STOWUPLAND PARISH COUNCIL 2 Broomspath Road, Stowupland, Suffolk, IP14 4DB Clerk: Claire Pizzey 01449 677005 (10am-noon Tuesdays-Thursdays)
[email protected] Mid Suffolk District Council Planning Services Endeavour House 8 Russell Road Ipswich Suffolk IP1 2BX
[email protected] 15 May 2020 Dear Vincent, APPLICATION FOR OUTLINE PLANNING PERMISSION - DC/20/01435 Proposal: Outline Planning Application (All matters reserved) Erection of up to 80 dwellings. Location: Land to the South of, Gipping Road, Stowupland, IP14 4AX Location: Land to the West Of, Thorney Green Road, Stowupland, Stowmarket Suffolk IP14 4BY The Council recognise that there are benefits for residents of Stowupland which would be very welcome should the Council have full control of Thradstones Meadow. However, having regard to policies contained within the adopted Stowupland Neighbourhood Plan and to the NPPF both these documents have much greater weight than the future draft Joint Local Plan mentioned by Gladman, whose publication date has been further delayed. The Council must OBJECT to this application for the following reasons:- • This site is not an allocated site for development in the current Mid Suffolk 5 year housing plan. Nor in the Stowupland Neighbourhood Development Plan 2019. Mid Suffolk currently have in excess of 8000 approved planning applications for new homes as yet to be delivered. • The proposal is not small scale development and lies outside the settlement boundaries of the Stowupland Neighbourhood Development Plan 2019. The proposal would fail to deliver safe and suitable access for all persons to village services and facilities given its separation from those and its poor service by public transport failing to provide good access for wheelchair users.