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The Semi (01-03-1994)

Fuller Theological Seminary

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Recommended Citation Fuller Theological Seminary, "The Semi (01-03-1994)" (1994). The SEMI (1991-2000). 98. https://digitalcommons.fuller.edu/fts-semi-5/98

This Periodical is brought to you for free and open access by the Fuller Seminary Publications at Digital Commons @ Fuller. It has been accepted for inclusion in The SEMI (1991-2000) by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Fuller. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Jan. 3-7 , 1994«Week 1 • Winter Quarter

V Page 3 »The Church Lady Cometh! V Page 7«OCC: Where No Evangelical Has Gone Before! V Page 1 «Fuller's Homeless Community V Page 6«ASC: Ain't Nuthin' But A Hound Dog! Who Are These People Anyway?

By Brian Kelly, SOT Student maybe not Roosevelt — the blind African-American who ho are these people? You know the ones. The seems to know the Bible as well as any seminary student. Or ones roaming the streets around the seminary. Harry, who came to church three weeks in a row. But, “when its all over, you’re right back out on the street and nothing’s The ones pushing those shopping carts filled with really changed” — so he Wblankets, and newspapers, and pop cans, and broken dreams. pointed out to me in his frustration. I first 'noticed these people when I visited Fuller last Who are these people spring. My friend and I ate that push these makeshift vehicles and sleep on the our burgers in front of Amy’s, cardboard pallets every and watched the slow parade night in the bushes, in the of shopping carts comman­ band shell, in the parking deered by doleful operators with their tattered attire and lot, or behind that unwashed frames. During ori­ dumpster? Well, there’s entation this fall, I was in­ Marguita, Maria, Faye and Bonnie. I could show you formed there are over 1300 where they live, if the cops who find a home, without a structure, in Pasadena. More haven’t rousted them as than 300 every night, by the they always do around expert’s count, that sleep Rose Parade time— to tidy within a six-block radius of up the place. I could intro­ Fuller. duce you to them, but they cherish their privacy (if you can call it that) behind that clump Some call them homeless. Some call them drunken of bushes. bums, winos. Some call them the psychologically disadvan­ taged. The Bible calls them lost. Most of them anyway. But (Continued on page 3) Don't Get Too Comfortable: We're Recruiting! Dear Semi readers, If you are having difficulty thinking of topics of interest, Greetings! I hope that you are all rested up and ready for here are some suggestions: a fabulous new year filled with God’s blessings and answered Are you interested in writing about raising a family at Fuller? What it is like being a spouse of a pastor? What it is prayers.the break We preparing at the Semi for this have quarter. been working diligendy over like being a female pastor? Issues concerning being a I hope that you have enjoyed reading the featured articles and columns in the Semi. I would like to thank all the (continued on page 7) volunteer writers who have contributed to the Semi thus far, your testimonies have been a blessing to the entire commu­ nity. I t ’s a B o y -P e rs o n ! But, the Semi needs more writers! So, again, I pray that A Big Congratulations !!! to School of Theology student you will contact me at the office (we are located on the second Grady Martine and his wife Barbara on the birth of their floor of the Catalyst building) and talk to me about your son (and new San Diego Charger fan) Grady Donald contributions. Please share your testimonies of praise with Martine II. He was bom on November 29,1993, weighed the Fuller community. Remember, we are called to encour­ age one another until that final day when Christ comes. 6 lbs. 13 oz., and was 19 inches long.______Getting Here By Faith ; A Testimony By Israel Olaore We began to pray. Mike Murdock delivered a beautiful On the application form for the PhD program in Old sermon that reminded us that anything we asked the Lord for in Testament studies, there is a question that asks who faith can be received. We asked the Lord for three things for the introduced you to Fuller Seminary. Although I have 1992 year. First, I prayed that I would be admitted to Fuller never met the man personally, I wrote in the name Dr. Theological Seminary. Second, prayed that my family could Donald Macgavran. Macgavran wrote the book Under­ comb to the United States with me. Third, I prayed that God would standing Church Growth, which was revised by Dr. Peter open a door for a pastoral appointment with my church in Wagner. I ate that book up, and Fuller Seminary imme­ California. We posted this prayer request slip on our bedroom diately caught my eye. door and spoke it to the Lord every day. I shared the principles in the book with my wife, and After eight months, we received a promise of $10,000, but we immediately started putting them into practice. By this was not enough for all the visas, so we kept on praying. The God’s grace, we planted a church in the heart of Lagos, first request was already fulfilled. I was admitted for the master Nigeria. of Arts in Inter-Cultural Studies program. However, I had to defer But, then came the matter of getting to Fuller Semi­ due to lack of sufficient funds. nary and bringing my wife - Augusta - and three sons - Meanwhile, the Lord was doing many things in my life. In Timothy, John, and Ope - to California with me. I had 1992,1 was ordained into the gospel ministry after eight years of made two other attempts to study outside of Nigeria— in work in rural and urban settings in Nigeria. In 1992,1 received an 1986 and 1989. Looking back now, I realize that the Lord Master 6f Arts in Pastoral Ministry. was just keeping me back until the “fullness of time”. (Continued on page 7)

