* DDT Nov-Dec 2007 Working 11/9/07 2:29 PM Page 1

November/December 2007 Vol 7 No 10 IN THIS ISSUE Company Profiles 12

Drug Delivery Technologies 58

Excipients, Polymers, & Lipids 78

Contract Pharmaceutical & Biological Development Services 83

Machinery & Laboratory Equipment and Software 96

Technology Showcase 102

The science & business of specialty pharma, biotechnology, and delivery

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November/December 2007 Vol 7 No 10 PUBLISHER/PRESIDENT Ralph Vitaro EXECUTIVE EDITORIAL DIRECTOR Dan Marino, MSc [email protected] CREATIVE DIRECTOR Shalamar Q. Eagel CONTROLLER Debbie Carrillo CONTRIBUTING EDITORS Cindy H. Dubin Debra Bingham Jason McKinnie TECHNICAL OPERATIONS Mark Newland EDITORIAL SUPPORT Nicholas D. Vitaro ADMINISTRATIVE SUPPORT Kathleen Kenny

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Authorization to photocopy D [email protected] items for internal or personal use, or the internal or personal use of specific clients, is granted by Drug Delivery Technology LLC for libraries and other users registered with the Copywrite Clearance, 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA 01923; phone: (978) 750-8400, fax: (978) 750-4470. 4 * DDT Nov-Dec 2007 Working 11/9/07 2:40 PM Page 5 * DDT Nov-Dec2007Working11/9/072:40PMPage6 6 Drug Delivery Technology November/December 2007 Vol 7 No 10 Catalent Pharma Capsugel Bilcare Research Clinical Supplies Bilcare Global BD Azopharm Aveva DDS Systems 3M DrugDelivery oia rtis&Ppie Ocular Excipients Lipids Proteins &Peptides Controlled Release Vaginal Rectal Transmucosal Polymers Topical N Implants Gene Therapy Mucosal P T Oral include: appli their applications, pipeline/investigational technologies and their opn rfls12 companies include: services aswellvisuals and completecontact information. Featured 2-page spread featuring core technologies, capabilities, products, and F Company Profiles ieieRpr 58 pr Contract Services, and Machinery &Laboratory Equipment &Software, This Report,divided into four sections for DrugDelivery, Excipient, Report Pipeline Technologies & Partnerships, r or eachparticipating company, thissection presents aspecial rnea nrnslLiposomes Intranasal arenteral asal an ovi sd cati d es ach ra aslsColon Capsules ermal ons and stage of development, and partnerships. Technologies a ecklist o Bi Inn Hovione Glatt Pharmaceutical Services Evonic Eurand Empi DSM Pharmaceuticals DPT Labs Dow Chemical f om currently marketed technologies orservices and erCap T ateri als echnologies Devi Xceli Scolr Pharm Engineering Remmele PharmaForm PharmaCircle NOF Corporation Nektar Therapeutics Th Lipocine erapeutics ces en ce a, In c * DDT Nov-Dec 2007 Working 11/9/07 2:40 PM Page 7 * DDT Nov-Dec2007Working11/9/072:40PMPage8 8 Drug Delivery Technology November/December 2007 Vol 7 No 10 4-color visuals and contact information. services, and devices, featuring dynamic innovative and emerging technologies, Special Report,thissection examines To complement the Company Profiles and Showcase 102 Technology * DDT Nov-Dec 2007 Working 11/9/07 2:40 PM Page 9 * DDT Nov-Dec2007Working11/9/072:41PMPage10 10 Drug Delivery Technology November/December 2007 Vol 7 No 10 System 3M DrugDelivery Degussa Technical Service Manager Nasser Nyamweya,PhD Divisi James V Resear Bristol-Myers Squibb Drug Delivery Biopharmaceutics & Dir Ronald L.Smith,PhD BASF Pharma Solutions Technical Service Manager Shaukat Ali,PhD,MSc Sch Development Delivery &LifeCycle Senior Director, Drug David Monteith,PhD,MBA BD A Development Director of Business Philip Green,PhD Pharm Associate Director, Mar SPI Pharma Development Marketing &Commercial V Sarath Chandar, MBA M Bi ice President, Global dvanced DrugDelivery er o ector o Technology Drug Delivery Director Executive Editorial Dan Marino,MSc logi erin c c k on Vi ch In a J. Kir s Research Laboratories cals &V g-Plough ceuti aughan f ce Pr Explor stitute chmeier cal R&D a esi ccin atory d ent , es PhD CIMA LABS,INC. New Technology Senior Manager, Beth A-S.Brown,PhD,MS Solutions Catalent Pharma Process VP, Strategy &Business Cornell Stamoran Consulting, Inc. Live OakPharmaceutical President PhD James S.Bernstein, W Partner, FDA Department James N.Czaban,JD X P Derek G.Hennecke,MBA The Lang Companies P John A.Bermingham Medical Center University of Nebraska Pharmaceutics Associate Professor of Uday B.Kompella,PhD Development GlobalResear Formulations Director, Research Keith Horspool,PhD celience resident &CEO resident &CEO ilm erH a le ch & GlaxoSmithKline S.R. One, Limited, Investm Philip L.Smith,PhD Pharmaceuticals Brookwood and Chief Scientific Officer Executive Vice President Tom Tice, PhD at Austin Pr James W. McGinity, PhD U Laboratories Merck Research Director Henry Y. Wu, PhD,MS C P PharmD, MBA Gary W. Cleary, PhD, Johnson &Johnson M T R Der-Yang Lee,PhD Color T Modified Release Global Technical Director, PhD Ali Rajabi-Siahboomi, E President, North America John Fraher echnology, R&DLabs echnologies orium In resident &CTO ur niversity o esearch Fellow, R&D cNeil Consumer Healthcare, o fessor of Pharmaceutics an con d ent Manager ternational f T e x as * DDT Nov-Dec 2007 Working 11/9/07 2:41 PM Page 11 * DDT Nov-Dec2007Working3.qxd11/9/075:59PMPage12 12 Drug Delivery Technology November/December 2007 Vol 7 No 10 to getmarket sooner. 3Mprovidescorporation. inproductdevelopment, expertise toenable andmanufacturing regulatory you We delivery combinetheagilityofaleadingdrug company ofamajor, withtheresources multinational u xets nrae oropruiyfrsces www.3m.com/dds increasesOur expertise yourfor opportunity success. :(0)6388 :(651)737-5265 (800)643-8086•F: T: t al Minnesota 55144-1000 Paul, St. est:www.3M.com/DDS Website: 3M D MCne,Bd.275-3E-10 Bldg. 3M Center, RUG 3M’ • • • andbiotechcompanieswith: pharmaceutical Our technolo • • • • • Delivery Systems offers… Betw innovator delivery. drug forinhalationandtransdermal 3M DrugDeliverySystems countries onsixcontinents. Delivery soldinmorethan60 Systemsarecurrently by system.Productsmanufactured 3MDrug stand-alone7-dayMDI, andthedevelopment ofthefirst metered-dose (MDI),de Increased probabilityoftechnicalandcommercialsuccess Speed tomarket Differentiated products Broad rangeofcustomizable systemcomponents Commercial manufacturing expertise Global regulatory Product development services Innovative andproven technology D s een drug discoveryeen drug andcommercialization,3MDrug ELIVERY pro v en trackrecordincludesde S gy YSTEMS , e xpertise andexperience canprovidexpertise v elopment ofthef is agloballeaderand v elopment ofthefirst irst HF A * DDT Nov-Dec 2007 Working 3.qxd 11/9/07 5:59 PM Page 13 * DDT Nov-Dec2007Working3.qxd11/9/075:59PMPage14 14 Drug Delivery Technology November/December 2007 Vol 7 No 10 enhanced persistency, which arecriticalforpatientswithchronic conditions. desirab during remo gentleness. BecausetheGelMatrixadhesive (skin) ofthestratumcorneum minimizesthedisruption revolutionary GelMatrixadhesive systemforanunequaledbalanceofadhesionreliability and Aveva andonly DDSandNittoDenko have patchusinga marketed transdermal producedthefirst Proprietary GelMatrix Adhesive Technology A v eva offers: le patientexperience. This technology toincreasedpatientcompliance and alsocontributes v al, thesepatchescanberemo • Creative solutions&sophisticated technologies toovercome challenges formulation • Afullrangeofresearch,development, capabilities andmanufacturing • Extensive inpolymer expertise synthesisandadhesive technologies formulation • Transdermal candidateassessmentsof APIs inaslittle4weeks • Global licensesfor otc mi:[email protected] Contact email: AVEVA DRUG DELIVERY SYSTEMS INC. :(5)4034 F (954)430-3390 (954)430-3340F: T: Aveva's approved productsand development pipeline est:www.avevadds.com Website: 3250 Commerce Parkway v iaa,FL33025 Miramar, ed and reapplied with minimal skin irritation, resultingina ed andreappliedwithminimalskinirritation, technolo systems. transder integrated, controlled-release phar a delivery systems.NittoDenko has drug and apioneerin,transdermal world's largest of, manufacturers of $5.3billion,isonethe company withrevenues inexcess Systems, using anumberofsophisticated capabilities and manufacturing range ofresearch,development, e equivalents. Leveraging this quality, low-cost brand unmet mark transdermal drug delivery drug transdermal andgeneric proprietary Aveva DrugDelivery xperience, 20-year ofproviding history maceutical partners withfullymaceutical partners mal productsthatfulf gies toproduce a Aveva offers afull et needsorarehigh- Nitto Denk o ill * DDT Nov-Dec 2007 Working 3.qxd 11/9/07 6:00 PM Page 15 * DDT Nov-Dec2007Working3.qxd11/9/076:00PMPage16 16 Drug Delivery Technology November/December 2007 Vol 7 No 10 BD Medical-PharmaceuticalSystems de ,anasalspraysystem andavariety including glassandplasticprefillable ofself- industry. theneedsofpharmaceutical BDofferssystems designedtofit arangeofproducts, solutions forallregional delivery markets andparenteraldrug needs. presence, market awareness packagingknow-how andpharmaceutical allow ustoproposesuitable phar With abroadrangeofinnovative Systemsprovides devices BDMedical-Pharmaceutical andservices, patients' needsforcomfort. and tofulfill devices aredesignedtomeethealthcareprofessionals'demandsforsafetyandconvenienceprefillable therapy.differentiate totheoptimizationofdrug productsandcontribute pharmaceutical All our vices. maceutical companieswithsuppor W e deli v er cost-ef fecti ve alternatives toconventional delivery drug methods, which -alAdes:[email protected] E-Mail Address: BD M est:www.bd.com/pharmaceuticals Website: EDICAL t rnlnLks NJ07417 Franklin Lakes, and resourcestohelpthemachieve theirgoals. Ourworldwide :(800)225-3310 T: :(201)847-4847 F: 1 - Becton Drive P HARMACEUTICAL is dedicatedtode S YSTEMS veloping prefillable drug delivery drug veloping prefillable * DDT Nov-Dec 2007 Working 3.qxd 11/9/07 6:00 PM Page 17 * DDT Nov-Dec2007Working3.qxd11/9/076:00PMPage18 18 Drug Delivery Technology November/December 2007 Vol 7 No 10 • • Associations in: Bilcare GlobalClinicalSupplieshascoreexpertise Services Packaging rooms. and6 Secondary Primary global footprintextends to locatedona125-acrecampusinPune, . Asia witha4,475-sq-ftfacility has2 This facility Bilcare hasa21,000-sq-ftEuropeanlocationin Wales, Packaging rooms.Bilcare’s and4Secondary UK,thatincludes6Primary Packaging Rooms,andisDEAlicensedforcontrolledsubstances(ScheduleI-V). and16Secondary acres, houses8Primary Bilcare’ for clinicalsuppliesmanagement,research,anddistrib With acoordinatedpresenceinthe Americas, Europe,and Asia, BilcareGlobalClinicalSuppliesprovides best-in-classservices Facilities • • • deli throughoutyourservice entireproject. We experience andourtotalclinicalsupply combineourindustry and chainservice AAPS Member CSSG DIA Member ISPE Member MWCSG Member v er y s to pro Member facilities includeaUS-basedoperationinPhoenixville,PA.facilities This 142,000-sq-ft,FDA-licensed spreadover facility 14 vide smar t, efficient andinnovativet, efficient solutions. B ILCARE -al [email protected] E-Mail: W bie www.BilcareGCS.com ebsite: heivle PA 19460 Phoenixville, 300 Kimberton Road ution intomorethan50countries. :(610)935-4300 T: :(610)935-4321 F: G • • • • • LOBAL Analytical ResearchServices P &Secondary Primary Labeling Clinical Manuf Formulation Development ackaging C LINICAL Our integrated approachprovidesOur integrated you withseamless acturing S UPPLIES Europe, and the Bilcare GlobalClinicalSuppliesserves Americas, Exchange withover $100million inrevenue. located inPune,India,tradedover theBombay Stock is aDivision ofBilcare,Ltd.,a25-year-old company Bilcare GlobalClinicalSupplies ser andcompleteprojectmanagement.Our services, destructions accountability.destructions worldwide,storage, distribution and andreturns controlled temperature(coldandfrozenchain)CTM clinical suppliespackagingandlabeling,toIVRS, research andde broad rangeofrequirementsfrompre-formulation and biotechclinicaltrialmaterials(CTM)satisfya vices forsolid Asia withclinicaltrialmaterialssuppor • • • Response Systems Interactive Voice/Web Distribution Global Logistics & Retur velopment, analytical and services, , semi-solid ns &Destr , uctions , DEA (CI-V), t, * DDT Nov-Dec 2007 Working 3.qxd 11/9/07 6:00 PM Page 19 * DDT Nov-Dec2007Working3.qxd11/9/076:00PMPage20 20 Drug Delivery Technology November/December 2007 Vol 7 No 10 Phoenixville, P expertise. industry With in inIndia,Singapore, andUSheadquarters andresearchfacilities best-in-classmanufacturing Bilcare Research P packaging designanddevelopment,services, stabilitystudies,andinnovative andcustomizedpackaging. Bilcare’ meet thetablet’s requiredshelf-life. sensitivities to environmental allowing factors, theoptimalpackagingto researcherstodetermine packaging toestablish theproducts’ selection, increasingspeed-to-mark The company’s revolutionary BilcareOptima that canbedesignedtodemonstrateauniquedosageregimen andpromotepatientadherence. For visitwww.bilcare.com. moreinformation, eco-friendly papercomposites. ackaging materialsincludeallPVCandPVdCcoatedPVC,b s research ser A, Bilcarepro vices includepre-for is a pharmaceutical packaging and research firm thatcombinesinnovative packagingandresearchfirm is apharmaceutical technology withdeep vides inno et w hile reducingpackagingcosts.Thisuniquetestingmethodteststhetab v ative film- and foil-based packaging solutions to the pharmaceutical industry worldwide industry andfoil-basedpackagingsolutionstothepharmaceutical ative film- mulation studies,for TM research methodologies deliver quantitative stabilitydataandoptimumpackaging -al [email protected] E-Mail: est:www.Bilcare.com Website: heivle PA 19460 Phoenixville, 300 Kimberton Road B :(610)422-3305 T: :(610)935-4321 F: ILCARE mulation de lister f R ESEARCH ilms, aluminum lid-stock foils, cold-form foil,flexibles,ilms, aluminumlid-stockfoils,cold-form and velopment, analytical research,packaging audit let outsideofthe * DDT Nov-Dec 2007 Working 3.qxd 11/9/07 6:00 PM Page 21 * DDT Nov-Dec 2007 Working 3.qxd 11/9/07 6:00 PM Page 22 * DDT Nov-Dec 2007 Working 3.qxd 11/9/07 6:01 PM Page 23 * DDT Nov-Dec2007FINAL.qxd11/12/073:29PMPage24 24 Drug Delivery Technology November/December 2007 Vol 7 No 10 loading andmaskingunacceptable taste.Ourtechnologies include:softgelatinand Vegicaps enhancing bioavailability, improving optimizingtherateofrelease,targeting thesiteofabsorption, drug everyscientists face day. These patentedtechnologies canimprove by: theoddsofsuccessfulformulation Our adv . ofourcustomers’ therapeutic andmarket performance company.pharmaceutical We continually work toadvance delivery thescienceofdrug andenhance and manuf W Drug Delivery Catalent PharmaSolutions Zydis ser consumer markets,network andaglobalfacility continents,Catalentiswell thatspansfive positionedto With experience inmorethan100countries,extensive knowledge biotechnology ofthepharmaceutical, and andliquid . inhalation, and arangeofinhaledtechnolo their desiredclinicalandmarket outcomes,andareusedinmany well-known products. outcomes. Catalent’s delivery drug andpackagingtechnologies proprietary enable customerstoachieve local market andtechnicalcreativity expertise toadvance treatments,changemarkets andenhancepatient companies. Formerly CardinalHealthPharmaceutical Technologies (PTS),Catalentappliesits andServices biotechnology forpharmaceutical, andconsumerhealthcare andpackagingservices manufacturing e v are thew e ® y ou, w f anced delivery technologies bring new optionstoresolve thetechnicalchallengesthatdevelopment ast dissolv actured adv herever you dobusiness. orld leader in patented drug deliveryorld leaderinpatenteddrug technologies. For morethan50years, we have developed e dosage for anced drug deliverywithnearlyanced drug systemsandpartnered every majorglobal is theleadingprovider ofadvanced technologies aswell asdevelopment, m; EnT gies includingpMDIs,DPIs,nasalspra ec :867034;F 732.537.6480 F: 866.720.3148; T: ® oest New Jersey 08873 Somerset, est:www.catalent.com Website: mi:[email protected] Email: oral modif 14 Schoolhouse Road C ATALENT ied releasetechnolo ys andsolutions/suspensionsfor gies, suchasEnCirc ® ® Soft capsules; and EnSolv ® ; * DDT Nov-Dec 2007 Working 3.qxd 11/9/07 6:01 PM Page 25 * DDT Nov-Dec2007Working3.qxd11/9/076:07PMPage26 26 Drug Delivery Technology November/December 2007 Vol 7 No 10 state-of-the-art development,state-of-the-art space. packaging, anddistribution manufacturing, Headquar Facilities • • • Manufacturing Solutions • P • • • • Drug Development Solutions be handledb will fromconcepttocommercialmanufacturing, thattheirformulations, solutions.DPTcustomershavemanufacturing confidence compliance record. reputation forquality, capabilities,andanexemplary virtually unmatchedtechnicalexpertise, unlimited manufacturing regulatory needsthroughinnovation,manufacturing technology, DPThasa Specializinginsemi-solidandliquiddosageforms, andservice. biotechnology,pharmaceutical, development andconsumerhealthcarecompaniesthebestsolutionstotheirdrug and DPT, Inc.company, aDFBPharmaceuticals, isacontractdevelopment organization andmanufacturing (CDMO).DPT provides Who We Are Key Personnel: Number ofEmployees: Year Founded: get y President ProjectManagement&Marketing • • ackaging Solutions Analytical andbioanalytical methoddevelopment andvalidation Controlled substancesSchedulesII-V cGMP batchsizesfrom25kgto22,000 F Identif Stability studiesunderICHconditions developmentBiopharmaceutical Pre-for F development Packaging specification our cGMPf ormulation andpackagecompatibility assessment ormulation The abilitytodevelop, makes DPTunique. andcommercialize productsinsemi-solidandliquiddosageforms manufacture, To Customers choose DPT as a strategic partner becauseof our abilitytoprovideCustomers chooseDPTasastrategic partner fullydevelopment drug integrated and our next product to market fast and with confidence, callDPT– our next producttomarketandwithconfidence, fast ication andsourcingofrele mulation andfor tered inSan y professionals withunparalleledknowledge equipmentandprocesses. andexperience, usingstate-of-the-art acilities 1990 Paul Johnson,President;Paul Josephs, Vice PresidentSales&CommercialOperations;MarcIacobucci, Vice Antonio, 1,500 mulation TX, DPT has four facilities thereandtwoTX, DPThasfourfacilities inLakewood, NJ, withmorethan1millionsquarefeetof v ant packagingoptions :(1)4685 :(210)829-8733 (210)476-8159F: T: • • :[email protected] E: est:www.dptlabs.com Website: DPT L validation services and Specialized equipmentinstallation,operationalqualification, Extensive packagingcapabilitiesforsemi-solidsandliquids San Antonio, TX 78215 TX San Antonio, 318 McCullough ABORATORIES • • T Packaging equipmentsourcing,design,andengineeringservices ur nkey foruniqueandspecializedpackaging sourcingservices The IndustrySour • • • Clinical trialmaterialsPhaseI-IV Pilot andproof-of-conceptbatchesfrom0.3kg Process development andvalidation ,L TD . ce for Semi-solidsandLiquids SM . * DDT Nov-Dec 2007 Working 3.qxd 11/9/07 6:07 PM Page 27 * DDT Nov-Dec2007Working3.qxd11/9/076:07PMPage28

28 Drug Delivery Technology November/December 2007 Vol 7 No 10 * DDT Nov-Dec 2007 Working 3.qxd 11/9/07 6:07 PM Page 29 * DDT Nov-Dec2007Working3.qxd11/9/076:07PMPage30 30 Drug Delivery Technology November/December 2007 Vol 7 No 10 move ontootherphysical therapy activities orleave theclinic. mode initiatesasessionofSkinConductivity Enhancementthatreduceswear times—allowing patientsto precise dosingoftraditionaldosecontrollerswiththeconvenience ofpatch-only treatments. The Hybresis • • • Benefits shor provides clinicianswithawirelesssystemthatoffers precisedosecontrol,alternative treatmentmodes,and Hybresis isarevolutionary delivery systemthatusesthepower drug ofiontophoresistechnology. It Intr without thedisadvantages ofinjectionsororally administereddrugs. inonlyis virtually painless;treatments canbeperformed afew minutes;anditdirectly treatsthepainsite Iontophoresis isaclinically proven, noninvasive methodofactive delivery. drug transdermal Iontophoresis Iontophoresis Therapeutics. Clinician’s DMEprogram needsandthoseoftheirpatients.Empiisawholly-owned ofReAble subsidiary provides outsourced, designed tomeet high-qualitydurable medicalequipmentandhealthcareservices • • • • 3-minute SkinConducti Hybresis(hybrid),Flexibility throughtheproprietary Standard, andPatch-only treatmentmodes Enhanced treatmentdeli Mobility andconvenience ofapatch Needle-free paintreatment andmaintenancedosageinonetreatment One- totw oducing Hybr tened in-clinictreatmenttimes. o-hour wear timetocompletea4080mA-minute treatment esis b y vity Enhancementensurespredictab v Empi er y and shor With threetreatmentmodesinonepatch,Hybresiscombinesthe ter patchw t al MN55126-4099 Paul, St. 599 Cardigan Road www :800-328-2536 T: www .hybresis.com .empi.com E ear times MPI EmpiCare isav of thepatient,medicalprofessional,andpayor. designedtomeettheneeds products specifically positive patientoutcomesandproviding innovative rehabilitation. Empiiscommittedtodelivering products forpainmanagementandphysical andprovidermanufacturer ofnon-invasive medical inSt.Paul, MN,Headquartered Empiisaleading Compan le dosage y Overview alue-added subsidiar y of Empithat * DDT Nov-Dec 2007 Working 3.qxd 11/9/07 6:07 PM Page 31 * DDT Nov-Dec2007Working3.qxd11/9/076:08PMPage32 32 Drug Delivery Technology November/December 2007 Vol 7 No 10 on threecommercializedtechnology platforms: thatisoneofthebroadestinindustry.portfolio The Company’s development drug efforts arebased our dr on pleasecallusorvisit ourwebsite, detailed technicalinformation information, where you willfind w Milan, Ital in over 50countries,have beendeveloped usingourtechnologies. develop novel products. pharmaceutical To date,morethan40products,marketed by Eurandcustomers enables ustohave morethanonesolutionforany delivery drug problem. biotechnolo targeting,technology that,oncecommercialized, drug platform, canbeappliedtosmallmoleculeand that canbeusedaloneorintandemtoprovide delivery uniquedrug solutions. Eurandhasafourth Our commercializedtechnolo • • • Taste-Masking &Orally Disintegrating Formulations Customized Release Bioavailability EnhancementofPoorly Soluble Drugs orld We delivery inusingourtechnologies challengesandto areexperts drug tosolve themostdifficult Eurand isaglobalcompany withmorethan500employees. arein Itsprincipaloperatingoffices , ug deli including sitesinMilanand y . gy deri The Company hasresearch,development, throughoutthe facilities andmanufacturing v er y systems. v ed productsforimpro 20060 -Pessano con Bornago :+39-02-95745018/12 F: i .Lte ig 13 Luther King, Via M. :+39-02-95428-309 T: (Milan) Italy gy platfor Trieste, Italy; Dayton, Ohio(US) and , France. For more est:www.eurand.com Website: ms aremadeupofmultipleno :[email protected] E: v ed dr management. Eurandhasawell-established technology inno technologies canbeused toenable thecreationof products. successful pharmaceutical Additionally, our candidatesintoeasy-to-administer, drug difficult turns of dr technolo delivery.leader indrug We offer comprehensive ef treatment optionswithsuperiorsafety, enhanced needs. To thisend, theCompanypatients’ develops technologies andproducts thatbettersatisfy development andcommercializationofbreakthrough technologies. Eurandisdedicatedtothecontinued productsusingourinnovativebiopharmaceutical develops and enhancedpharmaceutical Eurand ug deli f icac F v or morethan30y ug substances.Usingthesetechnolo ati y , v very. The breadthofour technology platforms gy platforms designedtooptimizethedeliverygy platforms e and con is a specialty pharmaceutical companyis aspecialtypharmaceutical that and effective productsforlife-cycle adla Ohio45377 Vandalia, :(937) 898-9669 T: :(937) 898-9529 F: 845 Center Drive v enient dosing. ears, Eurandhasbeenaw vel drug deliveryvel drug technologies gies, Eurand orld * DDT Nov-Dec 2007 Working 3.qxd 11/9/07 6:08 PM Page 33 * DDT Nov-Dec2007Working3.qxd11/9/076:08PMPage34 34 Drug Delivery Technology November/December 2007 Vol 7 No 10 EUDRAPULSE onadvanced deliveryintellectual property oraldrug technologies. The different brandsof know-howformulation Polymers applications,Pharma forpharmaceutical hasdeveloped coating equipmentincludingGlatt development offers thishigh-techfacility state-of-the-art batchesofsolidoraldosageforms, using EUDRAGIT customers, new marketing development strategies, andformulation ofsoliddosageforms localandglobal staffed personnelgearedtosupport with30marketing andtechnicalservice The recently Polymer expanded 1200-sq-meterPharma Research Centre inMumbai,India,is EUDRAGIT Darmstadt, Germany; Piscataway,Darmstadt, New Jersey; Shanghai,China;and Tsukuba, Japan. formulations. PolymersThe Pharma linealsooperatesfully business equippedlabsin stability cabinetstoenable stabilityofthe datagenerationofacceleratedandlong-term includes autodissolutiontestersandHPLCswithUVPhotodiode array detectors,and Coatings. Basedonmorethan50years ofexperience inEUDRAGIT customer-specific solutionstoout-licensingstrategies. customer-specific deliverycommercialization ofthesedrug technologies rangefromthedevelopment of modelsfor business research anddevelopment effort sofar. Polymers’ Pharma EUDRA andimmediate-release applications. sustainedreleaseformulations, on soliddosageforms, oral dosagefor to drug deliveryto drug technologies. EUDRAGIT from leaddisco development thatmeetrequirementsduringtheentiredrug products andservices process- biophar PolymersPharma iscommittedtoproviding and solutionstothepharmaceutical bed systemorahigh-shearmixer. constancy, allow ittobeprocessedinafluidized- mechanicalstability) andreleaseprofiles soluble suchasdiltiazem. drugs, The polymer’s positive (e.g.weight properties mi:[email protected] Email: E www.pharma-polymers.com VONIK maceutical industry in drug development, delivery, indrug anddrug maceutical industry manufacturing, with GIT a:+1-732-981-5484 Fax: e:+1-732-981-5383 Tel: ictwy NJ08855 Piscataway, Pharma PolymersPharma www.evonik.com D ® ® 2 polymers areidealforEntericDelivery, ControlledRelease,andProtective NM EGUSSA Turner Place ms. They have becomeindispensable of enteric coatings inthemanufacturing v ® ery via custom intermediates and viacustomintermediates ery formulations APIs andexcipients fordrug , EUDRACOL ® 30 Dpol polymers. Equipped with the requisite machinery necessary toproduce polymers. necessary Equippedwiththerequisite machinery C ORPORATION ymer issuitedforthe ® , and EUDRAMODE ® & Huttli for the pharmaceutical industry.for thepharmaceutical Industries, isoneoftheworld andsupply leadersinthemanufacture offunctionalcoatings world. Polymers, Pharma linewithintheChemicalsBusiness abusiness Area ofEvonik the new creative activities basedinGermany withbusiness industrialgroup allover the On September12,2007,Degussa becametheChemicalsBusiness Area ofEvonik Industries, ® ® mi:[email protected] Email: acrylic polymersacrylic arethefavorite choiceforsolid fluid bedprocessors. Analytical equipment -49 amtd,Germany D-64293 Darmstadt, www.pharma-polymers.com a:+49-6151-18-3520 Fax: e:+49-6151-18-4019 Tel: mulation ofmatrixtab E ® VONIK Pharma PolymersPharma www.evonik.com are theachievements ofthisintensive K irschenallee 45 R ÖHM ® G polymer designand MB H lets forhighly mi:[email protected] Email: E VONIK www.pharma-polymers.com aiia od Sakinaka Road, Sakivihar K a:+91-22-6723-8811 Fax: e:+91-22-6723-8800 Tel: ubi India 400072 Mumbai, ilnHue 1stfloor, House, rislon Pharma PolymersPharma www.evonik.com D EGUSSA I NDIA P VT .L TD . * DDT Nov-Dec 2007 Working 3.qxd 11/9/07 6:08 PM Page 35 * DDT Nov-Dec2007Working3.qxd11/9/076:08PMPage36 36 Drug Delivery Technology November/December 2007 Vol 7 No 10 Technology Transfer forManufacturing Process Scale-Up cGMP Clinical Trial Material Production CPS Technology™ - Controlled ReleasePellet System both ANDA andNDA products. provided attentiontoqualityandcustomerservice. withthegreatest companiestobringtheirimmediatereleaseandcomplex controlledreleaseproductstomarket.pharmaceutical are All ofourservices division ofGlatt Air Techniques, continuestosuccessfully with partner Inc.,incollaborationwithitsglobalGlattGroupaffiliates, technology, industry. tothepharmaceutical andcontractmanufacturing With over years ofexperience thirty andinnovation, this dosage for Facility Expansion- Contract Manufacturing: Drug Delivery Technologies - Pr Ser Who We Are: Number ofEmployees: Vital Statistics: Process De Formulation Development Building onoure bysupported acompletelineofanalytical capabilitiesinournewly expanded laboratory. including Ne environment inthedevelopment ofyour products.OurR&Dteamhassucceededindeveloping productsfromabroadlistofcategories To moreabouthow learn we’re expanding, pleasecontactustoscheduleavisit. andGlatt’s CPS™pelletsystem,fluidbed and highsheargranulation, our proprietary unsurpassed Wurster HStechnology. expanded capabilityconcentratesoncomplex includingorganic controlled-release R&Dandmanufacturing, solvent coatingcapacity, direct pelletizationusingourCPS Technology™. focuson capabilitiesare expandingOur pelletmanufacturing tofurther Wurster coatingand layering HSdrug andfunctional film supply ofyour products. oduct De vices Offer m v v elopment (AqueousandOr w products. elopment - Glatt Pharmaceutical Services istheleadingprovider Services productdevelopment,Glatt Pharmaceutical ofsoliddosageform delivery drug ed: Chemical Entities,ProductLineExtensions,Ov Year Founded: 1954 xper - - - Dense, Spherical, and Uniform PelletsDense, Spherical,andUniform High Drug Loading(upto~90%) High Drug Direct Pelletization Glatt Pharmaceutical Services announcestheinaugurationofitsnew inRamsey, Services soliddosagefacility Glatt Pharmaceutical NJ. Our tise influidbedandsoliddosagetechnolo W e Glatt Air Techniques, Inc.,USA~150-GlattGroup, Worldwide ~1500 W are committedtoascheduleofup24hours/7days aweek tomeetthemarket demandsplacedonthe e Our experienced staff provides first-class cGMP manufacturing of both bulk intermediates and final solid andfinal Our experienced intermediates staff ofbothbulk cGMPmanufacturing provides first-class feature ahighl With afocusoncontrolledrelease,Glattoffers new andnovel enablingtechnologies proprietary for MicroPx Technology™ - DirectPelletization g est:www.glattpharmaceuticalservices.com Website: anic Solv y :[email protected] E: e xperienced andaccomplishedg G ent Processing) LATT asy New Jersey 07446 Ramsey, P :(201)825-8700 T: :(201)825-0389 F: HARMACEUTICAL - - - 20 Spear Road20 Spear Continuous Processing Dense, Spherical,andUnifor High Dr er-the-Counter, are Products.OurR&Dservices andGenericDrug gy , ZRx™ Technology - Zero-OrderRelease Tablet System w ug Loading(upto~90%) e deli v S er acompleteR&Dprogram including: ERVICES roup of scientist that participate inateamworkroup ofscientistthatparticipate focused - - - Once-per Zero orFirst-Order ReleaseCharacteristics Extended Release Tablet MatrixSystem m P ellets -Day Dosing * DDT Nov-Dec 2007 Working 3.qxd 11/9/07 6:08 PM Page 37 * DDT Nov-Dec2007Working3.qxd11/9/076:14PMPage38 38 Drug Delivery Technology November/December 2007 Vol 7 No 10 F elsewhere.customers withwhat they cannotfind time”delivery.while ensuring“rightfirst Ouraimistodowell andtoprovide what isdifficult our isbetterequippedtomeetthechallengesofbringingnew partner manufacturing APIs tomarket quickly, both No installations aredesignedtosupport productformulations. API synthesisandinhalationdrug wide rangeofsolutionstomodifythe characteristics.FromAPI particle labtoindustrialscale,our wet-milling,congealing, freeze-drying, micronization,andcryomillingcapabilitiesallow ustooffer a Hovione's combinesarangeofproven Designexpertise Particle technologies. Spray-drying, spray- inallmajorareasof Building onouraccumulatedexpertise API development andmanufacture, P track-record in delivery systems,fromoraltoinjectable andfrominhalationtotopicalapplications. With a50-year customer service, and regulatory compliance. andregulatory customer service, are dependable andeconomicalhasgiven usaworldwide reputationforqualityproducts,superior or fur ar ticle Design ther inf API de ormation pleasevisitwww T echnologies for Enhanced API Performance v elopment, ourabilitytopro :(0)9820 :(609)918-2615 (609)918-2600F: T: est:www.hovione.com Website: East Windsor, NJ 08520 NJ East Windsor, :[email protected] E: .ho 40 Lake Drive vione H OVIONE vide customerswithtimel .com and re quality,superior customerservice, supplier APIs bothasaCMOand API development of andmanufacture dedicated tothecGMP Hovione isaworld-class company Pharmaceutical Industry Manufacturing for the API Development and We offer APIs foralldrug FDA andICHcGMPstandards. ton manuf design,andkilotomulti- particle worldwide affairs, regulatory analytical development, include processchemistr inspected. Ourcapabilities US (New Jersey), allFDA T plants inEuropeand Asia anda echnology Transfer Centerin the y gulator . and reliab Ho acture of vione iscommittedto y suppor le solutionsthat APIs under t, ha y, ving * DDT Nov-Dec 2007 Working 3.qxd 11/9/07 6:14 PM Page 39 * DDT Nov-Dec2007Working3.qxd11/9/076:14PMPage40 40 Drug Delivery Technology November/December 2007 Vol 7 No 10 Companies interestedinano in clinicaltrialsdeter NO combination dr T entry, issues cancontactINNERCAP higherperceived formulation value, withdifficult andbrandingopportunities echnolo V A CAPS™ of gies. ugs, reducedcounterfeiting,increasedstability fers a significant first-to-market advantage by minimizingvaluable first-to-market timeinR&Dwhenfers asignificant theproductcouldbe mining thepatientresponsetoane v el solutionforlife-c :(1)8709 :(813)837-0207 (813)837-0796F: T: NECPT INNERCAP 9745 International Court North9745 Court International W ycle managementissues,patentprotection,increasedcompliance, t eesug FL33716 Petersburg, St. bie www.innercap.com ebsite: :[email protected] E: w combination product. ECHNOLOGIES , to have never beencombinedpreviously cannow beadministered With theINNERCAPdelivery system,therapeuticentitiesthat HIV/AIDS drugs. development fordelivery ofmultiple ofsingle-dosageforms for delivery system.Surging worldwide interestinsuchcombination fortheactives administeredinthe multiple releaseprofiles The delivery systemalsoprovides theoptionofworking with agents, solidorliquid, inasingle-dosage,combinationproduct. system accommodatesotherwiseincompatible pharmaceutical combination drugs. NOVACAPS™The proprietary delivery singlepillsolutionfordifficult multi-phase, multi-compartment o The INNERCAPdeli neurolo therapeutic classes,suchasimmunolo The NOVACAPS™ delivery systemcanbeusedforall regimens. plague multi-drug the sametime,addressespatientcomplianceissuesthatoften physical phases. This approachmaximizesbioavailability and, at utilizingdifferent most advantageous profile, pharmacokinetic INNERCAP Technologies,Inc. tab ultimatel through theclinicalphase,andintocommercialization— totransitioninnovations smoothly fromdevelopment, multiple releaseprof v gether ercome thedif mats ise lets. gic, psychiatric,oncolo This willpro , y via anoral,implanted, ,inthe orasuppository reaping thef videnced b ,I NC f . icult development issuesrelatedtobi-layer vide companieswithaquick iles, increasedbioa very systemalsoprovidesvery asolutionto y inancial fr the FDA’s initiative toadvance the gic, andpainmanagement. uits oftheirlabor gic, cardiovascular, v ailability offers NOVACAPS™, a er andef , bar . riers to f icient * DDT Nov-Dec 2007 Working 3.qxd 11/9/07 6:14 PM Page 41 * DDT Nov-Dec2007Working3.qxd11/9/076:14PMPage42 42 Drug Delivery Technology November/December 2007 Vol 7 No 10 * DDT Nov-Dec 2007 Working 3.qxd 11/9/07 6:14 PM Page 43 * DDT Nov-Dec2007Working3.qxd11/9/076:14PMPage44 44 Drug Delivery Technology November/December 2007 Vol 7 No 10 oppor continue togrow, sodoesourcapacity forinnovation. We continuetoexpand ourworldwide capabilities,explore new what medicinesarecapable andcreatenew of doing. drugs productsthatredefine andpipeline As ourproductportfolio bring toproductdevelopment. Bysharingourassetsandintellectualresources,we increasethe therapeutic value ofproven eventually otherareas,where they impact. canhaveWe significant who recognize collaboratewithpartners thevalue we unmetneedsindiabetes,infectiousdisease,,Our development programs focusonproductsthatfill and world-leading scientistsonourresearchanddevelopment staff andacompany innovation. culturethatnurtures teamofinventiveOur productideascomefromamulti-disciplinary thinkers andproblem-solvers. We tohave arefortunate andbiotechnologypharmaceutical companies. developing ourown high-value, productsaswell proprietary ashighly differentiated withleading productsinpartnership disease treatmentandintroducednew andexciting ways toincreasethetherapeuticvalue ofmedicines. Today, we are Just over 15years ago,ourcompany was foundedonbreakthroughideasthatchangedtheway peoplethoughtabout de to use,longerlasting,andmoreeffective. We lookclosely atexisting therapies,andleverage ourknowledge andextensive We company areabiopharmaceutical withadifferent approachtomedicine. We develop thatareeasiertotake, safer drugs Who We Are W e velopment toevaluate expertise lives. how they canmoreeffectively impactpatients’ are Nektar tunities, andbringfreshperspecti . hn:(5)6130 a:(650)631-3150 (650)631-3100Fax: Phone: v es tomedicine. mi:[email protected] email: N a als CA94070 San Carlos, 201 Industrial Road201 Industrial EKTAR www.nektar.com T HERAPEUTICS * DDT Nov-Dec 2007 Working 3.qxd 11/9/07 6:14 PM Page 45 * DDT Nov-Dec2007Working3.qxd11/9/076:14PMPage46 46 Drug Delivery Technology November/December 2007 Vol 7 No 10 base for series MPCpolymer 1. PUREBRIGHTSL-100 PUREBRIGHT SLSeriesisaNovel SolubilizingKitforany (Protein,Peptide, Drugs Hydrophobic andsmallmolecularetc.) Novel SolubilizingKitfor PUREBRIGHTSLSeries 4. impurities (EGandDEG)low POV. NOF’s PEG200,300, and400meetwithmulti-compendialofNF, EP, andJP. Ultrapurif • • • • extremely provides low thefollowing impurityprofile, featuresofPolysorbate great 80: NOFABLE ESO-9920(Polysorbate 80)ofNOFCORPORATION, Oleic whichAcid (99% up)andan consistsofultra-purified 300&400 Ultra-Pure Polysorbate 80&PEG200, 3. which canbeobtained. bettertransfectionefficiency customers caneasily SpecialcationictypeEL-01-Disrecently encapsulatetheirdrugs. commercializedforgenedelivery in anddevelop alsoformulate phospholipids, but lyophilized liposomes,calledEMPTYLIPOSOME(EL-series),withwhich worldwide productssincethe90sandhave drug agoodreputationamongstourcustomers. We notonly develop new types of Multi-Compendial-ND, EP, JP Lo Low Cell Toxicity Low (Low Degranulation Allergic Reaction) w Hemolysis mulation ied PEGsandPEG200,300,400areonly available atNOFCORPORATION, andfeatureextremely low base formulation series PEGPhospholipids 2. PUREBRIGHTSL-200 O OPRTO,DDSD NOF CORPORATION, hn:+1352-71 a:+81-3-5424-6769 +81-3-5424-6741Fax: Phone: E iu hby2-,4CoeEiu Shibuya-ku 4-Chome Ebisu, Shibuya20-3, bisu, mi:[email protected] email: liposomal for phospholipidsareinjectedas a be lengthenedwhen ourPEGmodified can bemodif By ar derivatives, suchasmethoxy-PEG amines,maleimides,andcarboxlic acid. ranging from200to30,000molecularw W PEGYLATION TECHNOLOGY 1. industr for DDS,NOFprovides excellent qualityproductsforthepharmaceutical cholesterol pullulan,MPCpolymers, andchitosan. As aworldwide leader oleicacidnonionicsurfactants, PEG, phospholipids,highly purified development andsolubilizers,suchas oninnovative carriers modifiers, drug activity fromBiospheretoOuterSpace,NOFCORP. isfocusedonthe featuringallkindsofhuman chemicalmanufacturer As anintegrated Promoting Innovative DrugDelivery Systems We have successfully ofphospholipidsfor suppliedourGMP-grade PHOSPHOLIPIDS&EMPTYLIPOSOMES 2. oy,Japan 150-6019 Tokyo, e www.nof.co.jp/dds produce notonl 03 4-chome 20-3, ranging theter y. base for series CholesterolPEG 3. PUREBRIGHTSL-300 ied. Inaddition,thehalf-lifeofdr mulation. mulation E y VELOPMENT minal g e xcellent purityofmetho roup ofPEG,v D I VISION mixture basefor series Phospholipids 4. PUREBRIGHTSL-400 eight, b arious kindsofcustomers’ xypol ugs intheb ut alsoacti y eth mulation ylene gl loodstream can v ated PEG ycols dr ugs * DDT Nov-Dec 2007 Working 3.qxd 11/9/07 6:15 PM Page 47 * DDT Nov-Dec2007Working3.qxd11/9/076:15PMPage48 48 Drug Delivery Technology November/December 2007 Vol 7 No 10 incor andcompetitive placeIlook forindustry information. They isthefirst arecontinually“PharmaCircle updating theirdataand provide process.” analyses, ofourbusiness andtriageddataforbusiness-critical part uspre-sorted andisanintegral a website“The PharmaCircle hasawealth ofknowledge thatIcanusetoplanandexecute my strategies. business Iusethesiteon PharmaCircle istheone-stopservicefor pharmaceuticalinformation! phar isahighly“PharmaCircle valuable resourceforourgroup. The timeandcostsavings duetothereadily available volumes of providers. Itisbeingusedbroadly inmy functionareas.” clinical,andbusiness organization by colleaguesinscientific, “Phar navigate andsaves ourcompany considerable time.” databaseisthe mostcomprehensive“The PharmaCircle I’ve seen, especially indevelopment. fordrugs The website iseasyto re gular basis,andthestaf maceutical dataatourf porating suggestionsfromdirect users. Iappreciatethisle maCircle provides perspective companies,products,andtechnology completeandcurrent avery onpharmaceutical • • • • • • milestones, etc)when available. assessment, compare&contrasttables, andmore. ne identify potentialproductcandidates. byThousands ofmoleculescanbesearchedwiththetouchabutton any oftheabove to moleculeattributes Drug Delivery (DD)technologyDrug categories. The following isalsoprovided foreachproduct: Extensive Search Forms Deals FDA Product Information Module&Search Engine Molecule-Specif Products/Pipeline Drug Delivery (DD) This modulecanbesubscribedtoseparately. dates/history, therapeuticequivalents, atyour typeinformation fingertips. labels,packaging,route,anddosageform charge, chirality, t bitterness, ws. The searchresultsarealsooutputinExcel& Word documents. for technologies, products, and company acquisitions with financial details(dealvalue,for technologies, equity, products,andcompany acquisitionswithfinancial royalty, - - - labels, andpackaginginfor Phase, par Formulation, (excipients, color, shape),DDtechnology used, dose,andadministration-relateddetails. Ne ws andsummariesofclinicalresults. f inger is e ic Inf (research tomarketed phase)fromcompaniesworld-wide categorized by indicationsaswell as tnerships, andter xtremel tips far exceedstips far thesubscriptionfees.Itislike having extra staff membersoncall24/7to companies, technologies, pipeline/products,news in180+DDcategories, patents,technology ormation for every detailoftechnologies, companies,andpipelineaswell asproducts,deals,and y 1 efficient withspecialrequeststhatmayefficient arise.” /2 , V ; d str -al [email protected] E-mail: , Cl, bioavailability, andpGPeffect (withliteraturereferences). andfirst-pass mation fromFD ucture, moleculetype,mechanism,MW ritories; appro www.PharmaCircle.com Customer Testimonials P lniw IL60026 Glenview, :(847)729-2960 T: 1700 B HARMA v v luestem Ln C el ofcustomerser al, market, and patent exclusivity info;therapeuticequivalents, A/EMEA. IRCLE that putsmarket/Orange Bookpatentexclusivity, approval LLC vice andwillcontinuesuppor , w ater solubility , BCS class,pK ting theiref a , lo forts.” gP , * DDT Nov-Dec 2007 Working 3.qxd 11/9/07 6:15 PM Page 49 * DDT Nov-Dec 2007 FINAL.qxd 11/12/07 3:21 PM Page 50

