Index c

accountability, 101 Alexander, Thomas G. (cont.) Adair, Phillip, 515 on George Ellsworth and Age of Homespun, The (Ulrich), Leonard Arrington, 9–10 542–43 graduate studies at Berkeley, 5 airplane crash, Robert J. Matthews interest in environmental his- avoids, 385–86 tory, 24–25 Alexander, Marilyn, 4, 17 on Manchester Mormons, 20–21 Alexander, Thomas G. on Mormonism in Transition, association with Mormon 17–20 History Association, 13–17 on Mormons and Gentiles: A History association with Redd Center, of , 20 25–28 publications and productivity background of, 1 of, 7–8 on BYU, 11–13 in Redd Center administra- on challenges for Mormon his- tion, 6–7 torians, 31–32 on Utah, the Right Place, 23–24 on collaboration with on Wilford Woodruff biogra- non-Mormon historians, phy, 21–23 10–11 Allen, James B. contributions of, 30–31 on access to historical docu- current projects of, 28–30 ments, 61–64 early years and education of, background of, 35 2–5 career following Historical early years at BYU, 5–6 Department, 67–68 early years of, 36–38

[ 561 ] Conversations with Mormon Historians

Allen, James B. (cont.) Anderson, Richard Lloyd (cont.) education and interest in Church education of, 74–75, 80–86 history, 38–42 family and early years of, 72–74 friendship with Thomas G. favorite projects of, 89–91 Alexander, 6 future plans of, 100–102 on future of Church history, as influence on research of Larry 65–66 C. Porter, 509, 510 on Historical Department, 56–58 on Joseph Smith Papers Project, Manchester Mormons, 20–21 92–93 Mormons and Gentiles: A History of law background’s influence on, Salt Lake City, 20 98–99 philosophical approach of, 64–65 law career of, 83–84 on prayer in Historical military service of, 76–77 Department, 67 missionary service of, 77–80 publications of, 44–50, 68–69 on Project, as religion professor, 42–44 94–95 scholarship on , 254 publications of, 88–89 on The Story of the Latter-day Saints, scholarship in early Christianity 50–56 and early Mormonism, uses computer for writing, 7–8 87–88 on William Clayton biography, teaches at BYU, 84, 86–87 58–61 work ethic of, 75–76 America Discovers Columbus: How an Anderson Plan, 78, 80 Italian Explorer Became an American Annotated Catalog of Documentary-Type Hero (Bushman), 175 Materials in the Wilford C. Wood American Association for State and Collection, An (Berrett), 142–43 Local History (AASLH), 480, annotation, Richard Lloyd Anderson 486 on, 94–95 American Religions and the Rise of “Answers to Difficult Issues in Mormonism (Backman), 111–12 Mormon History” course, 270 American West, 479 anti-materialism, 547–48 Anderson, Agnes Ricks, 72–73 Arnell, Lorraine, 291 Anderson, Carma, 83 Arrington, Leonard J. Anderson, Desmond, 246 appointed as Church Historian, Anderson, Gary, 138 295–96 Anderson, Karl, 74, 91–92 Charles S. Peterson on, 482–83 Anderson, Lloyd Ernest, 72–75, 91 Dean C. Jessee on, 295 Anderson, Richard Lloyd as director of Redd Center, 25–26 on annotation, 94–95 expands Historical Department, background of, 71 50–51 on bias in scholarship, 95–98 heads Church history project, collaboration with Karl 426–27 Anderson, 91–92

[ 562 ] Index

Arrington, Leonard J. (cont.) Backman, Milton V. (cont.) influence of, on James B. Allen, on theology of Joseph Smith, 40 111–12 leads group prayer, 67 Bagley, Will, 29, 490 Max H Parkin on, 424–25, Bailey, Dale, 465 433–34 Bailey, Marilyn, 465 and Mormon History Bailyn, Bernard, 184–85 Association, 13, 474 Ballard, Martha, 541–42 and Mormonism in Transition, 17 Bankhead, Reid, 79 offers job to Carol Cornwall baptism, 395 Madsen, 366 Barrett, Ivan J., 145 Thomas G. Alexander and, 3–4, Barzun, Jacques, 345 6, 9–10 Beecher, Maureen, 368 views on writing history, 55–56 Beginner’s Boston, 534–35 and Western Historical Quarterly, 479 Belnap, West, 134, 413, 415 assimilation, Mormon, 207–9 Bennion, Lowell, 546, 547 Backman, Milton V. Benson, Ezra Taft advises Max H Parkin, 425 criticizes The Story of the Latter-day on American Religions and the Rise of Saints, 52–53, 437–38 Mormonism, 111–12 denounces United Nations, background of, 105 44–45 on Christian Churches of America, Bentley, Joe, 194 110–11 Berge, Dale L., 510, 511, 513–14 counters Wesley P. Walters’ arti- Berquist, Ralph, 458 cle on Joseph Smith, 423 Berrett, LaMar C. on Eyewitness Accounts of the advice for those interested in Restoration, 120–22 Church history, 145–46 on The First Vision, 118–20 background of, 127 on Heavens Resound, 116–18 children of, 144–45 on historical sources, 115–16 as coauthor of Missouri volume of as influence on Kenneth W. Sacred Places series, 444–45 Godfrey, 249 colleagues of, 136–37 influences on, 113–15 on Discovering the World of the Bible, LaMar C. Berrett on, 136–37 139–41 life and education of, 106–9 early years of, 128 on People and Power of Nauvoo, favorite Church history stories of, 123–24 143–44 publications of, 122–23 future plans of, 138–39 study of Joseph Smith, 503–4 military service of, 128–30 teaches at BYU, 109–10 missionary service of, 130 teaching philosophy of, 124 as seminary teacher, 131–33 slide collection of, 143

