1992 Regular Session
Telephone Directory and Committee Assignments of the Washington State Legislature Fifty-Second Legislature 1992 Regular Session Joel Pritchard, Joseph E. King, Lieutenant Governor, Speaker of the House President of the Senate Ellen Craswell, John L. O'Brien, President Pro Tempore, Speaker Pro Tempore, Senate House Alan Bluechel, Alan Thompson, Vice President Chief Clerk, Pro Tempore, Senate House Gordon A. Golob, Dennis Karras, Secretary of the Senate Deputy Chief Clerk, House W. D. "Nate" Naismith, Greg Pierce, Deputy Secretary, Assistant Chief Clerk Senate House John E. Colwill, Ross Young, Sergeant at Arms, Sergeant at Arms, Senate House Senate Caucus Officers 1992- Republican Caucus Majority Leader . ... Jeannette Hayner Caucus Chair . .... George L. Sellar MajorityFioor Leader . .. Irv Newhouse Majority Whip . Ann Anderson Deputy Majority Leader . .. Emilio Cantu Majority Assistant Floor Leader ... Neil Amondson Majority Assistant Whip .......... Linda A. Smith Democratic Caucus Democratic Leader ............ Marcus S. Gaspard Caucus Chair .................. Sid Snyder Democratic Floor Leader ..... Patrick R. McMullen Caucus Vice Chair ............ R. Lorraine Wojahn Democratic Deputy Leader ........ Albert Bauer Democratic Whip . ..... Patty Murray Democratic Organization Chair ..... Phil Talmadge Democratic Assistant Whip ........ Adam Smith 1992 Membership of Senate Standing Committees Agriculture and Water Resources (7) - Barr, Chair; Anderson, Vice Chair; Bailey, Conner, Gaspard, *Hansen, Newhouse. Children and Family Services (5) - Roach, Chair; L. Smith, Vice Chair; Craswell, *Stratton, Talmadge. Commerce and Labor (9) - Matson, Chair; Anderson, Vice Chair; Bluechel, McCaslin, McDonald, McMullen, *Moore, Murray, Skratek. Education (11) - Bailey, Chair; Erwin, Vice Chair; Anderson, Craswell, Metcalf, Murray, Oke, Pelz, *Rinehart, A. Smith, Talmadge. Energy and Utilities (9) - Thorsness, Chair; Saling, Vice Chair; jesernig, Nelson, Patterson, Roach, Stratton, *Sutherland, Williams.
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