PHARMAFORM L.L.C. 11400 Burnet Road, Suite 4010 Austin, TX 78758 T: (512) 834-0449 F: (512) 834-2105 www.pharmaform.com Contact: Dr. Michael Crowley, (512) 834-0449, ext. 202

PharmaForm L.L.C. has an international reputation for delivering novel solutions to challenging problems in pharmaceutical product development, manufacturing, and analytical services. Each member of the PharmaForm team shares a common mission: delivering unmatched excellence and innovation to clients by offering internationally recognized expertise in drug product development; completing each project in a timely and cost-effective manner; and maintaining a customer-focused operational infrastructure. PharmaForm has provided contract services with client groups varying from small virtual companies with no manufacturing facilities to large pharmaceutical organizations.

All products are made under the supervision of the highest quality systems in abidance with FDA regulations. The PharmaForm manufacturing facility is registered with the DEA and is licensed to work with controlled substances. PharmaForm’s success is driven by its core values – Reliability, Dedication, and Quality. PharmaForm services include: • Formulation & Product Development • Quality Control Testing & Stability Storage • Analytical Services • Reverse Engineering • Method Development • Patent Litigation Support • GMP/GLP Manufacturing • Product & Platform Licensing Opportunities • Validation Services

PharmaForm’s state-of-the-art facility is approximately 40,000 sq ft and registered with the US FDA and the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA). All company employees practice and maintain quality systems to maintain compliance with Good Manufacturing Practices (GMPs). PharmaForm is both FDA and DEA inspected. Onsite contractual services include Analytical Development & Testing, Drug Product Prototyping & Development, Contract Clinical & Commercial Manufacturing, and Quality Assurance / Regulatory Affairs Services. 0

1 The company’s 9,000-sq-ft warehouse is temperature controlled and continuously monitored. Manufacturing personnel are highly o

N trained and operate in multi-purpose suites designed to support preparation of pharmaceutical dosage forms for clinical and 7

l commercial products. The production areas are continuously blanketed with single-pass, HEPA-filtered air. o V 7

0 From early development through late-phase clinical trials, PharmaForm offers the entire range of integrated product development 0 2 services you need, including formulation development laboratory space for client-specific projects. r e b m e

c PharmaForm has the capabilities to expand small-scale processes for clinical trial batches into full-scale commercial production. e D

/ You may look to PharmaForm as a single source for clinical or commercial-scale manufacturing, packaging, labeling, and r e

b distribution. The technical expertise available at PharmaForm can assist with process development, manufacturing scale-up, and m e

v process validation activities for commercial launch. o N y

g Licensing opportunities for PharmaForm patented transdermal and transmucosal delivery systems are available. PharmaForm's o l o

n proprietary delivery platform is a versatile polymeric delivery system that can be applied to many drug candidates and product h c e

T applications. The PharmaForm GMP facility can accommodate prototyping to clinical "proof-of-principle" trials and commercial y r

e scale. PharmaForm also evaluates in-licensing opportunities from partners who require a collaborative relationship in order to v i l

e transition from concept to drug product to market candidates. D g u r D PharmaForm doesn’t just provide it’s customers with solutions; it creates successful partnerships.

50 * DDT Nov-Dec 2007 Working 3.qxd 11/9/07 6:19 PM Page 51 * DDT Nov-Dec2007Working3.qxd11/9/076:19PMPage52 52 Drug Delivery Technology November/December 2007 Vol 7 No 10 * DDT Nov-Dec 2007 Working 3.qxd 11/9/07 6:19 PM Page 53 * DDT Nov-Dec2007Working3.qxd11/9/076:20PMPage54 54 Drug Delivery Technology November/December 2007 Vol 7 No 10 comparable toanosmoticpumpormulti-layer tablet. step processallo non-covalently processisafundamentally bondedmatrix,themanufacturing 2-stepprocessofsimpledry-blendinganddirectcompression. This 2- of zero-order, pH-independentrelease ofan API forupto24hourswithoutregard tothesolubilityof API. Becausethesystemconsistsofa the electrol tablet, whose pHismediatedby thepKaofelectrolyte, thuseitherenhancingorsuppressingthesolubilityof API. As thematrixhydrates, unpredictab for non-collapsible diffusion channelizationagentsusedinthepastwere channelstoform; notionizable; therefore,thediffusion channelswere polymer matrixcontainingthe API andoneormoreelectrolytes. The presenceoftheseelectrolytic ofionizable compoundsintheform saltsallows technologies, suchasPenwest’s TIMERx compressible materialsandhigh-viscositypolymers toallow ofalower-volume forthemanufacture than ispossible dosageform withothermatrix compression characteristicsorthosefor combined withbetterflowing controllingpolymers yieldamoremanufacturable stepto and excipients tablet. duringthegranulation APIs withpoor ionic resinsandchar reduction indosingfrequency andminimizationofadditional compression-aidingexcipients requiredforsuccessful,high-throughputtableting. The independent ofitssolubility composition. The ionicinteractionbetween constituentsallows anddry-blended thegranulated forthecontrolledreleaseofan API over 24hours, withoneormoreionicresinspolysaccharidegranulated gumsandoneormoreaminoacids,withinaseconddry-blendedmatrixsimilar The third Amino The secondpatentemplo 2000) 6,090,411issuedJuly 18, Electrolyte Platform (USPatent No. from there rates ofeachpolymer may becombinedtosuppressthediffusion forupto24hours. oftheimbeddeddrug This methodofcontrolledreleaseresults of anactive(API)withoneormorepolymers ingredient orgumsofdiffering pharmaceutical swelling characteristics. The differential hydration The f Dual-P CDT Platform Summary applicable toawidevariety andnutritional ingredients. ofcommonandchallengingclassesdrugs technology was licensedfrom first Temple University delivery in1998andsincethenhasexpanded toincludethreepatenteddrug technologies ue1,2007) June 12, irst patentwithinthetechnolo lmrPafr U aetN.63701ise aur ,2002) 6,337,091issuedJanuary 8, olymer Platform (US Patent No. Acid Platf , fourth, and fifth mostrecentpatentshave ofamatrixcomposedan intheformulation appliedtheoriesofcolloidalchemistry andfifth API fourth, ytes andpol v le, leadingtopoorreleaseprof ersib ws forthemanuf le comple orm (USP ged aminoacidsallow foracontractingmicro-environment intheElectrolyte similar tothatobserved platform. ymer competeforwater ofhydration withthe API, resultinginaprogrammable rateof release. isasystemcapableThe result ys thecolloidalchemistr xation ofthe . P ol atent Nos. ysaccharide gumsha acture ofamonolithictablet withcostadvantages comparable toasimplewax-matrix, yet provides releaseprofiles gy was developed forthecontrolledreleaseofhighly soluble specifically actives, andinvolves thegranulation :[email protected] [email protected] E: mulations thatrequirealar ® API andthepolyionic matrix,initiatedduring SCOLR ingredients. SCOLR uses its proprietary CDT SCOLR usesitsproprietary ingredients. of relateddelivery technologies capableandnutritional ofhandlingchallengingclassesdrugs and broadly applicable toincludeafullplatform SCOLR patents. hasexpanded itsintellectualproperty delivery differentiated positionindrug consistingoffourrecent intellectualproperty from asignificant compliance, andreducingsideeffects safety.ensuring greater orincreasingdrug The Company benefits administration,improvingwith thegoalofreducingfrequency ofdrug effectiveness oftreatment, SCOLR’splatforms. enables CDTplatform cost-effective deliveryfromatablet ofingredients orcapsule advantages over typesandclassesoffers deliveryrange ofdrug alternative significant drug current, OTC andnutritionalproducts. pharmaceutical The Company’s technology isapplicable acrossabroad delivery andpatenteddrug technologiesproprietary todevelop distinctive andnovel prescriptionand and business developmentand business andOTC ofitspharmaceutical internationally. productsandservices SCOLR’s products throughpri andnutritionalsupplements. pharmaceutical The Company supplement markets itsdietary system1. iles andlackofcontrol. ,1,6 sudFbur 1 03 ,3,7 sudAgs 0 2005;and7,229,642issued 2003;6,936,275issued August 30, 6,517,868 issuedFebruary 11, :(2)3307 :(425)373-0181 (425)373-0171•F: T: TM y Pharma ve demonstrated the ability to formulate for high drug load, forhighdrug ve demonstratedtheabilitytoformulate prolongeddelivery, resulting ina phenomenon of“salting-out”tomoderatetheswelling anderosionkineticsofanon-ionic elve Washington 98006 Bellevue, 3625 132 est:www.scolr.comWebsite: SCOLR P is a specialty pharmaceutical companyand expertise is aspecialtypharmaceutical thatappliesitsformulation vate labelretailersintheU.S. leadersforthemarketing withindustry andpartners The electrol nd ge dr Avenue SE400 H ARMA ug loadtobetherapeutically effective may alsobecombinedwithmore ,I ytes also contribute toacontractingmicro-environmentytes alsocontribute withinthe N C . in-situ ® platform todevelopplatform extended-release solidoral h ydration. APIs withpoorflo w proper ties ma y be * DDT Nov-Dec 2007 Working 3.qxd 11/9/07 6:20 PM Page 55 * DDT Nov-Dec2007Working3.qxd11/9/076:20PMPage56 56 Drug Delivery Technology November/December 2007 Vol 7 No 10 Pr Xcelience isdoubling itscapacityin2008withtheacquisitionof another24,000-sq-ftbuilding. Xcelodose withoutbanding. sealing upto1,200capsulesperhourwithliquidorsemi-solidformulations and allows capsuleproductsby filling forrapiddevelopment ofmultiplestrengthssimpleliquid-filled andmanufacturing and cost-ef of batchesforclinicaltrialsinaneasier,API intocapsules,Xceliencecreates manufacturing precision microfilling moreprecise, management, our scientific teamswork asanextension ofyourmanagement, ourscientific organization development throughoutthedrug process. combines theindustry’s development formulation equipment.Ledby top-performing scientistswithstate-of-the-art dedicatedproject process,gettingthemtoclinicandmarket faster. formulation APIsthroughthedrug Xcelience moveand efficiently oursponsors’ product development level atthelaboratory discovery anddirectedintegrated and development functionsattheexecutive level. e staff andisspearheadedby Dr.scientific trainingand Steve DirectorandPrincipalConsultant.Hisscientific Bannister, Scientific and evaluating thedevelopment products. withinXcelience's usesspecializedexpertise ofdrug Consultingservice The Xpert range oftemperatureandrelative humidityconditions. Facility Overview: Xper Man Analytical: Formulation: X ab de Xcelience holds superior expertise andtechnologyXcelience holdssuperiorexpertise Utilizing theXcelodose indirect API-to-capsule filling. • xperience includes pharmaceutics, analyticalxperience includespharmaceutics, chemistry, bioanalysis, Hehasmanagedcomponents of andpharmacokinetics. celience - - - - Solids: velopment. Ourscientistshave allyour tosupport productneeds. experience inpreformulation le tofor eformulation: T P Granules Hard gelatincapsulefor ufacturing: t ab o wders Consulting: let for , • • mulate thefollo ® a f icient manner, with no need for filling excipients andfulltraceabilityofthe icient manner, withnoneedforfilling API’s weight. The CFS1200 and CFS1200 Scaling upandproductionofpilotbatches batchesforstabilitytesting Manufacturing Tampa-based CRO, pharmaceutical development. qualityindrug isthepremiersourceforunsurpassed We consistently State-of-the art facilities and instrumentation provide andinstrumentation facilities anoptimal environmentState-of-the art forstabilitystudies,includingafull mulation The scientific team creates options for formulation to meet your dosage range and preferred routeofdelivery. tomeetyour teamcreatesoptionsfor formulation dosagerangeandpreferred The scientific We are Xcelience’ Our scientistsaretheindustr oprt hn:(1)2600 uiesDvlpetPoe (608)643-4444 (813)286-0404Business Development Phone: Phone: Corporate Xcelience haslaunchedaproduct-de Xcelience’s 24,000-sq-ft Tampa laboratoriesarefully cGMPcompliantandregistered with theFDA andDEA. wing dosagefor TM s are re mulation range of preformulation studiesallowsrange ofpreformulation ustooptimizeyourattheearlieststageofdrug dosageform gistered trademarksofCapsugelBVB Xcelience: XcellingtheScience of F :(1)2610 E [email protected] (813)286-1105E: F: ms: otc:RnalGtre Vice President Randall Guthrie, Contact: • - - - : y’ Suspensions Oral andtopicalliquids XCELIENCE’S CORESERVICES s est:www.xcelience.comWebsite: most respected in the field of formulation development. offormulation Contactus for: most respectedinthefield Send usyourchallenge today! 5 415 West Laurel Street ap,FL33607 Tampa, velopment consulting service tohelpitsclientbaseinplanning,executing,velopment consultingservice • • X placebo matching,over-encapsulation, orcoatingofcomparators encapsulation, tableting, of API, III, includingindividual capsulefilling ofclinicaltrialssuppliesfromPhaselthroughManufacturing to Phase Process validation andtechnology transfer CELIENCE ormulation De A. velopment • - - - Semi-solids: Ointments Creams ® ® 600 systemfor TM system * DDT Nov-Dec 2007 Working 3.qxd 11/9/07 6:20 PM Page 57

* DDT Nov-Dec 2007 Working 3.qxd 11/9/07 6:31 PM Page 58

FEATURING: - Drug Technologies - Excipients, P Polymers,olymers, Liposomes & Lipids - Contract Pharmaceutical & Biological DevelopmentDevelopment Services - Machinery & Laboratory Equipment & Software * DDT Nov-Dec 2007 Working 3.qxd 11/9/07 6:31 PM Page 59

DRUG DELIVERY TECHNOLOGIES DRUG DELIVERY TECHNOLOGIES AEROVECTRX CORPORATION Suite 1500 3003 Summit Blvd. N.E. mpany Bldg 275-3E-10 Atlanta, GA 30319 See Co Profile St. Paul, MN 55110 Phone: (404) 460-5450 Fax: (404) 460-5001 Phone: (800) 643-8086 Fax: 651-737-5265 e-mail: [email protected] www.3m.com/ddsadv Website: www.aerovectrx.com Current Technologies/Platforms: Application(s): Current Partner(s): Current Technologies/Platforms: Application(s): Current Partner(s): Inhalation Drug Delivery Systems Systemic/Pulmonary Schering-Plough Corporation, Aerocurrent Self-administered aerosol drug delivery Under development and Components Forest Pharmaceuticals, Inc., Boehringer Ingelheim Aerolife Mass-immunization for aerosolized CONFIDENTIAL Pharmaceuticals, Inc., Novartis vaccines for infectious diseases in Pharmaceuticals Corporation, developing countries GlaxoSmithKline, Sepracor, IVAX Aerolife Aerosol drug delivery Under development Transdermal Drug Delivery Transdermal Schering AG, Berlex Systems and Components Laboratoriess, Inc. Aerocell Disposable mesh/drug cartridge for use Under development Microstructured Transdermal Proteins & Peptides, Vaccines with Aerocurrent and Aerolife Systems Contact: Matthew Kim, CEO Pipeline Technologies/Platforms: Application(s): Development stage: Novel Excipients Transdermal, Pulmonary/Nasal DRUG DELIVERY TECHNOLOGIES Contact: Brian Gabrio, [email protected] ,INC. DRUG DELIVERY TECHNOLOGIES 88 Sidney Street Cambridge, MA 02139 ACTIVAERO AMERICA,INC. Phone: (617) 494-0171 Fax: (617) 494-9263 5653 Morlich Square e-mail: [email protected] Dublin, Ohio 43017-9684 www.alkermes.com Phone: (614) 761-3555 Fax: (614) 761-3505 email: [email protected] Current Technologies/Platforms: Application(s): Current Partner(s): www.activaero.com Medisorb® Technology Proprietary, injectable extended-release Confidential technology to encapsulate small Current Technologies/Platforms: Application(s): Current Partner(s): molecules, peptides, and proteins in AKITATM Pulmonary delivery of drugs, Clinical trial AKITA is available for clinical microspheres made of biodegradable Individualized Smart Cards are settings trials polymers. With extended-release profiles programmed based on patient’s lasting from days to months, these pulmonary function to control the Exclusive partnership with microspheres eliminate the need for patient’s inhalation for the precise Talecris Biotherapeutics for the frequent dosing and may be used for SQ or and efficient pulmonary delivery of delivery of alpha 1AT IM delivery. aerosolized therapeutics. AKITA inhalation systems are available with AIR® Technology Pulmonary technology offers unique, Confidential PARI LC jet nebulizers and vibrating proprietary system for optimized delivery. membrane nebulizers. System can provide efficient dry- WatchhalerTM Pediatric Asthma Distributors in EU, Marketing delivery of small molecule, peptide, protein, A revolutionary innovative children cooperations with and other macromolecule drug particles to spacer to be used with metered dose pharmaceutical companies the deep lung. inhalers (MDIs) Contact: Ken Andrews, Chief Commercial Officer LimiXTM Delivery & measuring devices with the First flow limitation valve that really need of inspiration/expiration flow control DRUG DELIVERY TECHNOLOGIES controls the flow rate ALTEA THERAPEUTICS CORPORATION Contact: William C. Zimlich, CEO 387 Technology Circle NW, Suite 100 DRUG DELIVERY TECHNOLOGIES Atlanta, GA 30313 Phone: (404) 835-6310 Fax: (404) 835-6450 ADHESIVES RESEARCH e-mail: [email protected] 400 Seaks Run Road www.alteatherapeutics.com Glen Rock, PA 17327 Current Technologies/Platforms: Application(s): Current Partner(s): P: (800) 445-6240 F: (717) 235-8320 PassPort™ Transdermal System – – Insulin in clinical Not disclosed www.adhesivesresearch.com - email: [email protected] Enables continuous delivery development that provides continuous through the skin of water-soluble delivery of basal levels of insulin for Current Technologies/Platforms: Application(s): Current Partner(s): molecules, including drug salts, people with diabetes Acrylic, polyisobutylene,silicone’ Active and passive transdermal delivery Confidential proteins, carbohydrates, and and hybrid pressure-sensitive nucleic acids - compounds – Fentanyl citrate transdermal patch in adhesives typically administered by painful clinical development that enables rapid needle injections. In addition to and safe management of moderate-to- Active transdermal delivery Confidential Electrically and ionically conductive enabling transdermal delivery of severe pain. coatings and adhesives drugs that normally cannot enter the body through the skin, the – Low-molecular-weight heparin patch for Active and passive transdermal delivery Confidential Ultra-clean & non-reactive PassPort Patch can deliver ten- thromboses adhesives fold more drug than conventional transdermal systems and provide – Parathyroid hormone analog transdermal Pipeline Technologies/Platforms: Application(s): Development Stage: high efficiencies of delivery. patch for osteoporosis Active and passive transdermal delivery Porous adhesives Early – Atypical antipsychotic transdermal patch for the management of psychoses Molecularly imprinted polymers Active and passive transdermal delivery, Early diagnostics Contact: Steven P. Damon, VP, Business Development

Hydrogels and organogels Active transdermal delivery Early to mid

Dissolvable/erodable films and Oral, topical, and buccal delivery Mid pressure-sensitive adhesives

Ethanol- and enhancer-tolerant Active and passive transdermal delivery Mid to late coatings and adhesives Drug Delivery Technology November/December 2007 Vol 7 No 10 59 Contact: Scott Knorr, (717) 227-3381, [email protected] * DDT Nov-Dec 2007 Working 3.qxd 11/9/07 6:31 PM Page 60


AMERICAN PEPTIDE COMPANY,INC. AVEVA DRUG DELIVERY SYSTEMS,INC. 777 East Evelyn Avenue 3250 Commerce Parkway Sunnyvale, CA 94086 Miramar, Florida 33025 Phone: (800) 926-8272 or (408) 733-7604 Fax: (408) 733-7603 Phone: (954) 430-3340 Fax: 954-430-3390 www.americanpeptide.com www.avevadds.com

Current Technologies/Platforms: Application(s): Current Partner(s): Current Technologies/Platforms: Application(s): Current Partner(s): Matrix Adhesive Transdermal Once-a-day Isosorbide Dinitrate • Teva Catalog Peptide, Custom Peptides, Research in Cell Biology, Microbiology, Immunology, Biotechnology and Patch • Pfizer CGMP Peptides, Oligo-Nucleotides, and Drug Discovery. Clinical trial and new drug Pharmaceutical Crystal Reservoir Chrono-Controlled Release, Sustained Dye Products, Process Development applications companies; as well as Release, Immediate Release • Diagnostic and Antibody companies Volatile Drug System Cessation • Watson • Toa Eiyo Contact: Gary Hu, VP Sales & Marketing - [email protected] Membrane Controlled Systems Weight Loss, HRT, Anti-Hypertensive, • Tecnoquimicas Antiemetics, Bronchodilators, CNS DRUG DELIVERY TECHNOLOGIES Stimulants, Antimigraine • BioDelivery Sciences International ANTARES PHARMA,INC. Unique Matrix Technology Analgesics, Weight Loss HRT, Antiemetics, 707 Eagleview Boulevard, Suite 414 CNS Stimulants, Antimigraine • SamOh Exton, PA 19341 Liquid/ Semisolid Formulations Analgesics, Hypoglycemics • Spirit Pharmaceuticals Phone: (610) 458-6200 Dissolvable/ Aqueous Films Analgesics, Antiemetics, CNS Stimulants, Fax: (610) 458-0756 Hypoglycemics www.antarespharma.com Current Technologies/Platforms: Application(s): Current Partner(s): Pipeline Technologies/Platforms: Application(s): Development stage:

Medi-Jector VISION® needle-free Insulin, growth hormone Ferring, JCR, SciGen Mucosal Breakthrough Pain Filed injectors Transdermal Asthma Preclinical mpany Pipeline Technologies/Platforms: Application(s): Development stage: See Co Profile Antares Pharma Vibex™ mini-needle Large and small molecule delivery Clinical trials Transdermal Pain Management Filed injectors - single-dose, disposable Needle-free injection technology Diabetes, obesity Lilly ATD™ Advanced Transdermal Gel Transdermal delivery Clinical trials Transdermal Pain Management Clinical Phase II Easy Tec™ Oral Dissolving Tablet Oral delivery Pre-clinical Contact: Bob Bloder/ Brian Guy Contact: Mike Kasprick: [email protected], Jim Hattersley: [email protected] DRUG DELIVERY TECHNOLOGIES DRUG DELIVERY TECHNOLOGIES BD MEDICAL - PHARMACEUTICAL SYSTEMS ARADIGM CORPORATION 1 Becton Drive, Franklin Lakes, NJ 07417 MC: 407 3929 Point Eden Way T: (201) 847-4672 F: (201) 847-4847 Hayward, CA 94545 e-mail: [email protected] Phone: (510) 265-9000 Fax: (510) 265-0277 www.bd.com/pharmaceuticals www.aradigm.com Current Technologies/Platforms: Application(s): Current Partner(s): Current Technologies/Platforms: Application(s): Current Partner(s): BD Hypak SCF™: Glass Prefillable Parenteral AERx Pulmonary Delivery Technology Insulin Novo Nordisk BD™ Pens: Customized Self- Parenteral Injection Devices any Asthma APT Pharmaceuticals Comp Many See e Anthrax Canadian Gov’t. BD Accuspray™: System Nasal Profil Cystic Fibrosis Proprietary BD Uniject™: Prefill Injection Device Parenteral Pulmonary Hypertension United Therapeutics BD Preventis™: Automatic Needle Parenteral Shielding System Contact: Jennifer Zolot, [email protected] Contact: Mark Nevins DRUG DELIVERY TECHNOLOGIES DRUG DELIVERY TECHNOLOGIES BESPAK PLC ARX, LLC, A SUBSIDIARY OF ADHESIVES RESEARCH Blackhill Drive, Featherstone Road, Wolverton Mill South 400 Seaks Run Road Milton Keynes, Buckinghamshire MK12 5TS Glen Rock, PA 17327 P: (800) 445-6240 Fax: (717) 235-8320 Phone: +44(0)1908 552600 - Fax: +44(0)1908 552613 email: [email protected] - www.adhesivesresearch.com e-mail: [email protected] - www.bespak.com Current Technologies/Platforms: Application(s): Current Partner(s): Current Technologies/Platforms: Application(s): Current Partner(s): Dissolvable/Soluble film Immediate release, oral delivery Novartis Consumer Health & BK357 HFA MDI Valve MDI: & Solution HFA Formulations GSK, Teva, Sepracor, Cipla, Others Boehringer Ingelheim, Sanofi-Aventis, Chiesi, Pipeline Technologies/Platforms: Application(s): Development Stage: Valeas, Merck Generics Erodable films and pressure Oral, topical, and implantable applications Early to mid BK361 Easifill MDI: Suspension & Solution HFA Formulations Confidential sensitive adhesives requiring controlled release Mechanical Dose Counter MDI Dose Counting Confidential

Transdermal delivery Peptides & proteins, small molecules Early Pipeline Technologies/Platforms: Application(s): Development stage: UniDose DP Nasal Delivery of Powder Formulations Preclinical Contact: Martha Sloboda, (717) 227-3326, [email protected] Nasal Cast Modelling Drug Deposition in Nasal Cavity Lab Trials Contact Person: Joe Keenan, [email protected]

60 Drug Delivery Technology November/December 2007 Vol 7 No 10 * DDT Nov-Dec 2007 Working 3.qxd 11/9/07 6:32 PM Page 61 * DDT Nov-Dec 2007 Working 3.qxd 11/9/07 6:32 PM Page 62


BIODELIVERY SCIENCES INTERNATIONAL,INC. BROOKWOOD PHARMACEUTICALS,INC. 2501 Aerial Center Parkway, Suite 205 756 Tom Martin Drive Morrisville, NC 27560 Birmingham, AL 35211 Phone: (919) 653-5160 Fax: (919) 653-5161 Phone: (205) 917-2200 - Fax: (205) 917-2205 email: [email protected] www.brookwoodpharma.com www.bdsinternational.com Current Technologies/Platforms: Application(s): Current Partner(s): Current Technologies/Platforms: Application(s): Current Partner(s): Long-acting Parenterals - Microparticle formulations for delivery of small Microparticles molecules, peptides, proteins, nucleic acids, and Bioral® cochleate technology for Oral delivery Sigma-Tau biological macromolecules by various routes of oral delivery of products not normally Accentia administration (systemic and local delivery) and available orally (hydrophobic drugs, Biopharmaceuticals duration of release of days, weeks, and months. nucleotides, vaccines, etc.) Nanoparticles Manufacturing of liposomes, polymeric BEMA™ technology for transmucosal Transmucosal delivery nanoparticles, and lipid nanoparticles for clinical trials and commercial supply. membrane administration of drugs Long-acting Parenterals - Injectable Injectable rods of resorbable polymer and drug Undisclosed Pipeline Technologies/Platforms: Application(s): Development Stage: Solid Implants for systemic or local delivery with duration of release of days, weeks, or months. BEMA™ Fentanyl Breakthrough Pain Phase III VAXCAPTM Vaccine Delivery -Therapeutic & prophylactic vaccines BEMA Long Acting Analgesic Pain Phase I -Mucosal & systemic responses