[ 563 ] Conversations with Mormon Historians

Berrett, LaMar C. (cont.) (cont.) and specialization in Church his- Kenneth W. Godfrey attends, tory, 137–38 246–50 teaches at BYU, 133–36 LaMar C. Berrett teaches at, on Wilford Wood, 141–43 133–36 Berrett, Lyman, 422–23 Larry C. Porter attends, 502 Berrett, William E., 84, 134, 250, Laurel Thatcher Ulrich and 252, 521–22 speaking ban at, 555–56 bias in scholarship Max H Parkin attends, 413, Richard L. Bushman on, 202 416–17, 421, 426–28 Richard Lloyd Anderson on, Milton V. Backman teaches at, 95–98 109–10 Bitton, Davis, 50–51, 56, 59, 100 Richard Lloyd Anderson attends, Blum, Ida K., 501 81–82 boat travel, 336–37, 340, 441 Richard Lloyd Anderson teaches , Laurel Thatcher at, 84, 86–87 Ulrich on, 549–50 Robert J. Matthews as dean of Book of Mormon witnesses Religious Education at, Milton V. Backman’s study of, 398–400 120–22 Robert J. Matthews attends, 387 Richard Lloyd Anderson’s study Robert J. Matthews on Church of, 89–90 Educational System and, Boss, Minerva, 278 401–2 Boston University, Claudia L. Robert J. Matthews on future Bushman attends, 165 of religious education at, Brewster, Hoyt, 261 400–401 Bridenbaugh, Carl, 5 Thomas G. Alexander on aca- Brigham Young papers, 292–93 demic standards of, 12–13 “Brigham Young: The Man for the Thomas G. Alexander on bene- Hour Will Be Ready Whenever fits and challenges of, 11–12 the Hour Strikes” (Porter), 521 Thomas G. Alexander’s early Brigham Young University years at, 4, 5–7 Carol Cornwall Madsen teaches Bringhurst, Samuel, 79 at, 370–72 Brite, J. Duncan, 38–39 Charles S. Peterson attends, Brodie, Fawn, 90, 111–12, 417–21 459–60 Brooks, Juanita, 250–51, 537 core curriculum of Religious Brown, Hugh B., 45 Education, 399–400 Brown, Ken, 546 Dean C. Jessee attends, 286–88 Building the Kingdom: A History of James B. Allen returns to, 57, 67 Mormons in America (Bushman and James B. Allen teaches at, 42–43 Bushman), 172–73, 186 Bunker, Gary, 56

[ 564 ] Index

Burton, Alma P., 252–53, 418 Bushman, Richard Lyman (cont.) Bush, Lester, 248 Building the Kingdom: A History of Bushman, Claudia L. Mormons in America (Bushman activities in Delaware, 173–74 and Bushman), 172–73, advice for those interested in 186 on conceptualization, Church history, 177 225–26 background of, 149 on Church in Portland, 182–83 on being LDS in academia, 176 Claudia L. Bushman on, 170, 178 Building the Kingdom: A History of Claudia L. Bushman supports, Mormons in America (Bushman 171 and Bushman), 172–73, 186 on confronting problems, 205–6, courtship and marriage of, 210–11 159–61 courtship and marriage of, education of, 153–59, 162–66 159–61 family and early years of, 150–53 on depictions of Joseph Smith, favorite and most rewarding proj- 187–88 ects of, 177–78 difficulties faced by, 220–22 future plans of, 178–79 education of, 183–84 as historian, 166–68 on endowed chairs, 199–202 as influence on Laurel Thatcher favorite writers and historians Ulrich, 535–36 of, 229 as influence on Richard L. on grand narrative, 217–19 Bushman, 185–86 on Great Depression, 182–83 on marriage and motherhood, on humor, 213 161–62, 169–71 influences on, 184–86 publications of, 168–69, 172–73, on intellectuals, 227–28 175–76 and Joseph Smith Papers Project, on taking action, 174–75 191–94, 299, 443 teaches at Claremont Graduate Joseph Smith: Rough Stone Rolling, University, 176–77 188–91, 548–49 teaches at Columbia, 171–72 Laurel Thatcher Ulrich on, 540 Bushman, Richard Lyman on learning and search for truth, advice for young scholars, 204–5 228–29 on loyal dissent, 209–10 on aging, 195 on marriage and collaboration, areas of interest of, 195–96 186–87 awarded Bancroft Prize, 164–65 as mentor, 205 awarded Shelton Traveling on Mormon assimilation and dif- Fellowship, 163 ferentiation, 207–9 background of, 181 on Mormon exceptionalism, and bias in scholarship, 98 202–4 on Mormon fiction, 209

[ 565 ] Conversations with Mormon Historians

Bushman, Richard Lyman (cont.) Christian Churches of America (Backman), on Mormon historians, 211–12 110–11 on Mormon optimism and trium- “Christian Ethics in Joseph Smith phalism, 206–7 Biography” (Anderson), 96 on Mormon studies, 198–99 Christianity on Mormon voices in academic Laurel Thatcher Ulrich on, in discussion, 202 Church, 557 on narrative theology, 212–13 Richard Lloyd Anderson’s schol- philosophy regarding history, arship on early, 87–88 213–17 Church Historian’s Office on progress, 196–97, 216 Dean C. Jessee’s employment at, publications of, 172–73, 219–20 288–94 on reading, 224–25, 227 LaMar C. Berrett’s research in, on Spirit of Christ, 229–30 132–33 teaches at Claremont Graduate , 132 University, 194–95 Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day teaches at Columbia, 174 Saints, The on unknowns regarding Joseph challenges in early years of, Smith, 189–90 19–20 writing process of, 222–24 change in, 47–50 writing style of, 226–27 and environmental history, 25 Butler, Carl, 26–27 and Equal Rights Amendment, Butler, Karl D., 517 553 BYU Travel Study, LaMar C. James B. Allen’s articles on Berrett’s experience with, change in, 47–50 139–40 Laurel Thatcher Ulrich on, Campbell, Alexander, 116 544–46, 557–58 Campbell, Eugene E., 18, 39–40 and Mormon exceptionalism, Cannon, Frank, 268–69 202–4 Cannon, Janeth, 155 in Portland versus in Salt Lake Card, Orson Scott, 49 City, 182–83 Cardon, Thomasa (Tess) Blondel, Richard L. Bushman on influ- 496–98 ence of, 200–201 Carter, Kate B., 480 Richard Lloyd Anderson’s schol- Chamberlin, Solomon, 521 arship on, 87–88 charity, in scholarship, 211 scholarship on growth of, 32 Charles Redd Center for Western Claremont Graduate University Studies, 6–7, 25–28 Claudia L. Bushman teaches at, Cheesman, Paul, 46, 253–54 176–77 chickens, as currency, 144 Richard L. Bushman teaches at, Christensen, Horace H., 517 194–95 Christensen, Joe, 423–24, 435–36

