News Letter May 2016

Issue No 2

It is with some regret that we have to send out this very short News Letter again instead of the magazine that you are used to receiving every quarter, and my thanks go to Hazel Deighton for helping me to prepare this edition.

Brenda Lefley who has done such a good job over the last year in spite of ill health has reluctantly decided that she has to resign. In spite of advertising in the February Magazine, at the time of going to press no one has come forward to take on the Post of Editor. We are very sorry to lose Brenda but wish her well for the future

We still hope that someone will come forward soon as there is now a backlog of articles awaiting publication and I am sure you will all miss the interesting news and articles which are normally in the magazine

Some members have asked if they can receive their magazine electronically. We hope to be able to do this when we have a new Editor.

It will be done through the members’ area of the website, so if you are interested in receiving your magazine in this format, do log on to the Members’ Area of the website and we will keep you informed of developments.

Just remember you will need your membership number to enable you to join the members’ area of the website

Sue Patman Chairman LFHS




Could you be the Next Editor?

We are very sorry to lose Brenda, but I am sure there is someone out there with the necessary Desktop Publishing skills who could take over the Post of Editor Please contact me if you feel you can help

[email protected]



Due to the nature of our Constitution, our current Chairman and Vice Chairman have to step down at the AGM, having completed a maximum of 6 years in these roles.

If we are to continue as a pro-active Society we need to appoint a new Chair and Vice Chair at our AGM on Saturday June 4th 2016

Are you willing to take on either role? The Society desperately needs your help.

Further details can be obtained from the current post holders.

Sue Patman ([email protected]) or

Peter Reichelt ([email protected])

An application form for any of the above positions or to become a member of the Executive Committee can be found at the end of the AGM papers.



As you will see these are mainly for our out of County members, and I hope you can find out more information locally.

Sussex Family History Society, Family History Day May 21st Steyning Centre, Steyning West Sussex BN14 3XZ

Sheffield & District Family History Society, Family History Day May 21st Sheffield Wednesday Football Ground, Hillsborough, Sheffield S6 1SW LFHS Bookstall will be there

SOG May21st Open Day with Free Lectures, Library Tours and Advice

Devon Family History Society Family & Local History Fair May 22nd Newton Abbot Devon

Wiltshire Family History Society Family History Day 18th June at the Steam Museum Swindon Firefly Ave Swindon SN2 2NA

Yorkshire Family History Society Family History Fair 2nd July The York Race Course Knavesmire Road York

Heckington Show 30 – 31 July FHS Bookstall will be there

*********************************************************** LFHS CONTACT DETAILS

Website –

Email contact – [email protected]

LFHS Local History Enquiries – [email protected]

Webmaster – [email protected]



The Great Branch has been invited to take part in 2 exhibitions this year, 2016. St Peter’s Church, celebrates its 150th anniversary this year, and will be hosting a Flower Festival within the Church over the weekend of 3rd, 4th & 5th June. We are hoping to set up a Family History Exhibition on Monday 6th June to follow on from this, and will be on display all week. Maybe you were baptised there, or your grandparents married there; maybe your ancestors had a hand in building the Church! If anyone has any family members connected with either Cleethorpes or the Church, we would love to hear from you.

Secondly, this year will see the 100th Anniversary of the Battle of the Somme, The Great War. There are all sorts of events in the pipeline for this, with the main events over the weekend of 1st, 2nd 3rd July. An event for Friday 1st is in the planning stages, & will take place outdoors in Peoples Park, Welholme Rd, Grimsby, and will hopefully include a Drumhead Service amongst other things. There will be an exhibition in The Business & Digital Hub, Freeman St Market, Grimsby DN32 7DS running from Saturday 2nd July. We will be setting up a Family History display, along with exhibitors from the British Legion, Grimsby Library, and others. If anyone has Grimsby or Cleethorpes ancestors who were involved in the Battle of the Somme, we would love to hear from you. They don’t have to be of a military background, it could involve medics, clergy, or even those who were left at home. Please contact myself at [email protected] Thanks, Vanessa Dumbleton (memb. no.A0148)



