Style It's showtime Death of a Zionist Plenty of firsts in Goldberg mourned Jewish-Israeli filmfest by Jew, Arab alike The Official Web Site of Page 6. Page "12. The Jewish Chronicle of Pittsburgh

43, NO. 39 FEBRUARY5, 2004 SHEVAT 13, 5764 lad homecoming Black/Jewish dialogue starts on Pitt campus


In an effort to cross cultural bound- aries, black and Jewish students at the University of Pittsburgh were to meet for an evening of dialogue this week. The Black Action Society partnered with the The Edward and Rose Berman Hillel Jewish University Center (JUC) on Wednesday to present an award-win- ning PBS film, "From Swastika to Jim Crow," followed by a student discus- sion. The program is the first in a series of events that will bring together student groups from various cultural back- grounds. "I think it's a great opportunity for us to talk publicly about our fears, and build bridges that need to be put in place," said Jackie Braslawsce, JUC program director for Pitt. "That's my vision and that's what I hope t'6 bring to my students here in Pittsburgh. It's not an option. It has to be done." Brian Hendler/JTA photo The Anti-Defamation Leauge sup- raeli soldiers carry the bodies of Staff Sgt. Benny Avraham, Staff Sgt. Adi Avitan and Staff. Sgt. Omar Souad to lie in state at an ported the program, which is part of fflcial memorial service on Jan. 29, at Lod air force base near Tel Aviv. The soldiers' bodies were returned as part of a prisoner swap * Hezbollah. Pitt's Martin Luther King commemora- tion. The next program in the series is an inter-group campus dialogue with JUC, [F soldier's fate touches Pittsburghers an Islamic student group and three Christian groups later this month. VSTEPHANIE SIEGEL rael along with live captive Elhanan rise, a group of Pittsburghers, includ- "From Swastika to Jim Crow" is a JJdiil Editor Tannenbaum on Jan. 22 in exchange for ing some of the United Jewish Federa- documentary that tells the story of Jew- some 435 Arab prisoners. tion's top leadership, went to Israel on a ish-German scholars who fled Nazi iter meeting the family of a kid- The soldiers were captured and taken solidarity mission in 2001. Germany for America and ended up jPPed Israeli soldier, some Pitts- into Lebanon on Oct. 7, 2000, after they One stop on their trip was the teaching in southern black colleges Bers were especially touched when were attacked by Hezbollah operatives Bedouin village of Salma in Israel's during the 1930s and '40s. i body was returned to Israel last while patroling the Israel-Lebanon bor- Misgav region, Pittsburgh's Partner- The refugees arrived in the United pK as part of the controversial swap der. Eight days later, Hezbollah an- ship 2000 area — Souad's hometown. P Hezbollah. States to find a country reeling from de- nounced they were also holding Tan- Souad had been kidnapped about 10 pression and rife with anti-Semitic and J16 D°dies of Israel Defense Forces nenbaum, an Israeli businessman. months prior to the visit, said UJF Di- anti-German sentiment. White, eastern ffitrs Benny Avraham, Adi Avitan Less than a year after the kidnap- academia was often hostile to them, but Omar Souad were returned to Is- pings, as violence in Israel was on the Please see Soldiers, page 31. black schools welcomed the foreigners. Southern white neighbors ostracized these educators, who could not invite black students and colleagues into their homes without a probable visit from the Ku Klux Klan. So they socialized most- u ETShevat ly behind the walls of black academia. From the beginning of the civil rights movement, many blacks and Jews stood tamon's challenge spurred tree-plantings together, but trust started to erode in the late 1960s with the growth of the AHCI BARNES dream of planting a tree in Israel for overwhelming, particularly the re- Black Power movement and the decline • Correspondent every Jew alive today, the Pittsburgh sponse from Beth El, Rodef Shalom of American anti-Semitism after World War II, as Jews were no longer seen as 3 Jewish community certainly partici- and Temple Sinai." h !' after the death of Israeli as- pated. Nationally, the JNF did not reach Ra- a persecuted population. Lolonel Han Ramon in the "Several thousand trees were pur- mon's goal of 13 million trees, but Louis Farrakhan's anti-Semitic of NASA's Space Shut- chased through congregations in Pitts- Communications Director Serena rhetoric, the Crown Heights and Tli B'Shevat, this year, Harlem riots and Million Man March, fecial burgh," said Bobbi Elmer, regional di- Roffe says that it is possible in a few meaning. rector of the Jewish National Fund, hardened distrust among blacks and to help fulfill Ramon's Western Pennsylvania Region. "It was Please see Tu B'Shevat, page 31. Please see Dialogue, page 31. side BUSINESS 26/CLASSIFIED 2&/COMMUNITY 22/EDITORIAL S/OBITUARIES 30/REAL ESTATE 25/SEDRA 29 THE JEWISH CHRONICLE FEBRUARY 5, 2004

Making Russian Jews care about Judaism a 'challenge' for German rabbis BY LEE CHOTTINER Admiel Kosman, also made the trip to molka dismissed as "preposterous." On another issue, despite reports Executive Editor speak at the Milton Harris Interfaith Lec- "Do you really want German civil ser- resurging anti-Semitism in Europe, Hi ture. vants deciding who is going to get the molka said the climate for practicii Rabbi Walter Homolka sees his job as Founded in 1999, Abraham Geiger, green card on a halachic basis?" he asked. Jews in Germany is hardly dangerous. twofold: not only to train German and which has eight rabbinical students en- "That's pushing it." In fact, Homolka, a chaplain in the Gi Eastern European rabbis, but to give rolled, but has yet to graduate one from its Still, once Russian Jews become inte- man army, says he's "flabbergasted" Jews with virtually no background in five-year program, is already sending its grated into the community they became the stories of anti-Semitism, because their religion an easy entrance to Jewish students to congregations without rabbis strong supporters. rarely sees examples of it. life. free of charge to the congregation. Case in point: A congregation in "I cannot say we have more anti-Semi- There are some 120,000 Jews in Ger- In that respect, Homolka said the Hameln with 300 members (and co- tism in Germany than we've had in tfo many these days — a major increase from school is already having an impact on founded by a woman bom in Butler Coun- last decades, and we've had very the 18,000 who lived there before the communities its graduates will eventually ty, Rachael Dohme) is 99 percent Russian. Homolka said. "I think we're talkini Berlin Wall came down. However, few of serve. Jacob, who makes at least two trips to about a new Germany. I am German boi those Jews, mostly Russian by birth, have Yet Russian Jews, even though they Geiger per year, said.liberal communities and I think this country has done a gre; any kind of background or interest in Ju- identify as Jews for government purposes such as Hameln often face different prob- deal" to make up since the Holocaust. daism. — German religious groups receive state lems. Unlike the nominally Orthodox syn- He said there is a problem in Euro; "The challenge is to show them why funding through income taxes from their agogues and organizations in Germany, especially in France, with anti-Sen# they should affiliate with the Jewish com- members — rarely affiliate. liberal organizations, get no funding from acts and messages generated by fund} munity," he said. In Munich for instance, 4,000 Jews live, the taxes German Jews pay. mentalist Muslims from North Africa, Homolka, the executive director of yet only 150 of them actually affiliate with He said the Central Council of German that hardly transcends Islam in Europe, Abraham Geiger College in Potsdam, the city's five nominally Orthodox syna- Jews is responsible for doling out the In fact, he noted a recent and unexpect which trains rabbis in the liberal (Re- gogues, which receive state support, and money in a pluralistic way, but only tradi- ed guest of a liberal synagogue in Gtr | form) tradition, visited Pittsburgh -this 200. attend the one liberal synagogue, tional groups get funded. many during the Sabbath was a Tur weekend where he gave a Saturday ser- which is self-financed. "They have not been willing to recog- imam. He was there to offer his mon at Rodef Shalom Congregation. Some German Jewish leaders have sug- nize this sort of (pluralistic) approach/' thies for the recent synagogue attacks Rodef Shalom's rabbi emeritus, Walter gested that Russian Jews be allowed to Jacob said, "and we are fighting this be- Instanbul. Jacob, serves as president of Abraham live there only if their Jewishness can be cause we are entitled to a percentage, of (Lee Chottiner can be reached online Geiger. determined halachically — an idea Ho- the funding," [email protected]) The college's dean of academic studies,

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UJr photo ([several Fundfest 2004 volunteers made phone calls to the community last week in an [effort to help raise funds to support community programs and services. Fundfest I sessions were held at the UJF Building and South Hills JCC. :undfest gives boost to UJF campaign The United Jewish Federation's an- out to phone," Lori Shure, community ,ual Fundfest phone-a-thon has given chair, said in a prepared statement. [boost to the UJF Annual Community "The 228 new donors who made com- Campaign, in both total dollars and the mitments this year will also have a number of new donors to the cam- huge impact on us reaching our 1,250 paign. new donor goal and on growing the More than 1,568 donors made com- campaign." mitments to the 2004 Annual Commu- Linda Joshowitz co-chairs the com- nity Campaign during Fundfest, 228 of munity level of the campaign with hem are new donors to the UJF More Shure. jian $515,000 was raised at a 16 per- Four sessions of Fundfest were held ORR'S JEWELERS cent card-for-card increase during the at the UJF Building in Oakland and Eve-day phone-a-thon, in which more one was held at the South Hills Jewish Than 193 volunteers participated. Community Center. Volunteers are rocks. The Fundfest results pushed the UJF still needed for follow-up phonings to Community Campaign past the $5.2 finish the campaign in March, April million mark toward an ambitious goal and May. Contact Samantha Rothaus at "1.7 million for the 2004 Campaign. (412) 992-5237 or [email protected] J "Even with the miserable weather for more information. [pml bad driving conditions they turned Murray Avenue Kosher 1916 MURRAY AVENUE • 412-421-1015 • 412-421-4450 • FAX 421-4451

Slder Express expands route; CANDLE LIGHTING EMPIRE® Tim• CHICKEN THIGHS Save 504 per lb. FRIDAY, 'MC Shadyside added FEBRUARY 6TII Save W per lb. plder Express, the new transporta- and the Ladies Hospital Aid Society. .99,, 3ii service for adults ages 65 and old- The Elder Express route repeats a i will tentatively add UPMC Shady- loop three times a day through the Jfe Hospital and Waterfront stops to Squirrel Hill area. Stops include the FRENCH J LIS route through February. JCC, Giant Eagle, UPMC Shadyside Sun. Ham - finro •Elder Express will evaluate the use Hospital, and residential buildings Moil, Ham - 6pm ROAST Tj the new stops at the end of the such as Riverview, Maxon Towers, Save $1.30 per lb. TllL'5. Ham - 6|>m Save70m Bern permanent parts of the schedule. berg Village, Weinberg Terrace, Impe- Thurs Ham - 8|>m *9.89 „ [The Jewish Community Center of rial House, Forward-Shady, and Bea- Fri. Ham - ijtm greater Pittsburgh (JCC) is coordinat- con Place. FOULD'S WACKY MAC TOMATO EMPIRE® GOURMET es! the Elder Express shuttle service Call ElderExpress at (412) 702-0050 s Banks to funding from the United for more information. MAC & CHEESE box .99 SOUP TURKEY BREAST lb. 6.99 sh Federation (UJF) Foundation A&B SALMON MEATLOAF WITH HOD GOLAN SMOKED GEFILTE FISH 22,, s6.99 CHICKEN lb. s4.99 TURKEY BREAST lb.s7.69 LIEBER'S CHOCOLATE BREADED SABRA VEGETARIAN SYRUP 2401. s1.79 VEAL CHOPS ib.M 0.79 CHOPPED LIVER ib.s4.59 cation at 345 Kane Blvd. off Bower Hill Road. EMPIRE® POTATO KASHA & NATHAN'S ~ $ s The Jewish Community Center of LATKES 24,z. M.89 BOWS lb. 2.59 N0VAL0X 8„.Pkg. 5.19 Community Center of Greater. Pittsburgh's Special Needs De- "Plttsburgh's Adult Services partment will offer a ceramics class for TUESDAY SHABB0S SPECIAL ptment is collecting used cell teens and adults with physical, cogni- 2 Roasted Chickens Wlt char ers DINNER SPECIAL DINNER SPECIAL sen? ^ g to be distributed tive or social/emotional disabilities at Pepper Steak Ziti with 1 Qt. Chicken Soup * 4 Mqtzo limit' ac*u'ts 'n the community. Even the JCC's Squirrel Hill location, 5738 COnnec e Kasha & Bows Balls • I Kugel • 2 Pints Salad • i on t d service, you can dial Forbes Ave. JCC members and non- Meatsauce USeti 2 Mini Challahs 15 p ® , cell phone for emergency members are welcome to participate on Salad* Dinner Rolls Salad • Garlic Bread Serves 4 L '"formation about donating a Wednesdays, from Feb 11 through S r receiving one, contact Melissa March 17, from 6:30 to 8 p.m. To regis- M8.99 *14.99 31.99 2) SALADS & SOUPS Please see sign posted In store for Identification label Information. CATERING SPECIALISTS Blth l^ 521-8011, Ext. 335, or ter, call Barbara Milch, the JCC's spe- Meat tap,, , C's Squirrel Hill location at cial needs coordinator, at (412) 521- DELI PARTY TRAYS ... M blue labels under the supervision of fiobbl flosenfeld. DELICIOUS FRIED CHICKEN bes We prepare troys lor nil occasions. Please place your order early. ^ „SEIWE THE RIGHT ' Ave. or the South Hills lo- 8011, Ext. 244. Under the supervision of Rabbi Irvin I. Chinn ~| TO UMIT QUANTITIES. THE JEWISH CHRONICLE FEBRUARY 5, 2004 METRO The ROTHMAN GORDON ATTORNEYS AT LAW Northern Suburbs Jewish HOW SHOULD PROPERTY BE HELD Keeping kosher is possible Chronicle BETWEEN SPOUSES? Barbara Befferman, CEO One of the most Lee Chottiner, Executive Editor frequently asked outside of Squirrel Hill questions of an estate BY HILARY DANINHIRSCH Raising awareness of the availability Stephanie Siegel, Assistant Editor planner is how a Northern Suburbs Correspondent of kosher products has been one of EDITORIAL STAFF Rosenfeld's goals. A few years ago married couple should Jo Rifkin, Staff Writer Keeping kosher while living in the Fox Chabad set up booths in several Giant hold their collective Angela Leibowicz, Community Editor assets. A recent article Chapel area is challenging, but not im- Eagles around.the city and tried to high- K. Sidney Ncuman by Liz Pullien Weston possible. light the kosher items in the stores. SALES STAFF found on Two of the main grocery stores in the Rosenfeld said they w.anted people to Ed Smith, Director of Marketing area, Giant Eagle at Waterworks and be aware that 50 percent of the products dealt with the limited issue ol Rosalie Caplan, Senior Sales Associajj whether an inheritance received by Community Market in the Fox Chapel are actually kosher. Plaza, carry some kosher meat products. "It was a big success," he said. "People Roberta Letwin, Susie Mangel one spouse should be shared with Sales Associates the other. This, of course, deals Dennis Lowder, manager of Communi- were almost shocked to discover that with one part of the larger issue of ty Market's meat department, stocks there really is that much kosher food." PRODUCTION STAFF allocating assets between spouses. Empire chicken, a carryover from when He added, however, that the greater is- Dawn Wanninger, Production Manage Community Market was the Food The strength of the marriage, as sue for most folks who observe dietary Nancy Bishop, Angela L. Mullenax Gallery. He said the product sells well laws is the availability of meats and Ms. Weston pointed out, is of major Production Artists importance, particularly when we and the store orders it from their suppli- baked goods. consider that over a third of all er on a weekly basis. When a new Chabad comes to an area BUSINESS STAFF marriages end in divorce. Community Market also carries a lim- with a small Jewish community, one of David Yasko, Comptroller Whether assets should be held ited selection of bread products, primar- the first things they do, says Rosenfeld, is Michele Jones, Office Manager ily challah, supplied by Simple Treats jointly as tenants by the entireties, make contact with local supermarkets to Donna Mink, Classified & Subscript^ Bakery. arrange for a steady supply of kosher as tenants in common, or in the Marcy Kronzek, Receptionist separate names of each spouse The Waterworks Giant Eagle also car- food. Rosenfeld's desire is for observant ries Empire products, including chicken families in the Fox Chapel area to be able depends in a particular case on BOARD OF TRUSTEES many factors. These factors include: and processed meats. It also stocks He- to procure most of what they need with- brew National prepackaged meats and out having to go to Squirrel Hill. Stephen Fienberg, President whether it is a first marriage; how Lynn Cullen, Vice President long the parties have been married; Weiss corned beef. "Keeping kosher in today's day and Davida Fromm, Secretary what assets each spouse had at the Giant Eagle has an "ethnic foods" aisle age doesn't have to be hard and having to Michael Paul, Treasurer ' time of marriage; whether there are featuring convenience foods, including go to Squirrel Hill makes it hard," he children of a prior marriage and the Asian, Mexican and kosher food items. said. "We have a decent-sized Jewish Carolyn Hess Abraham, Ex-officio desire to protect such children; Kosher baked goods are usually avail- community here. We are almost depen- Jane Berkey whether there are children of the able at holiday time. dent on Squirrel Hill for that major as- Barb Feige marriage; the age of each spouse; Rabbi Ely Rosenfeld of Chabad Fox pect of our lives continuously." Morry Feldman the size of the collective assets of Chapel is frustrated by his inability to Brian Frey of Giant Eagle Corporation Stanley Greenfield the txvo spouses; the nature of the find a wide variety of kosher meats with- said the company is always "performing Dodi Walker Gross assets, tangibles, real, personal, or out going into Squirrel Hill. He believes market research so we understand the Sarah Gross intangibles; the desire of each there is a sufficient Jewish population in customer base in each location and their Susie Gross spouse as to what would occur the Fox Chapel area that could support lifestyles and needs. We're always exam- Thomas Hollander should that spouse die first either more kosher meat products at the local ining opportunities and new products to Lewis Hyman suddenly or after a prolonged grocery stores. He does not believe that better meet the needs of our customers." Richard Kitay illness; whether the spouses would the kosher food aisle at Giant Eagle fully He added that Giant Eagle is willing to Nicholas Lane meets the needs of those who keep prefer that the survivor remarry; source various items for consumers upon Saul Markowitz kosher. whether there was a prenuptial or request. K. Sidney Neuman "For real kosher shopping, there is no (Hilary Daninhirsch can be reached postnuptial agreement; the health Alexander Orbach of each spouse; whether the point in going there in the first place," he online at [email protected].) said. Goldie Ostrow combined assets are likely to be Louis Plung subject to federal and/or state Todd Reidbord inheritance tax; the importance to Carol Robinson each spouse of minimizing or Marlene Silverman avoiding entirely the taxes at death of either the first or both spouses; Published every Thursday by llic Middle school volunteer honored as Pittsburgh Jewish Publication the profession or occupation of and Education Foundation each spouse; the financial risks 5600 Baum Blvd., undertaken by one or both spouses; 'Community Quarterback' Pittsburgh, PA 15206 whether such assets are held in Phone: 687-1000 qualified retirement plans, qualified BY STEVE SILVER kids and started volunteering regularly. FAX: 687-5119 E-Mail: [email protected] college savings plans, trusts Teen Correspondent "I really like it when the kids can interact SUBSCRIPTION: established by parents or together and you get to see every type of Volunteering more than 20 hours a $35 in Pennsylvania grandparents or in asset protection kid playing with each other," Forman $57 East of the Mississippi trusts; whether such assets include month at the Center for Creative Play is said. $39 West of the Mississippi and FL closely-held business or controlling enough to certify Temple Sinai eighth Forman has become a regular in the Canada, $39 interest in family enterprises; the grader Lindsay Forman as a mensch. art room at the Center, but she has also Israel, $59 NEWSSTAND PRICE $ 1.00 PER COPY propensity of one or both spouses Forman, who attends, the Rogers Mid- taken a liking to watching the children to gamble or otherwise spend dle School for the Creative and Perform- play in the ballpit. "I like sitting back POSTMASTER; ing Arts, also donated a portion of her bat and seeing the creativity that comes from Send address change to excessively in light of the size of the THE JEWISH CHRONICLE, asset holdings; and who do the parties mitzvah money to the Center. the kids in the ball-pit," Forman said. 5600 Baum Blvd., Pgh., PA 15206 This is why the Pittsburgh Steelers want to benefit from their property in Although Forman has surpassed the (PERIODICAL RATE POSTAGE PAID AT the case of a common disaster or honored Forman as a finalist in the NFL 100 hours required for the NJHS, she PITTSBURGH, PENNSYLVANIA upon the death of the survivor. and Parade Magazine's Community continues to volunteer at the Center and EXCLUSIVE RIGHTS TO JEWISH In the following weeks we Quarterback contest. hopes that it will turn into a paying a job. TELEGRAPHIC AGENCY AND FEATURE SERVICE) intend to look at each of these "Lindsay is energetic and caring and "I do like technical theater, but making a USPS 582-740 factors and their importance in fun," said director of volunteers for the career at the Center would be so much Center for Creative Play, Shannon deciding how and under what fun, you always get to play." Manuscripts, letters, documents and plioluy-^ circumstances property should be Williams. "She is an all-around great In a manner reminiscent of the cadets to the Jewish Chronicle become the proper!) o 1 ^ held by the married couple in either teenager, one of the good ones that we at her dream college, the Naval Acade- lication, which is not responsible for the return"r joint names or individual names. don't hear enough about." my, Forman shrugs off any mention of such items. J The Chronicle does not endorse the goods ^ ©2004 RCPC Forman, who was recently accepted her being special for volunteering her advertised in its pages and makes no repress ^ TAX, TRUST AN I) ESTATE DEPARTMENT into the Creative and Performing Arts time at the Center. the kashrut of food products and services in ^ K. Sidney Neunian Mark S'. Weis High School for technical theater, began "I had totally forgotten that Shannon lising. The publisher is not liable for damages^ James VV. Ummer R. Duitgltts DeNardo volunteering at the Center in the summer had nominated me for any awards until reason whatsoever, lie fails to publish an Jttck C. Armstrong or for any error in an advertisement. Acccf of 2003 to fulfill service requirements for she told me that I had won," Forman milliii"1 ROTIIMAN GORDON, P C. the National Junior Honors Society. At vertisers and of ad copy is subject to the P" said. "So I was really surprised and was proval. The Chronicle is not responsible ifa 51 j ATTORNEYS AT LAW the center, Forman helped create art prd?^ like 'cool' then went back to playing with plicable laws and the advertiser will " I THIRD FLOOR, GRANT BUILDING jects that were tailored to whatever dis- -the kids." for#'* PITTSBURGH, PA 15219 abilities a child at the Center might have. (The Center For Creative Play has a by governmental agencies and consumers (412) 338-1100 From there, she fell in love with the Web site, based on ads appearing in the Chronicle. THE JEWISH CHRONICLE FEBRUARY 5, 2004 METRO