® -Antibody & cell-mediated responses Bioral Amphotericin B Oral Antifungal Preclinical -Auto-boosting with single administration BEMA™ Zolpidem Insomnia Preclinical Modified Polymer Surfaces -Covalently linking moieties, such as peptides, proteins, and polysaccharides, to biodegradable Bioral® siRNAs Oral delivery Preclinical polymer matrices, such as microparticle rods, fibers, meshes, and other three dimensional shapes. -Applicable to drug delivery formulations or Contact: Evan Gothard, [email protected] medical devices DRUG DELIVERY TECHNOLOGIES Long-acting, Injectable Hydrophobic -Drug delivery through the use of injectable, Drug Particles hydrophobic drug particles BIOJECT INC. -Synthesis and particle size control 20245 SW 95 Avenue -cGMP clinical lot manufacturing up to the 75-kg Tualatin, OR 97062 scale Phone: (800) 683-7221 Fax: 503-692-6698 Drug-Eluting Devices Design, development and manufacturing of e-mail: [email protected] biodegradable drug-eluting devices, e.g., for local drug delivery. www.bioject.com Current Technologies/Platforms: Application(s): Current Partner(s): Contact: Kelly Arlint, (205) 917-2239 BioJector® 2000 IM & SQ delivery Trimeris/Roche DRUG DELIVERY TECHNOLOGIES Vitajet SQ delivery Serono, Merial CAPSUGEL Needle-free Vial adapter reconstitution Ferring, 535 North Emerald Road Pipeline Technologies/Platforms: Application(s): Development stage: Greenwood, SC 29646 Phone: (888) 783-6361 Fax: (888) 783-6360 IJECT pre-filled Self injection Clinical trials Multi-dose injector SQ multi-dose In Development email: [email protected] www.capsugel.com Contact: Ralph Makar Current Technologies/Platforms: Application(s): Current Partner(s): Capsules Hard gelatin, HPMC and pullulan

PCcaps® Capsules & dosing system ideally suited for oral dosage to rodents in pre-clinical studies

DBcaps® Capsules designed for overencapsulation in Undisclosed double blind clinical studies

Licaps® Empty capsules designed for liquid-in gelatin and HPMC

Contact: Glenda Oliver-Smith

DRUG DELIVERY TECHNOLOGIES CATALENT PHARMA SOLUTIONS 14 Schoolhouse Road Somerset, New Jersey 08873 Phone: (866) 720-3148 Fax: (732) 537-6480 e-mail: [email protected] www.catalent.com Current Technologies/Platforms: Application(s): Current Partner(s): Zydis® Oral (fast-dissolve tablets) Many Capsules Soft gelatin & hard gelatin EnSolv® Oral Modified Release EnCirc® Oral Modified Release pany ® Com EnVel Oral Modified Release See e Profil

Contact: [email protected], (866)720-3148

62 Drug Delivery Technology November/December 2007 Vol 7 No 10 * DDT Nov-Dec2007Working3.qxd11/9/076:32PMPage63 h.HansenSugarSpheresNF Chr. C Contact AerosolGeneration Capillary C Contact CurrentPartner(s): Application(s): Current Technologies/Platforms: Solubilization (MicroSolv Oral Transmucosal DrugDelivery Orally DisintegratingTablets Oral Powder retTcnlge/ltom:Apiains:CurrentPartner(s): Application(s): urrent Technologies/Platforms: retTcnlge/ltom:Apiains:CurrentPartner(s): Application(s): urrent Technologies/Platforms: : : Dr. PatrickD.Lilly Business Development,(763)488-4717 C ® hn:(0)8442 a:(804)864-4443 (804)864-4325Fax: Phone: hn:(6)4841 Fx (763)488-4794 (763)488-4717Fax: Phone: HRYSALIS hn:(0)5800 Fx (414)607-5959 (800)558-0802Fax: Phone: ) mi:[email protected] email: [email protected] DRUG DELIVERYDRUG TECHNOLOGIES DRUG DELIVERYDRUG TECHNOLOGIES www.chrysalis-technologies.com DRUG DELIVERYDRUG TECHNOLOGIES Timed release umnr rgDlvr Discovery Labs Pulmonary DrugDelivery T rolnPr,MN55428 Brooklyn Park, lyophilized (Lyoc compressed (OraSolv OraVescent oral mucosa,avoidingthefirst-passeffect. Dosage formsareabsorbeddirectlythroughthe release orentericcoating. without water.CIMALABS Disintegrate inthemouthandcanbetaken certain drugs,suchasFentora can improvetherateandextentofabsorption doses (>1g)ofdrugproduct. packaged inasachet.Itcanaccommodatehigh Composed oftaste-maskeddruggranules, tablet, capsule,orODT. onto apowderthatcanbemanufacturedas candidates. Thedrugisemulsifiedandadsorbed A control therateofdrugdeliveryasseeninActiq “lozenge onastick”thatallowsthepatientto ECHNOLOGIES delivery technologyforinsolubledrug iwue,WI53214 Milwaukee, www.chr-hansen.com 7801 WhitepineRoad 9015 W. Maple Street Maple 9015 W. ihod VA 23237 Richmond, www.cimalabs.com 7325 Aspen Lane 7325 Aspen CIMA L C ® HR is aneffervescentbuccaltabletthat .H TM ) ABS tablets withoptionalsustained ANSEN (D ® , DuraSolv I VSO OF IVISION NC SM offers both . ® . OTS ® ) and ® is a PMUSA) ® . Many Contact Development P Validation Analytical MethodsDevelopment& Inhalation ProductT Development P Topical CurrentPartner(s): Formulation&Development Oral DrugFormulation&Development Development SolutionFormulation& Development N MDI Formulation&Development DPI Formulation&Development Application(s): Current Technologies/Platforms: Contact Enhancers Modifiers/PermeationDelivery System MicroCor™ MicroDelivery Corplex™ Hydrogel Current T urn ehooisPafrs plcto() CurrentPartner(s): Contact GENU GENU GELRITE KELCOGEL XANTURAL KEL Application(s): Current Technologies/Platforms: arenteral Formulation& e asal SprayFormulation& ptide &ProteinFormulation TROL ® ® carrageenan pectin : : : ® ® Deb Fox,PhD,V.P.ofBusinessDevelopment,(203)775-7124,email:[email protected] [email protected], 919-321-4047 Anne Sinha,(858)467-6615 gellan gum echnologies/Platforms: ® xanthan gum ® gellan gum xanthan gum esting Drug DeliveryT hn:(1)3144 Fx (919)884-2075 (919)321-4047Fax: Phone: Pho e 88 9-90 a:(858)292-4901 (858)292-4900Fax: ne: mi:[email protected] email: DRUG DELIVERYDRUG TECHNOLOGIES DRUG DELIVERYDRUG TECHNOLOGIES C DRUG DELIVERYDRUG TECHNOLOGIES e IRRUS 1 ai rv,Suite 100 Drive, 511 Davis al [email protected] mail: Edible filmdeliverysystems Colonic drugdelivery Controlled &sustaineddrugrelease Transdermal drugdelivery Mucosal drugdelivery Oral drugdeliverysystems Parenteral Inhalation, Oral,Topical,Transdermal,Parenteral Inhalation NotDisclosed Inhalation, Oral,Parenteral Topical, Transdermal Oral Inhalation Inhalation Inhalation Inhalation Application(s): and diagnosticproducts Transdermal, mucosal,woundcare,device, echn www.cirruspharm.com San Die uhm NC27713 Durham, www P ology 8355 HARMACEUTICALS Pho CP K .cpkelco.com g A ,CA92123 o, No ne: ero Drive EL v e-mail: ember/December 2007 (650) 298-8255F CO C ORIUM www 235 C M e d nlo P ,I e .c bf I NC o o NTERN nst o r . x@c i ar umg itu k, oriumtech.com A t CA 94025 io roup.com TION companies wound care,anddevice Pharma, specialty,generic, Current Partner(s): n ax: Drive AL (650) 298-8012 V ol 7N , I NC . o 10 63

Drug Delivery Technology November/December 2007 Vol 7 No 10 * DDT Nov-Dec 2007 Working 3.qxd 11/9/07 6:32 PM Page 64

DRUG DELIVERY TECHNOLOGIES DRUG DELIVERY TECHNOLOGIES CYDEX,INC. DELCATH SYSTEMS,INC. 10513 West 84th Terrace Rockefeller Center – 600 Fifth Avenue – 23rd Floor Lenexa, KS 66214 New York, NY 10020 Phone: (913) 685-8850 Fax: (913) 685-8856 Phone: (212) 489-2100 Fax: (212) 489-2102 email: [email protected] email: [email protected] www.cydexinc.com www.delcath.com Current Technologies/Platforms: Application(s): Current Partner(s): Current Technologies/Platforms: Application(s): Current Partner(s): Delcath’s platform technology consists Phase III trial for metastatic to the liver Both trials are taking of an ultra-high dose targeted drug place at the National CAPTISOL® ( -Cyclodextrin Sulfobutyl Parenteral, Oral, Inhalation, Ophthalmic, Other , Inc.; Bristol-Myers and Phase II trial for primary and metatastatic b delivery system for the treatment of Cancer Institute, where a Ethers, Sodium Salts) drug delivery Squibb; Daiichi Asubio Pharma cancer to the liver, including neuroendocrine metastatic and primary cancer in the 5-year Cooperative technology Co., Ltd.; Merck & Co., Inc.; tumors and . liver. The Delcath System utilizes a Research & Development Pfizer Inc.; Pfizer Animal Health; series of percutaneous catheters and Agreement is in effect. In Taisho Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.; extracorporeal filtration to deliver the near future, the Phase TargeGen, Inc.; Teva chemotherapeutic and therapeutic III trial will expand to Pharmaceutical Industries, Ltd.; agents directly to an isolated region of leading melanoma and Inc.; AstraZeneca UK the body, while minimizing systemic cancer centers in the US. Limited; , Inc.; exposure. The result is a significantly Array BioPharma Inc. increased therapeutic efficacy with minimized side-effects. Pipeline Technologies/Platforms: Application(s): Development stage: Pipeline Technologies/Platforms: Application(s): Development stage: Delcath System utilized with new Hepatitis C colorectal cancer metastasized to the Preclinical validation. Captisol-Enabled® Formulations: drug agents. liver. • Amiodarone – Licensed Worldwide -IV Antiarrhythmic Preclinical – Clinical; Seeking • Budesonide – Licensed in the U.S. -Respiratory Delcath System for isolated Sarcomas and diffuse metastatic disease. Product development. development/marketing treatment of other organs and • Fexofenadine -Oral Antihistamine partners • Fosphenytoin -IV Anti-epilepsy body regions. • – Licensed in the U.S. -IV Oncology Contact: Jason Rifkin, VP Business Development, (212) 489-2100 • Propofol -IV Anesthetic • Sertraline -Oral Antidepressant DRUG DELIVERY TECHNOLOGIES DENDRITIC NANOTECHNOLOGIES, INC. Contact: Jose L. Rodriguez 2625 Denison Drive DRUG DELIVERY TECHNOLOGIES Mount Pleasant, MI 48858 Phone: (989) 774-6565 Fax: (989) 774-2322 DEGUSSA CORPORATION DEGUSSA AG - PHARMA POLYMERS email: [email protected] Pharma Polymers Röhm GmbH 2 Turner Place Kirschenallee 45 www.dnanotech.com Piscataway, NJ 08854 64293 Darmstadt, Germany Current Technologies/Platforms: Application(s): Current Partner(s): T: (732) 981-5383 T: +49-6151-18-4019 F: (732) 981-5484 STARBURST™ Dendrimer Platform Drug Delivery, Imaging Large Pharma Companies F: +49-6151-18-3520 Enhanced Drug Solubility Actively Seeking Partner E: [email protected] E: [email protected] website: www.pharma-polymers.com Priostar™ Dendrimer Platform Drug Delivery, Imaging Actively Seeking Partner Enhanced Drug Solubility Actively Seeking Partner Current Technologies/Platforms: Application(s): Current Partner(s): Pipeline Technologies/Platforms: Application(s): Development stage: EUDRACOLTM Colon-targeted, sustained-release, oral drug delivery technology MRI Agent undisclosed Blood pool, targeted organs Pre-clinical Cisplatin-Dendrimer formulation Ovarian cancer Pre-clinical EUDRAPULSETM Pulsatile oral; drug delivery technology with Drug Formulation undisclosed Oncology Late Development variable lag times Data not provided siRNA Formulation Transfection Pre-clinical Contact: Ryan Hayes, PhD, Director of Business Development, (989) 774-6565 EUDRAMODETM Oral drug delivery platform technology providing a broad range of release profiles any DRUG DELIVERY TECHNOLOGIES Comp See e Contact: Dr. Gerhard Renner, +49 6151 184810, [email protected] Profil DEPOMED, INC. 1360 O’Brien Drive Menlo Park, CA 94025 Phone: (650) 462-5900 www.depomed.com Current Technologies/Platforms: Application(s): Current Partner(s):

Gastric Retention (GR) System Proprietary, oral, controlled-release drug delivery Biovail, Inc., ActivBiotics and system AVI BioPharma Pipeline Technologies/Platforms: Application(s): Development stage:

Metformin GR Type II diabetes (oral) Conducting second phase III Ciprofloxacin GR Urinary Tract Infection (oral) Phase III Gabapentin GR Seizures/Pain (oral) Phase I completed Furosemide GR Diuretic (oral) Phase I completed Metformin/Sulfonylurea GR combo Type II diabetes (oral) Preclinical NEUGENE product Undisclosed Preclinical Rifalazil GR GI Infection (oral) Preclinical

Contact: Thadd Vargas, (650) 462-5900

64 Drug Delivery Technology November/December 2007 Vol 7 No 10 * DDT Nov-Dec2007Working3.qxd11/9/076:32PMPage65 Contact Current T ieieTcnlge/ltom:Apiains:Developmentstage: Contact: Inhalers Pulmonary Application(s): Pipeline Technologies/Platforms: N Device DirectHaler NasalDelivery Inhaler DirectHaler Pulmonary C Contact: Topical excipients Pharmaceutical Applications Excipients forTopical Controlled ReleaseDevices Transdermal DrugDelivery C surfactant-free formulations lowsurfactant and aerosol foams, anhydrous microemulsions, emulsions, including multivesicular Advanced formulationexpertise, asal Delivery Method asal Delivery retTcnlge/ltom:Apiains:CurrentPartner(s): Application(s): urrent Technologies/Platforms: urrent T : Dr. TroelsKeldmann echnologies/Platforms: Stacey Chapin Roxanne Barr echnologies/Platforms: liposomes, hn:+53 79 6 Fx +4539179690 +45391796Fax: Phone: hn:(8)4660 Fx (989)496-6731 (989)496-6000Fax: Phone: ybo cec ak Fruebjergvej 3 Symbion Science Park, mi:[email protected] email: mi:[email protected] email: Copenhagen, Denmark DK-2100 Denmark Copenhagen, DRUG DELIVERYDRUG TECHNOLOGIES DR DRUG DELIVERYDRUG TECHNOLOGIES - - - - - dacdploaydlvr Prototypes Advanced pulmonarydelivery actives emulsifiers toaidthedeliveryoftopicalformsand Volatile excipients,fluids,blends,waxesand Delivery ofActives Ointments, Emulsions,Gels,Sprays,Sticks, Adhesives, Medical-GradeElastomers and emulsions situ film-formingmaterials;coatings;fluids; adhesives; excipients;elastomericmatrices;in Pressure Sensitive(PSA)andSoftSkin(SSA) D Application(s): UG DELIVER A Suspensions, NasalSprays , Ointments,Solutions, Aerosols, Creams,Foams,Gels, Local &systemicdelivery Systemic nasaldelivery oa aa eieyN/A N/A Local nasaldelivery Local lungdelivery Systemic lungdelivery pplication(s): OW www.directhaler.com www.dowcorning.com D iln,MI48686 Midland, hn:(1)4685 a:(210)829-8733 (210)476-8159Fax: Phone: C IRECT ORNING PO Box 994 -H Y -al [email protected] e-mail: ALER TECHNOLOGIES C 307 EastJosephine Street DPT L San Antonio, TX 78215 TX San Antonio, ORPORATION A/S www.dptlabs.com AB OR A TORIES , Many L Current Partner(s): Current P TD


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r o o m a f

i p rtner(s): l e a n y Pipeline T C Contact: Contact LACTEL MICRODUR™ DURIN™ SABER DUROS Current T Recovery Vials Recovery Recon SystemforUseWithMax SMAR High ShearMixingCapability chamber SyringeWith VARI-VIAL AirlessDC–Double- Syringe VARI-VIAL DC-DoubleChamber Prefillable onVial-filling lines VARI-VIAL -PumpInfusionSyringe Size SyringewWthAuto-venting E for Cartridge-filledLyophilizates INTER-VIAL PLUS–ReconSystem Lyophilizates Recon SystemforVialed INTER-VIAL –Cartridge-based Injection Pen InjectionApplications 3-ml CartridgesforMultiple PEN-PREP XR–ReconSystemfor ROD Activation Version oftheSMART- SMART-ROD XR-One-Step in NeedleSyringes attachable toWFIPrefilledStaked- SMART-ROD -ReconSystemPre- retTcnlge/ltom:Apiains:CurrentPartner(s): Application(s): urrent Technologies/Platforms: Z LINK - Transfer - LINK SystemforAny T-ROD MAX-LowVolume ® ® ® : Daniel MacDonald echnologies/Platforms: e hooisPafrs plcto() Developmentstage: Application(s): chnologies/Platforms: “ Airless” Drug DeliveryTechnology hn:(0)7711 Fx (408)777-3577 (408)777-1417Fax: Phone: mi:[email protected] -www.duoject.com email: hn:(5)5436 Fx (450)534-3700 (450)534-3666Fax: Phone: DRUG DELIVERYDRUG TECHNOLOGIES DRUG DELIVERYDRUG TECHNOLOGIES DUOJECT MEDICALSYSTEMS INC. e idgaal oyesVarious Pharmaceuticals Voyager biodegradable polymers BioPartners, Health, Cardinal microsphere injectables biodegradable implant EndoPharmaceuticals parenteral, oral,dermalandothers systemic andsite-directedimplantable 0cei eGSE Complexe B-5, 50 chemin de GASPE, Drug Delivery Drug Transfer+Reconstitution Reconstitution +DrugDelivery Reconstitution +DrugDelivery R Reconstitution +DrugDelivery Reconstitution +DrugDelivery Low-Volume Reconstitution+Delivery Airless MicrosphereResuspension+Delivery Lyophilizate Reconstitution+Delivery Application(s): mail: DURECT C econstitution +DrugDelivery rmn,Qee,Canada J2L2N8 , Bromont, uetn,CA95014 Cupertino, 10240 B www.durect.com [email protected] ub ORPOR November/December 2007 b R o A a TION d Pain Therapeutics Early Stage Mid Stage Mid Stage Contract Manufacturing Nypro Inc.,Hyaluron Current P Vol 7No 10 artner(s): 65 Drug Delivery Technology November/December 2007 Vol 7 No 10 * DDT Nov-Dec 2007 Working 3.qxd 11/9/07 6:32 PM Page 66

DRUG DELIVERY TECHNOLOGIES DRUG DELIVERY TECHNOLOGIES EGALET EMISPHERE TECHNOLOGIES,INC. Lejrvej 37- 41 Kirke Vaerlose 765 Old Saw Mill River Road DK – 3500 Vaerlose - Denmark Tarrytown, NY 10591 Phone: +45 4447 8080 Fax: +45 4447 2425 Phone: (914) 785-4700 Fax: (914) 347-2498 email: [email protected] - www.emisphere.com www.egalet.com Current Technologies/Platforms: Application(s): Current Partner(s): Current Technologies/Platforms: Application(s): Current Partner(s): eligen® Technology Delivery of therapeutic molecules via oral, buccal, Proprietary Technology rectal, sublingual, vaginal, & pulmonary routes Egalet® Oral Sustained Release Pipeline Technologies/Platforms: Application(s): Development stage: Parvulet® Pediatrics Oral Calcitonin Osteoporosis Phase III w/Novartis Pipeline Technologies/Platforms: Application(s): Development stage: Oral Calcitonin Osteoarthritis Phase III w/Novartis Cardiovascular Phase II/III Morphine Phase II Oral Human Growth Hormone Growth disorders Phase II w/Novartis

Contact: Ken Downie Oral Parathyroid Hormone (1-34) Osteoporosis Phase I w/Novartis Oral Gallium Hypercalcemia Phase I w/ DRUG DELIVERY TECHNOLOGIES Oral Heparin Cardio-vascular Phase II (Self Developed) E.I. DUPONT DE NEMOURS COMPANY DuPont Fluorochemicals, Chestnut Run Plaza Oral Insulin Diabetes Phase II (Self Developed) Wilmington, DE 19880-0711 Phone: (302) 224-0426 Fax: (302) 224-0427 www.dupont.com/dymel Oral GLP-1 Metabolic disorders Phase I (Self Developed) Oral PYY Obesity Phase I (Self Developed) Current Technologies/Platforms: Application(s): Current Partner(s): Oral Acyclovir Anti-Viral Phase I (Undisclosed partner) Technical Service Assistance (i.e. Metered Dose Inhalers, Dry Powder Inhalers and Confidential Basic Propellant Properties and other medical aerosols Oral Cromolyn Sodium Asthma/Allergy Phase I (Self Developed) Characteristics, Formulation Properties Data, Formulation Testing, Contact: Ms. Bavani Shanki Analytical Services, Toxicity Information, Regulatory Assistance, Safe Storage and Handling DRUG DELIVERY TECHNOLOGIES

Particle Science Technology, Metered Dose Inhalers, Dry Powder Inhalers and Confidential EMPI Engineering Evaluations for Heat, other medical aerosols 599 Cardigan Road Mass & Momentum Transfer, Quality St. Paul, Minnesota 55126 Management and Technology, Phone: (800) 328-2536 Chemical & Reaction Engineering, www.empi.com Electrical & Energy Engineering, Environmental and Process Safety Current Technologies/Platforms: Application(s): Current Partner(s): Iontophoresis (non-invasive • Physical therapy Contact: Mr. Joe Creazzo, email: [email protected] method of drug delivery into and/or • Local dermal anesthesia through biological membranes, DRUG DELIVERY TECHNOLOGIES such as skin, mucosal membrane of the body cavity, or ocular tissue ELAN DRUG TECHNOLOGIES for local or systemic applications Monksland - Athlone, Co Westmeath - Ireland Pipeline Technologies/Platforms: Application(s): Development stage: Phone: +353 90 64 95000 Fax: +353 90 64 95807 Preclinical e-mail: [email protected] Transscleral Iontophoresis (non- • AMD invasive drug delivery into back of • Diabetic Retinopathy any Website: www.elan.com/EDT Comp the eye) See e Profil Current Technologies/Platforms: Application(s): Current Partner(s): Contact: NanoCrystal® Technology Oral: enhanced bioavailability, rapid absorption, Number of clients – (for poorly water soluble decreased fed/fasted variability, solid oral dosage commercialized products compounds) forms, waterless tablets, oral liquids using technology with DRUG DELIVERY TECHNOLOGIES Parenteral: low volume, high dose aqueous , Merck, Abbott, ETHYPHARM formulation for depot, IV, IM and sub-q administration Solvay, and Par 194 Bureaux de la Colline Respiratory: liquid and dry powder formulations for Janssen 92213 Saint-Cloud Cedex - France upper respiratory or deep lung delivery: sterile, MAP Pharmaceuticals preservative-free aqueous nasal spray Phone: +33 1 41 12 17 20 suspensions www.ethypharm.com

Oral Controlled Release Technology Controlled Release, Sustained Release, Pulsatile Novartis, King Pharma platform including: SODAS® Release, Delayed Release Solid Oral Applications Schwarz, Watson, Current Technologies/Platforms: Application(s): Current Partner(s): Technology, IPDAS® Technology, Tanabe Oral Modified Release Oral, site-specific, sustained, delayed Biovail, Astra CODASTM Technology Taste-Masking, Orodispersible Oral, rapid dispersion Jansen, BMS Pipeline Technologies/Platforms: Application(s): Development stage: Oral Enhanced Absorption Oral, pulmonary (macromolecules) Novartis, Sanofi ® Injectable Modified Release Parenteral / implantation parenteral NanoCrystal Technology IM formulation of NCE Phase III Vaccine Delivery/Cancer & Adjuvants Parenteral NanoCrystal® Technology Inhalation reformulation of marketed product Phase II ® Contact: Bruno Delie, Senior VP, Business Development, +33 1 41 12 17 20 NanoCrystal Technology Oral liquid NCE Phase II NanoCrystal® Technology Tablet NCE Phase I NanoCrystal® Technology IM depot Phase I NanoCrystal® Technology Tablet reformulation of marketed product Phase I

® SODAS Technology Solid oral controlled release reformulation of Filed marketed product Phase III SODAS® Technology Solid oral controlled release reformulation

Contact: Sarah Carty, Business Development, +353 1 709 4046 ([email protected])

66 Drug Delivery Technology November/December 2007 Vol 7 No 10 * DDT Nov-Dec 2007 Working 3.qxd 11/9/07 6:32 PM Page 67

DRUG DELIVERY TECHNOLOGIES DRUG DELIVERY TECHNOLOGIES EURAND,INC. FILTERTEK INC. 845 Center Drive 11411 Price Road Vandalia, OH 45377 Hebron, IL 60034 Phone: (937) 898-9669 Fax: (937) 898-1093 Phone: (800) 648-0791 Fax: email: [email protected] (800) 648-2929 www.eurand.com www.filtertek.com Current Technologies/Platforms: Application(s): Current Partner(s): Current Technologies/Platforms: Application(s): Current Partner(s): AdvaTab™ Orally Disintegrating Tablets Needles Access Products Drug Delivery/Transfer Various Biorise® Bioavailability Enhancement Multiple International Partners Various Filters and Fluid Control Intravenous Drug Delivery Various Diffucaps® Customized Release Components

Diffutabs® Customized Release Air and Liquid Filters Pharmaceutical/Laboratory Processing Various

Liquitard Taste-masking/Suspension Contact: Bruce Daniels, VP Medical Marketing

Microcaps® Taste-masking DRUG DELIVERY TECHNOLOGIES pany e Com ® Se e Minitabs Customized Release Profil FLAMEL TECHNOLOGIES S.A. Parc Club Du Moulin á Vent Orbexa™ Customized Release 33, Avenue du Docteur Georges Lévy Pipeline Technologies/Platforms: Application(s): Development stage: 69693 Vénissieux Cedex - France Phone: (+33) 4-72-78-34-34 Drug Targeting/Drug Conjugation Parenteral Pre-Clinical www.flamel.com Contact: Troy Harmon Current Technologies/Platforms: Application(s): Current Partner(s): DRUG DELIVERY TECHNOLOGIES MicroPump Oral (MicroPump) GSK, Servier Monde, MEDUSA Parenteral Merck & Co. (all with FERRIS PHARMACEUTICALS INC. MicroPump) 16W300 83rd Street Pipeline Technologies/Platforms: Application(s): Development stage: Burr Ridge, IL 60527-5848 Genvir (MicroPump) Oral Phase III Phone: (630) 734-7810 Fax: (630) 887-1008 Metformin XL (MicroPump) Oral Phase I email: [email protected] Ace Inhibitor (MicroPump) Oral Confidential www.FerrisCares.com Augmentin SR (MicroPump) Oral Confidential Basulin (MEDUSA) Parenteral Phase I (completed) Current Technologies/Platforms: Application(s): Current Partner(s): Various Drugs Various Preclinical

Polyurethane matrix (contains Wound dressings Marketed by Ferris Mfg. Contact: Frederick Simonin, (+33) 4-72-78-34-34 absorbent starch, glycerol, surfactant) Corp. drug free DRUG DELIVERY TECHNOLOGIES Polyurethane matrix containing Antimicrobial dressings Marketed by Ferris Mfg. FRESENIUS KABI DEUTSCHLAND GMBH antimicrobial (nanocrystalline silver) Corp. Else-Kröner-Straße 1 Pipeline Technologies/Platforms: Application(s): Development stage: Bad Homburg, Germany 61352 Phone: : +49-(0)6172 608 8406 Fax: +49-(0)6172 608 8485 Loaded foam and gel formulations to Transdermal - healthy or injured skin/tissue which drugs, carriers, biologicals, or Mucosal - (mouth, nose, rectum) healthy/injured email: [email protected] cosmetics (dry or liquid form) can be www.fresenius-kabi.com added without heat/shear degradation, sterile/non-sterile Current Technologies/Platforms: Application(s): Current Partner(s): HESylation Half-life prolongation of undisclosed protein Sandoz/Novartis Contact: Paul Kay Half-life prolongation of undisclosed protein Several partners DRUG DELIVERY TECHNOLOGIES Contact: Frank Feller FERTIN PHARMA A/S Industrivej 8 DRUG DELIVERY TECHNOLOGIES DK-7120 Vejle GENEREX BIOTECHNOLOGY CORPORATION Denmark 33 Harbour Square, Suite 202 Phone: (+45) 72 15 13 00 Fax: (+45) 72 15 13 01 Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5J 2G2 email: [email protected] Phone: (800) 391-6755 Fax: (416) 364-9363 www.fertin.com email: [email protected] Current Technologies/Platforms: Application(s): Current Partner(s): www.generex.com Current Technologies/Platforms: Application(s): Current Partner(s): MediChew® Oral, Buccal Novartis, GlaxoSmithKline RapidMist™ Buccal Mucosa Not Disclosed Pipeline Technologies/Platforms: Application(s): Development stage: Generex Oral-lyn™ - Oral insulin Approved in Ecuador spray for the treatment of diabetes Buccal Mucosa Glucose RapidSprayTM Metformin Gum Not Disclosed Fentanyl Spray Contact: Business Development (800) 391-6755, [email protected]

Drug Delivery Technology November/December 2007 Vol 7 No 10 67 * DDT Nov-Dec 2007 Working 3.qxd 11/9/07 6:32 PM Page 68

DRUG DELIVERY TECHNOLOGIES DRUG DELIVERY TECHNOLOGIES GENZYME PHARMACEUTICALS ,INC. 675 West Kendall Street One 2 One Cambridge, MA 02142 D988, H1 275 Northfield Drive Phone: (800) 868-8208 or (617) 374-7248 Lake Forest, IL 60045 Fax: (617) 768-9765 Phone: (224) 212-2267 Fax: (224) 212-3210 E-mail: [email protected] email: [email protected] www.genzymepharmaceuticals.com www.hospira.com Current Technologies/Platforms: Application(s): Current Partner(s): Current Technologies/Platforms: Application(s): Current Partner(s): Pre-filled Syringes Plastic polymer and glass syringes available in LipoBridge® CNS, blood brain barrier, Alzheimer’s, stroke, Undisclosed luer cone, luer lock, and stacked in needle trauma, Parkinson’s, Multiple Sclerosis configurations

LipoMaskTM Extended circulation time of drug particles in Undisclosed i-SecureTM Pre-filled cartridge syringe designed for blood compatibility with IV sets or needles

Pipeline Technologies/Platforms: Application(s): Development stage: VisIVTM Ready-to-use IV delivery in a non- Multiple PVC/non-DEHP container CerenseSM Deliver and assess poorly brain-penetrant Undisclosed ® drug compounds in the CNS ADD-Vantage System IV admixture system used when medication is not stable in a premix format Design for Peptide DeliverySM Customized solutions for peptide formulations Undisclosed Ansyr Syringe® Pre-filled plastic syringe compatible with IV systems

DRUG DELIVERY TECHNOLOGIES Contact: Kevin Wess GLATT PHARMACEUTICAL SERVICES 20 Spear Road DRUG DELIVERY TECHNOLOGIES Ramsey, NJ 07446 Phone: (201) 825-8700 HOVIONE www.glattpharmaceuticals.com 40 Lake Drive Current Technologies/Platforms: Application(s): Current Partner(s): East Windsor, NJ 08520 CPS™ Proprietary Drug Delivery Technology, High Not Disclosed Phone: 609-918-2600 Fax: 609-918-2615 Potency Pellets, Uniformly Distributed Low email: [email protected] Doses, Advantages over Extrusion/ www.hovione.com Spheronization, Dense, Spherical, Uniform Pellets

MicroPx™ Proprietary Drug Delivery Technology, High ny Current Technologies/Platforms: Application(s): Current Partner(s): ompa Potency Pellets, Pellets sizes of 50 microns See C Spray Drying Encapsulation, Aglomeration, Reduction Residual rofile and larger, Continuous Process, Dense, P Particle Sizing and Shaping Many Spherical, Uniform Micronization Particle Size Control ZRx™ Zero-Order Release Tablet System, Extended Freeze Drying Processing Thermally Labile APIs Release Tablet Matrix System, Zero or First- any Order Release Characteristics Pipeline Technologies/Platforms: Application(s): Comp See e Contact: Thomas M. Salus, (201) 818-3778 Sonocrystallization Profil Other critical crystallization Manipulate degree of crystallinity DRUG DELIVERY TECHNOLOGIES Contact: Mr. Doug Hecker

HALOZYME THERAPEUTICS DRUG DELIVERY TECHNOLOGIES 11588 Sorrento Valley Road, Suite 17 San Diego, CA 92121 HYALURON CONTRACT MANUFACTURING Phone: (858) 794-8889 Fax: (858) 259-2539 99 South Bedford Street e-mail: [email protected] Burlington, MA 01803 Website: www.halozyme.com Phone: (781) 270-7900 x114 Fax: (781) 270-7899 email: [email protected] Current Technologies/Platforms: Application(s): Current Partner(s): www.hyaluron.com HYLENEX Low unit doses/small molecule generics Baxter Current Technologies/Platforms: Application(s): Current Partner(s): Enhanze Technology High unit doses/large molecules & Roche Bubble-Free FillingTM Prefilled syringes with no gas bubble Not Disclosed proprietary small molecules Multiple partnering Syringe Filling Liquid filling opportunities still available Pipeline Technologies/Platforms: Application(s): Development stage: Vial Filling Liquid filling

Chemophase Oncology Phase II Lyophilization Vials

Contact: Mark S. Wilson Pipeline Technologies/Platforms: Application(s): Development stage: Lyophilization in syringes Dual-chamber syringes Not Disclosed

Contact: Claudio Tracanna, (781) 270-7900 x114

68 Drug Delivery Technology November/December 2007 Vol 7 No 10 * DDT Nov-Dec2007Working3.qxd11/9/076:32PMPage69 urn ehooisPafrs plcto() Developmentstage: Contact: HyperMatrix™ Technology Platforms Application(s): Current Technologies/Platforms: Contact: Medical Propellants HFA 134aandHFA 227ea C C NOV P Contact: Solid Dispersions Current T CurrentPartner(s): Application(s): Current Technologies/Platforms: Dr Metered DoseInhalers(CFC&HFA) Solid Dose Aseptic Fill/SterileInjectables Topical Foams/Creams/Ointments/Gels Nasal/Sublingual/Buccal Sprays retTcnlge/ltom:Apiains:CurrentPartner(s): Application(s): urrent Technologies/Platforms: ontact: pln ehooisPafrs plcto() Developmentstage: Application(s): ipeline Technologies/Platforms: y ACAPS™ P owder Inhalers Joe Quinto,DirectorofBusinessDevelopment Dr. TimNoakes F Dr. TimBee cnlge/ltom:Apiains:Current Partner(s): Application(s): echnologies/Platforms: red H.Miller,(813)837-0796 hn:+4()98552 a:+44(0)1928511418 +44(0)1928515525Fax: Phone: hn:(1)7830,et 2 a:(416)798-3007 128-Fax: ext. (416)798-3001, Phone: hn:(1)8811 a:(212)838-0060 (212)838-1111Fax: Phone: e-mail: Toronto, Ontario M9W5X2-Canada Ontario Toronto, DRUG DELIVERYDRUG TECHNOLOGIES DRUG DELIVERYDRUG TECHNOLOGIES DRUG DELIVERYDRUG TECHNOLOGIES DR www.intellipharmaceutics.com DRUG DELIVERYDRUG TECHNOLOGIES I -al [email protected] e-mail: 2 hr vne 40thFloor 825 Third Avenue, NTELLIPHARMACEUTICS -al [email protected] e-mail: rlDu eieyPar Pharmaceuticals, Delivery Drug Oral eia eoos Supply80%ofworld Medical Aerosols utpeDa rgDlvr Licenseess and partner Pulsatile Drug Delivery Incompatible combinationdrugs Controlled andSiteSpecificDrugDelivery Multiple DualDrugDelivery Multi-Phase, Multi-CompartmentCapsules Bioavailability Enhancement UG DELIVER hsie WA7 4QX UK Cheshire, Varied Varied Dermatological Allergy, Systemic Asthma Asthma, Systemic inf The Heath -Runcorn w N www.inyxgroup.com 30 o@int ww.ineosfluor.com ew York, NY 10022 NY ew York, INEOS F hn:(1)8709 Fx (813)837-0207 (813)837-0796Fax: Phone: W hn:(7)6840 Fx (973) 628-4117 (973) 628-4000Fax: Phone: o I I NYX e rcester Road NTERNATIONAL l lip Y INNERCAP T 9745 International Court North9745 Court International ,I harmaceutics.com TECHNOLOGIES LUOR NC mi:[email protected] email: t eesug FL33716 Petersburg, St. e . mail: www.innercap.com www W C 1361 Alps Road 1361 Alps ORP a [email protected] yne, S PECIALTY .isp . ECHNOLOGIES NJ 07470 c o r p.com P ratiopharm, Elite,Larasan market Actively seeking Not Disclosed RODUCTS None None None None None None ,I NC . (ISP)

