Israel Natural Gas Demand Forecast 2017-2040
Israel Natural Gas Demand Forecast 2017-2040 July 2nd, 2017 Disclaimer This report, the analyses and conclusions are based on information that has been generated or reviewed by BDO Ziv Haft Consulting & Management Ltd. (hereinafter: "BDO"). The analysis and conclusions contained in this report are based on various assumptions, which are subject to uncertainty. Future results or values could be different from the forecasts and analyses contained here. BDO makes no representations or warranty, express or implied, as to the accuracy or completeness of the underlying assumptions, estimates, analyses or other information contained in this report, and nothing contained herein is or shall be relied upon as a promise or a representation, whether as to the past, the present or the future. The report is based on public information. The study is not a due diligence or a valuation report and the procedures necessary for conducting due diligence and/or valuation, such as an in depth examination of the Company’s undertakings and agreements, were not performed in the process of carrying out this study. The forecasts included in the report are based on BDO’s energy forecast model. The usage rights in the underlying model are provided on a non-exclusive basis. BDO provides energy sector forecasting services to various third parties at its discretion, and usage in this report granted is granted without any cause or claim of independence or conflict. BDO provides audit and consulting services to Tamar and Leviathan project shareholder, including but not limited to Delek Group, Delek Drilling and Tamar Petroleum. Prepared by Chen Herzog, Norden Shalabna and Guy Maor 2 Preface The State of Israel is marking the 13th year since the beginning of domestic natural gas production.
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