NEW ADDITIONS TO THE LIBRARY (Items marked ** are not available for loan and can only be seen at the Society’s Research Centre): The Society has subscribed to, and will receive in the Library, the periodic magazine “The Boston Old Times”. The October/November 2015 and December 2015/January 2016 editions are now in stock. These magazines will be placed with the Family History Society magazines in the rack to the front of the library. BOOKS: EXTRACTS FROM THE MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF GUARDIANS OF: **CAISTER UNION WORKHOUSE PART 7, 1890-1901 (LFHS) **SPALDING UNION WORKHOUSE PART 4, 1884-1894 (LFHS) **LOUTH UNION WORKSHOUSE PART 3, 1854-1861 (LFHS) **STAMFORD UNION WORKHOUSE PART 9, 1862-1865 (LFHS)

GEORGIAN by Richard Gurnham: A detailed description of this attractive Lincolnshire market town as it grew through the C19th. Utilising a wide variety of original sources, it covers governance, buildings, markets, population, poverty and the Poor Law, religion and education. This is essential reading for those who want to know more about the town.

THE CONNECTION: THE STORY OF WILLOUGHBY AND IT’S MOST FAMOUS SON – CAPTAIN JOHN SMITH ETC. A collaborative, locally produced booklet with a brief history of the village, but concentrating on the life of John Smith – 1st Governor of Virginia, who was born in the village in 1580.

THE TENNYSON FAMILY & THEIR VILLAGES by John Large Another locally produced booklet giving a brief history on the famous poet’s family and their life in Somersby, but also featuring Bag Enderby and Harrington.

We have also been given a series of descriptive church leaflets with one incorporating a brief village history. The villages are: Hackthorn – St Michael’s – St Peter & St Paul Monksthorpe Baptist Chapel Snelland – All Saints + village New Bolingbroke – St Peter’s Church – St Margaret’s

GRIMSBY TRAWLERS – THE FINAL YEARS OF THE SIDE TRAWLER by Paul King & Steve Pulfrey For all you members with Grimsby fishermen ancestors, this may well be of interest to you. The book contains a brief history of the development of steam trawlers in Grimsby, from 1881 to 1985 when the sale of the final eleven trawlers involved in deep-sea fishing at the port was announced. A fleet by fleet section follows with many photos of their fishing vessels, bringing back to mind the heyday of the Grimsby fishing fleets.

VIEWS OF OLD RETFORD compiled for the Retford & District Historical & Archaeology Society A collection of old photographs of this old market town just over the county border in Nottinghamshire most dating from the early years of the C20th.


FENLAND WATERWAYS – A PICTORIAL ANTHOLOGY by Alan and Michael Roulstone A delightful collection of illustrations and text covering a ‘personal survey’ of some of the many pleasurable and interesting features along the Fenland rivers – the Great Ouse, Cam, Witham (Boston to Lincoln), Welland and Nene.

LINCOLN’S CITY CENTRE NORTH OF THE WITHAM published by The Survey of Lincoln and edited by Andrew Walker This is the twelfth book in the growing range of books chronicling Lincoln’s history area by area. The new book looks at an area that takes in much of the area enclosed by the original Roman city walls, extended down to the river. The historic core of the city is detailed here from The Stonebow to Steep Hill and West Parade to Broadgate and Lindum Road. Those of you that have read the earlier books in the series will know what to expect – knowledgeable and highly readable accounts of the city’s past.

GENEALOGICAL NOTES ON THE ELSEYS OF HENINGBY AND BUCKNALL by W M Myddleton and published in 1915. Donated by Peter Woods, a member from Norwich, The author writes “the following notes relating to the Elsey family have been collected at various times and unless they are now put into print are likely to be lost.” How true that is of our research – where will it go after we have gone! The book shows how the Elsey name is long established in the area quoted and contains trees, details of wills and parish register extracts.

DOMESDAY BOOK – YORKSHIRE (2 VOLUMES) These are from the usual red-covered Phillimore publications with the original 11th Century text on one side and a modern “translation” on the other side. All of the county of Yorkshire is covered in the two volumes. There are various indexes and notes at the back of Volume 2.

TELL THEM OF US: A DVD AND ACCOMPANYING PROGRAMME: A professional/volunteer production; which tells the story of the two Crowder sons of Thimbleby, near (the Crowder’s Nursery family), at the time of the First World War. Both boys went to fight, the younger was killed in 1917, the elder was captured and held as a POW until after the Armistice. The DVD tells the story of how the impact of the war in general and their very personal worries impacted on the family. Running at just over an hour, it is a highly evocative and moving story and well recommended.


Unit 6, 33 Monks Way, Monks Road, Lincoln LN2 5LN Email – [email protected] Telephone 01522 528088

OPENING TIMES – Monday 10.30 a.m. to 4.00p.m. Sunday 2.00 p.m. to 5.00p.m.

