Domestic Violence Discussed at Special LHS Assembly B Y Philip Silva *
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THE COMMERCIAL Fortune favors the brave. ~ Terence 254 H ea d er T H U R S D A Y , N O V E M B E R 1, 2001 Established 1922 OF LYNDHURST Domestic violence discussed at special LHS assembly B y Philip silva * Signs on telephone poles are illegal The Township of Lyndhurst in forms all residents that placing signs of any type on telephone poles is illegal. Any signs placed on poles will be promptly removed by the police department and the department of public works. Emergency squad Photo, Debra Winters seeking volunteers On the March - Lyndhurst Mayor James Guida is shown addressing the crowd at a rally with members of Cease Fire New Jersey and the Million Mom March. Guida was there to show his support for Democratic The Lyndhurst Police Emergency candidates Sen Garry Furnari and Assembly candidates Paul Sarlo and Walter Wargacki. U.S. Sens. Jon Squad is looking for people interested Corzine and Robert Torricelli, and Congressman Steve Rothman also turned out to offer support Cease Fire in learning what to do when someone New Jersey and Million Mom March endorsed Furnari for Senate and Sarlo and Wargacki for Assembly based needs help. on the candidates' strong commitment to reducing gun violence. The organizations blasted Republican As C ontact 201 -804-2511 or come to 297 semblyman John Kelly, candidate for Senate, for co-sponsoring bill A-1679, which would allow NJ residents to Delafield Avenue, Lyndhurst. carry concealed weapons. See full story on page 2. LHS Class of ‘86 Cases of domestic violence are have been thrust into a new school holding its reunion rarely talked about in public. Police after being at the top of the grammar Jefferson School 5th graders bury time capsule departments tend to shy away from school heap for all of 8* grade. The By Dkbra W i n t e r s The Lyndhurst High School class of providing news sources with program helps students understand H i ■ 1986 has planned its 15 year reunion information on domestic violence that there are people they talk to and for Friday, Nov. 23 at the San C arlo cases. Vjctims arc often too ashamed trust in their new learning Restaurant. Those who have not yet or afraid to seek out help or environment. received their invitations or who need counseling. Kennedy is a dynamic performer, more information should contact Trying to solve a problem when throwing all of herself into the M ichael Voza at 201 -935-9095 there is a taboo on talking about it presentation. Before turning her Dinner planned to presents public health and law mother’s story into a one-woman enforcement officials with a sticky show. Kennedy tried to put the same benefit 9/11 victims dilemma. Yet every now and then, an lessons into a book. She quickly opportunity arises to tackle the found that performance was a The Lyndhurst Relief Fund is hold problem. stronger way to get her message ing a beefsteak dinner in honor of the Carla Kennedy, a performer who across, and decided to stick to the memory of those who lost their lives tours the metropolitan area acting out stage. in the Sept. 11 attack. All proceeds will her own mother’s story of domestic “ I started this program seven years benefit the Lyndhurst families who lost abuse, recently brought such an ago,” Kennedy said. loved ones in the attack. opportunity to Lyndhurst High LyndhurstY freshman class was The dinner will be held on Wednes School. receptive to Kennedy’s presentation, day, Nov. 7 at 7 p.m. at the Lyndhurst “ I open myself up to the students, Sibilio said. Senior Citizen Building, C'lcaveland and I find that they can talk about “ For a period of time, you could Avenue The price is $30 per ticket. No the issues I bring up,” Kennedy said have heard a pin drop.” he said. during a brief interview before the During the post-performance tickets at the door. Photo, Debra Winters Oct. 22 assembly. question and answer session, the Call 201 -939-1015 for more informa The Lyndhurst Municipal Alliance students asked “ good questions," Time capsules are a tiling of the past ture and those shoes have been re The students also dropped in tech tion. sponsored Kennedy’s appearance at according to Sibilio. The program in every sense of the word. Memories buried," $tellato Said. nological developments of their time Disney on Ice at arena the high school. Detective Captain went slightly over the time that of yesterday arc safely tucked away Located in the parking lot behind including a cellular phone, and a CD Robert Sib ilio organized the school administrators scheduled