exciting; same for the 1993-95 award year.

Ptast,. for all tifyo u who have Yratted.pmifedly forjj®|| COLLEGE WOMEN'S CLUB OF PASADENA “extra rattia’f lc ^ ^plication, the Department of Educkr: • "The Women’s Club is offering' scholarship and fel­ . tiprtjust distribtttedthis new application that can be used' lowship awards to women in the PhD and PsyD pro­ »a{^ix')^i^d® e^it^sofioaas-*-^ubsidizii grams, starting at $1,500 for the academic y ear. To known as apply, each applicant must submit four clear and leg­ ¡ ¡ p “common Loan Application" and ¡¿ currently avail­ ible sets of the following to the Office of Financial able at yotff ne ^ st Fmanci^ A id Office (that would be Aid. ' , ' u$i There are some subfoes to completing tins new I 1. Completed appliçatiônibrm handy all who request Ills?. One-page, typed, personal essay an apphcatfonjo* it$ some ins&u^oon regajtp|3 ;;. <3v Transcript of college work to date including I ¿current course commitments 4 Three recommendations, preferably Irena S^£md^^^urnj%stud«»ts will receive a Renewal professors familiar with the student's , Appl!eati<%T?uswi8 take||ipac&ofthePAFSA that m m m aspirations and achievements. >'f :of last1 ^ Deadline: Submit all materials to the Office of Hnan- 'ysa iis fequrred4o make any cal Aid by 5 pm, JANUARY 24,1994, changes to thgapplication as necessary. Hopefully, this n&w system wilt be less timeconsumrog, Some students THE KOREAN SCHOLARSHIP FOUNDATION« WEST­ wtH receive a Renewal Application iryhe mall. These ERN REGION ' , students must complete the form and return it to our 13» Foundation is offering two scholarships of $10,000 will he ¿folemptclf npn each and more than twenty scholarships of $1000 or more to Renewal Application af the' Office o f Financial Aid graduate students of Korean heritage dating the la s t weejfc-!of February, as well as other financial aid material. Students can request application forms by writing to: KASF,-Western Region Office 'These ace jsi^uftcast changes and we anticipate that 4424 Dulc in ea Court ntatiyofyoa will hatfequestions. Please stop by for a chat Woodland Hills, CA 91364 ' or^gtve^us a ctili 'at 818^584-5422. Deadline; JANUARY 31,1994

CASFAA SCHOLARSHIPS - OFFICE HOURS , ., ’^C alifornia Ass»iation of Student financial The Financial Aid Office is open Monday through Thurs- Aid Admmisttators has compiled a list of organizations day, Sam to noon and 1pm to 5pm. We are'closed for Chaoei i that award scholarships to ethnically diverse students, on Wednesday from 10am to Ham the listcontains eligibility requirements as well as ad- < - foriifesfbr.a^dfents,to:^eq^esrft^irjiiCft^ , a!-~ ■