[ 566 ] Index

Clay County, Missouri, Max H Curtis, Kirk Moffatt, 387–88 Parkin’s doctoral dissertation on, Cutler, Alpheus, 327–28 426–28 Cutter, Donald, 43 Clayton, William, James B. Allen’s Dallin, Cyrus E., 282 biography of, 58–61, 68 Dayton, Dello, 3 Clements, Diane, 337 Dear Joseph-Dear Emma (Anderson), 100 Cluff, Professor, 315–16 Decker, Zachariah B., Jr., 453–54 Cohen, I. Bernard, 184 degrees, LaMar C. Berrett on teach- College of Eastern Utah, Charles S. ing and, 145 Peterson teaches at, 466–69 Delaney, Liz, 329 Columbia University Delaware Heritage Commission, Claudia L. Bushman teaches at, 173–74, 175 171–72 DePillis, Mario, 5 Richard Bushman teaches at, 174 Derr, Jill, 259, 368, 372–73 Stanley B. Kimball attends, Dialogue, Kenneth W. Godfrey’s 313–14, 342–43 involvement with, 251–54 Stanley B. Kimball teaches at, Discovering the World of the Bible (Berrett), 315–16 139–41 Company Town in the American West, The Disque, Marion, 504–5 (Allen), 43 “Doctrine and the Temple in computers, Thomas G. Alexander Nauvoo” (Backman and Porter), on, 7–8 520 conceptualization, Richard L. documents. See historical documents Bushman on, 225–26 Durham, G. Homer, 59 conflict and confronting problems Durham, Reed C., 430, 434–35 Laurel Thatcher Ulrich on, 555 Eberhard, Ernest, Jr., 502 Richard L. Bushman on, 205–6 Ellsworth, George consecration, 216–17 Charles S. Peterson on, 483 Cooley, Everett, 469, 476–77, 480 influence on James B. Allen, 38 Copperton, 133 Thomas G. Alexander on, 9 Cowdery, Oliver and Western Historical Quarterly, 479 in Eyewitness Accounts of the Encyclopedia of Mormonism, 397–98, 522 Restoration, 121–22 Enders, Donald L., 514 Oliver Cowdery Project, 94–95 endowed chairs, Richard L. Bushman weaknesses of, 97 on, 199–202 Crampton, Gregory, 470, 471 England, Eugene, 250, 251 crises of faith, 548–49 Enoch, Order of, 216 criticism environmental history, Thomas G. James B. Allen on learning from, Alexander’s interest in, 24–25 52–55, 65 Equal Rights Amendment, 361, 370, Max H Parkin on, 434–39 553 Cronon, William, 229 Esplin, Ron, 58, 299, 300, 301, 443

[ 567 ] Conversations with Mormon Historians

Evans, Max, 23, 292 Geary, Ed, 469 Exponent II, 536 General Authorities, disagreements Eyewitness Accounts of the Restoration among, regarding political issues, (Backman), 120–22 44–46 Fairbanks, Avard, 356 Genesee Conference, 504–5 faith, crises of, 548–49 gentility, Richard L. Bushman on, Fall, Laurel Thatcher Ulrich on, 549 196, 215, 219–20 family, Richard L. Bushman on pro- Genung, John S., 515 gression and, 197 Givens, Terryl, 197 family history, Robert J. Matthews Godfrey, Audrey, 242 on, 404–5 Godfrey, Kenneth W. family home evening, Dean C. Jessee background of, 233 on, 280–81 career goals of, 238, 242–43 farmers, Richard L. Bushman on in CES administration, 244–46 Native Americans and, 215 on differences in Mormon his- Faulring, Scott, 94, 95 tory, 270–71 feminism. See women’s movement as director of Logan Institute, Ferguson, Samuel J., 512 269 Fielding, Kent, 465 as director of Stanford Institute Fiering, Norman, 221 of Religion, 250–51 filaments, Richard L. Bushman on, doctoral dissertation of, 248–50 in Mormon studies, 198–99 early years of, 234–35 first principles of the gospel, 546, 547 educational background of par- First Vision ents, 235–36 Dean C. Jessee’s study of, 294–95 education of, 236–38, 240–42, James B. Allen’s articles on, 246–48 46–47 on future of Mormon history, Milton V. Backman’s study of, 273–74 118–20 influences on, 247–48 Richard Lloyd Anderson’s study interest in history, 235 of, 102 involvement with Dialogue, First Vision, The (Backman), 118–20, 251–54 122 involvement with Mormon Flanders, Bob, 485–86 History Association, 255–57 Forest History Society, 483, 487–88 missionary service of, 238–40, friendship among religions, Richard 263–65 L. Bushman on, 207–9 on Mormon history and Mormon Fundamentalist movement, 287–88 History Association, 272–73 Garcia, Ignacio, 28 as president of Mormon History Garrard, LaMar, 137 Association, 266–68 gay marriage debate, Richard L. publications of, 268–69 Bushman on, 201

