Bib iography


Amnesty International

I n 1980, Amnesty International published a short bib- liography of articles written by members of the organization's medical groups. In the years that followed, further updates appeared,with articles being included according to their rel- evance to Amnesty International's work. This bibliography was reissued in 1984, 1987, 1990, 1993, and most recently in 1997. The bibliography presented here is based on the 1997 version but has been updated to include publications from 1998. There has been an enormous expansion in the number and quality of articles and books on human rights themes in the past two decades, and this is reflected here. To make the bibliography easier to use, references have been gathered into categories reflecting the concerns and interests of Amnesty International. This bibliography makes no claim to completeness. Rather it is a selected listing of papers, articles, and books with an emphasis on publications that can be retrieved from medical or other libraries. For articles prior to 1982, see ear- lier AI bibliographies (for example, Bibliography of publica- tions on health and human rights themes, Al Index: ACT 75/03/93, September 30, 1993). A serious attempt has been made to provide sufficient information for each publication Amnesty International is an independent nonprofit organization working for the international protection of human rights. This version of the bib- liography was edited by James Welsh and Doris Basler, with assistance from Janice Selkirk. Please address correspondence to James Welsh, Am- nesty International, International Secretariat, 1 Easton Street, London WClX 8DJ, UK.


The President and Fellows of Harvard College is collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve, and extend access to Health and Human Rights ® to allow a reader to obtain a copy through normal library request. Where readers are unable to obtain copies, Amnesty International may be able to suggest possible alternative sources. In general, though, this is a "help-yourself" bibliog- raphy. This bibliography has not indexed individual articles from Health and Human Rights (with the exception of sev- eral bibliographic articles that supplement the information contained here). Please note that, in addition to several gen- eral issues, Health and Human Rights has published a num- ber of special theme issues that may be of interest:

* Vol. 1 No. 4: Women's Health and Human Rights * Vol. 2 No. 1: Human Rights and Health Professionals * Vol. 2 No. 3: 2nd International Conference on Health and Human Rights * Vol. 2 No. 4: HIV/AIDS and Human Rights/Part I: Roots of Vulnerability * Vol. 3 No. 1: HIV/AIDS and Human Rights/Part II: Uprooting Vulnerability * Vol. 3 No. 2: Fiftieth Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights

The Internet-the worldwide network of computers that can be accessed by anyone with a computer and appropriate hardwareand software-is an increasingly important resource for human rights and health information. The following sites have a human rights orientation or relevant information:

* Amnesty International: * American Association for the Advancement of Science Directory of human rights resources on the Web: * Human Rights Internet: * : * International Committee of the Red Cross: * International Rehabilitation Council for Victims: * Physicians for Human Rights:

216 Vol. 4 No. 1 * United Nations High Commission for Human Rights: * Council of Europe: * World Health Organization:

These sites will contain links taking you to other rel- evant web sites though Amnesty International is responsible only for the content of its own sites. Amnesty International can be contacted via e-mail at the following addresses:

* [email protected] for general queries. * [email protected] matters relating to Al's program for health professionals.

We would welcome any corrections to entries that are incomplete or in error,and we apologize to any author whose paper is not listed here and should be.

Contents of This Bibliography:

Human Rights "Disappearances" and General 218 Extrajudicial Executions 234 AIDS 220 Forensic Medicine 234 Bibliographies 221 Prison Medicine 235 Children 221 Professional Ethics 236 222 Psychiatry 238 Education 222 Refugees 239 Fact-Finding 223 Health Professions 225 Torture and Trauma Historical 227 General 241 Hunger Strikes 227 Children 245 Land Mines 228 Country Studies 246 Nurses 229 Ethics 246 229 Health Care and Therapy 248 Women 229 Historical 255 Impunity 255 Death Penalty Isolation 255 General 230 Redress 255 Historical 232 Sequelae 256 Professional Ethics 232 Sexual 263 Psychiatry 233 Torturers 264

