Fall Crocus goulimyi Rating: 0.0 ( 0 votes)

This description is for Fall crocus (Crocus goulimyi):

Another striking deciduous perennial flowering , crocus goulimyi is one of the more favoured of the due mainly to the warm, rounded shape of its beautiful blossoms. Commonly called the autumn or fall crocus, it flowers after the heat of summer, producing large goblet-shaped lavender or white blossoms that sit atop short stems just above its clump of slender, strap- shaped mid-green leaves. It has three large outer tepals, with three paler inner tepals, which open to reveal creamy throats and golden-yellow stamens. Ideally suited for gravel beds, rockeries and slopes, the autumn crocus thrives in poorly fertile, well-drained locations in full sun. No pruning is necessary.

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Plant Environment Usage

Known dangers? Acidity Standard category no Acidic Flowers & bulbs Neutral Bulbs Alkaline

Height [m] Hardiness zone Grown for 0 - 0.1 Z6-9 Attractive Flowers Plant Environment Usage

Spread [m] Heat zone Creative category 0.1 H9-6 Kid Approved Fine fragrants For Beginners Colours For birds & bees Author's choice

Dominant flower colour Winter temperatures [°C] Garden type Violet -23 - -1 Cottage garden Rock garden Coastal Containers City Gravel garden

Flower Fragrance Heat days Garden spaces Yes, let it smell 45 - 150 Flower beds Borders

Flowering seasons Moisture Gardening expertise Early autumn well-drained beginner Mid autumn Late autumn

Foliage in spring Soil type Time to reach full size Green sandy 2 to 5 years Clay chalky loams

Foliage in summer Sun requirements Green Full sun

Foliage in Autumn Exposure Green Exposed Sheltered

Awards? Yes, let it smell

Propagation methods seed offsets

Growth habit Erect