NB: The centre is always closed on both Sunday & Monday Bank Holiday weekends



The following newspaper extracts for the years 1717 to 1818, give details of absconding Apprentices, Husbands and Wives. We shall never know for certain exactly why these ancestors ran away from their job or home, but it was a decision which was fraught with serious consequences if apprehended as they each were committing a criminal offence. Occasionally, a second chance would be offered if they returned within a specified period, but this concession might not have been completely sincere. (The spelling, language and punctuation in the extracts are original).

From: THE STAMFORD MERCURY, Friday 31st October 1717 “William GOADE, a Boy about 17 Years of Age, with Grey Cloaths and White Mettle Buttons and dark lank Hair, Ran Away about the middle of August last from his Master Richard BLADES of Stamford, Lincolnshire, Weaver. Whoever secures the said Boy, and gives Notice to his Master aforesaid, shall have Five Shillings Reward. Or whoever harbours him, be it at their Peril.”

From: THE STAMFORD MERCURY, Friday 13th February 1737-38 “Led Away from Spilsby (by one Francis EALAND, who is a middle-siz’d Man, near forty Years of Age, who when he went away had on a green Waist-coat set with yellow mettle Buttons, double breasted, also a dark coloured brown Coat with double-breasted Buttons, wearing a Wig and has lost a Tooth before), One Bay Mare, comes Five Years old, has few grey Hairs on her Forehead, and part of the far Heel behind is White, about 14 Hands and a half high; also he carry’d away at the same time one Silver Tankard marked ‘F.E.’ Whoever secures the said Mare and Tankard, so they may be had again to Francis WARE, of near Spilsby, shall receive Half a Guinea Reward and reasonable Charges of him. (Signed) FRANCIS WARE.”

From: THE STAMFORD MERCURY, Friday 2nd March 1737-38 “WHEREAS, Sarah, the wife of Richard LEESON of Denton in the county of Lincolnshire, has divers times contracted Debts and sold the Goods out of the House to the very great Detriment and Damage of her said Husband: This is to give Notice, that if after the Publication of this Advert, she shall contract any Debts, the same will not be paid: and if any Body shall receive from her, or by her Appointment, any Goods or Effects of her Husband’s, they shall be esteemed as Felons, and thus prosecuted according to the Law. (Signed) RICHARD LEESON.”

From: HOWGRAVE’S STAMFORD MERCURY, Friday 3rd July 1740 “Whereas, JOHN GLOVER, Jun., of in Lincolnshire, Mason, hath lately Run Away from his Family, whereby the said Family is become chargeable to the Parish of Grantham. This is to desire all Churchwardens and Overseers, or any other Person, to apprehend the said John Glover, wherever he shall be found, and to give Notice thereof to the Overseers of the Poor of Grantham, who will thankfully pay the Expences they are at in so doing. He is about 30 Years of Age, of a black Complecion, about Five Feet Nine Inches high. He went off in a black Wig, a light color’d Coat with a Cape and a white Waist Coat.”


From: THE STAMFORD MERCURY, Thursday 26th May 1774 “ELOPED from his Father, Richard HARRISON of Louth in Lincolnshire, on Friday 20th May, 1774, James HARRISON – had on a light col’red Fustian Frock and Waist-coat with Buttons and Leather Breeches. He is of a dark complexion, 5 Feet, 3 Inches high, 18 Years old, and a Broad-set lusty Lad. Whoever may have employed him, or can give any Intelligence of him to the aforesaid Richard Harrison, so that he may find him, shall be handsomely rewarded. Signed by their humble Servant RICHARD HARRISON.”

From: THE STAMFORD MERCURY, Thursday 7th July 1774 “Run Away from their Master, two Apprentices of RICHARD PELL’S, Taylor, of Great Hale, near in the county of Lincolnshire: RICHARD PAIN, who left Mr Pell on April 15th 1774 and JOHN PRESTON, who left the above Richard Pell on June 27th 1774. Richard Pain is a well made young Man, is about 19 Years of Age, 5 Foot 4 Inches high, of a good Complexion, has a little Forehead, a long Nose, grey Eyes, light Hair, Freckles on his Face: had on when he left his Master, a light color’d Frock, the Buttons covered with the same color, Blue Waist-Coat and Buttons of the same: Blue Breeches with white Buttons. John Preston is a well made young Man, about 18 Years of Age, dark color’d strait Hair (thick and strong), grey Eyes, pale Complexion, a Scar on his Forehead, stoops in the Shoulders, has a Mole between his Breasts, is about 5 Foot 3 Inches, had on when he went away from his Master, a brown Coat with white Buttons, a blue Waist-coat with white Buttons, and light color’d Breeches with white Buttons. Mr PELL gives Notice, that whoever employs either of the above Apprentices, will be prosecuted according to Law; and any Person giving Information of the above young Men shall receive Half a Guinea Reward, from him, Richard Pell, of Great Hale, Near Sleaford, Lincolnshire.”

