Trinity College Bulletin, April 1921 (Inaugration Number)

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Trinity College Bulletin, April 1921 (Inaugration Number) Trinity College Trinity College Digital Repository Trinity College Bulletins and Catalogues (1824 - Trinity Publications (Newspapers, Yearbooks, present) Catalogs, etc.) 1921 Trinity College Bulletin, April 1921 (Inaugration number) Trinity College Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Trinity College, "Trinity College Bulletin, April 1921 (Inaugration number)" (1921). Trinity College Bulletins and Catalogues (1824 - present). 85. This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Trinity Publications (Newspapers, Yearbooks, Catalogs, etc.) at Trinity College Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Trinity College Bulletins and Catalogues (1824 - present) by an authorized administrator of Trinity College Digital Repository. VOLUME XVIII NUMBER 2 IDqr IDrtutty (ltnlltgt iullrttu [NEW SERIES] INAUGURATION NUMBER HARTFORD, CONNECTICUT April, 1921 TRINITY COLLEGE BULLETIN Issued quarterly by the College. Entered January 12, 1904<, at Hartford, Conn., as second class matter, under the Act of Congress of July 16, 1894-. The Bulletin includes in its issues: the College Catalogue, Reports of the President, Treasurer, and Librarian; Announcements and Circulars of Information. Accepted for mailing at special rate of pootase provided for in Seetion 1103. Aet of October 3, 1917, authorized March 3. 1919 VOLUME XVIII NUMBER 2 ID~t ID rtu tty Qln llr gr 9lullrtiu (NEW SERIES( INAUGURATION NUMBER HARTFORD, CONNECTICUT April, 1921 CONTENT. Election of the Rev. Remsen Brinckerhoff Ogilby, M.A., B.D., as President of Trinity College. Programme of the day. Delegates and invited gue ts. The Ceremonies: , Invocation by the Rt. Rev. vVilliam Lawrence, D.D., LL.D. Induction into Office-Sydney George Fisher, LL.D. Presentation of the Keys by Professor Henry Augustus Perkins, M.A., E.E., Acting· President, 1915-1916 and 1919-1920. Address of The Rt. Rev. Chauncey Bunce Brewster, D.D. Addre s of The Reverend Professor John James Mc­ Cook, D.D., LL.D. Address of Professor Charles McLean Andrews, Ph.D., L.H.D. Address of Mr. jack Wibble Lyon. Address of The Reverend President William Arnold Shanklin, D.D., LL.D. The Inaugural Address of the Reverend President Remsen Brinckerhoff Ouilby, M.A., B.D. 4 TRINITY COLLEGE. ELECTION BY THE TRUSTEES. At a meeting of the Trustees of Trinity College held in Hartford on the twenty-fourth day of April, 1920, the Rever­ end Remsen Brinckerhoff Ogilby, M.A., B.D., was unani­ mously elected President of the College. A Committee consisting of the Honorable William E. Curtis, LL.D., Robert Thorne, LL.B., The Rt. Reverend Chauncey B. Brewster, D.D., William G. Mather, M.A., and Charles G. Woodward, M.A., was appointed to arrange for the Inauguration of the President-elect into office. The Com­ mittee selected November 17, 1920, as the date and made arrangements for the ceremonies, some account of which is presented herein. THE INAUGURATION OF THE REV. REMSEN BRINCKERHOFF 0GILBY AS TWELFTH PRESIDENT OF TRINITY COLLEGE ALUMNI HALL HARTFORD, CONNECTICUT NOVEMBER THE SEVENTEENTH A.D.MCMXX 6 TRINITY COLLEGE. PROGRAM CORONAT IO MARCH Meyerbeer I VOCAT ION T he Rt. Rev. William Lawrence, D.D., LL.D. Bishop of Massachusetts INDUCTION INTO OFFICE Sydney George Fisher, LL.D. PRESENTATION OF THE KEYS Professor Henry Augustus Perkins, M.A., E.E. Acting President 1915-16, 1919-20 ACCEPTANCE OF OFFICE The Rev. Remsen Brinckerhoff Ogilby HYMNUS ACADEMICUS MATUTINUS M~tsic by Lorin Webster} J8o COLLEGE CHOIR Nunc iubar solis trepidans rubescit, Nosque surgentes, animis refectis Laudibus claris hilares canemus Omnipotentem. Ut Deus nostras studiu diei Roboret mentes, tacitae per umbras N octis ut servet vigilans, fideli Corde precamur. Praesidem doctum et invenes et omnes Rore doctores benedictionis Ille suffundat Pater angelorum Hie et ubique. INAUGURATION. 7 Semper ut nobis liceat canamus Ad thronum stantes penitus beati Ut volens sanctos Deitas redemptos Fronde coronet. Herbert M. Hopkins. ADDRESSES OF WELCOME FOR THE TRUSTEES The Rt. Rev. Chauncey Bunce Brewster, D.D. Bi hop of Connecticut FOR THE FACULTY The Rev. John James McCook, D.D., LL.D. Senior Member of the Faculty FOR THE ALUMNI Charle McLean Andrews, Ph.D., L.H.D. Professor of American History at Yale University FOR THE Ul\TDERGRADUATES Jack Wibble Lyon of the Class of 1921 FOR THE COLLEGES OF NEW ENGLAND The Rev. William Arnold Shanklin, D.D., LL.D. President of Wesleyan University ANDA TE FROM THE FIFTH SYMPHONY Beethoven THE INAUGURAL ADDRE S OF THE PRESIDENT CONFERRING OF HONORARY DEGREES 8 TRINITY COLLEGE. VALE COLLEGE CHOIR 1. Trinitatis filii Hie beate vtxtmus, Nunc ponendi hederam, Tempus est quod diximus. Chorus : T rini ta tis filii unc appropinquemus, Immortali hedera Matrem coronemus. 2 . Tempus est tristitiae, Nobis nam linquendum Omnes quos amavimus; Vale et dicendum.-Chorus. 3· Vale mater Trinitas Valete Professores, Valeatis socii, Etiam sorores-Chorus. 