grigjtte Gabriel will be the next seen weeknights throughout Israel, Latter in the campus-based Arabs Egypt, Syria, Jordan, Cyprus and [for Israel speaker series. Lebanon. She is a former production ' Her talk, "Betrayed By My Country, coordinator for ARD (German Televi- Rescued By My Enemy — Israel" will sion) in South Lebanon, Gaza and the site place at 4:30 p.m., Feb.19, at the West Bank. She also worked as a satel- Giant Eagle Auditori- lite video distribution um in Baker Hall at coordinator for Carnegie Mellon Uni- METV/WTN (World- versity, and at 8 p.m., wide Television [ltiat same day at the News) studios in Lon- Efjlliafi Pitt Union, don'for daily Eurovi- Bower lounge, at the sion Satellite Distrib- [University of Pitts- ution to networks burgh. worldwide. Born in the United She relocated to the States and raised in United States in 1989 Lebanon, Gabriel is where she founded an [one of the few Arab- entertainment com- fcmericans to speak pany providing ser- font publicly in sup- vices to national and yster Peipotusl Yacht-Master port of Israel. Her international media story of how she and With speciaijiniQ'f&fise bezel and clients. In 2002, OYSterlockprscei^t^§fessure-proof iier parents endured Gabriel founded ACT to 330 feethAyaiijibiet jn stainless :the occupation of (American Congress steel with platinum tirng-ifpse. bezel .ebanon by Syria and for Truth) to provide or 18kt yellow gold. Brigitte Gabriel attacks by the PLO is information about the ] example of personal bravery in the Middle East conflict. She is currently [face of overwhelming prejudice and an independent producer for "20/20," (violence. "Good Morning America" and other She tells of how she was trained to television programs. hate Jews and how her enemies later The Young Zionist Organization of HARDY & HAYES ^became her friends. America, Israel on Campus, the Jew- Fine Jewelers Since 1887 Gabriel, who is fluent in four lan- ish University Center, Chabad and ONE OXFORD CENTRE guages, has been an anchor for Pittsburgh District ZOA are support- PITTSBURGH, PENNSYLVANIA 15219 "World News" — the evening news ing the The Arabs for Israel Speaker (412)281-4344 broadcast for Middle East Television Series, which is free to the public. Ftia*. Oyfllaf Perootuai. OyMorock and YJKhl-Mastc a/e irad^naiks.

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Mail lo: '11 K' |e\vish Chroniclu, 5600 l$aum Blvd, Pittsburgh, PA 15206 V 4 12-6S7-1000 or fax to: 412-687-51 19. •MX. THE 3^\W1SH CHRONICLEfE#l)%Rf WT2004 PHMQBWHR^

Roll 'em! Plenty of firsts at Jewish-Israeli Film Festival BY LEE CHOTTINER European anti-Semitism. Executive Editor And the Israeli film "Yossi and Jag- ger," tells the story of two Israeli army Inffos The 11th annual Jewish-Israeli film officers who carry out a secret love af- is more Israeli than ever. fair on a remote army base in southern 412-992-5203 The month-long festival, which runs Lebanon. [email protected] from March 4 through 21 at venues "We're doing the things we always throughout the city and the South Hills, do," Spitz said. "We try to have a broad Loews Waterfront Theater including first-time screenings at the range of films for the entire audience, Pittsburgh Filmmakers Theaters University of Pittsburgh, Mt. Lebanon so there's not one theme. We try to take Destinta Theatres-Bridgeville and Bridgeville, will showcase a record the best films covering a broad range of number of Israeli films. topics." Denis Theater-Mt. Lebanon "We have more than half Israeli films Again this year, the festival is plan- *NcwSoutUiHtVwu«'. this year," said the film festival's exec- ning several post-screening talks and utive director, Kathryn Spitz. "Last programs. »I year, we had more Israeli films than A panel of reporters will discuss "De- ever before, and this year we have cryptage." The producer of "Miss En- more than last year." tebbe," which looks at terrorism That doesn't necessarily say anything through the eyes of children, is expect- about the growth of the Israeli film in- ed to be at the screening, and Stephen dustry, she noted, "but it does say the A. Glassman, chairman of the Pennsyl- film festival is really trying to help the vania Human Relations Commission Israeli film industy by screening as and the first openly gay individual to PI TTSBURGH many quality films as posible." receive a gubernatorial appointment in Out of 16 feature and documentary this state,. will speak following the films at this year's festival, 10 are from screening of "Yossi and Jagger." Israel. The rest are American, Canadi- In a first for the film festival, cast an, French, German and Swedish. members from the documentary, "The Of the hundred films previewed, Power of Balance," about a dance com- Spitz said, the majority were from Is- pany that performs with the disabled, rael. will come to Pittsburgh during the fes- This year's film schedule, which was tival — only not to speak. just released by the festival, is an They plan to hold three 3-hour dance F E ST IV A I eclectic, often dramatic and sometimes workshops in Pittsburgh with local controversial line-up of productions. dancers and disabled participants be- The festival opens on March 4 with fore staging their own work-in- "James' Journey to Jerusalem." An Is- progress performance here. raeli film in Hebrew, English and Zulu, "To me, it doesn't get any better than it's the story of a young African chosen that," Spitz said. by his village to make a pilgrimage to In addition to screening films for the A project 01 Jerusalem, where his mistaken arrest first time at the Denis Theater in Mt. leads him on a journey of misfortune Lebanon and the Destinta in The Pittsburgh Jewish-Israeli Film Festival runs from March 4 to 21. See listings, p. 24 turn adventure and courage. Bridgeville, the film festival will make The resurgence of anti-Semitism in its debut at the Univerity of Pittsburgh. versity Center] that will take place on new audiences will be reached. Europe is the subject of the French "We had wanted to branch out to campus at the University of Pittsburgh, "Have film festival, will travel," sk documentary "Decryptage," which ex- younger people for a long time," Spitz which is so exciting to me." said. amines media coverage of the second said. "This year, we finally coordinated Spitz said she's excited about the fes- (Lee Chottiner can be reached oniu! intifada and whether it contributes to a screening through [the Jewish Uni- tival's growth to new venues and hopes [email protected].)

man, 30, it's just hard to believe he would- Los Angeles. She, too, was managing a for culinary school.' " , n't start out as Mr. Nice Guy teacher. travel agency, in Pittsburgh, at the time. "Until I worked there (Soba), I r™| Schriftman grew up in Blacksburg, Va. Now settled in Shadyside, Schriftman thought of it as strictly hobby territory He has done some interesting travel since earns a living doing the expected and un- But the more I learn, the more I see I# he was 20 years expected. workings of a restaurant, that's sort 1 Name: Joshua Schriftman bachelor's and with. There's also part-time work as assis- cook. Occupation: Adjunct faculty at CCAC; master's de- tant editor of the Latin American Literary Schriftman and fiance Adelsheim, "i prep cook at Soba in Shadyside grees in English Review and freelance writing. is working on her master's degree111 Cool Scale: Subtle and understated from Virginia At Soba, Schriftman does prep work in / formation library science at the UniWja Favorite quote: "My usual approach is Tech). Often, he the kitchen. When he comes in, he gets a ty of Pittsburgh, plan to raise their tap to start off the class being really, really worked in for- long list of tasks to complete, including here because of the community ® ; mean so that I can get rid of everybody eign countries to preparation of sauces, dumplings and the city offers. "It's nice to know that!" who's afraid of doing more work. And Chronicle photo by friends we make are going to be heie Angela Leibowicz raise money to soups. then, the second class, I warm up to them. live. "I love cooking," Schriftman said. [I'm explained. It works really well." Joshua Schriftman Back in in a] "uniquely cool position — I'm the (Know any Cool Jews? Send SKI Blacksburg, he only person who hasn't gone to culinary tions to pittsburghcooljews@yil'n0°."$ Who hasn't lived through that type of was managing a travel agency when he school. ... If I'm ever there chopping or call (412) 687-1003. Please teaching method? met his fiance, Pittsburgher Lindsay onions or something for two hours, I can person's contact information ona When you get to know Joshua Schrift- Adelsheim, while at a business meeting in say to myself, At feast I don't have to pay makes them cool.) STYLE

'Dream House' a fun, far-from-perfect read gy BRIAN BALK novel is chock filled with characters of all IferT/i e Chronicle levels of dysfunction and quirkiness. Having abnormal characters might be a "Dream House,"' Rochelle Krich's sec- good literary technique, but in this case, B effort in her Molly Blame series, it soon becomes a worn out, he-ain't- ,ncs hard to wiggle that square peg into what-you-think game. Bat round hole. It's not the credibility of Character development, unfortunately, ijs. Blume, being a Modern Orthodox is riddled with tired stereotypes. The I novelist-writer-amateur sleuth that's the contractor is coarse with obscenity-laden problem- It is that the gumshoe detective speech, the architectural professor is I Mirk, which is the center focus of the sto- erudite and lacking passion for every- •yline, often flies in the face of Judaic thing but man-made structures, and her virtues. bright sister is the doting Jewish mother The plot revolves around the disap- who has put her legal career second to pearance of the wealthy, musically tal- raising her C.H I ented and beautiful Margaret Reston. family. The From $2,450 to $20,500 iich plants many potential suspects at characters :he onset, and dutifully carries these sus- with the most IpEds throughout, the tale. The novel is depth, which is | set in the old, well-heeled neighborhoods no surprise, of Los Angeles where stunning architec- are those from | lure, as well as movie stars and million- the Orthodox aires, set it apart. Krich displays how the community. In Modern Orthodoxy has comfortably this case Krich | waved its way into the West Coast land- does not break scape by making old-world Yiddish one of the car- phrases skillfully coexist with incessant dinal rules of Panthere* de Cartier Watch Cartier | L.A. traffic snarls. novel writing, Krich obviously intended this book for write what you Authorized Cartier Agency I today's audience. She sprinkles it with know. headlines from today's newspapers (i.e.: The most entertaining aspects are be- 1 the Chandra Levy and Laci Peterson yond the suspenseful plot. The close-knit fmurders) and with today's cosmopolitan Los Angeles Jewish community and wise HARDY & HAYES advantages — Supercuts, Priceline and teachings of Molly's frail grandmother Fine Jewelers Since 1887 i iiondairy cheesecake. Readers might ap- piques interest more than the whodunit preciate the hip references, but the story mystery. Having Molly Blume trying to ONE OXFORD CENTRE pill soon be outdated as Paris Hilton re- balance the drive to unearth the clues PITTSBURGH, PENNSYLVANIA 15219 places Laci in the headlines. with her drive to seek a stable, happy re- (413) 281-4344 She excels at figurative descriptions lationship, is authentic. It is thexdevelop- ^throughout the book, painting accurate ment of this personal side of Molly and succinct pictures of people, topogra- Blume that gives credibility to her tena- phy and architecture. The dialogue, how- cious, courageous and keenly observant lever, is too sweetly cute, too articulately professional side. •lucid, and too incredibly concise Krich, inexplicably, fails to fully digest HEAD OF SCHOOL ] throughout. Normal people, no matter the moral conundrums that an ambitious how bright and well-spoken they are, modern Orthodox detective might under- :annot speak with such self-assurance. go. Among the federal and state laws she The Community Day School (CDS)/Solomon The all-too-perfect dialogue applies to all vagrantly violates in the pursuit of right- I characters no matter how rough and eousness are: breaking and entering Schechter, an independent school located in I sniff or intellectually schooled they are. (twice), withholding evidence in a crimi- "Dream House" fails to turn the tables nal investigation and even goes as far as Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, seeks a Head of School i suspicions. Although the twists in the using her kind-hearted grandmother in a beginning July 2004. The K to 8th grade school plot are more ruse to pry information. i Book Review than ade(3uate As a mystery/suspense' novel, "Dream enrolls 350 students from diverse Jewish backgrounds. for House" is a fun, albeit somewhat pre- Dream House, by mystery/sus dictable, read. Just try not to think about Fully accredited, CDS has a 30 year history of 1 Sichello Krich, Ballatine pense novel, the the moral incompatibilities that Krich providing excellence in secular and Jewish education. Books, $24.95. clues are too unknowingly presents. obvious. The The Head of School will be responsible for managing all aspects of CDS, will work with a Board of Trustees and supervise an experienced staff and The 114-year-old Tuesday Musical Briefly Club will present a free concert, "Mid faculty of more than 40 professionals. Qualified Winter/American Music/Black History candidates will have an advanced degree, I. Median Robert Schimmel, who Month Program," at 12:30 p.m., Feb. '^appeared on Howard Stern, Conan 10, at the Frick Art & Historical Cen- prior teaching and administrative experience, ter, 7227 Reynolds St., Point Breeze. A It anc* *^e HBO special, "Unpro- I Wec'! will headline at the Improv com- reception will follow the program. ' outstanding communication and interpersonal f ay club at 8 p.m. on Feb. 12; 8 and 10 A Bridge Across, The University of skills and a vision for educational excellence. B: . on Feb. 13; 7, 9 and 11 p.m. on Feb. Pittsburgh's concert series devoted to : and 7 p.m. on Feb. 15. The Improv is intercultural music, will return this Highly competitive salary. Attractive benefits. M'*^e Stacks at The Waterfront, month after a hiatus of several years. i ^ Bridge St. in Homestead. For tick- British Nigerian composer and per- le'call (412)462-5233. former Tunde Jegede will present a Qualified applicants are invited to send a letter I Chatham Baroque presents "Les concert of traditional and contempo- p oris: All in Good Taste," with music rary music for the kora, a 21-stringed of interest, resume, contact information for JL ^ mann. Handel, Couperin and oth- harp/lute from Mali, West Africa. three references and a statement of educational the ensemble are guests Tunde's compositions have been per- formed by the Brodsky Quartet, Evelyn hit,: wlSchllltz> baroque flute, and Bar- philosophy, preferably by e-mail to l itV, 'eiss' harpsichord. Performances Glennie, The Royal Philharmonia, the Philharmonia, The Britten Siufonia [email protected], or by mail to lleihn-'' 1'G'3'13, at the United jL .,lst Church in Sewickley; 8 p.m., and the London Mozart Players. The Community Day School, Attn. Search Committee, tan 'a*- Synod Hall in Oakland; and concert takes place at 8 p.m., Feb. 16, in the Frick Fine Arts Auditorium. p n> ^b. 15, at Chatham College. 6424 Forward Ave., Pittsburgh, PA 15217 EProArt"" ":s at (412) 394-3353 for tickets. Tickets are available at the door. 8