for to be unearthed decades later. Some Commissioner Paul Passamano, Jr.. Stellato’s Funeral Home, students gath player complete with a CD of popular assembly, gearing it toward the high it, but the questions were on topic, Director of the Department of Parks L yndhurst students are finding that to ered on Oct. 23 to fill the capsule, music. school's freshman class. and a decision was made to let the and Recreation announcea a trip to be true as they learn an important les which is really a small coffin. Students On a more emotional level, the stu According to Sibilio, the program program keep going for as long as it the Continental Airlines Arena to see son in preserving history. wrote letters to themselves and in dents obtained a New York City fire is important for the freshmen, who was necessary "Disney on Ice presents Toy Story cluded photos, then sealed them in fighter hat and placed it in the time 2.” Health Dept, issues w arning Less than a week after Jefferson plastic zip-lock bags to ensure protec capsule along with pictures of the sky The trip will be on Saturday, Nov. 24 School’s 5th grade class of 1979 dug tion. Maps were also drawn to make line before and after the Sept. 11 at for an 1J a.m. show. The price of the about lead in drinking w ater up a time capsule buried some 20 years finding the hole a much easier process tack. tickets will be $28 for child/adult. The ago, Tracey Stcllato and Diane the second time around. Initially, it took “They felt it was important to include bus will leave from the Parks Depart The Lyndhurst Department of Pub particularly the exposure of infants Jankowski's 7th graders from two-days of digging to find the exact things that had to do with the twin tow ment at 10:15 a.m. lic Works has issued the following who drink baby formulas and concen Roosevelt School followed suit bury location of the first time capsule. ers,” said Stellato. For additional information, call the public notification. trated juices that are mixed with water. ing their own capsule in the same hole. Other items of interest that students Parks Department at 804-2482. The United. States Environmental The EPA estimates that drinking water It is scheduled to be opened in 2021. Protection Agency, New Jersey De can make up 20 percent or more of a collected to put in the time capsule The most chilling moment was when Next shopping trip set partment of Environmental Protection person’s total exposure to lead. Responsible for the first time capsule were a current daily newspaper and the the students placcd a zip-lock bag Commissioner Paul Passamano, Jr., and Lyndlurrst Water Department ar Lead is unusual among drinking wa were Jefferson School’s Barbara Oct. 25 edition of the Commercial scaled with a flag that was dug up with Director of the Department of Parks concerned about lead in our drinking ter contaminates in that it seldom oc Wynne and Marie Mlon. Leader, Time Magazine, a poetry book the first time capsule. Although it was and Recreation announces that the water. Several locations in town have curs naturally in water supplies like “ The irony is that Mrs. Wynne from Roosevelt School, a set of state a bit tattered and tom, it proudly with next shopping trip for Lyndhurst se been found to have legd[in the drink river and lakes. Lead enters drinking worked with my mom IQ Jefferson quarters, iy^Ajmerjean flag, coigs, a list stood damage that other items buried nior citizens will be Wednesday, Nov. ing water above the EPA action level water primarily ¿s a result of the cor School and Miss Jankowski was a stu of the current food prices, a menu from did not. And if that’s not enough to 7 and will go to the Woodbridge Mall of 15 parts per billion (ppb). Under rosion or wearing away, of materials dent. I was two-years-old in the origi Mr. Bruno’s Pizzeria, toys, and ticket give you the shivers, maybe this will - in Woodbridge. Federal Law, we are required to have a containing lead in the water distribu nal photo and had shoes buried in the stubs from the Yankees, Mets, Jets, the first time capsule was buried over Seniors will leave from the Town Hall program in place to minimize lead in tion system and household plumbing. first time capsule. And now that pic and Giants. 20 years ago on Sept. 11 Park (Delafield Avenue) promptly at our drinking water. This program in These materials include lead-based 9 a.m. and leave Woodbridge Mall at cludes corrosion control treatment, solder used to join copper pipe, brass 2 p.m. thus returning to Lyndhurst at service lines replaced to the curb stop and chrome plated brass faucets, and Lyndhurst Police Blotter 3 p.m.