HEALTH AND HUMAN RIGHTS 217 Human Rights General Acheson D. Preventing genocide. British Medical Journal, 1996; 313: 1415-17. Africa: A New Lease on Life. Kenya Symposium 1993. OMCT/SOS-Torture, 1993: 295 pp. Alderslade R. Human rights and medical practice including reference to the joint Oslo statements of September 1993 and March 1994. Journalfor Public Health and Medicine, 1995; 17: 335-42. American Association for the Advancement of Science, Physicians for Human Rights. Human Rights and Health: The Legacy of . Washington, DC: American Association for the Advancement of Science, 1998: 217 pp. Amnesty International. Amnesty International Report 1998. London:Al Publications, 1998: 395 pp. Amnesty International. Japan:Abusive punishments in Japaneseprisons. London:AI Index: ASA 22/04/98, June 1998: 19 pp. Baccino-AstradaA. Manual on the Rights and Duties of Medical Personnel in Armed Conflicts. Geneva: ICRC, League of Red Cross Societies, 1982. Balson PM, Dempster CR, Brooks FR. Auto-hypnosis as a defense against coercive persuasion. American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis, 1984; 26/4: 252- 60. Benatar SR. Global disparities in health and human rights: A critical commentary. American Journal of Public Health, Feb 1998; 88/2: 295-303. Berkovskaya M. The victims of political repression. Torture,1996; Suppl: 12. Bothe M, Janssen K. The implementation of international humanitarian law at the national level: Issues in the protection of the wounded and sick. International Review of the Red Cross, 1986: 189-99. Braun de Dunayevich J, Puget J. State terrorism and psychoanalysis. International Journal of Mental Health, 1989; 18: 98-112. Breytenbach B. The True Confessions of an Albino Terrorist.London: Faber and Faber, 1984: 396 pp. Brody E. Biomedical Technology and Human Rights. Paris:UNESCO, 1993: 311 PP. Bronkhorst D. Truth and Reconciliation: Obstacles and Opportunities for Human Rights. Amsterdam: Amnesty International, 1995: 173 pp. Chaloner E. Time for a ban on landmines. British Medical Journal, 1996; 313: 366-67. Chiswick D. Sentencing mentally disorderedoffenders. British Medical Journal, 1996; 313: 1497-98. Claude RP. Scientists and human rights: An historical partnership.Netherlands Quarterly of Human Rights, 1995; 13: 41-50. Cohen EA. Human Behaviour in the Concentration Camp. London:Free Association Books, 1988: 295 pp. Corillon C. The role of science and scientists in human rights. Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 1989; 506: 129-40. Coupland R. "Non-lethal" weapons: Precipitating a new arms race. British Medical Journal, 1997; 315: 72. Crelinsten RD, Schmid AP (eds), The Politics of Pain. Leiden: PIOOM, 1993: 195 PP. Desmond C. : East and West. Harmondsworth:Penguin, 1983: 172 PP. Draft Convention for the protection of human rights and dignity of the human being with regardto the application of biology and medicine: Convention on Human Rights and Biomedicine. European Journal of Health Law, 1996; 3/3: 309-19. Foucault M. Discipline and Punish: The Birth of the Prison. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1982: 352 pp. 218 Vol. 4 No. 1 Grove R. Greece: A Greek tragedy revisited. Lancet, 1991; 338: 107-8. Gudjonsson G. The Psychology of , Confessions and Testimony, London: Wiley, 1992: 362 pp. Gudjonsson G, MacKeith JAC. Retracted confessions: Legal, psychological and psychiatric aspects. Medicine, Science and Law, 1988; 28: 187-94. Guilty innocents: The road to false confessions. Lancet, 1994; 344: 1447-50. Hu H, Kyaw Win U, Arnison ND. Burma:Health and human rights. Lancet, 1991; 337: 1335-36. lacopino V. Human rights: Health concerns for the twenty-first century. In: Andreopoulos GJ, Claude RPP (eds), Medicine and Health Care into the Twenty-First Century. Pennsylvania Academy of Science, 1995: 376-91. International Commission of Jurists. Human Rights and Mental Patients in fapan. Geneva: ICJ, 1985: 94 pp. International Committee of the Red Cross. The of August 12, 1949. Geneva: ICRC, 1989: 245 pp. Kahanowitz S. Medicine's search for the truth. Torture, 1997; 7: 36-38. Kandela P. Medical journals and human rights. Lancet 1998; 352 [suppl.II]:7-11. King MC. An application of DNA sequencing to a human rights problem. Molecular Genetic Medicine, 1991; 1: 117-31. Lavik JL(ed), Pain and Survival: Human Rights Violations and Mental Health. Oslo: Scandinavian University Press, 1994: 244 pp. Lucas T, Pross C. Arzt und Menschenrechtsverletzungen [Doctors and human rights violations]. Schweizerische Arztezeitung (Themenheft Menschenrechte [1]), 1998; 40: 1983-90. Marcussen H, Schulsinger F et al (eds), The Faces of Inhumanity. Copenhagen: Al Danish Section, 1984: 202 pp. Mental Disability Rights International. Human Rights and Mental Health: Uruguay, 1995: 59 pp. Meron T. On the inadequate reach of humanitarian and human rights law and the need for a new instrument. American Journal of International Law, 1983; 77: 589-606. Moutin P, Schweitzer MG. About the prevention of mass-murder.Annales de M6decine et Psychologie, 1995; 153: 651-55. Metress EK, Metress SP. The anatomy of plastic bullet damage and crowd control. International Journal of Health Services, 1987; 2: 333-42. National Academy of Sciences Committee on Human Rights. Science and Human Rights. Washington, DC: National Academy Press, 1988: 92 pp. National Academy of Sciences Committee on Human Rights. Scientists and Human Rights in Syria. Washington, DC: NAS, 1993: 65 pp. Neumann E (ed), Proceedings of the III International Conference on Health, Political Repression and Human Rights. 24-29 November 1991, Santiago. FASIC, 1993: 444 pp. Peters UH. Ober das Stasi-Verfolgten-Syndrom[STASI persecution syndrome]. Fortschritte der Neurologie-Psychiatrie, 1991; 59/7: 251-61. Pityana NB, Ramphele M, Mpumlwana M, Wilson L (eds), Bounds of Possibility: The Legacy of Steve Biko and Black Consciousness. Cape Town: David Philip Publishers, 1991: 264 pp. Punamaki RL. Psychological stress responses of Palestinian mothers and their children in conditions of military occupation. Quarterly Newsletter of the Laboratory of Comparative Human Cognition, 1987; 9: 76. Reiner L. Justice in heaven. Lancet, 1996; 348: 737-38. Report of the Chilean National Commission on Truth and Reconciliation, Vol I and II. Notre Dame: Center for Civil and Human Rights Notre Dame Law School, 1993. Riquelme H (ed), Era in Twilight: Psychocultural Situation Under State Terrorismin Latin America. Bilbao:Instituto Horizonte S.L. 1994: 222 pp.

