Giant crowds protest abortion in Washington, other cities

in Washington...... in S. Florida WASHINGTON -(NCI- Hundreds of prolife advocates Thousands of grassroots activists from Dade and Broward counties, from all parts of the country con- young and old, housewives, students, verged on the nation's capital Jan. 22 clergy of various faiths, professionals to mark the third anniversary of the VOICE and non-professionals gathered last U.S. Supreme Court abortion decision week at Miami's Torch of Freedom, and to lobby for a constitutional JANUARY 30, 1976 25c VOL. XVII No. 47 Bayfront Park, to proclaim continued amendment that would overturn it. support for life, on the Anniversary of The demonstrators, estimated by Capital police at between the Supreme Court's pro-abortion ruling. 50,000 and 65,000, were greeted by sub-freezing temperatures The group of over 300 listened to speeches by political, and 30 mile-an-hour winds as they stepped off buses, trains, clergy and lay leaders, then marched, waving posters and planes and cars from at least as far west as Colorado and as far chanting "adoption, not abortion" through busy downtown south as Louisiana. Miami streets to the Federal Building where they picketed for THE MARCH for Life committee, which organized the about an hour on the sidewalk under bright blue but chilly demonstration, said about 65,000 pro-life advocates came from skies. all 50 states to protest against the high court ruling striking At the same time, demonstrators in Palm Beach County down most state laws restricting abortion. and tens of thousands of other local groups throughout the The demonstration began in mid-morning when a few country joined the 65,000 marchers in the nation's capital a thousand persons, many of high school age, assembled in Thursday, Jan. 22, the third anniversary of the court's decision. Lafayette Park across from the White House. They marched on "I HAVE a very personal reason for being against abor- the brick sidewalks there behind a banner declaring: "Abor- tion," said Robert Brake, Coral Gables attorney, ex- tion—A woman's Right to Kill" until demonstration officials commissioner and co-chairman of the ArchBishop's Charities told them to move to the Ellipse near the Washington Drive. "My mother was advised to abort me. But I'm happy to Monument for a pro-life rally that was to end later in the day on be here today." the west plaza of the Capitol building. The Supreme Court decision did more than just allow At the Ellipse, the crowd, which swelled by the hour, heard abortion, the attorney said. more than a dozen speakers including Dr. John C. Willke of the "It opened up a whole Pandora's Box" of social and legal National Right to Life Committee compare the Supreme Court Scout is BRAVE complications, he said, such as whether the husband has the abortion decision to Nazi atrocities against the Jews in World right to deny his wife an abortion, which the courts have denied War II and the 1857 Dred Scott decision which denied See p. 25 even though the couple are legally bound together in all other Continued on Page 4 Continued on Page 4 lStay-at-Home Sunday' set for Feb. 8

"Stay-at-Home" Sunday, ful to participate again in the cultural farm workers, drug bishop Coleman F. Carroll sacrifices that are being made a day which has now become annual ArchBishop's Charities addicts and others. praise them for their past every day by so many of our traditional for South Florida Drive, a campaign which has DURING A series of generosity and urge them to people in order to sustain the Catholic and other interested for the past 16 years provided dinners now. concluding in the increase their pledges in the already existing programs and residents, will be observed in services valued at millions of various counties of South future. Other speakers included institutions which each day aid the eight counties of the Arch- dollars to the needy in all age Florida, thousands of persons Msgr. John O'Dowd, V.F., the needy and the im- diocese of Miami on Feb. 8. brackets and walks of life. have heard first-hand of the pastor, Epiphany parish, South poverished throughout the A time when parish Through pledges payable many and varied needs of the Miami; and Father Jose Archdiocese." community members stay at over the period of one year Archdiocesan welfare and Nickse, assistant pastor, St. home to welcome volunteer South Florida Catholics aid charities programs. Mary Cathedral, who are Arch- workers from their respective dependent children, alcoholics, This week guests attended diocesan Coordinators for the churches, the day provides the the mentally retarded, the dinners in Naples and Key 17th annual drive; Robert M. opportunity for all of the faith- aged, the unwed mother,agri- West where they heard Arch- Brake and Alberto Alejandre, general chairmen; and Msgr. John Nevins, rector, St. John Vianney Minor Seminary. Inside The final dinner of the Classified 24 series will be on Feb. 10 at the Editorial 6 Gospel Truth .. 16 Hotel Breakers, Palm Beach. Know Your AS VOLUNTEERS in Faith 13 parishes prepared to visit the MassTimetableW Movies 12 homes of their neighbors and Prayer 16 friends on Feb. 8, Archbishop Question 6 Carroll praised the sacrificial S.FIa. Scene ..18 giving of those who responded Spanish ... 25-28 TV 11 to the advance gifts phase of Waisti 6 the drive, pointing out that "It Youth 20 Archbishop Carroll Addressed Broward Countians At ABCD Dinner. See other pictures, P. 9. is encouraging to witness the Only because of you...

.... the elderly have something to look forward to. They know that people care.

Senior citizen residences supported fey the ArchBishop's Charities Drive, provide pleasant, secure housing for those in their later years. Here, instead of being removed from the world, the elderly are given the chance to enjoy all that they missed while they were working and raising families.

The Archdiocese of Miami also provides parish level programs and coordinates them through its Commission on the Aging.

The care of our citizens is only one of over 40 services provided by Catholic Charities — thanks to you. Fr. David Punch, Chairman of the Archdiocesan Commission on the Aging, greets senior citizens enjoying lunch through the"HotMeals for the Elderly" program. rch is hop's harities rive

Archbishop Coleman F. Carroll Channel 7's Church President, The Voice Publishing Co. Inc. and the World Today The Archdiocese of Miami Weekly Publication embracing Florida's eight southern counties: this Sunday at Father David Russell Msgr. James J. Walsh Father Jose Nickse Broward, Collier, Dade, Hendry, Glades, Martin, Archdiocese of Miami Monroe and Palm Beach. 9 a.m. will feature Weekly Publication Executive Vice-President Editorial Consultant Consultant MAILING ADDRESS the Archdiocese of Second-class postage paid at Miami. George H. Monahan P.O. Box 38-1059 Miami's role in caring Florida. Subscription rates: $7.50 a year, Editor Miami, Fla. 33138 Foreign. $10 a year. Single copy 25 cents. TELEPHONES for the elderly. Published every Friday at 6201 Biscayne Editorial - 758-0543 Blvd., Miami, Fla. 33138 VOICE STAFF Advertising — 754-2651 Member: Southern Catholic Newspaper Group. Circulation — 754-2652 22 newspapers in 10 states. Over V4 million cir- Fred C. Brink Advertising Dir. Ft. Lauderdale - 525-5157 culation. Available to advertisers on a 1 order Fred Priebis — Circulation Supt. Glenda Walkinshaw — features editor W. Palm Bch. — 833-1951 basis. Phone: 305/754-2651 for details. Robert O'Steen — News editor Gustavo Pena — Spanish editor Pete Sharkey — Broward Ad. Rep. 782-1658 Marjorie L. Fillyaw — Local news editor Tony Garnet — Photography

Page 2 / Miami, Florida / THE VOICE / Friday, January 30,1976 Settlement urged in Lebanon, Mid-East WASHINGTON-(NC)-The head of the "The example of Christians and Moslems Bernardin said that such a response is not only U.S. Catholic Conference-National Conference of living together in a single society of Lebanon is a dictated by "humanitarian concern," but also "an Catholic Bishops (USCC-NCCB) has urged the unique testimony to religious liberty in the world; appreciation of the significance of Lebanon in the U.S. government to back inclusion of Palestinians no effort should be spared in preserving the fabric life of the Middle East, politically, culturally, in any talks aimed at a Middle East settlement, of this unique society," the statement said. economically and religiously." while recognizing Israel's right to secure borders. SOME observers of the conflict in Lebanon The archbishop referred to a statement by have advocated partition of the country into two the American Catholic bishops in 1973 whichurged Archbishop Joseph L. Bernardin of Cin- territories, one Christian and one Moslem. Of recognition "of the rights of the Palestinian cinnati made the plea in a statement on Lebanon Lebanon's 3.2 million people, about 40 percent are Arabs, especially the refugees," and called for and the Middle East in which he said no end to Christians (mainly Maronite-rite Catholics) and "inclusion of them as partners in any the Lebanese civil strife can be attained in- about 60 percent Moslems and Druzes. negotiations, acceptance of their right to a state dependent of a regional settlement. The military conflict in Lebanon is "a sign and compensation for past losses to be paid not HE CALLED it "impossible to calculate the and product of the deeper divisions in the social only by Israel but also by other members of the consequences of continued conflict (in Lebanon) fabric," according to the archbishop's statement. international community..." solely in terms of its damage to Lebanon," and Although Lebanon has for about 30 years This should be balanced by "recognition of added that "an international peacekeeping force" remained relatively free of the central conflict in might be justified. the right of Israel to exist as a sovereign state the region, "it appears now to have been fully with secure boundaries," he pointed out. swept into the Middle East picture," the He called upon America's Catholics to give The war in Lebanon has socio-economic and statement said. "It seems difficult to conceive their "understanding, compassion and concern" political roots as well as religious ones, Arch- now of a stable Lebanese settlement outside of a to the region's people, along with "an even more bishop Bernardin pointed out. But the religious relatively stable regional peace." precious gift: our prayers to the Prince of Peace aspect was singled out in his statement because of IN CALLING for consideration of an in- that he might bestow the gift of peace on the its worldwide implications. ternational peacekeeping force, Archbishop whole Middle East.' Medicaid reclassification could hurt 9,500 By MARJORIE L. FILL YAW very low income groups, and Local News Editor enigmatically includes among For the past five years its services abortion in clinics Jane Doe has been a resident of or physicians offices. a Dade County nursing home At mid-week William receiving the same care day Page, secretary of the State after day in the same bed in the HRS Dept. announced that his same room. The total amount department would be able to that the nursing home could divert the sum of $2.5 million receive for her care has been into the nursing homes $600 per month, a ceiling im- program and thus is retaining posed by the state Medicaid the ceiling of $600 originally program. provided for skilled nursing As of Jan. 1, the Florida care patients. However until Dept. of Health and such time as the department Rehabilitative Services cut that can save some $630,000 the ceiling to S585 monthly and, reclassification of patients is even more important has still planned. announced a reclassification of cases like Jane's and more than THE RESULTS of a 2,500 other nursing home reduction in funds to nursing patients to a lower-paying homes would be obvious since category known as in- the actual cost of caring for a termediate care. person requiring skilled nursing EXPERTS in the nursing attention is a minimum of $700. home field estimate that Yet reclassification of patients between 70 and 80 percent of is of even greater importance. the state's 12,000 such cases What does this Although sitting in wheel chairs for a change Miami, still require skilled nursing care and will be affected by the reclassification mean to the of scenery patients such as these at Villa Maria reclassification which officials attention. Sister Helen Mary, S.B.S. talks with patient who is dependent on the Nursing and Rehabilitation Center, North a resident in the day room. of the Florida State Nursing Medicaid program? Home Assn. declare will be a According to Joseph saving of approximately $1.3 Spinelli, regional vice president million this year. of the Florida Nursing Home they are preparing to reclassify Medicaid is not to be Assn., many who would be in Sister Helen Mary, S.B.S., Assn. have completed several these same people to an in- confused with the national the new lower paying category executive director of North discussions with Secretary termediate care program. If the health program, Medicare, are totally confined to bed, Miami's Villa Maria Nursing Page and have proposed a new nursing homes refuse to accept which provides for limited mentally confused or in- and Rehabilitation Center, program providing three levels the new contract of $500 per stays and medical attention in continent. feels that "there is either a lack of care which would allow $630 month for these people, then hospitals, and a very limited He pointed out that in the of concern or lack of knowledge for Skilled Nursing Care, $570 they will have to leave the home. number of days in an extended counties of Dade, Broward, of what is really needed" on the for Intermediate I and $500 for care facility after Palm Beach, and Monroe, costs part of the state. "Many of intermediate II thus creating hospitalization, as well as the of caring for such patients are these people have to be spoon- an additional intermediate charges made by physicians about $60 more per month than "Where will they go? Who fed, have to be bathed, and catpgory. The association has and surgeons, again in a limited in other areas of the state. will take care of them? Many have to have diapers changed," also proposed a geographical amount. "Now the state is saying who are not bedridden cannot she explained. differential of five per cent. The state's medical that the same patients who see to dress themselves, or A spokesman for the assistance program, which is have been under skilled nursing bathe themselves or do many of COOPERATING with the association said it would be at more than 60 per cent federally care for several or many years the things necessary for their Dept. of HRS, officials of the least 30 days before the issue is funded, aids those of all ages in no longer need this care and well-being." Florida State Nursing Home definitely settled.

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w^%t«i?;™^Es£ ff ^^^ Miami, Florida / THE VOICE / Friday, January 30,1976 / Page 3 Washington rally protesting abortion draws 65,000

Continued from Page 1 hours in the cold, the crowd compromise," the latter slogan were Senators Richard Stone citizenship to a black slave. seemed anxious to march to the in reference to the so-called (D-Fla.), Dewey Bartlett (R- AFTER ABOUT two Capitol, and assembled behind "state-rights" amendment to Okla.) and Jesse A. Helms (R- a "March for Life" banner half limit abortion. N.C.) and Representatives as wide as Pennsylvania Ave. A DURING THE National James J. Florio (D-N.J.), drum corps of four young boys Anthem, which began the rally, Henry J. Hyde (R-1II.), John and an adult kept cadence, and the audience waved red roses, B. Conlan (R-Ariz.), Charles J. behind them two donkeys symbol of life. Carney (R-Ohio), Ralph Regula pulled a small black casket After opening remarks by (R-Ohio) Tennyson Guyer (R- drapped in an American flag. Miss Nellie Gray, chairwoman Ohio), Norman Lent (R-N.Y.), The crowd moved briskly of the 15-member March for Robert Bauman (R-Md.), down Pennsylvania Ave. Life Committee, Sen. James L. Clement Zablocki (D-Wis., and toward the west steps of the Buckley of New York told the Romano Mazzoli (D-Ky.). Capitol building. Police had crowd that their presence was a ONE OF the afternoon's blocked off half of the street, "demostration of faith, hope biggest ovations followed a but traffic continued to flow and love." speech by Sen. Helms, which he Sen. Buckley of N.Y. umimpeded. "Let us work" he said, "so closed with a telegram from addresses rally. The first arrivals branched the principle of the founders, Ronald Reagan, Republican Sen. Stone of Fla. speaks off to the left and right, of the the principle of life is once again candidate for president. After a closing prayer by to crowd. Capitol forming a "circle of at the heart of this great A message of support from Bishop Thomas J. Welsh of life" around the building. When nation." the Rev. Jesse Jackson, a long- Arlington, Va., the crowd the others arrived, the entire Following Buckley, a time civil rights activist and filtered into the nearby Senate group gathered in front of a string of Congressmen warmed head of People United to Save and House office buildings to speakers podium on the west the crowd, with speeches Humanity (PUSH), was also lobby congressmen for a steps where they chanted condemning the high court's greeted with cheers from the proposed human life amend- "Vote For-Life" and "no abortion decision. Among them crowd. ment outlawing abortion. Hundreds gather of Torch of Freedom Continued from Page 1 testifying doctors had said girls realize they are actually Liberty, where the words are areas. there was still a possibility of a killing a living baby, they will inscribed 'Give me your tired, "A minor girl cannot get a cure and Karen should be kept reject abortion," he said, and your poor, your huddled shot for a cold, a tonsillectomy, alieve on that basis as a medical have their child, either bringing masses...'" he said, pointing to or her ears pierced without the rather than a legal judgment. it up themselves—"a practice the irony of inviting others to consent of her parents," he "The life you save," he becoming more common in our shores while killing our own said, "but she can get an said, "might be your own." today's world" —or seek unborn. abortion on her own. "Criminals,'' Rabbi adoption agencies and places Father Jose Nickse, also of "WELFARE agencies are Phineas Weberman told the like the Catholic Service the Family Life Bureau, said pressing mothers to have group, cannot be prosecuted Bureau for help." "Before you can worry about abortions...and are required to without legal protection, the The Rev. Edwin Gruell, a civil rights, rights of the races help pay for it but are not courts say. Yet the Supreme Lutheran minister, told the of the sexes, we must support required to pay for prenatal Court said a mother can take Miami rally organized by the the most basic right of all-the care," he said. the life of her unborn child and Right to Life Crusade Inc., right to life." It has gone so far, Brake the child gets no legal some people were complaining SPEECHES were given in said, that two states had bills protection..." about pro-life people imposing both Spanish and English as introduced to require IN PALM BEACH their morals on the law. "Well, TV cameras and microphones sterilization of a woman after County, at St. Luke church Dr. we think the court's ruling is were busily at work. her second baby. "Tissue of Matthew Bulfin, president of enough reason to protest But perhaps the stars of aborted babies is being tran- the national Pro-Life Obstetrics vocally, to protest urgently, to the whole demonstration were splanted to living persons. We and Gynecologists Association, protest persistently" the Catherine and Santiago. kill one human to help told a group of about 150, "The slaughter of thousands of lives The two are babies who another." pendulum is swinging back" each vear. were nearly aborted. In fact, Concerning the Karen from the pro-abortion position. "Somehow, as we begin Santiago's mother had been Quinlan case, Brake said the He pointed to an ad in a the 200th anniversary of the anesthetized by an abortionist judge's ruling was proper and Fort Lauderdale newspaper country," said Father James who then changed his mind for the media had not reported signed by 277 doctors in South Reynolds, Archdiocese Family some reason. accurately on it. He said the Florida opposing abortion. Life Bureau director, "I cannot The babies said nothing all A sport coat for the Judge ruled that all the "As more and more young get too excited when we allow day as they stared curiously up man with a liking for the killing of thousands every at the cameras and doting the bright and "Florida's Largest "Hummel" Dealer' year... faces. cheerful personality "I grew up under the Yet, in some ways, they of pi aids. The pattern JUST ARRIVED! shadow of the Statue of said it most eloquently of all. is a pleasingly colorful plaid of blue Hummel 1976 Annual Plates and red on white in TRADE-IK TRUE a tropical weight CALL TODAY TO SHOP IN THE "WHITE all-wool fabric. And YOUR OLD ELEPHANT CONVENIENCE OF YOUR HOME ANTIQUES" the smart hand- The symbol of freedom and strength - the DOOR tailoring is distinctly American Eagle - is produced for you in WE'LL MEET OR BEAT ALL Hickey-Freeman bisque ceramic. W. Goebel, makers of the LOCALLY ADVERTISED PRICES! ... $295. famous HUMMEL figurines, perched this MAXIMUM SECURITY JALOUSIE magnificent bald eagle on a solid walnut DOOR & WINDOW GUARDS base bearing a brass plaque engraved WE CUSTOM DESIGN AND INSTALL with "To commemorate the American MAUS 8 NEVER WEDS FINISHING, ACRYLIC Bicentennial 1776-1976." COATING HOFFMAN The statue stands 8" high and 6" wide. STEEL DOORS — SO MODELS THE HOME OF Please note: order early -there is a limited SOLID MAHOGANY CARVED DOORS ALUMINUM DOORS — SOLID ( JALOUSIE quantity. $50 FIBERGLASS DOORS We ship out-of - state • CUSTOM MIRRORED WALLS Bal Harbour Shops Add $1.00 postage and insurance 9700 Collins Avenue • SAVE 30% ON YOUR ELECTRIC Fort Lauderdale 4°/o sales tax if shipped within Florida. BILL — INSULATE YOUR HOUSE NO GIMMICKS SPECIAL 710 East Las Olas Boulevard Goebel JUST TOP QUALITY REPAIR & • ART GALLERY WORK AT THE FINISH YOUR Palm Beach Phone orders 583-6019 • WE GUARANTEE WHAT WE SELL OLD DOOR 312 Worth Avenue LOWEST PRICES! Naples • Petoskey BARNET HOME IMPROVEMENTS CORP. DOORS & INSTALLATION OUR SPECIALTY iiiiSiiilPiiiili 2500 S.W. 28th LANE GIFTS * PARTY GOODS * GREETING CARDS MIAMI, FLA. 33133 856-4845 NIGHTS 854-3179 Most major credit plans accepted mm m ; mimmm m& masm 3830 W. Broward Blvd. Cor. Rt. 441, Ft. Lauderdale msm tmsmm mm%Mmam & Page 4 / Miami, Florida / THE VOICE / Friday, January 30,1976 Over 300 oeople from South Floiida march from Torch of Freedom to Miami's Federal Building to protest abortion laws. March at the torch **»•*" A ****** **•-

Waiting their turn to address the rally are Father Jose Nickse. ABCD Co-Chairman Robert Brake and Father James Reynolds. Janet Phillips and three of her five children, Greg (front). Emil and Sandy. Only two of the five are not adopted.