2 The SEMI Jan 4, 1994 People (Continued from page 1) Roger lives at 222 N. Euclid, but you’ll have to catch him before they WITH THE CHURCH LADY open the building for business because Before you start to think that this is another piece with by then he’s moved his household — a man in drag, think again. I’m the “real”, bonafide, 100%, female, Church temporarily, at least until nightfall. And Lady, my dear, and don’t forget it. Since I’ve been around at Fuller, I spend Robert, he lives right across the street on the lawn in front of the YMCA. my time talking to people and finding out the real issues about seminary life, At least, this is where we've found not just the fluffy stuff. You’d be amazed at what you can learn from years them early every Sunday morning when of sitting in the back pew at church and at places like Fuller about human we wake them fora cupof coffee, a small nature! So, with that in mind, I have offered my services to the SEMI staff sack of something to eat, and a prayer. as an impartial, free observer and counselor for the students and staff. You I can’t remember all their names, can write to me and pour out your problems honey, and I will give you my but I recognize them on the street during best opinion, provided that you include your name and box number (which I the day— moving, always moving. They will not use, by the way) and drop me a line to The Church Lady, Box OSS. go from here to there, but not anywhere in particular (unless its to the next shared Oh, and by the way, Who am I? That’s for you to figure out! Let’s just say six-pack, joint, or fifth of Thunderbird I get around Fuller, and leave it at that. For example, I came across this wine). I recognize his matted hair and situation from a rather distraught young man (handsome thing, he was!) and filthy clothes— heprobably hasn’t show­ decided to use his dilemma as my first letter. ered in months. I met him before in Miami, or was it Denver, or Houston, or DEAR CHURCH LADY, Sacramento? Or, was it on the Rosebud I am a Fuller student in the School of Theology. I live in one of Fuller’s Indian Reservation? The looks are fa­ communal living arrangements. There are four men and three women who miliar. He says his name is Walter, but share the same house together. It is a very intimate living arrangement and very I’ve seen that face before. The puffiness, conducive to spiritual growth. The problem is, I find myself looking at one of the bruises, the deep crags like an eroded the women I share the house with. She is very attractive and I feel myself being canyon, the one blinded eye — all from drawn to her sexually. I want to ask her out on a date, but I do not know how drinking too much of the wrong stuff. that might effect our current living situation. Please help. When I offer to pray, his pride cuts me Signed, off and he says “I’ll pray for you!” But, “Hot and Bothered” he never does pray— he just changes the subject. Each story is unique, yet somehow Dear Sleepless in Pasadena: it’s always the same. It’s a narrative of I know you signed your letter hot and bothered, but if you decide to go personal calamity that sketches a down­ forward, you could be sleepless too! Let me explain. ward spiral of substance abuse or depen­ I’m glad that you have found a woman that you would like to pursue dence. Eventually, like taking the last exploring a relationship with. Most people think that relationship is a class at step out of the tipsy house in an amuse­ Fuller, instead of reality. However, its not great that you live in the same house ment park, they stumble onto the street. with her. You may be getting into more than what you bargained for. Because Here they find community — people you are in a community house, the community will be affected if you and the that really understand. Maybe life isn’t object of your heat wave begin seeing each other. Should things not go the way all that bad in beautiful sunny California you expect, the hot summer could turn into the arctic between the two of you, on $271 a month, maybe. Sooner or later and the gale force winds of your whispering roommates could literally raise the though, the rains come down and the roof off your comfy abode. What I’m saying is that it isn’t just as simple as options are scarce — get under an over­ asking someone out for a date. This someone happens to be in love with you, hang, or a tree somewhere, and find and if she doesn’t decide to go out with you, you may be somewhat uncomfort­ some more blankets. It takes a little more able. Second, if she does, and things don’t go well after a while, it will make booze to kill the cold. for an uncomfortable situation, mainly for the two of you, and for your house Who are these people? You know mates. My suggestion is that you should approach your friend cautiously, and the ones. Don’t you? They’re the people state your intent. If she is agreeable, pursue her and other lodgings. If she isn’t, of Matthew 25 that Jesus described as die to it, and continue to enjoy the house. If you can’t, move out. It will be easier the hungry and thirsty, the poorly clothed, on you. Finally, and most importantly, pray. It always helps to keep the stranger, the sick, the imprisoned perspective. ones — they are the “least of these” that Jesus talked about in his parable. Who The Reality Check Advice Column will be a Semi-regular feature in the SEMI. are these people anyway? They are our Advice questions may be turned in at the SEMI Office in Kreyssler Hall. mission field — right here in Pasadena! The SEMI Jan 4, 1994 3 T hanks, T hanks, T hanks! The Office of Student Services would like to thank “a procrastinating first year” student for their generous offer­ ing of goodies. They were enjoyed by all. Thank you and Happy New Year to all. PC (USA) Your OSS staff C alling A ll Hikers All Presbyterian Students: A group of hikers is planning to go We have arranged a refreshing winter down the Grand Canyon during Spring Prospective Student Day retreat at Emerald Cove on Jan. 14-15. Break. We will leave on Friday, the Do you have any friends who might be Please sign up in the Presbyterian Of­ 18th of March and return on Tuesday, interested in taking courses in one of fice. We look forward to seeing you the 22nd of March. Two experience our programs here at Fuller? On Janu­ there. hikes are planned for those who are ary 24th we will host a prospective 4 » interested. The first will be an all-day student day where they can see campus, hike to Mount Wilson on Saturday, Janu­ talk with faculty and current students, YOU ARE INVITED TO THÈ PEACE & JUSTICE ary 22nd, leaving the parking lot behind C ommittee meeting and leam about Fuller in general. Please the Psych Building at 8:00 a.m. This is “Let Justice roll sown like waters, and contact the admissions office if you an 18 mile round trip hike with rest at know of anyone we should invite! righteousness like an everflowing the top. The next hike will be on Satur­ stream” (Amos 5:24). Does this interest day, the 19th of February and will be an 4* you? Then come to the Peace & Justice overnight hike to Little Jimmy Camp­ Library T ours Concerns Committee meeting Thurs­ ground out of Crystal Lake. This is Library Tours will be given on Monday day , January 13, from 11:30 -1 :00 in the about a 10-mile hike round trip with and Tuesday, January 3rd & 4th. On conference room, 3rd floor of the Cata­ overnight camping. Contact Prof. both days, tours begin at 9 a.m. and 2 lyst. For more info, contact Tracy or Malony at the Psych School, ex. 5528, p.m. at the Reference desk Kent, 584-5454. if you are interested.

