JACOll H. ·KEENEY, The coal interests of Be'll Coun- ty are of such importance as to command the attention and. engage the energies of some of the leading men of the state who find in this line of business pr-ofitable ttntg Investments,' Jacob H. Keeney of Middlesboro is one dttft of the men who have been connected with the develop. ment of the ..natural resources of this region. He is '~ man of unusual. business. acumen, and his name and Inftl;lenc.e have ?een sought by other organizations, and he lS ·Vlce president of the N-ational Bank of Middles- boro, J~cob H. Keeney was born in .Switzerland County, Indlapa,' October 5, 1863, a son of Hiram B. Keeney, t\ Visit To Plains, GA and gr~.ndson of John Keeney, who was born in New York State. He was drowned in the Ohio River in ~witzerland County, Indiana. when ,he was in middle lIfe. By trade he was a millwright. and he spent the greater: part of his life in New York State, coming to Swttzerland Count» at the same time as his son Hlra~ B. Keeney. He was married to a Miss Harris: a natlve of New York State, who d:ed in Switzerland County. The birth of H:iram B, Keeney occurred in New . X~~'in~21, and his death, in Switzerland _,2'~~~" };~c~:.~a:~c'~~;=:"?:~~~.a:~~"~c.;~~~;,~~c~~~d~ ana, tnere ne became a prominent farmer and civil englne~r, H,e married Delilah Humphrey, who was born .In SWitzerland County, Indiana, in 1829, and died In that county in 1884: Their children were as follows: La~r:a K., who married P, W. North a far:n~r of. R1Slng. Sun, Ir:diana: George H., who ':"'as a C1V.tlengl.neer, died at Rlslng, Sun, Indiana, in March. 1920, HOSler, who was a retlred wholesale druggist died at Seattle, Washi,ngton, in 1919; and Jacob H.: who was the youngest 10 the family, Jacob H. Keeney was reared on 'his father's farm and attended the schools of his native county remain- ing at home until he was twenty-two years' of age. From. 1887 to 1888 he was engaged in railroad con- structlOn 'York in Missouri on the Santa Fe Ra;lroad, an,d then In December, 188g, he came to Middlesboro. HIS first ~mployment after coming to this city was .~ecured, WIth the fire ~epar:tment. and he remained in A description by cousin BOB DOUGLASS and wife Ginny of I~ for three years, leaVIng It to enter upon his present their visit with Former President Jimmy Carter and the Maran- line of endea\OOr, At present he is general manager atha Baptist Chutrch and Sunday School. Bob, born. and and a stockholder of the Bryson Mountain Coal & Coke Company, whose mines are located in Bryson raised in , was the son of Bob Douglass Sr and Tennessee, and have a capacity of 200,000 tons of LILLIAN KEENEY DOUGLASS, daughter ofFlem D. Keeney bituminOUs coal ann'-!ally. Mr. Keeney is also vice 1879-1965 & Ida Meadows Keeney preslde~t of the, National Bank of Middlesboro, and t is a fact that the average American can't sit and eat a hamburger with ex-President Bill lS also mterested In 15,000 acres of coal and timber land :::linton,or show up in Kennebunkport and go boating with George Bush. But he can near Stearns, Kentucky. He is .a republican. In reo ligious belief he is a Christian Scientist. A Mason ,ravel to Plains, GA to hear the 39th president and latest Nobel laureate Jimmy Carter 'he belongs to Pinnacle. Lodg-e No. 661, F, and A. 'M : teach Sunday school. Nearly 10,000 visitors, from every state in the Union and many continued on Pa e 8 --' .- ., foreign countries, attend services at the Maranatha Baptist Church in Plains each year.

