Thursday, June 10, 2021 (All times are in the time zone of Athens.) 2:00-4:00 p.m. Session 1a: Theandrites: Byzantine Philosophy and Christian Platonism Frederick Laurtizen <
[email protected]> and Sarah Klitenic Wear <
[email protected]> Panagiotis Pavlos <
[email protected]>, University of Oslo, Platonism and Christian Thought: A System in Phase Transition; An Approach to the Contributions of Vassilios Tatakis and fr. John Romanides” Fernandez Marco Alviz <
[email protected]>, National University of Distance Learning, UNED, Madrid, “Χάρισμα and παιδεία in Late Antiquity: From Neoplatonic circles to Christian thought in the 3rd and 4th centuries” Chris Chris Barnard <
[email protected]>, Newman University, “The Good and Evil λόγοι Dialectic in Saint Maximus the Confessor” Evi Zacharia <
[email protected]>, Radboud University Nijmegen, “Commentary on Alcibiades I: towards an explanation of human perfection through love” Session 1b: Plotinus and Proclus Marcin Podbielski <
[email protected]> Paolo Di Leo <
[email protected]>, Singapore University of Technology and Design, “Plotinus and Heidegger: A Dialogue Through Parmenides’ R. B3” Marcin Podbielski <
[email protected]>, Jesuit University Ignatianum, “Revisiting the Text, Grammar, and Translations of Plotinus’s On Contemplation” Martin Lee Mueller <
[email protected]>, University of Oslo, “Deep Ecology and Telling About Nature” Zdenek Lenner, <
[email protected]>, École Pratique des Hautes