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Miami, Florida / THE VOICE / Friday, January 30,1976 / Page 5 Turn off America's Melting Pot? publication —especially religious —printed in their racial and ethnic identity, people are asking language and containing information of particular "Why?" "Why must I give up my heritage? Does A new reader in Broward County sent her interest to them in those first few difficult years America demand this as the price of freedom? first issue of The Voice back to us with a note full when their command of English could never be as And is that really freedom?" "Why can't I be a of hostility: comfortable as their native language. loyal American and still have a culture going back "I have just received my first copy of The A large number of the Latins who have come more than one generation?" Voice. This will be my last! You have given two here have learned English, thousands rising from Any adult Latin parent will tell you their pages to Spanish-speaking people. I do not speak penniless exiles on the streets to become worry is not too much clinging to the ways of the or understand Spanish..." She goes on to tell how prosperous businessmen and professionals, Old Country but not enough clinging. They will her ancestors came from Ireland and her benefitting the economy and enriching the-culture tell you that their teenagers are more fluent in husband's from Italy and many years ago they of South Florida. English than Spanish and listen to rock music learned English and became "very responsible Something our reader does not com- stations, not Spanish stations, and are not very citizens." prehend—or want to accept—is the rise in the interested in anti-Castro politics. And the "I do not want your paper," she concludes. past decade of ethnic pride in this country and grandchildren, only another 10 years away, might What is sad is not the rejection of the paper around the world. Third World nations, having not speak Spanish at all. for whatever reason, but the apparent animosity thrown off the mantle of colonialism are now Where, then, will be Miami's Three Kings toward the Spanish ethnic group. Many people jumping onto the world stage vaunting their parade and Hialeah's Jose Marti parade, arid the hold this same feeling, a feeling of resentment reclaimed identity and making it difficult for the fiestas of bright Spanish dresses, enticing Latin that the Spanish-speaking are encroaching on our powers who were used to having things rythm and dances? Will they survive along territory and that the least they can do is become their way. In many cases these new nations are with the Mardi Gras, the Chinese New Year in English-speaking Americans —"responsible, struggling under dictators who use national San Francisco and other such events? Where have citizens"— like the rest of us. identity for their own ends, creating problems in all the other ethnig celebrations and constructive The irony is that one of the main hardships the UN, for instance. But this is partly due to the modes of thought from other ethnic groups gone? r the lady's ancestors must have had was people sins of colonialism which regarded Third What about the Melting Pot? Is it really like herself who resented them because they were Worlders as inferiors to be exploited'. what our disgruntled reader wants in place of the different and who couldn't wait for them to either v And here at home, the old idea of the Melting Christian hand of friendship? go away or at least melt into our famed "Melting Pot is being re-evaluated. In the founding days of Is America's Melting Pot nothing more than Pot'' so we wouldn't have to notice them the country the melting into & unified blend may a cauldron, melting down the golden riches of our anymore. have been a useful idea (though it never fully composite cultures and leaving in their place a Yet it is almost a certainty that her ancestors happened even then). bland alloy of sameness, devoid of the beauty of would have been most grateful for any But in today's world of renewed national, human diversity? By Msgr James J. Walsh Beautiful change in an old Sacrament litany... "...With faith, let us Despite his age, the surgery in a potentially physical health. And the rite ask the Lord to. hear our monsignor knelt as the dangerous illness. adds: "If necessary the prayers for our brother...Lord, celebrant touched the holy oil This Sacrament provides sacrament also provides the The elderly priest drove through this holy anointing, with his thumb and anointed us, the Church clearly teaches, sick person with the cautiously around the parking come and comfort him with him on the forehead and hands, with the special grace of the forgiveness of sins and the area, looking for an empty your love and mercy...Lord, saying: Holy Spirit, encourages trust in completion of Christian place. When he finally found hear our prayer...Free him from "THROUGH THIS holy tjod, gives strength in those penance." one, he emerged with a small all harm...Relieve the sufferings anointing, may the Lord in His mysterious temptations the What a pity—more than bag and leisurely made his way of all the sick and love and mercy help you with sick experience, relieves that, what, an injustice—1» across the campus in front of elderly...Assist all those the grace of the Holy Spirit. anxiety about death. It can deny all this to a loved one out the Seminary chapel. dedicated to the care of the Amen. May the Lord Who frees give courage to the soul, and of the unreasonable fear that The pastor of the parish sick...Give life and health to our you from sin save you and raise sometimes, if it would benefit one of God's Sacraments could was waiting, and together.they brother on whom we lay our you up. Amen." one's salvation, a return to harm... went into the chapel. The hands in your name...Lord, The meaningful silence seminarian-musicians were hear our prayer." was broken by these words: twanging away, putting All the priests came from "Lord, look kindly on our finishing touches on their their places then and silently brother who has grown weak preparation for the day's Mass, laid hands, one by one, on the under the burden of his years. Why shake hands and the unusual ceremony to be head of their brother, who was In this holy anointing, he asks framed within it. ordained before half of them for the grace of health in body IN THE sacristy, a dozen were born. It was like an or- and soul. By the power of your before Communion? Spirit, make him firm in faith priests were vesting for the dination ceremony in (Questions will be answered by Father concelebrated Mass. As soon as miniature, with only the mitred and sure in hope, so that his Jose Nickse, assistant pastor, St. Mary the new liturgy. We must they saw the aged priest, now bishop not present. One could cheerful patience may reveal Cathedral. Readers are invited to send remember that most of these your love for us... auestions to Father Nickse. The Voice, P. are just the restoration of close to 80 years old, they came, not help but think of the 0, Box 38-1059, Miami, 33138. From these one by one, to greet him. mysterious, divinely arranged Just a few years ago, this he will select those to be answered in this ancient traditions of. the His congeniality and continuity of the priesthood, retired priest, now weak with column). Church. The greeting of peace warmth of manner gave no hint very real and revered fraternity the burden of age, but not Q. It is so hard to really is one of these. he was within minutes about to of those ordained for the dangerously ill, would never pray during Mass now, with all As. early as the third be anointed. ministry of Christ. have thought of driving his car this singing and these century we find references to When he was ready, now NOR COULD one fail to to the scene of his anointing. responses to make. But what the greeting of peace during the robed as a monsignor, a prelate reflect that this one priest, with FOR US, this symbolized really bothers me is the celebration of the Eucharist. of honor, he joined the his eyes now turned mare how beautifully the Church has greeting of peace. Why do I Christians literally fulfilled procession to the sanctuary and towards the joy of heaven than revised the awesome "Last have to turn around and shake what St. Paul said: "Greet on took his place next to the the service of earth, had Rites" into the "Rite of people's hands when I should another with a holy kiss." They presidential chair. baptized many thousands over Anointing and Pastoral Care of be getting ready to receive saw no better preparation for THE LITURGY of the his 46 years as a priest, had the Sick." It will take time to Communion? their union with the Lord than Word proceeded as usual. The married countless couples who break old customs. Many A. Actually, in today's a sign of the love that unites Old Testament reading stressed are now grandparents, and had families will still think of the liturgy, shaking people's hands the Mystical Body. Isaiah's prophecy that our himself ministered endlessly to holy oil being placed on a loved Even though the greeting Redeemer-would bear our in- the sick and elderly prepared one as a sign of imminent What is of peace might seem an in- firmities and endure our suf- them gently to meet Christ. death. Many still fear if the your question? terruption of your prayers, ferings. The Gospel presented Fittingly, there in- priest comes to anoint, the really it is a part of your prayer Jesus, sick and weak with fear, mediately followed a prayer of angel of death cannot be far is part of your preparation for expressing the love that binds in the Garden of Gethsemani, thanksgiving. "Praise to You, behind. • Communion. Remember what us together in Christ. as an angel came to strengthen Almighty God and The Church answers with Christ said about being We cannot celebrate Mass Him. The brief homily spoke of Father...praise to You, Lord an emphatic no. She wants reconciled with your brother as strangers but as friends in the meaning and value of Jesus Christ...You humbled many more of her children to before offering any gifts at the Christ. After all, we gather in sickness and infirmity in the yourself to share in our benefit from this beautiful altar. His Name. mystery of salvation. humanity, and You desired to sacrament. And not only the The Greeting of Peace is It teaches usthat as Christ Then, all present were cure all our illnesses. Blessed be elderly and the dangerously ill, nothing new. Many times we reached out for us, we must called on to unite in the brief God..." but also those undergoing hear about the "innovations" of reach out for others too. Page 6/Miami, Florida / THE VOICE / Friday, January 30,1976 Letters to the Editor

One year is all any incumbent Death with Dignity Bill that has just come to my attention. selves? The right to life Choose one issue needs to reflect his good will opened the door to the I want to thank you for the obliterated by wars, hunger, EDITOR: This letter toward the people who elected slaughter of "expendible good coverage of the food abortions. answers the criticism of the aim him or her. After that year has human life" in Germany. stamp program, both in your There is no elation in my of Right to Life made by Mr. passed, constituents should Also, consider bills such as lead article and in the editorial. heart in this bicentennial year. Roy Sanders of Dania in your know whether they have been recently passed the House, There are several bills Too many innocent and issue of Dec. 26, 1975. had —again —or are satisfied allocating 10 million dollars to under consideration by the defenseless have been legally Right to Life ac- with their representative to the promote "women's rights" by a Congress that would change murdered. Should not our flag knowledges the fact that we extent that he or she is entitled commission of dedicated the Food Stamp Act. The most be flown at half mast, rather _do indeed intend to elect pro-life to their vote again. abortion promoters. They will liberal is a bill sponsored by than in jubilation? andidates to represent us in We also admit that there be spending more of our tax Sen. Jacob Javits (S-2840). I note the Bishops of the Tallahassee and in are many flaws to be corrected, dollars, thanks to anti-life Your readers might be in- United States call for prayer, Washington, D.C. Implicit in but we are going to start legislators, to make disposal of terested in knowing about this and public protest against the the aim of Right to Life is the correcting things by protecting human life the way of life in our bill. evil of abortion if I read right. desire that others have the human life first. When we have country. The Javits bill would Some replies delight the heart; right to live and to live well. our Human Life Amendment, Better schools and open eliminate purchase price, two recent ones I received were This facet of our group purpose we shall continue politically on housing isn't going to help the maintain the current income verbal garbage. Apparently, in reflects an innate . ac- the basis of one issue at a time child that was killed before he eligibility limits, base eligibility granting rights to all citizens, knowledgment of the dignity to promote and to expect good was born. on currently available income, the unborn were not con- and worth of every human government. Admittedly, it will Finally, who is a racist? eliminate the in-kind income sidered worthy of mention. being and a deep desire to take time and determination! Wouldn't you agree that a provision for employment- That people of good will of protect the vitality of the Alice T. Jordan racist is one who does not related housing for farm- variant faiths see abortion as a human race by deploring the Wilton Manors consider all human beings workers, take into account the great evil, is a cause for hope. waste of any human being in equal? money which is actually, not The large Christian body any stage of development. Our Who's racist? Mrs. Nancy Leonard theoretically, available for the termed Catholic will also be grief will be made known to Miami, Fla. purchase of food, and provide considered or rejected in its political contenders at the polls. EDITOR: I would like to for the highest deductible. defense of the unwanted of Political contenders offer reply to "A Letter to the Francis right Sen. Richard Stone of every age, race, state of being. taxpayers everything from Editor" by a man suggesting EDITOR: Dale Francis is Florida is a key member of the Unless we speak and act as soup to nuts while running for that the pro-life people stop quite correct in pointing out the Senate Agriculture Committee. Christians toward all who need office but quickly forget their informing the public regarding significance of the Hartford So far, he has not taken our love; if we think our private promises once they they have a candidate's voting record on Conference in 1975. In its position on the proposed opinions take precedence over been voted into office. To curb life issues because "they expect "Appeal for Theological Af- legislation. If you support food the Church, we are not likely to and to eliminate this tendency you to vote for a candidate who firmation," the Conference stamp reform (such as the attract persons to the faith. we do intend to decide all is pro-life, even though the emphatically warned against provisions in the Javits Bill) It was a more serene, calm political races on the basis of candidate may be a racist, etc." "themes false and debilitating" rather than regression, it is atmosphere among the faithful one issue. That issue for us is a First, I would ask him to to the Church. "Today an urgent that your readers when I entered the Church (at Human Life Amendment. consider the consequences of apparent loss of a sense of the communicate their opinions to 16) decades ago. Present-day What will your one vital issue the anti-life philosophy of the transcendent" is due to the Sen. Stone immediately. dissention too will pass; for be? What is most important for candidate. Do you want a great incursions of secularism, better or for worse? you? Is it racial equality — good legislator who will provide you especially under the guises of Suanne Pierce, Director Mrs. Sara E. Kirlin housing — improved education? with a sandwich in a Meal on "humanism," "progress," and Community Food and Pompano Beach I suggest that you rank the Wheels Program, but feels "liberation." Nutrition Project issue most important to you human life is expendable? Interestingly, the Con- Homestead and demand that of your Yours is a human life! Once a ference was ecumenical, insofar Enjoys Voice candidate. candidate finds it politically as representatives of several No elation It is by means of giving us feasible to eliminate the right to Christian denominations EDITOR: I just want you a potpourri of issues to consider life of one segment of society, participated. EDITOR: What happiness to know, we enjoy reading The that politicians have been sent ne will move on to other The Hartford Conference to visit your Archdiocese, and Voice: it is getting better all the back to their office again and segments of society for the quietly but significantly to read The Voice—replete with time, so many more pictures, again to give us the same type same reason. Take the anti-life demonstrated the importance the liberality of love of the two good explanations of our of expedient legislation. The philosophy of legislators of recovering our sacred deposit great Commandments; to greet wonderful religion. I pass on legalization of abortion in further along and you find bills of faith and tradition. the warm Spanish-speaking The Voice to friends that have particular cannot be classified such as Dr. Sackett's Death Robert Rodriguez people here at the Mission of no belief, trying hard to make as other than expedient with Dignity Bill back in Tallahassee, Fla. San Isidro. The articles from them understand how God legislation. Henceforth we are business and receiving strong your paper I shared with my loves us and no matter what we going to vote on the basis of support. Get yourself a copy of Food stamp reform home city of Pittsburgh. do, we are always forgiven, if one paramount issue and if we his original Death with Dignity Is it not sad the many we only ask his help. are disappointed, we shall look Bill (that he vows will become EDITOR: The Dec. 5, world wise who are not per- Viola Plasterer for another candidate to elect. law). It is almost verbatim the 1975, issue of your newspaper mitted to be their very best Boynton Beach Vatican morality document 'refreshing'

persons automatically. Some irresponsible use of sex? the Church again and again, But, unfortunately, not By Father JOHN T. CATOIR weaknesses are so tenacious Broken promises, broken and it has to do with the human everyone is perfect. In point of that the person is virtually dreams, broken bodies, broken body. The Vatican statement fact, no one is. The best of The moral tone of our powerless over them. A hearts, have all been part of the does not put it in these words, people have only relative country has been deteriorating comparison can be drawn with price of sexual freedom. At best but in plain talk it is saying control over their sexuality r1 no over the last few years. It was the problem of alcoholism. The sex is unpredictable. Both that the male sexual instinct is one has absolute control. refreshing, even for many body was not made for an misery and music interlace its to release the seed; the female Sexual thoughts and desires are liberals, to hear the Vatican excessive use of alcohol, no history. Of course everyone is sexual instinct is to receive the part of human nature. Even the speak with a clear and certain matter how desperately the free. A person can always seed; sexual feelings promote saints were tempted, and they voice on sexual morality. The person may feel the need for it. exercise freedom. You can jump the transfer of a life-giving too stumbled. statement issued on Jan. 15, However, once a habit pattern off the Empire State Building if seed. No matter how you look St. Augustine was quoted 1976 by the Sacred is formed, the will is rendered you want—but only once. The at it, sex is a procreative by the Council of Trent in De Congregation of the Doctrine of powerless temporarily. But use of freedom can be an abuse function.'This biological design Natura et Gratia, "God does the Faith contained no sur- alcoholics can reform and, by of freedom. But the issue is not of sex is referred to in not command the impossible, prises: it condemned the un- the grace of God, many of them freedom—the issue is truth.It is theological circles as the do what you can do, and pray bridled exaltation of sex. The do. right for the authorities to post "finality of the act." The for what you cannot do." He approach was pastoral, but Premarital sex was ex- a sign, "Stay away from the Church is making more than a uses the example of the parable uncompromising. There was, plicitly condemned. Those who edge." The Church in this mere commentary on biology, where the man is taken to the however, serious effort made to would argue that this is an teaching is merely posting a and it is this, "...that love must Inn by the merciful Samaritan. avoid a condemnation of invasion of privacy should stop sign. It is not accusing anyone find its safeguard in the The man needed a long cure, persons or classes of persons. to consider their own ex- of sin. stability of marriage if sexual but he was already saved, his Certain sexual weaknesses perience with others. How What does the sign say? It intercourse is truly to respond room paid for. Virtue is a were condemned, but much suffering have they seems to me that something to the requirements of its own growth process. Don't be culpability was not imputed to observed in connection with the quite simple is being taught by finality." afraid. Pray... Miami, Florida / THE VOICE / Friday, January 30,1976 / Page 7 St. Luke's named for the Gentile physician

