Hypnotist Kolisch Captures Audience/Volunteers Equal $ 9

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Hypnotist Kolisch Captures Audience/Volunteers Equal $ 9 "To Report The News Accurately And Without Bias" The University Echo The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga 1886-1986: Celebrating 100 Years of Higher Education Volume 81/Issue 17 The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga January 30, 1987 <A / Hypnotist Kolisch captures audience/volunteers by Karen Young Joanie Sompayrac, who performed Echo Managing Editor from a Saturday Night Live comedy "My hunch is we're going to have a sketch, said later, "When I stood up wonderful program," said psychic John and looked at all those people, I was Kolisch, and from the laughter, the Church Lady." applause and standing ovations it Leslie Click was hypnotized so that would seem his sixth sense was when touched on the right shoulder she correct. would eat everything, and when Kolisch performed Tuesday evening touched on the left, she was repulsed in the Tennessee Room to over 200 by cookies. She vacillated between students, faculty, staff and other stuffing several cookies into her mouth Chattanoogans. The nearly three-hour at once and spitting them into a napkin. program included correct predictions Click said afterwards, "It's like part of on the amount of change in a man's you knows what you are doing and the pocket to a written statement signed by other part doesn't have any control." an audience member before the show Diane Bullock said after being with the color, car and destination released from hypnosis, "It was a blast. chosen by three random participants. I feel really embarassed, but it was But it was the 20 participants who Elvis lives and performs at UTC..or at least Carey Dunn does. fun." One audience member, Sandy were hypnotized by Kolisch which moment later, Kolisch had the Carey Dunn's portrayal of Elvis Wanat said later, "I wouldn't have received the most audience reaction. hypnotized hugging and kissing those Presley. Dunn said afterward that believed it if I hadn't seen it myself." From the original group, 18 people same people. Kolisch had "incredible control over Kolisch answered questions after the remained on the stage and reacted to Several individuals became their me." show ranging from his background to temperature changes, insect attacks favorite actor, comedian or singer All the characteristic Bette Midler general uses for hypnotism on a more and every other situation suggested by presenting a minute or two show for the moves and a throaty rendition of "The practical level. He expressed a belief Kolisch. spectators. Bucky Dearing's Rose" were given by Kelly Mulroony, hypnotism should be regulated to keep The show ended with the hypnotized impersonation of John Wayne included while Saun Schrumpf was a people from using it indiscriminately. sitting in the audience and still walking bow-legged and showing provocative Madonna singing "True Despite the cancellation of night responding to Kolisch's commands. where he was most sore after a long Love." classes and the slippery road With two words Kolisch caused those day's ride. Other performances included Aretha conditions, Kolisch's performance was under his control to think the people "Ain't Nothing but a Hound Dog" Franklin, Michael Jackson, Eddy far better attended than the afternoon around them smelled repulsive. Only a complete with knee slides was part of Murphy and the "Church Lady." show SGA sponsored last year. ^i: $ 9 # § Equal \unity• V^f• f employed at UTC by Jodi Dillard Echo Editor To assure that goals for its bypassed for a promotion or raise, or were uncomfortable with this. affirmative action and equal have otherwise been discriminated "If things didn't change, then I would opportunity employer policies are against, then it is Wofford's go to the department head or on up to accomplished, UTC relies on the responsibility to examine the the provost or chancellor," she said. urc expertise of Dr. Barbara Wofford. complaints. Wofford also handles UTC's equal 18 8 6*1986 Wofford, who is also an associate The affirmative action officer will also opportunity employer policy. She said professor of education, divides half her investigate charges of sexual this means everyone receives an This Week Inside time between teaching and the other harassment or racial discrimination impartial chance to secure a position, half to administering the requirements toward UTC employees or students. "to be sure there is no discrimination of the policies. Specifically, Wofford said that if a in hiring practices. 