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r o o m f i p l e a n y Contact: SQZgel HySolv ReGel Current T urn ehooisPafrs plcto() Developmentstage: Contact: ViaNase ID Controlled Particle Dispersion™ Application(s): Current Technologies/Platforms: urn ehooisPafrs plcto() CurrentPartner(s): Contact: Oral DrugDeliver T Application(s): Current Technologies/Platforms: (Thin Films) urn ehooisPafrs plcto() CurrentPartner(s): Contact LilV™ Hydroance Lip’ral Lip’ral Application(s): Current Technologies/Platforms: ransdermal Delivery Systems ransdermal Delivery ® ® SSR : : Alex S.Kim,ExecutiveVicePresident,(801)433-2560 Michael Rackley,VPBusinessDevelopment,[email protected] Klaudia Haczkiewicz echnologies/Platforms: Jerry Simmons,CorporateBusinessDevelopmentOfficer ® e-mail: y Pho Systems ne: Drug DeliveryT ma 4 0 629 a:+49(0)263299-2200 +49 (0)263299–0Fax: T : [email protected] -www.macromed.com L 81 3-50 Fx (801)433-2561 (801) 433-2560Fax: T S DRUG DELIVERYDRUG TECHNOLOGIES DR mi:[email protected] email: DRUG DELIVERYDRUG TECHNOLOGIES W DRUG DELIVERYDRUG TECHNOLOGIES W L nenc,Germany 56626 Andernach, W aetrlOa ouiie Not Disclosed Oral SustainedRelease Parenteral/Oral Solubilizer Parenteral Depot e aa rgdlvr Confidential controls &lockouts Intelligent nasaldrugdeliverywithelectronic Nasal drugdelivery aetrldlvr N/A N/A Parenteral delivery Schwarz Pharma Oral poorlypermeablecompounds Schwarz Pharma compounds Oral extendedreleaseforpoorlywatersoluble Oral poorlywatersolublecompounds e OHMANN UG DELIVERY TECHNOLOGIES plcto() CurrentPartner(s): Application(s): 2417 S. bsit st:www.macromed.com bsite: est echn e: M alyCt,UT84120 Valley City, omnsr 2 Lohmannstr. hn:(2)6094 a:(425)673-5783 (425)640-9249Fax: Phone: www A ology hn:(0)9478 Fx (801)994-7388 (801)994-7383Fax: Phone: CR 3850W T O HER .ltslohmann.c M No ED AP -al [email protected] e-mail: Suite 150 , 7 rpe rv,Suite 202 675 Drive, Arapeen v , 19805 North Creek Pkwy K mi:[email protected] email: ember/December 2007 IE atLk iy UT84103 Salt Lake City, I URVE NC -S www.kurvetech.com ohl,WA 98011 Bothell, Y www.lipocine.com . STEME L T IPOCINE om ECHNOLOGY A G I NC . ,I NC V ol 7N

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r o o m f i p l e a 69 n y Drug Delivery Technology November/December 2007 Vol 7 No 10 * DDT Nov-Dec2007Working3.qxd11/9/076:33PMPage70 70 Contact: Developmentstage: Laser technology cartridges forasepticfilling Point Inno Needle-free devices Application(s): Pipeline Technologies/Platforms: upon oncustomerrequest specialties ampoules, vials, chamber), Syringes, Containers madeoftubularglass: Current T Drug Delivery Pre-washed/pre-sterilized Technology November/December 2007 Vol 7 No 10 Contact: Oral Vaccine Systems Delivery Targeted Systems Delivery Pipeline T C Contact MedFoam™ MedNail MedSpray™ P MedFoam™ MedNail MedSpray™ C inflatable pouch controlled-release tabletinsidean (GIRES Gastrointestinal RetentionSystem for poorlypermeablecompounds Enhancement T G retTcnlge/ltom:Apiains:CurrentPartner(s): Application(s): urrent Technologies/Platforms: Drug DeliveryT pln ehooisPafrs plcto() DevelopmentStage: Application(s): ipeline Technologies/Platforms: retTcnlge/ltom:Apiains:CurrentPartner(s): Application(s): urrent Technologies/Platforms: astrointestinal Permeation v ® ative needles(VBevel /Spoon Point Plus TM : Thomas W.Leonard,PhD,VP&CSO Mr. WolfgangHeidl,+49(0)9733808-125 ® ® cartridges (one-andtwo- ) echnologies/Platforms: cnlge/ltom:Apiains:Developmentstage: Application(s): echnologies/Platforms: - Dr. RoleyDavis,BusinessDevelopmentManager capsule containinga echnolog echn Pho ® ) y hn:(1)7914 Fx (910)395-1843 (910)799-1847Fax: Phone: ology ne: ® (GIPET /Spoon +49(0)9 TM e M No DRUG DELIVERYDRUG TECHNOLOGIES mail: ) Münne DRUG DELIVERYDRUG TECHNOLOGIES imntn NC28403-8702 Wilmington, DRUG DELIVERYDRUG TECHNOLOGIES ERRION v rlBiotage,Chiron,SanofiAventis, SanofiPasteur,Baxter,GSK, Pharmcos,amongothers: Diagnostic Oral Nasal Parenteral auatr fcnanr o Market&Developmet parenterals Manufacture ofcontainersfor Parenteral Parenteral Transdermal www Application(s): Ott ember/December 2007 1 aieDie Suite D 219 Racine Drive, foam A A A foam A A A Oral Targeted Delivery delivery toGIT. therapeutic indices,orwhichrequirelocal narrow absorptionwindows, compounds withshortbiologicalhalf-lives, of API.Targetedatonce-a-daydosingfor is nochangeinthechemicalcomposition Applicable toawiderangeofdrugs;there polysaccharides macromolecules, peptides,biologics,and administration ofsmallmolecules, forms. Enhancer-basedtechnologyfororal Applicable tosolidandliquid-filleddosage hn:+418 5 5 Fx +441483447742 +441483457556Fax: Phone: oe oia/rndra pa Pre-clinical Pre-clinical novel cosmeticallyelegantstable/fast-breaking novel topical/transdermalspray Seeking out-licensing partner novel cosmeticallyelegantstable/fast-breaking novel topical/transdermalspray oe nulpntainsse Pre-clinical novel ungualpenetrationsystem Seeking out-licensing partner novel ungualpenetrationsystem e mail: +49(0)9733 808-160 733 808-0Fax: inf ulfr,Sre,United Kingdom GU27YN Surrey, Guildford, o-Lie .me r nt3Caclo or,50Occam Road, Unit 3/Chancellor Court, www [email protected] sta P MG HARMACEUTICALS t Germany 97702 dt, rrionpharma.com b inf mi:[email protected] email: mann-Strasse 2 mann-Strasse .mg L [email protected] AS las.d www.medpharm.co.uk A Surrey Research Park G M e ED P V HARM ,I ol 7N NC . L o TD Schering-Plough, Vetter Roche Diagnostics, Apotex, Aradigm,AstraZeneca, Development Market Clinical PhaseII Current P 10 Preclinical Preclinical Confidential Seeking out-licensingpartner artner(s): urn ehooisPafrs plcto() CurrentPartner(s): Adv PowderDry - Advanced Delivery Pulmonary Adv Application(s): Current Technologies/Platforms: Liquid urn ehooisPafrs plcto() CurrentPartner(s): P Application(s): Current Technologies/Platforms: CurrentPartner(s): Contact: Chronop Savit Procise Application(s): Current Technologies/Platforms: Contact: siRNA Therapeutic siRNA Therapeutic Intranasal Carbetocin Intranasal Exenatide Intranasal Insulin Intranasal PYY(P (PTH1-34) Intranasal Parathyroid Hormone Intranasal Calcitonin T siRNA Development&Delivery Modulation Reversible Tight Junction ipeline T echnologies anced Pulmonar anced PEGylation Ed Bell,Director,InvestorRelations,(425)908-3639,[email protected] Alain Desjardins echnologies/Platforms: eptide YY3-36) y Deliver hn:(1)9000 a:(514)920-0404 (514)920-0909Fax: Phone: hn:(2)9830 Fx (425)908-3650 (425)908-3600Fax: Phone: N y - ASTECH St-Laurent, Quebec H4S1S3-Canada Quebec St-Laurent, -al [email protected] e-mail: DRUG DELIVERYDRUG TECHNOLOGIES DRUG DELIVERYDRUG TECHNOLOGIES DRUG DELIVERYDRUG TECHNOLOGIES oa ugDlvr Bayer Pfizer, Novartis Local LungDelivery Systemic &LocalLungDelivery rlDu eieyConfidential Oral DrugDelivery Oral DrugDelivery Oral DrugDelivery 3830 Monte Villa Parkway Inflammatory Diseases Influenza Autism Type IIDiabetes Diabetes Obesity Osteoporosis Osteoporosis Delivery ofsiRNAs Primarily IntranasalDrugDelivery A www.mistralpharma.com pplication(s): P M HARMACEUTICAL ohl,WA 98021 Bothell, w ISTRAL ww.nastech.com 2101 Halpern hn:(5)6130 Fx (650)631-3150 (650)631-3100 Fax: Phone: P HARMA -al [email protected] e-mail: N a als CA94070 San Carlos, C I 201 Industrial Road201 Industrial EKTAR NC OMPANY www.nektar.com . T HERAPEUTICS I NC Development stage: Preclinical Preclinical Phase I Phase I Phase II Phase II Phase II ANDA inreviewatFDA Pharmaceuticals, NovoNordisk P Procter &Gamble UCB, Roche,Baxter,Amgen . harmaceuticals, Amylin

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DRUG DELIVERY TECHNOLOGIES DRUG DELIVERY TECHNOLOGIES NOF CORPORATION, DDS DEVELOPMENT DIVISION NUSIL TECHNOLOGY 20-3, 4-Chome Ebisu, Shibuya-ku 1050 Cindy Lane Tokyo, Japan 150-6019 Carpinteria, CA 93013 Phone: +81-3-5424-6741 Fax: +81-3-5424-6769 mpany Phone: (805) 684-8780 Fax: (805) 566-9905 See Co email: [email protected] file email: [email protected] Pro www.nof.co.jp/dds www.nusil.com Current Technologies/Platforms: Application(s): Current Partner(s): Current Technologies/Platforms: Application(s): Current Partner(s): PEGylation PEG-Drugs Not Disclosed silicone elastomers transdermal, mucosal, in-vitro Liposome Formulation pressure sensitive adhesives silicone gels Suitable & ideal for producing PEGylated drugs PEG Derivitives silicone fluids Ideal for screening tests & liposomal formulations custom development Phospholipids & Liposomes Formulation Development Contact: Mark Paulsen, (805) 684-8780 Highly Purified Oleic Acid Encapsulated antigen or protein can be delivered Cholesterol Pullulan to dendritic cells, so these nanoparticles can be DRUG DELIVERY TECHNOLOGIES suitable for stimulating the immune system OAKWOOD LABORATORIES, L.L.C. 7670 First Place, Suite A DRUG DELIVERY TECHNOLOGIES Oakwood Village, OH 44146 NORWICH PHARMACEUTICALS,INC. Phone: (440) 359-0000 Fax: (440) 359-0001 6826 State Highway 12 email: [email protected] Norwich, NY 13815 www.Oakwoodlabs.com Phone: (607) 335-3000 Fax: (607) 335-3100 email: [email protected] Current Technologies/Platforms: Application(s): Current Partner(s): www.norwichpharma.com CHRONIJECT™ Injectables Sustained Release of Parenteral Injectables Domestic & International Current Technologies/Platforms: Application(s): Current Partner(s): Microsphere Technology NMEs, Peptides, Approved APIs Solid dose tablets & capsules Clinical & commercial manufacturing Sterile Lyophilized Dosage Forms

Solid dose tablets & capsules Clinical & commercial Pipeline Technologies/Platforms: Application(s): Development stage: packaging Novel Advanced Drug Delivery Technologies Non-sterile liquids manufacturing & Clinical & commercial Numerous Contact: Mark T. Smith, President packaging

Non-sterile semi-solids Clinical & commercial DRUG DELIVERY TECHNOLOGIES manufacturing & packaging OCTOPLUS N.V. Intermediate potency compound Clinical & commercial Zernikedreef 12 manufacturing 2333 CL Leiden Netherlands Phone: +31 71 5244044 Fax: +31 71 5244043 Pipeline Technologies/Platforms: Application(s): Development stage: Email: [email protected] Numerous Clinicals & scale-up for solids, Development & commercial www.octoplus.nl liquids, and semi-solids Current Technologies/Platforms: Application(s): Current Partner(s): Contact: Bob Calabro PolyActiveTM Sustained release of proteins and lipophilic small Biolex Therapeutics; molecules available for partnering

DRUG DELIVERY TECHNOLOGIES OctoDEXTM Sustained release of proteins and particulates Available for partnering NOVADEL PHARMA,INC. SynBiosysTM Sustained release of peptides & small molecules Available for partnering 25 Minneakoning Road, Suite 101 Flemington, New Jersey 08822 Contact: Gerben Moolhuizen, Chief Business Officer, +31 71 5244044 Phone: (908) 782-3431 Fax: (908) 782-2445 email: [email protected] DRUG DELIVERY TECHNOLOGIES www.novadel.com OTSUKA PHARMACEUTICAL CO., LTD. – ODPI DIVISION Current Technologies/Platforms: Application(s): Current Partner(s): Kitahama TNK Bldg. 9F, 1-7-1 Doshomachi, Chuo-ku Osaka, Japan 5410045 Oral spray technology platform • Oral spray technology potentially achieves: Par Pharmaceuticals - Phone: +81-6-6231-7158 Fax: +81-6-6231-7161 applicable to a broad range of - rapid delivery of drugs directly to bloodstream NitroMist™ (nitroglycerin therapeutic areas & product - quick onset of action lingual aerosol) e-mail: [email protected] categories: - Lower doses Hanna Biosciences - www.otsuka-odpi.com • Currently marketed Rx and OTC - Avoids the GI tract and first pass liver metabolism Zensane™ (ondansetron drugs • Strong patent position oral spray) Current Technologies/Platforms: Application(s): Current Partner(s): • New molecular entities in Manhattan Pharmaceuticals development for Diprivan (Propofol) ODPI Inhalation Technology Proteins, Peptides, Oligonucleotides, Vaccines Not Disclosed Suitable for Large Molecules Contact: Barry Cohen Pipeline Technologies/Platforms: Application(s): Development Stage:

Details not disclosed Details not disclosed Phase II

Contact: Koji Yoneda, Director of Business Development; [email protected]

Drug Delivery Technology November/December 2007 Vol 7 No 10 71 * DDT Nov-Dec 2007 Working 3.qxd 11/9/07 6:33 PM Page 72

DRUG DELIVERY TECHNOLOGIES DRUG DELIVERY TECHNOLOGIES OWEN MUMFORD,LTD. PFEIFFER OF AMERICA Brook Hill Woodstock 742 Alexander Road, Suite 201 Oxford, OX20 1TU - Princeton, New Jersey 08540 Phone: +44 (0) 1993 812021 Fax: +44 (0) 1993 813473 Phone: (609) 987-0223 Fax: (609) 987-1511 e-mail: [email protected] e-mail: [email protected] www.omdrugdelivery.com www.pfeiffer-group.com Current Technologies/Platforms: Application(s): Current Partner(s): Current Technologies/Platforms: Application(s): Current Partner(s): Customized Drug Delivery Devices Abbott, Amgen, Sanofi- Aventis, Berlex-Schering Metered Dose Dispensing Systems Nasal, Bucal, Topical & Dermal N/A for plastic or glass- AG, Genentech, Lilly, for Aqueous Solutions & Suspensions prefilled syringes; Pen-cartridge Subcutaneous Delivery Serono, Teva, Cilag, injectors many more Pipeline Technologies/Platforms: Application(s): Development Stage:

Re-usable/Re-loadable or Microhaler Pulmonary Undisclosed Disposable Devices Contact: Richard Sica Contact Person: Sarah Massey DRUG DELIVERY TECHNOLOGIES DRUG DELIVERY TECHNOLOGIES PHARMACEUTICAL PROFILES PARTICLE & COATING TECHNOLOGIES,INC Mere Way, Ruddington Fields, Ruddington 5445 Highland Park Drive Nottingham, NG11 6JS, United Kingdom St. Louis, MO 63110 Phone: +44 115 974 9000 e-mail: [email protected] www.pharmprofiles.com Phone: (314) 535-1516 Fax: (314) 535-1514 www.pctincusa.com Current Technologies/Platforms: Application(s): Current Partner(s): Current Technologies/Platforms: Application(s): Current Partner(s): ENTERION™ CAPSULE Oral drug development Many Spinning-disk coating Many Several, confidential TECHNECOAT™ Pulmonary drug development Micro-capacity spray dryer Preformulation Biotechnology Samples Gamma Scintigraphy Nasal, drug development, rectal drug development, vaginal drug development Mini-Fluid-Bed Expensive Materials Contact: Dr. Gareth King, VP, Business Development Forming narrow-size distributions Many Fluid-bed coating, spray-drying, Many DRUG DELIVERY TECHNOLOGIES spray-chilling PHARMAFORM L.L.C. Bioavailability enhancement Hydrophobic drugs 11400 Burnet Road, Suite 4010 Fast-melt tablets Pharmaceuticals Austin, TX 78758 Phone: (512) 834-0449 Pipeline Technologies/Platforms: Application(s): Development stage: Fax: (512) 834-2105 Coating liquid droplets Widely applicable www.pharmaform.com Coating particles down to 1 micron Widely applicable Successful initial applications Current Technologies/Platforms: Application(s): Current Partner(s): Extended-release technology Fragrance, flavor, etc. PharmaFilmTM Transmucosal Contact: Person: Dr. Irwin Jacobs, [email protected]

EDACSTM Oral Sustained Release Confidential DRUG DELIVERY TECHNOLOGIES ENWEST HARMACEUTICALS O Dry Powder Inhalation P P C . TaifunTM 39 Old Ridgebury Road, Suite 11 ny ompa See C ofile Danbury, CT 06810 Contact Person: Michael M. Crowley, PhD Pr Phone: (203) 796-3700 Fax: (203) 794-1573 e-mail: [email protected] DRUG DELIVERY TECHNOLOGIES www.penwest.com PII (PHARMACEUTICS INTERNATIONAL, INC.) Current Technologies/Platforms: Application(s): Current Partner(s): 10819 Gilroy Road Timerex® Oral controlled release Opana® ER – Endo Pharm Hunt Valley, MD 21031 Procardia® XL – Phone: (410) 584-0001 Fax: (410) 584-0007 Slofedipine® XL – Sanofi email: [email protected] Synthelabo Cronodopin – E. Merck www.pharm-int.com Procardia® – Ranbaxy Cystrin® CR – Leiras Current Technologies/Platforms: Application(s): Current Partner(s): Internal projects Partnership with Controlled Release N/A Penwest/TimeRx®, Geminex®, ® Technologies Geminex Dual Drug Release Internal projects SyncroDose™

SyncroDoseTM Site and time specific release Internal projects Contact Person: Diane D’Alessandro Partnership with Orally Disintegrating Tablet Ethypharm/Flashtab®

Improved bioavailability, solubility & PII-MedCrystal® / Co- potentially increased rate of absorption crystallization Technology

Partnership with Accu-BreakTM / Accurate scoring for tablets; Separation of Unique Scoring of Tablets actives

Contact Person: Susan Wiggins ([email protected])

72 Drug Delivery Technology November/December 2007 Vol 7 No 10 * DDT Nov-Dec2007Working3.qxd11/9/076:33PMPage73 ieieTcnlge/ltom:Apiains:DevelopmentStage: Acu-Breathe™ 30-Dose Acu-Breathe™ 15-Dose Acu-Breathe™ SingleDose Application(s): Pipeline Technologies/Platforms: MD Turbo™ Current T Contact Acu-Breathe™ Twin Contact F/S Machine Quali-V C Contact CurrentPartner(s): Application(s): Current Technologies/Platforms: ieieTcnlge/ltom:Apiains:Developmentstage: Contact PorousCavilink™ Polymers PorousCavilink™ Polymers Application(s): Pipeline Technologies/Platforms: PorousCavilink™ Polymers PorousCavilink™ Polymers C The I-neb dose ofdrug. delivering aprecise, nebulizer/compressor therapywhile inconvenience ofconventional to significantlyreducethe devicedesigned silent drugdelivery powered, battery- small, a is It system. AAD (AdaptiveAerosolDelivery) The I-nebisthethirdgeneration retTcnlge/ltom:Apiains:CurrentPartner(s): Application(s): urrent Technologies/Platforms: retTcnlge/ltom:Apiains:CurrentPartner(s): Application(s): urrent Technologies/Platforms: ® : : : : capsules Mark Elphick ® cnlge/ltom:Apiains:CurrentPartner(s): Application(s): echnologies/Platforms: lightweight, Gilbert S.Mott,Jr.,President&CEO Tamara Smith,(336)449-3953 Dr. JamesBenson AAD ® System reproducible and virtually hn:(0)9216 a:(724)387-5270 (800)962-1266Fax: Phone: hn:(0)3611 Fx (408)356-7094 (408)356-1815Fax: Phone: hn:(1)7942 Fx (919)789-4254 (919)789-4220Fax: Phone: R -al [email protected] e-mail: ESPIRONICS mi:[email protected] email: DRUG DELIVERYDRUG TECHNOLOGIES DR DR DRUG DELIVERYDRUG TECHNOLOGIES 6505 Franz Warner Parkway 08Tinl rv,Suite 101 6008 Triangle Drive, umnr P;frtoo oedusDesign Development Pulmonary DPI;fortwoormoredrugs Pre-Clinical Pulmonary DPI;forchronicdosing;disposable cartridge Pre-Clinical MarketOnly) Pulmonary DPI;forchronicdosing;replaceable Pre-Clinical blister Pulmonary DPI;forinfrequentdosing;single TEAMM Pharmaceuticals (U.S. counter forusewithpMDIs Breath-triggered devicewithelectronicdose Combination fillingandsealingencapsulation Empty two-piececapsuleofnon-gelatinorigin o ouiiydu eieyNear completion for specific BostonScientific completed Mylan Generics delivery drug solubility Low Oral delivery,zero-orderrelease Embolotherapy Zero-order drugdelivery UG DELIVER UG DELIVERY TECHNOLOGIES Pulmonary DrugDelivery hn:(336)449-3900 Phone: C www.polygenetics.com htet NC27377 Whitsett, o ao,CA95031 Los Gatos, www.qualicaps.com www.respironics.com drGoe NJ07009 Grove, edar P R www 41 Canfield Road OLYGENETICS ale R R PO Box 33115 ESPIRATORY Q ESPIRICS ig .r UALICAPS h, espir Y NC 27617 TECHNOLOGIES ics.com ,I NC ,I D NC . RUG . D ELIVERY drugs Profile PharmaLtd CoTherix Inc,ScheringAG, Diagnostic Disposables Medical Devices Valves &Applicators Pumps, Metered DoseInhalers Dr step beforefilling additional sterilized toavoidany TPE capinaclass 100Aroomand COCvialclosed witha Diabolo: injectablevials implanters, injectors, s Transfer system forprefilledsyringes. O resistance ordessicant child or withouttamperevidence, Pill jars&value addedclosures with ontamination andoxidation guarantee amaximumprotectionagainst bottle combinedameteringpumpto by Rexam: amultilayer baginaplastic Bag:2componentsdelivered The Sof’ C Contact pumps &devices opthalmic Preservative Freesolutions, Pipeline T Contact CurrentPartner(s): Application(s): Current Technologies/Platforms: Tamper-Evident UltraSafePassive Passive Auto InjectorWithUltraSafe Deliver UltraSafe Passive Contact Pharmaceutical Aerosols Metered DoseInhalers Current T t,vtrnr yigs auto- syringes, veterinary ets, ur patentedSafe’nSoundsafety retTcnlge/ltom:Apiains:CurrentPartner(s): Application(s): urrent Technologies/Platforms: y Powder Inhalers&pressurized y : ® : : Robyn Miller System Delivery System Delivery echnologies/Platforms: Mark A.Hassett,ExecutiveVicePresident echnologies/Platforms: John J.Sciarra ® Delivery System Delivery Drug DeliveryT Pho ® e 56 3-83 a:(516)933-7807 (516)933-7853 Fax: ne: DRUG DELIVERYDRUG TECHNOLOGIES DRUG DELIVERYDRUG TECHNOLOGIES DRUG DELIVERYDRUG TECHNOLOGIES aa,Bca uiua N/A AsepticTechnologies Nasal, Buccal&Auricular N/A Pulmonary Parenteral N/A P Oral Dermal Ophthalmics S Foams, Solutions Asthma Medication A Self-administration Anti-counterfeiting ofdrugs;tamperevidence safety featuresandimproveddrugdelivery pharmaceutical presentationsthatofferpassive Drug deliverydevicesforprefilledsyringes; arenteral plcto() CurrentPartner(s): Application(s): CIARRA pplication(s): echn e hn:(4)5190 a:(847)541-9201 (847)541-9700 Fax: Phone: mail: ikvle NY11801 Hicksville, www 8-9S Broadway 485-09 S. ology -al [email protected] e-mail: [email protected] L .sciar Pho ABORATORIES No e 70 1-98 Fx (760)918-0565 (760)918-9908Fax: ne: www.rexam.com/pharma r ufl rv,IL60089 Buffalo Grove, 600 Deerfield Parkway600 Deerfield alabs.c v ember/December 2007 -al [email protected] e-mail: REXAM PHARMA www.safetysyringes.com 2875 Loker Avenue East om C S ,I rsa,CA92010 arlsbad, AFETY NC . S YRINGES N/A N/A N/A N/A Development Stage: & Janssen-Cilag, Hexal,Johnson Amgen, AstraZeneca,Biocon, Biotherapeutics Pfizer, Roche,Shire,Talecris Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics, Johnson, Merck,Novartis, V ol 7N o 10 73

Drug Delivery Technology November/December 2007 Vol 7 No 10 * DDT Nov-Dec2007Working3.qxd11/9/076:33PMPage74 74 Drug Delivery Technology November/December 2007 Vol 7 No 10 ieieTcnlge/ltom:Apiains:Developmentstage: Contact Disposable FlowSensors Application(s): CurrentPartner(s): Pipeline Technologies/Platforms: chip signal processingononesinglemicro tion ofsensorelementsanddigital CMOSens T systems basedondigitalCMOSchips Microfluidic flowsensorsand Application(s): Current Technologies/Platforms: Contact Technology Bioavailability Enhancement Ibuprofen CDTTechnology Asymmetrical Technology P Technology Bioavailability Enhancement Amino AcidTechnology Electrolyte Technology Dual Polymer Technology C pln ehooisPafrs plcto() Developmentstage: Application(s): ipeline Technologies/Platforms: retTcnlge/ltom:Apiains:CurrentPartner(s): Application(s): urrent Technologies/Platforms: Drug DeliveryT : : Ulf Kanne+41443064000 Stephen Turner,VP&CTO,[email protected] echnology -Thecombina- echnology echnology hn:+14 0 00 a:+4144306 4030 +41443064000Fax: Phone: tea uihC-72 Zurich CH-8712, Staefa, S mi:[email protected] [email protected] email: DRUG DELIVERYDRUG TECHNOLOGIES DRUG DELIVERYDRUG TECHNOLOGIES No ENSIRION Dosing and metering of liquid drugs in the Functional samples available samples Functional micro literandnanorange Dosing andmeteringofliquiddrugsinthe andbio-techcompanies Calibrated, digital,readytousesensorsolutions micro literandnanorange Dosing andmeteringofliquiddrugsinthe mi:[email protected] email: C lse Preclinical, patent pending Preclinical,patentpending 4 & 2 Classes BCS Biocryst Biocryst, Dr. Reddy’s combinations Complex Perrigo Perrigo BCS Classes2&4 3 & 2 1, Classes BCS BCS Classes1&2 BCS Classes1&2 vember/December 2007 www.sensirion.com hn:(2)3307 Fx (425)373-0181 (425)373-0171Fax: Phone: absutsr 50 Laubisruetistr. - H ESRCOMPANY SENSOR THE 3625 132 CL hra Inc. SCOLR Pharma, elve WA 98006 Bellevue, www.scolr.com nd Avenue SE400 V ol 7No 10 Preclinical, patentpending Medical devicemanufacturers


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y Contact: SmartCrystal™ NanoMorph SoliScreen™ Xelle SOLIQS Meltrex™ Pipeline T P Technology (MPT™) Microfluidization Processing (FRT/IVIVC™) Predictive ModelingTool System (MEDDS™) Micro EmulsionDrugDelivery System (DRDDS™) Delayed ReleaseDrugDelivery CurrentPartner(s): System (HMDDS Hydrophilic MatrixDrugDelivery System (DC Diffusion ControlledDrugDelivery System(PMDDS Delivery P Application(s): Current Technologies/Platforms: Contact: D Programmable T Biphasic HMDDS urn ehooisPafrs plcto() CurrentPartner(s): Contact: Accessories Syringe PumpsandInfusion Injections Safety DevicesforHypodermic Application(s): Current Technologies/Platforms: ulsatile MacroparticulateDrug elivery System(PTDDS elivery pln ehooisPafrs plcto() Developmentstage: Application(s): ipeline Technologies/Platforms: x ® Mark Baumgartner,BusinessDevelopmentManager Bryan Wiesner(847)937-9665,SigrunReinwald935-2311orJonLewis(+496215892427) Vinay K.Sharma,PhD,Chairman,(908)852-5087,Mobile:616-3319 echnologies/Platforms: DDS ® ™) ™) absule™ Drug ™ ™ ™) hn:(6)2662 a:(760)929-0147 (866)286-6226Fax: Phone: ) mi:[email protected] email: DRUG DELIVERYDRUG TECHNOLOGIES DRUG DELIVERYDRUG TECHNOLOGIES DRUG DELIVERYDRUG TECHNOLOGIES S ylsoieMarketedbyPanacea Available forinternationalmarkets Available Cyclosporine Low solubility,highpermeabilitydrugs,suchas RE: MRproductdesign sold by TEVA Pharms Cyclosporine LicensedtoWockhardt Available capsules, qd Omeprazole ECcapsules(10,20,40mg),qd and manufactured Currently Felodipine ERtablets,qd(2.5,5,10mg) Quinidex; to bioequivalent Quinidine sulfateERTablets(300mg); Available 360 mf);bioequivalenttoTiazac Diltiazem ERCapsules,qd(120,180,240,300 D aorsa ehooyMultiple partners Multiplepartners Multiple partners Nanocrystal technology Amorphous nanoparticletechnology Qualitative &quantitativescreeningsystems Polymer filmtechnology Melt extrusiontechnology rg bobda pe ItatEarlystagedevelopment T Oral, multi-phasicrelease, Drugs absorbedatupperGItract neto eiainDlvr Many Infusion MedicationDelivery Injection MedicationDelivery www.smiths-medical.com Application(s): absules™ (mini-tablets) lizmE asls d(010m)Marketed asKaizem iltiazem ERCapsules,qd(90,120mg) MITHS hn:(908)852-5087 Phone: 2231 Rutherford Road ogVle,NJ07853 Long Valley, albd CA92008 Carlsbad, HRAE,Inc. SHARMATEK, 12 WalnutDrive www.stk-inc.net M EDICAL Pho ne: 67061 L S,I ASD, mi:[email protected] email: (877) 765-4771; site-specific botGb o KG Abbott GmbH&Co. ® , www.soliqs.com fasted ud NC K nollstrasse 50 nollstrasse w , SOLIQS ghfn Germany igshafen, +49 6215892554 Biotec inIndia in IndiabyWockhardt Multiple partners 1 Early stagedevelopment Many Development stage: large pharmapartner TM C D * DDT Nov-Dec2007Working3.qxd11/9/076:33PMPage75 Contact Soluble MicroneedleTechnology Pipeline T Contact: Pharmatab™ DCExcipientSystem P Custom Powder Processing CurrentPartner(s): Controlled Release Pharmacaps® Taste-Masking/ System P Suspension PowderPharmasperse™ Dry System Pharmafreeze™ Fast MeltLyophilized Excipient System Pharmaburst™ Fast DC Melt Application(s): Current Technologies/Platforms: disposable portable& that isself-contained, system (iontophoretic) drugdelivery - Contact CurrentPartner(s): Deliver WEDD Pipeline T Disposable DrugDeliver WEDD Application(s): Current Technologies/Platforms: Contact ViaDerm System DrugDelivery Pipeline T harmagum™ DCChewingGum pln ehooisPafrs plcto() DevelopmentStage: Application(s): ipeline Technologies/Platforms: Proprietary activetransdermal Proprietary ® ® y Active Transdermal Drug (W : : : System Robert Arnold Judith Kornfeld,VicePresident,BusinessDevelopment Colleen Blackney earable Electronic Yashi Osaka cnlge/ltom:Apiains:DevelopmentStage: Application(s): echnologies/Platforms: echnologies/Platforms: cnlge/ltom:Apiains:Development Stage: Application(s): echnologies/Platforms: T RAVANTI hn:+7--1-21 Fx +972-8-915-2202 +972-8-915-2201 Fax: Phone: y) T echnolog hn:(5)7010 Fx (651)730-1013 (651)730-1008Fax: Phone: P 2 HARMA Yodfat Street, Northern Industrial Zone Northern Industrial Yodfat Street, -al [email protected] e-mail: DRUG DELIVERYDRUG TECHNOLOGIES www.transpharma-medical.com DRUG DELIVERYDRUG TECHNOLOGIES DRUG DELIVERYDRUG TECHNOLOGIES 50PltKo od Suite 100 2520 Pilot Knob Road, DR -al [email protected] e-mail: y T rgdlvr Distributesamplemicro- Cosmeceutical delivery Drug Osteoporosis, Cosmetics,amongothers Pain, Inflammation,Nausea/Emesis,Thrombosis, Pain, Inflammation rndra TevaPharmaceutical Transdermal Swallow Tablets Lab-scale evaluation Lab-scale Generic,BrandRx,OTC Rx, OTC, Nutraceutical Swallow Tablets Generic Rx, OTC Rx Brand Granulation, ChilsonationMicronizing OTC & Rx Brand Generic, Chewable, ODT B Reconstitutable ODT, SublingualTablet Oral Dispersible Tablet RANS Application(s): www UG DELIVERY TECHNOLOGIES I uccal Gum Tablets OTC & Nutraceutical & OTC uccal Gum Tablets NC t al MN55120 Paul, St. .( o,Israel 71291 Lod, hn:(0)3365 Fx (704)392-1621 (704)393-6555 Fax: Phone: P .travantipharma.com HARMA FORMERLY mi:[email protected] email: M EDICAL B hrot,NC28208 Charlotte, imntn Delaware 19809 Wilmington, 3001 Stafford Drive IRCH www.texmac.com hn:(302)576-8554 Phone: T www.spipharma.com a:(302)576-8567 Fax: EXMAC L P 503, Carr Road Carr 503, TD OINT SPI P . I M NC HARMA EDICAL . evaluation needles forcustomer’s Distribute samplemicro- evaluation needles forcustomer’s Undisclosed osteoporosis) (hPTH (1-34)for hormone); seekingpartner Industries (humangrowth Development Stage: I NC .) Contact urn ehooisPafrs plcto() CurrentPartner(s): Cushioning Beads™ Application(s): Current Technologies/Platforms: Contact: T Cushioning Beads™ Current T T C Micro-Trans e-Patch h-Patch Mini-Ject urn ehooisPafrs plcto() CurrentPartner(s): Application(s): Current Technologies/Platforms: ODTXR ProRate d L P maxsol eXol Lipisol rap &T rap &T retTcnlge/ltom:Apiains:CurrentPartner(s): Application(s): urrent Technologies/Platforms: iquiXR erpetuRate elibRate TM TM : TM TM TM rigger™ rigger™ TM TM TM Anish Parikh Rich Ryzenga TM TM echnologies/Platforms: TM TM e-mail: [email protected] -www.trispharma.com [email protected] e-mail: Drug DeliveryT rnwc uiesPr -23 ot 3,Suite D Business ParkBrunswick -2033Route 130, Pho hn:(1)8333 Fx (410)633-4438 (410)843-3738Fax: Phone: hn:(732)940-2800-Fax:(732) 940-2855 Phone: ne: DRUG DELIVERYDRUG TECHNOLOGIES DRUG DELIVERYDRUG TECHNOLOGIES DRUG DELIVERYDRUG TECHNOLOGIES (847) 604-8005F omuhJnto,NJ08852 Monmouth Junction, UPM P echn W eiti,grarc I ainsundisclosed dissolve form Accomodates highandlowdosedrugs,quick Pediatric, geriatric,HIVpatients rlqikdsov a early Oral SRsuspensionforelectrolyticdrugs Oral quickdissolvetab Pediatric, geriatric,HIV,cancerpatients F O Controlled Release Controlled Release Taste-masking/Controlled Release/LiquidSuspension Controlled Release Bioavailability/Solubility Enhancement Bioavailability/Solubility Enhancement Bioavailability/Solubility Enhancement Application(s): Microneedle IntradermalDeliverySystem Delivery System Control ReleaseDisposableMicroPump Delivery System Single-Use, DisposableBasal-Bolus Pre-Filled Needle-FreeDeliverySystem ast Dissolve rally DisintegratingTablet/ControlledRelease/ e atmr,MD21224 Baltimore, bsit [email protected] 6200 Seaforth Street 6200 Seaforth www.upm-inc.com ology T 1000C Lak R R amse HARMACEUTICALS e: IS V www P ALERIT No H y , ARMA v NJ 07446 .valeritas.com ember/December 2007 e AS S ,I ax: t r e N et C (847) 604-8006 . ,I NC . Undisclosed early undisclosed V Current P Not Disclosed ol 7N o artner(s): 10 75