C ounseling O pportunity Epworth C hristian Preschool The Division of Marriage and Family in 500E. Colorado (by the Pasadena Mall) the School of Psychology is offering ten Enrollment now open for January 1994 counseling sessions at no cost to fami­ 2 yrs (non potty trained) to 5 yrs. old. lies or couples who wish to improve their communication and interaction Preschool hours: 9 a.m. -11:45 a.m. patterns. If you are interested, please 2 day ^ 1 week $85 / month call Barbara at (818) 584-5330 as soon 3 day . 1 week $125 / month Individual Psychotherapy O pportunity as possible. Spaces are limited. Low cost individual psychotherapy of­ 5 day . 1 week $200 / month fered by SOP, beginning February, 1994. 4* (.50 extra / hour for a non potty- Psychotherapy offered is appropriate trained child) for those experiencing anxiety, depres­ C heap D isneyland tickets. New Extended Hours sion, relationship difficulties, life change $20 each / Daily, Feb. 1 - March 31, adjustment and personal growth. Fif­ 1994. 7:30 to 9 a.m. & 12 noon to 5:30 p.m. teen sessions: $75.00. Therapists are Call Epworth Christian Preschool at Call now for an exciting quality hands- students enrolled in a Ph.D. or Psy.D. 568-9502 or 796-0157 to reserve your on program: 568-9502 or796-0157,ask program in clinical psychology (A.P.A. tickets today. for Cherry Chua. There are scholar­ approved). Further information, con­ The preschool receives S3 for every ships available to qualifying Fuller stu­ tact FPFS at 818-584-5555. ticket sold. So why not help upgrade dents. Call the Office of Student Ser­ our Preschool? vices at 584-5430 for info.

Manager: Richard Shaw Editor: Kimberly Kwon I Designer: Garrett Ornata Production Managen Berry Alvi» / ■ Director, ÖSS: Ruth Yuong ' TJw^EMIjs-publislwsiasàservìce to-théFuller notices caribe accepted. In-houseusers will be charged fi» notices from their department which exceed 50 : FuSer Theological Seminary, Pasadena, Cali- words hi length- Notices from individuals orchurches . ' fórma 911S2>''Ftaihme it i formation, contace fi» events not directly sponsored by a Fuller office or the SEMI office at (818) 584-5436, organisation will be printed in the "Ads” section and ' Notices may besubmittedto the Editor (Kresster charged per word Articles and commentaries do not peetóartly reflect the views of Fuller administration. and a half pnofto thedateof publication.: No late Final editorial responsibility rests with the Director of Student Services.