606$ "When you see campus student felt undue pressure was being "UTC adheres strictly to this policy, publications," Wofford said, "you'll see placed on them by a professor "to do but we have other things that we try to. —see p.3 on them that UTC is an Affirmative certain things," or was racially For instance, we do not have that many Action/Equal Opportunity Employer.' discriminated against by a professor, minority members on faculty and we do Black theatre "What the affirmative action officer then the student should come to her. things to try to get more minorities. —see p.9 does is try to ensure that everyone is Sometimes a professor can say things "We advertise certain levels of treated equitably from the custodial insensitive to a student, she said. "For positions in the Chronicle of Higher staff to professors and students." example, if he or she told a joke with Education and a publication called Mocs beat VMI If someone feels they have been racial overtones, I could talk to the Black Issues In Higher Education," she professor and let them know students —see p. 13 treated unfairly such as being con't. to p.2 2 The University Echo/January 30, 1987 Scholarships available Special to the Echo First-time freshman entering Th* and grade point average are 30 (1240 University of Tennessee at SAT) and 4.00 GPA will receive $2,000 Chattanooga in fall, 1987 who meet the per year. following criteria and complete the These amounts are guaranteed if admissions and financial aid these criteria are met and application application process no later than March is made by the March 1 deadline. 1, 1987 will receive scholarships. Additional need or merit based * Students whose ACT/SAT scores financial aid may be available. and grade point averages are 25 (1020 Students who do not meet the above SAT) and 3.50 GPA will receive $1,000 criteria may be considered for other per year. scholarship programs. * Students whose ACT/SAT scores This scholarship money may come and grade point average are 28 (1140 from sources including the UT National SAT) and 3.75 GPA will receive $1,500 Alumni Association or the Unversity of The UTC Moccasin Battalion sponsored the 13th annual junior reserve officer training drill meet per year. Chattanooqa Foundation. January 24. Red Bank High School (shown here) finished third overall, behind second place * Students whose ACT/SAT scores Riverdale High School and first place Rossville High School. Trewhitt expounds on Reagan administration's troubles by Dawn Packard The Iran/Contra affair and the In Trewhitt's words, Reagan was ensure the continued flow of arms to experienced in the use of power. consequent decline of the Reagan "utterly unprepared" to deal with the Khomeini's government. Trewhitt went While the presence of Henry presidency, were the subjects of Henry Soviets. Reagan must realize "the on to say it was "apparent" the profits Kissinger or Zbigniew Brezinski might Trewhitt's lecture, "A Wounded balance of power is too important to be from the arms sales were diverted and not have prevented mistakes, Trewhitt Government: Reagan and a Skeptical treated frivolously," Trewhitt said. given to the contras. said, at least their mistakes would not World." The second, and for Trewhitt, the What, asked Trewhitt, was wrong have been mistakes of naivete or Trewhitt, deputy managing editor of biggest thing that went wrong was the with this? It was, first of all, a flagrant ignorance. He said Reagan's advisors U.S. News and World Report, was at "Iran/Contra affair." That, he said, violation of U.S. and established policy, lacked strategic acumen, and "they UTC as a participant in the Centennial ruined our chances of achieving solid he said. The U.S. was threatening her crossed the line across which lurks Visitors Series. Speaking to an almost international relations for the next two allies with retribution for weakness in disaster"—the line of popular morality. capacity Roland Hayes Concert Hall years. dealing with terrorists while she was to Trewhitt's advice to the audience, he began by describing Trewhitt outlined how it all Trewhitt,"in bed" with them. Second, administration was to "seize the events prior to the scandal: there was happened: in 1985, someone, Trewhitt said, it was foolish to bargain moment" for a U.S./Soviet arms economic growth, a decrease in "possibly the Israelis," approached the with Iran for "there are no Iranian agreement, to send George Shultz to unemployment and international administration with the aim of keeping moderates." Third, he called the necessary" to attempt to work out relations was "tolerable." Soviet influence out of Iran with the Reagan administration naive to think some sort of peace agreement, and to Trewhitt said our adversaries were Ayatollah Khomeini's impending death; an arms-for-hostages swap would ever appraise and act upon the complex preoccupied by their own problems the plea was to contact and help work. situation in Central America to prevent enough to make concessions to the "moderate Iranians" in the hopes they As for Reagan, Trewhitt stated he is "another Nicaragua." U.S. to further their domestic policies— would gain control after Khomeini's "not fully tuned" because he had gone He had reservations, though, about The Reagan administration had two death once again giving the U.S against the advice of both the Reagan's ability to push such years left for real progress.
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