Drug Delivery Technology * DDT Nov-Dec 2007 Working 3.qxd 11/9/07 6:33 PM Page 76


VALOIS VETTER PHARMA-FERTIGUNG GMBH & CO.KG 50 Avenue de l’Europe Schuetzenstr. 87 Marly-le-Roi, France 78164 Ravensburg, Germany 88212 Phone: +33 (0) 1 39 17 20 20 Fax: +33 (0) 1 39 58 12 98 Phone: +49 751 3700 0 Fax: +49 751 3700 4000 www.valoispharma.com email: [email protected] www.vetter-pharma.com Current Technologies/Platforms: Application(s): Current Partner(s): Current Technologies/Platforms: Application(s): Current Partner(s): Metering Spray Pumps Nasal, Throat, Dermal/Transdermal, Ear Double-Chamber Technology Metering Valves for pMDIs Pulmonary (Asthma, COPD) Unit-Dose Nasal Spray Devices Nasal Lyophilzation Not Disclosed

Pipeline Technologies/Platforms: Application(s): Development Stage: Anti-counterfeiting Solutions Dose Indicator for pMDIs Dry Powder Inhaler Contact: Suzan Frohmann Electronic Devices DRUG DELIVERY TECHNOLOGIES New Pumps, Valves and Unit-Doses YPSOMED AG Contact: Pierre Carlotti - VP Marketing Brunnmattstrasse 6 Burgdorf, Switzerland 3401 DRUG DELIVERY TECHNOLOGIES Phone: +41 34 424 41 11 Fax: +41 34 424 41 22 email: [email protected] VECTURA GROUP PLC www.ypsomed.com 1 Prospect West Chippenham Current Technologies/Platforms: Application(s): Current Partner(s): Wiltshire, UK SN14 6FH Reusable injection pens Regular subcutaneous self-injections Sanofi-Aventis (insulin), Dongbao Phone: +44 1249 667700 Fax: +44 1249 667701 (insulin), Pfizer (hGH), Eli Lilly e-mail: [email protected] (hGH), Genentech (hGH) and Roche (EPO and alfa-interferon), www.vectura.com NPS/Nycomed (PTH)

Disposable injection pens Regular subcutaneous self-injections Sanofi-Aventis (insulin) and Current Technologies/Platforms: Application(s): Current Partner(s): Serono (FSH) ASPIRAIR Pulmonary (Active DPI Device) Available - Non-exclusive Pipeline Technologies/Platforms: Application(s): Development stage:

GYROHALER Pulmonary (Passive DPI Device) Available - Non-exclusive Reusable and disposable auto- Subcutaneous and intramuscular self- Ongoing development injector systems injection of bio-molecules programs with a number of POWDERHALE Pulomnary (Formulation System) Available - Non-exclusive partners

Contact: Doug Smalley, Director of Business Development Contact: Ian Thompson, Head of Business Development DRUG DELIVERY TECHNOLOGIES DRUG DELIVERY TECHNOLOGIES ZOGENIX, INC. VENTAIRA PHARMACEUTICALS, INC. 11682 El Camino Real, Suite 320 1801 Watermark Drive, Suite 100 San Diego, CA 92130 Columbus, OH 43215 Phone: (866) ZOGENIX (866-964-3649) Fax: (858) 259-1166 Phone: (614) 340-2325 Fax: (614) 340-2320 email: [email protected] email: [email protected] www.zogenix.com www.ventaira.com Current Technologies/Platforms: Application(s): Current Partner(s): Current Technologies/Platforms: Application(s): Current Partner(s): Intraject® Needle-Free Delivery Subcutaneous drug delivery, including small System molecules, proteins,and peptides Mystic drug inhalation technology Pulmonary (uses electrostatic energy to form a Contact: Jonathan Rigby,VP,Business Development uniform fine particle spray) Drug formulation technology Pulmonary Seeking qualified strategic DRUG DELIVERY TECHNOLOGIES (allowing the company to optimize partners for co-develop the delivery of drugs - small opportunities AAIPHARMA INC. molecules and are expanding to 2320 Scientific Park Drive biomolecules) Wilmington, NC 28405 Internal Pipeline Phone: (800) 575-4224 or (910) 254-7000 Fax: (919) 815-2300 Technologies Partners: Application(s): Development stage: e-mail: [email protected] www.aaipharma.com/aaiportal/ Fluticasone Propionate Asthma Completed Phase I clinical trial Current Technologies/Platforms: Application(s): Current Partner(s): Undisclosed Asthma Formulation ProSorbTM Tablet, soft, or hard gelatin capsule dosage forms for improved oral drug delivery • Solubilized formulations Undisclosed Pain Formulation • Faster onset of activity • Higher peak blood levels Undisclosed Undisclosed Formulation • Greater AUC • Lower COGS ProLiquitabTM Contact: Leslie Williams, (614) 340-2338 Novel technology allows solubilized drug to be delivered as a tablet • Solid manufacturing with liquid matrix benefits • Improves bioavailability of poorly soluble drugs in tablet form • Scalable process using conventional tablet manufacturing equipment

ProLonicTM Combines the benefits of erosion- and pH-dependent drug release to target the lower • Selectable time of onset of drug delivery • Prolonged delivery • Flexibility to allow pulsatile delivery • Multiple drug-release capability

ProLipidTM Microemulsion-based tablet or hard gelatin capsule for poorly bioavailable drugs • Improved bioavailability 76 Drug Delivery Technology November/December 2007 Vol 7 No 10 • Less API required for development Contact: Lee Karas • Liquid matrix enables containment of highly potent drugs * DDT Nov-Dec 2007 Working 3.qxd 11/9/07 6:33 PM Page 77 * DDT Nov-Dec 2007 Working 3.qxd 11/9/07 6:40 PM Page 78

EXCIPIENTS, POLYMERS, LIPSOMES, LIPIDS, COATINGS EXCIPIENTS, POLYMERS, LIPSOMES, LIPIDS, COATINGS ASAHI KASEI AMERICA,INC. CATALENT PHARMA SOLUTIONS 535 Madison Avenue, 33rd Floor 14 Schoolhouse Road New York, NY 10022 Somerset, New Jersey 08873 Phone: (212) 371-9900 Fax: (212) 371-9050 Phone: (866) 720-3148 Fax: (732) 537-6480 email: [email protected] - www.ceolus.com e-mail: [email protected] www.catalent.com Current Technologies/Platforms: Application(s): Current Partner(s): Microcrystalline cellulose Coated granules tab. Not Disclosed Current Technologies/Platforms: Application(s): Current Partner(s): (High compactible grades) High dose tab. Smaller tab. CEOLUS KG grades Matrix Tablets All are for oral applications for functional release Many ODT Tablet Coating Pressure-sensitive APIs Drug Layering Fine-Particle Coating Coated granules Microcrystalline cellulose spheres pany (Drug-layering substrate) Com CELPHERE Contact: [email protected], (866)720-3148 See e Profil Ethylcellulose aqueous dispersion Controlled release CeliosCoat Taste-masking EXCIPIENTS, POLYMERS, LIPSOMES, LIPIDS, COATINGS Trehalose Taste-masking COLORCON (ODT) 415 Mayer Boulevard West Point, PA 19486-0024 EXCIPIENTS, POLYMERS, LIPSOMES, LIPIDS, COATINGS Phone: (215) 699-7733 BASF www.colorcon.com 100 Campus Drive Florham Park, NJ 07932 Current Technologies/Platforms: Application(s): Current Partner(s): Phone: (800) 443-0627, Fax: (973) 245-6763 email: [email protected] Acryl-EZE® Oral, Enteric, Modified Release, Film coating www.pharma-solutions.basf.com Surelease® Oral, Modified Release, Film coating Current Technologies/Platforms: Application(s): Current Partner(s): Opaglos® 2 Oral, High Gloss, complete film coating system Kollicoat® Coatings & Coating Systems Opadry® II Oral, High Performance, complete film coating Kollidon® Binders & disintegrants system

Ludipress® Direct compression aids Opadry® AMB Oral, Aqueous Moisture Barrier, complete film coating system Lutrol® & Lutrol® Micro Solubilizers Starch 1500® Partially Pregelatinized Maize Starch, excipient Solutol® Solubilizer Contact: Donna Marano, (215) 661-2630 Cremophor® Solubilizer & emulsifier

Contact: BASF Pharma Solutions, (800) 443-0627 EXCIPIENTS, POLYMERS, LIPSOMES, LIPIDS, COATINGS CORIUM INTERNATIONAL, INC. EXCIPIENTS, POLYMERS, LIPSOMES, LIPIDS, COATINGS 235 Constitution Drive BROOKWOOD PHARMACEUTICALS,INC. Menlo Park, CA 94025 756 Tom Martin Drive Phone: (650) 298-8255 Fax: (650) 298-8012 Phone: (205) 917-2239 e-mail: [email protected] Fax: (205) 917-2205 www.coriumgroup.com www.brookwoodpharma.com Current Technologies/Platforms: Application(s): Current Partner(s): Current Technologies/Platforms: Application(s): Current Partner(s): Biodegradable poly(lactide-co- -cGMP commercial synthesis of PLGs at lot sizes CORPLEX™ Hydrogel Transdermal, mucosal, wound care, device, Pharma, specialty, generic, glycolide) (PLG) polymers up to 30 kg and diagnostic products wound care, and device companies -cGMP contract manufacturing of other biodegradable biomaterials excipients

Designed for companies developing the next Undisclosed Contact: Deb Fox, PhD, VP Business Development, (203) 775-7124, [email protected] Contract manufacturing and scale- generation of novel biomaterials that require up of custom biomaterials technical expertise, synthesis, characterization, process development, and scale-up

-Covalently linking moieties, such as peptides, Modified Polymer Surfaces proteins, and polysaccharides, to biodegradable polymer matrices, such as microparticle rods, fibers, meshes, and other 3-D shapes -Applicable to drug delivery formulations or medical devices Pipeline Technologies/Platforms: Application(s): Development Stage: Injectable Microparticles Wide range of therapeutic areas Phase I, II and III Phase I and II Injectable Solid Implants Wide range of therapeutic areas Advanced Preclinical Drug-eluting Devices Local delivery Contact: Kelly Arlint, (205) 917-2239

78 Drug Delivery Technology November/December 2007 Vol 7 No 10 * DDT Nov-Dec 2007 Working 3.qxd 11/9/07 6:40 PM Page 79

EXIPIENTS, POLYMERS, LIPOSOMES, LIPIDS, COATINGS EXCIPIENTS, POLYMERS, LIPSOMES, LIPIDS, COATINGS CRODA INC. THE DOW CHEMICAL COMPANY 300-A Columbus Circle P.O. Box 1206 Edison, NJ 08837 Midland, Michigan 48642 Phone: (732) 417-0800 Fax: (732) 417-0804 Phone: (898) 832-1560 Fax: (898) 832-1465 email: [email protected] www.dowexcipients.com www.crodausa.com Current Technologies/Platforms: Application(s): Current Partner(s): Current Technologies/Platforms: Application(s): Current Partner(s): Super Refined® Polysorbate 80 Parenteral, Opthalmic, Oral Topical, & Biotech ETHOCELTM Ethylcellulose Controlled release, tablet coating Super Refined® (High-Purity Topical, Oral, Parenteral TM triglycerides METHOCEL Cellulose Ethers Controlled release, tablet coating, granulation, oral films, hot-melt extrusion Super Refined® Oleic Acid NF Topical, Oral, Transdermal (TDD) POLYOXTM Water-Soluble Resins NF Controlled release, hot-melt extrusion Super Refined® PEG 300 NF, Super Topical, Oral, Parenteral Refined® PEG 400 NF, Super Refined® Contact: Mike Altmann PEG 600 NF Crillet HP (High-purity polysorbate) Topical, Oral, Parenteral EXCIPIENTS, POLYMERS, LIPSOMES, LIPIDS, COATINGS Cholesterol HP (High-purity Parenteral DOW CORNING CORPORATION cholesterol) P.O. Box 994 Midland, MI 48686 Medilan™ (Medium-Grade Lanolin) Topical Phone: (989) 496-6000 Fax: (989) 496-6731 Crodamols (Fatty Esters) Topical, Oral, Parenteral e-mail: [email protected] Contact: Nigel Langley, (732) 417-0800, ext. 4281 www.dowcorning.com EXIPIENTS, POLYMERS, LIPOSOMES, LIPIDS, COATINGS Current Technologies/Platforms: Application(s): High-purity, Volatile Silicone Fluids Carrier for sprays, spreading agent, solvent, lubricant, emollient, skin DEGUSSA CORPORATION DEGUSSA AG - PHARMA POLYMERS protectant, and excipient for hydrophilic actives Pharma Polymers Röhm GmbH 2 Turner Place Kirschenallee 45 Blends Lubricant, emollient, carrier for sprays, spreading agent Piscataway, NJ 08854 64293 Darmstadt, Germany Unique, silky aesthetics (smooth, dry feel); rheology modifier; thickener for T: (732) 981-5383 T: +49-6151-18-4019 Gels silicone-containing formulations F: (732) 981-5484 F: +49-6151-18-3520 Semi-occlusive formulations, lubricant, detackifier, emollient, water-repellent, E: [email protected] E: [email protected] Waxes thickener, moisturizer Website: www.pharma-polymers.com Emulsifiers Room temperature emulsification Current Technologies/Platforms: Application(s): Current Partner(s): Lipids Vegetable oil, evening primrose oil, camelina oil, borage oil, blackcurrent oil, EUDRAGIT® L/S and FS Polymers Enteric Coatings: Polymers for pH-dependent shea butter, cocoa butter, jojoba oil, mango olein, mango butter, and several silicone and lipid blend emulsions drug delivery from the duodenum to the Lecithin Stabilized Liposome colon. Delivery Solution Based on a high content of dilinoleic phosphatidylcholine N/A Contact: Stacey Chapin EUDRAGIT® E Polymers Protective Coatings: Polymers for taste- and odor-masking, moisture protection. EXCIPIENTS, POLYMERS, LIPSOMES, LIPIDS, COATINGS pany e Com ® Se e ETHYPHARM EUDRAGIT RL / RS and NE and NM Sustained Release: Polymers for delayed, Profil Polymers sustained, and pulsed release. 194 Bureaux de la Colline 92213 Saint-Cloud Cedex - France *Add flexibility and power to your development process with EUDRAGIT®. Our wide range of polymers allows Phone: +33 1 41 12 17 20 your to design your release profile. www.ethypharm.com Contact: USA: Andrew S. Honeycheck, (732) 981-5383; Germany: Jonas Ide, +49-6151-18-3567 Current Technologies/Platforms: Application(s): Current Partner(s): EXCIPIENTS, POLYMERS, LIPSOMES, LIPIDS, COATINGS Spherulites® Vaccines DEPOMED,INC. Multiparticles, Sustained Release Enhanced Absorption Forms 1360 O’Brien Drive Menlo Park, CA 94025 Contact: Bruno Delie, Senior VP - Business Development, +33 1 41 12 17 20 Phone: (650) 462-5900 www.depomedinc.com EXCIPIENTS, POLYMERS, LIPSOMES, LIPIDS, COATINGS Current Technologies/Platforms: Application(s): Current Partner(s): GENZYME PHARMACEUTICALS 675 West Kendall Street Gastric Retention Diffusional Oral, Liquid, Controlled release of soluble drugs Biovail, Inc. Technology Cambridge, MA 02142 Phone: (800) 868-8208 or (617) 374-7248 Gastric Retention Erosional Oral, Constant delivery rate of insoluble drugs Fax: (617) 768-9765 Technology E-mail: [email protected] Gastric Retention Bi-Layer Oral, Controlled release of 2 drugs with different www.genzymepharmaceuticals.com Technology characteristics Current Technologies/Platforms: Application(s): Current Partner(s):

® Gastric Retention Combination Oral, Controlled release of 2 drugs Biovail, Inc. LipoBridge CNS, blood brain barrier, Alzheimer’s, stroke, Undisclosed Technology simultaneously or in sequence trauma, Parkinson’s, Multiple Sclerosis

TM Contact: Thadd Vargas, (650) 462-5900 LipoMask Extended circulation time of partners in blood Undisclosed Custom manufactured and standard lipids available

Drug Delivery Technology November/December 2007 Vol 7 No 10 79 * DDT Nov-Dec 2007 Working 3.qxd 11/9/07 6:40 PM Page 80

EXCIPIENTS, POLYMERS, LIPSOMES, LIPIDS, COATINGS EXCIPIENTS, POLYMERS, LIPSOMES, LIPIDS, COATINGS HUBER ENGINEERED MATERIALS, PART OF JRS PHARMA LP J.M. HUBER CORPORATION 2981 Route 22, Suite 1 907 Revolution Street Patterson, NY 12563 Havre de Grace, MD 21078 Phone: (800) 431-2457 Fax: (845) 878-3484 T: (410) 939-7228 email: [email protected] e-mail: [email protected] www.rxcipients.com or www.hubermaterials.com www.jrspharma.com Current Technologies/Platforms: Application(s): Current Partner(s): Current Technologies/Platforms: Application(s): Current Partner(s): RxCIPIENTS® FM1000 Fast-dissolve excipient for oral dosage PROSOLV® High Functionality Excipients tablets Various PRUV® Sodium Stearyl Fumarate Lubricant RxCIPIENTS® GL 100 & 200 Glidants EXPLOTAB® Sodium Starch Glycolate Superdisintegrant HuberCal® calcium carbonate Inert filler VIVASTAR® Sodium Starch Glycolate Superdisintegrant Hubersorb silica® & Carrier Zeopharm® calcium silicate EMCOCEL® Microcrystalline Cellulose Tablet Binder

VIVAPUR® Microcrystalline Cellulose Tablet Binder Contact: Karl Mattson-Boze LUBRITAB® Hydrogenated Tablet Lubricant Vegetable Oil EXCIPIENTS, POLYMERS, LIPSOMES, LIPIDS, COATINGS Contact: Michelle Prybylski (845) 878-8390 INEOS FLUOR The Heath, Runcorn Cheshire, UK WA7 4QX EXCIPIENTS, POLYMERS, LIPSOMES, LIPIDS, COATINGS Phone: +44 (0) 1928 51 5525 Fax: +44 (0) 1928 51 1418 email: [email protected] LOPAREX www.ineosfluor.com • www.zephex.com 7700 Griffin Way Current Technologies/Platforms: Application(s): Current Partner(s): Willowbrook, IL 60527 Phone: (630) 734-2700 Fax: (630) 734-2690 ZEPHEX 134a and ZEPHEX 227ea HFA Metered Dose Inhalers, other medical aerosols and Supply many of the World’s medical propellants devices leading MDI companies email: [email protected] www.loparex.com CFC11 and CFC12 medical propellants Made available to support the smooth transition from CFC propelled MDIs to HFA propelled ones Current Technologies/Platforms: Application(s): Current Partner(s): Pipeline Technologies/Platforms: Application(s): Development Stage Silicone-Coated Papers & Films Release liners for medical devices

Electrostatic effects from propellant Enhancing reproducibility and delivery of pulmonary Early research Contact: Steve Saunders, Marketing Manager interactions with can and drug medications

Contact: Tim Noakes EXCIPIENTS, POLYMERS, LIPSOMES, LIPIDS, COATINGS MACROMED,INC. EXCIPIENTS, POLYMERS, LIPSOMES, LIPIDS, COATINGS 2417 S. 3850W, Suite 150 International Specialty Products (ISP) West Valley City, UT 84120 1361 Alps Road T: (801) 433-2560 Fax: (801) 433-2561 Wayne, NJ 07470 Website: www.macromed.com Phone: (973) 628-4000 Fax: (973) 628-4117 e-mail: [email protected] - www.macromed.com email: [email protected] Current Technologies/Platforms: Application(s): Current Partner(s): www.ispcorp.com HySolv™ Oral, Parenteral Solubilizer Not Disclosed Current Technologies/Platforms: Application(s): Current Partner(s): Contact: Alex S. Kim, Executive Vice President , (801) 433-2560 Advantia™ Coating Systems Oral Solids Not Disclosed

Contact: Ann Druffner EXCIPIENTS, POLYMERS, LIPSOMES, LIPIDS, COATINGS NOVEON,INC. EXCIPIENTS, POLYMERS, LIPSOMES, LIPIDS, COATINGS 9911 Brecksville Road Cleveland, OH 44141 INYX, INC. Phone: (216) 447-5000 825 Third Avenue, 40th Floor www.pharma.noveon.com New York, NY 10022 Current Technologies/Platforms: Application(s): Current Partner(s):

Phone: (212) 838-1111 Fax: (212) 838-0060 Carbobol® Polymers Controlled release solid dosage forms (tabs, caps); e-mail: [email protected] topical lotions, creams and gels www.inyxgroup.com Current Technologies/Platforms: Application(s): Current Partner(s): Pemulen® Polymeric Emulsifiers Topical lotions, creams and gels

Patented novel lipid-binding For delivering incompatible or unstable Noveon® Polycarbophils Bioadhesion in vaginal, buccal and ophthalmic matrix technology drug substances that enhance delivery of applications; taste masking not only single molecule, but also combination inhalation therapy drugs

80 Drug Delivery Technology November/December 2007 Vol 7 No 10 * DDT Nov-Dec 2007 Working 3.qxd 11/9/07 6:40 PM Page 81

EXCIPIENTS, POLYMERS, LIPSOMES, LIPIDS, COATINGS EXIPIENTS, POLYMERS, LIPOSOMES, LIPIDS, COATINGS NOF CORPORATION, DDS DEVELOPMENT DIVISION POLYMUN SCIENTIFIC GMBH 20-3, 4-Chome Ebisu, Shibuya-ku Nussdorfer Laende 11 Tokyo, Japan 150-6019 Vienna, Austria A-1190 Phone: +81-3-5424-6741 Fax: +81-3-5424-6769 Phone: +43-1-36006-6203 Fax: +43-1-3697615 email: [email protected] e-mail: [email protected] www.nof.co.jp/dds www.polymun.com Current Technologies/Platforms: Application(s): Current Partner(s): Current Technologies/Platforms: Application(s): Current Partner(s): Activated PEG PEG-Drugs, Medical Devices Liposome Production Technology Continuous and aseptic one-step process Phospholipids Liposomes, Solubilizers, Nanoparticles resulting in sterile liposomes of defined size distribution and long- term stability. Allows Ultra-Purity Polysorbate 80 Solubilizer Not Disclosed scale-up to any desired production size at high drug incorporation rates and excellent batch-to- PEG Solubilizer batch consistency in GMP-compliant quality. Contact: Dr. Dietmar Katinger Chitosan Gene/RNA Delivery EXIPIENTS, POLYMERS, LIPOSOMES, LIPIDS, COATINGS EXCIPIENTS, POLYMERS, LIPSOMES, LIPIDS, COATINGS PURAC BIOMATERIALS PARTICLE AND COATING TECHNOLOGIES,INC. 111 Barclay Boulevard 5445 Highland Park Drive Lincolnshire, IL 60069 St. Louis, MO 63110 Phone: (847) 634-6330 Fax: (847) 634-1992 Phone: (314) 535-1516 Fax: (314) 535-1514 www.puracbiomaterials.com email: [email protected] www.pctincusa.com Current Technologies/Platforms: Application(s): Current Partner(s):

Current Technologies/Platforms: Application(s): Current Partner(s): PURASORB® , Lactide-Based Polymers • Ex stock available lactide/glycolide copolymers • cGMP (ICHQ7) synthesis up to 150-kg batch Many Very viscous coatings Better barriers sizes Burst-release coatings Delayed release • Independent supplier with over 35 years of experience Pipeline Technologies/Platforms: Application(s): Development Stage: PURASORB® Custom Synthesis In order to comply with your specific product New barrier coatings requirements, we offer custom synthesis of a Contact: Robert Sparks wide variety of lactide- and glycolide-based (co) polymers.

EXCIPIENTS, POLYMERS, LIPSOMES, LIPIDS, COATINGS Contract Manufacturing We offer contract manufacturing for PAULAUR CORPORATION outsourcing of current production and 105 Melrich Road scale-up of innovative technologies. Cranbury, NJ 08512 Phone: (609) 395-8844 Fax: (609) 395-8850 EXCIPIENTS, POLYMERS, LIPSOMES, LIPIDS, COATINGS email: [email protected] SPI PHARMA www.paulaur.com 503, Carr Road Current Technologies/Platforms: Application(s): Current Partner(s): Wilmington, Delaware 19809 Sugar Spheres USP/NF Oral, Solid Dosage, Sustained, Controlled & Phone: (302) 576-8554 Extended Release Fax: (302) 576-8567 DURO-TAB® Direct Compacting & Tableting Sugar www.spipharma.com

MEGATAB® Direct Compacting & Tableting Sucrose Current Technologies/Platforms: Application(s): Current Partner(s):

MEGADEX® Direct Compacting & Tableting Dextrose Mannogem™ EZ, 2080, Granular, Solid Oral Dose Rx, OTC & Nutraceutical Contact: Alex Martello SorbitabTM SD 250, SD 500 Solid Oral Dose OTC, Nutraceutical


PHARMAFORM L.L.C. Contact: Colleen Blackney 11400 Burnet Road, Suite 4010 Austin, TX 78758 EXCIPIENTS, POLYMERS, LIPSOMES, LIPIDS, COATINGS Phone: (512) 834-0449, ext. 201 - Fax: (512) 834-2105 STEPAN COMPANY www.pharmaform.com 100 West Hunter Avenue Maywood, NJ 07607 Current Technologies/Platforms: Application(s): Current Partner(s): Phone: (201) 712-7642 Fax: (201) 712-7648 Film Coating Controlled Release, Modified Release, Delayed Release email: [email protected] www.stepan.com Hot Melt Extrusion Controlled Release, Abuse Deterrent, Dosage Forms, Transmucosal Films, Current Technologies/Platforms: Application(s): Current Partner(s): Enhanced Solubility NEOBEE® Medium Chain Solvent, carrier Pipeline Technologies/Platforms: Application(s): Development Stage: ny Triglycerides ompa EDACS Abuse Deterrent Systems Controlled or abused substances See C ofile Pr WECOBEE® Triglycerides base Contact: Michael M. Crowley, PhD, VP Business Development Contact: James M. Butterwick

Drug Delivery Technology November/December 2007 Vol 7 No 10 81 * DDT Nov-Dec 2007 Working 3.qxd 11/9/07 6:40 PM Page 82

EXCIPIENTS, POLYMERS, LIPSOMES, LIPIDS, COATINGS TEXMAC INC. 3001 Stafford Drive Charlotte, NC 28208 Phone: (704) 393-6555 Fax: (704) 392-1621 email: [email protected] www.texmac.com

Current Technologies/Platforms: Application(s): Current Partner(s):

Micro-/Nan particle surface coating, Drug delivery, cosmetics Nara Machinery modification

Contact: James M. Butterwick

82 Drug Delivery Technology November/December 2007 Vol 7 No 10 * DDT Nov-Dec2007Working3.qxd11/9/076:43PMPage83 Contact J J J theservice. provides Please checkthecategoriesinwhichyourcompany C J J J J theservice. provides Please checkthecategoriesinwhichyourcompany      Contact J J J theservice. provides Please checkthecategoriesinwhichyourcompany Contact J J J J theservice. provides Please checkthecategoriesinwhichyourcompany   ontact Other: Clinical TrialMFG/Scale-up TestingLaboratory O TestingLaboratory Clinical TrialMFG/Scale-up Drug Discovery Other: Clinical TrialMFG/Scale-up Drug Discovery Other: Analytical Testing& Analysis Clinical TrialMFG/Scale-up Drug Discovery ther: : : ct nr,(1)2738,[email protected] (717)227-3381, ScottKnorr, :


CONTRACT PHARMACEUTICAL &BIOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENTSERVICES e CONTRACT PHARMACEUTICAL &BIOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENTSERVICES Phase I-IV Clinical Trials, Clinical trial packaging anddistribution Clinicaltrialpackaging Phase I-IVClinical Trials, e iaayia CM/S muosa,Sml aaeet andDoseFormulation Services Analysis SampleManagement, Immunoassay, Bioanalytical LC/MS/MS, C P e: r o o m

[email protected] –www.aaipharma.com/aaiportal/[email protected] f i p l e a n y hn:(0)2606 Fx (607)266-0749 (607)266-0665Fax: Phone: hn:(800)575-4224or (919)254-7000 Phone: hn:(0)6388 Fx 651-737-5265 (800)643-8086Fax: Phone: J J J J    J J  J J :(0)4564 F (717)235-8320 (800)445-6240F: P: Technology/Transfer Analytical Development Technology/Transfer Analytical Development Technology/Transfer Analytical Development Analytical Development Technology/Transfer mi:[email protected] email: mi:[email protected] email: www.adhesivesresearch.com 2320 Scientific Park2320 Scientific Drive W www.3m.com/ddsadv a:(910)815-2300 Fax: lnRc,PA 17327 Glen Rock, ligo,NC28405 ilmington, A 400 SeaksRun Road t al MN55110 Paul, St. AAIP www taa NY14850 Ithaca, DHESIVES 19 Brown Road Bldg 275-3E-10 A .advion.com HARMA DVION R J J J J  J J     J J  ESEARCH Manufacturing Formulation Development Manufacturing Formulation Development I Manufacturing Formulation Development Formulation Development Manufacturing NC . J J J J J J J J Packaging Stability Testing Packaging Stability Testing Packaging Stability Testing Packaging Stability Testing Contact J J theservice. provides Please checkthecategoriesinwhichyourcompany Contact J J theservice. provides Please checkthecategoriesinwhichyourcompany  Contact J J J J theservice. provides Please checkthecategoriesinwhichyourcompany    Contact J J J Please checkthecategoriesinwhichyourcompan  Contact J J J Please checkthecategoriesinwhichyourcompan   Clinical TrialMFG/Scale-up Drug Discovery Clinical TrialMFG/Scale-up Drug Discover Current Partnerships: TestingLabroatory Clinical TrialMFG/Scale-up Drug Discovery Other: Clinical TrialMFG/Scale-up Drug Discovery Other: Clinical Drug Discover itraC ec,(804)281-2262 Welch, VictoriaC. : tvnP ao,V,BusinessDevelopment VP, Damon, StevenP. : JAY STERN VP SALES&MARKETING : ayH,VPSales&Marketing Hu, Gary : o isn VPofSales Tom Wilson, : CONTRACT PHARMACEUTICAL &BIOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENTSERVICES CONTRACT PHARMACEUTICAL &BIOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENTSERVICES CONTRACT PHARMACEUTICAL &BIOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENTSERVICES CONTRACT PHARMACEUTICAL &BIOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENTSERVICES CONTRACT PHARMACEUTIC Extractables-Leachables Programs, etds GP ProcessDevelopment cGMP, Peptides, T rial MFG/Scale-up y y J e mail: Other: Drug DeliveryTechnology hn:(0)9687 r(0)7370 Fx (408)733-7603 (800)926-8272or (408)733-7604Fax: Phone: hn:(0)2120 Fx (804)281-2238 281-2603Fax: (804) Phone: hn:(0)8561 Fx (404)835-6450 (404)835-6310Fax: Phone: hn:(0)9257 Fx 800-943-3694 (800)932-5676 Fax: Phone: J J J J b J J   J J 387 Technology Suite 100 Circle NW, J J   usinessd Technology/Transfer Analytical Development Technology/Transfer Analytical Development Technology/Transfer Analytical Development Technology/Transfer Analytical Development Labora Analytical Development Altea Therapeutics Corporation Altea Therapeutics www est:www.akorn.com Website: Alcoa Flexible Packaging ufl rv,IL60089 Buffalo Grove, tor 6603 West Broad Street 2500 Millbrook Drive ihod VA 23230 Richmond, y DMPK, e tat,GA30313 Atlanta, Testing .alt v A www.alcoa.com A e AL &BIOLOGIC MERICAN lo A N eathe hn:(7)4390 Fx (573)443-9033 (573)443-9000 Fax: Phone: Bioanalysis www.americanpeptide.com ALYTICAL KORN [email protected] 777 EastEvelyn Avenue unvl,CA94086 Sunnyvale, r ap ,I y y November/December 2007 J J J J J J  pro J J  NC pro P J J e  u Manufacturing Formulation Development Manufacturing F EPTIDE Manufacturing Formulation Development B Manufacturing Formulation Development mi:[email protected] email: ormulation Development ormulation Manufacturing F vides theser t . vides theser ormula C ics.com IO 7200 East lmi,MO65202 olumbia, AL DEVELOPMENTSERVICES www.abclabs.com -C tion Development HEMISTR C OMPANY vice. vice. ABC Lane Y ,I (ABC) L NC . J J  J J J J Vol 7No 1083  J J  J J  AB Packaging Stability Testing Packaging Stability Packaging Stability Testing Packaging Stability Testing P Stability acka ORATORIES ging Testing T esting

Drug Delivery Technology November/December 2007 Vol 7 No 10 * DDT Nov-Dec 2007 Working 3.qxd 11/9/07 6:43 PM Page 84

CONTRACT PHARMACEUTICAL & BIOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT SERVICES CONTRACT PHARMACEUTICAL & BIOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT SERVICES ARX, LLC, A SUBSIDIARY OF ADHESIVES RESEARCH BASF 400 Seaks Run Road 100 Campus Drive Glen Rock, PA 17327 Florham Park, NJ 07932 P: (800) 445-6240 Fax: (717) 235-8320 Phone: (800) 443-0627, Fax: (973) 245-6763 email: [email protected] email: [email protected] www.adhesivesresearch.com www.pharma-solutions.basf.com

Please check the categories in which your company provides the service. Please check the categories in which your company provides the service.

J Drug Discovery J Analytical Development J Formulation Development J Stability Testing J Drug Discovery J Analytical Development J Formulation Development J Stability Testing J Clinical Trial MFG/Scale-up J Technology/Transfer J Manufacturing J Packaging J Clinical Trial MFG/Scale-up J Technology/Transfer JManufacturing J Packaging J Other: J Other: Solid and semi-solid dosage form contract manufacturing Contact: Martha Sloboda, (717) 227-3326, [email protected] Contact: BASF Pharma, (800) 443-0627 CONTRACT PHARMACEUTICAL & BIOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT SERVICES CONTRACT PHARMACEUTICAL & BIOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT SERVICES ASSA INTERNATIONAL INC 3B East Lake Road BD MEDICAL - PHARMACEUTICAL SYSTEMS Danbury, CT 06811 1 Becton Drive, Franklin Lakes, NJ 07417 MC: 407 Phone: (203) 312-0682 Fax: (203) 312-0722 T: (201) 847-4672 F: (201) 847-4847 email: [email protected] e-mail: [email protected] any Comp www.bd.com/pharmaceuticals www.assainternational.com See e Profil Please check the categories in which your company provides the service.