[ 568 ] Index

Godfrey, Kenneth W. (cont.) Harvard University, Laurel Thatcher on researching Church Archives, Ulrich teaches at, 553–54 260–62 Hatch, Herman, 237 as seminary teacher, 243–44 Hatch, Tom, 237 significant accomplishments in Haycock, Arthur, 436 Mormon history, 265–66, Hayes, Betty, 462 270 Heavens Resound (Backman), 116–18, significant documents discovered 123 by, 262–63 Heber C. Kimball: Patriarch and Pioneer on Women’s Voices, 257–60 (Kimball), 323–25 work following , 240 Heritage series, 297 on writing, 271–72 Hess, David C., 322 Goff, Bill, 428–29 Hess, John W., 322, 334 Good Poor Man’s Wife, A (Bushman), 167 Hill, Marvin S., 11, 504 Good Wives (Ulrich), 541 Hinckley, Gordon B., 322, 514 grand narrative, 217–19 historical documents Great Depression James B. Allen on access to, Carol Cornwall Madsen on, 353 61–64 Charles S. Peterson on, 453 Kenneth W. Godfrey on, 260–63 Dean C. Jessee on, 280 Milton V. Backman on, 115–16 Max H Parkin on, 408–9 Richard Lloyd Anderson on Richard L. Bushman on, 183 studying, 87–88 Green, Doyle, 48–49, 329 history Green River commemorative river Dean C. Jessee on study of, 304 run, 477–78 Laurel Thatcher Ulrich on study Greenwood, Noel T., 403 of, 558–59 guardian angels, 523–24 Richard L. Bushman’s philoso- Guide to Historic Mormon America phy of, 213–17 (Kimball), 332 History of the Church of Jesus Christ of Gustaveson, Margaret Anderson, 74 Latter-day Saints in the Near East, A Hafen, John, 282 (Berrett and Van Dyke), 138–39 Hafen, Leroy, 463 “History of the Latter-day Saints in Hamilton, Charles, 303 Clay County, Missouri, from Handlin, Oscar, 184–85 1833–1837, The” (Parkin), handwriting, Dean C. Jessee on iden- 426–28 tifying, 293–94 Hofmann, Mark, 303–4 Hanks, Marion Duff, 321, 508–9 Holland, Jeffrey R., 12–13 Harris, Martin, 264, 509–10 Holy Ghost Hart, John, 442 Leonard J. Arrington on, 434 Harvard Law School, Richard Lloyd Richard L. Bushman on, 229–30 Anderson attends, 82–83 Robert J. Matthews on teaching with, 402

[ 569 ] Conversations with Mormon Historians

Horton, George, 243–44 Jessee, Dean C. (cont.) Hoskins, W. G., 229 master’s thesis of, 287–88 Howard, Richard P., 393 Max H Parkin on, 425 humor, Richard L. Bushman on, 213 missionary service of, 283–85 Illustrated Stories from Church History on publication of Brigham (Porter), 518–19 Young’s letters, 297–98 infant baptism, 395 publications of, 294–95 insider language, Richard L. on scholarship on Joseph Smith, Bushman on, 207 302–3 Institute of Mormon Studies, direc- on transition from archives to tors of, 135 history, 295–97 intellectuals, Richard L. Bushman Jessee, James Ogden, 278–79 on, 227–28 Jessee, June Wood, 285 International Women’s Year (IWY) Jessee, Minerva Boss, 278 conference, 363–64 Jessee, Phillip Cornell, 278, 280 Investigating the Book of Mormon Witnesses Jews, missionary work among, (Anderson), 89 499–500 Ivins, Stan, 419 Johnson, Elsa, 115–16 Jacobs, Udney H., 263 Johnson, Jeff, 292 Jensen, DeLamar, 59 Jones, Aaron, 466 Jenson, Andrew, 289–90, 512 Joseph Fielding Smith Institute for Jessee, Dean C. Latter-day Saint History, 302, ancestry of, 278–80 369–71 on Andrew Jenson and Jenson Joseph Smith and the Beginnings of archive, 289–90 Mormonism (Bushman), 210 background of, 277 “Joseph Smith and the United Firm” on Brigham Young papers, (Parkin), 445–46 292–93 Joseph Smith Papers, The on documentary editing, 295 documentary series, 444 early years of, 280–82 James B. Allen on, 63–64 education of, 282–83, 286–87 Richard L. Bushman on, 191–94 employment at Church Richard Lloyd Anderson on, 93 Historian’s Office, 288–94 Joseph Smith Papers Project favorite discoveries of, 301–2 Dean C. Jessee on, 298–301, 303 on importance of studying his- James B. Allen on, 58 tory, 304 Larry C. Porter and, 524–25, 528 on Joseph Fielding Smith Max H Parkin on, 433, 442–44 Institute for Latter-day Saint and Mormon Women’s History History, 302 Initiative, 372–73 and Joseph Smith Papers Project, Richard L. Bushman on, 193 298–301, 443 Richard Lloyd Anderson on, on Mark Hofmann, 303–4 92–93 marriage and children of, 285–86