HEALTH AND HUMAN RIGHTS 219 SagangerJ. Organhandel: Kroppsdelartill Salu [Organtrade: Body parts for sale]. Stockholm: Alfabeta Bokforlag, 1994: 368 pp. Scheper-Hughes, N. Small and invisible genocides. Social Science and Medicine, 1996; 43: 889-900. Silove D, Schweitzer R. Apartheid:Disastrous effects of a community in conflict. In: Wilson JP,Raphael BNY (eds), International Handbook of Traumatic Stress Syndromes. New York:Plenum Press, 1993: 645-50. Staatstoezicht Op De Volksgezondheid. Incidents regardingthe medical assistance provided to civilians by the Dutch Defence Hospital Organization (KHO)in former Yugoslavia. Inspectie voor de Gezondheidszorg, 1996: 55 pp. Steppe H. Nursing in Nazi Germany. Western Journal of Nursing Research, 1992; 14: 744-53. Stover E. In the shadow of Nuremberg:Pursuing war criminals in the former Yugoslavia and Rwanda. Medicine and Global Survival, 1995; 2: 140-47. Summerfield D. Raising the dead: War,reparation, and the politics of memory. British Medical Journal, 1995; 311: 495-97. Torrelli M. Le Medecin et les Droits de l'Homme. Paris: Berger-Levrault,1983. Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC)South Africa. Final Report, 5 vols, Johannesburg:TRC, 1998. Ugalde A, Vega RR. State terrorism, torture, and health in the Southern Cone: Review essay. Social Science and Medicine, 1989; 28: 759-65. Ugalde A, Zwi A. Towards an epidemiology of political violence in the Third World. Social Science and Medicine, 1989; 28: 633-42. Wachenfeld MG. The Human Rights of the Mentally Ill in Europe. Copenhagen: Danish Centre for Human Rights, 1992: 292 pp.