Green is good

ov. Ed Rendeil's decision to WHICH GROUP CAM 9ETHETO FRMTHE "GREENHOUSE EFFECT'//?I make the environment the cor- Gnerstone of his 2004 budget proposal should be music to the ears of conservationists and — hopefully — the 4 Jewish community. Rendeil's budget, which he introduced this week, will propose funding to im- prove state streams, forests and parks. It would stimulate economic growth with $2 billion in state bonds, which include loans for capital projects and money for water and sewer systems. He also proposes more funding for "nature tourism," which includes hunt- ing, fishing, hiking, bicycling, boating, camping and bird watching; and invest- ing up to $100 million in programs of the state Fish and Boat Commission, in- cluding improvements to fish hatch- eries that are used to stock streams and lakes for fishermen. To some, Rendeil's emphasis may seem misguided. They think he should make tax reduction — the mantra of his 2002 campaign for governor — and ed- ucation reform his highest priorities. Indeed, we shouldn't let the governor forget his pledge to do something about property taxes as soon as his first day in office. Still, Rendell is on to something. Want to generate jobs in Pennsylvania? Manufacturing won't do it. Technology lets companies produce more goods with HAPPY TU B'SHEVAT .com fewer workers, while other jobs continue to be exported abroad. And high tech is still an iffy proposi- tion, as the bust and recently- announced merger of Pittsburgh-based For a moment, Jews, Arabs one family FreeMarkets Inc. with a California . company show. unauthorized trip to the Persian Gulf Biotechnology and robotics have possi- sheikhdom of Abu Dhabi and ended up a bilities, especially here in Pittsburgh, but Hezbollah captive in Lebanon), Israel the growth will be measured and slow. JAY agreed to release 429 Palestinian, Lebanese and other Arab prisoners in a . EESjEEgM So what does Pennsylvania have left? More than 200 years of history, hun- BUSHINSKY complicated German-brokered tradeoff that included in the deal. dreds of miles of streams and rivers, via and thousands of acres of forests and Despite the controversy here over the 'Wes.-rsfl wisdom and justice of this swap, (gener- farmland. Tourism can be a bigger job ^rrwBWeiI, site address producer than it currently is. ated by its failure to produce even a mm scrap of information about the fate and For Jews, Rendeil's timing couldn't TEL AVIV — The sight and sound LETTERS TO THE EDITOR be better. I-Ie makes his budget propos- seemed surrealistic: A Muslim imam, whereabouts of missing Israeli Air Force al the same week we celebrate Tu B'- dressed in a ceremonial robe and wear- navigator Ron Arad, who was shot down Shevat, which has come to be seen as ing a turban, chanted the traditional Is- over Lebanon 18 years ago), there was no Keep the Golan the Jewish Earth Day. lamic prayer for the dead in front of a denying its profound humanitarian as- plain pine coffin draped in the blue and pects. Anticipating the usual vituperate As we hold our seders and pledge to- against Israel for any of its actions] plant trees in Israel, let's also reaffirm White flag of Israel as the slain soldier's First and foremost, it adhered to one of devout father prayed in Arabic alongside Judaism's highest precepts: the ransom planned or actual, please be advised« our commitment to growing greener the following: here at home. him. of captives, known in Hebrew as 'pidyon Israel's leaders were paying their last sh'vuyim.' One life was saved, that of The Golan was never a part of sacrc respects to 1st Sgt. Omar Souad, a 27- Tannenbaum. And according to the an- Arab territory until after World War! year old Beduin Arab citizen of Israel, cient saying, he who saves a single hu- At that time, among its assignation (i Relocation supported who was severely wounded by Hezbollah man life saves an entire world. mandates, the League of Nations plaM guerrillas on Oct. 7, 2000, and died short- Also of great significance, it demon- Palestine under British and Syria uniif f Prime Minister Ariel Sharon is ly thereafter. strated the fact that Israel's Arab citizens French management. A British and i serious about relocating 17 settle- His coffin had been placed next to (nearly 20 percent of its population), es- French diplomat then met to detenus Iments in the Gaza Strip, our re- those of his two fallen comrades, 1st Sgts. pecially those who are ethnic Bedouin a formal boundary between these ml sponse is, "at last!" Avi Avitan and Benny Avraham. Their whose tribes date back thousands of mandates in what came to be known r Jews can, and do, disagree about fathers recited the Kaddish, the mourn- years, share a common destiny with their the Sykes-Picot Agreement. the West Bank. It is, after all, where ers' prayer, in Hebrew. Jewish neighbors. The Golan up to that time had ahw our patriarchs are buried — the bibli- It was one of the saddest moments in There are too many here who forget been a part of Palestine. However, m cal land of Israel. Israel's history. that the Arabs who opted to remain in French were concerned that, altto But we've all known for sometime For more than three years, the three 1948, and not to flee as did the majority then allies, at some future time that there will be no Jewish future in bereaved families had clung to the hope who became stateless refugees, threw in British might decide to sweep Ml Gaza; to keep a handful of Israeli set- their lot with the Jews. Like Sgt. Souad, into Damascus from the Golan HeM that their sons might still be alive. They 1 tlements there amid 1.2 million were tormented by the Hezbollah's re- thousands of them have worn the Israeli To allay the fears of the French, British agreed to move the boun® Arabs, especially in the current cli- fusal to reveal or confirm that all three uniform and gone into combat. mate, is a recipe for disaster. died in the ambush its Lebanon-based And the most touching outcome of the south so that the Golan would now Israel has just completed a contro- gunmen perpetrated on the Israeli side fatal ambush in which he lost his life is located within Syria. As it happe'j®- versial prisoner exchange in which of the United Nations-demarcated bor- that a unique and lifelong bond was es- the British, as a mandatory power, 429 Arab prisoners were handed over der. The deadly operation occurred only tablished between his parents and those no authority to do this, but this to Hezbollah in return for one Israeli five months after Israel's hectic unilater- of Sgts. Avitan and Avraham. To see ment prevailed. businessman and three dead IDF sol- al withdrawal from southern Lebanon them visiting and embracing one another Now, even if the above were not I diers — not a fair swap. and the region's immediate takeover by is to believe that they belong to the same there is no recorded case in the his Yet Hamas has said it, too, will now the guerrillas. Israeli family, Jews and Arabs alike, be- of civilization where an agressorna • try to capture Israelis to use as bar- To retrieve the dead soldiers and res- cause that is the real fact of life here. (Syria in the Six-Day War) in a i gaining chips. The Gaza settlers rep- lost obtained the return of tern jj cue a 58-year-old Israeli businessman 1 resent their best opportunities. who was abducted by Hezbollah eight seized by the defender in its own Israel gains nothing by remaining (Jay Bushinsky is an Israel-based cor- fense. . days after the ambush (despite his status w in Gaza. Fortunately, Sharon now as a reserve army colonel privy to vital respondent. He can be reached online at Why always a double standard seems to acknowledge that fact. [email protected].) military secrets, Tannenbaum took an Please see Letters, nextpQ THE JEWISH CHRONICLE FEBRUARY 5, 2004 OP-ED

Bus bombing hits close to home IT COUH> HAVe BeeN \NORSE... well. I asked Nathan what he felt about the experience of going to the funeral TEDDY of a friend's mother who had been killed by a terrorist. In a striking ex- u#:, All We KNOIAJI^ WEINBERGER ample of parent-adolescent conversa- rr'S A COUNTRY THAT tion, he said: "I don't know what I STARTS (Vl-ffl "I" think about it. Just leave me alone." I then went to Rebecca and asked her whether she thought that living in G1VAT ZE'EV — I happened to be rid- Israel was worth it, and told her that the bus into Jerusalem with my there might be people who wondered aughter Rebecca on the morning of whether it was better to stay in Ameri- "an. 29. Rebecca normally leaves the ca and not risk being blown up by ter- ; around 7 a.m., but she had been rorists. Rebecca was a little more -"[erred by our family doctor for X- forthcoming than Nathan. She said: "I INTI:l.l-l(jl:NCI: ys of her ribs, and so she was riding don't get the connection. It's still our w® i[.on the 8:50 with me. The next bus country and the Jews need to stay hat Rebecca normally takes is the No. here, blah, blah, blah." 9. I paid a shiva call to Shimon and Ne- A few minutes after we boarded our hama on Monday. Nathan and his for- LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Most of the jobs lost during the Bush us, the first reports of the suicide mer classmates were there. There was administration weren't because the pres- ombing of the No. 19 came on over a plaque on the door with three names, Continued from previous page. ident wasn't doing his job well enough; it radio. one on top of the other: Anya, Shimon, was because we were attacked by terror- Rebecca reacted initially with typi- Nehama. I sat in the room with Shimon it comes to Israel? And let us not forget ists and the response to that attack is go- lsraeli sang-froid. She wanted to that for decades the Golan was a launch- e and his friends for a while. Shimon ing just fine. ow the exact location of the bombing was saying that a number of people ing platform for firing down into Israeli id if it was going to interfere with our who had lost loved ones to terrorists communities located below with their at- Robert Jon Rodgers -avel plans. As we continued our ride had come to give him strength and tendant casualties. Also, part of the Pittsburgh Jerusalem, the news b.ecame support. I looked around the apart- Golan, including the town of Kuneitra, raver, going from "several casualties" ment and was overcome by a terrible which the Syrians said they wanted to re- Tzedakah alive and well i "a number of dead and many in- sadness at a family destroyed. Where build, but never did, was returned under I want to express our appreciation for ured." After getting Rebecca situated will Shimon and Nehama live now? I the aegis of Henry Kissinger. the tremendous response to our recent t the X-ray center, I left her to man- left the mourning house with Drori, appeal for food and monetary donations on her own and to then walk to and we walked up Gaza Street. Drori Harold Spokane to the Squirrel Hill Kosher SuperPantry. ihool. said, "We're taking Anya's last walk." Monroeville In recent months, there was an over- Late that night we received a phone In the end, this bombing has not whelming strain on the food Bank, lead- 1 from Drori, our son Nathan's for- caused anyone to reassess "the situa- 9/11 caused job loss ing to sparse shelves. er teacher (Nathan switched schools tion." The only difference this time I must respond to all the Democratic The overwhelming response to our ap- ] January). One of the victims in the around for my family was that we candidates and their accusations about peal exceeded our expectations. The mnbing, 38-year-old Anya Bunder, could feel the tragedy more, since we jobs being lost during the Bush adminis- spirit of tzedakah is definitely alive and as the mother of Shimon, one of were acquainted with one of the vic- tration: Have they forgotten Sept. 11? flourishing in our community. pan's classmates. Coincidentally, tims and her children, and since it oc- How many jobs were lost in the World On behalf of those hungry in our com- ya also was the mother of Nehama, a curred on the bus route that Rebecca Trade Center alone? How about the trav- munity served by the Squirrel Hill in Rebecca's - class. The Bunders uses to get to school every day. el industry? How many laid-off pilots Kosher SuperPantry, the elderly, individ- ail lived in Givat Ze'ev for a number I only hope and pray that somewhere and flight attendants came about because uals with disabilities, and families with years. We had carpooled with them the soul of Anya will watch over Shi- people were afraid to fly? Not to mention young children, I again thank you for ne year, but had only exchanged brief mon and Nehama as they try to get on travel agencies, hotels and car rental your cooperation, participation and sup- nippets of conversation here and with their lives and grow into adult- here. A few years ago the couple di- agencies? How about the food service port in assisting those most in need. hood without the guidance and love of workers, who supplied the airlines with sced and Shimon and Nehama their mother. food they no longer serve on flights for Aryeh Sherman oved with Anya to Jerusalem. (Teddy Weinberger, director of re- The whole 10th grade at Nathan's security reasons? How many people in Squirrel Hill rmer source development for the Israel Re- manufacturing, who make seats for air- school went to Anya's funeral ligious Action Center, is also a colum- planes or the planes themselves who (Editor's note: The author is executive Jan. 30, and Nathan went with nist who lives in a Jerusalem suburb, ended up out of work because the air- director of the Jewish Family & Chil- Rebecca chose not to attend the just over the Green Line. He can be lines weren't ordering new planes? dren's Service.) cal, although most of the ninth reached online at weinross@netvi- ™ from her school was there as HRC™ is the... Largest. CHRONICLE LETTERS POLICY Stand up to Oldest. ers 10 " the editor reflect the opin- space limitations, subject material or Most experienced. es of their authors and not those of redundancy with other letters. Letters e Jewish Chronicle. Letters are wel- should be typed and must include the hemorrkoiclsJ ded and encouraged, but must not writer's signature and telephone num- ctc ' 300 words. The editors reserve ber for verification purposes. Letters L Stop suffering...calS us to find relief now! to delete material from letters that cannot be verified will not be pub- 1 them completely because of lished. * Infrared coagulation is safe and painless * FDA approved, non-surgical * No referral needed Bahamas * Most insurance accepted Royal Oasis Golf Resort 8c Casino West Virginia Hemorrhoid Lakeview Golf Resort & Spa

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Lieberman drops out Pundits debate where Jewish support will go

BY MATTHEW E. BERGER . raiser in New Jersey and past president I Jewish Telegraphic Agency of the American Israel Public Affairs] Committee, suggested that Lieberman's WASHINGTON — The political land- withdrawal would give his backers! scape has shifted in the Democratic pri- pause before supporting another candi-l mary race, and Jewish donors are date. watching. "People will look at two things The decline of Sen. Joseph Lieber- where do they stand in terms of issues! man, D-Conn., the first viable Jewish of Israel's security, and is there stills] candidate for president, has left many race?" he said. Jewish fund-raisers and donors without Some believe Kerry has the race semi a candidate and has sparked a new up. That might lead some Jewish] round of fund-raising calls and solicita- donors, who are pragmatic and want li tions. be part of a winning team, to give tc I Lieberman dropped out of the race him, but others many feel their dona-] Tuesday following his poor showing in tions are therefore less necessary. the Delaware contest. Alan Solomont, a fund-raiser for Ker-l Now, much of the discussion focuses ry in the Jewish community, said there! on Sen. John Kerry, D-Mass., who is the would not be a specific push for Jewish! front-runner after campaign victories money right now but that the campaign! in Iowa, New Hampshire, Missouri, Ari- would continue to make inroads in the} zona, New Mexico, North Dakota and community. Delaware. Like Lieberman, Kerry is a "As the dynamics in the race have] JTA photo political veteran who has cultivated changed, people and their campaign!] deep ties with the Jewish community Sen. Joe Lieberman's campaign failed to gain momentum, which led to his decision have signed on to others," he said.' both in and out of his home state. Tuesday to drop out. think John Kerry will likely pick up J But there is talk that some pro-Israel some of these folks." backers will look to Sen. John Edwards, There empirical data on the and continuously will look for the best Some supporters of Israel say Kerry| D-N.C., a relative newcomer to the po- amount of Jewish money in Democratic candidate." has a solid voting record on Mideast isf litical scene who won the South Caroli- politics because the Federal Elections Many of the major political players in sues, but there are lingering concernsl na primary on Tuesday, believing that Committee does not ask for a contribu- Democratic politics, including promi- that as president he might pressure IsT he would take a more pro-Israel stance. tor's religion. nent Jews, gave large donations to rael to make concessions to the Pales-1 There also is some speculation that By all accounts, however, Jewish Lieberman and other candidates. Oth- tinians, as former President Clinton did. j Lieberman backers, supportive of some donors have played a significant role in ers have given small donations to nu- Lender said there was a "distinct | of the lawmaker's more conservative bankrolling Democratic operations. merous hopefuls, and may now choose sibility" that Lieberman supporters] positions, may consider supporting "I don't think all of the Jewish money one candidate to whom they will give would move to Bush. President Bush. will go to one of the candidates; it will the maximum donation. But Solomont said he believed most oil Some Jewish donors say their peers go to the best candidate based on the in- Under new campaign finance laws, Lieberman's backers will stay in llief were reconsidering their support fpr dividual contributors' thinking," said donors can give up to $2,000 to a single Democratic Party. Lieberman for weeks prior to his with- Marvin Lender, a member of Lieber- candidate and up to $37,500 total for "Jewish Democrats, although theyl drawal, since it became clear that the man's campaign board, who raised candidates for president, the Senate and have a relationship with Joe Lieberman] favorite son was slipping out of the top funds in the Jewish community. "I think the House of Representatives. have a more strongly held desire toe tier of candidates. that Jews are not single-issue voters Lonnie Kaplan, a Lieberman fund- feat George W. Bush," he said.