[ 570 ] Index

Joseph Smith: Rough Stone Rolling Kimball, Stanley B. (cont.) (Bushman), 188–91, 202, 548–49 on reasons for studying history, “Joseph Smith’s Little-Known 313–14 Discourse on Adultery and relationship with Church leaders, Fornication,” 262–63 319–22 Joseph Smith’s New England Heritage studies on railroads and boat (Anderson), 90 travel, 336–37 Joseph Smith Translation on teaching, 314, 315–17 Robert J. Matthews’ study of, trail research of, 331–39 390–94 King and People (Bushman), 220, 221 significant changes in, 394–95 Kinney, Jonathan, 90 Journal of Mormon History, 257, 376 Kirtland, Ohio Kane, Thomas L., 469 Karl Anderson and, 91–92 Kelker, George H., 498 Max H Parkin’s master’s thesis Kimball, Heber C., 322, 323–25 on, 424–26 Kimball, J. Golden, 319 Max H Parkin’s research project Kimball, J. LeRoy, 326, 501 on, 443 Kimball, Spencer W., 53, 319–20, Kunz, Christian, 279–80 513–14 Kunz, Ida, 279 Kimball, Stanley B. Landon, Mike, 335, 340–41 ancestry of, 322–23, 327–28 Lane, George, 504, 505, 508 background of, 307 languages on boat travel, 340 Richard L. Bushman on insider early years of, 309–10 and outsider, 207 education of, 312–13, 342–43 Robert J. Matthews on, 405 hidden interests of, 343–44 Larsen, Dean L., 49 identity of, 308–9 Larson, Clyde, 511 on important Mormon history Larson, Gustive O., 247–48 books, 330–31 League of Nations, 44 influences on, 344–45 learning, Richard L. Bushman on, on LDS historical novels, 344 204–5 missionary service of, 310–12 Lee, Rex E., 12–13 on Mormon collection at Leonard, Glen, 29, 51–52 Southern Illinois University, Limerick, Patty, 487 317–19 Lineham, Peter, 377–78 on Mormon history as exhausted “Line Upon Line” (Allen), 47–50 field, 328–30 Lowe, Robert O., 516 on Nauvoo, 325–27 Lowell Institute, Claudia L. Bushman on new discoveries, 337–38 attends, 162–63 papers of, 340–42 loyal dissent, 209–10 on performing, 314–15 Ludlow, Daniel H. publications of, 323–25, 340 and Encyclopedia of Mormonism, 398

[ 571 ] Conversations with Mormon Historians

Ludlow, Daniel H. (cont.) Madsen, Carol Cornwall (cont.) as influence on LaMar C. works at Women’s Resource Berrett, 136, 139–40 Center, 361, 371–72 Larry C. Porter on, 522–23 Madsen, Truman G., 503, 507–8 Lund, William, 132, 260–62, 318–19, Manchester Mormons (Allen), 20–21, 59 424 marriage, collaboration in scholar- Lundwall, N. B., 392 ship and, 186–87 Lyon, T. Edgar, 414–15, 418, 430 Martin’s Cove, 337–38 Mabey, Janet Anderson, 74 Marxism, 214 Madsen, Brigham D., 459, 468–69 Masquerade (Young), 550 Madsen, Carol Cornwall materialism, 547–48 activity in women’s history stud- Matthews, Robert J. ies, 363–66 background of, 383–84 background of, 349 books influencing, 389–90 children of, 356–57 on BYU’s role in Church on current state of Mormon wom- Educational System, 401–2 en’s history, 375–76 callings of, 402–4 early years of, 350–53 on changes in Church education of, 353–56 Educational System, 401 on Emmeline B. Wells, 378–81 as dean of Religious Education at future plans of, 381 BYU, 398–400 on influence of women’s move- early years of, 384–85 ment, 362–63 education of, 386–87 involvement with Church employment in Church Historical Department, Educational System, 387–89 366–69 on Encyclopedia of Mormonism, on Mormon Women’s History 397–98 Initiative, 372–75 on future of religious education, mother’s influence on, 352 400–401 as president of Mormon History future plans of, 404–5 Association, 376–78 influences on, 386 pursues education in history, interest in Joseph Smith 359–60 Translation, 390–92 on “Women and the American life of, spared, 385–86 Experience” course, 370–71 love of scriptures, 389 women’s movement’s influence missionary service of, 386 on, 360–62 publishes Max H Parkin’s works at Joseph Fielding Smith “Conflict at Kirkland,” 426 Institute for Latter-day Saint relationship with RLDS officials History, 369–70, 371 and leaders, 392–94 works at University of Utah, on Scriptures Publications 357–59 Committee, 396–97

[ 572 ] Index

Matthews, Robert J. (cont.) Missouri volume of Sacred Places on significant changes in JST, series, 444–45 394–95 Monson, Thomas S., 396–97 on teaching gospel, 402 Mormon assimilation, 207–9 Maxwell, Neal A., 210 Mormon Battalion trails, 334 McConkie, Oscar W., Sr., 386, 389 Mormon exceptionalism, 202–4 McGuire, John, 516 Mormon fiction McKean, James, 30 Richard L. Bushman on, 209 McLellin, William E., 519–20 Stanley B. Kimball on, 344 Melville, Keith, 237–38, 463 Mormon Fundamentalist movement, mentoring, Richard L. Bushman on, 287–88 205 Mormon hierarchy, 543 Merrill, Joseph F., 79 Mormon History Association Merrill, Milton R., 241–42, 248 camaraderie in, 17 Mesle, Carl, 429 Carol Cornwall Madsen as presi- microfilm, 514–16 dent of, 376–78 Midgley, Louis, 248 Charles S. Peterson as president Midwife’s Tale, A (Ulrich), 541–42 of, 474, 482 “Mighty Man Was Brother Lot, A” division in Institute of Religion (Peterson), 474 regarding, 432 military service highlights of, 16 of Charles S. Peterson, 455–56 Kenneth W. Godfrey on state of LaMar C. Berrett, 128–30 of, 273 of Larry C. Porter, 524 Kenneth W. Godfrey’s involve- of Max H Parkin, 413, 414 ment with, 255–57, 266–68 of Milton V. Backman, 106–7 Larry C. Porter’s involvement of Richard Lloyd Anderson, with, 527 76–77 and New Mormon History, of Stanley B. Kimball, 310 15–16, 488–89 Miller, Larry H., 525 presidents of, 432–33 missionary service Thomas G. Alexander’s associa- of Charles S. Peterson, 456–58 tion with, 13–15 of Dean C. Jessee, 283–85 tours at annual meetings of, of Kenneth W. Godfrey, 238–40, 489–90 263–65 Mormonism in Transition (Alexander), of LaMar C. Berrett, 130 17–20 of Larry C. Porter, 498–501, 528 Mormon optimism, 206–7 of Max H Parkin, 410–13 Mormons and Gentiles: A History of Salt of Richard Lloyd Anderson, Lake City (Alexander), 20 77–80 Mormon Sisters: Women in Early Utah of Robert J. Matthews, 386 (Bushman), 169 of Stanley B. Kimball, 310–12 Mormon Trail, 332, 333 of Thomas G. Alexander, 2–3, 12 Mormon Trail Association, 332

