DOWN UNDER No. 6 | Aug. 13 Vær med til at fejre et ikons 40 år page 4 Friendship Society of Australia, New Zealand and Denmark En tur til Captain Sculpture by the Sea Western Australia Longstocking Page 16 Her oplevede vi dét, Mysterierne der er alle bilisters fortsætter, men Australiens Ambassadør mareridt han holder visse i Danmark kort tæt til kroppen Page 19 Te Puke og Kiwifrugten Page 20 Page 12 Page 8 N0. 6 | DOWN UNDER | 1 18 Danmarks Ambassadør i Australien 19 Australiens Ambassadør DOWN i Danmark INDEX 16 20 Sculpture Te Puke og DOWNby the Sea kiwi frugten UNDER PUBLISHED BY Friendship Society of Australia, Committee: Number printed: New Zealand and Denmark President: Hanne Bache 1600 W Vice President & Treasurer: Patron: Ambassador Damien Miller Peter Kjelgaard Andersen Contact: Member Administrator: Benny Andersen
[email protected]. TheUNDER Friendship Society is a non-profit Secretary & Webmaster: Signe Bache organization and takes no particular political Committee member: John Førsterling or religious stance. It is not responsible for CVR/SE-nummer: the opinions expressed in the articles. The Substitutes: René Jensen & Trina Hansen 33625375 editors reserve the right to edit and reduce articles. Citation of up to 50 % of an article Layout and print: Front cover: Philip Bell is free, but the source must be specified. one2one a/s Back cover: Hanne Bache Back of membership card: Nicolai Bache Editor: Hanne Bache Stamp: Hanne Bache 2 | DOWN UNDER | N0. 6 DOWN vente: den årligt tilbagevend ende I marts afholdt vi den årlige ordinære Sculpture by the Sea ved kysten mel- generalforsamling, og det var glæde- lem Bondi–Tamarama, og ikke mindst ligt at ganske mange deltog i år, og de fej ringen af et stort ikons jubilæum: kunne opleve Timm Wladimir og Sydney Opera House fylder 40 år den Katrine Engberg give et underhold ende 20.