s' and 2nd year pupils across North Lanarkshire. These presentation are based around wilful fireraising, particularly wheelie bin fires. SFRS are showing the dangers to life and property, by those who are engaged in such acts, with Police Scotland providing inputs on the consequences of being charged with setting fires, possibility of a criminal record and also highlighting the route of disclosure to North Lanarkshire Council. This includes the possibility of ASBO's and eviction proceedings. Two such presentations have been delivered to 2 different groups in Taylor High School, with an event planned in Brannock High School.

4.12 Information received by Police Scotland regarding an industrial premises on Coursington Road being used as an "unlicensed rave" venue, led to a large number of persons being found within, in the early hours of the morning. As a result, an arranged joint visit with Scottish Fire and Rescue Service took place due to the potential dangers of the site and the allegation of what it was being used for. Entry could not be gained at this time and a follow up visit is scheduled as there are concerns for public safety/ fire regulations.

4.13 An Information stall was set up within Civic Theatre, Motherwell in relation to Bogus! Doorstep crime, during the re−launch of the Doorstep Crime initiative. This session proved particularly beneficial as the target audience was present and keen to learn how they could take steps to ensure that they did not become victims of bogus/ doorstep crime.

A personal safety input was delivered to students at Motherwell College, this was particularly well received due to the approaching summer break, general advice was given in relation to staying safe over this period.

4.14 For the year to date SFRS have completed a total of 93 Home Fire Safety Visits within Motherwell & District Local Area (Motherwell North 33, Motherwell South East and Ravenscraig 25, Motherwell West 35).

4.15 SFRS continues to target all Sheltered Housing complexes within North Lanarkshire to improve awareness of home fire safety. Part of the initiative is focusing on those properties with high numbers of fire alarm actuations; these incidents highlight elderly residents who are at higher risk and appropriate partnership interventions are being sought to support these members of our community.

4.16 Over the first quarter of this year (ist April 2014 to 26th June 2014) in North Lanarkshire the SFRS achieved a 4% reduction in accidental dwelling fires recording 48 incidents (2013 − 50) and a 12% reduction in fire casualties recording 15 casualties (2013/14 − 14). Within the Motherwell & District LAP area there was a 30% reduction in dwelling fires (13 in 2013/14 and 9 in 2014/15) and a 20% reduction in fire casualties (11 in 2013/14 and 9 in 2014/15). 4.17 SFRS and VANL are almost complete in the developing a partnership working framework. The two areas of development are firstly the use of volunteers to assist in delivery of Home Fire Safety Visits and other engagement activity and secondly the building of closer working links with the third sector groups supporting older people and youths involved in antisocial behaviour.

4.18 Pupils from Braidhurst, Dalziel High, Our Lady's High, Taylor High and Brannock High Schools attended the Firereach programme during the reporting period. They all completed the course and received their Portfolio of Achievement.

4.19 Consultation on the Local Fire and Rescue Plan for North Lanarkshire 2014 to 2017 has concluded and is now available to view through the link below. The Plan provides a direction of travel in relation to how the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service will deliver its services to the communities in North Lanarkshire over the next three years. The Plan will be supported by an annual Operating Plan which will provide more specific detail and associated targets linked to SOA, Community Plan and Scottish Government expectations. (http://www.firescotland.qov. uk/your−area/west/local−senior−officers.aspx)

4.20 Kickstart programme for S3 has been on−going since May and is targeting a number of issues; the danger of wheelie bin fires is the SFRS message within the production. The schools involved in this are Taylor High, Brannock High, Our Lady's, Fir Park Secondary and St Aiden's Schools.

5. Corporate Considerations

5.1 The Joint Community Safety Report reflects the Partnership's commitment to tackling community safety in all our localities.

6. Recommendation

6.1 It is recommended that the Local Area Partnership note the content of this report.

Shirley Linton Head of Planning & Regeneration

301h July 2014

Local Government Access to Information Act: for further information about this report, please contact Michele Battersby on (01698) 302812 U) co −ci a) I.− U) CU a) CU 0 − .−5 1 0 CUCA C a) _c a)−o a 4 :i U)a) U) . CO a) U)a) a) —CU a) 0 (I) L Ca)C 4− VU) a)CU 5 U) C CU C V E°cu CU > a) CU V CC I Ea) C) 0 −ö o a) CUC .QEU) > Q o 1) −° UJ • CU_ V E a)CU C CU E −a O cj a) a) E U)CU (n (n 0 0 , 55 i:t CU U)t a)Ca) 2−a CI) CI) −O '− 0 0 1− L 0CUC c CU '− V 5 E −a CU U) 't U) V C C: a) C•_ 0 0 U) C0 CI) − o ö 0(I) F− NU)

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