AIDS BrandtAM. The syphilis epidemic and its relation to AIDS. Science, 1988; 239: 375-80. Cameron E. Human rights, racism and AIDS: The new discrimination. South African Journalon Human Rights, 1993; 9: 22-29. Cameron E, Swanson E. Public health and human rights: The AIDS crisis in South Africa. South African Journalon Human Rights, 1992; 8: 200-233. Chetty M. Human rights, access to health care and AIDS. South African Journal on Human Rights, 1993; 9: 71-76. Dickens BM. Legal rights and duties in the AIDS epidemic. Science, 1988; 239: 580-86. FigueroaM. AIDS, the Namibian Constitution and human rights: An overview. South African Journalon Human Rights, 1993; 9: 30-38. Gillon R. AIDS and medical confidentiality. British Medical Journal, 1987; 294: 1675-77. Gostin LO, Lazzarini Z. Human Rights and Public Health in the AIDS Pandemic. Oxford:Oxford University Press, 1997: 192 pp. Harding T, Ummel M. Consensus on non-discrimination in HIV policy. Lancet, 1992; 341: 24-25. Hauserman J (assisted by Muttreja A). Ethical and Social Aspects of AIDS in Africa. London: Rights and Humanity, 1989: 55 pp. Hdusermann J,Danziger R. Women and AIDS: A Human Rights Perspective [IS/ AIDS/Publ.13/1991]. London:Rights and Humanity, 1991: 4 pp. Jallow HB, Hunt P. AIDS and the African Charter. Banjul:African Centre for Democracy and Human Rights Studies, 1991: 27 pp. KirbyM. AIDS and the law. South African Journalon Human Rights, 1993; 9: 1-21. Kirby M. Human rights and the HIV paradox. Lancet, 1996; 348/903: 1217-18. Leech BE. The right of the HIV-positive patient to medical care. South African Journal on Human Rights, 1993; 9: 39-70. Mann J,Tarantola D (eds), AIDS in the World II: Global Dimensions, Social

220 Vol. 4 No. 1 Roots, and Responses. Oxford:Oxford University Press, 1996. Mann J, Tarantola D, Netter TW (eds), AIDS in the World. Cambridge,MA: HarvardUniversity Press, 1992: 1038 pp. Mariner WK. AIDS research and the . In: Annas GJ, Grodin MA (eds), The Nazi Doctors and the Nuremberg Code. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1992: 286-303. Rhoads H. The new death row: Prisons abuse inmates with AIDS. The Progressive, 1991; 9: 18-22. Rights and Humanity. The Rights and Humanity Declaration and Charter on HIV and AIDS. London:Rights and Humanity, 1992: 21 pp. Rindar K (trans. Lysell R). AIDS: Public health and personal freedom. International Lesbian and Gay Association Bulletin, 1988; 2: 18-20. Scheper-Hughes N. AIDS, public health, and human rights in Cuba. Lancet, 1993; 342: 965-67. Sieghart P. AIDS and Human Rights: A UK Perspective. London:BMA AIDS Foundation, 1989, 102 pp. Tomasevski K, Gruskin S, LazzariniZ, Hendriks A. AIDS and human rights. In: Mann J, TarantolaD, Netter TW (eds), AIDS in the World. Cambridge,MA: HarvardUniversity Press, 1992: 538-73. United Nations Commission on Human Rights. Discrimination against HIV-infected People or People with AIDS. Final report submitted by Mr. Varela Quiros. E/CN.4/Sub.2/1992/10, 28 July 1992, Geneva: UN-ECOSOC, 1992: 43 pp. United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights. HIV/AIDS and Human Rights. International Guidelines. Second International Consultation on HIV/ AIDS and Human Rights. Geneva, September 1996. New York and Geneva: UN Publications, 1998: 63 pp. Walters L. Ethical issues in the prevention and treatment of HIV infection and AIDS. Science, 1988; 239: 597-603.