One application gives you access to many community ing the path of respect and "love for Briefly each other despite our differences."The] college scholarships and Los Angeles Times, which obtained a ' interest-free loans Jewish Telegraphic Agency copy of Gibson's letter, said that though > the director did not address fears that I Egon Mayer, a leading sociologist of the film might reignite anti-Semitic relij | American Jewry, died last Friday of can- gious prejudices, Gibson assured Fox- CENTRAL SCHOLARSHIP AND LOAN REFERRAL SERVICE cer in New York at age 59. A professor man, "I do not take your concerns light' at Brooklyn College, Mayer was known ly." Foxman and other Jewish officials for his studies of intermarriage, and was have warned that, by graphically dram-| considered a pioneer in urging that non- tizing supposed Jewish responsibility Iff, If you are a Jewish high school, college or graduate student Jewish spouses be welcomed into the the death of Jesus, "The Passion" could | with financial need and a resident of Allegheny, Beaver, Jewish community. More recently, May- revive old anti-Semitic libels and set Washington or Westmoreland county, call er found in 2001 that While the total back Catholic-Jewish relations. number of U.S. Jews is 5.3 million, the number rises-to 10 million if non-Jewish A Hebrew program at a well-knot1-1 (412) 422-5627 spouses and family members are includ- high school was saved. I ed. Mayer was born in Hungary in 1944; Parents whose children study Hebrew his parents were among a group of 1,684 Stuy vesant High School received a k Applications for the 2004-2005 school year are due by Hungarian Jews who bought their way last month stating the program woulfl February 10, 2004. First-time applicants must be interviewed to freedom from Nazi Adolf Eichmann canceled because the regular tcachei by CSLRS staff. in a controversial exchange. was ill and a replacement could not t- found. But after protests from pare11-' Mel Gibson sent a letter to Abraham Final Call for the program, which has 60 students, ^ Foxman regarding Gibson's controver- rescued. "The parents' and kids' sial movie on Jesus. As the Feb. 25 open- Applications for the program has more to do with li- ing of "The Passion of the Christ" nears, tigious feelings than with intense ac# Gibson sent a conciliatory letter to the mic interest in Hebrew," said one oftl? I ADL's national president asking for a Central Scholarship and Loan Referral Service (CSLRS) is a program of the United parents, Seth Akabas. Hebrew, W , • halt in mutual recriminations. Gibson Jewish Federation of Greater Pittsburgh and is administered by the Career taught at five other high schools in1 1 asked Foxman tojoin him in "setting an Development Center of Jewish Family & Children's Service of Pittsburgh. York City, is one of nine foreign la"' example for all our brethren" by follow- guages taught at Stuyvesant. THE JEWISH CHRONICLE FEBRUARY 5, 2004 11




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Immigrant who worked with youth remembered after bombing Briefly

BY DINA KRAFT Credit: BP Images/JTA Jewish Telegraphic Agency photo Jewish Telegraphic Agency Israeli commandos killed a ter- Yechezkel TEL AVIV — Riding together recently rorist in the first Israeli army raid on Goldberg, 41, on a Jerusalem bus, Devora Goldberg, 19, Jericho in months. The target of Sun- center, of Betar lllit asked her uncle whether or not being on day's operation on the normally qUjel buses in Israel frightened him. holds his baby as he West Bank city was Shahdi Melhem of Outside of his home, where relatives stands with New the A1 Aksa Brigade, a terrorist group and friends now gather to sit shiva for the York Mayor Michael within Yasser Arafat's Fatah move- 42-year-old Yechezkel (Chezi) Goldberg, Bloomberg, left, ment. Israel's elite Yamam SWAT one of 11 people killed last Thursday's and Jerusalem team, coming under fire at Melhfem's bus bombing, she repeats his answer: Mayor Uri home, shot him dead and arrested "Life must go on. We have to live and we Lupalionski, right, four other men. The last Israeli opera have to give them the message that we during Bloomberg's tion in Jericho was in August. will continue living here as proud Jews." last visit to Israel. An Israeli businessman freed About 10 years ago, the Canadian-born Goldberg was killed from Hezbollah captivity is being Goldberg and his wife immigrated to Is- in a suicide questioned on suspicion of divulging rael with their children, determined to bombing in state secrets. The Shin Bet began in- make their lives here. Jerusalem on terrogating Elhanan Tannenbaum, 58 "To him, moving to Israel was the be- Jan. 29. near Netanya on Sunday after doctors all and the end-all, saying things like 'God certified that he was fit enough to un- did not take us out of Egypt to live in dergo questioning. A reserve artillery Toronto,'" recalled Goldberg's long-time colonel who returned home Jan. 29 in friend, Joe Halpert, who immigrated He had a master's degree, in education a prisoner swap between Israel and from Toronto around the same time. reach Jerusalem from the religious Jew- Hezbollah, Tannenbaum is suspected Goldberg, a father of seven, was com- ish community in the West Bank where and training in crisis counseling and con- flict resolution. He spent the last decade - of giving up state secrets, perhaps un- muting by bus to his Jerusalem office, he lived, Beitar lllit. der torture by the Lebanese militia. where he counseled at-risk teenagers and Referring to a 2002 attack, he wrote, dealing with children, especially those with special needs and teens in crisis. Israeli media said he had been privy their families, when he was killed by the "The bomber could very well be someone to classified military data before he His colleagues say part of his talent massive bomb set off by the suicide I have seen in a passing moment," he was abducted in October 2000. bomber, a Palestinian Authority police wrote in an article originally printed on Is- was an ability to focus on children's abili- officer from Bethlehem. rael National's Opinion page on ties instead of their disabilities, and to A ceremony in Israel marked the The other dead were identified as Avra- Nov. 24,2002. "I think we are in this bloody push them to reach their potential. first anniversary of the Columbia ham (Albert) Balhasan, 28; Rose Bona, mess because many of the politicos mak- One of his past jobs was with the space shuttle, tragedy. Sunday's com- 39; Ghana Anya Bunder, 38;.Anat Darom, ing life and death decisions for this coun- Jerusalem municipality helping get memoration for Israeli astronaut Col 23; Natalia Gamril, 50; Baruch Hondi- try have forgotten that terror is just a five- teenagers off the streets. He recently had Ilan Ramon and the six others who ashvilli, 38; Dana Itach, 24; Eli Tsfira, 48; minute ride from home, anywhere." opened his own office where he privately died when the shuttle disintegrated Octovian Floresco Viorel, 42; and Mebe- Goldberg is remembered as a charismat- counseled troubled teenagers and their during re-entry on Feb. 1, 2003 was bra Valadi Zadik, 35. ic, almost larger-than-life figure who fit a families, many of whom came from held in the Galilee. A frequent contributor to Jewish news- tremendous amount into the day — balanc- Jerusalem's Orthodox, English-speaking The death toll from last week's papers and Web sites, Goldberg repeated- ing work, his home life, involvement in community. Jerusalem bus bombing reached 11. ly had written about terrorist attacks. In three synagogues and civic activities. He also hosted a local radio show fo- Doctors identified the 11th victim of one column he discussed the proximity Bearded and burly, he always was on cusing on teenagers. the Jan. 29 attack as Mebebra Valadi For eight years Goldberg worked for between bombers and their victims, not- hand with a joke and an extraordinary ca- Zadik, 35, an illegal worker from ing that every morning he traveled by pacity to help others, relatives and Gan Harmony, a center that tries to inte- Ethiopia. Police said Zadik's husband grate special-needs children into main- Palestinian cities such as Bethlehem to friends say. apparently had hesitated to come stream schools. Ward and report her missing, fearing "He was a very strong personality. he could be deported. When he thought something was right he went all the way for it and didn't mind Almost one in four Israeli chil- taking slack over it," said Shoshana Savy- dren is Muslim. According to a repor on, a supervisor of Goldberg's at Gan issued Sunday by Israel's Central Bu Harmony who became a close friend. "He reau of Statistics, 24 percent of citi DID YOU KPIOUJ? was willing to champion kids no one was zens under the age of 16 are Muslim willing to champion." while 71 percent are Jewish. The res o o , As part of his work with Gan Harmony, are from Israel's Christian, Druse an ...of our 12 months, only two of them were named Goldberg spent time at an Arab school in other minorities. The figures appear0 after actual people. Which two? Answer: July, eastern Jerusalem, helping teachers de- to back up concerns among some Is- named for Julius Caesar and August which was velop a program to mainstream students raeli officials that natural population named for the Emperor Augustus. with special needs. growth in the Arab community poses Savyon related how a staff member at demographic threat to Israel's Jews ...that two U.S. Presidents were arrested while in the school who worked with Goldberg be- majority. office? Franklin Pierce was arresited for running gan crying hysterically on the phone down a woman with his carriage. He was found Some 10,000 Jews have visited when she called to express condolences. Jerusalem's Temple Mount since it not guilty. And, Ulysses Grant was arrested for Last week Goldberg lectured to more speeding in his carriage and fined $20! was reopened to non-Muslim visitors than 500 religious social workers and Israeli police said Sunday that alnw- ...because a movie actress accidentally tripped therapists at an international conference all of the visits have gone without l and fell one day, a famous Hollywood tradition was in Jerusalem on working with at-risk dent. The Temple Mount was re- born. Actress Norma Talmage was walking with Douglas Fairbanks youth while staying within the framework opened to non-Muslims last Augus Jr. in 1927 when she tripped and fell into wet cement in front of of Jewish law. with the cooperation of the Wakf, "I will remember him as a person with a Grauman's Chinese Theater. That accident started the tradition of Islamic trust that operates the site lot of charisma, optimism, energy and having movie stars leave their hand and footprints there! hope, a commitment to the Land of Israel, Israel reportedly disbanded a ...the heaviest baby ever born was a boy delivered by Anna Bates who was determined to make his life here military police unit amid charges. in Seville, Ohio in 1897. The baby weighed 23 pounds, 12 ounces. and to make a difference," said Dodi To- stealing from Palestinians. Ha'are bin, director of social services for Nefesh reported Sunday that members o B'Nefesh, an organization that helps North company, which policed the bust SPGCIALTIylCLOTHinG Americans immigrate to Israel. Goldberg Kalandia checkpoint south of RalU" worked closely with the group's staff. lah last year, stole property from "He was very much about youth at risk Palestinians who sought to pass- < yTHt - Full service Menswear since 1919 - L m and gave his heart and soul to that work. personnel are also accused of P»)_ Free "lifetime" alterations keep yxr suit fitting, even 5 years and 10 pounds later! It will be a tremendous void felt by the cally abusing Palestinians. The a 1023 Fifth Avenue, near Chatham Center Guaranteed! 412/391 -1288 teens he helped-and the community," To- did not immediately comment on .Free Parking - 2 doors past our store. Tues.-Frl. 9-6. Sal. & Sun. 9-5 bin said. report. If you have enjoyed this issue of The Jewish Chronicle we can mail one to you every week. Subscriptions make great gifts for family and friends! Just complete the form below and mail it to: The Jewish Chronicle 5600 Baum Boulevard Pittsburgh, PA 15206 or call us at (412) 687-1000

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UPMC 1 University of Pittsburgh Medical Center Palestinians slide into anarchy, (calls mount for better leadership | BY GIL SEDAN Israeli and American officials report- Lis/i Telegraphic Agency edly consider Qureia a tremendous dis- appointment. Perhaps because he wit- JERUSALEM — "Yes, we are in a nessed the fate of his predecessor Mah- stale of anarchy." moud Abbas, who tried to wrest real That is how Zayyad Abu-Zayyad, power from Arafat and was forced to re- tiember of; the Palestinian Legislative sign within three months, Qureia has LEUKEMIA Council and a former Palestinian Au-. demonstrated virtually no leadership hority Cabinet minister, describes life since taking office last fall, Israeli and My wife died 20 years ago from a rare leukemia foday in the areas ruled by the Palestin- American officials say. ian Authority. There is a high probability that he called APL It was incurable back then. Is it true "Certainly when a Palestinian police- soon will resign or be forced to resign, jian cannot walk around freely wearing Israeli officials believe. they have found a cure for this cancer? jfe uniform, this creates a vacuum in Maj. Gen. Aharon Ze'evi (Farkash), which everyone does whatever one the head of intelligence for the Israel peases," lie said. Defense Forces, told the Cabinet this The situation is becoming grave, Abu- week that Arafat understands that the hat we hoped for 20 years ago . program in the promyelocytic cells. ayyad told JTA. present state of affairs weakens the is becoming a reality today. The ceils begin to mature and can "We have people selling land that is hegemony of his ruling Fatah Party and W Lot theirs, and our courts are unable to further strengthens the political stock of Most data show that APL — acute then die off faster.' enforce the law Everyone who has mon- fundamentalist groups like Hamas. promyelocyte leukemia —• is cur- hy can purchase as many arms as he As a result, Ze'evi said, Arafat recent- able for about 85 percent of people wants and can do with them whatever he ly instructed uniformed P.A. police offi- ivants. There is strong collaboration be- cers to return to the streets of Palestin- who have it. This is a dramatic Differentiation therapy is a tween our mafia and the Israeli mafia," ian cities to demonstrate a political pres- reversal since 1980, when APL was lie said. ence. However, the lack of discipline in fatal for 85 percent of people who great advance in our fight "i am surprised at the level of mutual tol- the force is such that the suicide bomber erance within the Palestinian society that who killed 11 civilians on an Israeli bus had it. A major breakthrough came against leukemia. [Still exists," he added. "Other societies in Jerusalem last week was a P.A. police ivould have been at a much worse state." officer from Bethlehem. DR. ROBERT However, Abu-Zayyad distinguishes Arafat finds himself under heavy pres- REDNER between a state of anarchy and the pos- sure from Egypt to cope with the anar- Hematologist sibility that the Palestinian Authority is UPMC Cancer ATRA is taken in pill form and used chy and create conditions that would en- Centers on the verge of disintegration. able a meeting between Qureia and Is- in combination with intravenous "The P.A. is not collapsing," he said. raeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon. chemotherapy. ATRA has minimal "Should it happen to collapse, it would Qureia has kept his distance from side effects for most patients. Side Mainly not be in Israel's interest; all Sharon, demanding that Israel suspend extremists would go on a rampage. I construction of its West Bank security effects from the chemotherapy are •now that there are a number of Pales- barrier as a condition for meeting. milder because with ATRA, less tinian intellectuals who feel that the P.A. Sharon, who believes the barrier will chemotherapy is needed. should give up and let Israel take over — dramatically change the strategic rela- El am not among them." tions between Israel and the Palestinians in the early 80s when a team of A resident of the Jerusalem suburb of in Israel's favor, refused. Differentiation therapy is a great ad- iil-Azariyya, Abu-Zayyad is a close asso- "He wants to succeed, but this is not Chinese scientists began studying a vance in our fight against leukemia. ciate of P.A. Prime Minister Ahmed enough," Abu-Zayyad said of Qureia. drug developed from vitamin A It is making APL a curable type of Qureia. Accordingly, he relieves Qureia "He has learned the lesson from Abu- called all-trans retinoic acid (ATRA). leukemia. And it is believed to hold of any responsibility for the deteriora- Mazen," he said, using Abbas' nom de tion of affairs. guerre. This drug, which received U.S. Food a key to better treatments and possi- "No one helps him, neither" P.A. Pres- Abbas "annihilated himself political- and Drug Administration approval ble cure for people with other types ident Yasser "Arafat, nor the Israelis nor ly," Abu-Zayyad said, "after having met pe Americans. He still stays put, but I in 1995 for treatment of APL, is an of leukemia as well. 1 not Sharon and receiving nothing from F sure for how long," Abu-Zayyad him." important achievement. Bid. ATRA is not just a new drug, but a completely new type of treatment A Reason to Hope: called differentiation therapy. Leu- "We love to smile. Thanks Dr. Frank" Advances in the Treatment kemia is cancer of the bone marrow of Leukemia that produces abnormal blood cells. Erica and Danielle Dunn Join Dr. Robert Red tier for this free In APL, white blood cells called Reason to Hope presentation to myeloid cells are affected. These learn more about Ihe latest cells are fairly normal except for advances in research and treat- not moving through the stages ment for leukemia: of grow tli, or differentiation, pro- Wednesday, Feb. 11, 6:30 to 8 p.m. grammed by nature. The cells, which are called promyelocytes, remain at Hillman Cancer Center, ° Centre Avenue, Shadyside immature stages. As a result, they pt| Lebanon Office Free parking available. Refreshments take longer to die than normal cells , 455 Cochran Road served. To register, please call Pittsburgh, PA 15228 and so build up in the blood. The 412-623-3651. 412-561-4561 drug ATRA is remarkable in that it can activate the differentiation | St»irrel Hill Office 63IJ1 l orbes Avenue Plttsburgh, PA 15217 2-422-31 1 1 For information about physicians and programs, call 412-647-UPMC (8762) or 800-533-UPMC (8762), or visit our II PI PLI0V|D1NC ORTHODONTIC CARE FOR OVER 20 YEARS • ALL AGES LASL CALL FOR A NO CHARGE, NO OBLIGATION INITIAL CONSULTATION. UPMC website at t^OOS CHRONICL,^Mft&&RY15/2004

Mexico's first Jewish film festival brings community to the mainstream

BY CORRIE MACLAGGAN States), "The Burial Society" (Canada) ish film festival in October MacLaggsn.'ji'jl Jewish TelegraphicAgency and "Time of Favor" (Israel). in Buenos Aires. til "Trembling Before G-d," a documentary One of the most time- The executive MEXICO CITY — Mexico's first Jewish about gay and lesbian Orthodox and Hasidic consuming and costly pro- director of film festival aimed to teach local Jews about Jews, was scheduled to be shown in May jects for Margolis' founda- Mexico's first | their heritage and non-Jews about a com- 2001 at the Jewish Sport Center in Mexico tion was translating the Jewish film munity that is sometimes misunderstood. City, but the screening was canceled due to films into Spanish, he said. festival, Aron | Judging from the discussions here pressure from Mexican Jewish groups. - "This wasn't like in the Margolis, is United States, where there about Jewish history and culture and the "As part of the Jewish community in pictured at a flurry of radio and television interviews Mexico, I felt humiliated" that the screen- are so many Jewish film movie theater accompanying the festival — which began ing was canceled, Margolis said. "I made festivals that there are in the Mexico | Jan. 25'and ended Tuesday — it appeared a personal promise to myself that when plenty of movies already City to have succeeded. this Jewish film festival happened in subtitled in English," said The sold-out festival in Mexico City is one Mexico, this film would be part of it." Margolis, a filmmaker who neighborhood of only a handful of Spanish-language Jew- The documentary's director, Sandi Sim- owns a production compa- of Polanco ish film festivals in the world. cha DuBowski, said the fact that his film ny called Amar Media. after the "We are looking at this festival not as a is being shown three years later at a Jew- There are more than 50 showing of Jewish event," said Aron Margolis, director ish film festival in Mexico City is repre- annual Jewish film festi- the of the non-profit Mexico International Jew- sentative of changing global attitudes. vals in the United States documentary ish Film Festival. "This is an excellent op- "This film has unleashed worldwide and Canada, according to "Secret portunity for Mexican society to get to know change. It has.become not just a movie the New York-based Na- Lives" on Jar,. the Jewish community; The Jews in Mexico but a movement," he said. "When I heard tional Foundation for 27. are known as a community that is very that 800 people were coming to see it in Jewish Culture. closed and doesn't let people in to get to Mexico, I thought, 'This is amazing.'" Margolis hopes the Span- know us. But the more they know us,' the. There is one Mexican film in the festi- ish-translated films can be more they understand us." val, a 2002 documentary called "Eight used in other parts of Latin He also said that his foundation I There are about 50,000 Jews in Mexico, a Candles" about eight Converse families in America. He said he has talked with Jewish to award grants to filmmakers who frcui predominately Catholic country. Most live in Veracruz, Mexico. It tells the story of a leaders in Venezuela, Costa Rica and sever- on Jewish topics. Mexico City, the capital. group of people who for generations had al Mexican cities — including Cancun and "This is just the beginning of something Mexico City resident Becky Herman, who avoided eating pork and had lit candles on Guadalajara — about the possibility of tak- that's going to grow," he said. is Jewish, said the festival offers a unique Friday nights without knowing why. ing the festival to those places. opportunity to learn about contemporary In the early 1980s, some members of and historic issues in world Jewry. the group discovered their Jewish roots "If it weren't for this festival, we never and converted to Judaism. Twenty years would have heard about these films," said later, the congregation is struggling for Herman, who has tickets to all the films. acceptance from the Jewish community French Jewish group losing control? Herman's husband Bernardo said he in Mexico. was deeply affected by the Jan. 27 screen- "This opportunity is amazing, because BY PHILIP CARMEL were short-term. ing of "Secret Lives," a documentary about for this first time the documentary is go- Jewish TelegraphicAgency "All Jewish organizations are feeling ilj people who risked their lives to hide Jew- ing to confront its intended audience," at the moment," he said. "We have over ish children during the Holocaust. said "Eight Candles" director Sandro PARIS — Intercommunal strife is 1,000 people working here. It only takes;) "Even if you've read every book about Halphen, who lives in Mexico City. "I had- threatening the future of one of Europe's drop in revenue of one-half of 1 pera the Holocaust, you always learn from lis- n't found venues to reach out to them." largest Jewish organizations. to make things difficult." tening to people's emotions," said Her- Mexico's festival is one of three Spanish- Following months of political maneu- Both Ghozlan and Hayoun, a long# man, who lost grandparents, aunts and language Jewish film festivals in the world, vers, anonymous letters and personal at- opponent of Cohen on the Consistoire e uncles in the Holocaust. Margolis said. The Barcelona International tacks, two senior members of the Paris ecutive, have strongly criticized the fit The festival features nine films, includ- Jewish Film Festival has been held annually Consistoire at the center of the dispute that the Consistoire is paying for a carfotj ing "Trembling Before God" (United since 1999, and Argentina held its first Jew- have filed a legal request demanding that Cohen. the courts place the organization under Cohen is not paid, though the preside^ judicial administration. cy is virtually a full-time job in an ( I Read This BEFORE That would remove financial control and nization that runs over 100 synagogue^ administration from the community for and employs around 1,000 people. ul I Filing Your Tax Return! only the second time in almost 200 years — At the center of recent developments i an idea that Consistoire President Moise Cohen's attempt to force Ghozlan and Hi) Cohen strongly condemned. oun off the executive on the grounds ID| Top 8 Reasons For Choosing Benjie K. Hadburg Financial "It is unbelievable that two Jews, who their official roles are incompatible *| Services to Professionally Prepare Your Tax Return This Year: are members of the Consistoire, are try- the public attacks they have leveled ag@- 1. FREE Electronic Filing (with paid tax preparation) ing to destroy the community," Cohen the Consistoire in a series of open le 2. SAME DAY Tax Preparation (on most returns) told JTA. "The last time this was done and articles on community Web sites. was in 1940, during the Shoah." On Jan. 20, Cohen asked the whole exa 3. "No Wait EXPRESS Drop Off" Service (3 day turn around) Cohen's comment, a reference to the utive to resign so that a new board could 4. BIGGEST and FASTEST tax refunds allowed by the IRS dissolution of the Consistoire by the col- appointed. The maneuver was designeoj 5. "Complete-Peace-of-Mind" ACCURACY GUARANTEE! laborationist Vichy regime, follows the force out Ghozlan arid Hayoun, thou? 6. NO appointment necessary* recourse to legal action brought by Con- they and three other members of the exf 7. FREE GIFT (while supplies last) sistoire General Secretary Maurice- utive refused to hand in their resignaM | $15 OFF "New Client" Discount (Just say you saw this ad!) | Ruben Hayoun and Sammy Ghozlan, one Lazare Kaplan, a senior member ol of the organization's five vice presidents. executive and a Cohen supporter, said "Benjie put more money where it belongs, in my pocket!" William L. Both men say that after a two-year president had been left with little choicM struggle to change the way the Consis- "These articles do great damage to J "Benjie s knowledge on taxes and professionalism is second to none," Murk W. toire is run, they have no alternative. Consistoire," Kaplan said. vj "l used to prepare my own taxes before Benjie. He has made me feel confident with To date, they have rejected calls from them, 'You are part of the executive. ^ his ability to prepare my taxes," John W. other Consistoire executive members to either abide by majority decisions on have the matter adjudicated by the Paris leave and become part of the opposi Hours: Mon. - Fri. 9am - 6pm • Sat. 9am - 2pm Beth Din or the Central Consistoire — We have to get rid of them." both bodies that the pair say have an in- For his part, Ghozlan said he had * (Drop off Hours: 1 - 6pm) terest in backing Cohen. over a long period to present cnti , According to Ghozlan, Cohen is guilty of internally. . BENJIE K. HADBURG "gross mismanagement" and of "not keep- "What am I supposed to do? Eitn J FINANCIAL SERVICES ing the organization's expenses in check." these things pass and I'm an accowsf 1831 Murray Avenue, Suite 209 Cohen denied the charges, saying the — in which case I'm letting dovwj Pittsburgh, PA 15217 Consistoire possessed "considerable re- people who elected me — or we do sources," while its financial problems thing about it," he said. 412-521-3020 - Across from Eat 'N' Park %. >> " ' I.E.VGyvlRH: CHRONICLE FEBR^R^., 2004