From: THE STAMFORD MERCURY, Thursday 12th October 1775 “Whereas, SARAH HARE, wife of JAMES HARE of Stamford, eloped from her Husband on Saturday morning last, and took away most his Goods; This is therefore to discharge all Persons from harbouring the said Sarah Hare, or trusting her on any Account, as I will not pay any Debts she may contract. Witness my Hand, JAMES HARE.”

From: THE STAMFORD MERCURY, Thursday 4th December 1777 “Swineshead: Oct. 20th, 1777: Run Away from Thomas , Blacksmith, NAT BUTLER, his Apprentice who was born at Heckingon, near Sleaford: had on when he went away a white Drill Jacket lined in the Sleeves with Orange color’d lining, and a brown coat with white Buttons. He is about five Foot high and rather stoops forwards as he walks, has fresh Complexion, dark brown Hair almost to his Eyes. Whoever employs him, after this Advert., will be prosecuted as the Law directs, and if any Person will take him and deliver him to his master, Thomas Cumberworth, he shall receive Half a Guinea Reward and reasonable Charges.”


From: THE STAMFORD MERCURY, Friday 18th February 1785 “RUN AWAY from his Apprenticeship on Tuesday the 1st of February, WILLIAM BURNETT, an Apprentice to Mr William HOLLINGSWORTH, Cooper, Horncastle. William Burnett is about Five Foot, Four Inches high, had on, when he went off, a round Hat, light color’d Coat, a velverett Waist-coat and leather Breeches. Whoever harbours or employs the said William Burnett will be prosecuted as the Law in those cases directs.”

From: THE STAMFORD MERCURY, Friday 6th October 1786 “, Lincolnshire: Whereas, JOHN BREWIN and WILLIAM WELLS, have Run Away from their Wives and Families. John Brewin is about 50 Years of Age, near Six Feet high, Pox-pitted, and of a Swarthy Complexion, has frequently worked at Spalding as a Porter, and at other Times labor’d at the banks, rivers and drains. William Wells is a Farmer’s Labourer. Had on when he went off, a dark color’d Coat and Waistcoat, Buckskin Breeches, has light curl’d Hair, round Face, Hook-nosed, Thirty-four Years of Age, is Five Foot Ten Inches high, slenderish made and born in Yorkshire, has some time since worked in Wigtoft, Marsh and other parts of the Holland Fen. Whoever will inform the Overseers of the Poor of Market Deeping, so that the said John Brewin and William Wells, or either of them, may be brought to Justice, shall receive a GUINEA REWARD. N.B. If the said WILLIAM WELLS will return to his Habitation, he shall receive the like Reward as is here offered to his Apprehender.”

From: LINCOLN, RUTLAND & STAMFORD MERCURY, Friday 17th November 1797 “Gainsborough: 15th November 1797: - WHEREAS, on Friday the 29th of September last, THOMAS SNOW (Apprentice to Mr RICHARD KNIGHT, grocer, Gainsborough) absconded himself from his Master’s Service. This is therefore to give NOTICE, That if he will return to his Master’s Duty, he shall have a free Pardon. Thomas Snow is about 16 Years of Age, about 4 Foot 10 Inches high – had on when he went away, a light Drab Coat, a Plaid Waistcoat and Corderoy Breeches.”

From: LINCOLN, RUTLAND & STAMFORD MERCURY, Friday 19th December 1800 “FIVE GUINEAS REWARD: RUN AWAY: and left his Family chargeable to the Parish of DOWSBY in the county of Lincolnshire: WILLIAM GRAY, labourer: supposed to be 28 Years of Age, stands about 5 Foot 9 Inches, very stout made, walks upright, haws light grey Eyes and brown Hair. Had on when he went away, a Jacket, with a short Smock Frock – he absconded on the 19th November 1800. Whoever will apprehend the said William Gray and deliver him to the Overseers of Dowsby, shall receive Five Guineas Reward. EDWARD SCALES Jno. GREEN.”


