Hallbars Awards 2020 - Top 3 by countries Food & Drink Sector

Ranking of total Awards by Countries: Countries with the same number of awards are in alphabetical order. Total countries : 53

1 FRANCE Hallbars Sustainability Report Awards Total = 12

Best in all Categories LVMH - A01 Best in all categories

Special Award Fondation Daniel et Nina Carasso - A02 Special Awards

Rank n°1 Best in the World Credit Agricole - E07 Banks Sodexo - F05 Photography

Rank n°2 Best in the World Avril Groupe - B10 Plant-Based Oils Bonduelle - B13 Specialized Industrial Food Sucden - B06 Sugar

Rank n°3 Best in the World Accor - E03 Hotels CIVB:Conseil Interprofessionnel du Vin de Bordeaux - G08 Food & Environment Oeneo - F02 Investor Relations - Sustainability - Internal Leaders Sodexo - E02 Restaurants & Catering Valrhona - B09 Cocoa

Best In The World 2020 www.hallbars.org 1 1 SWEDEN Hallbars Sustainability Report Awards Total = 12

Special Award Factfulness - A02 Special Award

Rank n°1 Best in the World Electrolux, - E04 Appliance Manufacturer Löfergs - B07 Coffee Polarbröd - B14 Family Corporation Systembolaget - D02 Wine Tetra Pak - E05 Packaging Umea Restaurants Association -G07 Food & Climate

Rank n°2 Best in the World Axfood - F07 CEO Letter Coor - E02 Restaurants Gothenburg - Port E06 Ports Spendrups - E03 Beer

Rank n°3 Best in the World Lantmännen - B11 Agri Business

1 UK Hallbars Sustainability Report Awards Total = 12

Rank n°1 Best in the World - E02 Restaurants & Catering - D01 Spirits Finlays - B08 Tea FOLU : Food and Land Use Coalition - G08 Food & Environment Nomad Foods - B13 Specialized Industrial Food

Rank n°2 Best in the World BRCGS - F09 Slogans - Institutions Marks & Spencer - E01 Food Retailers Group - F04 Design Oxfam - G04 Gender Equality - F03 Communications & PR firms

Rank n°3 Best in the World CDP - G05 Clean Water & Sanitation WRAP : Worldwide Responsible Accredited Production - G06 Food Waste

Best In The World 2020 www.hallbars.org 2 1 USA Hallbars Sustainability Report Awards Total = 12

Special Award Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation - A02 Special Award World Resource Institute - A02 Special Awards

Rank n°1 Best in the World Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation - G04 Gender Equality Harvard Public Health & The Culinary Institute of America - G02 Good Health, Well Being & Food PepsiCo - F06 CEO letter

Rank n°2 Best in the World Gordon & Betty Moore Foundation - G08 Food & Environment ReFED - G06 Food Waste - F01 Investor Relations - External Consultancy

Rank n°3 Best in the World Brown Forman - D01 Spirits Meridian Institute - G07 Food & Climate Silicon Valley Bank - E07 Banks & WWF & Quantis - C08 North America

5 GERMANY Hallbars Sustainability Report Awards Total = 8

Best in all Categories Bosch - A01 Best in all categories

Rank n°1 Best in the World GIZ : German Development Agency - H01 Intergovernmental Organizations

Rank n°2 Best in the World Hochland - B01 Dairy Miele - E04 Appliance Manufacturer Ritter Sport - B09 Cocoa Villeroy & Boch - G03 Decent Work Vorwerk - F06 CEO letter

Rank n°3 Best in the World Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation & Development - G01 End Poverty & Zero Hunger

Best In The World 2020 www.hallbars.org 3 6 CHINA Hallbars Sustainability Report Awards Total = 7

Special Award Green Queen Media - A02 Special Awards SEE : Society of Entrepreneurs and Ecology - A02 Special Awards

Rank n°1 Best in the World COFCO international - C03 China + F08 Slogans - Corporate

Rank n°2 Best in the World Mengniu - C03 China

Rank n°3 Best in the World COSCO shipping Port - E06 Ports Vitasoy - C03 China

6 NETHERLANDS Hallbars Sustainability Report Awards Total = 7

Special Award A02 Special Awards - Wageningen University

Rank n°2 Best in the World Agrofair - G05 Clean Water & Sanitation DSM - E05 Packaging LDC - B04 Farming

Rank n°3 Best in the World holland malt - F03 Communications & PR firms JDE : Jacob Douwe Egberts - B07 Coffee VanDrie Group - C05 Western Europe

Best In The World 2020 www.hallbars.org 4 6 SWITZERLAND Hallbars Sustainability Report Awards Total = 7