Bibliographies Bernier L. A selected bibliographyof human rights and the right to health. Health and Human Rights, 1994; 1/1: 110-20. Eitinger L, Krell R. The Psychological and Medical Effects of Concentration Camps and Related of Survivors of the Holocaust: A Research Bibliography, 1985: 168 pp. Gruskin S, Studdert D. A selected bibliography of women's health and human rights. Health and Human Rights, 1995; 1/4: 477-97. Hendriks A, Neufeldt AH, Mathieson R. A selected bibliography of human rights and disability. Health and Human Rights, 1995; 1/2: 212-25. L6ryN, LabartheJE. Torture: Bibliographie. Lyon: Universite Claude-Bernard,1984. Lykes MB, BrabeckMM, Ferns T, Radan A. Human rights and mental health among Latin American women in situations of state-sponsored violence: Bibliographicresources. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 1993; 17/4: 525- 544. Radelet ML, VandiverM. Capital Punishment in America: An Annotated Bibliography, 1988. VerstappenB (ed), Human Rights Reports: An Annotated Bibliography of Fact-finding Missions, London:Zell, 1987: 393 pp. Vincent A. A selected bibliographyon current issues in humanitarian action. Health and Human Rights, 1996; 2/1: 151-57.

Children Kandela P. Children and the state. British Journal of Hospital Medicine, 1989; 42/6: 498. Lawyers Committee for Human Rights. The WarAgainst Children: South

HEALTH AND HUMAN RIGHTS 221 Africa's Youngest Victims. New York:Lawyers Committee for Human Rights, 1986: 151 pp. Leventhal T. The Child Organ TraffickingRumor: A Modern "Urban Legend." Washington, DC: United States Information Agency, 1994: 44 pp. Lykes B. Terror,silencing and children: International multidisciplinary collaboration with Guatemalan Mayan communities. Social Science and Medicine, 1994; 38: 543-52. Protacio-Marcelino E. Children of political detainees in the Philippines: Sources of stress and coping patterns. International Journal of Mental Health, 1989; 18: 71-86. Scanlon TJ, Tomkins A, Lynch MA, Scanlon F. Street children in Latin America. British Medical Journal, 1998; 316: 1596-1600. Schaller JG, Nightingale EO. Children and childhoods: Hidden casualties of war and civil unrest [editorial]. Journal of the American Medical Association, 1992; 268: 642-44. Silove D. Children of apartheid:A generation at risk. Medical Journal of Australia, 1988; 148: 346-53. Sottas E, Bron E. Exactions et Enfants [Exactions and children]. Geneva: Organisation Mondiale Contre la Torture, 1993: 77 pp + annex.

CorporalPunishment Amnesty International. Pakistan: New Forms of Cruel and Degrading Punishments. London:Al Index: ASA 33/04/91, 1991: 7 pp. Amnesty International. Sudan: Amputation and Flogging. London:Al Index: AFR 54/01/84, 1984: 4 pp. Amnesty International. Whippings:South Africa. London:AI Index: AFR 53/19/ 90, March 1990: 3 pp. Amnesty International French Medical Commission. CorporalPunishment: A Study of Legislation and Practice in 18 Countries. Paris:Amnesty International, 1992. Bennoune K. "A practice which debases everyone involved": Corporal punishment under international law. In: 20 Ans Consacr6s a la R6alisation d'une Idee: Recueil d'Articles en l'Honneur de Jean-JacquesGautier [20 years dedicated to the realization of an idea: articles in honor of Jean-Jacques Gautier], Geneva: Association for the Prevention of Torture, 1997: 203-29. Johannes Wier Foundation. Health Professionals and CorporalPunishment. Amersfoort: JWF,1990: 10 pp.