Recently, we traveled to Plains, about 150 miles southwest of our home in Lilburn, GA, a suburb of Atlanta, to hear "our most famous, Jiving former President". Arriving in Plains around noon on a Saturday, we paid a visit to the Jimmy Carter National Historic Site, situated in the former Plains High School which both Jimmy and wife Rosalynn had CHLlCKATLlCK. VA' attended. Later we drove two miles west of town to the restored, boyhood home of President Carter. We spent Saturday night in nearby Americus at the Windsor Hotel which ANYONE FROM CHUCKATUCK? opened in 1892, and was renovated and restored nearly a century later. It is one of For years UPDATE has been holding Georgia's most historic hotels, a great place to spend a night. Americus is also the home of a LDS record of JOHN KENEY at Habitat For Humanity, an organization with which President Carter is closely'identified. Chuckatuck, Isle of Wight VA, with Catherine, is wife. John was born 6 Next morning we arrived at Maranatha Baptist around 8:30 AM, for the 10:00 AM Oct 1692. This is the area of Nanse- Sunday School service. We had been forewarned to get there early, as the church seats mond Co near Newport News. only about 300 people. A goodly number were already on hand, including the ubiquitous Several'New England families mi- tour bus or two. And we were able to get ourselves a couple offront row seats. We felt grated to the Virginia coast in the that by sitting near the front, we could have ourselves an "up-close and personal" late 1600s, according to MA history. experience. The coincidence of knowing that a John & C~therine Keeney are listed Mr. Carter appeared promptly at 10:00 AM, accompanied by several Secret Service as parents of another John Keeney Agents. He introduced Rosalynn, arid they spoke for several minutes discussing where who settled in Greenbrier VA!WV their travels were taking each of them during the coming week. Mr. Carter jokingly asked: after 1750 makes one inquisitive. "Are there any Visitors here today?" Among the congregation there were about 40 foreign military officers; who were visitinll:from nearbv Fort Benning. Jimmy asked each Any suggestions? contin.ued on next page JUNE 20Q3 CARTER continued of them if they would please stand and identify the country they were representing. With KEENEY nearly all the soldiers who stood, Mr. Carter would comment: "I know your President POTPOUJ{Rl very well; he's a fine man." Or..."Yours is a beautiful country; I had the pleasure of visiting there. " KEENEY POTPOURRI CALDWELL COUNTY MO MARRIAGES What kind of teacher is Mr.Carter? To observe him, he appears very humble, soft-spok~n, BURTON KEENEY m.Sarah T Barker 5-2-1876 intelligent, well-prepared, and knows the Bible intimately. Speaking for about 45 minutes, HARLEY CLARENCE KEENET m. Pearl M. ·withvery little reference to notes, President Carter did not disappoint. He involved the Connor 11-29-1917 class directly, frequently asking questions - most of which got answered promptly and HARRIET KEENEY m.Lafayette McDonasld fairly accurately. You tend to pay attention when the former President of the United States 6-12-1870 is teaching the class! IDAHMKEENEYm.JVernon Smylie 12-23-1912 JOSEPH A KEENEY m.Mrs Alice Barlow After a short intermission, church services began with the Reverend Dan Ariail presiding. 2-19-1885 Reverend Ariail noted that on days when the Carters were not there, the church's JOSEPH F KEENEY ill.Susar Peabody 9-3-1890 attendance typically runs anywhere from 25 to 50 members. During Sunday SchooJ.,we MARGARETT KEENEY m.Arch Stevenson had noticed that the second row, the row directly behind us, was blocked offwith a 9-13-1889 "Reserved" sign on the end of the pew. It turned out that this particular row was always MARYKEEl\'EY m.Josiah Lybarger 9-9-1869 reserved for the Carters, their family and friends. Being seated directly in front of the Carters was another very up-close and personal experience. (Mr. Carter has a very good From 600,000 PEOPLE CONNECTED TO singing voiee,bythe-way)c--cc-- . --- _._- "-~-. ~-.._.- - --- ~-~------:EUROPf:ANROYALJY - ALEXANIJERKEENEy···b~1709 . .