By GEOFFREY BIRT Palm Beach County Parish of the Week Correspondent LAKE WORTH-St. and some place to hold small The original four Sisters Luke was a Gentile physician meetings. He used it till the arrived from Ireland Aug. 16, and it is appropriate that St. church was built. I've sold the 1962. They were Sister Paul, as Luke's parish here was host to house now, and it's a com- the first principal; Sister an important Right To Life mercial establishment." Bridie, the present principal, meeting, Jan. 22, which in- The Archdiocese had and Sisters Eilish and Marie. cluded a 7:30 p.m. Mass. previously acquired the 10 acre The first classes began Sept.5, Since the parish came into site, and the new parish im- 1962 with only the first five, being 16 years ago, two of the mediately launched a $125,000 grades. Grades six, seven and county's major hospitals — campaign for a church. The eight were added consecutively John F. Kennedy and Doctors' general chairman was Floyd R. during the next three years. St. Embry, and his two vice Luke's School was accredited in New St. Luke's church was Hospital — have been built dedicated in 1961 after first within its boundaries. At the chairmen were John M. Dorsey 1975. and William Foley. The ad- The convent, and a library Masses had been in the beginning, in 1959 a young Fr. American Polish Hall, Matthew A. Morgan was vanced gifts chairmen were for the school, were added in Edward Goodman and John 1968 on the 10-acre grounds of celebrated by then Pastor, assigned to start the new parish Fr. Matthew Morgan (left), in the western part of Lake DeFloria; group leaders were the church. Since their arrival, Frederick Mikill and Orlando the Sisters had lived in a house now pastor of St. Joseph's, Worth's Sacred Heart parish. Stuart. The Village of Palm Springs Trevisol: the division leaders on Alice Drive, adjacent to the had been recently developed were: Thomas A. Cranley, church property. When they and homes and apartments by James Probey, Adolph moved into their new convent, the hundreds, for miles about, Ferguson, William Rosner, the house on Alice Drive were being built (or were Frank McCarty, F. James became the rectory, and already in the active planning Jurney, Gerald E. Simonds and remains as such today. The stage). Father Morgan had Ted Vache. Many are still addition of the convent was twice served at the Sacred residents in the parish. during the pastorate of Fr. There was a little trick Timothy J. Geary who had Father Morgan would play on succeeded Father Morgan in Beach, Nov. 22,1964, when the young parents at these early June, 1964. Fr. Vincent Cash- first anniversary Mass was held baptisms, which were held in man became pastor in 1970, and who continues to remain a most there for the death of President the kitchen, near the sink, of the present pastor, Fr. Larkin active parishioner in several Kennedy, with many members McCarty house. He would Fr. Connolly, was appointed ways, and is active with the of the Kennedy family present. make motions that he was April 19, 1972. Father Patrick present post-Vatican II type It was also invited to sing at going to place the infant under Breen is now the assistant mixed choir of today. the dedication of the Passionist the faucet, and then laugh at pastor. Six Masses are The original choir, of monastery of Our Lady of the reactions this caused. The celebrated each Sunday, as well course, sang the Masses in Florida, when it was dedicated first baptism was Jan. 2, 1960. as a Saturday evening Mass. Latin, and frequently used the in 1962. Meanwhile, Sunday One of the outstanding beautiful Gregorian plain Last year an anonymous Masses continued at the successes of the parish from the chants which date back to the donation of several thousand American-Polish Club, with second week it was established early centuries of the Church. It dollars paid for beautification Palm Springs Fire Chief in 1959 until the conclusion of was frequently invited to sing of the sanctuary and general Charles Fallon, "Pancho" the Vatican II Council, was its at other parishes on special interior of the building, with Jawdy and McCarty arriving at all-male choir, which was occasions. For example: it sang the additions of natural stone 7 a.m. to set up the chairs and established by John De Florian, at St. Edward's Church, Palm for the walls, and carpeting. altar. A local Baptist businessman, a Mr. DeWald, loaned his amplifier each week. Kool - Tite "Home of the Week" Fr. Larkin Connolly, present The fund raising campaign pastor. was a success, and a hall was included with the plans for the Heart church and knew the church. Also, the present school area. was constructed at the same The official birthdate of St. time. "I wrote many places to Luke's parish is Oct. 15, 1959. try and locate some teaching A month later, Father Morgan Sisters, but without success," officially began his apostolate, Father Morgan said. "Then I and celebrated the first two took my problem to the Arch- Masses—at 8 a.m. and 10 bishop (Coleman F. Carroll) a.m. —Sunday, Nov. 22, 1959 in and learned that the Irish the American-Polish Club Hall, Sisters of Mercy were coming west of Military Trail, 4725 to the diocese, and the Arch- Lake Worth Rd. Father bishop assigned them to us Morgan is currently Pastor at (St. Luke's). St. Joseph's parish, Stuart. He The new church was recalls: dedicated May 27, 1961, with "The census had shown we Msgr. J.P. O'Mahoney, of St. had 300 Catholic families Edward's Church, Palm Beach, Kool-Tite Gravel Coating Has An Exclusive Sealing Process within our boundaries, and 506 representing the Archbishop. WHEN KOOL-TITE coats a gravel roof, it can be cleaned (even Sifter several years) with more than 3,000 lbs. of water pressure.' This is the startling statement of Jesse J. Scalzo of Kool-Tite, Inc. Pictured above is the Robertson Home at 172Cherokee St., Miami Springs, after Kool people, all told, attended those -Tite applied the exclusive sealing process. first two Masses. They con- This is the Kool-Tite gravel roof process. tributed $277 at the collection, "First, the entire roof is hand raked and gravel turned over to expose mold or mildew. Ail missing gravel is then added to bring area to ROWARD an even level. for us to make a start." APER & (1) "First coating — a heavy spray of Kool-Tite bonding process is applied by hydraulic pressure, thoroughly impregnated with Father Morgan lived at ACKAGING fungicide to kill the regrowth of fungus from underneath the gravel, permanently bonding all gravel to the roofing surface. (2) "After the first application, a heavy spray of Kool-Tite inner-locking sealer is applied, also by hydraulic pressure. This application 177 Cayman Drive, in Palm securely binds the gravel together permanently filling all pores and is applied not less than 48 hours after the first coating. Neither coating Springs, and celebrated Mass • BAGS — BOXES is applied on a damp or wet surface, thus insuring 100% bond of coating. (3) "Following these two applications, a third and final Kool-Tite acrylic, fungicided finish coating is then applied — also by hydraulic during the weekdays at an • POLYETHYLENE pressure — completely sealing in the entire area and applied the next day, following the inner-locking coating and again done only on a dry empty house, at 2949 2nd. • HANGERS • RIBBONS surface. Avenue North, Lake Worth, "After the original three-coat process by Kool-Tite, the roof can be pressure washed and coated by the same process as a tile roof. The TOLL FREE FLORIDA gravel will stay on the roof because it has been permanently bonded. This gives added protection during hurricane winds. Kool-Tite also which belonged to one of the 1 -800-432-3708 features special processes for tile, asbestos, asphalt shingle and.slate roofs." parishioners, Frank I. Me- Kool-Tite, Inc., is growing rapidly because the management has had more than 23 years of experience in the application of quality roof 776-6272 832-0211 coating. The materials used have been proven in use for many years to be beautiful and long-lasting. Carty, who remains a very "Kool-Tite, Inc., is licensed and insured for your protection," Scalzo added. OELRAY NO DADE active member of the parish. Our work carries full guarantee protection. We are confident, however, that your Kool-Tite coating will outlast its guarantee period. McCarty said: 272-1241 944-7077 Financing is available. CARTONS • TAPES "Free estimates at your convenience, with no obligation, may be secured by calling 754-5481." "I grew up in that house. • STRAPPINGS • WIPES We had not fixed it up to rent • TAGS —LABELS Also Serving Broward County — Miramar, Dania, Hallandale when Father Morgan needed a CATALOG Lake Forest, Pembroke Pines, Hollywood: CALL DIRECT: 1-754-5481 weekday chapel and an office, 1201 NE 45th ST . FT IDLE AVAILABLE

Page 8 / Miami, Florida / THE VOICE / Friday, January 30,1976 ABCD-76

ABCD dinners continued this week throughout the Arch- diocese of Miami as the annual charities campaign moved toward "Stay-at-Home" Sunday. At left Archbishop Coleman F. Carroll and Msgr. John O'Dowd, pastor, Epiphany parish, and Archbishop's Coordinator for the drive, say goodbye to guests at the Governor's Club, Fort Lauderdale. Residents of South Florida's west coast were guests at a dinner in Naples on Tuesday evening.

Mrs, Julian Humiston, Mrs. Rudolph Ingrisch, Julian San Marco pastor, Father Leonard Mrs. Joseph Peluso, Mrs. Charles Mills, Humiston and the Francis Kents at the Governor's Club. Puisis and Carl Fruechmeyer. and Mrs. Willard Phillips.

Region VI chairman, Dr. Ernest Visco and Mrs. Visco with Mrs. Ed. La Porte

Naples Regional chairman, Edward Oates, right, with the Joe Lynchs.

Father Thomas Goggin, V.F., pastor, Some 41 programs and institutions conducted by the reminded hundreds of guests at a dinner served St. Ann parish, Naples, with John Archdiocese of Miami for the needy and indigent Tuesday evening in Naples. Sheppard. benefit from the annual ABCD, Archbishop Carroll

Miami, Florida / THE VOICE / Friday, January 30,1976 / Page 9 He served in 3 wars, now serves at altar STUART-Henry W. English boy trying un- for a year. Then he found that place to settle down. When Spiller rises each day soon successfully to enlist in World he could not get American they arrived in Stuart, his wife after 5 a.m., feeds the cat, War I; a New York dish- papers to return Stateside, said "This is where I want to reads the Mass of the day, washer, a U.S. citizen and and resorted to a six months stay." That was 1952. She "gets cleaned up," he says, veteran of three wars — World British passport, which he joined the Women's Catholic and then drives the "four to War I, World War II and the tossed into the Atlantic. This Club "and got me doing all five miles," to St. Joseph's Korean War—in which he saw landed him on Ellis Island. sorts of jobs for it," he recalls. church here. active service overseas. New York harbor (the former He also thought "it was about He was born near Bir- entry point for aliens) where a time he thought about "Hank" Spiller, as he is mingham, England, July 17, sympathetic official religion," and "...began known, is a servant of the 1901. While still an infant, his befriended the 18-year-old reading up on everything, Lord. He serves Fr. Matthew parents, who became veteran and sent him ashore including Buddhism which A. Morgan's weekday 7:30 divorced, brought him to as an American —thereby attracted me but which I a.m. Mass, and has been doing America. naturalizing him. learned was a philosophy, not so since 1963. He has been a In 1912 he returned to his But 1919 was a a religion...1 remembered that convert for 20 years. grandparents and school in depression year and jobs were all my life (though I had not Now in his 74th year— England. War broke out there hard to find and there was no given enough thought to it) I but with the. appearance of a in August, 1914. Soon after, modern unemployment had always found a Catholic HENRY SPILLER man in his late fifties or early he tried to enlist, giving a program. He worked as a $25 priest and a rabbi near the president of the new CCD sixties—he retired from the false age. Subsequently, his a week dishwasher (making a fighting where men were program." U.S. Air Force in 1952 as a grandfather arranged for him $10 a week "kick back"), and dying." He remained president major with little thought to return to his American bummed jobs where he could HE WAS received into for five years, and taught in toward religion except his love home, and he returned aboard until he re-enlisted as a the Church by Fr. Jan the CCD program for six years for a wife (and respect for her a British destroyer. By 16 he private in the new Army Janusewski who soon af- (1963-68). After he had faith) who was a Catholic had entered the U.S. Army by Flying Service, in Texas; later terwards told him- he should suffered a bout of ill health a educated at convent school a subterfuge, claiming he was marrying; earning a com- take more instruction, and few years ago, he was advised and who had once considered 18, and was in the front line as mission, and serving in both enrolled him in a special to curtail some of his ac- becoming a nun. it moved across northern the European and Pacific course given by the tivities. In 1963 he had BEFORE HE became France in 1917-18. theatres of war during World Missionary Sisters of the noticed that there was often Maj. Spiller (U.S. Air Force, WITH A YEAR'S pay in War II, and later, the Korean Sacred Heart. Later, he no server for the early morn- ret'd.), with a retirement rank his pocket, he accepted the War. succesfully completed he ing Mass. From that time, of Lieut. Colonel, a Catholic offer to waive military AFTER HIS retirement, course for a CCD teacher "and reveille became the early and a daily Mass server, he transportation back to the he and his wife traveled to one Sunday I heard Father morning Mass bell for this old had once been a 14-year old States, and stayed in London America, and decided on a announce that I was the soldier. MASS TIMETABLE St. Jerome: c LANTANA MIAMI BEACH 8. 9:15. 10:30 a.m. and 12 noon. Saturday. 5 The Voice does not assume responsibility for 8:30. 10. 11:30 a.m.. 5:30 p.m. Saturday. 7:30 Holy Spirit: St. Francis de Sales: p.m. the accuracy of times of Masses listed in the p.m. 7:30. 9. 10:30 a.m.. 12 noon. 6 p.m. Saturday. a.m.. 6p.m. (Spanishi Sat- Holy Rosary: timetable published the last Friday of each St. John Baptist. 5:30 p.m. 7 p.m. urday. 7.8p.m. (Spanish). 7.'8. 9:30.' 11 a.m.. 12:15 and 5:30 p.m. Satur- month. Times of Masses and corrections are 7:30, 9.10.30 noon. Saturday. 5 p m Holy Apostles (Byzantine) Cenacle Retreat St. Joseph: day. 7 p.m. provided by parish rectories. St. Maurice: House: 7. 8. 9:30. U a.m.. 12:30, 5:30 p.m., 7 p.m. St. Richard. SW 144 St. and Old Cutler Rd.: The Sunday Mass schedule for the Cathedral 8:30. 10. 1130 a.m.. 7 p.m.. Saturday. 7 p.m. 12 noon Saturdav 5.30p.m: 6:45p.m. (French) 8:30 a.m., 12:30 and Saturday6p.m. of St. Mary. 7506 NW Second Ave. is as follows. Queen of Martyrs: LIGHTHOUSE POINT St. Mary Magdalen: St. Gregory: PLANTATION 7. 8. 9:30.' 11 a.m.. 12:30 (Spanish! 5:30 and 7 6:30. 8, 9:30.11 a.m. 6 p.m.. Sat. 7 p.m., St. Paul the Apostle: 8:30.'10. 11:15 a.m.. 12:20. and 6 p.m. Sat- p.m. (Spanish) Saturday. 7:30p.m. FORT LAUDERDALE BEACH 8.9:15.10:30.12 noon. Saturday 5,7 p.m. 7:30. 9. 10:30 a.m.. 12 noon. Saturday. 5 p.m. urday, 6p.m.,7p.m. (French) POMPANO BEACH St. Pius X: MARCO St. Patrick: BELLE GLADE 8. 9.30. 11 a.m.. 12:30 p.m.. 5:30 p.m.. Satur- Assumption: St. Philip Benizi: San Marco: 8 9. 10:30. 12. 6, 7 p.m. (Spanish) Saturday. day, 5:30p.m. 8. 9:30. U a.m. Sat. 5:30 p.m.. (Everglades 5:30.7 p.m. 7. 8. 9:30.12.15. 5:30 p.m.. Saturday 5:30 p.m. 8:30. 10:30 and 12 noon (Spanishi Saturday St. Sebastian i Harbor Beach I: St. Coleman: 6:30 p.m. Women's Club 5 p.m.) MIAMI LAKES 8 9:30 Ua.m..Saturday.5:30p.m. MARGATE Our Lady of the Lakes: 6:30.8.9:30.11 a.m.. and 12 30 and 6 p.m. Sat. BOCA RATON HALLANDAI.E 6p.m. St. Joan of Arc: St. Vincent: 7. 9, 10:30 a.m.. 12 noon. 6 and 7:15 p.m. St. Matthew: 8.9.10:30 a.m.. Saturday. 6 p.m. (Spanish) Saturday5p.m. St. Elizabeth: 7, 9. 10:30 a.m. and 12 noon. 6 p.m. Sat.. 5:30 7:30. 8.45, 10. 11:15 a m. 12:30 p.m. 6 p.m.. 7:30. 9:30. 11 a.m. and 12:30and5:30p.m. Sat- p.m. MIAMI MIAMI SHORES urday. 7.30 p.m. Saturday. 5. 7 p.m. St. Rose of Lima: Ascension: St. Charles Uorromeo: St. Agatha: St. Gabriel:. 8.9:30. 11 a.m. 7 p.m. Saturday 5:30 p.m. 7171 8.30.9:45. 11. 12:15 p.m. (Spanish). 6:30 p.m. 7. 8:30, 10. 11:30 a.m., 1p.m. (Spanish) 6 p.m. 8.9:30.11 a.m..and 12:30 p.m..Saturday. 5:30 9.10:30.12 noon. Sat. 6p.m. Saturday. 7 p.m. N. Fed Hwy. HIALEAH (Spanish) Miami Coral Park High p.m. St. Brendan: St. Henry. St. Mart: BOYNTON BEACH Immaculate Conception: MIAMI SPRINGS 6:30.8,9. (Spanish) 10.15.11:30.12:45.6p.m.. 6:30. 8. 9:15. 10:30. 11:45 a.m., (Spanish) 1. 8.9:30. Ua.m. Sat. 5 p.m. 8.9:30. 11a.m.. 12:15. 6 p.m. Saturday 5:15 5:30.6.45. (Spanishi and 8 p.m. Saturday 5:30 Blessed Trinity: San Isidro p.m. 6 30 7:30 p.m. (Spanish). Sat. 6 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 8. 9:15. 10:30 a.m.. 12 noon. 5:30 and 7 p.m. (Spanish) 6:45p.m. (Spanishi 9:30.11a.m.. Sat. 7p.m. St. Thomas More (St. Vincent De Paul Assumption of the Blessed Virgin, (UkrainianI: (Spanish). Saturday 7 p.m. Seminary) St. Benedict (Palm Lakes Elem. School i: MIRAMAR RIVIERA BEACH 7:30. 9. 10:30 a.m.. 12 noon, (Spanishi Sat. 8:30 and 10 a.m. St. Francis of Assisi: 8.9:30.11 a.m.. 12.15 p.m. Saturday. 5 p.m. Corpus Christi: St. Bartholomew: CLEWISTON 6p.m. (English) 7. 8:30. 9:45. 11. 12:15. 7 p.m. Saturday 5:30. 8. 9:15. 10:30 a.m.. 12 noon and 6:30 p.m., Sat- St. Cecilia: 7. 8. 9:15. 10.30 (Spanish). 11:30. land5p.m. urday 5 and 7:30 p.m. St. Margaret: (Spanish). 5:30 (Spanish), 6:30 p.m. (French) 7 p.m. 8 and 12 (Spanish). Saturday 7 p.m. 8,9. 10:15. (English) 11:30 a.m.. 1.6:30,7:30 MOOREHAVEN SOUTH MIAMI p.m.. Sat. 5. 7 p.m. Sat. 6 p.m. Epiphany: COCONUT GROVE Gesu: St. Joseph: St. Hugh. St. John the Apostle: 10 a.m. 8. 9:30. 11 a.m.. 12:15 and 6 p.m. Saturday, 6. 7. 8. 9. (Spanish). 10:15, 11:30 a.m.. 1p.m.. 6. 7. 8:30. 10 (Latin). 11:30. 1 and5p m 6p.m. 7:30.9.10:30a.m.. 12noon (Spanish) 5:30p.m. ' Spanish). Saturday, 5 p.m. NAPLES Saturday. 5:30 p.m (Spanish). 5:30. 6:30 p.m. iSpanishi Satur- St. Ann: St. Louis. day. 5 p.m. Holy Redeemer: 8. 9:30. 11 a.m.. 12:30 and 6 p.m:, 7:15 p.m. CORAL GABLES 7.' 10 a.m. 6:30. 8. 9:30, 11 a.m.. and 6 p.m. Saturday 5 Little Flower: HIGHLAND BEACH - p.m. (Spanish) Saturday. 5:30p.m. St. Lucy. Our Lady'of Divine Providence (9130 Fontaine- STUART 7. 8. 9:15 10:»j. 11:45 a.m. 1 p.m (Spanish! bleauBlvd): St. Peter: and 6 p.m. Saturday 7 p.m. 8:30. '9:45.11 a.m. Saturday. 5 p.m. 9:30 a.m. (E. Naples Mid. School) 11 a.m. St. Joseph: Sat. 6 p.m.. 7 p.m. iSpanish): Sunday. 9:30. i-'M. 9. 10:30 a.m.. 12 noon. 5:30 p.m.. Sat- Melkite Mission: HOBE SOUND II a.m.. 12noon (Spanish!. (Golden Gate Elem. School) Sat. 5 p.m. 340 Palermo Ave.. 10:30 am St. Christopher (Golden Gate Rec. Hall) 6:15 p.m. (Lely urday 5:30p.m. St. Catherine: SUNRISE St. Augustine: 7.9.10:30 a.m..Sat..6:15 p.m. 8.9.10:30 a.m.. 12 noon. Sat. 5 p.m. Presby Church). 7:30. 9. 10:30 a.m. 12: 5. 6 p.m. Saturday 5:30 St. Francis Xavier: St. William. (Seagate School): St. Bernard Annunciation HOLLYWOOD 8. 9:30.11 a.m. Sat. 5:30p.m. 7:30. 9. 10:30 a.m.. 12 noon, 6:30 p.m.. Sat. p.m. 7and 10a.m. .Sat. 6p.m. 5,6:30p.m. St. Raymond: 9.10:15,11:30a.m..7p.m..Saturday 5:30p.m. St. Dominic: NARANJA 8:15 a.m. (Spanish) 9:30, 11 a.m. (Spanish). Little Flower: 7, 8:30,10,11:30 a.m., 1 p.m. (Spanish) 6and St. Ann: TAMARAC 12:30 p.m. 6 (Spanish), 7:30 p.m. (Spanish), 7, 8:15, 9:30,10:45 a.m., 12, 5:30 p.m.. Satur- 7:30 p.m. (Spanish), Saturday, 8, 7:30 p.m. 11 a.m., 1 p.m., (Spanish); 10 a.m. (English) St. Malachy: Saturday. 6.7:30 (Spanish) day 5:30 p.m. (Spanish). Sat. 7p.m. (Spanish). 7, 8, 9:15, 10:30, 11:45 a.m., 5:30 p.m.. Sat. CORAL SPRINGS Nativity: St. Joachim. 11990 SW 200 St.: NORTH MIAMI 5:30 p.m. WEST HOLLYWOOD St. Andrew: 7. 8, 9:15, 10:30. 11:45 a.m., 1, 5, 7 p.m., Sat- 10.11 a.m. and 12 noon (Spanish). Holy Family; St. Stephen.• 8:15.9:30.10:45.12 noon, Saturday. 6:15 p.m. urday. 5,7 p.m. St. John Bosco Mission. 1301W. Flagler St.: 7:30. 9. 10:30, 12 noon, 6:30 p.m. Saturday, 7 8 9,11 a.m.. 12:15.1 p.m. (Spanish) and 7 DANIA St. Bernadette: 8:30.11:30a.m. (English) 7,10,1,6,7:30p.m. 6:30p.m. p.m.. Sat. 7 p.m. Resurrection: 7:30.9,10:30 a.m. 12.6 p.m., Saturday 6 p.m. (Spanish) Saturday 6 p.m. (English); 7 p.m. St. James: 8. 9:15. 10:30 a.m.. 12. 6:30 p.m. Saturday. St. Boniface. (Spanish). 6:30, 7:30. 9,10:30,12,1 p.m. (Spanish) 9:30, WEST PALM BEACH 6:S0p.m. 7 p.m.. Saturday 17651 Johnson St.) 8. 9. 12 St. Kevin: 7p.m. (Spanish) Saturday 5:30,7p.m. St. John Fisher: DAVIE noon (Pines Middle School). 9.10:30.12 ISpanish) 7:30p.m. (Spanishi. Sat- Visitation: 8.10.12 noon Saturday, 5:30 p.m. St. David: HOMESTEAD , urday 7 p.m. 7, 8. 9:15, 10:30 a.m., 12 noon, 6 p.m., Sat- Mary Immaculate: 8:45. 10. 11:15 a.m. Sat. 5. 6:30 p.m. 2396 SW Sacred Heart: 9.10.11 a.m. (Spanish) St. Kieran, (Assumption Academy): urday, 7:30p.m. 10a.m., Sat. 5:30 p.m. 66Ter.Ft.Laud. 8.9:30. II a.m., 12:30,6p.m., Saturday, 6p.m. 7:30. 9:30, 10:45 a.m., 12 (Spanish) 5, 7 p.m. NORTH MIAMI BEACH St. Juliana: DEERF1ELD BEACH 1MMOKALEE iSpanishi Sat. 5.7p.m. St. Lawrence: 6:30, 8:30, 10, 11 a.m., 12:15, 6, 7, p.m. St. Ambrose: LadyofGuadalupe: St. Martha. 11450 Biscayne Blvd.. 9,11,12:30,6:30 p.m. ,Satarday5:30 p.m. (Spanish) Saturday 6:30 p.m. 7:30.9.10:30.12 noon. 5 p.m.. Saturday 5 and INDIANTOWN 8:30. 10.11:30 a.m.. 12:30 p.m. (Spanish) 5 p. St. Basil (Byzantine): Holy Name of Jesus: 7 p.m. Holy Cross: 9 a.m.. Saturday 6p.m. m. Sat. 5.8pm. (Spanish) 9 a.m. Sat. 6 p.m. 8, 9,10:30 a.m., 12 noon and 6 p.m., Saturday JENSEN BEACH DELRAY BEACH St. Mary Cathedral: NORTH PALM BEACH 7 p.m. St. Vincent: St. Martin: St. Clare: 7:45 a.m. 9. 11:30. FIT chapel Sat. 5:30 p.m. 7, 8, 9:30. 11 a.m., 12:30, 4:15 (French) 5:30 St. Ann: g. 9:30, 11 a.m. 12:15. 5.JO. Saturday 5, 6:15 and7p.m. (Spanish)Saturday7:30p.m. 7. 8:15,9:30,10:45 a.m., 12 noon and 5:30 p.m. 7,8.15,9:30,10.45a.m. 12 noon and 5:30 p.m., Queen of Peace: (Jensen Beach Community Church). Saturday.5:30 p.m. Saturday, 5:30 p.m. JUNO BEACH St. Michael: 8,11 a.m. Saturday, 8 p.m. 7,8.9. (Polish) 10.11:15 a.m., (Spanish) 12:30. OPA LOCKA ON THE KEYS FORT LAL'DERDALE St. Paul of the Cross: Our Lady of Perpetual Help: BIG PINE KEY 7:30. 9. 10:30 a.m.. 12 noon. 6 p.m., Sat. 5:30 6 and 7:15 (Spanish) Saturday 6:30, 8 p.m. St. Anthony: (Spanish) , 7. 8.9:30,11.12:15 (Spanish) 6p.m., Saturday St. Peter Church: 7. 8, 9:15, 10:30 a.m., 12 and 5:30 p.m., Sat- 7[)m JUPITER Sts. Peter and Paul: 6 p.m., 7 p.m. (Spanisn). 10 a.m., 12 noon, Saturday, 7 p.m.. 8 a.m. St. Philip (BundlePark): urday, 7 p.m. St. Jude: 7:30. 9:30. 11:30. 5:30 p.m. (English), 8:30, Sugarloaf Key, Fire Dept. Blessed Sacrament: 8:30, 10:30 a.m., 5:30 p.m., Saturday. 7 p.m. 10:30. 12:30. 6:30. 7:30 p.m. (Spanish) Sat- 7.9:30 a.m. KEY LARGO 8, 9:30,11 a.m., 12:30, 7 p.m. Saturday, 7 p.m. KEY BISCAYNE urday. 5:30.6:30p.m. ISpanish) St. Monica: St. Justin Martyr: St. Clement: St. Agnes: St. Robert Bellarmine, 3405 NW 27th Ave.: 8:30,10:15. 11:30, 12:30 (Spanish) 6 p.m. Sat- 8,10 a.m.. Sat. 5 p.m. 7:30. 9.10:30.12 and 5:30 p.m. Saturday, 5:30 8:30.10,11:15 a.m.. 12:30p.m. (Spanish) Sat- 8 a.m. (English) 11 a.m.. 1 and 7 p.m., urday, 6p.m. St. Mary: KEY WEST St. Mary: PAHOKEE p.m. urday. 5:30 p.m. (Spanish) Sat. 6.7p.m. (Spanish) 7,8:30,10,11:15 a.m., 5:30 and 7 p.m. Queen of Heaven: St. Timothy: LABELLE U m (Spanish) Saturday7:30p.m. 8, 9:30. 11 a.m. Sat. 6 p.m. N. Laud. Elem. Queen of Heaven: 9 a.m. 12noon (Spanish) 6:30p.m. * ' PALM BEACH St. Bede: School. LAKE WORTH Saturday 5 p.m. 6:30 (Spanish) St. Edward: 9:30. U a.m. and 7 p.m., Saturday, 7 p.m. St. George: St. Luke: St. Thomas the Apostle: 7. 9. 10:30.12, 5:30, Saturday, 5:30 MARATHON SHORES 8, 9:30, U a.m., 12:30, 5:30 p.m. Saturday 7,8,9:15, 10:30 a.m., 12 noon, 6 p.m., Sat- 7:30. 9.10,11 a.m., 12:15 and 6 p.m. Saturday PALM BEACH GARDENS San Pablo: 7 p.m. urday 7 p.m. 5:30 p.m. 8 and 11 a.m., Saturday, 7 p.m. St. Helen: St. Vincent de Paul, 2100 NW 103 St.: St. Ignatius Sacred Heart: 8.9.11:45 a.m. Saturday 5:30p.m. PLANTATION KEY 7:30, 9, 10, 11:15 a.m., 12:30, 5:30 p.m. Sat- 7. 8:15. 9:30. 10:45 a.m. 12 noon, 7 p.m.. Sat. 9.10:30,12,6p.m. (Spanish), 7p.m., Sat. 6:30, San Pedro: urday 5:30 p.m. 8p.m. (Spanish). FEKRINE 5. 7, p.m. Christ the King 9, and 11 a.m., Saturday, 7 p.m. Page 10 / Miami, Florida / THE VOICE / Friday, January 30,1976 Famous dissenters paved way