[ 573 ] Conversations with Mormon Historians

Mormon Women’s History Initiative, On the Potter’s Wheel (Kimball), 325 372–75, 376 oppressive systems, Richard L. mortality, Laurel Thatcher Ulrich Bushman on, 214–15 on, 549–50 Order of Enoch, 216 Mortensen, Russ, 470, 471, 480, 481 Organization of American Historians motherhood, Claudia L. Bushman (OHA), 475 on, 161–62, 169–71 original sin, 395 Mountain Meadows Massacre, 29 outsider language, Richard L. Moyle, Henry D., 130 Bushman on, 207 narrative theology, Richard L. Packer, Boyd K., 396–97 Bushman on, 212–13 Palmyra Temple, 514 Native Americans Parkin, Bradford, 434–35, 442 Brigham Young’s correspondence Parkin, Glenn, 409 with, 297 Parkin, Max H Richard L. Bushman on farmers background of, 407 and, 215 complaints against, 436–39 Nauvoo, Illinois doctoral dissertation of, 426–28 Larry C. Porter’s missionary early years in Church education, work in, 501 421–24 Stanley B. Kimball on, 325–27 early years of, 408–10 Nauvoo databank, 118, 123–24 education of, 410, 415–17 Nauvoo Expositor, 114–15 interest in Church history, Nauvoo Temple, 327, 501 414–15 Newark Historical Society, 173 on Joseph Smith Papers Project, New Mormon History 442–44 Charles S. Peterson on, 483–84, marriage of, 413–14 488–89 master’s thesis of, 417–21, 424–26 Stanley B. Kimball on, 329 missionary service of, 410–13 Thomas G. Alexander on, 15–16 on Missouri volume of Sacred Nibley, Hugh, 81–82, 417–18, 523–24 Places series, 444–45 Nichols, Roy F., 114 most important contribution of, Noall, Clair, 418–19 445–46 No Man Knows My History (Brodie), retirement of, 442 417–21 on time at Salt Lake Institute of Oaks, Dallin H., 12–13 Religion, 430–38 “Odyssey of William Earl McLellin, travel experiences of, 439–42 Man of Diversity, 1806–83, The” Parkin, Yvonne, 413–14, 417 (Porter), 519 Partridge, Elinore H., 298 Ogden, Kelly, 140–41 patriarch, Robert J. Matthews on Oliver Cowdery Project, 94–95 calling as, 404 Olson, Earl, 288 Pearl Harbor, 409, 497 Oman, Susan, 367 Pederson, Herschel N., 403

[ 574 ] Index

pennies, given to Carol Cornwall Peterson, Charles S. (cont.) Madsen, 355 on Western History Association, People and Power of Nauvoo (Backman), 478–80 123–24 Peterson, Esther, 365 “Personal Faith and Public Policy” Peterson, John, 464 (Allen), 44–46 Peterson, Joseph, 450–51, 454, 455 personality, LaMar C. Berrett on Peterson, Lydia Savage, 450, 454–57, teaching and, 145 472 Petersen, Mark E., 320–21, 502 Phillips, Jonah, 279 Peterson, Betty Hayes, 462 Pisani, Don, 10 Peterson, Charles S. “Plan for Effective Missionary Work, on American Association for A,” 78, 80 State and Local History, plural marriage 480–81 challenges regarding, 19 background of, 449 Ida Kunz’s memories regarding, career goals of, 464 279–80 as director of Utah State Max H Parkin chooses not to Historical Society, 475–78 write on, 435–36 education of, 459–63, 465–66, Stanley B. Kimball’s experience 468–71 with, 322 enjoyed aspects of career in his- as taboo subject, 64–65 tory, 491–92 in William Clayton biography, family and early years of, 450–55 60–61 influence of studies on attitude political issues, disagreements among toward Church, 464–65 General Authorities regarding, interactions with RLDS histori- 44–46 ans, 484–86 Poll, Richard D., 26, 459, 463 interaction with broader histori- Porter, Bill, 497 cal community, 486–88 Porter, Genevieve, 497 life of, following mission, 458–59 Porter, Larry C. military service of, 455–56 background of, 495 missionary service of, 456–58 on colleagues in Religious on New Mormon History, 483– Education, 522–24 84, 488–89 contributions of, 526–28 on specialization, 489–91 family and early years of, 496–98 on Take Up Your Mission, 472–74 impact of research efforts on teaches at College of Eastern teaching, 517–18 Utah, 466–69 interest in Church historic sites, teaches at University of Utah, 501 474–75 involvement in Church teaches at Utah State University, Educational System, 502–3 479–80 LaMar C. Berrett on, 136–37