-\fier church was over, everyone formed up outside to have our pictures taken with BENJAMINKEENEYb.l8 Jan 1695 President Carter and Rosalynn ("No autographs, please"). Maranatha's members have a DONALD KEENEY (living) m.Rachel Tedards good routine established for taking photos and keeping the line moving. Although the DOROTHY KEENEY b.29 May 1707 weather wasn't the best, the Carters stayed there alongside the church until everyone had HANNAH KEENEY b.7 Jan 1700 . gotten their pictures taken. When our turn came, and ",,-bilewe were standing beside the JOHN KEEl\'EY b.22 May 1699 Carters, Mr_ Carter said to me, "Thank you for coming;" 1 said, "Thank you for having JOSEPH KEENEY b.8 Nov 1693 us; I like the way you live your life" "Thank you", he replied. Believe me, it was a most JOSEPH KEENEY b.1666 ll1. Hannah Hills memorable, and always to be cherished moment. MABEL KEENEY b.25 May 1704 MARY KEENEY b.cl715 m.John Ashcraft _-\fierw-ardswe joined other church goers and headed for Mom's Cafe in Plains for a SUZANNA KEENEY b.1712 delicious home-style lunch. Later, we visited the famous green and white Plains railway station that served as "Jimmy Carter For President" campaign headquarters. Just across McrnTOSHCOUNTY

Glenn Keeney has spent much of his life contributing to the development of karate students and promotion of the art throughout middle America. And in Anderson, Indiana, where he operates several schools, it is common for several thousand spectators to turn out for one of his tournaments. Keeney started training in karate when he was a high school senior in 1958. Lacking a local place to train, he would hitchhike to a dojang run by a Korean instructor in Cincinnati, Ohio. But the school _ closed shortly there after, forcing Keeney to limit his instruction to self- Karate Ins.!r~ctorhelp books and sporadic lessons in garages. ~~~- After several years of this frustration, he was able to find a black belt ;~"rru·:t':':-i;; Ol2:,:owar. gC'_~_r::u In '966. when he ,:ias a brown belt. Keeney and another karateka, J Jr.n C1amDers. opened a school in Anderson. However, their black belt instructor would later drop out of the business, forcing Keeney to test for and receive his black belt from the United States Karate G'·na Yaye V ,ney Association (USKA), of which he was a member. &I ~\.I .fiJee Keeney would compete in more than 3DO tournaments before retiring from competition in 1974. He Future Lawyer GINA KAYE KEENEY, dau of Floy' fought most of the best in all parts of the country and was rated number four in the BLACK BELT top Randolph & Sherry Ward Keeney, of Boomer WV is 10 fighters of 1972, the year he won the USKA Grand Nationals lightweight division. Based upon saluted by KEENEY UPDATE on her graduation Ma: victories in tournaments sponsored by the USKA in 1972 and '73, the organization rated him the 18 from West Virginia University with the degree of Juris Doctor. Her KEENEY LINE: Floyd R, Floyd W number one fighter. & Rhoda Proctor, John S II & Rosa Cline Keeney, Voted best tournament promoter for four consecutive years by the USKA, Keeney also represented John S & Hannah Frazee Keeney, Stires J & Amelia the organization twice in Europe as a member of a goodwill team. He helped rewrite the standard GatewoodKeeney tournament rule book used at all USKA events and today, as a regional director, writes, edits and ~ publishes a USKA newsletter for the state of Indiana. ~ PA T-T:\". Children of},1ichael Keeney and Nancy Wiley are: Thomas seI\~ frequently on th~ Jefferson Co D grandjUIy - 3 i. Jacob3 Keeney, born 08 March 1818 in Tennessee; died 25 April 1883 1792-1802. receiwd 67 acres for Sl,OOOin Greene Co TN, later in :\1issouri.. sold to Francis Carter 1814-16. While his brother Jonathan was 4 ii. John Keeney, bOll: Abt. 1820 in Tennessee (Source: establishing himself in Indiana brother Joseph was starting an \vww.familysearch.com.). Anderson Co T:\" legaCYlasting to this day. and brother James 5 iii. Thomas Keeney, born 10 March 1824 in Tennessee; died 28 October was killed in the W~ ~fl812. -Thomas ~de plans to follow the 1900. He married Louann Waite 12 August 1853 in Jackson County, trail West. eyentualh being listed in Lafavette Count>·.MO in ~1issouri (Source: www.familysearch.com. Marriage records, 1827-1917 1827 and in the 183(1vefu~. On 