Education American Association for the Advancement of Science. Taking up the Challenge: The Promotion of Human Rights-A Guide for the Scientific Community. Washington, DC: American Association for the Advancement of Science, 1993: 40 pp. Andreopoulos GJ, Claude RPP (eds), Human Rights Education for the Twenty-first Century. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1997. Chapman A, SpirerH, Spirer L, Whitbeck C. Science, scientists and human rights education. In: Andreopoulos GJ, Claude RPP (eds), Human Rights Education for the Twenty-first Century. Philadelphia:University of Pennsylvania Press, 1997: 359-73. Cohn J. Medical education on violations of human rights: The responsibility of health personnel. Medical Education, 1996; 30: 161-62. Genefke IK, Markussen H, Soerensen B. Rehabilitation of torture victims: Teaching. Health Hazards of Organized Violence, 1987: 155-65. Johannes Wier Foundation. Health and Human Rights: A Course for Doctors, Nurses, and Paramedics (in Training), 1996: 108 pp. Keller AS, Horn SK, Sopheap S, Otterman G. A Cambodian human rights

222 Vol. 4 No. 1 education programfor health professionals. In: Andreopoulos GJ, Claude RPP (eds), Human Rights Education for the Twenty-first Century. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1997: 335-58. Mann J, Lazzarini Z, Gostin L, Gruskin S. Teaching human rights to public health practitioners. In: Andreopoulos GJ, Claude RPP (eds), Human Rights Education for the Twenty-first Century, Philadelphia:University of Pennsylvania Press, 1997: 334-44. Sonis J, Gorenflo DW, Jha P, Williams C. Teaching of human rights in US medical schools. Journal of the American Medical Association, 1996; 276/20: 1676-78. Sorensen B, Vesti P. Medical education for the prevention of torture. Medical Education, 1990; 24: 467-69.

Fact-finding American Association for the Advancement of Science. Apartheid Medicine: Health and Human Rights in South Africa, Based on an AAAS Medical Mission of Inquiry to SA in April 1989. Washington, DC: American Association for the Advancement of Science, 1990: 131 pp. American Association for the Advancement of Science. Report of a Medical Fact-Finding Mission to El Salvador, 11-15 fanuary 1983. Washington, DC: American Association for the Advancement of Science, 1983. American Committee for Human Rights. Human Rights and Mental Health in Chile: A Mission of Enquiry, November-December 1985. American Committee for Human Rights, 1985: 23 pp. Breslin P, Kennedy D, Goldstein R. Report on a Mission to Uruguay. New York: New York Academy of Science, 1985: 31 pp. Eisenberg C, Halperin D, HargreavesA et al. Health and human rights in El Salvador.New England Journal of Medicine, 1983; 308: 1028-29. F6derationInternationale des Droits de l'Homme. Rapport de Mission: Enquete sur un eventuel trafic d'organes d'enfants [Mission report:inquiry on possible organ trafficking involving children]. Paris: FIDH, 1988: 30 pp + appendix. Geiger HJ, Cook-Deegan RM. The role of physicians in conflicts and humanitarian crises: Case studies from the field missions of Physicians for Human Rights, 1988 to 1993. Journal of the American Medical Association, 1993; 270: 616-20. Geiger J et al. Special report:A new medical mission to El Salvador.New England Journal of Medicine, 1989; 321: 1136-40. Gellhorn A. Medical mission report on El Salvador.New England Journal of Medicine, 1983; 308: 1043-44. Helsinki Watch, Physicians for Human Rights. Medical Mission to Czechoslovakia: A Report by Helsinki Watch and Physicians for Human Rights. New York:Helsinki Watch/ PHR, 1988: 36 pp. Hu H et al. Use of chemical weapons:Conducting an investigation using survey epidemiology.Journal of the American Medical Association, 1989;262: 640-43. Johannes Wier Foundation. Albania: Health and Human Rights. Amersfoort: Johannes Wier Foundation, 1992: 22 pp. Johannes Wier Foundation. Health and Human Rights in Romania. Amersfoort: Johannes Wier Foundation, 1992: 41 pp. Johannes Wier Foundation. Health and Human Rights in the Philippines. Amersfoort: Johannes Wier Foundation, 1991: 100 pp. Johannes Wier Foundation. Soins Medicaux dans les Prisons du Maroc. Amersfoort: Johannes Wier Foundation, 1992: 61 pp. Johannes Wier Foundation. Yugoslavia:Mistreatment of Ethnic Albanians. A Case Study. Amersfoort: JohannesWier Foundation, 1991: 20 pp. Johannes Wier Foundation, Physicians for Human Rights-UK. South Africa