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HOT M ETAL Indian Feb. GRILLE 'BUND WINE TASTING 3 wine selections culinary 14th Valentines Day Special Banquet Hall appetizer, champagne choice of 3 entree s & Catering Available Dessert $6500 2020 Murray Avenue * Squirrel Hill • 412-422-8950 per couple United seaHng 4-] 2.431 .2300 BUY ONE DINNER AND GET 2ND 1/2 OFF CALL TODAY Indian Oven • 2020 Murray Ave. • 412-422-8950 * Dine In Only • Expires 1/310 Sf 19 WORLD AMERICAN ZIONIST MOVEMENT deepest sympathy and sincere condo- PITTSBURGH REGION Briefly lences to the family and friends of Mr. Goldberg," Bill Graham said. "We are Scholar in Residence p. Telegraphic Agency profoundly saddened by the loss of a fel- Dr. Meron Medzini Tliirty countries have written to the low Canadian and an outstanding pro- itemational Court of Justice opposing a fessional. He will be greatly missed by Senior Lecturer at learing on Israel's West Bank security all those whose lives he touched and Hebrew University and Tel Aviv University fence. The United States, the European helped make better." A vigil was held inion, Canada, Russia and South Africa for Goldberg on Friday outside the Is- Internationally renowned expert and lecturer ire among the countries or bodies that raeli Consulate in Toronto. in Israeli and Asian Studies ippose this month's hearing at the Inter- France will introduce legislation to ,aiional Court of Justice. The countries prevent anti-Semitic and racist material Program of Lectures in Pittsburgh ugue that the fence is an issue that from being aired by foreign television hould be decided in direct negotiations satellite channels. A new bill is to go be- Wednesday, February 18 • 7:30 PM retwecn Israel and the Palestinians, fore Parliament later this month that will aliier than at the court. But the Feb. 23 allow the country's public broadcasting "Israeli Politics after the Gulf War" paring at The Hague still is likely to commission to act against satellite (in Hebrew) akc place, an Israeli official said Sunday. providers and television channels that Chug Ivri (Hebrew Speaking Circle) and Hebrew Language Neo-Nazis and counterdemonstrators broadcast such material, Prime Minister 3 Germany clashed over a controversial Jean-Pierre Raffarin told guests Satur- Advanced Class, Jewish Education Institute jihibit on the German army's actions day at the annual dinner of the CRIF um- Holocaust Center, 2nd Floor tiring World War II. Several arrests brella organization of French Jews. For JCC Robinson Building, Darlington Road verc made Saturday after police in the third consecutive year, the dinner iamburg were unable to keep right- was attended by a number of Cabinet ing and left-wing demonstrators apart. ministers and the leaders of France's ma- Thursday, February i 9 • 10 AM tea-Nazis have protested, sometimes vi- jor political parties, who have paid in- "Israel and Japan - some points of comparison" lently against the "Crimes of the creasing attention to the wave of anti- Vehrmacht" traveling exhibit since its Semitism in France since the Palestinian University of Pittsburgh Dept. of Jewish and Asian Studies dease in 1995, claiming that it wrongly intifada began in September 2000. Cathedral of Learning, Room 156 iiminalizes German soldiers. Hamburg Some 25 Brazilian legislators will Crogan and Schenley Room i the last stop for the groundbreaking visit Israeli technological institutions xhibit, which documents war crimes and areas close to Israel's pre-1967 bor- Call Adam Shear 412-624-2280 ommitted by the Nazi army der. The Feb. 15 trip was negotiated by Canada's foreign minister con- the Israeli ambassador in Brazil, Daniel Thursday, February 19 • 7:00 PM Community Lecture cmned the killing of a Canadian citizen Gazit, and the newly elected president "Israel after 3 years of Intefada — i last week's suicide bombing in of the Brazilian Israelite Confederation, snisalem. Among the 11 victims was the umbrella organization for Brazilian Where do ive go from here?" 'ehezkel Goldberg, a former Toronto Jewry, Berel Aizenstein, as well other Cocktail Reception sponsored by the Reidbord-Ehrenwerth | resident who made more than a Jewish leaders. "This trip is fundamen- ecade ago. Goldberg, 42, was a profes- tal for legislators to know Israel's reality family in memory of Kandy Reidbord Ehrenwerlh ional psychologist and the father of sev- through their own eyes, and not only i. "Canadians join me in expressing from the not-always-honest news," JCC Robinson Building, Darlington Road Aizenstein said. R.S.V.P. Bnai Zion 412-421-6789

Friday, February 20 • 12:30 PM • AZM Board Meeting ' : "" • •' : "Israel—American Relations: Agreements and Disagreements CINEMAGIC JCC Board Room, Kaufmann Building, 3rd Floor 1*4 R.S.V.P. Bnai Zion 412-421-6789 tanor-422-7729 DOLBY DIGITAL () = Sat.-Sun.. , r ' •: Friday, February 20 • 6 PM "Israel-Diaspora Relations" WSLM - 421-7900 DOLBY DIGITAL $4.50 All Shows Before 6 p.m.() = Sat.-Sun. Beth El Congregation of the South Hills 1900 Cochran Road 412-561-1168

Saturday, February 21 • 11 AM "Israel and the Diaspora" — Young Peoples Synagogue corner Forbes and Denniston

,035P§kM.ERS 682-4'1' Saturday, February 21 • 12:30 PM s,t 5:00'im im* s™' "Differing Views in Israel on the Peace Process - Stihegfre - 809 Liberty Ave. Citizenship" L£dSRf (?77A^N,0MU^)AFrL 7:30:Sat 4:30' 7:0°. 9:15:Sun. 2:00, 4:30; Mon.-Thu. 7:30. - 477 Melwood Ave. Beth Shalom Synagogue, Beacon Street tie. j"oo e"'ng Frl 6:30; Member <6 Student Screening Sat. 6:30; Film Kitchen Lunch and Learn 412-421-2288 Sunday, February 22 • 9:30 AM "Towards a Change in the Status of Reform and arbershop 2 M] Catch That Kid (PG) DTS 1:00, 3:15, 5:30 7:40. 9 Conservative Movements in Israel" "'" Rodef Shalom Congregation, Fifth Avenue 'ect Qi) UTS 1:20, 4:00, 7:05, 9:40; -A 9:40; Cheaper By The Dozen (PG) 412-621-6561 i-13)Dolby 2:45, 7:30. v fin V^na Comm/in/Zor /T>n_1 QMVrc i. **The Scholar - in - Residence 7:10, 10:00 .Mystic River (R)DTS 4:00, 7:10, 9:50; Calendar Girls (PG- program is a project of the American :00, 7:00, 10:00; Zionist Movement (AZM) and the " s"ou>times subject to change. Please Scall theatre.• World Zionist Organization, and is m of u. WATERWORKS FOX CHAPEL 784-1406 locally co-sponsored by the PITTSBURGH REGION OF THE AZM and by the KANDY REIDBORD EHRENWERTH MEMORIAL FUND of (*) ASTrn^,'" ^ Parentbes,s Are for Friday and Saturday only, unless otherwise noted. the Zionist Organization of America, INDICATES NO PASSES OR DISCOUNT COUPONS ALLOWED. Pittsburgh Zionist District. 20 THE JEWISH CHRONICLE FEBRUARY 5. 2004


9 Morgan/Fafel: Amy and Ira Mor- Strassburger/Barkin: Mona gan of Squirrel Hill announce the en- and E.J. Strassburger of Squirrel Hill Berkman/Neustein: Judy Kit- announce the engagement of their Dektor/Levine: Sharon and Stan man Berkman of Pittsburgh announces gagement of their daughter, Alyssa Jill, Dektor of Monroeville announce the to Steven Robert Fafel, son of Eleanor daughter, Jill Sara, to Dr. Adam the engagement of her daughter, Can- Barkin, son of Drs, Roger and marriage of.their daughter, Dr. Jodi Belt! and Leonard Fafel of Marblehead, dace Jennifer Berkman, to David Greg Suzanne Barkin of Denver. Dektor, to Jonathan Adam Levine, son oil Neustein, son of Charles and Jaclyn Mass. Dr. Steven and Laurie Levine of Shrove- f Alyssa's grandparents are the late Jill's grandparents are the late Eu- Neustein of New York; gene and Jane Strassburger, the late port, La., on Nov. 8, 2003, at the Pitts- Candace's grandparents are the late Temi and Abraham Bender of New burgh Hilton. Rabbi Charles Diamond Jersey and Florida, and the late Sara Jeanne Kann and the late Rody Kann. Jerry and Pearl Kitman of Pittsburgh. Adam's grandparents are Elaine officiated. David's grandparents are Shirley and Jack Morgan of Pittsburgh. Grandmothers Leah Zisman of Mon- Steven's grandparents are Milton Barkin of Leverett, Mass., and the Wolf and the late Mac Wolf of Forest late Dr. Solomon Barkin; and the late roeville; Miriam Levine of Tamarac, Flij Hills, N.Y.; and the late I. Daniel and Locke of Lynn, Mass., and the late and Thelma Winkler of Delray Beach, Dorothy Locke; and the late Evelyn Dr. Reuben and Anne Zubrow. Estelle Neustein of Long Beach, N.Y. Jill graduated from Williams Col- Fla., were included in the bridal part)'. Candace graduated from Syracuse and Samuel Fafel of Chelsea, Mass. Dr. Kerry Stone served as matron of Alyssa graduated from American lege with a degree in political science, University with a degree in public re- and economics. She will receive her honor. Bridesmaids were the groom's s lations. She is an account director at University in Washington, D.C., with a ters, Dr. Karen Kamholz and Amy bachelor's degree in literature. She master's in business administration TAR A, Ink Public Relations in Miami- from Harvard Business School in Levine; Bonnie Dektor; Christine Beach, Fla. lives in the Boston area where she is Goldsworthy; Sejal Gross; Nicole Mc- employed as a nanny. June. David earned his bachelor's degree Adam also graduated from Williams Cune; and Rachel Zisman. from Emory University and his law de- Steven received his bachelor's and Jeffrey Spitko served as best man. master's degrees from Bentley College College, with a degree in economics. gree from the Benjamin N. Cardozo He attended medical school at Van- Groomsmen were the bride's brother, School of Law in New York. He is senior in Waltham, Mass. He is a certified Brian Dektor; Anthony DiStefano; Alt;-; | public accountant and a senior tax ac- derbuilt University and is a resident vice president and general counsel for in emergency medicine at Beth Israel Dyer; Dr. Scott Kamholz; Karl Kraft; Deco Lav, Inc. in Delray Beach, Fla. countant at Vitale, Caturano and Com- Richard Mager; and Frank Stone. pany in Boston. Deaconess Medical Center in Boston. An October wedding in Miami is An October wedding is planned. Jodi graduated from Washington Uni- planned. An October wedding in Pittsburgh is versity in St. Louis and the University of planned. Pittsburgh School of Medicine. She is com pleting her residency at Children's Memo-; 1 1*1 Rabbi rial Hospital of Northwestern University There is another choice... Jonathan graduated from the Universe] ty of Pennsylvania. He is a Web develop ] SANDRA'S KOSHER. Mordecai er fpr North American Company for Life] Rosenberg and Health Insurance. ^ Under Rabbinical Supervision ( N After a honeymoon in Hawaii, Jodi aid Jonathan live in Chicago and will relo- j ^ Complete catering for all occasions^—^ Certified Mokel cate to Philadelphia in the summer. 412-422-4511 • 412-422-5060 (412)521-4637 Please see Simchas, next ...... Sandra 1 ale 1 man .. = j -.. GIFTS • GIFTS • GIFTS • GIFTS Dan Askin & Associates RODEF SHALOM GIFT CORNER for your health insurance needs visit us Fifth and Morewood • 412-621-6566 BAR & BAT MITZVAH » BABY • WEDDING • ANNIVERSARY GIFT WRAPPING & MAILING AVAILABLE JUST ARRIVED!!! NEW JUDAICA COOKBOOKS or call 412-521 -7742 Open Daily

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\Continued from previous page. B'nai Mrtzvah S~ J Benjamin Abra- Births 11 tag# Congregation Sukkat Shalom n ham Congedo, \ ^ ,=t' "i photo I Rothschild: Dr. Adam and Sara ; son.of Carol and Lihschild announce the birth of their | • Twenty-eight baby •£&.< • Thomas Congedo, (daughter, Lena London Rothschild, on yjljl caps and 13 pairs of Jan. 15- Grandparents are Elaine and BflBlfc will become a Bar ; booties knitted by the Mitzvah at Wan London of Pittsburgh and Renee kIIIf ' 33 10:30 women of Q Leonard Rothschild of Chicago, ffjjft- *v ' •' IJk a.m. on Saturday, | Congregation Sukkat great-grandparents are Ruth and Jack yfl Feb. 7, at Temple * Shalom were donated Sinai. Grandparents Liidon, Sande Wittlin, Rose Roth- > to the Children's Home L,ild and May Bressler. I are Tillie Zinn of New York, the late K " of Pittsburgh | Lena (Leah Fruma) is named in lov- Transitional Infant Care L memory of her great-great-grand- Philip Zmn, and Rose and Emanuel Con- gedo of New York. \hp:•" j. Unit. Jan Lavine, right, Hlhers, Fanny Gordon and Lena i gives the handwork to Myriah Leigh Hankins, daugh- •;j Kate Burroughs of the ter of Faye Silver and James Hankins v Children's Home. will become a Bat Mitzvah at 10:30 /^ Watching is Jan's Unniversaries a.m. on Saturday, Feb. 7, at Temple grandson. Warren Judy and Richard Rubinstein Emanuel. Grandparents are Bernice • Lewis, a graduate of till celebrate their 45th wedding an- and Donald Rothman and Nancy and • Transitional Infant jjversary on Sunday. James Hankins. I Care.

"The Organizations Directory will be running in RABBI porch. Please e-mail: [email protected] Benjamin Nadoff or mail or fax changes to Certified Mohel The Jewish Chronicle, 412-521-1144 5660 Baum Blvd.,' Pgh., PA 15206 If no answer 412-521-3522 The Official Web Site of Fax 412-687-5119 The Jewish Chronicle of Pittsburgh

Sam Weiss and Mada'n SSj Are offering PESACH '04 i^pl The Sanibel Harbour Resort & Spa Jewish Family Ft. Myers, Florida Call (412) 627-1000, Pay for 6 nights • Stay for 8 nights $2100.00PP + tax and gratuties Assistance Fund (dbl occ) Featuring a choice of Traditional or Low Carb Passover Menu Ext 313 Glatt Kosher Gebrocht & non-Gebrochfs • Cholov Ylsroel Enjoy an Incredible We care and we can fidp. combination of Religious Observance & Recreational activities at affordable ratesll Aid for food, shelter, to place your ad hr education, medical needs. or visit us on the web THE JEWISH 412-521-3237 e^mail£esach@madankosherco^ CHRONICLE

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Congregations Preparing for Tu B'Shevat Goldman. Social action committee spe^, I er. Tu B'Shevat seder with Dor L'DoratJ Ada* Shalom first Friday Family p.m. on Sunday at New Light. For infor- Shabbat service at 7 p.m. Shabbat ser- mation call (412) 422-5158. vices at 9:15 a.m. on Saturday. Sisterhood will lead services and sponsor a Kiddush Gemilas Chesed Congregation luncheon. Men's Club Brunch series be- in White Oak. For information call (4121 gins a 9 a.m. on Sunday with minyan fol- 678-8859. lowed by brunch and speakers Drs. Marc and Eileen Rice, who will discuss cardi- Edward and Rose Berman Hiiyl ology and neurology issues that face Jewish University Center invites men. There is a charge; reservations are students and community members to Qr. | required. For information call (412) 820- thodox, Conservative and Reform ser- 7000. vices every week at 5 p.m. at the Hillel JUC, 4607 Forbes Ave. Services are fol- Agudath Achim Synagogue in lowed by free kosher dinner. Experience] Beaver Falls Shabbat services at 9 a.m. the delights of traditional, Israeli and in.] on Saturday. For information call (724) ternational Jewish fare with students 846-5696. from across Pittsburgh's universities a colleges. There will be scheduled pro- Ahavath Achim in Carnegie Satur- gramming events each month and a day morning service at 9:20 a.m. For in- monthly tish. For more information con-1 formation call (412) 279-1566 or visit tact Aaron Weil at aaronw@hilleljucm or at (412) 621-8875.