20 September 1822 he had Jackson County (Missouri). Recorder of Deeds, Thomas Keeny m. Louann purchased land from Gabriel Pruitt in Saline Co MO. \Vaite lZ August 1853 also Thomas Keeny m. Lavinia Wade 8 December In these early vell..'llirecords Thomas was listed \\ith a 1853.). "ife, 5 daught~rs and two SOllS.Apparently some of the SOllS - 6 iv. Elijah Keeney, born. Febn.:ary 1827 in Tennessee; died 13 June 1893 and daughters had died in childhood or had remained in Tenn- in Belton, Cass County, Missoun. essee. sioce a gl2:~IJingof all these emly '\lissiuri county records - v. Fountain Keenev. born 25 June 1829 in Missouri (Source: identified emly:lrree in the JacksdonCass Co '\10 area. \\\\\\familysearch.c~m.); died 26 May 1857 in Missouri (Source: Keeney ,\,OTES O~ L~·,,-\ITLY OF THO~i..\S & ~iARY: Famih BUf\ing Ground. online transcription. Cemetery no longer exists) L JOSEPH D _-\"ID KEE".'.r:y (named for two of Thomas marri~d Eli~ab~th \Vilson ZO August 1853 in Jackson County, Missouhri _ . _. " (Source \v\\,\\ familvsearch com, Fountam KEE1\'Y Spouse' Ehzabet brothers. b. 181J2 1ll Cocke Co TN; farruly hsted 1ll 1840 WILSON Marriage'ZO Aug 1853 Jackson, Missouri.). Jackson Co ::"'10 census, living with his mother, Mary, who 8 vi. Isaac Keeney, born 10 November 1833 in Missouri; - was between 80 & 90 agei wife: SarahP(lrl:810 in K¥) - died 20Aprili906. was received into Blue Ridge Baptist Church, Grandview More About Isaac Keeney: Burial: Belton, Cass County, Missouri.(Sour.ce MO in 1866' children included MARY KEENEY who m Keeney Family Burying Ground, Miss Frances Keeney, Belton, Mlssoun) , .• _0 Le'vi Snyder 16 Nov 1854 in Cass Co MO and NANCY 9 vii. Da\'id Keeney, born Abt 1834 in r..1issouri(Source JANE KEENEY who ill. James Harris 25 Apr 1869; \\\\\vtamilysearchcom); died 25 May 1857 in Missouri. Nancy was b.1844, sister Jane A in 1846 and sister Marg- _HoreAbout David Keeney: Burial: Keeney Family Burying Ground aret Fin 1848. Keeney Family Burying Ground, online transcription: David Keeney, d: II. NANCY KEENEYb.1782 in r\, d.19 May 1859, ill. '\1ay 25, 1857; age: 25 years. Cemetery no longer exists.) JAMES MASSEY (b.c1789, d_18-1-9in Jackson Co MO (some records say 1842), listed in 1810 Chatham Co NC) 10 \iii. .'vfar}'Ann Keeney, born 05 March 1836 in Missouri (Source www.familysearch.com.);died 04 January 1917. She married Isaac 1. on 24 May 1827 in Salina Co ~fO by Rev Peyton Nowlin; Holloway 22 March 1860 in Jackson County; Missouri (Source: established settlement in Independence MO, later lived wwwfurnilysearyh.com, Marriage records, 1827-1917 Jackson County in Miami Co KS; four children: i'\fissouri) Recorder of Deeds: Mary Ann KEENEY m.Isaac Holloway ALLENIA MASSEY 1829-1911 m. William M Meador '\far 1860 Jackson, Missouri.); born 1832 in Kentucky (Source: JOHN E MASSEY 1832-1909 and ISAAC MASSEY \\Wwrootsweb.com, Shellie); died 1918. 1834-1870, born in Jackson Co., both served in Civil WORLD wAR I REGISTRATION War and married sisters v.ith SAGE surname ALBERT BURDETIKEENEY b.17 Oct 1892 ELIZABETH A :t\1ASSEY b.1836 m. Thomas Jefferson .. inJ2.~weese NE"'registered in Nez Perce, Idaho PHILIP KEENEY: LIE~~JAN, PROGR (VE ADVOCATE, L(Et~L (!~(!f(f)OWN V((!f(H

This much has been established: PHILIP KEENEY and his wife Mary 1. were fired from Montana State University (Missoula) for "subversive a.::ti\ity" in 1938 as a part of the McCarthy era investigations leading up to Wotld War II, but within two years was at the in Wash- ington, Philip served with the OSS (forerunner of the CIA) and Mary Jane Michaelson achieves Dean's List statusFLO~"DA ""