J Drug Discovery J Analytical Development J Formulation Development J Stability Testing Please check the categories in which your company provides the service. J Clinical Trial MFG/Scale-up J Technology/Transfer J Manufacturing J Packaging J Drug Discovery J Analytical Development J Formulation Development J Stability Testing J Other: Education & Training: J Clinical Trial MFG/Scale-up J Technology/Transfer J Manufacturing J Packaging assainternational® is a training and consulting company specialized on pharmaceutical applications of solid- state analytical techniques. Specifically, assa: J Other:

• organizes in-depth International Workshops and Conferences on Solid State Characterization in the Contact: Jennifer Zolot, [email protected] Pharmaceutical area. CONTRACT PHARMACEUTICAL & BIOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT SERVICES • offers specialized courses for pharmaceutical applications on Polymorph Screening, X-Ray Powder Diffraction, Near IR and Terahertz Spectroscopy, and Patent related issues. BESPAK PLC Blackhill Drive, Featherstone Road, • Also offers a wide range of Analytical Services for Pharmaceutical Solid State problems, including four Wolverton Mill South Polymorph Screening programs. We are available for Expert Witness services. Milton Keynes, Buckinghamshire MK12 5TS Contact: Dr. Angeline Zakrzewski, email: [email protected] 203-312-0682 United Kingdom Phone: +44(0)1908 552600 - Fax: +44(0)1908 552613 e-mail: [email protected] - www.bespak.com CONTRACT PHARMACEUTICAL & BIOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Please check the categories in which your company provides the service. AVEVA DRUG DELIVERY SYSTEMS,INC. 3250 Commerce Parkway J Drug Discovery JAnalytical Development J Formulation Development J Stability Testing Miramar, Florida 33025 J Clinical Trial MFG/Scale-up J Technology/Transfer JManufacturing J Packaging Phone: (954) 430-3340 Fax: 954-430-3390 J Other: www.avevadds.com Contact: Joe Keenan, [email protected] Please check the categories in which your company provides the service. CONTRACT PHARMACEUTICAL & BIOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT SERVICES J Drug Discovery JAnalytical Development J Formulation Development J Stability Testing BILCARE,INC. J Clinical Trial MFG/Scale-up JTechnology/Transfer J Manufacturing JPackaging  300 Kimberton Road J Laboratory Testing Phoenixville, PA 19460 J Other: Phone: (610) 935-4300 Fax: (610) 935-4321 any Contact: Bob Bloder/Brian Guy Comp E-mail: [email protected] See e Profil www.BilcareGCS.com CONTRACT PHARMACEUTICAL & BIOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Please check the categories in which your company provides the service. AZOPHARMA, CONTRACT PHARMACEUTICAL SERVICES 10320 USA Today Way J Drug Discovery JAnalytical Development JFormulation Development J Stability Testing Miramar, FL 33025 J Clinical Trial MFG/Scale-up J Technology/Transfer JManufacturing J Packaging Phone: (954) 433-7480 Fax: (954) 432-9015 JAnalytical Testing & Analysis J Process Development email: [email protected] J Other: Clinical Labeling, IVRS/IWRS, Global Logistics & Distribution www.azopharma.com y Contact: Vincent Lagrotteria, VP, Global Sales & Marketing mpan Please check the categories in which your company provides the service. ee Co S e Profil J Drug Discovery JAnalytical Development J Formulation Development J Stability Testing J Clinical Trial MFG/Scale-up JTechnology/Transfer J Manufacturing J Packaging J Laboratory Testing J Other: Characterization Services, Synthesis, Preformulation Contact: David Greeley, VP Sales and Marketing

84 Drug Delivery Technology November/December 2007 Vol 7 No 10 * DDT Nov-Dec2007Working3.qxd11/9/076:43PMPage85 Contact J J J P Contact J J J Please checkthecategoriesinwhichyourcompan  Contact J J J J P   Contact J J J J Please checkthecategoriesinwhichyourcompan     lease check the categories in which your company provides theservice. provides lease checkthecategoriesinwhichyourcompany lease check the categories in which your company provides theservice. provides lease checkthecategoriesinwhichyourcompany Analytical Testing& Analysis Analytical Testing& Analysis Other: Clinical TrialMFG/Scale-up Drug Discovery Other: Clinical TrialMFG/Scale-up Drug Discovery Other: Clinical TrialMFG/Scale-up Drug Discovery Other: Clinical TrialMFG/Scale-up Drug Discovery : : Remcovan Weeren : e tr,(858)450-4676 LeeStarr, : Sales CONTRACT PHARMACEUTICAL &BIOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENTSERVICES CONTRACT PHARMACEUTICAL &BIOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENTSERVICES CONTRACT PHARMACEUTICAL &BIOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENTSERVICES GPmtrasmngmn soae ipnig apig oitc) consulting logistics), sampling, dispensing, (storage, management cGMP materials Analytical Chemistry &Microbiological Analytical Chemistry Testing Services CONTRACT PHARMACEUTICAL &BIOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENTSERVICES aeilspl,pcaigdsg,andoptimization design, packaging supply, Material Lyphilization Jennifer Winders Pho hn:(1)4230 a:(610)935-4321 (610)422-3305Fax: Phone: hn:(1)9110 Fx (812)961-1733 (812)961-1700Fax: Phone: J J  J J J J J  J J J ne: Technology/Transfer Analytical Development Technology/Transfer Analytical Development Process Development Technology/Transfer Analytical Development Process Development Technology/Transfer Analytical Development mi:[email protected] email: e (858) 450-34123F San Diego, California 92121 California San Diego, mail: loigo,IN47404 Bloomington, 4320 West Zenith Drive heivle PA 19460 Phoenixville, B B www.bioservcorp.com IO mi:[email protected] email: IOSERV 300 Kimberton Rd 5340 Eastg www.bilcare.com inf C hn:(1)2404 a:(310)370-3642 (310)214-0043Fax: Phone: www.bioc.us ONVERGENCE [email protected] B ILCARE C B ORPORATION IO y y at -al [email protected] e-mail: pro J J S J J   J J pro  J J  e CREEN ax: Manufacturing Formulation Development Manufacturing TestingLaboratory Manufacturing Formulation Development Manufacturing Formulation Development M vides theser vides theser www.bioscreen.com orne CA90503 Torrance, 3904 Del 3904 Del Amo Blvd all LLC (858) 450-0785 T ESTING vice. vice. S e e

C P S o r m ERVICES o f i p l e a n y ,I J J  J J J J  J J   NC Packaging Stability Testing Packaging Stability Testing Packaging Stability Testing Packaging Stability Testing . Contact J J J theservice. provides Please checkthecategoriesinwhichyourcompany  Contact J J J J P Contact J J J P      Contact J J J theservice. provides Please checkthecategoriesinwhichyourcompany   lease check the categories in which your company provides theservice. provides lease checkthecategoriesinwhichyourcompany lease check the categories in which your company provides theservice. provides lease checkthecategoriesinwhichyourcompany Clinical Drug Discover Analytical Testing& Analysis Other: Clinical TrialMFG/Scale-up Drug Discovery Clinical TrialMFG/Scale-up Drug Discovery Laboratory Laboratory Testing Analytical Testing Laboratory Laboratory Testing Clinical TrialMFG/Scale-up Drug Discovery : Kelly Arlint, (205) 917-2239 (205) KellyArlint, : aa gaaoka,Drco,Marketing&Sales Director, Tamar Aghamanoukian, : lr an VPBusinessDevelopment&COO ClaraFaan, : : CONTRACT PHARMACEUTICAL &BIOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENTSERVICES CONTRACT PHARMACEUTICAL &BIOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENTSERVICES CONTRACT PHARMACEUTICAL &BIOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENTSERVICES lnclTil iaayi,AnalyticalTestingAnalysis & Bioanalysis, Clinical Trials& CONTRACT PHARMACEUTICAL &BIOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENTSERVICES Trial MFG/Scale-up Glenda Oliver y Drug DeliveryTechnology -Smith hn:(0)4293 a:(604)432-9239 (604)432-9237Fax: Phone: hn:(1)7233 a:(416)752-7610 (416)752-3636 Fax: Phone: BRI B J J J J  J J   B J J J  J  Pho oot,Otro Canada MIL4S4 Ontario, Toronto, R T Analytical Development Technology/Transfer Analytical Development Technology/Transfer Analytical Development Laboratory TestingLaboratory Technology/Transfer Analytical Development echnology/Transfer Other: Bioanalytical Chemistry, CMC CMC Bioanalytical Chemistry, Other: O e www.brookwoodpharma.com mi:[email protected] email: B OKW mail: ne: IOPHARMACEUTICAL -al [email protected] e-mail: IOVAIL 101-8898 Heather Street Vancouver, BC V6P 3S8 BCV6P Vancouver, Pho 756 Tom Drive Martin www.biovail-cro.com (888) 783-6361F 460 Comstock Road a:(205)917-2205 Fax: O www.bripharm.com Gle 535 N OD ne: G C r www nda.oli P e ONTRACT (205) 917-2239 e H n o ARMA w r C .caps November/December 2007 th Eme o APSUGEL v o J J  J J J J  e  ,SC29646 d, J J  CEUTICALS r ug [email protected] Manufacturing F Manufacturing Formulation Development Manufacturing Formulation Development R Manufacturing Formulation Development ormulation Development ormulation R ESEARCH r e ESEARCH ax: ald R l.c o (888) 783-6360 m o , a I N d I C NC . . Vol 7No 10 J J J J J J    J J P Stability Packaging Stability Testing Packaging Stability Testing Packaging Stability Testing ackaging Testing 85 Drug Delivery Technology November/December 2007 Vol 7 No 10 * DDT Nov-Dec 2007 Working 3.qxd 11/9/07 6:43 PM Page 86

CONTRACT PHARMACEUTICAL & BIOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT SERVICES CONTRACT PHARMACEUTICAL & BIOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT SERVICES CATALENT PHARMA SOLUTIONS CIBA® EXPERT SERVICES 14 Schoolhouse Road 540 White Plains Road Somerset, New Jersey 08873 Tarrytown, NY 10591 Phone: (866) 720-3148 Fax: (732) 537-6480 Phone: (914) 785-2533 Fax: (914) 785-4241 e-mail: [email protected] email: [email protected] www.catalent.com www.cibasc.com/cxs Please check the categories in which your company provides the service. Please check the categories in which your company provides the service. J Drug Discovery JAnalytical Development J Formulation Development J Stability Testing J J JJ Drug Discovery Analytical Development Formulation Development Stability Testing J Clinical Trial MFG/Scale-up J Technology/Transfer J Manufacturing J Packaging J J JJ Clinical Trial MFG/Scale-up Technology/Transfer Manufacturing Packaging J Other: Leachables and Extractables Analysis, Quality Management, Life Cycle Consultation, EH&S testing and Consulting J Analytical Testing & Analysis J Process Development Contact: Miles Hutchings and Dean Hamel J Other: Product Launch Services, Post Launch Services y mpan ee Co S file CONTRACT PHARMACEUTICAL & BIOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Contact: [email protected], (866)720-3148 Pro CIRRUS PHARMACEUTICALS,INC. CONTRACT PHARMACEUTICAL & BIOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT SERVICES 511 Davis Drive, Suite 100 CELSION CORPORATION Durham, NC 27713 10220-L Old Columbia Road Phone: (919) 321-4047 Fax: (919) 884-2075 Columbia, MD 21046 email: [email protected] Phone: (410) 290-5390 Fax: (410) 290-5394 www.cirruspharm.com email: [email protected] Please check the categories in which your company provides the service. www.celsion.com J Drug Discovery JAnalytical Development J Formulation Development J Stability Testing J Clinical Trial MFG/Scale-up JTechnology/Transfer J Manufacturing J Packaging Please check the categories in which your company provides the service. J Laboratory Testing J Other: J Drug Discovery J Analytical Development J Formulation Development J Stability Testing J Clinical Trial MFG/Scale-up J Technology/Transfer J Manufacturing J Packaging Contact: : [email protected], 919-321-4047 J Analytical Testing & Analysis J Process Development J Other: Cancer Drug Development CONTRACT PHARMACEUTICAL & BIOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Contact: Anthony P. Deasey, EVP & COO, (410) 290-5390 x4899 COATING PLACE, INC. 200 Paoli Street, PO Box 930310 CONTRACT PHARMACEUTICAL & BIOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Verona, WI 53593 CENTER FOR ADVANCED DRUG DEVELOPMENT Phone: (608) 845-9521 100 Oakdale Campus Room 1 PRL www.encap.com Iowa City, Iowa 52242-5000 Phone: (319) 335-4096 Fax: (319) 335-4374 Please check the categories in which your company provides the service. email: [email protected] J JJ J www.pharmacy.uiowa.edu/rxserve/index.htm Drug Discovery Analytical Development Formulation Development Stability Testing J Clinical Trial MFG/Scale-up JTechnology/Transfer J Manufacturing J Packaging Please check the categories in which your company provides the service. J Other:

J Drug Discovery JAnalytical Development JFormulation Development J Stability Testing Contact: Fred Schulze, (817) 477-2766 J Clinical Trial MFG/Scale-up JTechnology/Transfer J Manufacturing J Packaging J Other: Method development and validation according to ICH guidelines, development of dissolution procedures and CONTRACT PHARMACEUTICAL & BIOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT SERVICES validation of the analytical method, pre-formulation, development of formulations, API, excipient and drug product COOK PHARMICA LLC testing according to official monographs. 1300 S. Paterson Drive Contact: Dr. Alta Botha Bloomington, IN 47403 Phone: (877) 312-COOK Fax: (812) 336-7167 CONTRACT PHARMACEUTICAL & BIOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT SERVICES email: [email protected] CHARLES RIVER CLINICAL SERVICES NORTHWEST KINETICS www.cookpharmica.com 3615 Pacific Avenue Please check the categories in which your company provides the service. Tacoma, WA 98418 Phone: (253) 593-5304 Fax: (253) 593- 5181 J Analytical Testing JAnalytical Development J Formulation Development JStability Testing e-mail: [email protected] J Clinical Trial MFG/Scale-up JProcess Development J Manufacturing J Packaging www.criver.com J Other: Mammalian cell culture services, Cell line development, Cell banking, Process Development Please check the categories in which your company provides the service. Contact: April Ladd, Manager of Sales & Marketing J Drug Discovery J Analytical Development J Formulation Development J Stability Testing J Clinical Trial MFG/Scale-up J Technology/Transfer J Manufacturing J Packaging CONTRACT PHARMACEUTICAL & BIOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT SERVICES J Analytical Testing & Analysis J Process Development CORIUM INTERNATIONAL,INC. J Other: Phase I & II Clinical Trials 235 Constitution Drive Menlo Park, CA 94025 Contact: Lisa Rehberger Phone: (650) 298-8255 Fax: (650) 298-8012 e-mail: [email protected] www.coriumgroup.com

Please check the categories in which your company provides the service.

J Laboratory Testing JAnalytical Development J Formulation Development J Stability Testing J Clinical Trial MFG/Scale-up JTechnology/Transfer JManufacturing J Packaging J Other: (Co-Development, Contract Development, Product Re-engineering)

Contact: Deb Fox, PhD, VP Business Development, (203) 775-7124, [email protected] 86 Drug Delivery Technology November/December 2007 Vol 7 No 10 * DDT Nov-Dec 2007 Working 3.qxd 11/9/07 6:43 PM Page 87

CONTRACT PHARMACEUTICAL & BIOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT SERVICES CONTRACT PHARMACEUTICAL & BIOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT SERVICES LABORATORIES 3301 Kinsman Blvd. DOW PHARMACEUTICAL SCIENCES,INC. Madison, WI 53704 1330 Redwood Way Phone: (888) COVANCE Fax: (608) 241-7227 Petaluma, CA 94954 e-mail: [email protected] Phone: (707) 793-2600 www.covance.com Fax: (707) 793-0145 www.dowpharmsci.com

Please check the categories in which your company provides the service. Please check the categories in which your company provides the service. J Drug Discovery JAnalytical Development J Formulation Development J Stability Testing J Drug Discovery JAnalytical Development JFormulation Development J Stability Testing J Clinical Trial MFG/Scale-up J Technology/Transfer J Manufacturing J Packaging J Clinical Trial MFG/Scale-up JTechnology/Transfer J Manufacturing JPackaging J Analytical Testing & Analysis J Process Development J Laboratory Testing J Other: In vitro permeation studies; human skin, bovine eye, sheep vaginal, and porcine buccal tissues, clinical labeling CONTRACT PHARMACEUTICAL & BIOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT SERVICES (any dosage form), regulatory consulting and submissions, and dermatology and vaccine clinical trials. Contact: Steve Smith, VP Marketing & Business Development (707) 793-2600 CYDEX,INC. 10513 West 84th Terrace Lenexa, KS 66214 Phone: (913) 685-8850 Fax: (913) 685-8856 CONTRACT PHARMACEUTICAL & BIOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT SERVICES email: [email protected] DPT LABORATORIES,LTD. www.cydexinc.com 307 East Josephine Street San Antonio, TX 78215 Please check the categories in which your company provides the service. Phone: (210) 476-8159 - Fax: (210) 829-8733 e-mail: [email protected]  J Drug Discovery J Analytical Development J Formulation Development J Stability Testing www.dptlabs.com See pany J J J J Com le Clinical Trial MFG/Scale-up Technology/Transfer Manufacturing Packaging Please check the categories in which your company provides the service. Profi J Other: J Drug Discovery JAnalytical Development J Formulation Development JStability Testing Contact: Jose L. Rodriguez J Clinical Trial MFG/Scale-up JTechnology/Transfer J Manufacturing J Packaging

CONTRACT PHARMACEUTICAL & BIOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Contact: Roxanne Barr DEGUSSA CORPORATION DEGUSSA AG - PHARMA POLYMERS CONTRACT PHARMACEUTICAL & BIOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Pharma Polymers Röhm GmbH 2 Turner Place Kirschenallee 45 E.I. DUPONT DE NEMOURS COMPANY Piscataway, NJ 08854 64293 Darmstadt, Germany DuPont Fluorochemicals, Chestnut Run Plaza T: (732) 981-5383 T: +49-6151-18-4019 F: (732) 981-5484 F: +49-6151-18-3520 Wilmington, DE 19880-0711 E: [email protected] E: [email protected] Phone: +1-302-224-0426 Fax: +1-302-224-0427 www.dupont.com/dymel www.pharma-polymers.com Please check the categories in which your company provides the service.  Please check the categories in which your company provides the service.  J Drug Discovery J Analytical Development J Formulation Development J Stability Testing J Drug Discovery J Analytical Development J Formulation Development J Stability Testing J Clinical Trial MFG/Scale-up J Technology/Transfer J Manufacturing J Packaging J Clinical Trial MFG/Scale-up JTechnology/Transfer JManufacturing J Packaging J Other: ee  S y J Laboratory Testing mpan Co e Contact: USA: Dr. Nasser Nyamweya, (732) 981-5366; Germany: Dr. Thomas Fürst, +49-6151-18-4452 Profil Contact: Mr. Joseph Creazzo, Technical Service Manager, email: [email protected]

CONTRACT PHARMACEUTICAL & BIOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT SERVICES CONTRACT PHARMACEUTICAL & BIOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPOMED,INC. EGALET 1360 O’Brien Drive Lejrvej 37- 41 Kirke Vaerlose Menlo Park, CA 94025 DK – 3500 Vaerlose - Denmark Phone: (650) 462-5900 Phone: +45 4447 8080 Fax: +45 4447 2425 www.depomedinc.com www.egalet.com

Please check the categories in which your company provides the service. Please check the categories in which your company provides the service.

J Drug Discovery J Analytical Development JFormulation Development J Stability Testing J Drug Discovery JAnalytical Development J Formulation Development J Stability Testing J Clinical Trial MFG/Scale-up J Technology/Transfer J Manufacturing J Packaging J Clinical Trial MFG/Scale-up JTechnology/Transfer J Manufacturing J Packaging J Other: J Laboratory Testing  J Current Partnerships: Biovail, Inc., ActivBiotics, AVI Biopharma Contact: Ken Downie

Contact: Thadd Vargas, (650) 462-5900 CONTRACT PHARMACEUTICAL & BIOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT SERVICES ELAN DRUG TECHNOLOGIES Monksland Athlone, Co Westmeath, Ireland Phone: +353 90 64 95000 Fax: +353 90 64 95807 E-mail: [email protected] www.elan.com/EDT Please check the categories in which your company provides the service.

J Drug Discovery JAnalytical Development J Formulation Development J Stability Testing J Clinical Trial MFG/Scale-up JTechnology/Transfer J Manufacturing J Packaging J Laboratory Testing Contact: Sarah Carty, Business Development, +353 1 709 4046 ([email protected])

Drug Delivery Technology November/December 2007 Vol 7 No 10 87 * DDT Nov-Dec 2007 Working 3.qxd 11/9/07 6:43 PM Page 88

CONTRACT PHARMACEUTICAL & BIOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT SERVICES CONTRACT PHARMACEUTICAL & BIOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT SERVICES EMERSON RESOURCES,INC. FRESENIUS KABI DEUTSCHLAND GMBH 600 Markley Street Else-Kröner-Straße 1 Norristown, PA 19401 Bad Homburg, Germany 61352 Phone: +49-(0)6172 608 8406 Fax: +49-(0)6172 608 8485 Phone: (610) 279-7450 Fax: (610) 292-9722 e-mail: [email protected] email: [email protected] www.fresenius-kabi.com www.emersonresources.com Please check the categories in which your company provides the service. Please check the categories in which your company provides the service. J Drug Discovery JAnalytical Development J Formulation Development J Stability Testing J Drug Discovery J Analytical Development J Formulation Development J Stability Testing  J Clinical Trial MFG/Scale-up JTechnology/Transfer J Manufacturing J Packaging J Clinical Trial MFG/Scale-up J Technology/Transfer J Manufacturing J Packaging Contact: Contact Person: Frank Feller Contact: Walter Strathy

CONTRACT PHARMACEUTICAL & BIOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT SERVICES CONTRACT PHARMACEUTICAL & BIOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT SERVICES EURAND,INC. GENEREX BIOTECHNOLOGY CORPORATION 845 Center Drive 33 Harbour Square, Suite 202 Vandalia, OH 45377 Toronto, ON, Canada M5J 2G2 Phone: (937) 898-9669 Fax: (937) 898-1093 Phone: (800) 391-6755 Fax: (416) 364-9363 email: [email protected] email: [email protected] www.eurand.com any www.generex.com Comp See e Profil Please check the categories in which your company provides the service. Please check the categories in which your company provides the service. J Drug Discovery J Analytical Development JFormulation Development J Stability Testing J Drug Discovery JAnalytical Development J Formulation Development JStability Testing J Clinical Trial MFG/Scale-up J Technology/Transfer JManufacturing J Packaging J Clinical Trial MFG/Scale-up JTechnology/Transfer J Manufacturing J Packaging J Other: Drug delivery feasibility studies

CONTRACT PHARMACEUTICAL & BIOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Contact: Business Development, (800) 391-6755, [email protected] FACET TECHNOLOGIES 112 Town Park Drive; Suite 300 CONTRACT PHARMACEUTICAL & BIOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Kennesaw, GA 30144 Genzyme Pharmaceuticals Phone: (800) 526-2387 Fax: (800) 678-6767 675 West Kendall Street - Cambridge, MA 02142 email: [email protected] Phone: (800) 868-8208 or (617) 374-7248 www.facettechnologies.com Fax: (617) 768-9765 E-mail: [email protected] Please check the categories in which your company provides the service. www.genzymepharmaceuticals.com J Drug Discovery J Analytical Development J Formulation Development J Stability Testing Please check the categories in which your company provides the service. J Clinical Trial MFG/Scale-up J Technology/Transfer JManufacturing J Packaging J Drug Discovery J Analytical Development J Formulation Development J Stability Testing J Analytical Testing & Analysis J Process Development J Clinical Trial MFG/Scale-up J Technology/Transfer JManufacturing J Packaging J Other: Drug Delivery Device Development Engineering J Analytical Testing & Analysis J Process Development Contact: Business Development J Other: CONTRACT PHARMACEUTICAL & BIOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT SERVICES FERRIS PHARMACEUTICALS INC. 16W300 83rd Street CONTRACT PHARMACEUTICAL & BIOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Burr Ridge, IL 60527-5848 GLATT PHARMACEUTICAL SERVICES Phone: (630) 734-7810 Fax: (630) 887-1008 20 Spear Road email: [email protected] Ramsey, NJ 07446 www.FerrisCares.com Phone: (201) 825-8700 Please check the categories in which your company provides the service. www.glattpharmaceuticals.com

J Drug Discovery J Analytical Development J Formulation Development J Stability Testing Please check the categories in which your company provides the service. J Clinical Trial MFG/Scale-up J Technology/Transfer JManufacturing J Packaging   J Other: Transdermal and mucosal patches/pads/inserts, with/without adhesive. Materials added to foam or gel J Drug Discovery J Analytical Development J Formulation Development J Stability Testing   formulas without heat/shear degradation. Quality system accredited to international requirements. J Clinical Trial MFG/Scale-up J Technology/Transfer J Manufacturing J Packaging J Other: Contact: Paul Kay any Contact: Thomas M. Salus, (201) 818-3778 Comp See file CONTRACT PHARMACEUTICAL & BIOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Pro CONTRACT PHARMACEUTICAL & BIOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT SERVICES FILTERTEK INC. 11411 Price Road HAUSER PHARMACEUTICAL SERVICES Hebron, IL 60034 6880 N. Broadway, Suite H Phone: (800) 648-0791 Fax: (815) 648-2929 Denver, CO 80221 www.filtertek.com Phone: (800) 241-2322 Fax: (303) 427-4460 email: (Published in report) - website: www.inbhauser.com Please check the categories in which your company provides the service. Please check the categories in which your company provides the service. J Drug Discovery J Analytical Development J Formulation Development JStability Testing J Clinical Trial MFG/Scale-up J Technology/Transfer J Manufacturing J Packaging J Analytical Testing JAnalytical Development J Formulation Development JStability Testing J Other: J Clinical Trial MFG/Scale-up J Technology/Transfer JManufacturing J Packaging J Other: Assist in developing Next-Generation Targeting Technologies, which include conjugations, microfluidization & Contact: Bruce Daniels, VP Medical Marketing nanoemulsions. Contact: Michaele Johnson

88 Drug Delivery Technology November/December 2007 Vol 7 No 10 * DDT Nov-Dec2007Working3.qxd11/9/076:43PMPage89 Contact J J theservice. provides Please checkthecategoriesinwhichyourcompany J J   J J theservice. provides Please checkthecategoriesinwhichyourcompany Contact J J J J theservice. provides Please checkthecategoriesinwhichyourcompany Lyopholization Cycle Development, and Sterilization Cycle andSterilization Development. Lyopholization Cycle Development, Contact J J J J theservice. provides Please checkthecategoriesinwhichyourcompany      Analytical Testing& Analysis Clinical TrialMFG/Scale-up Drug Discovery Other: Analytical Testing& Analysis Laboratory Laboratory Testing Clinical Drug Discover Other: Clinical TrialMFG/Scale-up Drug Discovery Other: Clinical TrialMFG/Scale-up Drug Discovery lui rcna (781) 270-7900 x114 Claudio Tracanna, : KevinWess : Tim Noakes : CONTRACT PHARMACEUTICAL &BIOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENTSERVICES CONTRACT PHARMACEUTICAL &BIOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENTSERVICES CONTRACT PHARMACEUTICAL &BIOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENTSERVICES CONTRACT PHARMACEUTICAL &BIOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENTSERVICES aetrlMnfcuig il,crrde,pefle yigs Vcnanr,adapue.ImpurityIdentification, andampoules. IVcontainers, pre-filledsyringes, cartridges, vials, Parenteral Manufacturing: Spec T rial MFG/Scale-up S e e liazed medicalpropellanttesting

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89 Drug Delivery Technology November/December 2007 Vol 7 No 10 * DDT Nov-Dec 2007 Working 3.qxd 11/9/07 6:43 PM Page 90

CONTRACT PHARMACEUTICAL & BIOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT SERVICES CONTRACT PHARMACEUTICAL & BIOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT SERVICES LOPAREX MERRION PHARMACEUTICALS,INC. 7700 Griffin Way 219 Racine Drive, Suite D Willowbrook, IL 60527 Wilmington, NC 28403-8702 Phone: (630) 734-2700 Fax: (630) 734-2690 Phone: (910) 799-1847 Fax: (910) 395-1843 email: [email protected] email: [email protected] www.loparex.com www.merrionpharma.com Please check the categories in which your company provides the service. J Drug Discovery J Analytical Development J Formulation Development J Stability Testing Please check the categories in which your company provides the service. J Clinical Trial MFG/Scale-up J Technology/Transfer JManufacturing J Packaging J Other: J Drug Discovery JAnalytical Development J Formulation Development J Stability Testing J Clinical Trial MFG/Scale-up JTechnology/Transfer J Manufacturing J Packaging Contact: Steve Saunders, Marketing Manager Contact: Thomas W. Leonard, PhD, VP &CSO CONTRACT PHARMACEUTICAL & BIOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT SERVICES LTS LOHMANN THERAPIE-SYSTEME AG CONTRACT PHARMACEUTICAL & BIOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Lohmannstr. 2 METRICS,INC. Andernach, Germany 56626 1240 Sugg Parkway Phone: +49 (0) 2632 99 – 0 Fax: +49 (0) 2632 99 - 2200 Greenville, North Carolina email: [email protected] Phone: (252) 752-3800 Fax: (252) 758-8522 Website: www.ltslohmann.com email: [email protected] Please check the categories in which your company provides the service. www.metricsinc.com J Drug Discovery JAnalytical Testing JFormulation Development JStability Testing Please check the categories in which your company provides the service. J Clinical Trial MFG/Scale-up J Technology/Transfer J Manufacturing J Packaging J J J J J Other: Drug Discovery Analytical Development Formulation Development Stability Testing J Clinical Trial MFG/Scale-up J Technology/Transfer J Manufacturing J Packaging Contact: Klaudia Haczkiewicz JAnalytical Testing & Analysis J Process Development

CONTRACT PHARMACEUTICAL & BIOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Contact: Jeffrey Basham, [email protected] LYOPHILIZATION TECHNOLOGY,INC. CONTRACT PHARMACEUTICAL & BIOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT SERVICES 30 Indian Drive Ivyland, PA 18974 MGLAS AG Phone: (215) 396-8373 Fax: (215) 396-8375 Otto-Liebmann-Strasse 2 email: [email protected] Münnerstadt, Germany 97702 www.lyotechnology.com Phone: +49(0)9733 808-0 Fax: +49(0)9733 808-160 Please check the categories in which your company provides the service. email: [email protected] J Drug Discovery J Analytical Development JFormulation Development JStability Testing www.mglas.de J Clinical Trial MFG/Scale-up JTechnology/Transfer J Manufacturing J Packaging J Other: Lyophilization, Thermal Analysis Services, Validation-Manufacturing, Development Services, Process Engineering, Please check the categories in which your company provides the service. Process Optimization, Clinical Material Preparation, Finished Product Testing, Consulting, Troubleshooting, Quality and J Drug Discovery J Analytical Development J Formulation Development J Stability Testing Regulatory Services, On-site Training J Clinical Trial MFG/Scale-up J Technology/Transfer J Manufacturing JPackaging Contact: Christine Adams Contact: Mr. Wolfgang Heidl, +49(0)9733 808-125

CONTRACT PHARMACEUTICAL & BIOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT SERVICES CONTRACT PHARMACEUTICAL & BIOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT SERVICES MACROMED, INC. MICRON TECHNOLOGIES INC. 2417 S. 3850W, Suite 150 435 Creamery Way West Valley City, UT 84120 Exton, PA 19341 T: (801) 433-2560 Fax: (801) 433-2561 Phone: (610) 425-5100 Fax: (610) 425-5104 Website: www.macromed.com e-mail: [email protected] - www.macromed.com www.microntech.com Please check the categories in which your company provides the service. Please check the categories in which your company provides the service. J Drug Discovery J Analytical Development JFormulation Development J Stability Testing J Drug Discovery J Analytical Development J Formulation Development J Stability Testing J Clinical Trial MFG/Scale-up JTechnology/Transfer J Manufacturing J Packaging J Clinical Trial MFG/Scale-up J Technology/Transfer J Manufacturing J Packaging JOther: Drug Delivery JOther: Analytical Testing & Analysis Contact: Alex S. Kim, Executive Vice President , (801) 433-2560 CONTRACT PHARMACEUTICAL & BIOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT SERVICES CONTRACT PHARMACEUTICAL & BIOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT SERVICES MIKRON ASSEMBLY TECHNOLOGY MEDPHARM LTD 562 Sable Blvd Unit 3/Chancellor Court, 50 Occam Road Aurora, CO 80015 Surrey Research Park Phone: (303) 364-5222 Fax: (720) 858-2198 Guildford, Surrey, United Kingdom GU2 7YN e-mail: [email protected] Phone: +44 1483 457 556 Fax: +44 1483 447742 www.mikron.com email: [email protected] Please check the categories in which your company provides the service. www.medpharm.co.uk J Drug Discovery J Analytical Development J Formulation Development J Stability Testing Please check the categories in which your company provides the service. J Clinical Trial MFG/Scale-up J Technology/Transfer J Manufacturing J Packaging J J Drug Discovery JAnalytical Development J Formulation Development J Stability Testing Other: Capital Equipment for Medical Device Assembly and Testing J Clinical Trial MFG/Scale-up JTechnology/Transfer JLaboratory Testing J Packaging J Other: Mathematical modeling of drug absorption, predictive model for formulation optimization and screening, and in vitro efficacy and performance testing. Contact: Dr. Roley Davis, Business Development Manager

90 Drug Delivery Technology November/December 2007 Vol 7 No 10 * DDT Nov-Dec 2007 Working 3.qxd 11/9/07 6:44 PM Page 91

CONTRACT PHARMACEUTICAL & BIOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT SERVICES CONTRACT PHARMACEUTICAL & BIOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT SERVICES MISTRAL PHARMA INC. NORWICH PHARMACEUTICALS,INC. 2101 Halpern 6826 State Highway 12 St-Laurent, Quebec H4S 1S3 - Canada Norwich, NY 13815 Phone: (514) 920-0909 Fax: (514) 920-0404 Phone: (607) 335-3000 Fax: (607) 335-3100 www.mistralpharma.com email: [email protected] e-mail: [email protected] www.norwichpharma.com Please check the categories in which your company provides the service. Please check the categories in which your company provides the service.   J Drug Discovery J Analytical Development J Formulation Development J Stability Testing J Drug Discovery J Analytical Development J Formulation Development JStability Testing   J Clinical Trial MFG/Scale-up J Technology/Transfer J Manufacturing J Packaging J Clinical Trial MFG/Scale-up JTechnology/Transfer J Manufacturing JPackaging   Contact: Bertrand Bolduc J Laboratory Testing J Other: Full analytical testing, full microbial testing, full stability testing and storage

Contact: Bob Calabro CONTRACT PHARMACEUTICAL & BIOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT SERVICES MYLAN TECHNOLOGIES, INC. CONTRACT PHARMACEUTICAL & BIOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT SERVICES 110 Lake Street OAKWOOD LABORATORIES, L.L.C. St. Albans, Vermont 05478 7670 First Place, Suite A Phone: (800) 532-5226 (U.S.) International: 1-802-527-7792 Oakwood Village, OH 44146 Fax: (802) 527-8151 Phone: (440) 359-0000 Fax: (440) 359-0001 email: [email protected] email: [email protected] www.mylantech.com www.Oakwoodlabs.com Please check the categories in which your company provides the service. Please check the categories in which your company provides the service.

J Drug Discovery J Analytical Development J Formulation Development J Stability Testing J Drug Discovery JAnalytical Development JFormulation Development J Stability Testing J Clinical Trial MFG/Scale-up J Technology/Transfer J Manufacturing J Packaging J Clinical Trial MFG/Scale-up JTechnology/Transfer JManufacturing J Packaging J Analytical Testing & Analysis J Process Development J Laboratory Testing

Contact: Mark T. Smith, President

CONTRACT PHARMACEUTICAL & BIOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT SERVICES CONTRACT PHARMACEUTICAL & BIOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT SERVICES NASTECH PHARMACEUTICAL COMPANY INC. OCTOPLUS N.C. 3830 Monte Villa Parkway Zernikedreef 12 Bothell, WA 98021 2333 CL Leiden Netherlands Phone: (425) 908-3600 Fax: (425) 908-3650 Phone: +31 71 5244044 Fax: +31 71 5244043 www.nastech.com email: [email protected] Please check the categories in which your company provides the service. www.octoplus.nl

J Drug Discovery J Analytical Development JFormulation Development J Stability Testing Please check the categories in which your company provides the service. J Clinical Trial MFG/Scale-up J Technology/Transfer JManufacturing JPackaging J Drug Discovery JAnalytical Development JFormulation Development J Stability Testing J Other: J Clinical Trial MFG/Scale-up J Technology/Transfer J Manufacturing J Packaging J Other: Special expertise in pharmaceutical development & cGMP clinical trial manufacturing of biopharmaceuticals and Contact: Ed Bell, Director, Investor Relations, (425) 908-3639, [email protected] poorly soluble compounds.