Chabad of Fox Chapel photo B'nai Abraham in Butler. For infor- Kollel Jewish Learning Center, Chabad of Fox Chapel Hebrew School made trees out of dried food in honor of the mation call (724) 287-5806. For a full calendar of class events, con- upcoming Tu B'Shevat holiday. tact the Kollel at (412) 420-0220, Ext. 203 B'nai Emunoh Congregation of e-mail to [email protected]. Shachrit services at 6:30 a.m. on Friday. Mincha followed by Kabbalat Shabbat at Lubavitch Center Synagogue 5:35 p.m. Shabbat Shachrit at 8:55 a.m. BetK Israel Congregation Wash- 9:30 a.m. Saturday. Minyanim at 8 a.m. Friday Mincha minyan 10 minutes before] Pirkei Avos at 4 p.m. and Mincha at 5:10 ington, Pa., Shabbat service at 8 p.m. Fri- on alternate Thursdays. For more infor- sunset followed by Maariv. Saturday p.m. Daily services: Sunday at 8 a.m. and day. Shabbat service at 9:30 a.m. Satur- mation call the office or Rabbi Irvin Shabbat service at 10 a.m. Shabbat Mm- j 5:35 p.m. Monday through Thursday day. Adult education at 7 p.m. on Sunday. Brandwein at (814) 536-0647 or visit cha followed by Maariv 20 minutes befort, Shachrit 6:30 a.m. Rambam class at 6:10 Services and adult education are con- sunset. Sunday Shachrit minyan 9:15 a.ntj p.m. followed by Maariv at 6:20 p.m. For ducted by Rabbi David Novitsky. For in- hsholomjtwn/. Sunday Mincha minyan 10 minutes befog information call (412) 521-1477. formation call (724) 225-7080. sunset. Sunday Maariv minyan 25 min- Bet Tikvah serving Pittsburgh's les- utes after sunset. Daily Shachrit minyan j Beth El Congregation of the Beth Samuel Jewish Center in bian, gay, bisexual and transgender com- 7:30 a.m. and 8:30 a.m. Daily Mincha South Hills Kids Shabbat services at 6 Ambridge Shabbat and Tu B'Shevat ser- munity. First Friday erev Shabbat ser- minyan 10 minutes before sunset. Daily I p.m. on Friday. Gan Mechina Shabbat vices at 7:30 p.m. on Friday. Saturday vice at 7:30 p.m. at Rodef Shalom Con- Maariv minyan 25 minutes after sunset j dinner. Services at 7:30 p.m. on Friday. services at 10 a.m. Sunday morning reli- gregation. Tu B'Shevat will be held at 5 For information call (412) 422-7315. Saturday services at 9:15 a.m. Sisterhood gious school Tu B'Shevat seders. p.m. on Sunday at Rodef Shalom. The Shabbat and Tu B'Shevat. Junior Congre- Women's Group Movie Night will be on seder will be followed by a dairy/vege- New Light Congregation Shab-j gation at 10:30 a.m. SML at 10:45 a.m. Tuesday at a private home. Deli and en- tarian potluck. For information call the bat service at 8 p.m. on Friday. Saturdi Daily services: Sunday minyan at 8:30 tertainment, featuring the film "Nowhere hotline at (412) 362-7025, visit service at 10 a.m. Sunday service at 9:1? | a.m. Monday through Friday minyan at 7 in Africa." For information call (724) or e-mail [email protected]. a.m. followed by breakfast prepared by : a.m and Monday through Thursday at 6 266-5238 or visit www.bethsamueLorg. Men's Club. For information call (412) p.m. For information call (412) 561-1168 Chabad of Fox Chapel. Shabbat 421-1017. or visit Beth Shalom Congregation Kab- classes and services and adult education balat Shabbat service at 5:25 p.m. on Fri- classes throughout the week. For more Parkway Jewish Center Sha'ar I Beth Hamedrash Hagodol-Beth day. Early Shabbat service at 6:30 a.m. information, call the office at (412) 781- HaShamayim Kabbalat Shabbat and 1 Jacob Mincha and Maariv are at 5:30 Saturday. Family service at 8:45 a.m. 1800; visit; Ma'ariv services at 8 p.m. on Friday fol- p.m. Shachrit services are held Sunday, BSUSY will lead services. Library or e-mail info@chabadfoxchapeLcom. lowed by an Oneg Shabbat. Shabbat Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday at 8 a.m. Minyan at 9:30 a.m. USY/Teen services morning services at 9:30 a.m. on Satur- Monday, Thursday and Rosh Chodesh are at 10 a.m. Junior Congregation, Kid- Chabad of the South Hills Jew- day, followed by Kiddush. For informa-l services are at 7:45 a.m. Shabbat ser- die Minyan and Plus meet at 10:30 a.m. ish Center for Living and Learning, 1600 tion call Cantor Richard Berlin, spiritual vices are at 9 a.m. on Saturday. For infor- Shabbat Shalom Family Circle at 10:30 Bower Hill Rd., holds weekly Shabbat leader, or the office at (41 2) 823-4338, e-j mation call Rabbi Stanley Savage at a.m. for families with infants through services at 10 a.m. followed by a sit- mail [email protected] orvisil| (412) 471-4443. second grade. Saturday evening services down Kiddush. Mommy and Me meets http: //member com/pghpjc. begin at 5:25 p.m. Sunday morning ser- every Monday at 10:00 a.m. Hebrew and Beth Israel Center Pleasant vice is at 8 a.m. Daily services are at 7:30 Sunday school are Sundays and Tues- Poale Zedeck Congregation r Hills Shabbat service at 8 p.m. on Friday a.m. and 5:45 p.m. BSUSY is sponsoring days. Talmud Study meets Mondays at day Shachrit at 6, 6:55 and 8 a.m. MW with Art Weinblum as rabbi and Mollie a Friday Family Shabbat service after 4:00 p.m. Torah class meets on Tuesdays erev Shabbat at 5:25 p.m. Shabbat Weinblum as cantor. All are welcome. the high school Shabbat dinner. USY at 8:15.p.m. For information on women's Shachrit early minyan at 8 a.m. and maj For information call (412) 655-2144 or dance Saturday night. For more informa- monthly study group or for a complete minyan at 8:45 a.m. Mincha 5:10 pm- visit tion call (412) 421-2288. listing, call (412) 278-3693 or visit Sunday Shachrit at 7:30 and 8:30 a.m. [email protected]. Monday Shachrit at 6, 6:45 and 8 a.m I Beth Israel Congregation La- Beth Sholom Congregation in Tuesday and Wednesday Shachrit at 6, f trobe. For information call (724) 539- Johnstown erev Shabbat services at 7:30 Charles M. Morris Nursing and 6:55 and 8 a.m. Thursday Shachrit at Of. 1450. p.m. Friday. Shabbat morning service at Rehabilitation Center at Weinberg 6:45 and 8 a.m. Friday Shachrit at 6, ojj Village daily morning service at 9:30 a.m. and 8 a.m. Sunday through Thursday r 02003 Curves Imctujiiorid] Shabbat morning service at 9 a.m. For in- Mincha at 5:25 p.m. Daf Yomi at 6 a.m formation call Rabbi Seidman at (412) 420- Monday through Friday. Sisterhood IM 4000 or e-mail [email protected]. ternational Food Festival from 5 to c" COMING on Feb. 15; call office for reservations] Congregation Emanu-EI Israel. For information call (412) 421-9786 or SOON! Everyone is welcome at services. For in- visit to formation call (724) 834-0560. Riverview Towers' Oneg ShabW Mt. Lebanon The power to amaze yourself." Dor Hadash Jewish Rconstruction- 2 p.m. Friday. Reform services Friday evenings at 7:30 p.m. are sponsored J The world's largest ist Congregation holds services at the Rodef Shalom. Saturday Shabbat 10 jjjl women's fitness & weight Jewish Education Institute at 6424 For- loss franchise! Call: 412-343-8200 ward Ave. Erev Shabbat service at 8 p.m. For more information call (412) 521- " Guinness World Records 2002 for more information! on Friday. Service leader is Nancy Nextm Levine-Amold. Sedra reviewer is Pam Please see Community, 23 COMMUNITY

Limued from previous page. Temple B'nai Israel, 2025 Cypress Temple Ohav Shalom in the North Young Israel Congregation, Rodef Shalom Congregation Drive, White Oak, Pa. Sabbath services Hills. For information call (412) 369-0900 5831 Bartlett St., Friday night Mincha, •oy Shabbat services at 5:30 p.m. on are usually held on alternating Friday or visit five minutes after candle lighting but iiday. Torah study and TOT Shabbat evenings at 8 p.m. and Saturday morn- no later than 7:30. Saturday services 9 ings at 10 a.m. An Oneg Shabbat follows jsrvices at 9:30 a.m. on Saturday fol- Temple Shalom in Wheeling Tu B'- a.m. Saturday Gemora class one hour lowed by Shabbat service at 10:30 a.m. each service. Adult education meetings Shevat seder/dinner at 6 p.m. on Friday. before Mincha, one hour and five min- k. Nicholas Colovos, head of emergency are held at 7:30 p.m. on the second Sun- Torah Talk continues on Saturday at 9 utes before Maariv. Seudat shlisheet III Allegheny General Hospital, will dis- day each month. Services and adult edu- a.m. For information call (304) 233-4870. follows. Maariv 10 minutes before end |ss "Crisis in the Emergency Room" at cation meetings are conducted by Rabbi of Shabbat. Sunday service 8 a.m. Dai- L 9:30 a.m. Sunday breakfast. Dr. Daniel L. Schiff. For information call Temple Sinai Shabbat service at 7 ly Shachrit minyan at 6:30 a.m., 6:20 David Miller, assistant dean and profes- (412) 678-6181 or visit www.tbi- p.m. Friday. Informal Shabbat service a.m. on Rosh Chodesh. For more infor- sor of Public and Urban Affairs at the and Torah Study at 8:30 a.m. on Saturday. mation, call Rabbi Nosson Adler at University of Pittsburgh, will speak on Shabbat service at 10:30 a.m. Weekly (412) 421-2780 or visit www.geoci- hursday to the Discussion Group. His Temple Beth Israel in Steubenville parsha study class at noon on Wednes- jopic is "Pittsburgh and the Metropolitan Shabbat services at 8 p.m. on Friday. For day. Thursday minyan at 7:30 p.m. For information call (740) 264-5514. fegion: Is a Marriage Possible?" Daily information call (412) 421-9715 or visit YPS, a traditional and participatory prayer services Monday through Thurs- congregation, meets every Shabbat day at 5:30 p.m. Sunday prayer service at Temple David in Monroeville early and Yom Tov at 6404 Forbes, corner 9 a.m. For information call (412) 621- Shabbat service at 7 p.m. on Friday with Torath Chaim daily services Mon- Denniston, in the Bnai Zion building. Tu B'Shevat address by Gary Goodson 1566. day and Thursday 6:15 a.m. and Tuesday, Friday Mincha and Kabbalat Shabbat. from the Green Building Alliance. Third Wednesday and Friday 6:30 a.m. Satur- Shabbat morning services at 9:30 a.m. Shaare Torah Congregation Fri- graders will participate. Torah study at 9 day and Sunday mornings at 9. For infor- Kindershul with Nina Schor meets at jay night services at 5:25 p.m. Shabbat a.m. on Saturday. Junior Congregation at mation call Arnie Swartz, (412) 362-0036. 10:30 a.m. Saturday afternoon Mincha Services at 8:45 a.m. on Saturday. Daily 9 a.m. Shabbat service at 9:30 a.m. Reli- and Torah study. Newcomers are wel- Services: Monday and Thursday 6:40 and gious school Tu B'Shevat seder. The film Tree of Life Congregation Tot come. For information call Bernie Sam.; Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday 7 "Relentless," a review of Israeli-Palestin- Shabbat at 5:45 p.m. on Friday. Kabbalat Klionsky, president, at (412) 421-6172 .asidSa.m. Evening services at 5:35 p.m. ian conflict, will be shown at 11 a.m. on Shabbat service at 8:15 p.m. Traditional or visit yi the shul for a list of classes given by Sunday with an introduction by David service at 9:45 a.m. on Saturday. Kiddush Rabbi Wasserman and Rabbi Shuster- Shtulman, executive director of the luncheon every week; all are welcome. Sat- [nan. Kiddush follows services. Flea mar- American Jewish Committee. For infor- urday evening service at 5 p.m. Weekday' Organizations tetFeb. 15 and 16. For information call mation call (412) 372-1200 or visit services: Sunday minyan at 9 a.m. followed 1412) 421-8855 or e-mail by Men's Club breakfast at 9:30 a.m. with The Jewish Women's Center ill [email protected]. speaker Wendy Hallie on getting close and will hold its annual Shabbat service on Temple Emanuel of South Hills personal with special needs participants; Saturday at the Labor Zionist Center Sukkat Shalom, a member-led Family Shabbat service at 7 p.m. on Monday and Thursday at 7:30 a.m.; Tues- in Squirrel Hill, 6328 Forbes Ave. Lisa aggregation in the liberal Reform tradi- Friday. Torah study at 9 a.m. on Satur- day, Wednesday and Friday at 7:45 a.m. Brush will give a D'var Torah. The tion, meets at the Edward and Rose day. Shabbat service at 10:30 a.m. Sunday through Thursday at 7:30 p.m. For service will begin at 9:30 a.m. and is lerman Hillel Jewish University Center, Minyan at 9 a.m. Sunday. For informa- all other information, call Ruth Scott at informal and participatory. The public 1607 Forbes Ave., Oakland. Erev Shabbat tion call (412) 279-7600 of visit (412) 521-6788 or e-mail [email protected]. is invited. Refreshments in celebra- vices at 6 p.m. on Friday. Torah study tion of Tu B'Shevat will be served af- Bl 10 a.m. Saturday followed by services Tree of Life Congregation of ter the service. For more information, at 11 a.m. For more information call Temple Hadar Israel in New Cas- Uniontown. Shabbat service Friday at 8 call (412) 422-8044 or e-mail jw- prcia at (412) 244-8823 or e-mail tle, Lawrence County, holds services in p.m. Saturday service 10 a.m. For infor- [email protected]. HkatShalomPgh@aol. corn. the former Tifereth Israel Synagogue. mation call Harold Cohen at (724) 438- For information call (724) 658-9708. 0343 or Larry Smith at (724) 438-4197. Please see Organizations, page 29.

LHAS Arbor Unit off*ers emo tional support not only for those with memory disorders, but their loved ones. Caring for A powerful connection. /bV°ne ° Pr08ress've mem0Ti\ disorder can be all-consuming, overwhelming, and stressful. Need help? Our special unit einberg Village is a safe, secure environment with just the right mix of supervision, activities, and room for independence. JEWISH ASSOCIATION n' °l 90es a way toward putting minds at ease. To learn more, or call 412-521-2475. ON AGING 24 THE JEWISH CHRONICLE FEBRUARY 5, 2004 STYLE Film festival lineup has something for everyone

Here's a rundown of the films that nal film appearances. Nazi imperialism all add to the drama at 1 p.m. at the Destinta, (Israeli) will appear this year at the 11th Annual "Thunder in Guyana," March 7 at 4 set against the backdrop of 193Q's Bu- when 13-yeair-old Noa learns her neigh Pittsburgh Jewish-Israeli Film Festi- p.m., Loews Waterfront, (American) dapest. bor's mother was taken hostage on val: — a true tale of a Chicago-born Jewish "God's Sandbox," March 13 at 9:40 plane hijacked by terrorists, she an( "James' Journey to Jerusalem," woman Janet Rosenberg-Jagan, who p.m., Loews Waterfront, (Israeli) — her friends decide to kidnap a hostag. March 4, 7:30 p.m., Loews Waterfront falls in love with a Guyana native. To- Leila, a Western tourist, falls in love of their own, a young Palestinian boy Theater, (Israeli) — in an imaginary gether they start a socialist revolution with Najim, son of a Bedouin sheik. Na- from their Jerusalem neighborhood, t< African village, a young man chosen to that leads to free elections and her jim is exiled for wanting to marry Leila demand an exchange. undertake a pilgrimage to Jerusalem is election as the first foreign-born, fe- as their love story turns tragic. "Desperado Square," March 20 mistakenly jailed and bailed out by a male president of the country. "Undying Love," March 14 at 1 p.m., 7:30.p.m. at Loews Waterfront, manpower agent who rescues illegal "Decryptage," March 7 at 7 p.m., Regent Square, (Canadian) — sur- raeli) — in a community of Greek Jeit migrant workers in exchange for em- Loews Waterfront, (French)— exam- vivors reconstruct their lives and forge living outside Tel Aviv, Nisim dreams o ploying them in menial labor. A recep- ines media coverage of the second in- intimate relationships in the most_diffi- reopening the neighborhood's theater tion will follow at the Loews Club, with tifada and whether it has contributed to cult of situations. Narratives through and bringing joy, and uncovers familj opening night events underwritten by growing European anti-Semitism. A interviews are interwoven with Holo- secrets, in the process. Richard E. Rauh. panel discussion will follow the screen- caust survivors, rare archival docu- "Bit By Bit," March 20 at 9:30 p.m. "Provence United," March 6 at 7:30 ing, featuring several area journalists mentary footage, vintage film clips Loews Waterfront (Swedish) — a 25 p.m., Loews Waterfront; March 8 at who will explore the issue of balanced from Hollywood and Yiddish films. year-old Swedish slacker who has a love 7:30 p.m., Destinta Theaters in reporting concerning the Middle East. "One of the Lamed-Vav", March 14 affair with video games has to choose be Bridgeville, (Israeli) — a small-time "Yossi and Jagger," March 11 at at 4 p.m., Loews Waterfront, (Israeli) tween competing in the Nintendo Worlc soccer star dreams about playing in the 7:30 p.m., Regent Square Theater, (Is- — viewers are taken through the Ortho- Cup Games and the family's seder. major leagues. Co-winner of the Best raeli) — Two Israeli army officers car- dox neighborhoods of Jerusalem, the- "The Power of Balance," March 21 Film Award at the 2002 Haifa Interna- ry out a secret love affair on a remote aters, kibbutzim, army bases, coffee- 4 p.m., Loews Waterfront, (Israeli) -i tional Film Festival. army base in southern Lebanon. Based houses and Torah study halls, to follow Israeli dance company, Vertigo, and "Manhood," March 6 at 9:20 p.m., on a true story, this anti-war feature the footsteps of Jerusalem's Rabbi group of individuals with disabilities Loews Waterfront, (American) — inde- captures young people trying to survive Arye Levin. work together to form a dance piece. •una pendent — and find love — in a troubled time "My Terrorist," March 14 at 7 p.m., "Foreign Sister," March 21 at filmmaker and place. Best Actor awarded to Ohad Loews Waterfront, (Israeli) — a mem- p.m., Loews Waterfront, (Israeli) — an Want to go? Bobby Roth Knoller (Yossi) at 2003 Tribeca Film ber of the Popular Front for the Libera- Israeli woman hires an Ethiopian Tickets are available after explores Festival. tion of Palestine and a sixth-generation Christian woman to work in her home Feb. 10 by calling the ticket three gener- "Gloomy Sunday," March 13 at 7:30 Israeli meet in 1978 when the terrorist Parallels emerge between the ton line: (412) 992-5203. Seat ations of a p.m., Loews Waterfront, and March 15 points a machine gun at the El A1 flight women as they bond in friendship reservations must be made in Jewish fami- at 7:30 p.m. at the Denis Theater, attendant. Two decades later, in an ef- spite their differences of age, race and advance, and all films and ly and their (German) — a romantic drama that fo- fort to break the cycle of violence, the class. Director Dan Wolman will be programs are subject to foibles. Ac- cuses on a melancholy melody that was Israeli considers writing a letter in sup- the screening to discuss filmmaking in change. For info: tor John Rit- a legend throughout Europe for its port of the terrorist's parole. Israel. Wolman is the 1999 winner | ter makes power to drive young lovers to suicide. "Miss Entebbe," March 18 at 7:30 the Lifetime Achievement Award at Ita one of his fi- A love triangle, impending war and p.m., Loews Waterfront, and March 21 Jerusalem International Film Festival