4 The SEMI Jan 4, 1994 styles and composers. A J* from the Choir Rehearsals are held each Monday Master, Janet Harms: from 10-11 am in the Choir room in the “Calling all basses, tenors, altos and First Congregational Church (comer of sopranos for participation in the Fuller Walnut and Los Robles). A warm-up Chapel Choir during this quarter!” rehearsal is held in the sanctuary each Wednesday before Chapel. The Fuller community has wit­ Due to the holiday, the first choir Monday Morning Meetings, nessed an exciting growth in the area of rehearsal will beat9:30am,on Wednes­ 10-10:50am. music during the previous quarter. day, January 5, in the sanctuary before Membership in the Chapel Choir has the first Chapel service. The first for­ mal rehearsal will be Monday, January American Baptist grown to over 40 members, with 16 of Psych Bldg. 116 these singers participating as choral 10th at 10 am. scholars. The scholarship program will I would like to see over 50 singers Assemblies of God continue this quarter with S250 offered in the choir in this New Year. Please Psych Bldg. 311 to each choral scholar. New members call me at (909)394-9990 if you have are being sought as we prepare for a further questions. Students interested Chinese & Asian Prayer Group major music festival here on campus in in being choral scholars can indicate Glasser Hall 206 April. At that time the choir will that desire at the first rehearsal on Janu­ present a cantata by Rene Clauson en­ ary 10th. Christian & Missionary Alliance Library 203 titled “A New Creation.” Written for chorus, soloists and orchestra (which Episcopal!Anglican we will hire for the occasion), the piece, Prchng Arts Cnf. Rm. composed in 1989, is a 50-minute work M orning Prayers with various movements which attempt Daily Orthodoxmorning prayers, Mon- Korean Fellowship to characterize, through music, various day-Friday, 7:30-7:55am in the Chapel Payton Hall 303 aspects of the human, God, God/human above the Library, led by Scott Watson relationship. Awe and wonder, unwor­ Messianic Jews and Fr. Sam Gantt. Everyone is wel­ thiness and doubt, mercy and forgive­ Glasser Hall, China Library come. ness, love, joy and peace, are all wrapped Nazarene together in this piece, as indeed these A sian students Psych Bldg. 325 elements are wrapped together in our Asian students prayer time, Mon­ daily lives. It is a masterful composi­ day, 10:00 am, weekly, Room Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) tion. 206, Glasser Hall. Travis Auditorium In addition to this major presenta­ tion, the choir will continue to provide Reformed Church in Am./CRC inspiring music for the Wednesday Psych Bldg. 120 Chapel services of many divergent Seventh Day Adventist Library 205

United Methodist Church Psych Bldg. 130

Vineyard Fellowship Payton 301

C hapel - W ednesday, Jan. 5, First C ongregational C hurch Coordinated by The Office of Church 10:00-10:50 a.m. Relations, 584-5580. If your denomi­ nation is not meeting at this time and The guest preacher for our first Wednesday Chapel, January 5, is Dr. Richard you are interested in starting a group, Mouw, President and Professor of Christian Philosophy and Ethics. His message, please come by to make arrange­ entitled “He Passed Through the Heavens” is from Hebrews 4:14-5:10. Come start ments. out the quarter with worship and celebration as a community.

C hapel - T hursday, J an. 6, T ravis A uditorium - 11:35 -12:15 p.m.

Our second opportunity to worship as a community which is in a more contempo­ rary style has an emphasis on the mission of the church to the world. There will be a message well worth hearing in line with beginning the new year right.