MEMORJAL TO KEENEY RESEARCHERS ACTIVE IN OREGON AND MISSOURI (()~ The KEENEY FAMIL Y has lost two sincere family researchers in the states of Oregon and Missouri. .Jacqlyn Keeney JACQLYN KEENEY 1951-2002 of Sherwood OR Jacqlyn "Jackie" Keeney of Sherwood, formerly of Eugene, died died of cancer on September 11,2002. Her family line Sept. 11 of cancer. She was 51. includes Lester 1899 & Arlene M Keeney/Henry 1878 Keeney was born April 7, 1951, in Eugene to Lester and Arlene in.\l0 & Violet/James Blandon 1838-1911 & Susan Morgan Keeney. She married Nor· ShankJonathan 1813 -1878 & Mary C Shoemaker/John man Olde in Eugene on Sept. 27, 1973. Keeney Ir of Holt Co MOlJohn Jonathan Keeney 1750 She lived in Triangle Lake from &: \!ary Buckhalter/John Keeney, original Keeney sett- 1951 to 1967. when she moved to ie:- m Greenbrier VAi\VV. Eugene. She relocated to Sherwood in 1975. She worked in retail and as ~:.i~qlyn:L'1d her husband traveled from Oregon to WV a seeuri ty officer. She enjoyed cook, '.= :r3:~eh.:r fa..'llilyroots. Her early demise will be sore- ing. Survivors include her mother, of ::- T::Jl~sed by Keeney researchers. Eugene; a grandmother, Nina Mor, gan of Junction City; a son, Brian Hf~~ouDr.»~ The Register-Guard, Eugene, Oregon, Yelton of Sherwood; a brother, Kim Keeney of Cottage Grove; and a sis· BETTY J. J 0 R0A N September 19, 2002 ter, Benai of Eugene. No services are planned. Chapel 1930 2003 BETfY KEENEY JORDAN of Memories Funeral Home in Eu, - Betty Keeney Jordan (6rant & Mary Dick'KcefJey,-" c~eng iBjn_chargec~arrangeI1).ents. ",~ .••••_~ __ .-. ~ ~ James 1780 In TN & Ruth (Annie) Ramsey Keeney, Keeney Family History ~ames & Ann Rostock Keeney ofHoIt Co MO) died Great--great--great grandfather - John Jonathan Kenney -b. 25 Dec. 1750, Greenbrier Co. VA d. 1 Jan. 1805 m. Annie Elizabeth Poets - b. 1754. ~ Feb 2003 in Independence :\10. (A'er the past decade Great--great grandfather James Keeney b. 1780 in Tennessee d. 4 she has c.QTISlstentlycontributed famih' records as well April 1841 near Paducah. KY.m. Ruth Anna (Annie) Ramsey 8 Feb. 1821 in as iinanclill support to KEE:'.T"f l."PDA TE. :\1ilitaJY LaFayette Co. MO. Ruth b. 15 Jan. 1803 d. 17 July 1899. Purchased a 3..I1.dtarrLIly re;:;;,ds ;of James Keeney haw been pub1ish- farm in Clay Co. in 1839, sold after his death by Anna. Children: John, Sarah. Joseph, Eleanor, Anna, Leatha. Jane, Rhoda. Elizabeth, James ;:,: ltD::~ "'1.~ :2....'.2l:phmographs. Ramsey, George Madison. Great grandfather James Ramsey b. 16 July 1839 in Ray Co. MO. d. :\""orman E. Bass 1 Aug. 1913; m. Anna Rostock 22 March 1860 Oregon. MO. Anna b. 24 I~_eZ L. B::-·:~·c'~c}~.55. of LER-\...\O::\. Va. - ::\orman Oct. 1840 Dayton, Ohio, d. Doniphan Co. KS.4 children: James Ferdinand, ~2.\·~-e3 ci~Js.:::cd t:--~s =.ire Fri- ")::. Bass, 84. of Lebanon, \'0. .. Nancy Anna. Nathan Henry, Ellen Mae. Grandfather James Ferdinand b. 13 Oct. 1861 in Oregon. MO d. 4 passed away on Feb. 9. 2003. Feb. 1917 m. Anna Alice Gentry 11 Oct. 1887 in Oregon. MO. Anna b, 26 ~~~~;~~;.~~g2~·s~~;:i~e~:~iL-Fferan extended illness. Nov. 1868 Oregon. MO; children 6: Bessie Alice b, 1 Sept. 1890 d, 21 Jon She was born Bom on .June 17. 1918, in Feb. 12. 1915. 1893, Alfred b. 30 June 1892 d. 27 Jan. 1893: Ella b. 30 Aug. 1894 d. 11 Oct. {)liley, \\'Ya., he was the son of 1906; Nathan b. 21 Sept. 1897 d. 22 Oct. 1906; Grant b, 5 Oct. 1905 d, 20 L": ::--Iammouth. :t.l].e,late .Jerrv and Jessie Bass. a daughter of Dec. 1968: Moss b. 3 Feb. 1910 d. 26 Dec. 1980. All buried in Maple Grove Norman was retired from :he cemetery, Oregon, Missouri. Anna monied William Baker 27 Dec. ]925. :he latE Leslie -Clinch Ri"er Plant or .-U:P as " a.::.c: E:hel Father Grant Keeney b. 5 Oct. 1905 d. 20 Dec. 1968 m. Mary Louise shift engineer. He ),\-2.:::: a ~:e=-:::- E~..:c.!J.a~~ Dick 25 Sept. 1926 Oregon, MO. Mary b. 18 July 1907 d. 9 June }996. ber D: :l:e E~:;': Ga:-ce:-_ L-::..:.:c~ ~E7::~;:" _S~_e :5 ~le:hDiis: Cr:-":"'2:--~ a::-.':: :.::." ~:-~:~'=-~_:' - L,,:'c..::.o::-. bJ::s C',,::: He ,-.:o.s "' William T. Keeney _::-=-~:.=. ~~.- ~2~:'\G!"lc 1"i,\-~II YE:ET2..!'.;. 2.::"::' .:: Born: 121"17/1953 ~_...:::=::-=-,:: '::"2._~_ '!i:e::!:~EC- 0: ~~ .-\.:.--:-:"C-:22.::-, Died: 1011/2002 PENNSYLVANfA L,,~:::. );"':,::::.&.::-. '·-:2.S 2. :'2,'·::--.e:' . . __~_ '. -"=-:. =-:7-~:=-_~_:-:::::.::.-==--:: Services will be held at: The Church of St. Gabriel, Mohawk Ave., Norwood, _= '_ ~:::~:-_ ,---=-~-=~. 3. :'-=::':-2:' ::OD~ Friday at 10 a.m. i'Ol" .3naron~Dawes grade .. ".'3urvivors include his wife, Visitation times are: Thursday eve from 6-9 p.m. at the Cavanagh Family school, and attended Miami ,tIene C, Bass; Olle-----son, Dr. Funeral Home, Norwood, Nazarene Church. Michael L. Bass and wife, Survivors include three ~ather of SpotsylvaI'ia. Va .. William T. Keeney of Lincoln University, Pa., died unexpectedly on October 1st. ::'a:.:s-h:ec-s. ::--Iary White of i;i.yo grandsons, Jona:r:an E Beloved husband of Carolyne Bula Keeney, beloved father of Christopher Keeney of Lincoln. Pa .. and Shannon Dadich of Lancaster. Devoted son of Gertrude and ~ ~..