How will my credits transfer?

The Transfer Evaluation System (TES) is used to document course equivalencies between institutions of higher . Follow the instructions below to see how courses you’ve taken at your current and/or previous institutions will transfer to the of Louisville.

Step 1: Go to the Transfer Equivalency Resources page on the Office of Admissions Transfer and Adult Student Services website (http:// credit/transfer-evaluation-system-tes).

Step 2: Click the “UofL’s personalized TES® site” to access TES.

Step 3: Using the search box, type the name of the or university you have attended. You may also search alphabetically. (Example: EKU)


Step 4: Click on the name of your college or university in the search result list.

Step 5: After clicking on your desired college or univeristy, all of the courses at that institution will be listed alphabetically for the course equivalences that have been established at the University of Louisville. If your desired course does not appear on the list, the course has not been evlauated for equivalency to a course at the University of Louisville.

Step 6: You can view the detailed descriptions of each course by clicking the “VIEW” button, or you can add courses to your equivalency list by click the blue notepad ( ) to the right. These courses will appear in a second tab on your browser and will update automatically. You are able to print or email your equivalencies from this list.

Understanding University of Louisville Course Equivalencies

You will notice a variety of course equivalencies listed on the University of Louisville side of the course equivalency results list. The examples below will help you understand how a course at your institution is equivalent to a course at University of Louisville.

ACC 201 at Eastern Kentucky University is directly equivalent to ACCT 201 at University of Louisville

CIS 300 at Eastern Kentucky University is equivalent to UNIV 300X, an upper-level general elective at University of Louisville. There is no direct course-for- course equivalency.

CMS 100 at Eastern Kentucky University is equivalent to COMM 201 at University of Louisville.