CONTRACT PHARMACEUTICAL & BIOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Contact: Gerben Moolhuizen, Chief Business Officer, +31 71 5244044

NEXT BREATH LLC CONTRACT PHARMACEUTICAL & BIOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT SERVICES 1450 South Rolling Road Baltimore, MD 21227 OTSUKA PHARMACEUTICAL CO., LTD. – ODPI DIVISION Phone: (410) 455-5904 Kitahama TNK Bldg. 9F, 1-7-1 Doshomachi, Chuo-ku www.nextbreath.net Osaka, Japan 5410045 Phone: +81-6-6231-7158 Fax: +81-6-6231-7161 Please check the categories in which your company provides the service. e-mail: [email protected] J Drug Discovery J Analytical Development JFormulation Development J Stability Testing www.otsuka-odpi.com J Clinical Trial MFG/Scale-up J Technology/Transfer J Manufacturing J Packaging Please check the categories in which your company provides the service. J Other: Nasal, Pulmonary Development, & Analytical Testing J Drug Discovery J Analytical Development JFormulation Development J Stability Testing J J J J Contact: Julie Suman, PhD, (410) 455-5904 Clinical Trial MFG/Scale-up Technology/Transfer Manufacturing Packaging J Other: Optimization of compound formulation for ODPI inhalation technology.

CONTRACT PHARMACEUTICAL & BIOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Contact: Koji Yoneda NOF CORPORATION, DDS DEVELOPMENT DIVISION 20-3, 4-Chome Ebisu, Shibuya-ku Tokyo, Japan 150-6019 Phone: +81-3-5424-6741 Fax: +81-3-5424-6769 email: [email protected] - www.nof.co.jp/dds

Please check the categories in which your company provides the service.

J Drug Discovery J Analytical Development J Formulation Development J Stability Testing J Clinical Trial MFG/Scale-up J Technology/Transfer JManufacturing J Packaging J Other:

Drug Delivery Technology November/December 2007 Vol 7 No 10 91 * DDT Nov-Dec 2007 Working 3.qxd 11/9/07 6:44 PM Page 92

CONTRACT PHARMACEUTICAL & BIOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT SERVICES CONTRACT PHARMACEUTICAL & BIOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT SERVICES OWEN MUMFORD,LTD. PFEIFFER OF AMERICA Brook Hill Woodstock 742 Alexander Road, Suite 201 Oxford, OX20 1TU - England Princeton, New Jersey 08540 Phone: +44 (0) 1993 812021 Fax: +44 (0) 1993 813473 Phone: (609) 987-0223 Fax: (609) 987-1511 e-mail: [email protected] e-mail: [email protected] www.omdrugdelivery.com www.pfeiffer-group.com Please check the categories in which your company provides the service. Please check the categories in which your company provides the service. J Drug Discovery J Analytical Development J Formulation Development J Stability Testing  J Clinical Trial MFG/Scale-up J Technology/Transfer J Manufacturing J Packaging J Drug Discovery J Analytical Development J Formulation Development J Stability Testing J Laboratory Testing J Clinical Trial MFG/Scale-up J Technology/Transfer J Manufacturing J Packaging J Other: Mechanical and electronic devices for multidose and unitdose drug dispensing applications, for use in nasal, oral Contact: Sarah Massey and topical drug administration.

CONTRACT PHARMACEUTICAL & BIOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Contact: Richard Sica PARTICLE AND COATING TECHNOLOGIES,INC. 5445 Highland Park Drive CONTRACT PHARMACEUTICAL & BIOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT SERVICES St. Louis, MO 63110 PHARMACEUTICAL PROFILES Phone: (314) 535-1516 Fax: (314) 535-1514 Mere Way, Ruddington Fields, Ruddington email: [email protected] Nottingham, NG11 6JS, United Kingdom www.pctincusa.com Phone: +44 115 974 9000 www.pharmprofiles.com Please check the categories in which your company provides the service. Please check the categories in which your company provides the service. J Drug Discovery J Analytical Development JFormulation Development J Stability Testing J Clinical Trial MFG/Scale-up JTechnology/Transfer J Manufacturing J Packaging J Drug Discovery J Analytical Development JFormulation Development J Stability Testing J Laboratory Testing J Clinical Trial MFG/Scale-up J Technology/Transfer JManufacturing J Packaging J Other: Contact: Robert Sparks J Current Partnerships: CONTRACT PHARMACEUTICAL & BIOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT SERVICES PATHEON INC. 7070 Mississauga Road, Suite 350 CONTRACT PHARMACEUTICAL & BIOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Mississauga, ON, Canada L5N 7J8 PHARMAFORM L.L.C. Phone: (905) 821-4001 Fax: (905) 812-6709 11400 Burnet Road, Suite 4010 email: [email protected] Austin, TX 78758 www.patheon.com Phone: (512) 834-0449 Fax: (512) 834-2105 Please check the categories in which your company provides the service. www.pharmaform.com

J Drug Discovery JAnalytical Development J Formulation Development J Stability Testing Please check the categories in which your company provides the service. JJ J J Clinical Trial MFG/Scale-up Technology/Transfer Manufacturing Packaging J Laboratory Testing JAnalytical Development JFormulation Development J Stability Testing J Other: High-potency manufacturing, Controlled Release products, Controlled substances, Over-encapsulation, J Clinical Trial MFG/Scale-up JTechnology/Transfer JManufacturing J Packaging Lyophilization, Sterile injectables, Nasal Spray delivery Contact: Pam Shirto Contact: Michael M. Crowley, PhD ny ompa See C rofile CONTRACT PHARMACEUTICAL & BIOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT SERVICES P PAULAUR CORPORATION CONTRACT PHARMACEUTICAL & BIOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT SERVICES 105 Melrich Road PHARMATEK LABORATORIES INC. Cranbury, NJ 08512 5626 Oberlin Drive, Suite 100 Phone: (609) 395-8844 Fax: (609) 395-8850 San Diego, CA 92121 email: [email protected] Phone: (858) 587-8783 Fax: (858) 587-8771 www.paulaur.com email: [email protected] Please check the categories in which your company provides the service. www.pharmatek.com

J Drug Discovery J Analytical Development J Formulation Development J Stability Testing Please check the categories in which your company provides the service. J J J J Clinical Trial MFG/Scale-up Technology/Transfer Manufacturing Packaging J Drug Discovery JAnalytical Development JFormulation Development J Stability Testing J Laboratory Testing J Clinical Trial MFG/Scale-up JTechnology/Transfer JManufacturing J Packaging J Contact: Alex Martello Laboratory Testing Contact: Elizabeth Hickman, [email protected] CONTRACT PHARMACEUTICAL & BIOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT SERVICES PENWEST PHARMACEUTICALS CO. 39 Old Ridgebury Road, Suite 11 Danbury, CT 06810 Phone: (203) 796-3700 Fax: (203) 794-1573 e-mail: [email protected] www.penwest.com Please check the categories in which your company provides the service.

J Drug Discovery JAnalytical Development JFormulation Development J Stability Testing J Clinical Trial MFG/Scale-up JTechnology/Transfer J Manufacturing J Packaging J Laboratory Testing J Other: Out-licensing proprietary drug delivery technolgies for product formulations

Contact: Diane D’Alessandro

92 Drug Delivery Technology November/December 2007 Vol 7 No 10 * DDT Nov-Dec2007Working3.qxd11/9/076:44PMPage93 Contact J J J theservice. provides Please checkthecategoriesinwhichyourcompany    Contact J J J theservice. provides Please checkthecategoriesinwhichyourcompany Contact J J J P Contact J J J theservice. provides Please checkthecategoriesinwhichyourcompany   Contact J J J J theservice. provides Please checkthecategoriesinwhichyourcompany   lease check the categories in which your company provides theservice. provides lease checkthecategoriesinwhichyourcompany Analytical Clinical Drug Discover Other: Clinical TrialMFG/Scale-up Drug Discovery Other: Clinical TrialMFG/Scale-up Analytical Testing Other: Clinical Drug Discovery Analytical Other: Clinical Drug Discover aeSlk (310)782-3569 JaneSalik, : r DietmarKatinger Dr. : tv ig r VP Sr. SteveKing, : r DietmarKatinger Dr. : : CONTRACT PHARMACEUTICAL &BIOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENTSERVICES CONTRACT PHARMACEUTICAL &BIOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENTSERVICES CONTRACT PHARMACEUTICAL &BIOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENTSERVICES CONTRACT PHARMACEUTICAL &BIOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENTSERVICES T CONTRACT PHARMACEUTIC r-omlto,BoIaig Asepticfill Bio-Imaging, Pre-formulation, Trial MFG/Scale-up Clinical ResearchSer T rial MFG/Scale-up John P T rial MFG/Scale-up T esting & esting & y y ottier Analysis mi:[email protected] -www.pharm-int.com email: Analysis , ietr BusinessDevelopment Director, hn:+3130660 a:+43-1-3697615 +43-1-36006-6203Fax: Phone: hn:(1)5400 Fx (410)584-0007 (410)584-0001Fax: Phone: hn:(0)2945 a:(701)239-4955 (701)239-4750 Fax: Phone: hn:(800)770-0557or (310)782-3569 Phone: hn:483611 a:408-356-7094 408-356-1815Fax: Phone: P vices II J J J J J J J J J   J J J -al [email protected] e-mail: (P Process Development T Analytical Development Technology/Transfer Analytical Development Drug Discovery Analytical Development T Analytical Development Process Development T Analytical Development echnolog echnology/Transfer echnolog HARMACEUTICS P Torrance, California 90503 California Torrance, -al [email protected] e-mail: ag,North Dakota 58104 Fargo, 4801 Amber ValleyParkway Email: P OLY est:www.pracs.com Website: OLYMUN www.polypeptide.com PRACS I Hunt Valley, MD 21031 MD Hunt Valley, ina Austria A-1190 Vienna, www.polygenetics.com otGts CA95031 Lost Gatos, Nussdorfer Laende 11 a:(310)782-3645 Fax: y/T y/T 365 Maple Avenue www.polymun.com P P 10819 Gilroy Road ransfer EPTIDE OLYGENETICS ransfer AL &BIOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENTSERVICES PO Box 33115 p r a S csbd@p NSTITUTE CIENTIFIC L I ABORATORIES NTERNATIONAL  J J J J J  J J J J     J J  Other: Manufacturing F Manufacturing Formulation Development Manufacturing Formulation Development Manufacturing Formulation Development , Manufacturing F ormula r I ormula a NC ,L cs.com G TD P . MB tion Development eptide tion Development . H API Manufacturing ,I NC .) J J J J J J J J     J J P Stability Packaging Stability Testing Packaging Stability Testing P Stability Testing P Stability acka ackaging acka ging ging T T esting esting Contact J J theservice. provides Please checkthecategoriesinwhichyourcompany Contact J J J theservice. provides Please checkthecategoriesinwhichyourcompany Contact J J J theservice. provides Please checkthecategoriesinwhichyourcompany   Contact J J J J P    Contact J J J J P    lease check the categories in which your company provides theservice. provides lease checkthecategoriesinwhichyourcompany lease check the categories in which your company provides theservice. provides lease checkthecategoriesinwhichyourcompany Other: Clinical Drug Discover Laboratory TestingLaboratory Clinical TrialMFG/Scale-up Drug Discovery Laboratory TestingLaboratory Clinical Drug Discover Laboratory TestingLaboratory Clinical TrialMFG/Scale-up Drug Discovery Analytical Testing& Analysis Other: Clinical TrialMFG/Scale-up Drug Discovery : : MarkElphick : BrianRaehsler : elL Coles NeilL. : CONTRACT PHARMACEUTICAL &BIOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENTSERVICES Robyn Miller rdc eeomn,Plt&Pouto ie,EngineeringServices Pilot&ProductionLines, Product Development, CONTRACT PHARMACEUTICAL &BIOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENTSERVICES CONTRACT PHARMACEUTICAL &BIOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENTSERVICES CONTRACT PHARMACEUTICAL &BIOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENTSERVICES John J. CONTRACT PHARMACEUTICAL &BIOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENTSERVICES T Aseptic parenteralmanufacturing T rial MFG/Scale-up rial MFG/Scale-up y y Sciarra Pho Pho Drug DeliveryT R J J e 80 6-26 Fx (724)387-5270 (800)962-1266Fax: ne:  J J J J -al [email protected] e-mail: J J  ESP  J J J  :618564 :631-752-7354 631-845-6244F: T: ne: T Analytical Development Technology/Transfer Analytical Development T Analytical Development Technology/Transfer Analytical Development Process Development Technology/Transfer Analytical Development echnolog echnolog IR ONICS P S www.precisionpharma.com (516) 9 CIARRA R evle New York11747 Melville, e ea rv,NJ07009 Cedar Grove, ECISION mail: Pho www.respironics.com y/T y/T ikvle NY11801 Hicksville, www.sciarralabs.com 8-9S Broadway 485-09 S. 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93 Drug Delivery Technology November/December 2007 Vol 7 No 10 * DDT Nov-Dec 2007 Working 3.qxd 11/9/07 6:44 PM Page 94


SCOLR Pharma, Inc. SPRAY ANALYSIS AND RESEARCH SERVICES nd 3625 132 Avenue SE 400 P.O. Box 7900 Bellevue, WA 98006 Wheaton, IL 60189-7900 Phone: (425) 373-0171 Fax: (425)-373-0181 Phone: (800) 95-Spray Fax: (630) 260-7593 email: [email protected] & [email protected] e-mail: [email protected] www.scolr.com any www.sprayconsultants.com Comp See e Profil Please check the categories in which your company provides the service. Please check the categories in which your company provides the service.

J Drug Discovery J Analytical Development JFormulation Development J Stability Testing J Drug Discovery JLaboratory Testing J Formulation Development J Stability Testing J Clinical Trial MFG/Scale-up JTechnology/Transfer J Manufacturing J Packaging J Clinical Trial MFG/Scale-up J Technology/Transfer J Manufacturing J Packaging

Contact: Alan Mitchel, Senior VP, Business & Legal Affairs, [email protected] Contact: Elizabeth Kucharz CONTRACT PHARMACEUTICAL & BIOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT SERVICES CONTRACT PHARMACEUTICAL & BIOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT SERVICES SMITHS MEDICAL ASD, INC, SRI INTERNATIONAL 2231 Rutherford Road 333 Ravenswood Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 Menlo Park, CA 94025 Phone: (866) 286-6226 Fax: (760) 929-0147 Phone: (650) 859-3000 www.smiths-medical.com email: [email protected] www.sri.com/biosciences Please check the categories in which your company provides the service. Please check the categories in which your company provides the service.

J Drug Discovery J Analytical Development J Formulation Development J Stability Testing J Drug Discovery JAnalytical Development J Formulation Development JStability Testing J Clinical Trial MFG/Scale-up J Technology/Transfer JManufacturing J Packaging J Clinical Trial MFG/Scale-up JTechnology/Transfer JLaboratory Testing JPackaging J Other: Safety Devices for Injection, Syringe Pumps & Accessories for Infusion J Other: We provide full drug discovery and preclinical development services, “from idea to INDTM.” Contact: [email protected] Contact: Mark Baumgartner, Business Development Manager CONTRACT PHARMACEUTICAL & BIOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT SERVICES CONTRACT PHARMACEUTICAL & BIOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT SERVICES STEPAN COMPANY SOLIQS 100 West Hunter Avenue Abbott GmbH & Co. KG Maywood, NJ 07607 Knollstrasse 50 Phone: (201) 712-7642 Fax: (201) 712-7648 67061 Ludwigshafen, Germany Phone: (877) 765-4771; +49 621 589 2554 email: [email protected] email: [email protected] www.stepan.com www.soliqs.com Please check the categories in which your company provides the service. J Drug Discovery J Analytical Development J Formulation Development J Stability Testing Please check the categories in which your company provides the service. J Clinical Trial MFG/Scale-up J Technology/Transfer J Manufacturing J Packaging J J J Drug Discovery JAnalytical Development JFormulation Development J Stability Testing Analytical Testing & Analysis Process Development J Clinical Trial MFG/Scale-up J Technology/Transfer J Manufacturing JPackaging Contact: James M. Butterwick

Contact: Bryan Wiesner (847) 937-9665, Sigrun Reinwald (847) 935-2311 or Jon Lewis (+49 621 589 2427) CONTRACT PHARMACEUTICAL & BIOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT SERVICES CONTRACT PHARMACEUTICAL & BIOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT SERVICES TEXMAC INC. 3001 Stafford Drive SOTAX CORPORATION Charlotte, NC 28208 411 Caredean Dr Suite A Phone: (704) 393-6555 Fax: (704) 392-1621 Horsham, PA 19044 email: [email protected] Phone: (215) 442-1500 Fax: (215) 442-1514 www.texmac.com email: [email protected] Please check the categories in which your company provides the service. www.sotax.com J Drug Discovery J Analytical Development J Formulation Development J Stability Testing Please check the categories in which your company provides the service. J Clinical Trial MFG/Scale-up JTechnology/Transfer J Manufacturing J Packaging J Other: Machinery distribution - Transdermal patch film coating - Hirano Coating machine distribtion J Drug Discovery JAnalytical Development J Formulation Development J Stability Testing J Clinical Trial MFG/Scale-up J Technology/Transfer JLaboratory Testing J Packaging Contact: Yashi Osaka J Other: Safety Devices for Injection, Syringe Pumps & Accessories for Infusion CONTRACT PHARMACEUTICAL & BIOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Contact: Marc Finn, [email protected], (215) 442-1500 TUNNELL CONSULTING,INC. 900 East Eighth Avenue, Suite 106 CONTRACT PHARMACEUTICAL & BIOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT SERVICES King of Prussia, PA 19406 SPI PHARMA Phone: (610) 337-0820 Fax: (610) 337-1884 503, Carr Road e-mail: [email protected] Wilmington, Delaware 19809 www.tunnellconsulting.com Phone: (302) 576-8554 Please check the categories in which your company provides the service. Fax: (302) 576-8567 J J J J www.spipharma.com Drug Discovery Analytical Development Formulation Development Stability Testing J Clinical Trial MFG/Scale-up JTechnology/Transfer JManufacturing J Packaging  Please check the categories in which your company provides the service. J Laboratory Testing

J Drug Discovery JAnalytical Development JFormulation Development J Stability Testing Contact: Stephanie A. Haase J Clinical Trial MFG/Scale-up JTechnology/Transfer J Manufacturing J Packaging

Contact: Colleen Blackney * DDT Nov-Dec2007Working3.qxd11/9/076:44PMPage95 Contact J J J J theservice. provides Please checkthecategoriesinwhichyourcompany Contact J J J Please checkthecategoriesinwhichyourcompan      Contact J J Please checkthecategoriesinwhichyourcompan Contact: J J theservice. provides Please checkthecategoriesinwhichyourcompany  Contact: J J J theservice. provides Please checkthecategoriesinwhichyourcompany rfruain eeomn ffruain,AI excipientsanddrugproducttestingaccordingtoofficialmonographs API, developmentofformulations, preformulation, v licensedtohandlecontrolledsubstances;methoddevelopment, ofhandlingpotentmaterial, capable encapsulation;     alidation according to ICH guidelines, development of dissolution procedures and validation oftheanalyticalmethod, developmentofdissolutionproceduresandvalidation accordingtoICHguidelines, alidation Current Partnerships: Other: Clinical TrialMFG/Scale-up Drug Discovery Laboratory TestingLaboratory Clinical TrialMFG/Scale-up Drug Discovery Clinical TrialMFG/Scale-up Drug Discovery Clinical TrialMFG/Scale-up Drug Discovery Other: Clinical TrialMFG/Scale-up TestingLaboratory : : Guillaume Brouet - Lab Manager GuillaumeBrouet-LabManager : SuzanFrohmann : CONTRACT PHARMACEUTICAL &BIOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENTSERVICES CONTRACT PHARMACEUTIC CONTRACT PHARMACEUTIC CONTRACT PHARMACEUTICAL &BIOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENTSERVICES Rich Ryzenga CONTRACT PHARMACEUTICAL &BIOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENTSERVICES Inhalers laBta DSc Alta Botha, Doug Smalley auatrn ftbes asls netbe n ypiie rgpout,clinical trialblindingorover- injectablesandlyophilizeddrugproducts, capsules, Manufacturing oftablets, Pho ne: , Director ofBusinessDevelopment, hn:+97130 Fx +4975137004000 +4975137000Fax: Phone: Various hn:(1)3549 a:(319)335-4374 (319)335-4096Fax: Phone: www.pharmacy.uiowa.edu/service/index.htm U hn:(1)8333 Fx (410)633-4438 (410)843-3738Fax: Phone: V C +33 (0)1391720F N ETTER NE FOR ENTER J J J J VRIYOF IVERSITY     J J   J J  J J    0 adl aps Room 1PRL 100 OakdaleCampus, Technology/Transfer Analytical Development Technology/Transfer Analytical Development Technology/Transfer Analytical Development Technology/Transfer Analytical Development Technology/Transfer Analytical Development mi:[email protected] email: -al [email protected] e-mail: UPM Pho M P Baltimore, Maryland 21224 Maryland Baltimore, aesug Germany 88212 Ravensburg, mi:[email protected] email: oaCt,IA52242-5000 Iowa City, HARMA www ar www.vetter-pharma.com 50 ne: l W 6200 Seaforth Street 6200 Seaforth A y-le-R www.upm-inc.com www One P P A V U DVANCED AL &BIOLOGIC iltshir AL &BIOLOGIC .v cutesr 87 Schuetzenstr. 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C G P o r o m f i p l e a n y J J J J  J J   J J Vol 7No 10 J J   Packaging Stability Testing Packaging Stability Testing Packaging Stability P Stability Packaging Stability Testing acka ging T T esting esting

95 Drug Delivery Technology November/December 2007 Vol 7 No 10 * DDT Nov-Dec 2007 Working 3.qxd 11/9/07 6:48 PM Page 96

MACHINERY & LABORATORY EQUIPMENT AND SOFTWARE MACHINERY & LABORATORY EQUIPMENT AND SOFTWARE ACTIVAERO AMERICA,INC EMERSON RESOURCES,INC. 5653 Morlich Square 600 Markley Street Dublin, Ohio 43017-9684 Norristown, PA 19401 Phone: (614) 761-3555 Fax: (614) 761-3505 Phone: (610) 279-7450 Fax: (610) 292-9722 email: [email protected] email: [email protected] www.activaero.com www.emersonresources.com Type of Software & Brand Name: Application(s): Type & Brand Name of Instrument/System: Application: - Completely equipped laboratory for aerosol and device - Particle sizing Formulation Development Analytical Methods Development and Testing characterizations - Output measurements - Lifetime tests Fluid Bed Processors UV Spectrophotometer - Laser Diffraction, Impactors (Andersen, NGI) - Validations Planetary Mixers IR Spectrophotometer High Shear Granulators Texture Analyzer Contact: William C. Zimlich, CEO V-Blenders Sonic Sifter Instrumented Tablet Presses Moisture Balance MACHINERY & LABORATORY EQUIPMENT AND SOFTWARE High Speed Tableting Capabilities Karl Fisher Titrator Bi-Layer Tableting Capabilities Disintegration Baths THE AEGIS TECHNOLOGIES GROUP Benchtop Encapsulators Dissolution Apparatus with Autosampler 13062 Highway 290 West Automated Encapsulators Surface Analyzer Powder, Bead, and Liquid Encapsulation Capabilities Stereo Microscope with Camera Austin, TX 78737 Side-vented Coating Pans Automated Tablet Characterization Instrument Phone: (800) 647-2275 Fax: (512) 615-3574 Conventional Coating Pan Colorimeter email: [email protected] Extrusion/Spheronization Equipment TOC Instrumentation www.aegisxcellon.com Conical and Hammer Mills Stability Chambers Vibratory Sieves HPLC Equipped with the following detectors: Type of Software & Brand Name: Application(s): Sachet Powder Filler -Diode Array Packaging Capabilities -Variable UV Wavelength acsIXtreme acsIXtreme is a modeling, execution and analysis Bottle Filler -Refractive Index environment for continuous dynamic systems and Induction Sealer -Electrochemical processes. Versatile and powerful enough to address the Foil Sealer most challenging simulation problems. 10 Gallon Jacketed Kettle Differential Scanning Calorimeter ascIXtreme acsIXtreme is a powerful application for fast, efficient simulation execution and analysis. It allows users to Contact: Walter Strathy conduct sophisticated model analysis without having to be a model developer.

Contact: Mark Green

MACHINERY & LABORATORY EQUIPMENT AND SOFTWARE ARIZONA INSTRUMENT 1912 West 4th Street Tempe, AZ 85281 Phone: (602) 470-1414 Fax: (480) 804-0656 email: [email protected] www.azic.com Type & Brand Name of Instrument/System: Application: Moisture/Solids/Ash Analyzer - Computrac MAX, Computrac Used in R&D, quality control, and industrial process control. Vappor Pro Durable and easy to use, these anlayzers aer equally suitable for production floor or laboratory environments.

Contact: Julie Driver or Terri Thomas

MACHINERY & LABORATORY EQUIPMENT AND SOFTWARE CAPSUGEL 535 North Emerald Road Greenwood, SC 29646 Phone: (888) 783-6361 Fax: (888) 783-6360 email: [email protected] www.capsugel.com Type & Brand Name of Instrument/System: Application: Xcelodose® Precision micro-filling system eliminates the need for formulation or excipients for first-in-man trials. Precise from 100 micrograms to 100 milligrams with an RSD of less than 2%

CFS 1000 Liquid filling and sealing system for up to 1200 capsules per hour for R&D

Profill 300 Bench-top capsule filling system for up to 7,000 capsules per hour

Ultra 8 II Semi-automatic production scale capsule filling machine

Contact: Glenda Oliver-Smith

96 Drug Delivery Technology November/December 2007 Vol 7 No 10 * DDT Nov-Dec 2007 Working 3.qxd 11/9/07 6:48 PM Page 97

MACHINERY & LABORATORY EQUIPMENT AND SOFTWARE MACHINERY & LABORATORY EQUIPMENT AND SOFTWARE ERWEKA AMERICA CORP. HORIBA INSTRUMENTS,INC. 70 Church Street, Suite 102 17671 Armstrong Avenue Flemington, NJ 08822 Irvine, CA 92614 Phone: (908) 788-4666 Fax: (908) 788-4667 Phone: (949) 250-4811 Fax: (949) 250-0924 email: [email protected] email: [email protected] www.erweka.com www.horiba.com Type & Brand Name of Instrument/System: Application: Type & Brand Name of Instrument/System: Application: Particle Size Analyzer - LA 930 Full range particle size analyzer, measuring dispersions or Inhaler Testers MDI and DPI models consisting of Anderson Type dry from 0.02-2000 microns, with complete Cascade, Astra Draco Multi-Stage Liquid Impinger, as accuracy and resolution, with a full range of accessories. well as Single Stage Impinger’s are available, in accordance with all testing procedures within the USP. Particle Size Analyzer - LB 550 DLS particle size analyzer measuring 1nm - 6 microns over a wide range of concentrations. Accurate measurement of DT Series Dissolution Testers Complete range of apparatus in two versions, standard distribution shape and modes without operator input. High Head and Low Head model designed to reduce evaporation loss. Complete on-line & off-line systems, Contact: Duncan Griffiths in addition to integration with external HPLC units.

ZT Series Disintegration Testers From manually controlled units to fully automated MACHINERY & LABORATORY EQUIPMENT AND SOFTWARE systems, available with either single or multiple test IMAGETHERM baskets, either 6 cell and 3 cell test basket 142 North Road configurations. Sudbury, MA 01776 TBH Series & MC Series Tablet Tester Commencing with a hand-held unit designed for Phone: (978) 443-1989 Fax: (978) 443-8942 hardness measurement; up to fully automated units email: [email protected] which can be integrated with an external computer for compliance with CFR 21 Part 11. www.imagetherm.com Type & Brand Name of Instrument/System: Application: Friability Testers Three different models, available with either a single or dual drum configuration. The TA operates with a fixed SprayVIEW® Measurement System Automated measurement system for pharmaceutical drug speed of 25 RPM, whereas the TAR and TDR is variable nasal sprays, metered dose inhalers and oral spray for the from 20-4000 RPM. testing of spray pattern and plume geometry.

CWS Check Weigher Modular check weighing system permits up to 50 SprayVIEW® Actuation System Automated actuation system for pharmaceutical drug nasal different test samples. Unit automatically individualizes sprays, metered dose inhalers and oral spray for the samples and transport them to a balance, then automated device actuation. displays & transports samples to a container. Contact: Dino Farina Powder and Granulate Tester Three different models designed to offer measurement of flow time according to specified amount (weight or volume) or amount (weight). MACHINERY & LABORATORY EQUIPMENT AND SOFTWARE

Suppository Testers Four different units designed to measure sample INNOVASYSTEMS,INC. hardness and disintegration. Single and multiple test 840 Lenola Road, Unit 8 cells are available. Moorestown, NJ 08057 All Purpose Drive The AR 402 is the drive system which permits the use Phone: (856) 722-0410 Fax: (856) 722-0042 of twenty-one different attachments. Some modules email: [email protected] include wet or dry granulator, planetary stirrer, sieve www.innovasystems.com analysis, pelletizer, homogenizer & tablet press.

Fluid Bed Tester Lab unit designed to accommodate all aspects of Type & Brand Name of Instrument/System: Application: fluidizing (i.e. powder, crystals, granules, extrudates, - MightyRunt Actuation Station, Force-Controlled Automation Supporting Testing of Nasal Spray pellets, etc.) Two sizes are 50-300 grams, as well as - NSP VA Actuation Station, Velocity-Controlled Products, Dosing Devices and Ophthalmic Solutions 250-1000 grams. - PAWS - Pump Actuation & Weight Station to include: • Wasting - OSA - Optical Spray Analyzer • Droplet Size VDT Blister Tester Vacuum blister density checker permitting samples in - NSP DW - Dose Weight Station • Dose Weights/Content Uniformity an external pressurized container (-1200 to -800 mbar) - NSP DWC - Dose Weight with Collection Station • Spray Pattern which is then filled with liquid; then tested within a • Plume Geometry range of up to 99 minutes and 50 seconds. MDI AC2 - Automated Canister Cutter Automation to Support Testing of Inhalers to include: Contact: JR Alicea MDI AS - Actuation, Collection Station • Cutting Cans - Total Can Content MDI FD-10 - Fire-Down Station • Wasting MDI DW - Dose Weight Station • Priming/Repriming MACHINERY & LABORATORY EQUIPMENT AND SOFTWARE • Tail-Off Profile • Leak Rate LEXICON MERICA NC F A I . • Particle Sizing 156 College Street • Dose Weights Burlington, VT 05401 Phone: (802) 657-3232 Fax: (802) 657-3202 Automated Extraction Station Automation to Support Sample Preparation of Ointments, Creams and Pastes. Weighs, dispenses www.flexiconamerica.com sample to target weight, dilutes, caps and mixes in Type & Brand Name of Instrument/System: Application: preparation for analysis. Peristaltic Liquid Filling Dispenser BioPharma small to medium scale liquid fillings Type of Software & Brand Name: Application(s):

Liquid filling machinery: semi-automatic to fully automatic Liquid filling for labs, R&D pilot and production EZ Spray ™ Low-cost alternative to optical spray pattern manufacturing. analysis via easy-to-use, desktop scanner based technology. EZ Spray™ scans patterns on TLC plates and computes FDA-recommended Spray Pattern Test parameters.

Contact: Loren Wagner

Drug Delivery Technology November/December 2007 Vol 7 No 10 97 * DDT Nov-Dec 2007 Working 3.qxd 11/9/07 6:48 PM Page 98

MACHINERY & LABORATORY EQUIPMENT AND SOFTWARE MACHINERY & LABORATORY EQUIPMENT AND SOFTWARE LCI CORPORATION NATOLI ENGINEERING PO Box 16348 28 Research Park Circle Charlotte, NC 28297-8804 St. Charles, Missouri 63304 Phone: (704) 394-8341 Fax: (704) 392-8507 Phone: (636) 926-8900 Fax: (636) 926-8910 email: [email protected] email: [email protected] www.lcicorp.com www.natoli.com Type & Brand Name of Instrument/System: Application: Type & Brand Name of Instrument/System: Application: Manufacturing and Tablet Compression, Tablet Presses, and Production & Quality Control Multi Granulator MG-55 Allows formulation/product developers to evaluate Replacement Parts three low pressure granulation techniques—dome, Type of Software & Brand Name: Application(s): radial, and axial extrusion—and determine which one best suits their product. Tablet CAD Tablet design

Laboratory Marumerizer QJ-230T Easily evaluates of the effectiveness of Tool Management II (TMII) New Version 4.1 Inspections & tool record keeping spheronization on extruded products; converts moist cylindrical extruded granules into smooth, uniform spheres in a variety of applications. Contact: Dale Natoli


MACHINERY & LABORATORY EQUIPMENT AND SOFTWARE PARTICLE AND COATING TECHNOLOGIES,INC. MALVERN INSTRUMENTS 5445 Highland Park Drive 10 Southville Road St. Louis, MO 63110 Southborough, MA 01772 Phone: (314) 535-1516 Fax: (314) 535-1514 Phone: (508) 480-0200 Fax: (508) 460-9692 email: [email protected] email: [email protected] www.pctincusa.com www.malverninstruments.com Type & Brand Name of Instrument/System: Application: Type & Brand Name of Instrument/System: Application: Micro-Capacity Spray Dryer Can dry samples from 25 mg. to grams. Special handling for highly unstable molecules (peptides, Laser Diffraction Systems, Mastersizer 2000, Spraytec, For particle size in solids, liquids, slurries and aerosols hormones, etc.) On market early 2006. Also on-line particle sizing with Insitec

Pipeline Technologies/Platforms Application(s): Mini-Fluid-Bed Successful in coating samples down to 5 grams. On market early 2006. Zeta Potential and sub-micron particle size, Zetasizer Nano For comprehensive analysis of suspensions and Contact: Robert Sparks, email: [email protected] emulsions

Contact: Mansa Fraser, (508) 480-0200 MACHINERY & LABORATORY EQUIPMENT AND SOFTWARE PHARMATEK LABORATORIES INC. MACHINERY & LABORATORY EQUIPMENT AND SOFTWARE 5626 Oberlin Drive, Suite 100 San Diego, CA 92121 MISTRAL PHARMA INC. Phone: (858) 587-8783 Fax: (858) 587-8771 2101 Halpern email: [email protected] St-Laurent, Quebec H4S 1S3 - Canada www.pharmatek.com Phone: (514) 920-0909 Fax: (514) 920-0404 www.mistralpharma.com e-mail: [email protected] Type & Brand Name of Instrument/System: Application: Hot Road Chemistry® (HRC) Formulation Screening Kit Designed to solublize even the most difficult drug Type & Brand Name of Instrument/System: Application: compounds for in vivo animal testing. The kit contains eight non-toxic, FDA-approved, orally available Dissolution Tester – VARIAN/SOTAX Test drug release from solid dosage forms at formulations. different predetermined time intervals. Different methods can be used: paddle or baskets depending Contact: Elizabeth Hickman, [email protected], (858) 587-8783 of tablet design. Dissolution bath is coupled to a pump (for sample withdrawal) and then to a UV/visible spectrophotometer.

Disintegration Tester – Globe Pharma Tablets are subjected to up and down movement at a constant frequency rate (29-32 cycles/min) and time for complete disintegration is recorded.

Hardnes Tester (Pharma Test) Test tablet hardness. Pressure parallel to tab diameter is applied until tab breaks.

Friabilator (Globe Pharma) Test tab friability. Tablets are subjected to an upward circular motion & downward drops (25/min). Differences of weight (before and after) should not exceed 1%.

Infrared Balance (Mettler Toledo) Test humidity of powders & granules.

Tap Density Tester (Globe Pharma) For powders & granules. To test tapped density. Known mass is placed in a cylinder and volume is measured. Then cylinder is subjected to predetermined taps (vertical) process is continued till volume no longer changes.