-. E:~_E~ _-\.-..:~cc.::iG of 13.}.~s~~dv~.~,.;J:.;iie~.c.:'~~csh' the late Frank J. Keeney of Norwood. Brother of Gertrude Carma, Frank X. '"'. 70 ,,-_ "":"::':'2. ~ e=e::-,; C,' '.e.". "-"''-' Dc.. ~CC_-'I.. Bc."" Ol R.c,,· _ :'":::-'-::-::==-_7:;::=-_. ?=.-.:.=. jl->":"="- .,:n'J:::::. \-E." b:-c:::e:"s. Jor-'-L Ba3:: Keeney, Robert J. Keeney. John R. Keeney. Patrick J. Keeney, Martin P. Keeney, - = == __:-_~::..::. ~-="--'="=- ~,;.::.:. ':: :.~::':-.-~2.:::"je:TY Bass ~:- Josep~ P Keeney. Mary EIJen Lepere, Stephen J. Keeney, Barbara A. Keeney, ~,,~:::-...:.zi:-~ :=Jf==-_:-jsB~5S or h:-e:-_- and Daniel F Keeney. Aiso survived by 2 grandchildren and nieces and nephews. :-..:.:'=':;.- 2.:',::' J 2.ck B2.sS of );"':':-- Intermen: Samts Peter and Paul Cemetery, Marple, io~. ''02...: :',;.:lDerOUS nIeces 2f'.::: :-;e~·I:.c-'·;5a150 survive. I:\EZ LlliO\L-\ KEE~'EY 1915-2003 m. (1) Lewis Dunbar on P2.l:bearers will be Henn ;::-l-l93.1 (2) Earl Brocken 1914-d.4-16-1988. Her KEENEY -- ~-::-'::':::"""-=----. ~:a'2-'; R2.Y, Charlie Ray, Ben Thomp. 'me Harry Leslie 1890-1970 & Ethel Lucretia Hudnall Keeney/ - .::-~--=.+- _'=':='':-_c~::,:: and son; V,iillard Dingus, Jonathan ---:-:.-~~.-=~~=-=~:::'c~,~':: :J2CO:&..: and Bass and David Bass. .~."1)RE\\ JACKSON 1867-1899 & Fannie Hoode Stanley 0'=-=-::2... :~e~''-e, E::::e: Pea:', I.vneral service will be 8 .'(EE Ey ROBERT "Bull Bob" 1833-1909 & Mary] Bowles P.~.,ThJ,l. rsday, Feb. 13, at UE:\E'" \HCHAEL R l804-1870s & Elizabeth Gatewood ?'=e:-'=':' ser-:::ces will be con- LEilifanon Memonal United KEE'\EY \lOSES 1766-c1840 & Frances Harris KEENEY :::..:::e::: .\l:::.::'ay, Feb, 24, 2003, M~hO.dist Church, Lebanon, ~~ ::.::. a,=. at Pryor Funeral v: ,WIth the Rev, Paul Hite \'OR.\L-\'\ EL\lO BASS 1918-2003 was the husband of ILENE =:.:=e, Eas: Bank, with the o iating. C.-\ULE KEENEY b, 12-13-1923, youngest daughter of James :.c". E::-c"='d.a Gray officiating. A graves ide service will be 1 T 18~5-1960 & Edna Jacobs Keeney and granddaughter of 3',,:::-::a'. will follow in Morit- p,m. Friday, Feb. 14, 2003, at Foster Keeney 1835-1909 & Eliza Gatewood'Xeeney. c'==-.e",- .\lemoriai Park, Lon· Montgomery Memorial Park, London, WVa, KEENEY UPDATE KEENEY Family Line: Masrgaret Ann Muriel Allan Margaret Ann Lutes GoodyearLares/ Irene ::::oiner& Hulen Muriel E. Allan, 82, of Maquoketa died Thursday, March MONTGOMERY - Mar- James lioodyear/ William Andrew & 6, 2003 at Finley Hospital in Dubuque following a brief ill- garet Ann Lutes, 76, of Mont- Mary F Frye Coiner/ Nancy Jane ness. gomery entered into rest Sat- KEENEY 1838-1894 & George H Coin- Funeral services will be urday, March 29, 2003, in er/ STIRES JADE & Amelia Gatewood held at 11 a.m. Saturday, Charleston Area Medical Cen- KEENEY/ MOSES & Frances Harris March 8, at First Lutheran ter Memorial Division. KEENEY Church, Maquoketa, with Born Feb. 2.8,- C-ann--e-It-o-n-.------the Rev. Gerald Gjerde offi- 1927, in Car- Survivors include her com- ciating. bondale, she Burial will be held in the panion, Larry Robinson; her was the daugh- Salem Lutheran Cemetery, children and their spouses, ter of the late Spragueville, with military Carol and Bob Perry of Cleve- Hulen, James honors accorded by Timber land, Ohio, Jess "J.R." and Bar- and Irene City American Legion Post Coin e r bara Baldwin of Montgomery 75, O'Connor-Regenwether Goodyear. She Heights, and James R. ",Cook" Veterans of Foreign Wars was also pre- and Connie Baldwin of Hand- Post 3633 of Maquoketa and ceded in death ley; sister, Helen "Sug" Bald- Andrew AMVETS Post 62. by her brothers, Donald and win of Columbus, Ohio; grand- Visitation Was held from Bill Goodyear. children, Johnnie Adkins Jr., 2 to 7 p.m. Friday at Hay- Brian Baldwin, Bridget Bald- lock-O'Hara & Lahey She was a member of Apos- win and Jessie Baldwin; great- •Funeral Home in Maquoketa tolic L:'.ghthome in :'fount Car- grandchildren, Mitchell and and from 10 a.m. to service bon, and had formerly been' Brittany Adkins. She is sadly time on Saturday. at the employed at Handley YMCA missed by her loving pet, Benji. church. and Skaggs Enterprises in Mrs. Allan was born May 18, 1920 in Preston to Louie F. and Luella (Keeney) Eckelberg. Hazel Marie Keeney She married George Robert Allan on Oct. 21,1958 in San Antonio. Texas. He died on Nov. 13. 