Rank n°1 Best in the World Barry-Callebaut - B09 Cocoa + F02 Investor Relations -Sustainability - Internal Leaders Franke Group - F01 Investor Relations - External Consultancy WWF - F09 Slogans - Institutions + G06 Food Waste

Rank n°2 Best in the World Edmond de Rothschild - E07 Banks

Rank n°3 Best in the World Emmi Group - G03 Decent Work

9 ITALY Hallbars Sustainability Report Awards Total = 6

Special Award Barilla Center for Food and Nutrition - A02 Special Awards

Rank n°1 Best in the World Andriani - B11 Agri-Business

Rank n°2 Best in the World Campari Group - D01 Spirits Lavazza - B07 Coffee + F05 Photography

Rank n°3 Best in the World Gruppo Mezzacorona - D02 Wine

9 THAILAND Hallbars Sustainability Report Awards Total = 6

Rank n°2 Best in the World Charoen Pokphand Food - B02 Meat MINT , Minor International - E03 Hotels Thai Union Group - B03 Fishery

Rank n°3 Best in the World BBR Buriam - B06 Sugar Ichitan Group - D04 Sof Drinks Thai Bev - D03 Beer

Best In The World 2020 www.hallbars.org 5 11 DENMARK Hallbars Sustainability Report Awards Total = 5

Rank n°1 Best in the World Carlsberg Group - D03 Beer Danish Crown - B02 Meat Royal Unibrew - F02 Investor Relations - Sustainability - Internal Leaders Urhenholt - C06 Nordic Europe

Rank n°2 Best in the World Chr Hansen - B11 Agri-Business

11 BELGIUM Hallbars Sustainability Report Awards Total = 5

Special Award Wine in Moderation - A02 Special Awards

Rank n°1 Best in the World ABinBev - F03 Communications & PR firms The Brewers of Europe - D06 Drink Institutions + F09 Slogans - Institutions

Rank n°3 Best in the World Lotus Bakeries - F08 Slogans - Corporate

13 AUSTRIA Hallbars Sustainability Report Awards Total = 4

Rank n°1 Best in the World Kastner Gruppe - E01 Food Retailers Vöslauer - D05 Water

Rank n°2 Best in the World Erber Group - B14 Family Corporations

Rank n°3 Best in the World Kotanyi - B05 Fruits & Vegetables &Spice

Best In The World 2020 www.hallbars.org 6 13 JAPAN Hallbars Sustainability Report Awards Total = 4

Rank n°1 Best in the World Itoen - D04 Sof Drinks JICA : Japan International Cooperation Agency - H01 Intergovernmental Organizations

Rank n°3 Best in the World Kirin Company - C02 Asia ( without China & India ) Nissin Group - B13 Specialized Industrial Food

13 NEW ZEALAND Hallbars Sustainability Report Awards Total = 4

Rank n°1 Best in the World Sanford Sea Food - C10 Oceania + F07 CEO letter

Rank n°3 Best in the World Alliance Group - F05 Photography Fonterra - B01 Dairy

16 Hallbars Sustainability Report Awards Total = 3

Rank n°2 Best in the World Costa Group holding - C10 Oceania

Rank n°3 Best in the World ACIAR:Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research - F07 CEO letter Coles Group - E01 Food Retailers

16 CANADA Hallbars Sustainability Report Awards Total = 3

Rank n°2 Best in the World Agropur - C08 North America SAQ ; Societé des Alcools du Quebec - D06 Drink Institutions

Rank n°3 Best in the World Maple Leaf food - B02 Meat

Best In The World 2020 www.hallbars.org 7 16 CHILE Hallbars Sustainability Report Awards Total = 3

Best in all Categories Vina Concha y Toro - A01 Best in all categories

Rank n°1 Best in the World Salmones Camanchaca - B03 Fishery

Rank n°3 Best in the World Vina Concha y Toro - C09 Latin America

16 COLOMBIA Hallbars Sustainability Report Awards Total = 3

Rank n°1 Best in the World Daabon - F04 Design

Rank n°2 Best in the World Grupo Colombina - C09 Latin America

Rank n°3 Best in the World Grupo Nutresa - B12 Diversified Industrial Food

16 FINLAND Hallbars Sustainability Report Awards Total = 3

Rank n°1 Best in the World Valio - B01 Dairy

Rank n°3 Best in the World Fazer Group - C06 Nordic Europe Viking Malt - B14 Family Corporations

Best In The World 2020 www.hallbars.org 8 16 INDIA Hallbars Sustainability Report Awards Total = 3

Rank n°1 Best in the World Alphonsa Cashew - C04 India

Rank n°2 Best in the World Jain Irrigation - C04 India

Rank n°3 Best in the World United Brewery ltd - C04 India

16 NORWAY Hallbars Sustainability Report Awards Total = 3

Rank n°1 Best in the World NORAD : Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation - G01 End Poverty & Zero Hunger

