Index c accountability, 101 Alexander, Thomas G. (cont ) Adair, Phillip, 515 on George Ellsworth and Age of Homespun, The (Ulrich), Leonard Arrington, 9–10 542–43 graduate studies at Berkeley, 5 airplane crash, Robert J. Matthews interest in environmental his- avoids, 385–86 tory, 24–25 Alexander, Marilyn, 4, 17 on Manchester Mormons, 20–21 Alexander, Thomas G. on Mormonism in Transition, association with Mormon 17–20 History Association, 13–17 on Mormons and Gentiles: A History association with Redd Center, of Salt Lake City, 20 25–28 publications and productivity background of, 1 of, 7–8 on BYU, 11–13 in Redd Center administra- on challenges for Mormon his- tion, 6–7 torians, 31–32 on Utah, the Right Place, 23–24 on collaboration with on Wilford Woodruff biogra- non-Mormon historians, phy, 21–23 10–11 Allen, James B. contributions of, 30–31 on access to historical docu- current projects of, 28–30 ments, 61–64 early years and education of, background of, 35 2–5 career following Historical early years at BYU, 5–6 Department, 67–68 early years of, 36–38 [ 561 ] Conversations with Mormon Historians Allen, James B. (cont ) Anderson, Richard Lloyd (cont ) education and interest in Church education of, 74–75, 80–86 history, 38–42 family and early years of, 72–74 friendship with Thomas G. favorite projects of, 89–91 Alexander, 6 future plans of, 100–102 on future of Church history, as influence on research of Larry 65–66 C. Porter, 509, 510 on Historical Department, 56–58 on Joseph Smith Papers Project, Manchester Mormons, 20–21 92–93 Mormons and Gentiles: A History of law background’s influence on, Salt Lake City, 20 98–99 philosophical approach of, 64–65 law career of, 83–84 on prayer in Historical military service of, 76–77 Department, 67 missionary service of, 77–80 publications of, 44–50, 68–69 on Oliver Cowdery Project, as religion professor, 42–44 94–95 scholarship on First Vision, 254 publications of, 88–89 on The Story of the Latter-day Saints, scholarship in early Christianity 50–56 and early Mormonism, uses computer for writing, 7–8 87–88 on William Clayton biography, teaches at BYU, 84, 86–87 58–61 work ethic of, 75–76 America Discovers Columbus: How an Anderson Plan, 78, 80 Italian Explorer Became an American Annotated Catalog of Documentary-Type Hero (Bushman), 175 Materials in the Wilford C Wood American Association for State and Collection, An (Berrett), 142–43 Local History (AASLH), 480, annotation, Richard Lloyd Anderson 486 on, 94–95 American Religions and the Rise of “Answers to Difficult Issues in Mormonism (Backman), 111–12 Mormon History” course, 270 American West, 479 anti-materialism, 547–48 Anderson, Agnes Ricks, 72–73 Arnell, Lorraine, 291 Anderson, Carma, 83 Arrington, Leonard J. Anderson, Desmond, 246 appointed as Church Historian, Anderson, Gary, 138 295–96 Anderson, Karl, 74, 91–92 Charles S. Peterson on, 482–83 Anderson, Lloyd Ernest, 72–75, 91 Dean C. Jessee on, 295 Anderson, Richard Lloyd as director of Redd Center, 25–26 on annotation, 94–95 expands Historical Department, background of, 71 50–51 on bias in scholarship, 95–98 heads Church history project, collaboration with Karl 426–27 Anderson, 91–92 [ 562 ] Index Arrington, Leonard J. (cont ) Backman, Milton V. (cont ) influence of, on James B. Allen, on theology of Joseph Smith, 40 111–12 leads group prayer, 67 Bagley, Will, 29, 490 Max H Parkin on, 424–25, Bailey, Dale, 465 433–34 Bailey, Marilyn, 465 and Mormon History Bailyn, Bernard, 184–85 Association, 13, 474 Ballard, Martha, 541–42 and Mormonism in Transition, 17 Bankhead, Reid, 79 offers job to Carol Cornwall baptism, 395 Madsen, 366 Barrett, Ivan J., 145 Thomas G. Alexander and, 3–4, Barzun, Jacques, 345 6, 9–10 Beecher, Maureen, 368 views on writing history, 55–56 Beginner’s Boston, 534–35 and Western Historical Quarterly, 479 Belnap, West, 134, 413, 415 assimilation, Mormon, 207–9 Bennion, Lowell, 546, 547 Backman, Milton V. Benson, Ezra Taft advises Max H Parkin, 425 criticizes The Story of the Latter-day on American Religions and the Rise of Saints, 52–53, 437–38 Mormonism, 111–12 denounces United Nations, background of, 105 44–45 on Christian Churches of America, Bentley, Joe, 194 110–11 Berge, Dale L., 510, 511, 513–14 counters Wesley P. Walters’ arti- Berquist, Ralph, 458 cle on Joseph Smith, 423 Berrett, LaMar C. on Eyewitness Accounts of the advice for those interested in Restoration, 120–22 Church history, 145–46 on The First Vision, 118–20 background of, 127 on Heavens Resound, 116–18 children of, 144–45 on historical sources, 115–16 as coauthor of Missouri volume of as influence on Kenneth W. Sacred Places series, 444–45 Godfrey, 249 colleagues of, 136–37 influences on, 113–15 on Discovering the World of the Bible, LaMar C. Berrett on, 136–37 139–41 life and education of, 106–9 early years of, 128 on People and Power