1964. Hazel Marie (Gaylord) Keeney was born in Henderson, Iowa and grew up on a farm near Mrs. Allan was a lieutenant colonel in the U.S. Army, serving during World War II and .the Vietnam War. She Seymour, Iowa. She married Clare Keeney and they lived at Pammel Court, Ames, until Clare was an operating room nurse in' the Army Nurse Corps for graduated with a BSEE in 1960 from LS.U 28 years. ' She traveled all over the world and was stationed in Hazel and Clare raised a large family of five children. They moved to Campbell, CA in 1962 Japan, West , Belgium and Vietnam. She had received the National Defense Service Medal and In addition to being a busy mother and doing day care for other children, Hazel pursued a Army Occupation M,edalfor Germany. hobby of doll collecting. She became active in several collector clubs including the AlBC Doll She was named an All American District Commander for Club, the Madame 1985-86 by the commander-in-chief of the Veterans of For- Alexander Doll Club, the Santa Clara Doll Collectors and the Collector's United Doll Club. eign Wars of the United States, John S. Staum of Minneapo' lis. She held the positions of district junior vice commander Hazel became an expert in the field of doll collecting, contributing articles and illustrated talks and district senior vice commander and was commander of for many years. She was consulted by other collectors and professionals in the field on the the Maquoketa O'Connor-Regenwether Post 3633 for four finer aspects of dolls from the 1900's to modern dolls. She made her hobby both educational years. and fun. She was the first woman in Iowa to be named to the ------office, Taken from a history of Sullivan County by George Streby She was a member of First Lutheran Church, Timber City American Legion Post 75 and O'Connor-Regenwether \iFW Burton L Keeney was born in Braintrim Township, Wyoming County, 1840, a son Post 3633, Maquoketa. Survivors include three stepchildren; three sisters, Mar- of Ezra Keeney. Richa'rd Keeney, an ancestor, came from Connecticut with the jorie Boell, Hayfield, Min~., Vivian Rq,e,Maquoketa, and early settlers of Wyoming Valley. Mr Keeney lives on a farm in Sciota Vale where Eloise "(Mrs. Harry) Rubel, Otter Creek; three brothers, Louis "Bud" (and Shirley) Eckelberg and Don Eckelberg. both of Maquoketa, and Eugene (and Barbara) Eckelberg, the service 4 years during the Civil War. Mrs Keeney was a daughter of HD Grand Mound Williams of Braintrim Township, Wyoming County. She was born in 1859. Mr. Lala R. Keeney and Mrs. Keeney were married in 1882 and to them have been born: McROSS - Lala' R. Keeney\ 97, of McRoss died ApriLl19i Anna M, married to Charles E Miller of Sciota Vale, LeRoy B, and R. R. (Ray or 2003. Service will be 3 p.'mi Wednesday, April 23, at Wal~ ROSEMARY KEENEY, 55, of Old Bridge died July 5 in Robert Wood lace & Wallace Funeral Home< Johnson University Hospital, New Brunswick. Surviving are a brother, Rainelle. Friends may calLono Joseph Keeney of the Bronx, N.Y.; a sister, Julia Anne Keeney of Fort hour prior to service. Bur~al Lauderdale, Fla.; two nephews and three nieces. Services were held at will be in Wallace Memo;J;'tifJ Freeman Manalapan-Marlboro Funeral Home, Manalapan. Memorial Cemetery, Clintonville. - contributions may be made to the Tourette Syndrome Association, 42-40 LOLA C RATUFF KEENEY b.1905 Bell Blvd., Bayside NY 11361, married SUMMERS WINFORD ~'.REENEY DEATIIS- La~renceCo{)H 1909~1933: KEENEY, b.1896 in Boone Co WV. d. 1973at McRoss WV, son of ~~/ Alice Keeney 5-2-1931, Charles Hampton 2-20-1935, Clarence H 6-6-1938, • JOHN PATRICK & Maet Frances .18.