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United Jewish Federation THE JEWISH CHRONICLE FE&RUARY 5, 2004 25 The Jewish I chronicle Real estate directory

FOR RENT FOR RENT IV LXTRAORDimRYU! 2232 WIGHTMAN ST. Huge 1 & 2 BR Apartments. Great walk-in closets, fully MAXON TOWERS 1 BR, $560 + Office space avail- equipped eat-in kit., swimming pool, fitness center, social electric. room and indoor parking. Heat, hot water & cooking included. able. 825 sq. ft. is Starting at $599 • Ask about FREE Rent Special!!! Union Real Estate Price $*>.511 Call John WASHINGTON GARDENS • (412) 276-5544 412-288-7800 Col-lncli Xjlj : 412-521-7900 FOR SALE FOB RENT ^^£.ive in ^£ux'uzy!!!! ^ T"imam SkirboCC TQ. HILL Maxon Tomrs Fabulous 1, 2 & 3 BR/2 BAapt. home avail, immed. Incredibly spacious living areas, 412-521-2222 I Outstanding, spacious Luxury Apts. in I I BR. A-MUST-SEE! tremendous closet space, eat-in kit, rooftop Residence 412-683-1110 (large closets, HW Sq. Hill sundeck, social room, indoor parking & fitness center, Jjllcors in LR-DR. Heat in- COLD III GLL I eluded. Offsfreet park- Gil John 412-521-7900 (S^atbaza (zSjkmnk (412) 683-8683 ninq. Near shops & bus. \ f BAHKGRn 950. SQ. HILL ZhnryX 5467 FAIR OAKS 11412-521-7082 3 BR house, garage, ' i Great Location - Convenient to Everything! equipt. kit., W/D. ESSE Yq j Charm galore in this 4 BR, 3 bath home. Move $875+. 1/2 month free < ' in condition. $319,000. rent-in Feb. * Guarantee of Service 412-421-2278 Vif,uol| Ever Lis,i[i CARNEGIE MELLON vrnv Prudential * y v s Private rd. leads to.lg. 4 BR, 2 1/2 bath home. Eat-n-kit., PrefetiEd fiealtv . JD , Mt Lebanon I*™,,.™ PwdenlimelerredReally. com much desired 1st fl. family rm. Wonderful private patio KAMIN City Office & garden. Furnished lower level w/powder rm., 2 car | Convenient location. 5801 Forbes Avenue • Pittsburgh, PA 15217 int. grg. Reduced $469,000. 12 BR Ranch, equipt REALTY CO. (412) 521-5500 NEED LISTINGS REGENT SQ. — BUS LINE jiii/CA/carpet. Newly Milt Strahl Perfect for professional to work and live in. 4 BR newly re- Shadyside- All we offer is results Aisotiote Broker painted. $950 +. South Hills modeled house, New kit, bath a/c, furnace, windows, Gas 2310 ELDRIDGE ST. line, and much more. Rear parking. — A Must. "puteit £tt> t£e Single 6 rm. Brick, 3 BR, Powder Rm 1st, Eat-in Asking $147,500. 1412-341-5996 Kitchen, 2 Car Garage $139,900. Freeman Realty Efficiency • 1, 2 & IMPERIAL HOUSE SHADYSIDE — ONE OF PITTSBURGH'S 3 BR Apts. & Towrihouses •Why rent? 10% Down! SllgD Total Monthly Payment. MOST PREMIER BUILDINGS Includes principal, iiMv^axes & maintenance. 5000 Slh ©Avenue 412-661-4456 2 BR, 2 bath, balconC^urnrnina pool, whirlpool, ex- 2500 sq.ft. custom designed apartment. Made into fabu- erciserm.. $139,900 lous 1 BR, 2 baths, closets, closets, closets, gourmet 1ES0RT-STYII LIVING *4.125 Int. APR 4.291.2 pis. 5/1 Adj. rate. oversized kitchen, all marble floors. Large Private patio Incredible I S 2 RRs with FOX CHAPEL MEWS and 2 car indoor garage. "A treat to see." Img?room sizes , walk-in- Spacious 2 BR, 2 bath, 1,512 sq. ft., indoor parking, Asking $519,000. closets, eat-in kitchens, BEECH APTS. 3301 'BeecfiwoocC'BCvcC swimming pool, central air, all electric exercise room, fparkiitig swimming poo], tennis courts, washer & dryer in unit. $229,000. Call Amy. Friedman Stern (formerly of pgh.) fori Mirise facility and garage SQ. HILL CONDO - BEACON PLACE any of your South Fla, Real Estate needs, lifting. Gas heat included. Elevator Building Excellent condition. Nearshopping, transportation Starting at $599. Luxury 1 BR apt., dish- Exercise rm.. Sauna Security Bldg., Bingo, 561-313-7994. FABULOUS SPECIALS! washer, disposal, car- M«jJfsnS99,900. $440 totaly monthly payment includes maintenance, taxes & BRYN MAWR peting, central air, laun- Shadyside — $269,000 APARTMENTS utilities. dry, no pets/ heat in- Victorian with 1 st floor family room + bath, natural woodwork, [4I2J 37 I -3935 3042 BEECHWOOD BLVD. cluded. eat-in kitchen, fabulous room on 3rd w/fuil bath and C/A, deck Forest Hills Area Ranch - 2 BR plus 3rd BR & Bath, Lower level. 412-421-8310 Garage, Great View. $135,000. off kitchen, off-street parking. A Charmer. WINCH»>TER Oakland — $188,000 Large 2 BR, 2 bath, lau^Ji^f eat-in-kitchen. Guest suite, swimming pool, year indoor parking. $199,500. Price reduction on this top floor Dithridge House Condo. Spacious •xtremely large 3 BR, and sunny with wonderful masterbedroom + bath, den w/built-ins, uge 2,500 sq. ft., REGENT SQ. - WKTUNSBURG •2 bath Apt. W/D. 5 BR, 2 bath, 2 contemp. eat-in kitchen, great closets, chic 2nd bath, Building fea- 312-14m>*Ave- •Brand new high effi- Hfloor apt.- Free 6 units, 5 2BR +1 1 BR, tnents pay electric & gas. tures pool, party room, exercise room, indoor parking. apt. Only yards parking, w/w. Brand new $130,000. Potential Annual Gross Income $36,000. from CMU. Call high efficiency apt. Only 6509 DARUMTON RD. Summer subletting yards from CMU. Ranch, 6 rm, 2 bath, Finished basement The Prudential ^Maxine Solomon permitted. Summer subletting with rull bath, central aictfar garage. Reduced $254,000. Preferred Realty 412-427-1048 Available May 16. permitted. $L?S0 * G 8 £ Available May 16. RENTALS $2,265 + G&£. Sq. HIU Ranch — 3 BR, 2 bath, garage. $799. 111-581.9441 Bring your pet. 412-591-9441 Hempstead Rd. — Spacious 1 BR apt. Indoor parking. $590 + electric. 'R'J'Tpl REALTOR RE/MAX Platinum Club Hall of Fame For Rent Specializing in O^ice Sfcate THE NORTHERN PALM BEACHES Palm Beach Gardens - Jupiter - Juno Beach 2176 sq. ft. • HAT is YOUR HOME WORTH? Singer Island - .North & West Palm Beach PB GARDENS-EASTP0INTE CALL TODAY FOR A FREE Prime East End Location COMPARATIVE HOME MARKET ANALYSIS Priced to sell! 2 BR/ 2 BA garden apt. Golf view. with easy access to Sq. Hill, Ready to move in! $89,500. S6evti TH&tpen, VIRTUAL HOME TOURS Oakland, and Shadyside. (Hi Prudential Realtor® Pralcried Realty Off-street Parking 5801 Forbes Ave. Pittsburgh, PA 15217 RE/MAX Northern Palm Beaches 412-521-5500x305 2000. PGA Blvd., Suite 4450 Palm Beach Gardens, Fl 33408 [email protected] Barbara (412) 687-1000 -iS-An hdapflntfifrttji owned and operated member of (800) 780-RITA (561) 775-7306 The Menial fieal Estate Affiliates, Inc. 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Neil Simon is called "The Patron Saint of Laughter," and is considered the most suc- 25 rEARS OF- cessful commercial playwright in history. Find the 41 words and names relating to his plays, his films and him. The words will be in a straight line and will be found forward, PROFESSIONAL backward, up, down or diagonally. Draw a circle around each word or name found and SERVICE cross it off the word list. Letters may be used more than once and words often overlap. MASTER The unused letters will spell out an appropriate phrase. Words in parentheses do not BRUSH . appear in the puzzle. The solution will appear in next week's Chronicle. ;


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OP QUALITY INTERIOR & EXTERIOR [Skilled Professional Painters • Top Quality Materials Vince Marino Plumbing Hidden Phrase: [.Thorough Preparation • Neat Work Registered Master Plumber Sewer Cleaning s65.°° (1st wife dancer Joan) BAIM "LAST OF (the Red Hot Lovers" '69) pirlorian Restoration • Fully Insured Winter Furnace Service "BAREFOOT (in the Park" '63) "LAUGHTER (on the 23rd Floor" '93) , ,il PGH 412-362-2555 North 412-967-9198 r $29.95 "BILOXI BLUES" ('85) "LONDON (Suite" '94) L [W East 412-327-7667 South 412-343-4567 J (412) 682-6733 ("Come) BLOW (Your Horn" '61) (Pulitzer Prize for) "LOST (in Yonkers" '91) (412) 225-0017 Emergency ("The Sunshine) BOYS" (72) (2nd wife actress Marsha) MASON "BRIGHTON (Beach Memoirs" '83) NANCY (daughter from 1st marriage) "BROADWAY (Bound" '86) (Born Marvin) NEIL (Simon) PHOTOGRAPHY & H PAVING (Born July 4,1927) BRONX, (NY) ("The) ODD (Couple" '65) HAUSLER (Adopted daughter) BRYN (3rd marriage) ("The) PRISONER (of Second Avenue" 71) ! Black Topping Driveways "CHAPTER (Two" 17) (America's most) PROLIFIC (playwright) Specializing in ROOFING (For TV co-wrote with brother) DANNY. "PROPOSALS" (2003) pithing and seal coating. All Occasions Since 1952 ("The) DINNER (Party" '99) "RUMOURS" ('88) ; Winter discount WEDDINGS • REUNIONS Residential - Commercial ("The Good) DOCTOR" (73) ("They're Playing Our) SONG" (79) ANNIVERSARIES Competitive Prices ELLEN (daughter from 1st marriage) ("California) SUITE" (76) | Free estimates. BAR & BAT MITZVAS Free Estimates (He's a four-time) EMMY (winner.) "SWEET (Charity" '66) 112-281-9860 24 HOURS 412-243-1989 "FOOLS" ('81) ("I Ought) TO BE (in Pictures" '80) or 724-837-7675 412-461-6800 (He's a master of the one-line) GAG. ("The Out-of-) TOWNERS" (Film 70) ("The) GINGERBREAD (Lady" 70) ("'Jake's) WOMEN" ('92) ("The) GOODBYE GIRL' ('93) WON (4 Tony Awards) ("The Heartbreak) KID" (Film 72) "YOUR SHOW OF (Shows" TV '50 to '54) (3rd wife Diane) LANDER

Temple Emanuel to hold programming event Temple Emanuel of the South Hills, a movie and game nights to discussion Reform congregation, will hold an event groups and family retreats. Members Rights Reserved. for current and prospective members will be able to choose among break-out from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., Sunday. This Tem- groups by interest area to further discuss MMY COHEN PLUMBING & HEATING ple Emanuel All Member (T.E.A.M.) Ral- and plan specific programs. The event ly is an opportunity to discuss and pro- will conclude with a plenary session and vide input about Temple Emanuel and remarks by Rabbi Mark Mahler. some exciting new adult programming The event is free of charge but advance opportunities. reservations are requested. Babysitting The event will begin with a bagel and youth programs will be available brunch and activity fair where members during the rally by advance arrange- can socialize and visit tables set up by ments. Additional information is avail- KereKguarto Temple committees. Following a welcom- able at, or wm RIZZO ing address, attendees will have an op- by contacting the Temple Emanuel office Plumbing WATERPROOFING portunity to discuss and indicate their in- at (412) 279-7600. Registered Master Plumber terest in potential new programs from Quality Service DECORATIVE ORNAMENTAL Sewer, Drains, Kitchen & Bath Great References CONCRETE & LANDSCAPING Available BASEMENTS • RETAINING WALLS FRENCH DRAINS • DRIVEWAYS CREATIVE SILVER TznFosMe 412-421-1538 PATIOS • SIDEWALKS RESTORATION Tznius-iie Your Garments Emergency POLISH • it I i \ i R Hems Lowered • Sleeves lengthened STERLING SILVER GIFTS 412-292-5830 RHONE mm-™ Slits Closed, Lined or Pleated WE THAW FROZEN WATER LINES. (412) 331-1376 2101 MURRAY AVE. Pat Wolf 412-421-3028 (412) 421-8330 TiriusMe@aol.(otn 28 THE JEWISH CHRONICLE FEBRUARY 5, 2004 rcror

I PROVIDE Home Care for PERSONAL COMPUTER TAXES & ACCOUNTING ANTIQUES WANTED u CLASSIFIED the elderly. Experienced, CONSULTANT - 16 years for individuals or business- buyer for 40 years I Wm- ADVERTISEMENTS references available. 412- experience, conversant es. Call William Feldman estates, collections, q[a 243-1969. with PC, Macintosh, and Accounting Service 412- You always hit the mark ware, china, advMj Linux. Available for and 521-3316. with our listings! signs and tins, toys, [i CNA 18 YEARS Experi- interested in private urines, paintings $C00 For 10 Words Or Less, M 20e For Each Additional Word ence demonstrates hon- work. 412-687-6516. frames, cameras, "J. SQ50 For Boxed Ads, esty & dependably. Experi- lamps, oriental rugs/clocfe v (1 Inch x 1 Column Inch) enced with children & DONATIONS pocket and wrisi watch# adults with disabilities. crocks and jugs, hummel The Jewish Chronicle • Deadlines: Monday at Noon 412-464-0130. DON'T SELL YOUR CAR military items, founi^ 5600 Baum Blvd.. Pittsburgh, PA 15206 • All Classified Ads Are Call Today: (412) 687-1000 Ext, 313 Payable In Advance OR TRUCK - Donate it to MIKE RODGERS WALL pens, jewelry, bunks, kim Call Today: (412) 687-1097 .HOME HEALTH AID will Yeshiva Schools and take COVERING - residential, sterling items, dolls, ccci care for your loved one. a deduction. Call 412- commercial, insured. 30+ jars, pottery, coins, qUjj, Experienced, reliable, hon- 422-7315 X14. years exp. Call Mike, 412- radio, furniture, etc. HaP WANTED

Town Jottings A local online network' of moth- sales, but Pittsburgh Mamas Network, a ers called Pittsburgh Mamas has come loose affiliation of more than 100 moth- together to save a South Side business, ers and others on Yahoo-groups, is prly's Closet, run by Lisa Chotiner, is a brainstorming ways to improve busi- MMBPMB children's maternity consignment bou- ness. Interested groups and individuals tique located on East Carson Street, should contact Carly's Closet at (412) "otiner announced last month that the 381-1664. store would have to close due to poor

Organizations (Continued from page 23.) [email protected] and include National Council of Jewish name, address and phone number. "omen (NCJW) is hosting Monte | 0 N'ght at 7 p.m., Saturday, at the Squirrel Hill Historical Society wink a 'n Oakland. The evening will host a free lecture at 7:30 p.m. on iSpE—HEEEEEEEE™ Z benefit the Children's Playrooms in Tuesday at the Sixth Presbyterian f courts as well as NCJW's many oth- Church on Forbes and Murray avenues community service projects, which in Squirrel Hill. Nationality Rooms Di- t0 JZ ™prove the quality of life for rector Maxine Bruhns will show a video TRACHT e ID ' GERALDINE TYSON, OSCAR WANETICK, ANNA I. WEINBERGER, RUTH WEINBERG- „ "' children and families. To re- and discuss the history of the rooms at ER, ARTHUR WEINER, FANNIE B. WEINTHAL, MIRIAM WIESENTHAL. e c P- - on Feb. 12. fed ,L ktaiIs and hors d'oeuvres and sor at the University of Pittsburgh, is a e ca3U3] Perfect match. Attire is business nationally known researcher in reading quired n°.m. Reservations are re- education. Her work provided the foun- 52I.vm, can be made by calling (412) dation for the Literacy Plus Program in or send e-mail to the Pittsburgh Public Schools. R.S.VP. to office @templesinaipgh. org. THE JEWISH CHRONICLE FEBRUARY 5,.2004 30 OBITUARY

