V olume 2 3 – I ssue 4 • summer 2 0 0 5 - 0 6 Incorporating The Bulletin Opinions expressed throughout this journal are the Contents contributors own and do not necessarily reflect the views or policy of Sports Medicine Australia (SMA). Members and readers are advised that SMA cannot FROM THE CEO ___________________________________________ 2 be held responsible for the accuracy of statements made in advertisements nor the quality of the goods or services advertised. All materials copyright. Sports Medicine in the 21st Century: Roald raises the bar On-acceptance of an article for publication, copyright passes to the publisher. Publisher Sports Medicine Australia PO Box 237 Dickson ACT 2602 Dr J __________________________________________________ 4 Tel: (02) 6230 4650 Fax: (02) 6230 5908 Will a Nobel ever be awarded to someone in sports medicine or science? Email:
[email protected] Web: www.sma.org.au Circulation: 5000 ISSN No. 1032-5662 Editors DOPING IN SPORT _________________________________________ 7 John Orchard Kerry Mummery Adam Firth: The new Australian Sports Anti-Doping Authority ___________ 7 Managing Editor Dominic Nagle Chief Executive Officer Adam Firth: The Mark French case ________________________________ 10 Gary Moorhead Subscription Manager Grant Schofield & Geoff Dickson: Ethics and doping: an issue of context __ 11 Joyce McClune Advertising Manager Dominic Feenan Design/Typesetting Levitate Graphic Design ANOTHER GOOD YEAR: Australian Sports Commission annual report _____15 SMA State BRANCHES ACT ACT Sports House 100