"The Years Between," an hour- In the first years of the Republic, One gains in understanding the long special in the continuing Congressman Matthew Lyons was role played by the dissenter in our" "Conscience of America" bicen- imprisoned under the Alien and national life and even, perhaps, move tennial series on ABC News' concentrates on the story of dissent Sedition Act of 1798 for criticizing some viewers to become more in- "Directions" will be broadcast in the growth of our nation. As this the policies of Adams' ad- volved in issues of the day. The Sunday, February 1 (12:00-1:00 p.m., program makes clear, dissent is a ministration. His eventual vin- program ends on a high and op- EST) on Channel 10, Miami. proud part of our American heritage dication established the right of timistic note with; President This documentary follows the and we owe much to those in- political dissent, the prerequisite for Roosevelt's offering of the Four uneasy and often- painful course of dividuals who stood against the a free society. Whether it is a Henry Freedoms of speech, worship, want, American democracy from the government or the majority in the Thoreau writing On Civil and fear as a kind of global Bill of framing of the Constitution to the cause of their own constitutional Disobedience in response to the Rights which became one of the struggle for global liberty during rights and those of others. injustices of his day (slavery, the hopes of the United Nations at its World War II. In order to give some These dissenters were strong in Mexican War, and Manifest Destiny) founding. perspective to an otherwise unwieldly their convictions and willing to suffer or a Susan B. Anthony, facing jail for The historical material is span of eventful history, the program the consequences for acting on them.' her activities on behalf of women's fascinating in itself but it is put into rights, each generation of Americans a pleasant format that makes it also has been fortunate in having in- enjoyable viewing. Singer-composer dividuals willing to stand up and be Harry Chapin provides an authentic counted on the side of some then period feeling by performing unpopular cause. folksongs appropriate to particular issues. He and ABC News Of all these reformers and ac- Correspondent Frank Reynolds share tivists, perhaps the one which stands the task of narrating the story while out best is Eugene V. Debs, the labor Richard Ramos, Roy Poole, and 1". leader and five-time presidential Mildred Clinton give dramatic candidate for the Socialist Party. He readings of key documents and is presented »s standing in direct statements, to 1 opposition to the capitalist "The Years Between" was philosophy summed up by an oil produced in cooperation with the baron of the day as: "I believe it is Office for Film and Broadcasting of my duty to make money." Debs the U.S. Catholic Conference; the organized a railroad union which was Communications Commission of the Actress Sandy Dennis makes a Kangaroo," on the award-winning broken by Federal troops during the National Council of Churches; the special guest appearance as Miss children's series, Tuesday Feb. 3 infamous Pullman Strike in 1895. Jewish Theological Seminary; and Meacher, Mr. Moose's teacher, (8:00-9:00 a.m., ET) on WTVj, During World War I, Debs was given the Radio and Television Com- joining Bob Keeshan, as "Captain Channel 4.. - a ten-year sentence under the mission of the Southern Baptist Espionage Act for a political speech. Convention. 'Adams Chronicles' —• biggest

WPBT TV Channel 2 is significant original drama ficers, historians, financiers presenting the first South series to be,produced by non- . and numerous other major Florida showing of the commercial broadcasting in contributors to the nation's ADAMS CHRONICLES this country,' has been made well being. 1750-1900 on Tuesdays at 9 possible by grants from the The first two episodes p.m. The series of thirteen National Endowment for the document the public and hour-long weekly television Humanities, the Andrew W. private lives of John and episodes dramatize the lives Mellon Foundation and ? Abigail from 1750 to 1776, of America's historic Adams Atlantic Richfield Company. including courtship and family and the integral role Local viewing was made marriage, the Continental that four Adams generations possible through Jordan Congresses, the birth of five played in shaping United Marsh's underwriting children and the death of a States "history. transmission costs. two-year-old daughter, and The series, described as The 150-year span of the Declaration of In- 'the largest and most time covered by the ADAMS dependence. CHRONICLES will deal RELIGIOUS with such Adams figures as John, John Quincy, Samuel, Abigail, Nabby, Louisa and Small All-in-ear Aid PROGRAMS many more, representing MEWI Limited SUNDAY such historical posts as: the liCfl! Time only 7 a.m. THE CHRISTOPHERS—Ch. 11 WINK, Ch. 5, nation's second and sixth WPTV. Presidents, a Vice-President, 9 a.m. CHURCH AND THE WORLD TODAY-Ch. 7 a delegate to the two WCKT Catholic Charities—ABCD. Continental Congresses, a 10:30 a.m.. THE TV MASS—Ch. 10 WPLG Fr. John Secretary of State, several Farrell. Ambassadors, negotiators of 2 p.m. INSIGHT-Film WINK Ch. 11. major treaties, members of • Repairs for Most Models 4:30 p.m. the U.S. House of • Guaranteed Eveready Bat- THE TV MASS—(Spanish)—Ch. 23 WLTV. teries RADIO Representatives,- ai member Coral Way Hearing Aids MARIAN HOUR—WSBR, 740 k.c, Boca of the Massachusetts Raton. 3131 Coral Way 5:30a.m. Legislature, Civil War of- CROSSROADS—WJNO 1230 k.c., W Palm (S.W. 22nd St.) Beach. 8:35 p.m. GUIDELINES—WIOD, 610 k.c, Miami. MAXIMUM SECURITY HARDWARE • DOORS FROM $48.95


MOVIES-TV-RADIO ( ' ' *& Film Ratings: National Catholic Office for Motion Pictures

Aaron Loves Angela (B) Let's Do It Again (A-3) Act of Aggression (B) Love and Death (A-3) Adventures of Sherlock Holmes' Lies my Father Told Me (A-3) Smarter Brother (B) Lizstomania (B) Apple Dumpling Gang (A-l) Lepke (B) At Long Last Love (A-3) Aloha, Bobby and Rose (A-3) Le Chat (A-:i i And Now My Love (A-3> Magic Flute (A-3) Man who Would Be King (A 0 Brannigan (A-3) Mahogany (A-3) McCullochs. The (A-3) Beyond the Door (Ci Monty Python and the Holy Grail (A-3) Breakout (A-3) / Maids. The (A-4) Barry Lyndon (A-3) Middle of the World (B) Black Bird (B) Mixed Company (A-3) Brother. Can You Spare a Dime? (A-2) Master Gunfighter (A-3) Bue • Night Moves (C) Creeping Flesh (A-3) Cry Uncle! (O Other Side of the Mountain (A-2) Candy Tangerine Man id One of Our Dinosaurs is Missing lA-l) George Washington takes the oath of office by Presidents Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln Conduct Unbecoming (A-3) Old Dracula (B Cleopatra Jones and the Casino of Gold One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (A-4- swearing on a Bible in one of the series of four and Theodore Roosevelt. They show the IB) filmstrips, 'The Bible and the Presidents,' now impact and inspiration of the Scriptures on the Cooley High (B) Posse (Bi Cry Rape (B> Passenger. The (A-31 available from the American Bible Society. The actions of these presidents in a format Pain in the A - (A-3) filmstrips explore the influence of the Bible on suitable for all ages. Pink Floyd (A-2) Photographer (C) Day of the Locust (A-4) Prisoner of Second Avenue (A-3) Delusions of Grandeur (A-2) Romantic Englishwoman (B) Down the Ancient Stairs Race with the Devil (A-3) Dolemile id Rollerball IB) Drowning Pool (B > Return of the Pink Panther iA-2i Devil is a Woman Rosebud i A-3) Diamonds (A-3) Rupture. La (A-3) * . production could improve Dog Day Afternoon I A-4) Rooster Cogburn (A-21 Dragon Flies (B) Distant Thunder (A-2) Royal Flash (A-3) Stavisky (A-31 By J. HERBERT BLAIS poorly-made-up Ruth Miller, as judicious cuts —in Ed Lupin- Seizure (A-3) "a little old lady in the sum- ski's opening business as an idle Enfants Terribles. Les IA-4) Sheila Levine is Dead and Living in New Escape to Witch Mountain (A-l) York i A-3) The title of William mertime." 15-year-old, and in Bergman's Eiarth is Our Sinful Song (A-4) Sleeper (A-3) Saroyan's play, "The Beautiful Newcomer Dennis long philosophical dissertation. Eiger Sanction (C) Shampoo iC) Stopford Wives (A-3) People," has nothing to do with Creaghan comes closest to If you are sick of violence, Streefighter. The (C) America's Anglo, ultra-wealthy, etching a fine character, ably see "The Beautiful People." French Connection II (A-4) Savage Sisters (C) Four Musketeers (A-3) Swept Away (by an Unusual Destiny in jet-set cultural leaders. It has to aided by Barbara Bogusky's You'll smile quietly in the dark Four Deuces (B) the Blue Sea of August) IB) do with the long-known fact creative costuming. while poignant portraits of Framed (Ci Secret iA-3) Funny I*ady (A-3) Story of a Teenager (A-3) that loving makes people Director Dillon also might human behavior are painted in Fortune. The i A-3) Stardust (A-3) beautiful. oil the creaks in the classic with mild pastels. Farewell My Lovely (A-:n Strongest Man in the World (A-l) Story of a l,ove Affair (A-3) The Players Repertory Sharks' Treasure i A-3) Theatre are making this their Summertime (A-3) Galileo (A-31 Six Pack Annie (C) third offering of the season at February 4th thru 17th Great McGonagall (B) Sheba. Baby c A-3 > •Miami's Museum of Science, Great Waldo Pepper (A-3) Saturday Night at the Baths (C) Sidecar Racers (A-3i under the direction of Associate Seven Alone (A-l) Artistic Director Wendy Dillon. GUYLOMBARDO Hindenburg (A-2) Specialist. The (Bi Human Factor (B) Special Section (A-2) WE'RE AFRAID that Hustle (B) Sunshine Bovs (A-3) Director Dillon sees "The ANd J^fc his ORChcSTRA Hiding Place (A-3) Hell (B) Beautiful People" as a pretty Hennessy (A-31 •That'll Be the Day-i.-\-3> play about loving people, each Ten Little Indians (A-2) Happy Hooker iB) 1 Huckleberry Finn (A-l i Tommy < A-4) of whom is an absurd but Hard Timos cA-3) Touch and Go (A-3) lovable character. And if you're ^>«^« \ per person including dinner, Hester Street (A-3) This Time III Make You Rich iA-31 Hound of the Baskervilles (A2 ) Terrorists (A-3) a Saroyan fan, as we are, you'll admission, tax and gratuity Hearts of the West (A-3) They Call Her One-Eye (C> Together Brothers (A-31 enjoy this production, as we did, Dinner served from 6:30 P.M. If You Don't Stop It...(C) . Torso (B) by listening to the words. Showtime 9:00 P.M. In Celebration (A-3) TNT Jackson (B) William • Saroyan is Invitation (A-31 • Three Days of the Condor (A-3) Reservations are requested. Tidal Wave (A-3) : whimsical, very human, fey, on sale Monday thru Friday, wispy, oddball, and sly. He 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Jock Petersen (C) I'nholy Rollers (Ci writes with deceptive .sim- Jacqueline Susann's Once is Not Enough I'p The Sandbox (A-4) plicity, and he has to be played IB) Undercovers Hero IB) Coming Soon Jaws