[ 575 ] Conversations with Mormon Historians

Porter, Larry C. (cont.) Redd, Charlie, 26 on microfilming materials, Redd Center, 6–7, 25–28 514–16 Redd Chair, 28 missionary service of, 498–501 Reed, Waldemar, 248 on New York contacts, 516–17 refinement, Richard L. Bushman on, projects in retirement, 524–26 196, 215, 219–20 publications of, 518–21 Refinement of America, The (Bushman), research in New York and 219–20, 222 Pennsylvania, 503–10 Reid, Rose Marie, 499–500 on Sacred Places series, 521–22 Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ on Smith log home in Palmyra of Latter Day Saints, 16, 267, Township, 513–14 392–94, 484–86 specialization of, 137 revelation on Whitmer farm, 510–13 James B. Allen’s articles on, Porter, Thomasa (Tess) Blondel 47–50 Cardon, 496–98 Word of Wisdom as, 54–55 Porter, Wilford Dowdle, 496 “Reverend George Lane—Good Portland, Oregon, LDS Church in, ‘Gifts,’ Much ‘Grace,’ and 182–83 Marked ‘Usefulness’” (Porter), Powell, William Lee, 510–11 508 priesthood revivalism, Milton V. Backman’s for black Church members, 546, study of, 119–20 547 Rhodee, Dr., 248 Laurel Thatcher Ulrich on spirit Rich, Russell, 522 versus form of, 554–55 Richards, Joel, 79–80 Richard Lloyd Anderson’s article Richards, LeGrand, 499 on, 100 Ricks, Agnes, 72–73 problems. See conflict and confront- Ricks College, Kenneth W. Godfrey ing problems attends, 237–38, 240 progress, Richard L. Bushman on, Rigdon, Sidney, 116, 263–64, 265 196–97, 216 Rivoli, Pietra, 550 Prophet Joseph: Essays on the Life and “Road to Carthage Led West, The” Mission of Joseph Smith, The (Black (Godfrey), 250–51 and Porter), 520 Robertson, LeRoy, 356 public speaking, Richard Lloyd Robinson, Harriet Hanson, 175 Anderson’s class in, 80–81 Robinson, Rex, 39 questions, unanswered, 39 Romney, Edith, 368 Quinn, Michael, 98 Sacred Places series rail travel, 336–37 Larry C. Porter as contributor to, reading, Richard L. Bushman on, 521–22 224–25, 227 Missouri volume of, 444–45 Redd, Annaley, 27 Sadler, Richard, 23

[ 576 ] Index

Salisbury, Howard, 281 Smith, Joseph (cont.) Salt Lake Institute of Religion, publication of personal writings 430–38 of, 296–98 Savage, John, 451 and revelation regarding Word of Savage, Levi, Jr., 451 Wisdom, 54–55 Savage, Levi Mathers, 451, 472–73 Richard L. Bushman on depic- Savage, Levi Sr., 451 tions of, 187–88 Savage, Lydia, 450, 454–57, 472 Richard L. Bushman on Schroeder, Theodore, 519 unknowns regarding, Scriptures Publications Committee, 189–90 396–97 Richard Lloyd Anderson’s study Searle, Howard C., 425 of, 90–91, 101–2 Sea Trek, 441–42 theology of, 112–13 Second Great Awakening, 119–20 and United Firm, 445–46 Shaw, Merlin, 134 weaknesses of, 96–97 Shoemaker and the Tea Party, The ( Young), Smith, Joseph Fielding 550 Dean C. Jessee on, 288, 293 Siddoway, Alice, 544–45, 552–53 as influence on Robert J. “Significance of Joseph Smith’s First Matthews, 390–91 Vision in Mormon Thought, Kenneth W. Godfrey on, 261 The” (Allen), 46–47 LaMar C. Berrett on, 132 Sisters in Spirit (Beecher and Anderson), and Max H Parkin’s master’s 364–65 thesis, 419 slides, 133, 143 Stanley B. Kimball on, 318–19, Smart, Lyman, 465 321 Smith, Joseph. See also First Vision; Smith, Joseph Sr., log home in Joseph Smith Papers, The; Joseph Palmyra Township, 513–14 Smith Papers Project Smith, Lot, 472–73, 474 and bias in scholarship, 97–98 Smith, Stephen, 184 Dean C. Jessee’s study of, 294– Smoot, Isaac A., 499–501 95, 301–3 Smoot, Nettie Parkinson, 499 in Eyewitness Accounts of the Smoot, Reed, 25 Restoration, 120–22 Snow, Edward Hunter, 29–30 influence of, on Milton V. “Some Thoughts Regarding an Backman, 113–14 Unwritten History of Nauvoo” Larry C. Porter’s study of, 503–4 (Godfrey), 268 Laurel Thatcher Ulrich on, Southern Illinois University 548–49 Mormon collection at, 317–19 Max H Parkin counters Wesley P. Stanley B. Kimball teaches at, Walters’ article on, 423 316–17 Milton V. Backman on misrepre- specialization sentation of martyrdom of, Charles S. Peterson on, 489–91 114–15 LaMar C. Berrett on, 137–38