From: LINCOLN, RUTLAND & STAMFORD MERCURY, Friday 8th January 1802 “NOTICE is hereby given: That JOHN DUFFIN of Boston in the county of Lincolnshire, carpenter, will not be answerable or accountable for any Debt or Debts that LYDIA, his now Wife, shall or may contract from and after the date hereof: as Witness my Hand, this First Day of January, in the year of One Thousand and Eight Hundred and Two. (Signed) JOHN DUFFIN.”

From: LINCOLN, RUTLAND & STAMFORD MERCURY, Friday 25th September 1807 “RUN AWAY on Saturday night 19th September Instant, ROBERT VARLOW and ROBERT DAWSON, two Apprentices belonging to the Brig, ‘Cambrian’ of the Port of Boston. ROBERT VARLOW is about 19 Years of Age, 5 foot, 7 or 8 inches high, fair Complexion, grey Eyes, light Hair, cut short, and stout made. ROBERT DAWSON is about 17 Years of Age, 5 foot, 8 or 9 inches high, swarthy Complexion, hazle Eyes, dark short Hair, and stout made. They took away with them all their Clothes, consisting of Seamen’s Dresses and Slops. Both the above lads come from the Parish of Kirton, and it is expected that they would endeavour to get into farmers’ service. Whoever will apprehend either, or both of them, and give Information to C STAINBANK of Boston, so that they may be secured, shall receive for each of them TWO GUINEAS REWARD and all reasonable Expenses. Any Person employing them after this Notice will be prosecuted. If the said Two Lads return to their duty they will be received and no notice will be taken of their conduct. September 21st 1807.”

From: LINCOLN, RUTLAND & STAMFORD MERCURY, Friday 2nd October 1807 “WHEREAS, Elizabeth, the wife of ROBERT COMINS of Frampton in the county of Lincolnshire, did on Sunday the 20th day of September, absent herself from her said husband’s House without just cause. This is therefore to give Public Notice That I, the said Robert Comins, will not hereafter be accountable for any Debt or Debts my said Wife may contract. As witness my Hand in this the Twenty-fourth Day of September 1807. (Signed) ROBERT COMINS Witness to the Signature: JONATHAN MITCHERSON.”

From: LINCOLN, RUTLAND & STAMFORD MERCURY, Friday 4th January 1811 “ABSCONDED from , near , Lincolnshire, on the 18th of December 1810, THOMAS DRIFFIELD, a Tailor by Trade. He is about 25 years of Age, 5 foot 10 inches high, dark brown Hair, grey Eyes, pale Complexion and rather stoops in his Shoulders. Whoever will apprehend the said Thomas Driffield and lodge him in any one of His Majesty’s Gaols and deliver him up to the Constable of Scunthorpe aforesaid, or to JOHN ELLERBY of Brumby Sand House, near Brigg, shall receive a Reward of Two Guineas and all reasonable Expenses. And if the said THOMAS DRIFFIELD will return again to his own Home, every endeavour will be exerted to secure his Pardon.”


From: LINCOLN, RUTLAND & STAMFORD MERCURY, Friday 8th January 1813 “Absconded and left his Wife chargeable to the Parish of Digby, in the county of Lincolnshire, SAMUEL UPTON, a labourer. He is about 5 foot 7 inches high, rather slightly made, fresh colored Complexion and has a Cast in one of his Eyes. Whoever will apprehend the aforesaid Samuel Upton and lodge him in one of His Majesty’s Gaols, shall on giving the Information thereon to the Overseer of Digby, Lincolnshire, receive a Reward of One GUINEA. At Digby, January 4th 1813.”

From: DRAKARD’S STAMFORD MERCURY, Friday 25th September 1818 “Whereas, ANN, the Wife of EDWARD TEANBY of Beelsby in the county of Lincolnshire, labourer, (late ANN RODWELL, Spinster) left the House of the said Edward Teanby on Sunday the 20th instant, taking with her a great deal of the Furniture, in the absence of the said E.T. : Now , I do hereby Caution, all Person or Persons not to Trust or give Credit to my said Wife upon any account, as I will not pay any Debt or Debts she may hereafter contract. Witness my Hand on this Twenty-second Day of September 1818. (Signed) EDWARD TEANBY Witness: T WHARTON, Clerk to Mr FRASER, Town Clerk at Grimsby.”