By WILLIAM E.MAY You have uttered concerning your servant and his house remain firm forever. Bring The two books of about what You have Chronicles review Jewish promised, that your renown as history from the beginnings to Lord of hosts, God of Israel, the fall of Jerusalem in 587 may be great and abide B.C., whereas the books of forever" (1 Chron 17:20, 22- Ezra and Nehemiah tell the 23). story of the repeopling of The Chronicler, indeed, Jerusalem and the rebuilding was not so much a historian as of its walls after the Jews were a theologian. He was one of allowed by Cyrus the Great to those rare individuals who are return from exile. Originally able to see beyond the in- these four bopks formed one terplay of seemingly isolated large historical narrative in events the workings of God in the Old Testament. Their history. Throughout the authors lived during.the third books of Chronicles is a century before Christ (after concern that the community the return from exile), and the of Israel, the Jewish people historical situation at the time recognize that their dignity provides us with an insight consists in the fact-that the into the meaning and purpose saving God of history has of the books. chosen them for his own. When the Chronicler They in turn are to his faith- "Thus the David that is portrayed in the first book of reviewed the past history of ful ministers, witnessing to Chronicles is the ideal king whose power lies hot in military might the Jewish community, its Him and offering Him worthy but in patient fidelity to the one and only God." From article by political power and military worship that wells up from William May. accomplishments were things their grateful hearts. to love by making them vividly aware that "God* has of the past. Although the rule Consequently throughout A Byzantine illumination from the Vatican Library shows King of Cyrus was benign and not abandoned us in our these books we discover that servitude" but has rather David enthroned with his son, Solomon, beside him. God is above allowed the people some the clergy play a leading part, and dancers and choristers all around. degree of self-determination, "given us new life to raise not merely the priests and again the house of our God the Jews were constantly Levites but the lower clergy as reminded of their vanquished and restore its ruins" (Ezra well, the gatekeepers and the 9:9). To enable the community state and their subjection to a cantors. The sacred character foreign power. Thus his more faithfully to witness to of the clergy extends to the the one and only God, Ezra purpose in retelling the story entire people by their par- of Israel's past, and in par- strengthened the roles that ticipation in the communion school and synagogue played ticular in relating the story of sacrifices. the great kings David and within the community. Chronicles tell us, then, NEHEMIAH is portayed know your faith Solomon, was to help his that we, the people of God, are people see that not national as a vivid personality, to be a royal priesthood. We ungrudging of effort yet and worldly glory but are to live in the spirit of religious zeal would have to be prudent and deliberate. In his David, whose chief glory beautiful confession of faith, the source of Jewish strength consisted in his fidelity to the and greatness. he stressed the greatness and covenant, and in the spirit of mercy of God: "O our God, DISCUSSION POINTS THUS THE DAVID that his son Solomon, whose only great, mighty, and awesome is portrayed in the first book prayer was for the wisdom God, You who in your mercy AND QUESTIONS of Chronicles is the ideal king that only God can give (cf. 2 preserve the covenant, take whose power lies not in Chron 1). And above all, we into account all the disasters are to a people burning with military might but in patient that have befallen us...In all 1. Read The First Book of Chronicles and The Second Book of fidelity to the one and only zeal for the Lord, whose that has come upon us, You Chronicles. God, the God who had mercy, the Chronicler reminds have been just, for You kept 2. Read The Book of Ezra and The Book of Nehemiah. covenanted Himself with the us time and time again, faith while we have done evil." "endures forever" (cf. 1 Chron 3. Who was Ezra? What did Ezra accomplish? Jewish people, making them (Nehemiah 9:32-33). 4. Who was Nehemiah? What did he accomplish? his own. This is brought out 6-7). most strikingly perhaps in the We can learn much from 5. What do we learn from Ecclesiastes' search for meaning.and Ezra and Nehemiah were these books of the Old happiness in life? prayer that the Chronicler the outstanding spiritual puts on the lips of David, the Testament. Like the Jews of 6. What would be your definition of the "key to happiness"? leaders of the Jewish people the third century, we must Discuss. king who was the glory of his after their return from exile. people: "O Lord, there is no humbly confess the evil that 7. Discuss the meaning and purpose of Chronicles I and II and Three themes dominate the we have done and our The Books of Ezra and Nehemiah. one like you and there is no book and work of Ezra: the God but you...You made your faithlessness to the God who 8. What is the difference between an historian and a chosen people covenanted to loves us so much that He sent theologian? Discuss. people Israel your own the Lord, the Temple, and the forever, and You, O God, us his only Son. Like them, 9. Discuss this statement: "Chronicles tell us...that we, the Law. Again and again Ezra we need to be reminded that people of God, are to be a royal priesthood." became their God. Therefore, reminds his people that they O Lord, may the promise that the God who has chosen us is 10. How do the biblical Old Testament text selections for this are slaves, but he rouses them above all a God of mercy and week apply to modern life? What messages do they hold for forgiveness, the one who will you as an individual? Discuss. never betray us and abandon 11. Why is it important for a new family moving into a parish us in our need. Like them, to feel that they "belong"? What is being done in your we need to strengthen the parish to welcome new people? Discuss. the winner "walls" of our faith and open 12. Discuss the value of "organization" within a parish. our hearts to the Word of God. Miami, Florida/THE VOICE / Friday, January 30,1976/Page 15 THE GQSPEL TRUTH

nature to save." Jesus is above all else a saviour. Once upon a time, a blind girl was caught in a burning Jesus is savior building on the second floor. It was impossible for firemen or tenants to reach her. From the ground her father called to her, "Come to the window." Finally, the blind girl heard her above all else father's voice and came. "Jump," he said, "jump." The blind girl was paralyzed with fear. She didn't know where she would land. "Trust me," her father said, "I'll catch you when you fall. I'll save you." Finally, her body rigid with fear, she climbed out to the FOURTK^SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME window sill, hesitated and finally, blindly, jumped into the arms of her father. Reading I, Deut. 18:15-20 Everyday our God says to us. "I'll save you. It's my 1 Reading II, I Cor. 7: 32-35 nature...only jump to my arms." Save us from what? Save us Gospel Mk. 1: 21-28 from the demon that possessed the man in today's gospel, the evil that surrounds our lives and sometimes fills our By FATHER DAVID RUSSELL hearts. The demon of fear and hate, of envy and lust. St. Louis Catholic Church The movie, The Exorcist pandered perhaps to childish The story is told of a Guru who used to pray daily at the fear, but did happily remind many of us that evil is very real banks of the sacred river Ganges. One day, the wise old man and can be very personal. The movie was dangerous in its noticed a scorpion feverishly clinging to the branch of a tree over-simplification; it reduced evil to a struggle over the which was dangling dangerously close to the swift waters of body of a pre-adolescent girl. the river. Evil is more pervasive and insidious than that. We see it Townsfolk who were passing by, were surprised to see in its obvious forms of physical violence; earthquakes, the holy man wade into the water to save the venomous hurricanes and floods. We see it caused by human weakness; child abuse, rape and drunken drivers. We see it in social scorpion from being washed away. As he reached out to save structure: economic exploitation of the poor, in corrupt, the creature, the scorpion uncoiled and struck the hand of the though accepted business ethics. We see it in our own per- holy man. sonal lives which fail and let others down. Immediately, the hand of the Guru began to swell Is there no one who can save us from forces which seem painfully; still he waded out again to reach the scorpion, lest more powerful than us? Is there no one's arms into which we it drown. And a second time the poisonous tail struck. A can run? Is there no one who will reach out to save us, even third time he tried until he finally grasped his attacker and though it cost him pain? Is there no hope at all? safely placed the scorpion on the shore. Jesus cast out the demon. He had complete authority. An onlooker came up to the wise man to ask him why he He was full of power, and he would do as much for us. He should act so foolishly. The Guru looked at him and said, wants to free us from every evil. The good news is that he is "Just because it is the nature of scorpions to sting, should I stronger than our weakness, mightier than our enemy, more deny my nature to save." powerful than the demons. We and our world are the bat- The words almost sound like they could have been tleground, but the outcome has been guaranteed. With the spoken by Jesus: "just because I must suffer, carry a cross, Lord no one is a loser. know the pain of betrayal and crucifixion, should I deny my

Prayer of the Faithful photomeditation

THE FOURTH SUNDAY OF THE YEAR Feb. 1,1976 Celebrant: Father, we ask You to listen to your family. Listen to us through your Son who shared our broken human nature and healed us. LECTOR: The response for this Sunday will be: Father, listen to our prayer. LECTOR: The word of God breathes new life into us. That the Scriptures may be a source of calmness amidst the tensions of life, we pray: People: Father, listen to our prayer. LECTOR: The mercy of the Lord reclaims the fallen ones. That we may strive to be merciful in our lives, with friends and family, we pray: People: Father, listen to our prayer. LECTOR: Jesus always loved the frightened, the poor, and all unfortunate people. That we may help them by making the ArchBishop's Charities Drive a success this year, we pray: People: Father, listen to our prayer. LECTOR: Our God loves Justice. That political prisoners and all those who are in prison unjustly may Thomas Jefferson statue stands world seemingly more complex, confusing and soon gain freedom, we pray: the center of the lovely, round challenging than that of 1776. People: Father, listen to our prayer. memorial to him in the nation's capital...His In a time of apparent flight from LECTOR: The Lord calls each of us to holiness. basic belief in the power of human drugs, self-gratification, That we may always promote what is good and devote carved in stone above his head. terrorism... Jefferson reminds us of the ourselves to a life of service and life filled with love, Jefferson trusted deeply in the "mind of marvelous capacity we we pray: man" solve life's guide imagine...Part of our People: Father, listen to our prayer. one's decisions and probe the American heritage is reliance on reason. Celebrant: Father, we place ourselves in your mysteries of existence...His life and hands. Take care of our lives that are sometimes achievements are marked by reasonableness Trust in human intelligence is also a part plagued with fear, trouble or doubt. We ask You to and intelligence. of our Judaeo-Christian tradition...which sees heal us with the strength of your word and the warmth Our country rests on the reasoned human beings as made in the image and of your love. Do this in the name of Jesus, our Lord principles he helped formulate...In this likeness...of the Creator...whose in- and your Son. bicentennial year we do well to recall Jef- ultimately the ground for all ferson's trust in the human mind...for ours is a reasonableness. People: Amen. Page 16 / Miami, Florida / THE VOICE / Friday, January 30,1976 Social change seminar set at St.Leo's ST. LEO-Phase II of will make the introduction at 9 plan to continue discussions on "Exploration into Social a.m. Feb. 8, with a workshop looking Change," a program designed They will give an overview into needs from 10 a.m., and to "build and strengthen the at 9:15 a.m. and after coffee concluded by working with Church and the people of God break, Sister Marjorie will groups in Apopka and Winter in their mission as agents of comment on results of Phase I, Garden from 2 to 6 p.m. social change in the light of the while Easley will address issues Some of the rationale for Gospel and conciliar papal and strategies to be undertaken the continuation of the ex- documents," will be held at St. for Phase II. After luncheon ploration into social change, Leo's Pilgrim Center on break, small groups will talk Father Michael O'Neill said, is Saturday, Feb. 7. about program planning, risks based on the Bishops' Synod of and possibilities. After a 3:30 1971 in which they stated: Sister Marjorie Tuite, session called "caucus around "While the church is O.P., and Sam Easley, who work places," the whole bound to witness to justice, she conducted Phase I in Daytona assembly will hear feedback recognizes that anyone who Beach will return to discuss from the smaller groups. ventures to speak to people social change processes during A Liturgy is planned for about justice must first be just the seminar sponsored by the 5:15 p.m., followed by supper. in their eyes. Hence, we must Justice and Peace Office of the The final workshop session will undertake an examination of Diocese of Orlando. be devoted to coalition building the modes of acting and of the Sponsors have a and future plans. possessions and life style found scholarship fund set up to help Some of the participants within the church itself." financially those people who would benefit by the workshop. Applications may be placed with Sister Teresa McElwee, New library facility has been provided at Centro Mater in Miami's (305) — 898-8884, or by mailing requests to Justice and Peace Little Havana section by the ABCD. Books in English, Spanish WONDERFUL and French are needed. Early donations are received by Eddyat 2611 Curry Ford Road, Orlando, 32806. Asper, volunteer teacher; and Alina Fernandez, head teacher. THINGS Those needing pick-up services for books should call 445-7720 or Sister Immaculata Knox, 545-6049. R.S.M., and Sister Mary Xavier O'Reilly of Melbourne HAPPEN have been handling advance Stroke patient talk at Mercy registration. Head of the THE HOLY FATHER'S MISSION AID TO THE ORIENTAL CHURCH "Speech Therapy for the Stephanie Stryker, M.A., planning committee. The all- . . . when you become a member of the Catholic Stroke Patient" will be thecertified speech pathologist, day work session at St. Leo will Near East Welfare Association. will be the principal speaker. begin with registration, coffee topic during a panel discussion In Bethlehem, through your help, beautiful little Other members of the panel are and doughnuts, at 8:30 a.m. YOU open to the community at 7:30 boys and girls all of them deaf mutes learn to Dr. Sherif Shafey and Dr. M. Those who are not housed HELP p.m., Thursday, Feb. 5 at communicate under the loving care of the Seth Hochman. Dr. Moises E. at the Pilgrim Center will have THE Mercy Hospital. Sisters of St. Dorothy. Hernandez is the chairman of housing at a Dade City POOREST the hospital's Medical location, Sister Immaculata OF CHRIST'S In Nazareth, you help the Salesian Fathers CYO thanks Education Committee. said. POOR teach refugee boys a trade so they can lift them- Since space is limited, The Chicago facilitators, selves and their families from desperate contributors those attending should make Sister Marjorie and Easley, will poverty, The CYO Board of thereservations by calling 854- be available and willing to work 4400, Ext. 2158, Sessions will with any groups that may In Jordan, you save the life of a baby dying from Archdiocese of Miami ex- dehydration. pressed thanks this week to all be held in the hospital cafeteria, develop during the workshop, those who contributed to the3663 S. Miami Ave. Sister Immaculata said. She In the Gaza Strip, through your support, 76 success of "Operation Santa blind children learn Braille and acquire the skills Claus," in which 3,500 toys to earn their own living and lead meaningful, were collected from 35 parishes MEXICO CITY TOUR -*- YOU productive lives. Includes... from Palm Beach to REAP You share in the Masses of the grateful priests per person 6 days/S nights Hotel in Mexico Homestead. based on 2 SPIRITUAL carrying on Christ's work in the 18 countries in room 2 meals per day Individual parish CYO's REWARDS we serve, and you earn special Spiritual Bene- 1/2 day city tour distributed the toys, some with fits granted to members by our Holy Father 206 Via mNAM special departure dates parties and visits by Santa, himself. himself. Toys were presented in plus $3 U.S. tax South Dade, Delray Beach, at GALEN TRAVEL CENTURY TRAVEL The membership offering for one year is only the Sunland Training Center Open Sunday (Brand New) $2 per person, $10 for a family. The offering and at Variety Children's 18725 W. Dixie Hwy. N. Miami Beach 59 S. Fed. Hwy. for Perpetual Membership is $25 per person, Hospital. Catholic charities Miami - 931-5300 Hollywood 945-6629 Deerfield Beach, Fla. $100 for a family. You may enroll your deceased agencies and needy parish Ft. Laud. 781-7874 421-7660 as well, of course ($25), St. Ambrose Parish families also benefited. IT "If you can imagine the THE In Kuthiatode, in the Archdiocese of Ernakulam, smiling face of a youngster who PERFECT India, the tiny church serving 170 poor families didn't expect anything under MEMORIAL is about to collapse. You can replace it your- the tree," said a CYO The Services self for just $3,000, as a Memorial for someone spokesman, "you may realize you love. Cardinal Parecattil will write to thank the joy that you have brought you. to others." of CY Formerly of Pittsburgh, Pa. South Florida's Dear ENCLOSED PLEASE FIND $ Monsignor Nolan: FOR First - Advertised Please NAME Philip A. Josberger return coupon with your STREET. offering FINE FURNITURE, INC. Catholic Funeral Director CITY . STATE ZIP CODE Unusual opportunities THE CATHOLIC NEAR EAST WELFARE ASSOCIATION are offered each and are now available in both every day for anyone DADE and COLLIER Counties. wishing quality in Furni- ture, Lamps and Acces- NEAR EAST sories for your home or apartment, at a cost that IN DADE CALL: 757-5544 is no more and often less MISSIONS TERENCE CARDINAL COOKE, President than the commonplace. IN COLLIER CALL: 394-7573 MSGR. JOHN G. NOLAN, National Secretary 651 So. Federai Highway Write: CATHOLIC NEAR EAST WELFARE ASSOC. (6 blocks south of Atlantic Blvd.) "The Personal Touch that Means so Much" 1011 First Avenue • New York, N.Y 10022 Pomparro Telephone: 212/826-1480 Phone 943-8465

Miami, Florida / THE VOICE/ Friday, January 30,1976 / Page 17 Pro-life honors High school entrance exams Carolyn Wright It's a Date Entrance-placement examinations for Fall acceptance are scheduled to be held in various high schools of the Arch- Mrs. Carolyn Wright, a diocese of Miami on Saturday, Feb. 7, 1976. member of St. Hugh parish, Palm Beach County A First Friday Valentine Coconut Grove, has been cited card party and social under the In Dade County the exams will be held at Archbishop for her untiring efforts on "Is Catholic Tradition auspices of HOLY SPIRIT Curley High and Msgr. Edward Pace High Schools; in Important?" will be the topic of Broward County at Cardinal Gibbons, Chaminade, Madonna behalf of unborn babies and in Father Charles Stadalnikas, Women's Guild begins at 12:30 recognition of her work in the p.m., Friday, Feb. 6 in the and St. Thomas Aquinas High Schools; and in Palm Beach pro-life movement. pastor, St. Christopher Church, parish hall, Lantana. County at Cardinal Newman High School. Hobe Sound, during the next Complete details of applications may be obtained by An attorney, Mrs. Wright lecture of the Adult Education Broward County calling the respective schools. is widely known throughout Series in ST. EDWARD parish, Florida for testimonies she has Palm Beach, on Monday, Feb. 2 A Corporate Communion given at legislative hearings in at 7:30 p.m. will be observed by ST. E. Oakland Park Blvd., Fort scene of an auction covered dish Tallahassee in the fight against *•• SEBASTIAN Council of Lauderdale. Plans will be supper sponsor by the liberalized abortion. Their annual luncheon and Catholic Women during the 8 discussed for a Valentine dinner Women's Club on Monday She received the Holy fashion show will be sponsored a.m. Mass, Friday, Feb. 6, in and dance on Feb. 14. Call 772- Feb. 2. Innocence award of the by members of HOLY NAME the parish church. Breakfast 3079 for further information. ••• Catholic unit of the Dade Guild on Saturday, Feb. 7, at and business meeting will ••• A "Happy Birthday USA" County Right to Life Com- " the Hotel Breakers, Palm follow in the parish hall. Shells Members of ST. HELEN dance under the auspices of ST. mittee in the first presentation Beach. and their origin will be Women's Guild meet at 8 p.m., KEVIN Women's Guild begins of its kind made by the group. ••* discussed by Mrs. E. Flynn Wednesday, Feb. 4, in the at 9 p.m., Saturday, Feb. 7 in Sixth annual bazaar in ST. Ford, president. parish hall, Fort Lauderdale, the parish hall, 4120 SW 125 Seafood specialists PAUL OF THE CROSS parish, ••* where a fashion show with a Ave. Buffet supper will be since 1959 North Palm Beach, is scheduled ST. CLEMENT Women's Valentine theme will be served. For reservations call next weekend, Feb. 6,7, and 8 Club will sponsor its annual presented. Ruth Keeley at 223-2606 after 4 on the parish grounds at 10970 fashion show and luncheon at p.m. State Rd. 703, just south of noon. Saturday, Feb. 7 at the Collier County ••• Lost Tree Village. Rides, Gait Ocean Mile Hotel, AIA, A report on the Jan. 22 "Seven Plus One? games, booths, and other Fort Lauderdale. "An Old- March for Life in the nation's Genesis, Chapters 1-5" will be entertainment will be provided Fashioned Walk" will be the capital will be reported in detail discussed by Dominican Father beginning at 4 p.m. Friday. theme with entertainment at 8 p.m., Friday, March 6 at Daniel Madden, Ph. D., in the ••• provided by the "Sweet the home of Jay and Marilyn next Scripture lecture at 7:30 Adelines." Fashions by Helen 1819 N.E. 4th AVE. ST. JOHN FISHER Lucas, 2201 Shad Ct., Royal p.m., Monday, Feb. 2 in ST. FT. LAUDERDALE Women's Guild will sponsor a Kern will be shown. Tickets Harbor, Naples. Refreshments ROSE OF LIMAparish. may be obtained by calling 735- will be served. 763-8922 763-7211 bake sale at 5:30 p.m., 4636 or 764-4927. ••• Saturday. Jan. 31, on the ••• The CATHOLIC grounds at 4001 North Shore "Freedom Fling '76" will Dade County ALUMNI CLUB, will sponsor Drive, West Palm Beach. a pizza party at the home of House of Indi^ be theme of a carnival on Feb. MARIAN CENTER ••• 5, 6, 7, and 8 on the grounds of David Knowles, 676 NE 61 St. Members of ST. JOAN OF AUXILIARY will sponsor at 8 p.m., Saturday, Jan. 31. Rrt ARC Guild meet at noon, Feb. ST. THOMAS AQUINAS their annual benefit luncheon at 42 Genuine High School, 2801 SW 12 St. the Indian Creek Country Club (continued on page 19) Original Curries 4 in Manning Hall, 370 SW Fort Lauderdale, just off Davie from only $095 ' Third St., Boca Raton. at 11 a.m., Thursday, Feb. 5. Blvd. Live bands, booths, rides, Proceeds will be donated to the Vegetarian and Non Members will bring lunch. and refreshments will be fea- BANQUETS Vegetarian Menu Coffee and dessert will be Marian Center for Exceptional Lunch Mon-Sati 1-2: tured. Dinner 7 days 5-10:30 served. Guest speaker will be Children. For reservations call ••* Fri-Sat till 11:30 j §s Sister Trinita Flood, O.P., 758-0064 or 865-6445. LUNCHEONS 22 Merrick Way. Coral Gables president, Barry College. A luncheon and card party ••• For Reservations Call 444-2348 under the auspices of ST. Annual George ••• JEROME Women's Club PARTIES Their animal rummage sale Washington fashion show and for up to (>IH) will be sponsored by the Home begins at 12:30 p.m., Tuesday, luncheon under the auspices of and School Assn. of SACRED Feb. 3 in the parish hall, 2533 the PATRICIAN CLUB, LLhALI HEART Church, Lake Worth, SW Ninth Ave., Fort Miami Beach, will be an event on Feb. 6 and 7 in Madonna Lauderdale. Public is invited to of Feb. 26 at the Hotel Fon- BUFFET Hall. Those wishing to donate attend. tainebleau. Reservations may AMERICAN AND large quantities of rummage for ••• be made with members. GANTONESE sale may call 582-0334 or 582- CATHOLIC WIDOWS •*• RESTAURANT CUISINE and WIDOWERS meet at 8 ST. JOHN the APOSTLE & LOUNGE 7735 for pickup. Donations may PHONE Cocktails, Music also be brought to the hall on p.m., Monday, Feb. 2 at parish, Hialeah, will be the k Thursday, Feb. 5 during school Blessed Sacrament parish, 1701 Broward' 927-2566 . HARRIS hours. Dade 945-5621 IMPERIAL HOUSE North Ocean Drive at Atlantic Blvd. Vt mile south ol Ft. Indtrdali-Hollywoitf InteTnitioni! Airport on US. 1. Dinii in Pompano Beach • Ph. 941-2200 —OPEN FOR LUNCH AT NOOH—