The SEMI Jan 4, 1994 5 JUST ANOTHER ACRONYM? The All Seminary Council, better known astheASC.ison campus to function in the following three main areas: Welcome back to Fuller. I trust your Christmas-New * Advocacy -to be a voice for the students at all levels Year vacation was both a peaceful and joyous time with within the seminary structure,from the Board of Trustees to family and friends. Refreshed from the break, I am sure faculty and staff committees. The Cabinet, Union and you arc now eager to press on with your studies and sip Concerns Committees are your representatives in this en­ from the cool waters Of the campus community once deavor. ■ - again. Well, maybe not. It does take * Service - to provide services for time to re-orientate oneself back into M J P the student body that will enhance the Swing o f things after being away. | i | campus life, such as the computer lab, So to help you in this process, let me desk the sports program and the vending remind you o f a number o f things. f r o m t h ^ machines. What took me frustrating ages to * Community - to help facilitate work out in my first quarter, were all a social program that will strengthen the acronyms that are peppered ' $ r our sense o f community. All the ASC throughout Fuller jargon. You can misswhole conversa­ committees are committed to this purpose by providing each tions because you are not familiar with these expressions. quarter am ities suitable for families, singles and the whole For example, do you know what Fuller departrnems tMse campusfjM letters stand for? OF A, SWM, OSSfO^C, AgfCC. ISS, If:mS:%planad(»i has added confusion to your already MFT, CFAR, FPFS and the list do& U s top tMjie. Ifypu musky pMurejof fflemll SatdMS^Council. then come on are having trouble, then take comfomi&ihe thought that over df&^EhM^a^hileMmr a ciippa and tell us your you are not alone. Even tMafall Seminar^ouncitnas its acronymistic fr'usiratiormiThe ASC office is located on the own sub-set o f acronyms tj$i^gllytygg§bnfusing to the first floor of Kreyssler HaUTadiacent to the Catalyst) and uninitiated. There is the A&C n&eif, followed closely by our doors are open from Monday to Thursday. We welcome PGU, SWMGU and TGU.Imtfra little ways back MC the opportunity to meet each one ofypumd^&Ms^yito your cubed, P & J0C C , ISCC a M so forth. In order to begin needs and concerns. % to unravel S.me of the mystery of Fuller’s student govern­ Warm regards in Christ, ^ x %jlP> ment, let ww|ry to explain how it all fits together. Rob Gallagher ^

ENTERIHE L0RPACTION ESSAY basketball and volleyball this quarter PARTICIPATE IN tH g PU ER C|.NT£SI.AND WIN $1,000! will be conveyed through the Sports FOLLIES! ... A £1.0il g p i | $500 2nd prize and a Board (located across the garth from We’re going to put on a afeafllltlfer $250 3rd prize wijf be awarded to contes­ the library, in front of the Faculty Com­ Follies this year and we peed youi*! tants who wruenhe winning paper ex­ mons). We still need captains for both talent! See Ana Gan, Evef&s Coordi-J pounding on the. themes captured in the sports. Games are scheduled to begin nator, in the ASC office orteave a followln^ffi^ the 2nd week of the quarter. Sign-ups message at 584-5452. “The more1§bns£ience comes to the front, are still possible! ContactMikeRewers the more we Bfhsider not what the state or (leave a note in his box) in the ASC CATALYST HOUR#; :i accomplishes, but what it allows to be office. The snack bar is open 11 am-J^cm accdmplished. [It is] not the ac tion of the Mon.-Thurs. These evenindjbattii^uP.. statfepjfs powers of action, and its use of FULLER STUDENT FUND might find some free coffeJanaplIp^ them|but the limitation and division of APPLICATIONS ries, perfect to satisfy yotpanunchy hose'f& w £rssociety...is beyond the Are you going to be involved in Mis­ cravings. Although the aiack bar is state—tmiipjwduals...are above it” sions this Summer? Would you like to closed after 7 pm, the (kx^^^ppi^ -Lord Action be supported by the Fuller student until 10:30 pm, Mon.- T hurs’Cat^lyjl Any studggt cuaipmvsenrolled in a theo­ body? If so, come into the ASC office rental is available to alMSte$20. Call logical sefriin a iio r religious studies pro­ (1st floor of the Catalyst) to apply for or come by the A SG -c^c^pr more gram is ellpire to participate. Essays support from the Fuller Student Fund. info! (Ext. 584-545% 11 must be postmarked ra |p ’%efore Feb. 1, 1994. Come to thesÉflfc office for rules YMCA&PAC and details. Pasadena Athletic Club memberships ALL CAMPUSTWELCOMrBACK' have ended for Winter quarter. Dis­ BARBEQUE FRIDAY, JANUARY 14 THE CATALYST COMMITTEE#^ counted YMCA memberships are It^tPtee ti|||||a c k into the swing of The Catalyst Committee is at a proposal-! ¡available year-round. Available in t|ihgs and t h ^ || no better way than to writing stage to determine ho\*gthe Cata­ A ^^btfrce.R.v...... ^ olifojfco.to theljirst event of the lyst can be a better place for seasoniJASC’s traditional First week nity. We still need your input Put mose ; 2 , FLAO FOOTBALL of h e Jf uarterBarbeque. It’s a great recommendations through to Joyce’s box fcqjPatulatlls&) team “#34!” T!$F time to relax and catch up on the lives in the ASC office. are the 1993piag Footballer (¡hpipi- of special friends we haven’t seen for a ons! Thanks to everyone for a great while. Watch for signs around campus SPORTS ANNOUNCEMENT! season and a great end of the season announcing the details (or call us- 584- All information concerning intramural barbeque! 5452).