Rank n°2 Best in the World Leroy - C06 Nordic Europe

Rank n°3 Best in the World Yara - F01 Investor Relations - External Consultancy

16 SINGAPORE Hallbars Sustainability Report Awards Total = 3

Rank n°1 Best in the World Banyan Tree - E03 Hotels Singapore Maritime & Port Authority - E06 Ports

Rank n°2 Best in the World Fraser&Neave - D04 Sof Drinks

Best In The World 2020 www.hallbars.org 9 16 SPAIN Hallbars Sustainability Report Awards Total = 3

Rank n°1 Best in the World Iberostar - C05 Western Europe

Rank n°3 Best in the World Apromar Acuicultura - B03 Fishery Consejo Regulador de La Rioja - D06 Drink Institutions

16 SRI-LANKA Hallbars Sustainability Report Awards Total = 3

Rank n°1 Best in the World IWMI : International Water Management Institute - G05 Clean Water & Sanitation

Rank n°2 Best in the World Kelani Valley Plantations - B08 Tea

Rank n°3 Best in the World Talawakelle - F04 Design

26 ARGENTINA Hallbars Sustainability Report Awards Total = 2

Rank n°2 Best in the World Grupo Lucci - B05 Fruits & Vegetables &Spice Trivento Bodega y Vinedos - D02 Wine

26 BRAZIL Hallbars Sustainability Report Awards Total = 2

Rank n°1 Best in the World Amaggi - B04 Farming Biosev - B06 Sugar

Best In The World 2020 www.hallbars.org 10 26 MEXICO Hallbars Sustainability Report Awards Total = 2

Rank n°2 Best in the World Sigma Alimentos - B12 Diversified Industrial Food

Rank n°3 Best in the World Fundacion Herdez - C09 Latin America

26 SOUTH KOREA Hallbars Sustainability Report Awards Total = 2

Rank n°2 Best in the World CJ CHEILJEDANG - C02 Asia ( without China & India )

Rank n°3 Best in the World Coway - D05 Water

30 ARCTIC Rank n° 1 Best in the World Arctic Council - A02 Special Awards

30 BERMUDA Rank n° 1 Best in the World Bacardi - C08 North America

30 COTE D’IVOIRE Rank n° 2 Best in the World SCB:Société d’Etude et de Développement de la Culture Bananière - C01 Africa

30 ECUADOR Rank n°3 Best in the World Azucarera Valdez - G04 Gender Equality

30 GREECE Rank n° 3 Best in the World Frigoglass - E04 Appliance Manufacturer

30 GUATEMALA Rank n° 2 Best in the World cbc - D05 Water


Best In The World 2020 www.hallbars.org 11 Rank n° 1 Best in the World Grupo Agrolibano - B05 Fruits & Vegetables &Spice

30 IRELAND Rank n° 3 Best in the World Smurfit Kappa - E05 Packaging

30 ISRAEL Rank n° 1 Best in the World Netafim - C11 Middle East

30 LUXEMBOURG Rank n° 2 Best in the World Ferrero International - C05 Western Europe

30 MALAWI Rank n° 3 Best in the World ETP : Ethical Tea Partnership - B08 Tea

30 NIGERIA Rank n° 3 Best in the World Nigeria Guinness - C01 Africa

30 PAPUA NEW GUINEA Rank n° 3 Best in the World New Britain Oil - C10 Oceania

30 PERU Rank n° 3 Best in the World Wiraccocha - B04 Farming

30 PHILIPPINES Rank n° 1 Best in the World Century Pacific Food inc - B12 Diversified Industrial Food

30 POLAND Rank n° 1 Best in the World Kompania Piwowarska - C07 Eastern & Central Europe

30 PORTUGAL Rank n° 1 Best in the World Sovena - B10 Plant-Based Oils

30 ROMANIA Rank n° 3 Best in the World Ameropa Romania - C07 Eastern & Central Europe

Best In The World 2020 www.hallbars.org 12 30 RUSSIA Rank n° 2 Best in the World Baltika Beer - C07 Eastern & Central Europe

30 SAUDI ARABIA Rank n° 3 Best in the World Savola - C11 Middle East ` 30 SOUTH AFRICA Rank n° 1 Best in the World Oceana Group - C01 Africa

30 TURKEY Rank n° 2 Best in the World Anadalou Etap - C11 Middle East

30 UKRAINE Rank n° 3 Best in the World Kernel Holding - B10 Plant-Based Oils

30 VIETNAM Rank n° 1 Best in the World The Pan Group - C02 Asia ( without China & India )

Best In The World 2020 www.hallbars.org 13