79th St. COCKTAIL LOUNGE Causeway • MAINE LOBSTERS SEAFOOD'RESTAURANTS • CLAMS AND OYSTERS 23 PRIVATE ROOMS FOR PARTIES AVAILABLE • NEW ENGLAND SEAFOOD CLOSED MONDAY MIAMI'S OLDEST SEAFOOD RESTAURANT —OUR 23th YEAR COMPLETE SELECTION OF FINE FOODS AVAILABLE OPEN FROM NOON TO MIDNIGHT DISCOVER for yourself LUNCH SERVED DAILY ~ tonight-how Italian tastes VniLUCHILDREM N pelican COMPLETE SIX 95 Fine Food and when it's RIGHT! i COURSE DELUXE Excellent Service Featuring Ribs, $2' Steaks and Fresh Seafood DINNER Buffet Luncheon The Finest in Town The Most m SEAFOOD AND MEAT" ADULTHUUk $ Breathtaking View in Miami J&S>iffi REAL ITALIAN RESTAURANT , SERVED FROM 4:00 $ *) 95 TO 6:00 P.M. SUNDAY BRUNCH JamJEfflr 150 Giralda, Coral Gables •448-8294 *3 10:30-3:00 if Afflnl TWO BLOCKS NORTH OF MIRACLE MILEI < MIAMI BEACH FT. LAUDERDALE ' W ||r * • M*jar Credit CutbHoawed ' 1900 79th St. Caweway 17th St. Causeway Directly on Biscavne Bay OUR REGULAR MENUS :S2<)i Rickenbacker Causeway Sumptuous Luncheon Specials Monday thru Friday 11:30-2 [ ALSO IN SERVICE 865-8688 525-6341 Key Biscayne :Sfil-575:i ALL DINNERS UNDER $5 SEVEN DAYS A WEEK 5-10 P.M. <

Page 18 / Miami, Florida / THE VOICE / Friday, January 30,1976 It's a Date

(continued from page 18) Shores Country Club. For Men of ST. LOUIS parish reservations call 758-1404. will participate in a weekend ••• retreat, Feb. 6-8, at Our Lady of "Guys and Dolls," Florida Retreat House, North Broadway musical, will be Palm Beach. For additional staged by MSGR. PACE information or reservations call HIGH School Drama Club at 8 238-6649 or 666-4927. p.m. today (Friday), Saturday, ••• and Sunday, in the new St. The Mothers Guild of OUR Joseph Center, 8670 Byron LADY OF LOURDES Ave., Miami Beach. Tickets Academy will sponsor its fifth may be obtained at the door. annual auction at 7 p.m., ••• Friday, Feb. 6 and Saturday, A family style spaghetti Feb. 7 at the school auditorium, dinner will begin at 6:30 p.m., 5525 SW 84 St. Saturday's Saturday, Feb. 7, in ST. activities begin at 12:30 p.m. DOMINIC parish hall. Cruise-minded members of St. Sebastian Papadopoulos aboard the SS. Bon Vivant at with many items of value and ••• Council of Catholic Women, Fort Lauderdale, Miami. The Council is sponsoring a luncheon interest. A card party under the Mrs. St. Clair Duffy, Mrs. E. Flynn Ford, and and cruise apparel fashion show on Feb. 12 as itirit auspices of ST. LOUIS Mrs. Sebastian Adam, talk with Capt. Stamatis well as a trip aboard the ship on March 14. Dr. Oswald H. Coury will Women's Club begins at 10 lecture on "Breast Cancer: a.m., Tuesday, Feb. 10 and Newer Methods of Detection continues until 2 p.m. in the and Treatment" in the next parish family center. Guests Every Wed. evening program of a Health series at may play whatever card game at 7.00 O'clock 8:15 p.m.,Wednesday,Feb. 4 at they choose. A hot luncheon Your Lucky Birthstones ST. LOUIS parish center, 7270 will be served. Reservations Set by a master jewelry designer in Come celebrate Benediction of the SW 120 St. may be made by calling 271- Most Blessed ••* 6973 no later than Feb. 5. CROSSES AND RINGS SACRAMENT Their annual carnival will ••• Medallions, Talismans, Pendants with Recitation of the Rosary Precious or Semi-Precious Gems, to be sponsored by ST. JAMES Members of ST. AGATHA Commemorate Your Family's Birth Cycle Songs and Worship at the Church parishioners today parish will sponsor a pork roast (Friday), Saturday and Sunday on Sunday, Feb. 1 on the Phone MONTY821-1170 Church of St.Maurice on the grounds at NW Seventh grounds of St. Brendan High Appointments Arranged at Your Convenience 2851 Stirling Rd., ft. Lauderdale Ave. and 131 St., North Miami, School from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. Rides, games, refreshments etc. Serving begins at 3 p.m. at will be featured. 2900 SW 87 Ave. ••* ••• MIAMI CATHOLIC A dance under the auspices SERVICE BUREAU Auxiliary of Cursillos in Christianity will sponsor its annual lun- begins at 8 p.m. Saturday, Jan. cheon and card party at noon, 31 at the Club de las Americas, Saturday, Feb. 7, at the Miami 8500 SW Eighth St. Supposing you're hospitalized, is your family protected?

Your family depends on you. With insurance from Catholic Association of Foresters, your sa- lary is protected regardless of any other income. Catholic Association of Foresters, instituted in February 27, 1976 1897, is a Fraternal Society offering personally Ninth Annual Edition especially prepared as a guide to The tailored insurance policies for accident, health Catholic Wedding. In addition to the regular Voice circulation, and life. an extra 5,000 Catholic couples will receive copies of "Bride & Groom" when they visit their parish priests to plan their wed- Also, as a member of the Association, you're dings, and 2,000 high school seniors will read "Bride & Groom " eligible to participate in religious and educational as text in their "Marriage and the Family" -'••-'•— programs. For more information about our salary Protection Plan, and many other insurance bene- fits, send in this coupon. Both (he Bride and Groom will shop this Section, so sell your product or service directly to these 5,000 Catholic couples and their families during the entire year with only one advertise- Name ment. Street ___ City .State Zip. Tel. . Age Occupation . IK TTHE Catholic VOICE: Florida's Largest Weekly Newspaper ASSOCIATION OF FORESTERS 6201 Biscayne Blvd., Miami 33138 insurance 754-2651 Closing 2120176 Sunrise Professional Bldg., 915 Middle River Drive, Fort Lauderdale, Fla. 33304 VI76 Miami, Florida / THE VOICE / Friday, January 30,1976 / Page 19 Columbus netters keep on winning By GEORGE FORNASH loose in their final game of the week and LaSalle was their Last week in high school victim. Mike White, Pete basketball saw the end of Janigan, Ken Stibler and Belen's winning streak, the Domingo Rodriguez all scored continuation of Columbus' in double figures in the 72-49 streak, Pace fall victim to victory. The Royals' Charlie revenge, and Curley come back Ferguson had a game-high 24 from Broward County winless. points. , Columbus continues to Curley got their rematch establish themselves as the with Cardinal Gibbons, but the team to beat in the Southern outcome was the same. Tom Division of the Greater Miami Schmalzreid led five Redskins Athletic Conference. The in double figures with 20 points Explorers chalked up three in a 88-67 win. Bryan Morris more wins last week to run their was high point man for the More than 700 Scouts met at Camp Seminole Jewish Committee on Scouting and the record to 15-3. Marty Schuette Knights with 23. Curley took this weekend for the annual Lincoln-Marti recipient of the St. George Award from the hit for 28 points in a 60-55 win on Broward's other power, St. Camporee. Among leaders attending were, left Archdiocese of New York; Msgr. William over South Dade and racked up Thomas and also came out on to right: Francisco Blanco, treasurer of the Dever, Archdiocesan Youth Activities Director 26 more in a 69-56 win over the short end of the stick, 66-62. Archdiocese Catholic Committee on and scout chaplain; and Murray Grossman, Southwest. Columbus ended Scouting; Fred Priebis, chairman of the member of the Jewish Committee on BOTH GIBBONS and their week in one of the tightest Aquinas stumbled in other Catholic Committee on Scouting; Eloy Scouting, who received the Ecumenical Patch cliffhangers of the season Gonzalez, campmaster of the Camporee; from the Archdiocese at the Camporee. games last week. Gibbons was Zoltan Stulberger, awards chairman of the against Miami Beach. Beach edged by Class .AAAA put the clamps on Schuette and Pompano Beach, 60-58 and rallied from a 13 point halftime Dillard toppled St. Thomas, 68- deficit to tie the game and force 64 in overtime. The Raiders Write, draw, cheer, dance - it into overtime. Twice more the did rebound and closed the final buzzer found the game week with a 55-46 win over tied. Pedro Busse's five clutch Hallandale High. take your pick of activities points in the third overtime In other games, Mary finally settled the : Gordon MacRae S"f.f8^de- "already.- being appeared. A variety of other utilized not only^by the. parish eventS are already planned by but by local Catholic high Msgr-- . Josep- h- y-- p^ *y schools. pastor. H. O'Shea, Attached to the parochial On Wednesday, Feb. 11, school at 8670 Byron Ave., the entertainment will be provided new center will be the scene of by Sid Gaesar who will appear the Broadway musical "Guyys between 9 and 10:30 p.m. and Dolls" which will be staged Dancing will precede and follow by Msgr. Pace High School the show and tickets are Drama Club at 8 p.m. today available, in the hall after (Friday), Saturday and Sun-Sunday Masses or at' the day. rectory. On Friday, March 5, Parishioners of the parish; screen 8tar> Kathryn Grayson, have already enjoyed the ^ be heard in ,.An Evening With Kathryn Grayson and Funeral far Peter Hurkosv" Designed by Miami ar- priest's father chitect, Murray Blair Wright, Professional Stage Featured At St. Joseph Multi- Purpose Center. HIALEAH-The Funeral the structure covers an area of Liturgy was concelebrated in approximately 10,240 sq. feet St. Cecilia Church for Miguel and is planned with folding Mother of priest dies, Perez whose son is a priest in partition to divide the space the Archdiocese of Miami. into two areas for may have been beaten Father Luis Perez, pastor, simultaneous use in the event was the principal celebrant of of two functions, FORT LAUDERDALE- her home Monday morning to Larkin, Clearwater; Father the Mass for his father who was The mother of a Florida priest join a friend for luncheon in Patrick Murnane, pastor, St. a native of San Cristobal de los The stage platform with may have been beaten before downtown Fort Lauderdale. Helen Church, Fort Lauder- Pinos, Pinar del Rio, Cuba and ha!;dw°od ™^ f, \ . ,e she died ofa hfart at.tack in her Police reports indicated that dale; and Father James who was 90 years of age at the used for school and parish car in the city's northwest area Mrs. Dawson was lying on her Garrity, O.M.I., assistant time of his death. dramatic or musical presen- on Jan. 19. side on the floor of the car's pastor St. Jerome parish. He is also survived by.his tations as well as audio-visual The Funeral Liturgy was passenger side. A coat and A pioneer member of the wife, Mrs. Mucrecia Rodriguez and lectures. The facilities, concelebrated Thursday in St.blanket covered her face. The lay apostolate in Broward de Perez; six other sons in- Msgr. O'Shea, said are Jerome Church for Mrs. Helen medical examiner could not County, Mrs. Dawson was a cluding Father Carlos Perez, available to local Archdiocesan R. Dawson. whose son, Msgr. determine whether bruises on member of St. Jerome Women's Pompilio,. Oreste Martin, hig schools for such functions. Joseph Dawson, is Officialis of her face had been 'inflicted Club and the Pioneers of Alberto, Pedro and Lucio; and A...n . entrance lobby„ with the Diocese of St. Augustine before or after death which was Hollywood, She is also survived T £t f*- -w> K » 1 • 11 *1 ill 1 I ill three daughters: Maria adjacent rest rooms is provideh d a"d pastor of St. John the attributed to a heart attack. by two other sons: Edwin P., Cristina, Lucia Magaly, as well as a spacious kitchen to Baptist Church, Atlantic Keys to the auto were still in Plantation; and Lynn E., Luzdivina, all of whom reside in enable parishioners to work Reach. She was 73. the ignition but the motor had Neptune Beach; three Cuba. together preparing dinners or Thebod y of Mrs- Dawson been turned off- daughters: Mrs. Isabel Burial was in Our Lady of other refreshments for com- was f°und ln herca r Monday Concelebrating the Mass Newton, Fort Lauderdale; Mrs. Jean Roat, Panama City; and Mercy Cemetery. munity activities. evening by a group of children. for his mother with Msgr. She was last seen when she left Dawson were Father Patrick Mrs. Marie Venturi, Highland Slevin, pastor, St. Jerome Park, 111. as well as 19 grand- Disclaims responsibility Funero/ serVices parish; Msgr. Harold Jordan, children. pastor, Assumption Church, Jacksonville; Msgr. Eugene for priest's Statements for Fr. Bradley Kohls, Chancellor of the The Diocese of Pittsburgh directed to the shows in Diocese of St. Augustine; el has disclaimed responsibility „ . . „ BOYNTON BEACH- Father Diego Conesa, St. Paul Funeral FPome for anything said by Father question or to Prentiss-Hall Funeral services were held in Church, Jacksonville Beach; Richard Ginder, 62, who has U. SindeV ^involved in a gS£ "£4^ ^S S^S^&S RON E. BECKER appeared on a number of radio Funeral Director and TV talk Shows discussing JK ctr^tain^limt atr? ^ !&?* ^ ^^^^T'- his forthcoming book and Phone: Pittsburgh in 1969. A former ^Vathe? Bradley who had tLn 11^ Resent ' in tTe making statements promoting (305) 428-1444 sexual freedom, according to columnist of Our Sunday served ui several South-Florida a'lrnctuaryy were Z in J Visitor magazine and a writer parishes over a number of vears !>a were Msgr. John J. 1444 S. Federal Hwy. NC News Service. for Priest mae-arinf. , Pansnes over a numoer oi years. 0 Looney, pastor emeritus, St. The priest, an admitted ior rriesc magazine, he was buried in St. Joseph Anthnnv ri,,,,»), p^^ DEERFIELD BEACH homosexual, has had noresigned from a school Cemeterv following Con- T J T, ™ ™, ^ assignment in that diocese L since 1964 and cannot speak in chaplaincy post in 1964 because celebrS Mass It It. Dun- ^derdale; Msgr. W. ThomaR.s JAY • . . any capacity for the Church, of illness and since has been stan's Basilica, Prince Ed- though he appears in priest's unassignedflBOooooooopaoooaDoooooegooooooan. ward Island, Canada. KRAEER FUNERAL HOME garb on the shows. II II Fort Lauderdale Pompano Beach Sample Road Deerfield Beach Margate The diocese said any II I 565-5591 941-4111 946-2900 399-5544 972-7340 IF FUNERAL DIRECTOR: CARL F. SLADE R. Jay Kraeer, Funeral Director protests or comments should be II HIALEAH PALM SPRINGS BIRD ROAD i: 800 Palm Ave. 1 325 W. 49th St. 8231 Bird Rd. i Tel: 888-3433 Tel: 822-3081 Tel: 226-1811 I i BBQODeQOQOOOO&OQgOOOOOOOQOOOCd SlItllfllllllllllllllllillHIIimillllllllflllllHIIIIIIIIIIHINHHillllllinilltllllllllllllHHHIUmMKllMnkS mmimwrnm PLANTATION FUNERAL HOME I

Paul Cooper Active Member of Little Flower Parish 7001 N.W. 4th St. FUNERAL HOME, INC. Catholic 140 So. DIXIE HIGHWAY Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. MIAMI BEACH Funeral Director HOLLYWOOD, FLORIDA 72 nd Street at Abbott Avenue PHONE: 923-6565

Miami, Florida / THE VOICE / Friday, January 30,1976 / Page 23 CMSSHH)** Call Alba 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday thru Friday • iiimifMW Miami 754-2651 • Broward 525-5157 WANT TELL PEOPLE WHAT YOU WANT TO BUY, SELL OR REHT ADS