of Nauvoo, favorite Church history stories of, 123–24 143–44 publications of, 122–23 future plans of, 138–39 study of Joseph Smith, 503–4 military service of, 128–30 teaches at BYU, 109–10 missionary service of, 130 teaching philosophy of, 124 as seminary teacher, 131–33 slide collection of, 143 [ 563 ] Conversations with Mormon Historians Berrett, LaMar C. (cont ) Brigham Young University (cont ) and specialization in Church his- Kenneth W. Godfrey attends, tory, 137–38 246–50 teaches at BYU, 133–36 LaMar C. Berrett teaches at, on Wilford Wood, 141–43 133–36 Berrett, Lyman, 422–23 Larry C. Porter attends, 502 Berrett, William E., 84, 134, 250, Laurel Thatcher Ulrich and 252, 521–22 speaking ban at, 555–56 bias in scholarship Max H Parkin attends, 413, Richard L. Bushman on, 202 416–17, 421, 426–28 Richard Lloyd Anderson on, Milton V. Backman teaches at, 95–98 109–10 Bitton, Davis, 50–51, 56, 59, 100 Richard Lloyd Anderson attends, Blum, Ida K., 501 81–82 boat travel, 336–37, 340, 441 Richard Lloyd Anderson teaches Book of Mormon, Laurel Thatcher at, 84, 86–87 Ulrich on, 549–50 Robert J. Matthews as dean of Book of Mormon witnesses Religious Education at, Milton V. Backman’s study of, 398–400 120–22 Robert J. Matthews attends, 387 Richard Lloyd Anderson’s study Robert J. Matthews on Church of, 89–90 Educational System and, Boss, Minerva, 278 401–2 Boston University, Claudia L. Robert J. Matthews on future Bushman attends, 165 of religious education at, Brewster, Hoyt, 261 400–401 Bridenbaugh, Carl, 5 Thomas G. Alexander on aca- Brigham Young papers, 292–93 demic standards of, 12–13 “Brigham Young: The Man for the Thomas G. Alexander on bene- Hour Will Be Ready Whenever fits and challenges of, 11–12 the Hour Strikes” (Porter), 521 Thomas G. Alexander’s early Brigham Young University years at, 4, 5–7 Carol Cornwall Madsen teaches Bringhurst, Samuel, 79 at, 370–72 Brite, J. Duncan, 38–39 Charles S. Peterson attends, Brodie, Fawn, 90, 111–12, 417–21 459–60 Brooks, Juanita, 250–51, 537 core curriculum of Religious Brown, Hugh B., 45 Education, 399–400 Brown, Ken, 546 Dean C. Jessee attends, 286–88 Building the Kingdom: A History of James B. Allen returns to, 57, 67 Mormons in America (Bushman and James B. Allen teaches at, 42–43 Bushman), 172–73, 186 Bunker, Gary, 56 [ 564 ] Index Burton, Alma P., 252–53, 418 Bushman, Richard Lyman (cont ) Bush, Lester, 248 Building the Kingdom: A History of Bushman, Claudia L. Mormons in America (Bushman activities in Delaware, 173–74 and Bushman), 172–73, advice for those interested in 186 on conceptualization, Church history, 177 225–26 background of, 149 on Church in Portland, 182–83 on being LDS in academia, 176 Claudia L. Bushman on, 170, 178 Building the Kingdom: A History of Claudia L. Bushman supports, Mormons in America (Bushman 171 and Bushman), 172–73, 186 on confronting problems, 205–6, courtship and marriage of, 210–11 159–61 courtship and marriage of, education of, 153–59, 162–66 159–61 family and early years of, 150–53 on depictions of Joseph Smith, favorite and most rewarding proj- 187–88 ects of, 177–78 difficulties faced by, 220–22 future plans of, 178–79 education of, 183–84 as historian, 166–68 on endowed chairs, 199–202 as influence on Laurel Thatcher favorite writers and historians Ulrich, 535–36 of, 229 as influence on Richard L. on grand narrative, 217–19 Bushman, 185–86 on Great Depression, 182–83 on marriage and motherhood, on humor, 213 161–62, 169–71 influences on, 184–86 publications of, 168–69, 172–73, on intellectuals, 227–28 175–76 and Joseph Smith Papers Project, on taking action, 174–75 191–94, 299, 443 teaches at Claremont Graduate Joseph Smith: Rough Stone Rolling, University, 176–77 188–91, 548–49 teaches at Columbia, 171–72 Laurel Thatcher Ulrich on, 540 Bushman, Richard Lyman on learning and search for truth, advice for young scholars, 204–5 228–29 on loyal dissent, 209–10 on aging, 195 on marriage and collaboration, areas of interest of, 195–96 186–87 awarded Bancroft Prize, 164–65 as mentor, 205 awarded Shelton Traveling on Mormon assimilation and dif- Fellowship, 163 ferentiation, 207–9 background of, 181 on Mormon exceptionalism, and bias in scholarship, 98 202–4 on Mormon fiction, 209 [ 565 ] Conversations with Mormon Historians Bushman, Richard Lyman (cont ) Christian Churches of America (Backman), on Mormon historians, 211–12 110–11 on Mormon optimism and trium- “Christian Ethics in Joseph Smith phalism, 206–7 Biography” (Anderson), 96 on Mormon studies, 198–99 Christianity on Mormon voices in academic Laurel Thatcher Ulrich on, in discussion, 202 Church, 557 on narrative theology, 212–13 Richard Lloyd Anderson’s schol- philosophy regarding history, arship on early, 87–88 213–17 Church Historian’s Office on progress, 196–97, 216 Dean C.
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