BRODSKY: On Wednesday, January Times To Remember 28,2004, Dr. Steven G. Brodsky, 51, of Cen- . iais." LEGAL ter Twp., son of Annette Gleit Brodsky of Kindle Sabbath candles: 5:26 p.m. EST. Tamarac, FL and the late George Brodsky; beloved husband of Laurel King Brodsky; Sabbath ends: 6:30 p.m. EST. ADVERTISING IN brother of Kenneth and Jane Brodsky of Scriptural readings: Sedra Beshalach; ME and Sheryl and Larry LaRaus of NY; Exodus 13:17-17:16; Judges 4:4-5:31. uncle of Andrew and Timothy Brodsky and THE JEWISH Jake and Alexa LaRaus. Graveside services Haffner; brother of the late Arlene and interment were held at Agudath Achim Haffner Werber; uncle of Steven Joel THE OFFICIAL Cemetery. Arrangements by Hill & Kunsel- Werber; brother-in-law of Barry Werber. CHRONICLE man Funeral Home, Inc., Beaver Falls.. Graveside services and interment were WEB SITE OF held at Shaare Torah Cemetery. Contri- SAVES MONEY FEIN MAN: On Tuesday, January 27, butions may be made to Hillel Academy, THE JEWISH 2004, Dr. Theodore Henry Feinman, 83, of 5685 Beacon St., Pgh., PA 15217. CHRONICLE Caldwell, NJ, formerly of McKeesport Area; Arrangements by Daniel T. Alessandro son of tlie late Isadore Robert and Minnie Funeral Home Ltd. OF PITTSBURGH Kirstein Feinman; beloved husband of the late Jeanne Kalstone Feinman; father of Dr. SILBERMAN: On Tuesday, January Bernard (Cheryl) Feinman of Pgh., Paul R. 27, 2004, Gertrude S. Silberman, beloved Feinman of Weaverville, NC and Sally Fein- wife of the late Dr. Raphael Silberman; man (Donald) Garson of Caldwell, NJ; beloved mother of Stephanie Snyder; grandfather of M. Benjamin Feinman, Tra- cherished grandmother of Andy and Kara verse City, MI, Lori Feinman (Michael) Cos- Snyder and Jennifer and Alan Friedman; RESPOND NOW! cia of Washington, D.C., Mathew Garson great-grandmother of Eli Michael Snyder GAIL OUR LEGAL DEPARTMENT and Andrew Garson of Caldwell, NJ; great- and Alexandra Rae Friedman; dear sister grandfather of Tina, Merritt and Jordan of Edith Adler of Washington, PA, the late AT 412-687-1000 OR Coscia; brother of Evelyn Manstof of Wash- Edgar Schwartz, Mickey Schwartz, Sey- FAX US AT 412-687-5119. ington, D.C. and Shirley Katz of Philadel- mour Schwartz, Goldie Glick and Harriet phia. Graveside services and interment Marks. Services were held at Burton L. were held at Temple Cemetery. Arrange- Hirsch Funeral Home, Inc., 2704 Murray ments by Strifflers, of White Oak, Inc. Con- Ave., Sq. Hill (opp. Morrowfield Apts.). tributions may be made to the Alzheimer's Interment Beth Shalom Cemetery. Contri- Association, 225 N. Michigan Ave., 17th fl., butions may be made to the Charles M. CARLINI BROTHERS Chicago, IL 60601. Morris Nursing & Rehabilitation Center, MEMORIALS 200 JHF Dr., Pgh, PA 15217 or to the 75 Years Serving The Pittsburgh Area FRANK: On Monday, January 26,2004, Make-A-Wish Foundation of Western PA, James Alan Frank, beloved husband of William Penn Hotel, 555 Grant St., Ste. Monuments • Granite & Bronze Markers • Cemetery Lettering & Cleaning Ruth Ohiinger Frank; beloved father of Su- 425. Pgh, PA 15219. Personalized Memorials* Private Mausoleum Design & Construction san (Thomas) Lippard of Pgh, James W. (Catherine) Frank of Rome, Italy, Linda SOLOW: On Tuesday, January 27, Frank Ruth of Ithaca, NY and William O. 2004, Charles L. Solow, of Pgh. and FL; 701 Hazelwood Avenue • Pittsburgh, PA 15217 beloved husband of Randy Solow; brother MENTION THIS AD TO RECEIVE YOUR DISCOUNT Frank of Seattle, WA; brother of the late ALL CREDIT CARDS ACCEPTED Thomas W. Frank and Maijorie Frank of Edward Solow of Ft. Lauderdale, FL Green; grandfather of Gregory W. (Nina) and Donald Solow of Pgh.; also survived Lippard, Jonsara Ruth, Adam R. Lippard, by many nieces, nephews, great-nieces Jed F Lippard and Sebastian A. Ruth; also and great-nephews. Private services were Memorial specialists: Stones from the Holy Land survived by nieces and one nephew. Ser- held at the Star of David Memorial Steven, Richard, Our Gift To You with purchase vices were held at Rodef Shalom Temple. Chapel Mausoleum, Ft. Lauderdale, FL. Julie Urbach and Helen Loht (Limited Supplies) Interment West View Cemetery of Rodef Shalom Congregation. Contributions may USICK: On Sunday, February 1,2004, be made to the American Jewish Commit- Zena Usick, 91, of London, England, wife Ar URBACH ROCK OF AGES MEMORIALS «Ar tee, Pgh. Chapter, 2345 Murray Ave, Ste. of the late Ben Lane and the late Mau- 210, Pgh, PA 15217. Arrangements, by rice Usick; mother of Nicholas and 2635 MURRAY AVE. • SQUIRREL HILL 4r Eileen Lane and Patricia and the late Ralph Schugar Chapel, Inc. MONDAY - FRIDAY 9am to 4pm • Sunday & Evenings by Appointment Michael Usick; grandmother of Adam HAFFNER: On Friday, January 30 Lane, Erica Lane and Edward Usick. Deal Direct with largest quarrier, manufacturer and retailer in the world Graveside services and interment were 2004, Manuel Haffner, 76, of Sq. Hill, 412-421-8655 • Toll free 1-877-921-8655 , beloved son of the late Maxand Ida held in London.

Three Generations of Ryave Family Service To the Pittsburgh Jewish Community - RALPH IWilHllLwJ>!^^r A Jewish Funeral SCHUGAR Jacob E. Ryave Home dedicated to a 1893-1978 sense of tradition and a Arnold H. Ryave FUNERAL CHAPEL commitment to providing the 1924'1985 Independently Owned Jewish Community with meaning and comfort in David B. Ryave Vice President & Supervisor and Operated by the life cycle events. Let us show you the difference Ryave Family care and compassion make. 5509 Centre Avenue Advanced Funeral Planning Pittsburgh, PA 15232 Fax: 412-621-5225 a timeless tradition... a new Bereavement Support Groups Chapel Equipped for the 412-621-8282 Hearing'impaired OR TOLL-FREE Wheelchair Accessible

Michael E. Hilgefort Supereitor THE JEWISH CHRONICLE FEBRUARY 5, 2004 METRO/ISRAEL

Tu B'Shevat: Dialogue: 'Faulty comparison' Continued from page 1. campus, according to Black Action Society Jews. So did the inequities, in terms of Advisor Michele Scott Taylor, who sees the A Jewish Earth Day future dreams and financial realities con- issue more as a lack of awareness. fronting the two groups. "This is the first time that we're going Also causing a rift was the to be doing a program in a couple of Continued from page 1. against the greenhouse effect, im- Israeli/Palestinian conflict. years, from what I understand," Scott years. "Normally, about two million prove air quality, prevent soil erosion "Many African-Americans view the Taylor said. "There just needs to be some trees are planted annually through the and protect areas that feed into water Palestinians as a kind of black equivalent form of communication." jNF and this year, we planted almost sources. to Israel and therefore identify with Both Scott Taylor and Braslawsce said Ibree million, so Ilan obviously made a Many Jewish schools in Pittsburgh them vs. Israel," said David Shtulman, students were excited about the pro- jig impact. plan to celebrate Tu B'Shevat by con- executive director of the American Jew- gram. "We will realize the dream over a ducting a seder where fruits and ish Committee in Pittsburgh. "It's a pro-active step and important course of a number of years. Lots of grains from Israel (wheat, barley, "It is a totally faulty comparison, but it how they dialogue, making campuses a calls came in on how people could help grapes, figs, pomegranates, olives and exists nonetheless," Shtulman said, "and safe living and learning experience for lo make that dream a reality." dates) are blessed and eaten. the anti-Israel feelings that many blacks all students on campus," said ADL's as- Tu B'Shevat literally translates to Beth Shalom Congregation joins have because of that gets in the way of sistant director, Rebecca Youngerman, mean the 15th day of the Hebrew hundreds of other schools across the black-Jewish relations." who coordinated the program. nonth of Shevat and it is celebrated as country in the JNF's Tu B'Shevat It's this lack of understanding and "We're proud to be helping the process New Year for Trees, this year on Across America 2004. This program communication that the program tries to move forward," she said. Feb. 7. This comes at a time of the encourages synagogues and religious change. (Jo Marks Rifkin can be reached on- year when trees in Israel start drink- schools to not only hold seders but to It's not about black-Jewish animosity on line [email protected].) jig the new year's rainwater and the plant trees as Well. sun renews itself. Trees can be planted in memory or Over the past 100 years, Jews have in honor of a loved one. A purchase in- tome together to plant more than 240 cludes two Ilan Ramon Tree Certifi- million trees through JNF, covering cates, one for the purchaser and one over 250,000 acres of land in Israel. for the honoree. Anyone interested in Residential Services: Home arid purchasing a tree at any time during JEWISH Charles M, Morris Nursing Community Services: In recent years, Jewish environmen- and Rehabili lation Center the year can contact their local syna- ASSOCIATION Council Care Adult Day Services alists adopted Tu B'Shevat as a "Jew- Assisted Living at AnathanClub gogue or Jewish Organization, call the Weinberg Village sh Earth Day," involving organized Neighbors ""AGINGgm LHAS Arbor seders, tree-plantings and ecological JNF tree order line at 1 (800) 542-8733 Mollie's Meals or go online to Hany and Jeanhette restoration activities as a way to ex- A New Vision WWjjga Weinberg Terrace HomeHelp cess a specifically Jewish commit- of Caring HomeHelp Plus ment to caring for nature and protect- (Marci Barnes can be reached on- Elder Link ng the environment. Trees defend line at [email protected].) Sivitz Jewish Hospice 200 JHF Drive Pittsburgh PA 15217 . 'top-

Establish a Yarzheit or have Kaddish said for a loved one by calling liridgette Girvan Soldiers: Families can at 412-521-7458. move on with their lives DONOR IN MEMORY OF DONOR IN MEMORY OF •ontinued from page 1. sons to war. It was very meaningful to ACTIVITY DEPARTMENT AT THE ELLIOTT B. KRAMER & "Ector of Agency Endowment Develtip- them to have Jewish visitors and sup- CHARLES MORRIS CENTER DOROTHY BECKERMAN BOBBEES. KRAMER CHARLES MILLER nent Brian Eglash, who participated in port. They were very thankful." MR. & MRS. ROBERT ALBERT JOSEPH KWAIT MR. & MRS. CARL KRASIK JULIUS H. BELLE Garfinkel said she hopes now that PENNY & PAUL ARENSON . .MARJORIE STONE MR. & MRS. CARL KRASIK CHARLES MILLER lis mission. BERYL L. AXELROD HARRY T. FEINBERG FREDA KRUMAN BEN SIMON "We met his parents, his wife, his Souad's body is home and buried, the & WILLIAM M. AXELROD MR. & MRS. HERM KWAIT JOSEPH KWAIT family will be able to find some peace. DIANE BECKERMAN DOROTHY BECKERMAN & CHARLOTTE & ROBER LANG BEN SIMON fii, who I think was about 3 at the GERTRUDE SILBERMAN JACOB LAZIER ANNA LAZIER ime, his brothers and sisters. It was a "They can move on with their lives," KENNETH & ELSA FLORENCE S. LEBOVITZ GOLDIE SIMON wge family," he said. "There was still she said. "Which is both good and bad." BECKERMAN DOROTHY BECKERMAN MR. & MRS. JACK C. LONDON FANNIE LONDON In the Misgav region, and in Israel in MR. & MRS. NORMAN BELLE CHARLES MILLER RUTH MALLINGER FANNIE MALLINGER & i lot of hope that they [the kidnapped MR. & MRS. MAX L. BLUESTONE ...... ALVIN LIPPARD ESTHER SOBOL oldiers] weren't killed, especially be- general, people have also reacted with MR. & MRS. LARRY BRODELL WILLIAM DAVIS DR. NESSA G. MINES MAX GREEN compassion for DR. CHARLES J. BURSTIN LOUIS C. BURSTIN RHODA & RICHARD NEFT DOROTHY BECKERMAN muse he was a Mus- DR. & MRS. SIDNEY N. IRVING NOVICK FLORENCE HOCHHAUSER 11,1 - it was worse ' Souad's family, said BUSIS DOROTHY BECKERMAN MR. & MRS. JACK N. OCHS STEVEN OCHS or him because he • Michal Ben-Ner, a DR. & MRS. PAUL S. CAPLAN CHARLES MILLER FRANCIS M. PUDIS DOROTHY BECKERMAN DEBBIE & BOB COHEN ALEX CLOVSKY BARBARA R. REISNER ... .STANLEY E. ROSENBLOOM As social worker with JAMIE, MICHAEL & RUDOLPH FAMILY NELLIE E. RUDOLPH Lihy™, „ S " someone who met the the Misgav Region- STEPHEN COHEN GOODMAN COHEN SCOTT & MELISSA al Social Services JAMIE, MICHAEL & SANDERS DOROTHY BECKERMAN f family, as an Israeli citizen STEPHEN COHEN ALEX CLOVSKY ANNE SCHLESINGER HARRY SCHLESINGER Agency. SALLY & EDDIE DAVIDSON ALVIN LIPPARD kouad was 27 , as an GAIL & ANDREW SCHMITT JULIUS WOLF then he was cap- veteran, it "It was just a total DOTTIE'S BEAUTY SALON CHARLES MILLER RAE SCHWELLING ELI AGRENOVITZ ELLEN E. VICTOR J. COHN GLORIA & IRWIN SHAPIRO CHARLES MILLER tragedy," she said. FOUNDATION .ERNIE FRIEDMAN was DR. HERBERT SHAPIRO CLARA DEUTCH hi' "hndrm % ""ry sad." "People are very MICHAEL & ABBIE EVANS DOROTHY FLORENCE SHERWIN CELIA GLANTZ & concerned about the BECKERMAN MARY FARBER 1 a wife and two BERNICE FAIGEN CHARLES MILLER DAVID & TOBY SIROTA DOROTHY BECKERMAN pig sons. He was Brian Eglash family." PHYLLIS M. & PHILIP NANCY SMITH DOROTHY BECKERMAN 1 1 career soldier in . — While Israelis EINERT DOROTHY BECKERMAN RABBI & MRS. SAMUEL M. ETHEL B. FELDMAN DOROTHY BECKERMAN K IDF. have been skeptical STAHL MARKUS SHERMAN DR. & MRS. JULES J. ANNETTA (MRS. LEON) STEIN LEON STEIN JL _wfs very moving to meet his fam- about the prisoner FELDMAN DOROTHY BECKERMAN ' MR. & MRS. SAUL STEIN NORMAN SPEER swap deal, they still feel for the Souads. WALTER FRANK & MR. & MRS. ALAN I. STERN ISADORE BERGSTEIN Aitu % «Hf was very sad." SELMA FIDDLEMAN DOROTHY BECKERMAN REGINA STERN .LEONARD RUDOLPH & L1 ° §h it was widely believed that "They understand the pain of the WALTER FRANK ELIZABETH FRANK ALVIN LIPPARD soldiers were dead before their family and the need of the family to get MR. & MRS. STUART A. DR. & MRS. MYRON TAUBE CHARLES MILLER closure and to have a proper burial," FRIEDMAN DOROTHY BECKERMAN . RUTH F WEISBERGER EDITH WEINBREN es were returned last week, Eglash HOB IN E. GILDEN CHARLES MILLER JACKIE & NANCY WEISER ALEX CLOVSKY r,le was still saddened by the news, she said. "There has been overwhelm- IDA SHEER GLASSNER CHARLES MILLER JACKIE 6 NANCY WEISER GOODMAN COHEN ing support and care." BEATRICE CLICK WILLIAM S. CITRON ARNOLD & BARBARA i ^K Garfinkel, .who along with her RHEA GOLDEN & WINIKOFF - HERMAN HOLLANDER Pand, Harold "Raven" Garfinkel, Thousands of people showed up for BERTHA CASAR YETTA GOLDBERG MR. & MRS. STEVEN S. the shiva, she said, which according to DR. 6 MRS. SAMUEL WOLFBERG LENORA PAUL ieu the Pittsburgh Partnership GRANOWITZ JOSEPH HORVITZ SUSAN WOLFF FRANCES SHAEFFER pro ram Arab custom is three days long. em S for three years, also MARVIN C. GROSS DOROTHY BECKERMAN MILDRED H. WOUC REBECCA HIRSH on the mission. "There's a lot of pain and crying and ESTHER G. GROUDINE EMIL GLICK LOUIS ZEIDEN ALVIN LIPPARD open mourning," she said. "For the DR. & MRS. HYMAN HAFFNER IDA DEKTOR MR. & MRS. GARY ZINMAN JOSEPHINE O. ZINMAN <- 'eeaiied how touching the visit ELAINE I. HERMAN HARRY GRUSKIN lead's family was. widow and the parents, as sad as it is, RUTH & SAM HERSKOVITZ ALVIN LIPPARD 1 le they can get on with their lives." NORMA C. HOLZMAN LEONARD RUDOLPH DONOR E ft there with our hearts RUTH Z. KAISER BEN SIMON & IN HONOR OF Eto M she said. "They were experi- ESTHER S080L b fl , same type of pain that Jew- (Stephanie Siegel can be reached RICHARD & GARY E. KATZMAN BEN SIMON MR. & MRS. EDGAR DANOVITZ SPECIAL BIRTHDAY nells online at [email protected].) LOIS J. KAUFMAN ALBERT LAWRENCE JACOBS OF SALLY CAUG & ED SABLE feel when they lose their ANNETTE KIMELMAN SARAH BRENNER MR. & MRS. IRWIN REIFER BIRTHDAYS OF LEONARD KOPELSON MIRIAM F KOPELSON SALLY CALIG & ED SABLE 32 THE JEWISH CHRONICLE FEBRUARY 5, 2004

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