6 The SEMI Jan 4, 1994 TH€ N6XT YenR: Reservations requested by January Deep spnce i 10 to 584-5322. The Cardassians are coming! The C ommunity House M eeting Cardassians are coming! You went Tuesday, January 18 (new day), 11:30 through finals at warp speed, were/ T ^ s n \ to 1:00, Refectory sucked into the black hole of ChristmasV V. [] J TTTf This will be an exploratory, informal spending and "holiday cheer", and are meeting for networking of Fuller af­ now resolved to charting brave new filiated community houses. frontiers where no one has gone before C ouple's G arden. during this next year. BUT, it’s now week One, and the Saturdays, January 22 and March 5, Payton 101, 6pm, Cardassians are coming - plotting to overthrow the peace $6.00/night. Join this popular guided date night to en­ within .your Space. hance your marriage. Reservations requested to 584- “Red Alert! 1st. Worf, Engage shields. Commander Data, 5322. potential damage report."

“An overdrive o f the systems may ensue, contributing to a HIV A wareness S eminar negative beta block of needed electronfield - in short, the space Friday, February 11, 10:00am -l 1:00pm, Payton 101, around us may collapse in imminent entropy causing physical $3.00 for lunch. Respected consultant and Fuller grad chaos within all decks of the vessel." Nancy Breuer will lead us the Fuller community in “Counselor Troy, any recommendations?" understanding and responding to AIDS. Reservations “From Data's calculations, I foresee this catastrophic requested to 584-5322. chaos impinging not only on our physical space, but extending to the community’s emotional and spiritual states. Each person Tyranny of T ime as well as this vessel must have sufficient electronic field- Saturday, February 19,9am-4pm. Plan to join Rob ¿¿Julie literally, enough space in which to thrive, and survive. We must Banks for this transforming day of redeeming our attitude take immediate and definitive measures to preserve our inner toward time. Place and fee to be announced. deep space. The integrity of our lives and the entire Starfleet depends upon it." W inter M arriage Retreat “Make it so." Friday and Saturday, February 25 & 26, Ventura, The Office of Christian Community would like to help you Dr. Gary Brainerd will facilitate this retreat on “The “Make it so” this Winter quarter. Stop by our office to chat or Healing Marriage” based on the popular work of Dr. Harvelle Hendricks. Fee to be announced. pray, and mark your calendars for these “Deep Space” events:

S piritual Formation B reakfast S piritual Formation Lunch Tuesday, March 8,6:45 - 7:50am. Steve Hayner, Fuller Tuesday, January 11,11:30 to 12:45, Payton 101, Cost: $2.00 Join us in celebrating Martin Luther King week as we hear the Trustee and IVCF President will share his personal faith journey. Breakfast is provided free. Reservations re­ personal journey of one of our favorite faculty, Bill Pannell. quested.______Getting Here Don't Get Comfortable (Continuedfrom page 2) (continued from page 1) In July of 1993, the Lord surprised us by providing for one individual who donated all the money required to dedi­ preacher’s or missionary’s kid? What about home school­ cate our church in Lagos. Also in 1993,1 got a call to teach ing? Would you be interested in sharing stories of revival in theology at a Seventh Day Adventist seminary in Nigeria. your church, denomination, ethnic community or country? But, deep within me I knew the time to go to Fuller was near. What about writing about ministries to second generation Later, I received a beautiful letter from Hugo Bouse that ethnic-American groups? Do you have testimonies of things informed me of a $1000 grant towards tuition for the 1993- that are happening in your youth group? Has the Lord 94 school year. I knew that the Lord was preparing my mind helped you in times of struggle? and body for the final miracle that would bring me to Fuller. The articles need not be long — just two pages, typed, In August of 1993, the Lord blessed me with a grant from an and double spaced. But, please talk to me first before you individual — the grant covered all the tuition costs, and even write it if you can. It will help me with the planning of each provided for the airfare for me and my family! We arrived issue. And, don’t worry about writing with perfectEnglish. here last September. I’ll work with you! I have every reason to thank God for His continuous Please contact me as soon as possible. The office intervention in my affairs. Everything around me tells me phone number is (818) 584-5430. God Bless! that I am in the right place at the right time. Thank God 1 am Love in Christ, at Fuller at last— to God be the glory for each and every one of us here.