[ 577 ] Conversations with Mormon Historians

speech, Richard Lloyd Anderson’s Trials of Discipleship (Allen), 58–61, 68 class in, 80–81 triumphalism, Richard L. Bushman Spence, Clark, 5 on, 206–7 Sperry, Sidney B., 81–82, 391, Truth Will Prevail (Moss, Bloxham, and 419–20 Porter), 520 Spirit of Christ. See Holy Ghost turkey, as currency, 144 stamp collecting, Stanley B. Kimball Turley, Richard E. (Rick), Jr., 29 on, 343 Tuttle, A. Theodore, 243–44 States and the Nation series, 481 Ulrich, Gael, 534, 537 Steinem, Gloria, 358 Ulrich, Laurel Thatcher Story of the Latter-day Saints, The (Allen), advice to women, 551–52 50–56, 437–38 on The Age of Homespun, 542–43 Studies in Mormon History, 1830–1997 on anti-materialism, 547–48 (Allen), 68–69 background of, 531 Sturgess, Irene, 360 on Beginner’s Boston, 534–35 Swenson, Russell, 461–62 on Book of Mormon, 549–50 Taggart, Glen, 487 as champion of underdog, 544 Take Up Your Mission (Peterson), 470, on conflict, 555 472–74 on crises of faith, 548–49 Tanner, Jerald, 438 early years of, 532–33 Tanner, Sandra, 438 on Exponent II, 536 Tanner Lectures, 16 favorite books and authors of, Taylor, Alan, 229 550–51 Taylor, Robert, 139–40 on Harvard, 553–54 testimony, challenges to, 548–49 on historical study, 558–59 Thatcher, Alice Siddoway, 544–45, influences on, 536–38, 544–46 552–53 marriage and children of, 534 Thatcher, J. Kenneth, 532, 544, 545, on Martha Ballard, 541–42 546–47 on misbehaving as Mormon his- “There Was More to the Moses torian, 556–57 Thatcher Case Than Politics” on Mormon hierarchy, 543 (Godfrey), 265–66 on mother’s conversion, 552–53 Things in Heaven and Earth (Alexander), on overcoming cultural con- 21–23, 31 tradictions within Church, time, Carol Cornwall Madsen on use 544–46 of, 372 project on nineteenth-century topical stamp collecting, Stanley B. Mormons, 539–40 Kimball on, 343 on resolving conflict, 546–47 Trail of Hope, 339 on serving in Church, 557–58 trail research, 331–39 on speaking ban at BYU, 555–56 Travels of a T-Shirt in the Global Economy, on spirit versus form of priest- The (Rivoli), 550 hood, 554–55

[ 578 ] Index

Ulrich, Laurel Thatcher (cont.) Utah State Historical Society, 475–78 on telling Mormon history, 540 Utah State University on transcending time-honored Charles S. Peterson teaches at, roles, 538–39 479–80 on Wilford Woodruff, 551 Kenneth W. Godfrey attends, on women’s movement, 534–36 240–42 on women’s work, 540–41 Utah Territory, separation of church unanswered questions, 39 and state in, 41 United Firm, 445–46 Utah Women’s History Association, United Nations, 44–45 365 United Order, 216, 472–73 Van Dyke, Blair, 138–39 University of California—Berkeley Vogel, Dan, 98 Richard Lloyd Anderson studies Walker, Don, 471 at, 84–85 Walker, Ron, 29 Richard Lloyd Anderson teaches Wallantine, C. Booth, 332 at, 85–86 Walters, Wesley P., 254, 423 Thomas G. Alexander’s Warner, Ted J. post-graduate studies at, 3–5 Charles S. Peterson on, 466 University of Pennsylvania, Milton V. friendship with Thomas G. Backman attends, 108–9 Alexander, 6 University of Southern California Watson, Shorty, 279–80 James B. Allen attends, 42, 43 Weber College, Richard Lloyd Kenneth W. Godfrey attends, Anderson attends, 81 244, 246 Wellesley, Claudia L. Bushman University of Utah attends, 153–59 Carol Cornwall Madsen teaches Wells, Emmeline B., 363, 378–81 at, 357–59 Western Historical Quarterly, 479, 483 Charles S. Peterson attends, Western History Association, 478–80, 468–71 482 Charles S. Peterson teaches at, Whitmer, David, 121 474–75 Whitmer, Peter Sr., location of log Max H Parkin attends, 414–15 home of, 509, 510–13 Max H Parkin on Institute of Wilson, William (Bert), 26 Religion at, 431–38 women Utah, the Right Place (Alexander), 23–24, education of, 354–55 31 Laurel Thatcher Ulrich’s advice Utah: A Bicentennial History (Peterson), to, 551–52 481 Women’s Exponent, 359 Utah Historical Quarterly, 476–77, 478, women’s history 479–80 Carol Cornwall Madsen on Utah Pioneer Trails and Land current state of Mormon, Markers Association, 341–42 375–76

[ 579 ] Conversations with Mormon Historians

women’s history (cont.) World War II (cont.) Carol Cornwall Madsen’s activ- Milton V. Backman’s military ity in, 363–66 service during, 106–7 Carol Cornwall Madsen’s interest Richard Lloyd Anderson’s mili- in, 359–60 tary service during, 76–77 Claudia L. Bushman studies, Richard Lloyd Anderson’s work 166–68 during, 75–76 James B. Allen on, 66 writing Kenneth W. Godfrey and, Kenneth W. Godfrey on, 271–72 257–60 Laurel Thatcher Ulrich on, Maureen Ursenbach Beecher 532–33 and, 58 Richard L. Bushman on, 222–24, women’s movement 228–29 Carol Cornwall Madsen on, Thomas G. Alexander on, 7–8 357–58, 362–63 Yarn, David, 86, 141 as influence on Carol Cornwall York, Neil L., 12 Madsen, 360–62 Young, Alfred, 550 Laurel Thatcher Ulrich on, 532, Young, Brigham 533, 534–36, 553 Larry C. Porter’s article on, 521 Women’s Resource Center, 357–59, papers of, 292–93 361, 371–72 publication of letters of, 297–98 Women’s Voices (Godfrey), 257–59 and revelation regarding Word of Wood, June, 285 Wisdom, 55 Wood, Wilford C., 141–43, 501 Zane, Charles S., 30–31 Woodruff, Wilford Laurel Thatcher Ulrich on, 551 Thomas G. Alexander’s biogra- phy of, 21–23, 31 Word of Wisdom Stanley B. Kimball on, 323 in The Story of the Latter-day Saints, 54–55 Workman, Dan J., 403 World War II Charles S. Peterson on, 455–56 Dean C. Jessee on Germany fol- lowing, 284 LaMar C. Berrett’s military ser- vice during, 128–30 Larry C. Porter on, 497 Max H Parkin on, 408–10

[ 580 ]