5—Personals 13-Help Wanted Female /Male SERVING 631,600 Miami 754-2651 "Wanted: Qualified Liturgical Music director Rosary - parts and expert jepairipg,. Mr. for -North Broward parish. Applications CATHOLICS IN Francis Winkel, 41 SI. Clair St. Port Sahjiec, WANT AD ' Broward 525-5157 statine Qualificationsand.exoerience, if anv. SOUTH FLORIDA Mich. 48469. to, The Voice, 6201 (iscayne.Bvld.,.Box 188X Miami, Fla. 33138: Murrays Health Food Stp>:. Cor. N. Miami Ave. 5 N.W. 75 St., Phone Has Jesus called you to Christian Com- 21A-Misc. Wanted 40-Apt. for Rent N. E. 50-Real Estate 52-Cendominium for Sale-Pompano Beach 759-2187 - Vitamins, Minerals Books, munity life? Call Sister Helen 758-8389. Bread, Nuts, Ojfls, Honeyr-Seeds. 2 bdrm, 2 bath oceanfront 300 ft. of private Neeaed good used televisions (2) and (2) 227 N.E. 2 St. Near Gesu, furn. effcys, beach. Washer-dryer in kitchen. Covered AD • SALES - Protected territory with fans, blankets and heaters for Mercy Home 'jedroom apts. Utilities Adults. Johnror, Planning to Sell???? parking. 24 hour security. Low mainf. One Florida's largest weekly. Liberal straight Mission. Please call Sister Helen at 758- Apt. Hotel 374-9826-.- Knights of Columbus, Marian Council 3757 commission. 8389. block to St. Gabriel's. Owner 943-4456. Hall for rent for weddings ana banquets. We Call Fred Brink, 754-2651 Call us for FREE ESTIMATE OF VALUE on also do catering. 13300 Memorial Hwy. No. 40-Apt. for Rent-N. Miami your property. No obligation. Miami 893-2271. Organist wanted, few rehearsals one Mass 22-Airconditioners for Sale COURTEOUS PROFESSIONAL SERVICE 10 a.m. 1682 N.W. 4th Ave. call the pastor. IMMACULATE DUPLEX 754-0965. WAREHOUSE 5000 BTU $140., 806fl 2 bdrm. beautifully furnished North Miami 52-Homes for Sate $175., 6000 $155., 6000 HEAT $185. 947, area 893-1098. Clowney - Stanton LOWINCOME CHILD 6674. CARE CENTERS Experienced reporter/feature writer needed if your goal 40—Duplex for rent or sale NW Realty, Inc. Need toys, books, clothes, furniture. Ace 6 in Ft. Lauderdale to cover Broward county area. Retired newspersons welcome to months - H.iffears. Call Mrs. Boundy 635- 25-Tool Rentals 11703 N.E. 2nd Ave. - BROKER - 891-6252 is to sell apply. Work will be on a part-time con- TWO LARGE BEDROOM APARTMENTS 8471. Eve.'757-3290.. tracted services' basis. Photo experience Over 100, Low Rental Tools UNFURNISHED FOR RENT OR SALE. CALL desireable. Send complete resume to Box 621-6708. list with cole HAND MADE QUILT, AFGAN, WASHABLE SMITTY'S Hardware 206 The Voice Box 38-1059, Miami, Fla. And Paint Co. DIFFERENT SIZES AND COLORS. 1320 S.W. 33138. Philip D. Lewis, Inc. VIOLET COLE REALTY INC. 15 St. Miami, 858-3555. 12320NW7Ave. 681-4481 42-Efficiency for Rent-N.W. 1553 N.E. 164th St. 949-8-144 13-Help Wanted - Female Commercial Properties 27-Automotive Large efficiency furn. paid water; light and phone. T.V., refrig, and washer. For a HOUSEKEEPER • Call for Appt. Ref. - 649- NO. PALM BEACH COUNTY 7-Schools and Instruction mature woman. Call Maria 688-9978:. 52-Home for Sale in West HoBywood 18H • 1973 Pontiac LeMans Sport Coupe. Low 31 WEST 20thSTREET mileage, 350-V8, Pwr. steering Pwr. brakes. 13-Male/ Female Best offer 634-4582. Ask for David. 42—Rooms for Rent Riviera Beach • VI 4-02O1 Beautifully kept 3 bdrm., 1 1/2 bath home Tutoring - Certified teacher. English, with eat-in kitchen, Florida room, double garage, heat and air, sprinklers, awjiings, 7 remedial reading'phonics and French by Large East Coast School Uniform Dist. Nice room in family home, quiet Miami car driveway on a huge lot close to school native. Students and adults. Reas. S»l- seeking local representive for Southern 28-Mobil Home-Davie Shores neighborhood. Kitchen privileges. 52-Condominium for Sale - Boynton Bch and church. Room for expansion. Just Florida. Single woman or widow. Write The Voice, 9884. reduced 3,000.00. Call 989-8550 Realtor. 60 X 12 Air cond. 2 bdrm., 1 bath, kitchen, P.O. Box 207, 6201 Bisc. Blvd. Miami Send Resume to Sacrifice. Lovely new 2 bdrm, 2 bath., ORGAN & ACCORDIAN instruction by Gail screen porch, living room. Adult park 1- 331_38_ . David Leonard 961-7442. corner. No closing. Best Offer. Owner, Grawfora. Specializing in beginning and P. J. McEvoy, Inc. intermediate Duoils. SINCERE STUDENTS 44-Stores for Sale evenings-wkends 944-4191 (Mia) or Mr. 52-Townhouse lor Sale-North Dade 5511 Edmondson Avenue 30—Home Workers Barr 732-1792 (Boynton Bch) PLEASE. 621-8267. Baltimore, Md. 21229 6 NEW STORES BEAUTIFUL TOWNHOUSE FOR SALE Home Workers earn $2.00 hourly ad- 3 bdrm. 1 bath, completely carpeted, 21-Miscell. lor Sale Spanish Style Two-Story Building 52-Condominium for Sale-Hallandale Instruction. Formally organist of St. John's dressing envelopes. For details send 25c In busy Hialeah-Assume Mortgage central air and heat. Very spacious. Fenced Cathedral, Cleveland. Certified teacher of and a self-addressed stamped envelope to: MISC. FURNITURE AND HOUSEHOLD $22,000 Down. $99,000 Total Price 1 bdrm. 1 bath condominium for sale NE back Yard. Room for expansion. $3,000. piano and vocal atyour home or mine. 758- The Shade Tree, P.O. Box 55-7702, Miami, 14th Ave, opposite Diplomat Mall Owner Down, $175. mo. Best offer. Owner, GOODS FOR SALE. EVENINGS CALL 854- ANGELA DAILEY REALTOR 9750. Florida 33155 927-4578. evenings and wkends 621-3097. 8528. 715 NE 125th St. - 891-6212 BUSINESS SERVICE GUIDE

Air Conditioning 60—Carpentry Moving and Storage 60-Plumbing 60-Roof Cleaning and Painting 40-T.V. Repair T^JAIRttrNDITIONING Robert Williams Moving 7 Sales arid prompt service-all models. Stay Doors, alterations, concrete, construction, And Storage CORAL GABLES Specialist cool the easy way with T and J Phone 947- aluminum sheds, paneling and carpentry of Large-Small jobs anywhere Mitchells """ 6674. all types. Cair681-9930 PLUMBING RCA-Zenith J.&J. CARPENTRY -235-1109 White Roofs BATH BOUTIQUE Motorola 221-0494 221-7038 LARGE OR SMALL JOBS TOTAL PLUMBING SERVICE LIFT-GATE 446-1414-GIFT DEPT. - 443-1596 ROOF PRESSURE CLEANED $12. UP. . ARIE AIR CONDITIONING ROOF WHITE PAINTED $35. UP. Sera's TV I De Colores) Work done in your home. Free estimates. PIANOS, INSURED J0IO NW 7 Street Call 642-7211 624-3406-226-8465 60-Remodeling FREE EST. - INSURED. 688-2388. Licensed, Insured. 932-5599, 932-5783. 60-Carpet Cleaning Any kind of home improvements, Florida- CARPET CLEANING, UPHOLSTERY Septic Tanks Tax Service O-Air • Cond. Ref. ANYWHERE, ANYTIME room and carport.close-in. Carpentry, brick, CLEANING. Floors stripped and waxed Moving, Packing, Storage block and masonry. Remodeling is my Modern tech. Commercial and Residential CALL HAL 887-0849 or' trade. CONNIE'S SEPTIC NATIVITY PARISH Air Cond. and Refrigeration Reasonable 891-8636. SAME DAY SERVICE 25 years in Miami, S. BROWARD 920-7450 DeMarco and Sons 638^4276 TANK CO. R & E TAX SERVICE Miami and Hollywood Pumpc-uts, repairs. 24 hr. service 592-3495 1101 E. Hawthorn Circle 947-2490 60—General Contractor 60-Painting Hollywood, 989-3568 All Miami Septic Tanks Your home or mine. WHEN YOU SHOP Septic tanks cleaned, drain fields relaid. 661-4483, espafiol, 836,8262 Plans drawn for permits - Additions and JoeZam Painting 60-Upholstery 60-Building Maintenance Remodeling License and Insurance - 891- Interior, exterior, roof cleaning and coating 3038 MENTION 865-5869 . ' . Quality Workmanship Free Estimates Roof Cleaning and coating. Painting, Interior CHAPMAN SEPTIC TANKS and exterior. Gen. home. Rep. Lie. and Ins. THE VOICE Septic tanks-cleaned and repaired, FREE EST. 688-0766 or 621-3610. CHARLES THE PAINTER drainfields installed 264-4272 Decorators 60—General Home Repairs Interior-Exterior, residential, commercial. 19 yrs. in Miami 758-3916-757-0735-893- 60-Roofing Patch plaster, Carpentry, plumbing, electric, Upholstery 60—Business-Insurance 4863 Signs windows, painting. 19 yrs. in Miami. 758- Auto, home, life, medical, low rates 3916 - 757-0735 - 893-4863. SERVICE-759-8311 PAINTING, INTERIOR, EXTERIOR NEAT. ROOF REPAIRS ALBERTO L: SANCHEZ - 264-7495 CLEAN REASONABLE. > RE ROOFING EDVITO SIGNS Dade621-4054 60-General Repairs JOSEPH DEVLIN 443-1922 TRUCKSWALLS 60-Venetian Bind Serv. Broward 431-2880 GOLD LEAF 60—Business - Repairs MEMBER K OF C «• BETTER 90 N.W. 54th St. PL8-7025 FREE ESTIMATES BUSINESS BUREAU New Venetian Blinds For all home repairs. Reasonably priced. Lumen de Lumine HOME REPAIRS Painting and Paperhanging decorator work. Reliable, Quick and Knowledgeable. Join the 3rd order of St. Francis for true Reasonable rates. Art Monti after 5 p.m. Riviera 1", Blinds, PLUMBING, CARPENTRY, PLASTERING 963-2677 - Hollywood peace. AND KITCHEN REMODELING. 691-7354 821-4779. Peter's Write Box 1046, Ft. Laud, 33302 Shades OLD BUNDS-REFINISHED Landscaping REPAIRED-YOUR HOME Roofing 60-Slipcovers Bailey's Painting and Repairs. Reasonable STEADCRAFT Black hammock top soil. Lawn sand, fill 1151 N.W. 117th SL 688-2757 mason sand and driveway rock. 854-095: prices. 545-5331 after 6. Repairs Our Specialty Reroofing 60-Washer - Dryer Plastering CUSTOM MADE lawn Mower Service All Work Guaranteed SLIPCOVERS WASHER - DRYER REPAIR JOE ZAM PLASTER Made with your material or ours 25 years in Miami, S. Miami and Hollywood. MIAMI LAWN Patching, plaster, stucco, water proofing, Member of St. Catherine's Parish SAME DAY SERVICE MOWER CO. caulking. 865-5869. CALL JACK 861-1482 ANYTIME 947-2490 Authorized Service and parts. Fertilizers - 271-0375 666-2503 60-T.V. Repair Sharpening Welding TWO STORES TO Windows ~ SERVE YOU. 27 S.W. 27th Ave. Call 642- 60-Plumbing Hopkins-Smith Television Service 6515 - 20256 Old Cutler Rd. Call CE5-4323. 60-Rooi Cleaning and Coating Patio screening - Custom Screen Doors Expert repair on Glass Sliding Door - Fast Service - Fair ROOFS CLEANED ~ Television and Lighting. Equip. . Prices ALL-WINDOW CO. 666-3339. 7813 Phil Palm AND PAINTED Audio Components. Bird Road. WHITE OR COLOR Service contracts Spotlights-Lamps-Accessories Plumbing PRESSURE CLEANING OF Warranty service Sales-Rentals-Service REPAIRS & PATIO AND WALLS Senior Citizen Club Window and Wall Washing STAGE EQUIPMENT VINYL PAINT USED AND LIGHTING, INC. ALTERATIONS GRAVEL ROOFS COATED Dade 945-1464 Windows washed, screens, awnings 12231 N.E. 13 Ct., Miami 33161 R.L. CHERRY Broward 772-3200 cleaned. Wall washing. Al Dee (Member St. 305-891-2010 CALL 891-8576 681-7922 Boca 278-8818 Mary's) 757-3875 or 751-2580