The SEMI Jan 4, 1994 7 This section of the Healing Conference, March 4-5: Glendale Apt. for Rent: Extra large 2 bedroom, lots of SEMI is for the Presbyterian Church. One-day leadership con­ closet space, carpets, drapes, patio, pool, laundry announcement of ference on Friday. General conference Friday room, parking, cable, A/C, Monrovia near Foot­ events or services not night and Saturday. Dr. Don Williams and Susan hill $650/mo. 15 minutes to Fuller. Call Pat at directly offered by a Highleyman, speakers. Eleven workshops Sat­ (818) 792-6732, Fuller office or urday. Reduced fees for students and spouses. organization. For information about Child care free but reservations required, bro­ Getting Engaged? Or just want a reliable jew­ rates, c o n ta c t the chures in Fuller mailroom and elsewhere or call eler? Many Fuller students have come to us and Office of Student GJP.C. 818/242-8873. it has been a privilege to help them. We do not Services at 584-5430. sell to the general public. Walter Zimmer Co., Note: Each person is Advantage Secretarial Center: 24 Hour Turn­ wholesale manufacturing jewelers with 76 years ’ responsible for around, Term Papers, Business Correspondence, experience. Call 213/622-4510. Ask for Mel or checking on the General Typing. Telephone Phone In & Fax Ken Zimmer. (Mel is a member of Glendale quality arid type of service before Service Available, Call (818) 332-1981 - Pick up Presbyterian Church and is active in the healing contracting or using & Delivery ministry.) Appointments needed for Saturdays. it. The SEMI and Closed Mondays. Office of Student SIDCO Auto Brokers: Any make or model. ■ Services do not Wholesale prices. Exclusive service provided Looking for family day care for your kid(s)? personally for Christian college and seminary faculty, staff, Stop by “Children’s Kingdom”, 2 minutes walk 'recommend or students, alumni/ae. Fuller hotline 1-800-429- guarantee any of the from Fuller. See if we satisfy your requirements. services listed. KARS. Openings available now. Pura family, 289 N. Madison Ave. Pasadena, Ca. 91101 (818)683- Auto Repair: SMOG CHECKS, tune-ups, oil 9954. Change, brakes, batteries etc... Complete service. Hrant Auto Service, 1477 E. Washington Blvd., Roommate.Wanted: Roommate needed in the Pasadena. 798-4064. Call for an appointment West Los Angeles area, 2 bedroom apt, 1 1/2 bath, patio, living room, kitchen, security sys­ tem. $350 a month. December Vacancy -Call Darin (310) 838-9749.

I BASIC I Auto Body Repair I Computar» I Pasadena 486 & 386 IBM Compatible Desktop & Notebook Computers WordPerfect DOS version or Windows version $99.00 Collision MS-DOS 6 Upgrade $49.95 in stock Wo have a 436 Notebook with a trackball where it belongs - under Center your thumbs - not hanging off the side of the keyboard. Como see it Everybody is raving about it Dorf t buy an IBM Compatible until you check with us. S pecializes in quality body repair and paint on all late model cars. W e guarantee our work to your total satisfaction. Ted Barnett BASIC Computers 31341/2 Foothill BL O wner is Fuller grad. A sk for S pecial Discount for Fuller (818)957-4515 La Crescents, CA 91214 students and staff. W e offer a lifetime guarantee. O ur location is 1560 East W alnut St . Pasadena, O pen 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. M onday - Friday. C all 792-7605.