~0,,/, Fred B 3,24-1941"Hamilton H 1,-30-1942, Id~. B.,ooth 6-27-1941, M.B. 10-24-1942, Nelson KEENEY ~> John F 10-26-194'4, Margaret 7-19-1936, Martha 6-9-1937, Sarah E 12-19-1937, Orin 3-25-1944, Sarah Eliz,abeth 4-17-1937 JACOB KEENEY s:~T~J='~a.s ,,"t::t'. and Middlesboro Chapter, R. A. M .. Mr . .K.e~neY. owns 1(£,\,,1::'1 - ,,"[,\,,1:'1 Famjl\ a modern residence on Arthur HeIghts whIch IS onc of the very finest and most desirable hOJ!les in the FfRSr aENE~1fON citJ;. During the late y:ar he took an active part 111 * Ht::" .. a ;'::1 cfJchrL has been all local work was chairman of the committees of all the drives fo~ the Liberty Bonds in Bell County. al1c1 was particularly zealous in behalf of the Red Cross. He bought bonds and war savings stamps, and COI1- IJ~;':~:Z2~2~;';O'"'OId...KEENEY} IN AHH?JCA tributed to all of the war organizations· to the full extent of his means. if . :J_-, so C0l..C!:: bne been a son ot SIr Thomas. AS evidenced In 1884 Mr. Keeney was married in Switzerland " h exnsting ·ec·J-js. he was crandson of Sir County, Indiana, to Miss Mary E. Moore, who was I Tn~mas - - born at Cincinnati Ohio, and educated In the publiC schools of that cit'y. She is a very active worker ill Ii ~ern: si~ie=_·.\ly_t~T~er ..,as ye John the Christian Science Church, and she also belongs [.. I J'.:.ene~_O'-'l Or .\ OITo;:, Ln~e o:de .Engla.nd. and my mother was ye Sarah Cheever. and m the Middlesboro Iviusic Study Club. Mrs. Keene\" i, I .:e-and:atner "'.as \·e ~jr T namas J'.:.eneym i a daughter of ·William 1ioore, who was born at Cil'· cinnati, Ohio, in 1831, and died in that city 111 J 8o~ lynne. ye marcham and trader there who was soye Knighted by ye Goode having passed his enti~e life there, For many year., Queen Elizbeth for ye gifts of ships to ye captaine Daves ye he was a member of the city fire department, and wa s .\a\ igatore -- etc I \e Henr\ was borne ve 8th of the 7th month also a City Commissioner. In politics he was are· pt:bE:an, while in :~aternal matters he was a Masol1 . ,623 and came bv y~ coloni~s in ye yeare ·1635. etc." \\·i:iiam 1ioore ma~~ied M:ary Belknap, who was bom FIRST GE'\1::R.-\TJO.\ I.\ A.\1ERlCA in X ew York State, ir. 1832, and died at Cincinna,ti. John] (Sir Thomas) Ohio, in r868. M~. and Mrs. Keeney hav~ had we following children born to the~: Arden BelKnap, WI'" from England resides at Bryson, Tennessee, IS superintendent of the m Sarah Cheever in England Bryson Mountain Coal & Coke Company,; Hele~, who married C. B, Finley; a coal operato,r, hves. with her She d. 1674 it has been said but I did not find the record parents; Philip H., who is a mechar:l1cal ~ngl,neer. an~ ::1 Salem where the family resided. They also resided for a prospector living at Middlesboro, enhsted In tne cne",- ical warfare service during the late war,. was ~."CO~- Time in '\ewbury the records of\\·hich I have not consulted. poral, and served overseas for seven montns.; \\1

j:\1)L-\...,\OL\ COL:-;TY, IOWA ROSCOE C. KEENEY, JR. :::-r0ill 1920 Census P. O. Box 5519 3?1~C)~~!.~.•.~ ~3~_..:~~~,S~ ':cf:J':C"e s;-~r.e.hOi...-ctI ::-P~-\...'."K F KEE\r;y 56 b. in JL, dau Ruby 22 Charleston, "!IV 25361-0519 304-346-2036 _1Io"'-"-:--":'~"~ 2: :.~==~:?::--e::& ~..~T"T~. Kecne'\-- G Sll3.5 KEE\r;y b. in ~ w-Elizabeth 55 \~.!._"~-~:"=::=='\~:-..:.=": ~.~:J-.'::=I~.~;rrin ~ ::: FR...-\...'."K KEE\r;y 55, w-:Matilda b.IA A.B ... .>Jderson-Broaddus College :\L-\ .. \X-est \-irginia Cni'-ersiry OREGON. WARREN McDONALD KEENEY b.1862 WV, d. 1932 OR (s/o Robert H & Julia A Kell~y Keeney wh~ went to Kansas in 1866 but returned to WV where Julia died in 18-6. Robert & children settled in Pottawatomie Co iI1 un:; 'In 1YO 1 the family left for the \Vest, settling in Ce,10rado: after 20 years rhe family moved to Salem OR \\ here the father worked for a packing company. He was wed in 1890 to Minnie Elva McLaughlin (b.in Cadiz OH 2-1-1872) CHILDREN OF Warren McDonald and Minnie, in a pl;::ture furnished by daughter Goldie Keeney Stout 1904- lY9·t are: 1 to r first row WARREN MCDONALD II 1908- 1980 San Jose.CA; WJLLIAM ROBERT 1894-1974 Port- land OR; and DENZJL CLAUDE 1901-1961; standing: GRA.CE ELIZABETH KEENEY 1892-1968 ill. James M. Sehon: GOLDIE MARIE KEENEY 1904-1994 m, James "' Stout 1898-1981, lived in Tacoma WA; and MABEL ROBERT KEENEY LINE: Stires Jade & Amelia Gate- "'.0c-xi K~eneyl .Mo.ses & Frances Harris Keeneyl John &. Catherine Keeney