Page24/Miami, Florida/THE VOICE/Friday, January 30,1976 Scout is Brave Climbing poles, snaking through a hollowed-out trench, and jumping several hurdles might present a challenge to any 11-year-old boy. But for Raymond Flores, who finished the ob- stacle course in one minute and 35 seconds—not enough to win first place—the feat was good enough to garner a special plaque which reads "A Scout is Brave." You see, Raymond has but one leg. "He's really a courageous boy," said Marcelo Gonzalez, scout master for Troop 207 which is sponsored by the Hialeah Knights of Columbus. "He doesn't even remember his physical han- *. • .. ?J%$t*&p "•*' dicap when he is competing. He is all heart and dedication. Always a winner, in school, in sports and in Scout activities. He sets an example on how a strong will can overcome any handicap," Gonzalez said. Raymond was presented the special award at closing ceremonies of the Lincoln-Marti Camporee at Camp Seminole, Fort Lauderdale. Some 700 Boy Scouts participated in the two days of outdoor ac- tivities. Mucho Aside from representing his patrol in the obstacle course event, Raymond participated in a hand- paddling canoe race in which he crossed Lake Coraj e Seminole in about two minutes. I na oanvi-a dc nbitaculns > quc iibstaculos, uada n.onos (jut1 lin.i replica cli" la que se a*a para Text, Photos:' el cntrenamieiiin en el cjercilu. 1'rimero «aliando dc barn en lurra sobi1'1 UP. I'-i rt'ii.i pjn- Gustavo Pena 'unoso. despues .irrastrandnsc < n L: M iiimnsiu uinel riesp,ies bi'incnudo i/ercas Esn es un duro reto para (•uakjincr nino di- U • fins Peru par,, Kamnn Floret, quc tormmo la carrera (k1 nbs- 'aculi1* en un minmo j "5 M'Uundos —no Id sufic u-nii1 para s;•• nar el primer invar— ii: ha/ana fuc la iipuriiinidad dc lianiii1 una placa i-.spi-cial que dirt1 en ingles "A Seoul is brav.-" In (|iie en espanni viene a ser "L'n si-oui none muchi) enrajc"'. V i's quc Ramon solo lione una pierna "Cierlanienic cs un muclucho que iiene corajc". dijo Marcelo C!on/.ale/. '.scuui master' do la Tropa 207, au.spiciada por IDS Caballeros dc Colon do Hialeah. "Ni se acuerda que le fal'a una picrna cuando es>ta compitiendo. Ks lodo cora/.on > dedu-acion. Siempre gana. En la escucla. en los di'porlcs en el csculti.smo. "Es un ejomplo de t-nmo una voluniad firme puede .superai cualquier limitacion fisica. E.s un ejemplo > un cslimulo para cui'.ntos le conncen'". afiadin (ionzalez. Ramon Flores recibm esie premio especial en la ccrcmonia de clausura del Camporee Lin- coln Marti en Camp Seminole Fort Lauderdale, en el que pariiciparon unos 700 ninob en dos dias dc actKidadcs \ com- pclcncias >U airc librc "Hajmond se ofrecio para represent ar a su pairulla en dos dc las mas dificilcs com- pelpncias. T.a carrer;- dc obs- laculos y la c.irrcra dc cjnoas, atravesando un law. rcmandc con las manos. In <|uc le lomo unos dos minutn.-. Miami, Florida / THE VOICE / Friday, January 30,1976 / Page 25 LOS MARTES EN ST DOMINIC: Un primer contocto Suplemenlo en Espoiiol de con la Biblia" En el salon parroquial de St. Dominic, 5909 N.W. 7 St., se esta Comentarios Evangelicos ofreciendo los martes, de 9 a 10 p.m. un curso biblico dirigido por el Padre Leonardo Vazquez, P.O., que esta despertando el interes de numerosas personas. "Estos cursos estan des- La autoridad tinados a todas aquellas personas deseosas de emprender un primer contacto con la Biblia" explicd el P. Vdzquez. de Jesus "Por el momento no pretenden ser otra cosa. Por eso, Por el Rev. JOSE P. NICKSE lo que nos proponemos es ser Llegaron al pueblo de Cafarnaun. El dfa sabado entro en la guias sencillos en una lectura sinagoga y se puso a ensenar. Se admiraban de lo que decia, atenta y a la vez rapida," anadid. porque ensefiaba como quien tiene autoridad, y no como los "Tal vez podamos brindar mas "En cada seccidn "De otro manera, decae el in- maestros de la ley. adelante cursos a niveles mas subrayamos todo aquello que teres, sobreviene la desgana, y profundos para aquellas per- pueda ayudar a la comprensidn nunca sellega al final. El ritmo Marcos 1:21-28 sonas que asi lo deseen." del texto, sin olvidar toda una rapido permite entrever la Biblia El Padre Vazquez siguid gama de sugerencias utiles para segun una perspectiva de con- Cristo tiene autoridad porque Cristo es el autor de la misma vida. explicando los objetivos del curso que cada uno pueda llevar a cabo junto, que le es muy conveniente. Hace algun tiempo los periddicos fueron testlgos de una historia con estas palabras: su biisqueda mas personalizante. Porque la Biblia es una historia de gran interes humano. Tuvo lugar en Nueva York. Un viejo edificio UNA LECTURA ATENTA "Evitaremos en lo posible sagrada: Dios interviene en la de la secci6n hispana fue pasto de las llamas. Una nina ciega de unos "Comprendemos que a caer en las redes de "lo in- existencia de Su Pueblo a traves diez afios quedd atrapada en un tercer piso. La nina, aterrorizada, no nuestros cristianos se les ha dado telectual." Estimamos que una de sus hechos y sus palabras tenia otra manera de escapar que brincar por la ventana, pero por mas introduccidn que lectura. No primera lectura de la Biblia debe hasta la llegada de Cristo, que mas que los bomberos se lo pedian a gritos, no se atrevia. faltan cursillos de mentalizacidn ponernos en contacto directo y nos viene a traer la salvacion y la AL FIN llegd el padre de la nina. Viendola en la ventana del tercer en las diferentes parroquias del exclusivo con la palabra de Dios; luz plena. piso le gritd que brincara, y al verla titubear le dijo las siguientes area. Pero notamos las y las lecturas complementarias "Por lo tanto, es preciso que palabras: "Hija, quiero salvarte, pero tienes que confiar en mi; deficiencias en otros sectores. podran retardar esa marcha, al nuestros alumnos resistan a la brinca, no temas que yo te salvareV' Poniendo su fe en las palabras de Nosotros abordaremos los introducir ciertas pre- pretension de querer comprender su padre la nina saltd al vacio, y asi salvo su vida. diferentes libros de la Biblia de ocupaciones intelectuales, inu- cada cosa desde el primer mo- Nuestra fe en Cristo se parece mucho a esta historia. Confiamos una forma progresiva. tiles por el momento." mento. La primera lectura no en la Palabra de Dios porque sabemos qui6n es Cristo. A veces implica Dividiremos el texto en sec- UNA LECTURA RAPIDA sera mas que un preludio in- saltar al vacio, pero tenemos nuestra confianza en Dios. ciones, mas o menos largas segun "Esta primera lectura debe dispensable para una lectura y un Cristo vino al mundo para traernos la salvacion eterna. Cristo la importancia, el interes o la efectuarse a un ritmo rapido," estudio mas profundos. Asi lo tambien nos lanza un desafio, una invitacidn. Solo El tiene palabras de dificultad que presenten. siguid diciendo el P. Vazquez. esperamos." vida eterna. Nosotros, en nuestro mundo ciego, no podemos salvarnos si no respondemos al llamado de Dios. Hay que dejarlo todo atras. Recordamos el ejemplo de Abrahan, nuestro padre en la fe, que siguiendo el llamado de Dios, dejd atrSs sus riquezas, sus posesiones, El pueblo sobrevive la tierra que lo vio nacer, y se Ianz6 al vacio buscando la tierra prometida. Al empezar este Ano Littirgico, escuchamos las palabras de Dios Padre en el Bautismo de Cristo:"Este es mi Hijo Amado, al que miro el exilio Conoce tu fe con carifio." Cristo habla con autoridad porque es el Enviado del Padre. Es el amor de Dios presente entre nosotros. Version por el P. JUAN J. SOSA otro personaje importante recibid noticias de los FELICES aquellos que pudieron escuchar de la boca del mismo Existen dos libros importantisimos en la problemas que Ezra encontraba. Nehemias, cristo el mensaje de salvacidn. Pero tambi&i felices aquellos que hoy Biblia que se han convertido en una fuente de Uegd a Jerusale'n hacia el ano 446 B.C. encuentran la Palabra de Dios en la Biblia y la viven. Tambten de ellos informacidn valiosisima porque tratan el La misidn de Nehemias consistid sera el Reino de los Cielos. periodo post-exilico del pueblo de Israel: Estos basicamente en la revitalizacidn religiosa del Por veinte siglos los hombres de fe se han admirado de lo que dice son los libros de Ezra y Nehemias. Ambos libros pueblo. Fue durante su gobierno que la "Ley" el Seflor. Su Palabra es nuestra fortaleza y salvacion. formaban parte de una trilogia cuya primera termind de promulgarse como el cuerpo de seccidn contenia el libro de las Crdnicas. En el doctrinas y eventos basicos para la fe de los transcurso del tiempo esta coleccidn fue dividida israelitas. Junto a Ezra, por lo tanto, Nehemias y separada. ha pasado a la historia como uno de los grandes En los libros de Ezra y Nehemias en- pilares que facilitd la restauracidn del pueblo en ORACION DE LOS FIELES contramos primero una biografia de sus autores. esta 6poca post-exilica. Otro editor, no obstante, convirtid dichas El editor de ambos libros produjo a su vez un CUARTO DOMINGO DEL ANO biografias en el marco a travel del cual la gran resumen histdrico que encierra los Febrero Primero de 1976 historia de la 6poca se desenvolvid. Ambos libros momentos sagrados de la Creacidn y que lleva al CELEBRANTE: Elevemos nuestra oracidn al Padre celestial. son importantfsimos, pues, porque describen la lector hasta el quinto siglo. Para esta gpoca el Pidamos su gracia que nos fortalece y consuela. situacidn del pueblo despuds del exilio. pueblo tenfa los libros sagrados que las LECTOR: La respuesta de hoy ser£: "Padre, escucha nuestra El Emperador de los Persas, Ciro, termina tradiciones Yavista, Elohista, Deuterondmica y oracidn." La Palabra de Dios es fuente de vida. Para que encontremos el exilio babildnico al conquistar a dicho Sacerdotal habian proclamado y redactado por el mensaje Salvador de las Sagradas Escrituras, oremos al Sefior. Imperio. Son muchos los autores sagrados de la tantos siglos. Dicho resumen cpnstituye de por si PUEBLO: Padre, escucha nuestra oracidn. epoca que ven en Ciro la imagen de un Mesfas. una reafirmacidn de la presencia del Sefior en su LECTOR: La misericordia de Dios levanta a los cafdos. Para que Este nuevo conquistador permitid por su edicto pueblo a trave's de tantas gpocas. nosotros como cristianos reflejemos la misericordia de Dios, oremos que el pueblo hebreo profesara su fe y volviera a Es en esta 6poca de restauracidn, cuando los al Sefior. su tierra aunque estuvieran viviendo bajo la sacerdotes como miembros de la Institucidn PUEBLO: Padre, escucha nuestra oraci6n. dominacidn persa. religiosa de Israel toman un lugar central y LECTOR: Jesus trajo el consuelo y la esperanza a los pobres y Ezra era un sacerdote que regresd de esencial. Son ellos los portavoces del mensaje de enfermos, para que nuestra contribuci6n a la Campafia ABCD ayude a Babilonia hacia el ano 458 B.C. trayendo consigo Dios al interpretar Su Palabra. Son ellos la traer la alegria a los que sufren oremos al Sefior. la recomendacidn y el dinero de Artaxerxes I, el fuerza detr£s del cumplimiento de la Ley y los PUEBLO: Padre, escucha nuestra oracidn. monarca persa de la e"poca. Su misidn era la de Profetas. Son ellos los que entienden la realeza LECTOR: Nuestro Dios es un Dios de justicia. Por aquellos que purificar la situacidn politica y litiirgica de de la Casa de David de donde surgira el ver- sufren prisidn injustamente, para que recobren la ansiada libertad, Israel. La situacidn moral de por si necesitaba dadero Mesias, el Salvador de Israel. Este oremos al Sefior. un cambio radical. Por ejemplo, el matrimonio enfasis en la dinastia Davidica va a acompafiar PUEBLO: Padre, escucha nuestra oracidn. de muchos judios con mujeres paganas al pensamiento del pueblo hasta el nacimiento de LECTOR: El Seflor nos llama a vivir en santidad. Para que representd un problema que Ezra pudo resolver Jesus. Para Israel, David es el segundo Mois6s. vivamos siempre en la gracia de Dios, oremos al Sefior. con mucho tacto y delicadeza, ya que debido a Con la llegada de Jesus, sin embargo, sabemos PUEBLO: Padre, escucha nuestra oracidn. estos matrimonios se infiltraron en el pueblo que la Ley y los Profetas no han sido abolidos, CELEBRANTE: Padre, vivimos anhelando tu gracia salvadora. muchas ideas y conceptos religiosos impuros. La pero si completados, porque ha llegado un Nuevo Ayudanos en nuestras debilidades y dudas a vivir por la fe, entregados Ley no los permitia. Reino y ha comenzado una Nueva Creacidn. La en amor a nuestros hermanos. Te lo pedimos por Cristo nuestro Sefior. Ezra, no obstante, no pudo veneer todos los institucidn sacerdotal de Israel, no obstante, no PUESLO: Am6n. o'ostaculos que se le presentaron. En Babilonia, lo va a comprender asi. Page 26 / Miami, Florida / THE VOICE / Friday, January 30,1976 Aprendiendo la Cultura de los Pueblos "Marchamos muy satisfechos de los contactos con el Sr. Arzobispo y la comunidad hispana", manifestaron el Padre Luciano Hendren (izq.) y Pablo Sedillo Sr., del Por el DR. MANOLO REYES Ahora bien, la cultura no se Secretariado Nacional Hispano, a su regreso a Washington. Todo acto piiblico que tienda obtiene de la noche a la mafiana. a ser exponente de la cultura de La cultura de un pais se aprende un pueblo sirve para desarrollar en el esfuerzo y a traves del la educacion de una persona. tiempo. Y en especial, muy Maxime si esa persona particularmente, cuando se esta nacio en el pais cuya cultura va en el exilio, una de las mejores de a ser expuesta en ese acto aprender la cultura de un pueblo, Hispanos publico. es asistiendo a los eventos Durante anos en el exilio se pliblicos en que se exponen las han venido celebrando una serie distintas fases que la forman. de actos a los cuales los cubanos, Por eso el muchacho y joven se preparan para el en mayor o menor cantidad, han cubanos, hayan nacido alia o estado asistiendo. quizas hayan nacido aqui de En algunas ocasiones, en padres cubanos, aquellos que esos actos que son expresiones de quieren conocer verdaderamente miisica, baile, ensenanzas la cultura cubana deben civicas, panegiricos histdricos, aprovechar algunos minutos Congreso exposiciones de pinturas, y libres y leer y estudiar sobre la tantisimos otros que reflejan la historia de Cuba, sus obras cultura traida por el cubano al literarias, su musica, sus bailes. Por ARACELICANTERO exilio ... en algunos de esos Preguntarle a padres y maestros. actos, repetimos, muchas veces Y si tienen la oportunidad de "Nosotros, miembros del Comite Hispano del 41 Congreso Comprension, La Eucaristfa y el se ven las mismas caras de asistir a eventos artisticos, o Eucaristico International, Uamados por Dios en este momento de Hambre por la Verdad. Mas de cubanos adultos, ansiosos de veladas patri6ticas o culturales la historia para participar y contribuir a la renovacirin integral de 2,500 parroquias hispanas vienen patria. de Cuba en el exilio, apro- la Iglesia, nos comprometemos a tal renovacidn utilizando el tema ya recibiendo estos programas, Pero en ocasiones tambie'n se venchela. Asistan a todo ello. del Congreso "La Eucaristfa y las Hambres dela Familia Humana." que se suman a las diversas ven pocas caras de muchachos Que cada cubano en el exilio ... "Debido a nuestra historia unica en los Estados Unidos, nos actividades en ingles, como cubanos del exilio. aurique tenga pocos anos de damos cuenta de la discrepancia que existe entre la Eucaristfa y Adoracion del Santisimo, veladas Lo cual constituye una edad... aunque no se recuerde todo lo que este Sacramento significa en cuanto a lo que es la Eucaristicas, etc. magnifica oportunidad que se mucho de Cuba... o aunque haya realidad de las hambres de la familia humana...y queremos em- El Coordinador Archi- desaprovecha en aprender pasado mas anos en el exilio que penarnos y comprometemos en una tarea de preparacion al diocesano para actividades del nuevas y distintas cosas de la en Cuba...ese cubano del exilio es Congreso, profundizando en las diversas form as de hambre en la Congreso, el Padre Charles patria donde se nacio. un embajador de su patria que humanidad y lo que ell as significan para los hispanos en los Ward, manifesto recientemente Es que la musica, la historia, hoy sufre. Estados Unidos..." que son muchas las parroquias la pintura, las costumbres, las Y asistiendo a esos actos . . . que van implementando obras educativas, todos los y aprendiendo de la cultura y Asi se expresa en su especialmente las organizaciones programas de este tipo. El Padre aspectos de la vida de un pueblo, legado hist6rico de Cuba... esti- comienzo, la declaracidn de de laicos," anadi6. "Nos Ward tambten coordina los forman su cultura nacional. ra haciendose mis cubano... prop6sito emanada por el Comite recomend6 reunirnos con varios detalles para viajes a Filadelfia Y todos sus ciudadanos, por para que el dia que pueda volver Hispano Nacional del 4i Congreso sacerdotes de los distintos durante los dias del Congreso, a el hecho de haber nacido en ese a una Cuba libre de la pesadilla Eucaristico, Internacional. Dicho 'movimientos y parroquias y traves de la agencia Lorraine pais determinado, son herederos actual ... no sea un extranjero Comite, cuenta con represen- prometid el apoyo al programa. Travel Bureau, la liniea de esa propia cultura. en su propia patria. tantes hispanos de toda la naci6n, "Creo que tanto la reuni6n designada por el Congreso para incuido Miami, y tiene el apoyo con el Arzobispo y Mons. Noel estos efectos. de la Jerarquia, quien le ha en- Fogarty, Canciller, como la de Por ser este, ano bicen- comendado la creaci6n de los sacerdotes y los seglares han tenario, la celebracidn del programas que, teniendo en sido muy positivas. Marcho lleno Congreso Eucaristico Inter- cuenta las manifestaciones de esperanza por el crecimiento nacional en Filadelfia cobra gran ABCD-76 religiosas de la propia cultura que he visto en Miami." significado para la nacidn. En contribuyen a la participacibn Pablo Sedillo paso dos dias en numeros sucesivos iremos in- activa del pueblo hispano en la Miami, acompanado por el Padre formando sobre la im- celebraci6n del Congreso Luciano C. Hendren, Canciller de plementacion del programa de Eucaristico que tendra lugar del la Archidio'cesis de Santa Fe, renovacion en la fe en la Iglesia 1 al 8 de agosto en Filadelfia. quien dirige los aspectos de Miami. pastorales del programa Al frente de los trabajos del nacional de renovacion en la fe en Comite esta' Pablo Sedillo, Sr. conexion con el Congreso. Director del Secretariado "Aunque el evento tendra Hispano de la Conferencia lugar la primera semana de Catolica (USCC), quien paso Agosto, nosotros queremos poner "MARESMA" en estos dias por Miami para enfasis en la participacion de presentar al Sr. Arzobispo todos en la preparacion. 70 N. W. 22 Ave. - Miami, Fla. Coleman F. Carroll y a la Queremos centrarnos en la comunidad hispana, el programa renovacion de nuestra fe que es Gran Surtido de Tarjetas para de renovacion en la fe que se algo en lo que todos podemos quiere desarrollar en meses colaborar," dijo el padre Hen- Bodas, Bautizos, Comuniones, sucesivos, como preparacion al dren. Gumpleanos, Recordatorios y Congreso. Segiin explico el padre, el "Al presentar el programa al Comite ha venido desarrollando Misas. Impresiones al Relieve. Sr. Arzobispo, el nos planteo cada mes, desde de los TODA CLASE DE TRABAJOS algunos interrogates sobre temas de hambre de la quien y como se iba a humanidad, en forma de COMERCIALES Y SOCIALES desarrollar," comento Pablo proyectos priicticos, que luego Sedillo horas despugs de una cada comunidad local puede AHDRRE TIEMPQ Y DINERO Ultimando los detalles de la Campafia de Caridad del Sr. Arzobispo que entrevista con Mons. Carrol. "Le adaptar a su uso. Hasta el CONFIANDDNOS 'SU5 IMPRESDS culminar4 el prdximo 8 de Febrero, Mons. Bryan Walsh (izq.), Armando expresamos nuestro deseo de momento se trataron los temas: Alamos (Hii/mtiiTE K I «.•. » c r. ». Alejandre y Sergio G. Montes. utilizar no solo al clero, sino muy La Eucaristia y Hambre de TELEFONO 642-7266 Miami, Florida / THE VOICE / Friday, January 30,1976 / Page 27 Mariana en la Calle Flagler Procesion de San Juan Bosco

Al celebrarse mafiana todas las dificultades y vencia sabado, 31 de enero la festividad todos los obstaculos," dijo el Hondurehos de San Juan Bosco, patrono de la Padre Vallina. juventud, la parroquia que lleva Nacido cerca de Turin, en su nombre en Flagler y la 13 1815, consagro San Juan Bosco su honroran a Avenida se ofrecera una misa vida de sacerdote a los pobres, a solemne concelebrada y a con- los prisioneros, a todos los tinuacion se llevara a efecto una desheredados de la fortuna, pero, su Potrona procesion por las calles de la sobre todo, a los nifios y jovenes parroquia. abandonados. Para alojarlos, Los hondurefios- "Hoy, viernes, en la vispera, instruirlos y ayudarlos a residentes en Miami tambien a las 8 p.m. se ofrecera organizar honradamente su vida, celebraran la festividad de su una misa en la que participaran creo, sin mas recursos que su Patrona, Nuestra Seftora de los niflos y jovenes de nuestros confianza en la Divina Suyapa el martes, 3 de programas parroquiales por las Providencia, numerosas obras febrero, a las 8 p.m. con una intenciones de la nifiez y la siempre prosperas. Fundo, misa en la Ermita de la juventud," informo el parroco, sucesivamente, dos institutos: El Virgen de la Caridad, 3601 S. Padre Emilio Vallina. de sacerdotes salesianos, en 1868, Miami Avenue, junto a la "San Juan Bosco fue un santo y el de las Hijas de Maria Bahia Biscayne. de alma sencilla, jovial y ar- Auxiliadora, en 1876. Murio en A la misa invita el Cuadro diente, cuya confianza en la Turin en 1888, dejando fama de de Danzas Folkl6ricas de divina providencia superaba gran taumaturgo. Honduras en Miami. Por otra parte, el Cuadro I'olklorico dt' Honduras ofrecera una fiesta el sabado Romeria Oriental 21 de febrero, a las ts:3H p.m. en el edificio de la YWCA. inn S.K. 1 St., con el fin de este domingo recaudar rondos para adquirir El domingo, primero de que ha impuesto el regimen. Por nuevos wstuarios y discos del febrero, sera la Romeria de la - cierto, con los nuevos cambios el folklore hondureno. I.a en- Provincia de Oriente en la municipio de El Cobre ha perdido trada a esa funrion es de tres Ermita de la Caridad. "Sera la su nombre, ahora se llama dolares por persona, habra fiesta de todos los orientales" y 'Tercer Frente.' comidas tipicas hondurenas. no de los "granmeros" que Y despues de la Romeria, los supongo que sea el nombre que municipios de la Provincia de llevaran los vecinos de la nueva Oriente seguiran peregrinando provincia Granma,"decia uno de lunes, miercoles y viernes, a las 8 los organizadores de la fiesta. p.m. a la Ermita de la Caridad. La romeria durara toda la El Padre Roman no cree mucho tarde del domingo, con comidas y en estos cambios nuevos y los canciones tipicas de la region municipios siguen peregrinando oriental y en ese agape criollo con los nombres que eran *• 1 V I .i pi' » que durante seis anos ha sido un conocidos de todos. Y lo haran en rememorar del 'terrufio', un el siguiente orden: encuentro de viejas amistades, el tema de conversacion este aflo Febrero 2, Mayari; 4, Puerto sera las cuatro provincias en que Padre; 6, Victoria de las Tunas; el regimen comunista dividio a 9, Banes, 11, San Luis; 13, &W3 Oriente y si ya recibieron una Bayamo; 16, Holguin; 18, carta de la tia que quedo en Cuba Yateras; 20, Santiago; 23, Sagua que ahora vive en el municipio de de Tanamo; 25, Jiguani; 27, Mella, o en el del Tercer Frente, Palma Soriano y primero de algunos de los nuevos nombres marzo, Niquero. Fiesta de la CANDELARIA En Honduras, peregrinos en el Santuarlo de la Virgen. El calendario liturgico senala el tema principal de la fiesta; La imagen de la Patrona de Honduras. para el 2 de febrero, lunes, la pero el pensamiento de la Santi- Cuadro de Danzas FolkWricas de Honduras. festividad de la Candelaria , sima Virgen se halla presente en de gran arraigo popular toda ella. en Espafia, Cuba y otros paises La fiesta del 2 de febrero es Solo para hispanos. una de las mas antiguas, si no la mas antigua de las fiestas Si Ud entiende ingles, no deje de leer el Editorial en marianas. Celebrada en la pagina 6. Si no lee ingles, la semana prdxima ENAMORADOS La fiesta del 2 de febrero Jerusalem desde el Siglo IV, la traduciremos ese editorial. Es respuesta a una carta celebra, al mismo tiempo, la fiesta de la purificaci6n pas6 escrita por una dam a de habla inglesa que protesta por Presentaci6n de Jesus en el despues a Constantinopla y luego Febrero es el mes Templo y la Purificaci6n de la a Roma, donde comienza en el las paginas en espanol. de los enamorados. Y Santisima Virgen, cuarenta dias siglo VII asociada a una para aquellos que el dia despu6s del nacimiento del procesidn que parece ser anterior 14 decidan fijar la fecha Salvador. Se halla, pues, unida al a la fiesta de la Virgen. misterio de la Navidad. Es una En varias iglesias de Miami de su boda, o para los fiesta de luz. Por su simbolismo se conservara la tradici6n de la 1 que ya estan pensando las procesiones de la "Can- bendicidn de las candelas. Una de casarse sin esperar a delaria", procesidn de candelas, ellas, la iglesia de San Juan 'Ba/'/e de Colores ese dia, la Arquiditfcesis evoca la manifestacibn de Cristo, Bosco, tendra la ceremonia a las de Miami ofrecera un Luz del Mundo, recibido en el 8 p.m. del lunes. Muchas regiones ciclo de charlas de templo por el anciano Sime6n de Cuba donde la fiesta de la Mariana, Sabado preparacidn al como el enviado de Dios, "luz Candelaria era una tradici6n, se matrimonio. para iluminar a las gentes y daran cita en esa misa, entre Mariana, sabado, 31 forma de recaudar gloria de Israel, su pueblo." La ellas, Ciego de Avila, Camagtiey de enero, en los salones fondos para continuar la visita del Salvador al Templo es y, por supuesto, Candelaria. del Club de las obra de los cursillos, Las charlas se Americas, 8500 S.W. 8 especialmente para ofreceran lunes y St. se efectuara el Baile sostener la renta miercoles, comenzando Contra el Aborto de Colores a beneficio mensual de la Casa a las 8 p.m. en el Saldn del Movimiento de Emaus en los terrenos Parroquial de San Juan Millares de personas desfilaron en Washington y en otras Cursillos de Cristian- del Aeropuerto de Opa Bosco, Flagler y 13 Ave. ciudades de Estados Unidos en defensa de la vida humana, y a dad. Locka," dijo Manuel los dias 16,18, 23 y 25 de favor del derecho de nacer y contra el aborto legalizado. En la Canovaca, uno de los febrero. pagina 5 de esta edici6n una informacidn grafica de la "Sera una fiesta demostracidn popular contra el aborto en Miami. Ilena de alegria y una organizadores del baile.

Page 28 / Miami, Florida / THE VOICE / Friday, January 30,1976