Sonic Sifter (ATM Corporation) To measure particle size distribution. Powders/granules are placed on top of a series of screens. The set is subjected to vibration & shocks

Contact: Alain Desjardins

98 Drug Delivery Technology November/December 2007 Vol 7 No 10 * DDT Nov-Dec2007Working3.qxd11/9/076:48PMPage99 Contact T p rn aeo ntuetSse:Application: ype &BrandNameofInstrument/System: I-neb Insight I (AAD) Delivery Aerosol Adaptive -neb Target Mode(TIM) Inhalation MarkElphick : MACHINERY &LABORATORY EQUIPMENTANDSOFTWARE hn:(0)9216 a:(724)387-5270 (800)962-1266Fax: Phone: R -al [email protected] e-mail: ESPIRONICS ea rv,NJ07009 Cedar Grove, www.respironics.com 41 Canfield Road R ESPIRATORY trea identify pa analysis canthenbeusedbyhealthcareprofessionalsto This for theanalysisofadherenceandcomplianceinformation. usefultool andInsightcanprovideavery of thePLSfunction, thecombination analysisindicates Thedata with cystic fibrosis. TheI-nebInsightfunctionalityhasbeentestedinpatients (PLS). loggingsystem storedinthepatient thedata used todownload to optimizetheirinhala monitoringandatoolfortrainingpatients provide atoolfordata I-neb Insight™wasdevelopedforthe to system AAD the depositionofdruginlungs. canbealteredtoincrease arevariablesthat pattern breathing particle sizeand andofthesethreevariables, pattern, breathing andthepatient’s particle size, dependent onairwaygeometry, aerosoldepositioninthelungsismainly the assumptionthat The on based is mode TIM feedback. viaavibration inspiration istrainedtolengthen thepatient Witheachbreath, inspiration. anddeep isguidedtoaslow thepatient In TIM mode, technique andcompliancetotherapy. feedbacktoensureoptimalpatient provide valuablepatient theI-neb also can system AAD patterns, monitoring breathing By minimizingwasteofdrugtotheenvironment. medication, reducesexhaledorescaped deep intothelungsandgreatly thebestopportunitytoreach This timinggivesthemedication A a Itmonitors patterns. regardlessofsizeorbreathing the patient A h careat patient continuous vitalsignmonitoringandfacilitate equipmenttoprovide andtelecommunication technology o f ome, rather thansolelyrelyingonin-personcare. rather ome, AD delivers the medication only when a patient breathes in. breathes onlywhenapatient AD deliversthemedication to AD wasdesignedtodelivertherightamountofmedication ain’ rahn atr hogottetetet I-neb patient’s throughoutthetreatment. pattern breathing a tment failures. telemedicine network, tients whomightha D RUG The analysismightalsobeanimportantpart D tion c ELIVERY which increasinglyusescomputer yc ve problemstha e o aamntrn,Insightis For monitoring, data le. t could leadto oa D Tap densitytester Tablet friability tester Powder flow Sotax TD2 Sotax FT300 Sotax F1 oa T10Cmlt uoaino altwihs thickness, oftabletweights, Completeautomation tabletthicknessandhardnessforupto Automated filterchangerstation Automated system Mobilemediapreparation 100 HT Sotax Sotax HT10 Sotax HT1 Sotax FS7 Sotax MPS Sotax CE7Smart oa T mr uprsUP1 ,5 and6frombasictoautomated 5, 2, 1, USP Supports Sotax Sotax AT7Smart Part CFR 21 11compliantsoftwarecontrolsallSotax CUSoft Part CFR 21 11compliantadvanceddissolution Software Q- DocQualityManagement Winsotax DissolutionSoftware T Contact belnduniformity, contentuniformity, Fullyautomated Sotax CTS DT 2 Manual or automated disintegration testing disintegration Manualorautomated 2 DT p fSfwr rn ae Application: ype ofSoftware&BrandName: A T70 withBS60 : Marc Finn, [email protected], (215) 442-1500 (215) [email protected], MarcFinn, : MACHINERY &LABORATORY EQUIPMENTANDSOFTWARE Drug DeliveryTechnology hn:(1)4210 Fx (215)442-1514 (215)442-1500Fax: Phone: 1 aeenDie Suite A 411 Caredean Drive, mi:[email protected] email: osa,PA 19044 Horsham, Sotax Corporation Sotax www.sotax.com November/December 2007 and hardnessmeasurements 24 tablets and APIs. MRtablets, gels, medical devices, GoodforDES, for smallvolumeorlargevolume. USP 4flo Inc andon-lineHPLC. samplecollection, with UV, contentuniformityandassaysystems. automated Part CFR 21 11compliant softwarecontrolsSotax and disintegration. hardness, thickness, including tabletweight, records, physical testinginstrumentsfortabletandbatch spectrophotometers. Interfaces withcommonbrandsof andreports. results, andstoresmethods, generates s and assaysystemforupto240samplesuna vessels, washes Makes media, tests. unattended 15 to up for Fully automa Manual tabletthicknessandhardnesstester oftware controlsallSotaxdissolutionsystems, ludes autocomplinace and hollow shaftsampling. ludes autocomplinaceandhollow a w nd analyzes. through dissolutionandelutionsystems ted dissolutionsystemforUSP1and2 injectable suspensions, Vol 7No 10 implants, ttended. 99

DDrruuggDDeelilviveerryyTTeecchhnnoolologgyy NNoovveemmbbeerr//DDeecceemmbbeerr 22000057 VVooll57 NNoo1100 * DDT Nov-Dec 2007 Working 3.qxd 11/9/07 6:48 PM Page 100

MACHINERY & LABORATORY EQUIPMENT AND SOFTWARE MACHINERY & LABORATORY EQUIPMENT AND SOFTWARE SPRAY ANALYSIS AND RESEARCH SERVICES WEILER ENGINEERING,INC. P.O. Box 7900 1395 Gateway Drive Wheaton, IL 60189-7900 Elgin, IL 60124 Phone: (800) 95-Spray Fax: (630) 260-7593 Phone: (847) 697-4900 Fax: (847) 697-4915 e-mail: [email protected] email: [email protected] www.sprayconsultants.com www.weilerengineering.com

Type & Brand Name of Instrument/System: Application: Type & Brand Name of Instrument/System: Application: State-of-the art spray laboratories capable of characterizing ASEP-TECH® Oral, parenteral (Injectable), Respiratory Therapy, sprays, designing and fabricating prototype spray nozzles and Opthalmic, Nutraceutical headers, and optimizing spray conditions. Model 640 Model 624 Model 628 Phase Doppler Particle Analyzers Used to measure drop size and velocity of liquid sprays Model 603

MACHINERY & LABORATORY EQUIPMENT AND SOFTWARE Laser Diffraction Particle Analyzer Used to measure drop size distribution of liquid or powder sprays WEST PHARMACEUTICAL SERVICES,INC. 101 Gordon Drive Particle Image Analyzer Used to measure the size and shape of drops emitted from both opaque and transparent liquid sprays Lionville, PA 19341 Phone: (800) 231-3000 Fax: (610) 594-3000 Used to simulate and predict spray performance www.westpharma.com Computational Fluid Dynamics software using actual customer process conditions

LaVision SprayMaster System Used to measure shape and intensity of spray with low flow nozzles Type & Brand Name of Instrument/System: Application: Extractable Leachables Testing Tests and evaluates the compatibility of drug products Contact: Elizabeth Kucharz with their packaging or delivery system for the pharmaceutical, biotechnology and medical device MACHINERY & LABORATORY EQUIPMENT AND SOFTWARE industries. Contact: Jennifer Riter, [email protected] WATERS CORPORATION 34 Maple Street Milford, MA 01757 MACHINERY & LABORATORY EQUIPMENT AND SOFTWARE Phone: (508) 478-2000 Fax: (508) 872-1990 WYATT TECHNOLOGY email: [email protected] 6300 Hollister Avenue www.waters.com Santa Barbara, CA 93117 Phone: (805) 681-9009 Fax: (805) 681-0123 Type & Brand Name of Instrument/System: Application: email: [email protected] ACQUITY Ultra Performance Liquid Chromatography™ First-of-its-kind LC system designed to take full www.wyatt.com advantage of the potential of proprietary, sub two- micron particles. Provides chromatographic run times up to 9X shorter than today’s fastest HPLC Type & Brand Name of Instrument/System: Application: systems, up to 2X better peak capacity or resolution, DAWN light scattering detectors Multi-angle light scattering instruments for and 3X better routine sensitivity. determining absolute molar masses and sizes of polymers and biopolymers in solution The Waters® Protein Expression System Industry’s first multiplexed system to quantitatively assess changes in protein expression while DynaPro Titan Light Scattering instrument Dynamic light scattering instruments for performing enhanced qualitative protein determining solution properties of proteins and identification - all within the same LC/MS run. nanoparticles in solution

SunFire™ columns State-of-the-art reversed-phase C18 bonded silica, DynaPro Titan Plate Reader Automates the dynamic light scattering to use which provides the best peak shape, low-pH standard 96 and 384-well plates. Reduces sample stability and efficiency. preparation and aanalysis time by a factor of 10.

The Waters Micromass® Q-Tof Premier Mass Spectrometer Hybrid quadrupole, orthogonal acceleration time-of- Contact: Geofrey Wyatt flight mass spectrometer that enables automated exact mass measurement of precursor and fragment ions to yield the highest confidence for metabolism studies, proteomics and structural analyses. Type of Software & Brand Name: Application(s):

MetaboLynx™ software Features advanced tools for mining complex LC/MS data sets and accelerating the process of identifying drug metabolites.

eLab Notebook™ Software Allows companies to digitally capture and store scientific information — graphical, mathematical, and textual information of all types — that, today, researchers enter manually into paper laboratory notebooks.

Contact: Brian J. Murphy, (508) 482-2614

100 Drug Delivery Technology November/December 2007 Vol 7 No 10 * DDT Nov-Dec 2007 Working 3.qxd 11/9/07 6:48 PM Page 101 * DDT Nov-Dec 2007 Working 3.qxd 11/9/07 6:51 PM Page 102


The 3MTM Integrated Dose by assainternational® is a training Dose Counter provides an and consulting company accurate, customizable, specialized in pharmaceutical patient-friendly solution to applications of solid-state guidance issued by the Food analytical techniques. We and Drug Administration (FDA) organize International requiring dose counters for Workshops and Conferences on pressurized Metered Dose solid-state characterization in Inhalers (pMDIs). The robust the pharmaceutical area. We design eliminates over- and provide a site selection service under-counting, while the (event & Meeting Planner) to familiar look and clear display corporate, association, and allows patients to use the government clients that plan device with no additional off-site meetings and training. It’s compatible with conferences. On their behalf, we most valves and can be research hotels and other modified to fit your needs. By meetings venues that match their criteria. We offer Analytical combining the 3MTM Integrated Services for Pharmaceutical applications. assa is specialized in X-ray Dose by Dose Counter with our global regulatory experience, 3M can analysis. We offer in-house Training Courses in Pharmaceutical X-ray help smooth the integration process to add a dose counter to your Powder diffraction. With its technical expertise, assa supports its programs. For more information, contact 3M Drug Delivery Systems clients in Patent Preparation or patent litigation cases. For more at (800) 643-8086 or visit www.3m.com/dds. information, contact assainternational at (203) 312-0682 or visit www.assainternational.com.


2 Azopharma is a contract pharmaceutical development organization r e

b that helps turn ideas into cures with a complete spectrum of CMC m

e Aveva is a leader in transdermal drug delivery systems with global solutions for pharmaceutical development. The company supports c e

D resources and operations that make it a quality company to partner

/ contract drug development for Solid Oral Dosages (tablets, capsules), r e

b with. Featuring a state-of-the-art facility (over 117,000 sq. ft.) Liquid Dosages (injectables, suspensions), Topical Dosages (creams, m e

v located in Miramar, Florida, Aveva offers a full range of services, ointments, lotions), Inhalation Dosages (nasal, MDI, DPI), Drug o N including a core competency in global research and development, Substance and Excipients, Biopharmaceuticals, and Medical Devices y

g along with fully equipped blending, coating, and packaging & Drug/Device Combinations. Its facilities in Miramar, Florida, are o l o

n capabilities. Aveva has an excellent record of regulatory compliance FDA registered and inspected, DEA approved, and client audited on a h c

e and comprehensive quality systems. Aveva’s qualified team includes T routine basis. The fully cGMP-compliant facilities are registered with y r

e Nitto Denko’s global subsidiaries that can make a tremendous the DEA for testing of all schedules of controlled drugs and have v i l e impact on your projects in a timely manner. For more information, individual licensing for manufacture on an as- requested basis. For D g

u contact Robert Bloder at (954) 624-1374 or visit more information, contact Azopharma at (954) 433-7480 or visit r D www.avevadds.com. www.azopharma.com. 102 * DDT Nov-Dec2007Working3.qxd11/9/076:51PMPage103 0404 orvisit (813)286- contactXcelienceat For moreinformation, development. which allo clinical trialdecisionpoint, time takentoreachthe “first-in-man” Thisinturnreducesthe withhand-filling. inaccuracies associated oflaborcostsandpossible nottomentiontheavoidance studies, process byreducingtheneedforcostlyandtime-consumingstability pharmaceutical companiesbenefitfromashorterdrugdevelopment ws anincreaseinthroughputofcandida www.xcelience.com P RECISION M ICRO With theXcelodose Xcelodose system, Byimplementingthe activities. andpreformulation compatibility elimina thereby drug substancesalone, with companies tofillcapsules allows this uniquetechnology because That's or moreprecise. production hasneverbeeneasier for clinical trialsandsmall-scale manufacturing batches creating . ting theneedforexcipient -F ILLING te compoundsfor TM system, P www.penwest.com more informa For andprocesses. capabilities enhancement ofitsorganizational and developmentofitsinternalpipeline, by EndoPharmaceuticals, accomplishments inc enwest madeimportantprogressinpursuitoftha D ELIVERY tion, contact P luded the approval andlaunchofOpanaER luded theapproval . & enwest a S PECIALTY externally bothinternallyand opportunities, newgrowth evaluating Itiscontinually and edema. P epilepsy, ofpain, treatment includes productsforthe current developmentpipeline Thecompany’s system. nervous targeting disordersofthe develop aportfolioofproducts to anddrugformulation delivery itsstrength indrug leverage defined gro well- Penwest hasaclear, t arkinson's disease, (845) 878-8400orvisit . During 2006, wth stra P HARMA t stra teg teg spasticity y: y . to Its key ® ,

103 Drug Delivery Technology November/December 2007 Vol 7 No 10 * DDT Nov-Dec2007Working3.qxd11/9/076:51PMPage104 104 Drug Delivery Technology November/December 2005 Vol 5 No 10 DDruruggDDeleilvievreyryTeTcehchnnoolologgyy NNoovevemmbbeer/rD/Deececemmbbeer r 2200077 VoVol l77 NNoo1100 ehoois including EnCirc technologies, drug delivery systemsinclude and drug delivery softgelatin Vegicaps development using our proprietary GPEx development usingourproprietary biologiccell-line development andcanofferinnovative inhalation We expertisein have services. andpackaging manufacturing, clinical development, drugdelivery analytical services, APIdevelopment, suchaspreclinical support, development services, include PharmaSolutions’services afullrangeof Catalent capsules; Zydis capsules; W manufacture traditionaloral, wealso doseforms, Alongwithourproprietary inhaled technologies. visit (866)720-3148or PharmaSolutionsat contactCatalent information, all doseformsandthesupplyofprintedcomponents. positioned, biopharmaceutical development, contact DPT at (866)CALL-DPTorvisit contact DPTat and completesupplychainmana ClassII-V, controlledsubstanceregistration commercial production, full-scale clinical trialmaterials, include fourcGMPfacilities, valida conventional andspecializedpacka for encompass engineeringandprocurement resourcesnecessary e also producebiologicsforprec www.catalent.com intruhpoesdvlpet Productioncapabilities tion throughprocessdevelopment. D EVELOPMENT our packa P HARMACEUTICAL ® fast-dissolve dosage form;oralmodified-release fast-dissolve dosage ging services include for ging services commercialpackaging . sterile, ® EnVel , & analytical development, gement. linical andc ging. M topical, preformulation, formulation and formulation preformulation, rangefrom services and beyond. concept tocommercialization solid andliquids—from sourceforsemi- is theindustry DPT pharmaceutical products. biopharmaceutical and solutionsfor and packaging manufacturing, development, DPT providesfullyintegrated forms. solid andliquiddosage (CDMO) specializinginsemi- and manufacturingorganization DPT isacontractdevelopment ® andEnSolv , ANUFACTURING www.dptlabs.com T M F S P or moreinformation, ehooy Catalent’s technology. acka OLUTIONS and inhaleddoseforms. linical studies. ging services Drug development ® ; and arangeof For more ® Soft and . Globally Eurand a contact For moreinformation, either bottlesorpush-throughblisters. AdvaTab in tabletscanbepackaged sustained-release properties. AdvaTab formtoprovideafast-dissolvetabletwith dosage Modified-release druggranulescanalsobeincorpora masked druggranulesissuitablefordeliveringhighdoses. andthesmoothmixtureofcarrierexcipientstaste- seconds, AdvaT toprovideanODTwithsuperiortasteandmouth-feel. technology Hypromellose polymers, controlled-release excipientproductsanddrugdeliver toplaceevenmorefocusondevelopingnew Dow itwillallow time, Atthesame developmentsupportandproductlogistics. application ser Itplacestechnicaland customer began inthe1970s. Colorcon that This allianceextendsthebusinessrela 447-4369 orvisit contact (800) at ChemicalCompany The Dow For moreinformation, vice in the hands of Colorcon, an acknowledged world leaderin acknowledged an vice inthehandsofColorcon, ab tabletsdissolvera C O ONTROLLED t RALLY (937) 898-9669ora www D ISINTEGRATING .dowe and POL pidly inthemouthwithin15to30 R ELEASE t xcipients.com [email protected] YO X TM METHOCEL Ethylcellulose polymers, including ETHOCEL Excipients, rights forDow exclusive globaldistribution The allianceincludes the markets throughouttheworld. development effortsandreach pharmaceutical product your to accelerate you moreresourcesthanever Release gives Alliance that formed aglobalControlled have Inc. and Colorcon, ChemicalCompany The Dow tionship betweenDo P oly(ethylene oxide)resins. A AdvaTab taste-masking leading Microcaps combined withEurand’s tablet. release, modified flexible dosing, unparalleled taste, unique a and distinct advantages offers that technology genera LLIANCE . T ABLETS AdvaTab canbe tion ofODT T M ® and arobust pplica High Viscosity ted intothe is anew y . technologies. tions – TM w ® and

Drug Delivery Technology November/December 2007 Vol 7 No 10 * DDT Nov-Dec2007Working3.qxd11/9/076:52PMPage105 deliver P Pharma forpharmaceuticalapplications, know-how formulation Evonik DegussaCorpora contact For moreinformation, solutions toout-licensingstrategies. technologies rangefromthedevelopmentofcustomer-specific ofthesedrugdelivery business modelsforcommercialization intensive researchanddevelopmenteffortsofar www EUDRACOL 825-8700 orvisit (201) at Pharmaceutical Services contact Glatt more information, For manufacturing assetstomajormarkets withintheindustry. positioned toa isuniquely Glatt andSwitzerland, Germany, facilities inNewJersey, to in productandformula experience toprovidesolutionspartnersfromtheinitialconcepts usesthisextensive Glatt support andcommitmentpossible. forthepast50yearsalongwithhighestlevelof industry olymers hasdevelopedintellectualpropertyonadvancedoraldrug omrilmnfcuigo oi oaepout.With products. commercial manufacturingofsoliddosage P .pharma-polymers.com y OLYMERS P technologies. HARMA ® andEUDRAMODE , pply itsconsiderablesoliddosa www.glattpharmaceuticals.com The differentbrandsofEUDRAPULSE & tion developmentthroughprocessscale-up D tion a EVELOPMENT D ELIVERY t ® (877) 764-6872(option4)orvisit . are theachievementsofthis global pharmaceutical processing expertisetothe and systems, integrated equipment, technology, supplying soliddosage Gla throughout theworld. expertise andcapabilities and offerc timing demandsofprojects technical, provider tomeetthe It iscriticalforaservice polymer designand experience inEUDRAGIT on morethan50yearsof Based protective coatings. and controlled release, ideal forentericdelivery, EUDRAGIT pharmaceutical industry. forthe coatings supplying offunctional manufacturing and the worldleadersin Pharma Polymers isoneof T tt Grouphasbeen ECHNOLOGIES ge developmentand S PharmaPolymers’ . ERVICES financial, lients first-class ® . polymers are ® , and The them aworldwidereputa aredependableandeconomicalhasgiven with timelysolutionsthat years ofexperience. compliancetocGMPstandardsisbasedonmorethan40 regulatory thecompany’s and expertiseinprocesschemistry chemical entities, the problemsassocia F today's salesconsistsofproducts launchedlessthan5yearsa Morethanhalfof biotech companiesand50%generic products. Hovione’s business is50%customsynthesisforlargepharmaand hraetclcmais For visitGalenixat moreinformation pharmaceutical companies. characteriza drugproduct developmentprogramsfromthesourcingand own Galenix runsits technologies usedbypharmaceuticallaboratories. designandfeasibilitystudiesforpatented formulation innovating Mucolys. and Minextab/Floating, Minextab, whichinclude Microgix, systems, focusingondrugdelivery research anddevelopmentcompany GalenixDevelopment isa and qualitycontrol. and packaging toclinicalGalenix Pharmaisdedicated manufacturing trialbatch medicinal productaccordingtoGMPEuropeandFDAstandards. ofthe development processfromthemoleculetoregistration development compan anddrugproduct apharmaceuticaldrugdelivery Galenix, www or more information, visit Hovione at visit Hovioneat or moreinformation, M D .galenix.fr RUG ANUFACTURER Galenix Innova tion of D . ELIVERY APIs tomarketingandoutlicensing Over tha ted withtheindustrialproductionofcomplex ,includes the 3businessunitstomanage y, tions carriesouttechnolog tion forsuperiorcustomerser t time, & & API S its abilitytoprovidecustomers D www EVELOPMENT .hovione.com Dedicated tosolving Dedicated intermediates. regulated ingredients and pharmaceutical active manufacture of development and the process specializes in that chemicals company Hovione isafine PECIALIST y surverys, vice. . go.

105 Drug Delivery Technology November/December 2007 Vol 7 No 10 * DDT Nov-Dec2007Working3.qxd11/9/076:52PMPage106 106 Drug Delivery Technology November/December 2007 Vol 7 No 10 7383 orvisit (801)994- at Inc., contactLipocine, For moreinformation, products. other formula aregenerallyacceptedlipidand These materials lipid materials. produce practicalsoliddosa Nanosplodeoffersnovelcompositionsandprocessesto attributes. theirrespectiveperformance whilepreserving technologies, of hydrophilicdrugswithpoororalabsorptionpotential)deliver oral bioa formoptionsofLipocine’sexpands thedosage Lipral(foroptimal Nanosplode andsuboptimal. absorption potentialisoftenslow from aconventionalsoliddosa drugabsorption For andsuperiortherapy, diseasesrequiringrapid www InnerCap Technologies, Inc., at (813)837-0796orvisit at Inc., InnerCap Technologies, pa blockbusterdrugswithexpiring existing patented reformulate solutions totheindustry’s and highlypublicizedneedtorepackage pharmaceutical andbiopharmaceuticalindustrieswithbeneficial systemprovidesthe Thedelivery with controlled-releaseprofiles. multiple activechemicalcompoundsindifferentphysicalphases biopharmaceutical products. et vrtenx er.Frmr nomto,contact For moreinformation, tents overthenext5years. C .innercap.com OMBINATION vailability) andHydroance(foroptimalnon-invasivedeliver S www.lipocine.com tion excipientsalread OLID . -L IPID ge formsutilizingabroadspectrum of C It isaver ge formofdrugswithpoor APSULE pharmaceutical and system willbelicensedtoenhance Thedelivery healthcare providers. and patients, companies, affecting pharmaceutical solutionstoproblems industry offersthe thetechnology capsules, Utilizing two-piecehardshell biopharmaceutical products. and benefitsofpharmaceutical can beusedtoenhancethevalue Thesystem system. based delivery multi-compartmentalized capsular- multi-phased, patent-pending offersanadvanced InnerCap . y D in a ISPERSIONS y effective waytodeliver pproved foodordrug T ECHNOLOGY y y or visit innova for sodoesourcapacity portfolio andpipelinecontinueto grow, Asourproduct ofdoing. medicinesarecapable redefine what newproductsthat valueofprovendrugsandcreate therapeutic By sharingourassetsandintellectual resources, partners whorecognizethevaluewebringtoproductdevelopment. We with collaborate safetyandcompliance. improving efficacy, medicines withtheobjectivetoenhanceperformance, toexisting platforms technology andpulmonary PEGylation partners. productsfor enabled9approved have manufacturing capabilities and expertise, technology, andpulmonary Nektar PEGylation platforms. drugdevelopmenttechnology andpulmonary PEGylation and enablesdifferentia Nektar develops that isabiopharmaceuticalcompany Therapeutics Empi at (800)328-2536 orvisit Empi at thera tomoveonotherphysical patients allowing reduces weartimes, a sessionofSkinConductivityEnhancementthat mode initiates H YBRID py activitiesorlea tion. www.nektar.com D Nektar alsodevelopsitso For more information, contact Nektar at (650)631-3100 contactNektarat For moreinformation, IFFERENTIATED I ONTOPHORESIS ted thera ve thec . peutics withitsindustr linic. www.hybresis.com wn productsbya T F HERAPEUTICS or moreinforma T trea convenience ofpa controllers withthe dosing oftraditionaldose combines theprecise Hybresis one patch, modes in three treatment With times. treatment shortened in-clinic and modes, treatment alternative control, offers precisedose a It providesclinicians with iontophoresis technology. of uses thepower systemthat drug delivery H ybresis isarevolutionary ECHNOLOGY wireless systemthat tments. we increasethe pplying its tion, . y-leading such as The Hybresis contact tch-only * DDT Nov-Dec2007Working3.qxd11/9/076:52PMPage107 globe. frompharmaceuticalcompaniesacrossthe increasing attention The compan offersafive-foldincreaseinproductioncapacity.ft DDSplantnow 200,000-sq- Thenewthree-story, under cGMPsinceOctober2005. manufacturing PEGshasstartedcommercialoperation Activated NOF’s newDDSplantfor bloodstream withimprovedefficacy. longerinthe PEG-stabilized drugscancirculate drugs sothat Its withprotein beenusedtoconjugate PEGshave Activated world. or visit (914)681-9790 at contactNOFCorporation For moreinformation, the developmentofnewproductsforDDSandsa established inthenewbuildingnexttoDDSplantaccelera & andpackaging discreteassembly, technologies forwebprocessing, Utilizingleading-edgeapplied most complexapplications. streamline criticalmanufacturingwhilereducingriskineventhe Itsworld-class facilityisequippedto commercial manufacturing. Remmele Engineeringa superior resultsever providecustomsolutionsontimeand unique customerneeds, Itsabilitytoidentify the singulartaskofmeetingcustomer needs. filling, In addition, www the compan M y’ .nof.co.jp/dds s ANUFACTURING Activa a N new DDSResearchLabora y y ted PEGsandnewplantha EW time isunrivaled. focuses allofitsenerg t www DDS F . .remmeleautomation.com proof-of-concept through manufacturing solutionsfrom system andprovides 9001:2000-certified quality Remmele opera industry.the drugdelivery partner forleadingsuppliersin innova isan Thecompany worldwide. equipment forinstalla built custommanufacturing Engineering hasdesignedand Remmele Since 1949, ACILITY F S tive, strategic thought strategic tive, or moreinforma OLUTIONS y throughout the companies pharmaceutical Polysorbate to high-performance and phospholipids, high-purity PEGs, Activated has beensupplying NOF CORPORATION tor and experienceon ve beena tisfy customers. y tes underanISO has justbeen tion tion, ttracting . visit te P information, visit SCOLR Pharma at visitSCOLRPharmaat information, For more lifeandeasyenforcement). protection (fullpatent andstrongpatent (when comparedtoothertechnologies), cost effective(utilizesstandardtableting excipients), conventionalmanufacturing equipment), manufacture (employs easyto ofawiderangereleaseprofiles), programmable (capable CDT SCOLRPharma's uponfinancialarrangements. mutually agreed orother manufacturing contracts, royalties, include licensingfees, partners withcompaniesundercontractualarrangementsthat SCOLRPharma andconventionalproductionequipment. materials 24 hoursandcanbemanufacturedusingreadilya technologies canbeusedforcontrolled-releaseperiodsupto Theseelegantlysimple andnutraceuticalproducts. OTC, expertise, PharmaForm willcombineitspharmaceutical manufacture. PharmaForm canscale-upyourproductforcommercial selectioniscomplete, andfinalformulation clinical assessment, development, Afterformulation system developmentactivities. groups workclosely toplanandexecutethenumerousfacetsof TheFormulation andProductDevelopment Analytical systems. manufacturing groupstodevelopandoptimizetransdermal and materials, analytical, development, with formulation integrated Thecompany’s DrugDelivery Technology teamis applications. andproduct drugcandidates tomany canbeapplied system that (512) 834-0449orvisit contactPharmaForm at For moreinformation, market application. develop ahigh-qualitytransdermaldrugdeliver HARMACEUTICAL ® has theman C ONTROLLED formula y tion chemistr distinct advanta www.pharmaform.com D P RODUCT ELIVERY y, and long history of know-how to ofknow-how andlonghistory y, www.scolr.com ges, including highly polymeric delivery isaversatile platform delivery proprietary PharmaForm’s available. systemsare delivery and transmucosal transdermal patented f L D or PharmaForm’s P icensing opportunities EVELOPMENT CDT itspatented applies SCOLR Pharma pharmaceutical, companies with for formulations develop Technologies to Delivery LA y system foryour . vailable standard TFORM ® higher payload . Controlled 107 Drug Delivery Technology November/December 2007 Vol 7 No 10 Drug Delivery Technology November/December 2007 Vol 7 No 10 * DDT Nov-Dec2007Working3.qxd11/9/076:52PMPage108 108 Drug Delivery Technology November/December 2007 Vol 7 No 10 (201) 847-4017orvisit contactBDMedical-PharmaceuticalSystemsat information, deliver We toconventionaldrug delivercost-effectivealternatives partner. inapackaging experience requiredbythepharmaceuticalindustry Medical -PharmaceuticalSystemsprovidestheexpertiseand BD aninjectionorself-injectiondevice, reconstitution system, glass orplasticprefillablesyringe, regional marketsandparenteraldrugdeliver ittoproposesuitablesolutionsforall allow know-how packaging andpharmaceutical marketawareness, BD’s worldwidepresence, safety andconveniencetofulfillpa devices aredesignedtomeethealthcareprofessionals'demandsfor Allofitsprefillable ofdrugtherapy. contribute totheoptimization Inc. Bilcare, at PhD, contactRemcovan Weeren, For moreinformation, andresource loading. cost, reducestime, protocolthat evaluation stability usinganinnovative new andexistingapplications determiningthefailuremodeof byquantitatively optimum package enableourclientsWe that todevelop the provideresearchservices solutions forbrandprotectionandenhancementofidentity and protection andshelf-lifeaswellwithspecialtymaterials toprovidetheirdrugswiththeoptimum materials based packaging customers andsupportthemwithabroadportfoliooffilm-foil- We partnerwithour solutions forthepharmaceuticalindustry. and materials packaging Bilcare isaglobalproviderofinnovative a t y (610) 935-4300orvisit methods, P REFILLABLE P which differentia ACKAGING www .bdpharma.com www D ELIVERY a te pharmaceuticalproductsand S nasal spray system, a dry drug adry nasal spraysystem, .bilcare OLUTIONS tients' needsforcomfort. y .com needs. . nuty Whethera industry. pharmaceutical needs ofthe designed tofitthe systems delivery prefillable drug to developing Systems isdedicated Pharmaceutical BD Medical- S YSTEMS . F or more . gela Productsinclude in two-piececapsules hole benchtopfillers. sealing benchtopmachineforR&DLabsaswell100-and300- liquid andprecisionpo formula offers Capsugel With over140yearsofproductionexperience, blind comparator trials. For more information, visit Capsugel at visitCapsugel For moreinformation, trials. blind comparator PCca www c compa theneedforexcipient eliminating with drugsubstancesalone, canbefilled capsules WithXcelodose, as100micrograms. as low clinicalsystem creates inpreciselydispensedamounts trialbatches Capsugel contact BilcareGlobalClinicalSuppliesa For moreinformation, solutions. andinnovative efficient, smart, and ourtotalc throughout yourentireproject. 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Drug Delivery Technology November/December 2007 Vol 7 No 10 * DDT Nov-Dec 2007 Working 3.qxd 11/9/07 6:52 PM Page 109 * DDT Nov-Dec 2007 Working 3.qxd 11/9/07 7:14 PM Page 110

STATEMENT OF OWNERSHIP, Company Pg Phone Web Site MANAGEMENT, AND CIRCULATION 1. Publication title: Drug Delivery Technology 2. Publication number: 1537-2898 3. Filing Date: October 15, 2007 4. Issue frequency: Monthly with combined 3M Drug Delivery Systems 5, 12, 13 800-643-8086 www.3m.com/dds July/Aug and Nov/Dec 5. Number of issues published annually: 10 6. Annual Subscription price: N/A 7. Aveva DDS 14, 15 954-624-1374 www.avevaDDS.com Complete mailing address of known office of publication: 219 Changebridge Rd. Montville, NJ 07045- Azopharma 4 954-433-7480 www.azopharma.com 9998 8. Complete mailing address of headquarters or general business office of publisher: 219 Changebridge Rd. Montville, NJ 07045-9998 9. Full names and BD 16,17 800-225-3310 www.bd/pharma.com complete mailing address of Publisher, Editor and Managing Editor: Ralph Vitaro - 219 Changebridge Rd. Bilcare 18, 19 800-310-4445 www.bilcare.com Montville, NJ 07045-9998, Dan Marino - 219 Changebridge Rd. Montville, NJ 07045-9998, 10. Owner: Drug Delivery Bilcare 20, 21 610-935-4300 www.bilcare.com Technology, LLC - 219 Changebridge Rd. Montville, NJ 07045-9998 11. Known bondholders, mortgages and Capsugel 23 www.capsugel.com other security holders: None 12. N/A 13. Publication: Drug Delivery Technology 14. Issue date for circulation data: October 1, 2007 15. Extent and Nature: Catalent Pharma Solutions 24, 866-720-3148 www.catalent.com Formerly known as Cardinal Health Pharmaceutical Technologies and Services Average No. No. Copies of 25, 112 Copies Each Single Issue Issue During Published Davidson, Davidson & Kappel 109 212-736-1940 www.ddkpatent.com Preceding 12 Nearest to Months Filing Date Dow Chemical 2,3 800-447-4369 www.dowexcipients.com a. Total # of copies 20,874 21,623 DPT Labs 26, 27 1-866-CALL-DPT www.dptlabs.com b. Legitimate Paid and/or Drug Delivery Partnerships 111 www.drugdeliverypartnerships.com Requested Dist. 1. Individual Paid/Requested 20,078 20,116 DSM Pharmaceuticals 28, 29 973-257-8011 www.dsmpharmaceuticals.com Subscriptions 2. Copies Req. by Employers 0 0 Empi 30, 31 www.hyberesis.com for Dist. to Employees 3. Sales through dealers and 0 0 Eurand 7, 32, 33 937-898-9669 www.eurand.com carriers, Street Vendors, Counter Sales and other Evonic 34,35 732-981-5383 www.pharma-polymers.com 4. Req. copies dist. by other 100 100 mail classes through USPS Glatt Pharmaceutical Services 36, 37 201-825-8700 www.glattpharmaceuticals.com c. Total paid and/or req. 20,178 20,216 circulation Frost & Sullivan 101 www.frost.com d. Nonreq. distribution Hovione 38, 39 609-918-2466 www.hovione.com 1. Nonreq. copies stated on PS 123 162 form 3541 InnerCap Technologies 40, 41 813-837-0796 www.innercap.com 2. nonreq. copies distributed 0 0 through USPS Lipocine Therapeutics 42, 43 801-994-7383 www.lipocine.com 3. Nonreq. copies distributed 500 1200 outside the mail Nektar Therapeutics 44, 45 www.nektar.com e. Total nonreq. distribution 623 1362 Neurogen 103 f. Total Distribution 20,701 21,478 g. copies not distributed 174 145 NOF Corporation 46, 47 914-6819790 www.nof.co.jp/dds h. Total 20,875 21,623 i. Percent paid and/or 97% 93% PharmaCircle 48, 49 847-729-2960 www.pharmacircle.com requested circulation PharmaForm 50, 51 512-834-0449 Ext 201 www.pharmaform.com 16. Publication of Statement of Ownership for a requester publication is printed in the November/December 2007 issue PharmaMed Device 77 www.pharmameddevice.com

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