HEALTH AND HUMAN RIGHTS 223 1991: Apartheid and Health Care in Transition:A Report on Progress, Impediments and Means of Support. Amersfoort: JohannesWier Foundation, 1992: 64 pp. Lok V. The medical proof of torture. Schweizerische Arztezeitung (Themenheft Menschenrechte [2]), 1998; 41: 2035-38 Middle East Watch, Physicians for Human Rights. The Anfal Campaign in Iraqi Kurdistan: The Destruction of Koreme. New York:Human Rights Watch, 1993: 116 pp. National Academy of Sciences Committee on Human Rights. Scientists and Human Rights in Chile: Report of a Delegation. Washington: NAS, 1985. National Academy of Sciences Committee on Human Rights et al. Scientists and Human Rights in Guatemala: Report of a Delegation. Washington: NAS, 1993. National Academy of Sciences Committee on Human Rights et al. Scientists and Human Rights in Somalia: Report of a Delegation to Somalia, 25 Oct. to 1 Nov. 1987. Washington: NAS 1988. Physicians for Human Rights. "Bloody Sunday"-Trauma in Tblisi: The Events of April 9, 1989 and their Aftermath. Boston: PHR, 1990: 69 pp. Physicians for Human Rights. The Casualties of Conflict: Medical Care and Human Rights in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. Somerville: PHR, 1988: 46 pp. Physicians for Human Rights. The Crackdown in Kashmir: Tortureof Detainees and Assaults on the Medical Community. Boston: PHR, 1993: 41 pp + appendix. Physicians for Human Rights. El Salvador: Health Care Under Siege. Boston: PHR, 1990: 74 pp. Physicians for Human Rights. Health and Human Rights in Burma (Myanmar). Boston: PHR, 1991: 14 pp. Physicians for Human Rights. Health Care in Detention: A Study of 's Treatment of Palestinians. Somerville: PHR, 1990: 46 pp. Physicians for Human Rights. Hidden Enemies: Land Mines in Northern Somalia. Boston: PHR, 1992: 50 pp. Physicians for Human Rights. Hidden From View: Human Rights Conditions in the Krome Detention Center. Boston: PHR, 1991: 81 pp. Physicians for Human Rights. Human Rights on Hold: A Report on Emergency Measures and Access to Health Care in the [Israeli] Occupied Territories, 1990-1992. Boston: PHR, 1993: 91 pp + appendix. Physicians for Human Rights. -occupied Kuwait: The Health Care Situation. Somerville: PHR, 1991: 35 pp. Physicians for Human Rights. Kenya: Medicolegal Aspects of the Inquest into the Death of Peter Njenga Karanaja. Somerville: PHR, 1988: 14 pp. Physicians for Human Rights. Medicine Under Siege in the Former Yugoslavia 1991-1995. Boston: PHR, 1996: 197 pp. Physicians for Human Rights. Mistreatment of Ethnic Albanians: A Case Study. Somerville: PHR, 1991: 30 pp. Physicians for Human Rights. Operation "JustCause": The Human Cost of Military Action in Panama. Boston: PHR, 1991: 55 pp. Physicians for Human Rights. Panama 1987: Health Consequences of Police and Military Action. Somerville: PHR, 1988: 73 pp. Physicians for Human Rights. Return to the Darkest Days: Human Rights in Haiti Since the Coup. Boston: PHR, 1992: 28 pp. Physicians for Human Rights. Sowing Fear: The Uses of Tortureand in Chile. Somerville: PHR, 1988: 109 pp. Physicians for Human Rights. The Suppression of a People: Tortureand Imprisonment in Tibet. Somerville: PHR, 1989: 62 pp. Physicians for Human Rights. Torturein Turkey and Its Unwilling Accomplices. Boston: PHR 1996: 262 pp.

