IE WESTMELD LEADER Serving Weittkld Since 1890
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'••%- IE WESTMELD LEADER Serving Weittkld Since 1890 USPSMCB Second Ctoi POMICC Pud WESTFIELD,: NEW IERSEV, THURSPAY, APRIL 7, 19B8 Published •I WnifltM. N.J. Every Thursday 28 Pages—30 Cents School Budget Defeated by 40 Votes; Pepper, Molnar, Rulf Elected to Bd. Voters defeated:the Westfield board to see where cuts can be school district budget by a • made. Deadline for the revised 40-vote margin in Tuesday's elec- budget is April 28. tion, and elected three can- didates to fill expired seats on the In the race for three seats on Board of Education, (he Board of Education, Susan Of Westfield's 16,895 registered Pepper, incumbent Board of voters, 3,037 went to the polls. Education president and former The $30,608,381 school budget, school teacher, received 2,088 which includes state assistance, votes. B. Carol Molnar, an at- - torney and bank vice president, was rejected, 1,504 to 1,464. If ap: proved, homeowners would have garnered 1,559 votes, and Dr. paid $1.47 per $100 of assessed Benjamin Rulf an engineer, cap- property valuation. ,.,-'• tured the third seat on the board The budget will go before the wi{h 1,337 votes. Dr. Rulf narrow- town administrator, Johti.MoUot, ly defeated Donnell Carr, a proj- who will work with the school ect engineer and James R. Kane, recruitment director at Union County College, who received Hydrant Flushing h 1,330 and 1,319 votes respectively. Underway in Westfield The complete breakdown of votes m by wards appears on this page. Photo by Lucinda Dowel! Susan Pepper Elizabethtown Water; Com- B. Carol Molnar pany's annual fire hydrant flushing program got underway April 3. As of Monday, apnrox- imately ISO hydrants had.been Ward by Ward Breakdown flushed. Of School Election Vote A spokesperson Elizabethtown said work-.) Candidates Ward I Ward II Ward III Ward IV Abs. Total expect to finish the B. Caj-ol Molnar 360 401 367 376 35 1,55? six to eight weeks. James R. Kane 316 316 307 M 14 1,319 Hydrants in the eastern se Dorweil Carr 311 283 385 17 1,330 Susjp pepper sm 453 SJ1 37 2,088 of town are currently being lr Dr.B. Rulf ed; crews will then move'5 354 331 317 24 1,337 westerly direction. "Thanks, Westfielders," notes Ron Frigerio, left, campaign chair- Current Expense Yes Ho man and Mike Kelly, co-chairman of the United Fund or Westfield's Inclement weather can d&ay Ward I 3*0 344 successful campaign effort. "The residents ol Westfield have every the program, officials said, /frnd Ward II 402 352 reason to be proud of our community for again this year the United unexpected construction :'$an Ward III 29B 3S7 Fund goal was reached," stated Mr. Frigerio. "Westfield is indeed a cause changes in schedulingjhe Ward IV 366 402 special town - and it Is people like you who make it so • a tribute to a flushing in certain a reds, Absentees 33 19 very special community of people and an outstanding volunteer ef- therefore they were unable! to Tola I 1,464 1,504 fort. On behalf of our member agencies, our grateful thanks!" added release a timetable. i Mr. Kelly. Dr. Benjamin Rulf •• .. ,;•-.. = • - .-'•-••. , - ..•.- P School Y Ends June 21 Third Ward Councilmen United Fund Achieves ..j* For Sr. H jr. Highs Schedule April Meeting Third Ward Councilmen Chris stituents with an opportunity for Its Highest Ever Goal The 1987-88 school year will end hatfe been closed for two days Abeel and Jim Heimlich have informal discussion of town Tuesday, June 21 for Westfield's this year (January 4 and 8) due to scheduled office hours for Satur- issues. The Westfield United Fund has Official announcement of the 1 continued its successful track goal-setting achievement will be junior and senior high school bad weather conditions. In addi- day, April 16 from 10 a.m. - 12 record by achieving its highest made at the annual meeting and students and Wednesday, June 22 tion, the elementary schools noon in the administrator's con- Third ward residents are in- ever goal. dinner of the United Fund on May for elementary school student*, were closed last November 3 so ference room at Town Hall. vited to attend to have answered "We hit our $548,000 objective 4. providing Mother Nature thdt teachers could hold con- These meetings for residents of any questions they may have con- this week, courtesy of a donation The drive began in September cooperates for the next few ferences with parents. the Third Ward were initiated by cerning town policies and ser- months. Councilman Abeel when he took vices. Appointments are not from the Westfield Jaycees, in- with a kickoff cocktail party office in 1986 and provide con- dividual donations, monies given aboard New Jersey Transit cars Westfield High School/s New Jersey state law man- necessary. by business, organizations