4· Haecce vitis parvula, Posita a nobis, Quanquam vos relinquimus, Nos ligabi t vobis.-Chorus. J. J. McCook, '63 ADDRESS The Rt. Rev. Charles Henry Brent, D.D., LL.D. Bishop of Western ew York . - BE EDICTIO Bishop Brent MINUET FROM THE MILITARY SYMPHONY Haydn INAUGURATION. 9 REPRESENTATIVES OF COLLEGES AND SCHOOLS. Rt. Reverend William Lawrence, Harvard. Dean Fredick S. Jones, Yale. Professor Henry Bedinger Mitchell, Columbia. Dean Otis Everett Randall, Brown. Jacob G. N. Mitchell, Dartmouth. Professor George Willis Benedict, University of Vermont. President K. C. M. Sills, Bowdoin. Judge Fred H. Allen, Middlebury. Professor William A. Arnold, Andover Theological Seminary. Professor Raymond G. Gettell, Amherst. President Murray Bartlett, Hobart. Reverend William H . Dewart, Kenyon. President William Arnold Shanklin, Wesleyan. Dean Frederick Palmer, Jr., Haverford. President William Douglas McKenzie, Hartford Theological Seminary. Dean Florence Purington, Mt. Holyoke. Professor August'us H. Shearer, University of Buffalo. Professor William Kendall Dennison, Tufts. Dean William P. Ladd, Berkeley Divinity School. President Clifton D. Gr~y. Bates. Doctor Whitefield N. Thompson, Bates. Dean Alfred E. Burton, Mass. Institute of Technology. William C. Holden, University of Maine. Professor Z. W. K. Coombs, Worcester Polytechnic Institute. Dean Henry B. Washburn, Episcopal Theological School. Reverend Edwin D. Drown, Episcopal Theological School. Dean William Marshall Warren, Boston University. President William A. Neilson, Smith. President Wallace Atwood, Clark. Professor Robert M. Gay, Simmons. Clement C. Hyde, Principal, Hartford High School. Headmaster Dan 0. S. Lowell, Roxbury Latin School. Louis 0. DeRonge, St. James's School. Reverend Godfrey M. Brinley, St. Paul's School. Willard Scudder, St. Paul's School. W. W. Barber, St. Mark's School. Reverend Lorin W. Webster, Holderness School. Louis Slade, Principal, New Britain High School. Reverend George E. Quaile, Salisbury School. Reverend Frank H. Sill, Kent School. Nathaniel Horton Batchelder, Head- master, Loomis Institute. 10 TRINITY COLLEGE. INVOCATION BY THE RT. REV. WILLIAM LAWRENCE, D.D., LL.D. 0 Almighty God, and Heavenly Father, who art only source of Light and Life, we give Thee unfeigned for Thy goodness and loving kindness. Thou put it into the hearts of Thy servants in years to found and endow this college. Thou through the and devotion of Thy servants, the patrons, officers, students, and graduates, hast built it up and in beneficent influence. It is meet, right, and our bounden to praise Thy name, and especially to offer thanksgi · the good example of all who having served Thee here, finished their course and now rest from their labors. 0 Thou, who art our Guide and Counsellor, be with us, we beseech Thee, as we enter upon another tion, and dedicate this Thy servant to his high office. guidance of Thy spirit give him a right judgment in all In his devotion to the Truth, his patience, faith, and enable him to lead the youth to higher realms of ~nr\wl••n.,. and character. To all teachers and students in this college give power to think according to Thy law, and do according Thy will. Humble before the revelation of Thy glory, fident in Thy goodness, and united in Thy service, may carry on the work for Thee and Thy Church. Bless our country, we pray Thee, with sound '"a,•u•u.,. and honest industry, and so guide those who are in that this Nation may do her part in bringing to the world just and lasting peace. Lift up, we pray Thee, Thy countenance upon us, enable us to see Thee face to face, 0 God of Truth and of Righteousness; through Jesus Christ our Lord. INAUGURATION. 11 INDUCTION INTO OFFICE BY SYDNEY GEORGE FISHER, LL.D. OF THE TRUSTEES. In behalf of The Trustees of Trinity College, I have the honor to certify to all here present that on 1:he 24th day of April, in the year of our Lord 1920, the said Trustees did by a unanimous ·vote elect the Rev. Remsen Brinckerhoff Ogilby, M.A., B.D., to be President of Trinity College from and after the first of July in that year, and that he, being notified thereof, signified his acceptance of such election. Wherefore, the time appointed having been accomplished, I here present him to you, acting in the name of said Trustees, and to the Faculty, to the Undergraduates, and to the Alumni of Trinity College, to the representatives of sister colleges and other institutions of learning, to the dignitaries of the commonwealth of Connecticut and of the city of Hartford, and to all others here assembled, to be by them duly received and acknowledged in the exercises of his said office of Presi­ dent of Trinity College. 12 TRINITY COLLEGE. PRESENTATION OF KEYS BY PROFESSOR HENRY AUGUSTUS PERKINS, M.A., EE., Acting President 1915-1916 and 1919-1920. Mr. President: When I gave you the keys of the Col­ lege office on the last day of June, it was with a strong feel­ ing of confidence that they would be in safe hands, and that the trust that had been mine for a time was being transferred to one well qualified to assume it.
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