224 Vol. 4 No. 1 Physicians for Human Rights. United States. Cruel and Inhuman Treatment: The Use of Four-Point Restraint in the Onondaga County Public Safety Building, Syracuse, New York.Boston: PHR, 1993: 109 pp. Physicians for Human Rights. Unquiet Graves: The Search for the Disappeared in Iraqi Kurdistan. Boston: PHR, 1992: 41 pp. Physicians for Human Rights. The Use of Tear Gas in the Republic of Korea:A Report by Health Professionals. Somerville: PHR, 1987: 16 pp. Physicians for Human Rights. Winds of Death: Iraq's Use of Poison Gas against its Kurdish Population. Somerville: PHR, 1989: 40 pp. Physicians for Human Rights, Africa Watch. No Mercy in Mogadishu: The Human Cost of the Conflict and the Struggle for Relief. New York:Human Rights Watch, 1992: 25 pp. Physicians for Human Rights, Asia Watch. Bloody May: Excessive Use of Force in Bangkok (The Events of May 17-20, 1992). Boston: PHR, 1992: 50 pp. Physicians for Human Rights, Human Rights Watch/America. Waiting for fustice in Chiapas. Boston: PHR, 1994: 159 pp. Physicians for Human Rights-Denmark. Ill-treated and Killed Soldiers in the Soviet Army (With Special Reference to YoungMen from Latvia). Aarhus: PHR/DK, 1991: 44 pp. Physicians for Human Rights-Denmark. A Mission to Kashmir. Aarhus: PHR/ DK, June 1993: 45 pp. Physicians for Human Rights-Denmark/UK. After-effects of Acoustic Shocks Used by the Soviet Army on Unarmed Civilians, Vilnius, Lithuania, January 11-13, 1991. Aarhus: PHR/DK, 1992: 47 pp. Physicians for Human Rights-UK. Egypt 1993: The Abuse of Human Rights and the Imposition of the Law of Guarantees for Democracy in Professional Union Associations. Dundee: PHR/UK, 1993: 38 pp. Physicians for Human Rights-UK. Kashmir 1991: Health Consequences of the Civil Unrest and the Police and Military Action. London: PHR/UK, 1991. Physicians for Human Rights-UK, Johannes Wier Foundation. South Africa 1991: Apartheid and Health Care in Transition:A Report on Progress, Impediments and Means of Support.Dundee: PHR/UK, 1992. Rasmussen OV et al. The medical component in fact-finding missions. Danish Medical Bulletin, 1990; 37: 371-74. Reiter RB, Zunzunegui MV, Quiroga J. Guidelines for field reporting of basic human rights violations. Human Rights Quarterly, 1986; 8: 628-53. San Francisco Committee for Health Rights in El Salvador.El Salvador 1985: Health, Human Rights, and the War.A Report of the Third Public Health Commission on El Salvador. San Francisco:San Francisco Committee for Health Rights in El Salvador, 1985. Violations of Medical Neutrality: El Salvador. A Report by the International Commission on Medical Neutrality. Seattle: International Commission on Medical Neutrality, 1991: 42 pp + appendix. Voguet D, Raat AM. La Faim pour la fustice. Rapport d'une Mission d'Information Juridique et Medicale, Maroc, 3-7 Sept 1989 [Hungerfor justice: report of a mission for legal and medical information]. Leiden: Johannes Wier Foundation, 1989: 78 pp.

Health Professions American Association for the Advancement of Science. Directory of Persecuted Scientists, Engineers and Health Professionals. Washington, DC: American Association for the Advancement of Science, 1995: 122 pp. Amnesty International. Brazil: Human Rights Violations and the Health Professions. London: Al Index: AMR 19/25/96, 1996: 19 pp. Amnesty International. Health Personnel: Victims of Human Rights Violations. London:Al Index: ACT 75/01/91, April 1991: 30 pp.

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