and "We're taking a train ride to graduation exercises are ten- dates 180 days of f school each foundations," said Ron Frigerio, our $548,000 destination," Mr. tatively scheduled for WedriBs- year, and any days lost must be 1988-89 School Board chairman of the campaign. Frigerio told volunteers at the day, June 22. made up at the end of the school "However, contributions are event. Public schools in Westfield year. Reorganizes Tuesday still expected and pledge cards The train theme continued The organization meeting for Divisek, principal of Franklin are still expected and pledge throughout the seven month cam- the 1988-89 Westfield Board of School; Margaret Scheck, prin- cards are still being received and paign, with publicity geared to Rinaldo Visiting School Education will be held Tuesday cipal of Wilson School; and the tallied. We are counting on the stressing the progress of the ride. (April 12) at 8 p.m. in the Board following kindergarten teachers: many prospects still outstanding "The train theme was chosen Meeting Room at 302 Elm St. Judith Tretiak and Kathleen who have not yet returned their again because our offices are at To PresentlAmerican Flag Officers for 1988-89 will be Stamberger, Franklin School; signed pledge cards," added the town train station," said Lin- elected and meeting times, dates Marylou Pine and Mary Jo larry Hartzell, president of the da Maggio, executive director of United State Congressman vitation of School Principal Ken- and places will be set for the Juelis, Jefferson School; Susan board of trustees. {Coiillmiuri on lail Dngc lhl« faction] Matthew J. Rinaldo will present nettrWark, who purchased a new coming year. Adriance, McKinleySchool; Ted- an American flag to Washington American flag for the school. The board will then hold a di Ritter, Tamaques School; School at 2 p.m. today (April 7^. Congressman Rinaldo had the Committee-of-the- Whole Grace McDonald, Washington Local A&P To Undergo Congressman Rinaldo has flagiflown over the United States meeting. The public is invited to School; and Vera Lough and represented New Jersey'irrthe Capitol. His visit was arranged attend both the organization and Deborah Lass, Wilson School. United States House of Represen- through the school system's STS Committee-of-the-Whole tatives since 1972. His visit to (Sharing Talents and Skills) of- meetings. Extensive Revovations fice.!" Washington School is at the iin- A discussion of the recommen- Fair Warning Site plans for extensive interior New Jersey, was on hand to The flag will be presented to dations of the Kindergarten and exterior alterations of an describe the proposed renova- the school at an assembly pro- Screening Committee is on the The Westfield Police Elm Street supermarket were tions. He commented that the grams for all students in grades agenda. The committee will Department has stated that ef- approved by the planning Board premises would be "100% dif- kindergarten through six. Third recommend a procedure to fective next week it will in- grade students in Connie Garbus' at Monday night's public ferent than what exists on site to- 1 assess readiness of children who crease its monitoring of meeting. day." Plans include gutting the class: will sing three patriotic will be entering kindergarten. downtown parking in an effort song8uand will lead the assembly The application of the Great premises and replacing coolers, The committee, chaired by Ted to discourage -'meter shelving, fixtures, walls and in reciting the Pledge of feeders." An additional meter Atlantic & Pacific Tea Company Allegiance to the Flag. Kozlik, director of special ser- (A&P), located at 155 Elm St., flooring. Mr. D'Ariano referred vices, includes Marie Scian, maid has been hired to patrol A resident of Union, Congress- presented by local attorney to the refurbished store as the ! coordinator of elementary educa- the central business district. Lawrence A. Woodruff, was "A&P Food Bazaar," and said man Rina)do served as a Union tion and personnel; Faith Tires will be marked and unanimously approved. Board the ' food provided would be County freeholder and New meters checked to assure that member Douglas T. Schwartz "more gourmet." New features Jersey-State Senator before his people are adhering to the in- disqualified himself because of will include bakery, deli, seafood election to the U.S. Congress 16 Recycling tent of timed meters, that is, an interest in the property which and butcher counters. years ago. He is vice chairman of that a one hour meter should is owned by Taylor & Schwartz the House Aging Committee, top Correction not be fed continuously for An elevator is planned for mov- ranking Republican in the House Realty Co. and leased to A&P. ing produce stored in the base- The Leader apologizes for last eight hours by one person.