From: DRAKARD’S STAMFORD MERCURY, Friday 25th September 1818 “Absconded from his Master’s service, EDWARD PINDAR, Droving-Man to THOMAS CHEETHAM of Leadenham, near Grantham, Sheep Drover, taking with him about One hundred and Fifty Pounds, which he had for paying over to the farmers in the neighbourhood of CORBY on Wednesday last, since which time he has wholly disappeared. The said Edward Pindar is about 40 Years of Age, a light-made Person, about 5 foot 7 inches high, fair Complexion, and has a large Mole on his Face, and is a native of Lincolnshire. Whoever will apprehend the said EDWARD PINDAR and lodge him in any one of His Majesty’s Gaols, shall receive a Reward of FIVE GUINEAS, and all reasonable Expenses from the said THOMAS CHEETHAM. Dated September 19, 1818.”



All meetings officially start at 7.30 p.m. unless otherwise stated, however most meetings have experienced members there at least half an hour beforehand to assist with any research problems. All LFHS members are welcome to attend any of the meetings listed below.

PLEASE NOTE: Changes may occur where information is given so far in advance, so please check with the Society Website for up to date information on Branch Programmes. Contact details are at :-

Boston – The Church of the Latter Day Saints, Woodthorpe Avenue Boston

06 May 2016 The Lincolnshire Territorials in the Great War Steve Bramley 03 Jun 2016 Bookworms-Books that have influenced your Neil Watson Research 04 Jun 2016 Lincolnshire FHS AGM Bracebridge Heath Village Hall 25 Jun 2016 Annual Social & Quiz at Grantham Colin Young Life of an Auctioneer 01Jul 2016 The Restoration Of Hussey Tower Ian Marshman August 2016 No meeting - Summer Outing to be arranged 02 Sep 2016 The Great Northern Railway in Boston David Ingleby 07 Oct 2016 Milestones & Turnpike Roads Michael Knight 15 Oct 2016 To be confirmed. Joint Open Day with Church of Latter-Day Saints 04 Nov 2016 The History of Woad Farming in Boston Jane Keighley 02 Dec 2016 Seasonal Social - is there food in your Family

Contact Andy Clark, (Chairman) Tel: 0174 820361 Email: [email protected]


Bourne – The Baxter Room, Wake House, 41 North St. Bourne PE10 94 AE

24 May 2016 Changes in Lincolnshire Farming over the Alan Stennett past 100 years 04 Jun 2016 Lincolnshire FHS AGM Bracebridge Heath Village Hall 25 Jun 2016 Annual Social & Quiz at Grantham Colin Young Life of an Auctioneer 28 Jun 2016 Your Brick Wall Crumbles. Members will try to get you over your stumbling blocks 26 Jul 2016 Evening visit to a Local place of interest Details to be announced SATURDAY 2016 Open Day Details to be announced 20 Aug 27 Sep` 2016 They Spread their Wings Alastair The flying Career of six courageous Lincs. Goodrum Airmen 25 Oct 2016 Lincolnshire Colonies Overseas; Stories of Rod Fanthorpe People who left Lincolnshire to settle elsewhere 22 Nov 2016 Social Evening, including team quiz and festive refreshments Dec 2016 No meeting

Contacts Shirley Maile (Secretary) 0778425613 email: [email protected] Maureen Sibborn (Chairman) Tel 01778 425144


Grantham – Harrowby Lane Methodist Church Hall, Grantham

18 May 2016 Mayhem on the Midland – An accident, Chris & Judy Rouse a suicide and a Murder 04 Jun 2016 Lincolnshire FHS AGM Bracebridge Heath Village Hall 15 Jun 2016 The Growth of the Internet for Family Wendy Parkinson Historians 25 Jun 2016 Annual Social & Quiz at Grantham Colin Young Life of an Auctioneer 20 Jul 2016 Balloons, Bleriots & Barnstormers Alastair Goodrum 21 Sep 2016 First Airship bombing of London Steve Fay 19 Oct 2016 A hidden Graveyard – Manthorpe Road Janice Webb Old Burial Ground 16 Nov 2016 Workshop Evening 07 Dec 2016 Christmas Social & Quiz (Members only)

Contact Richard Tuxworth (Secretary) 16 Ninth Avenue, Grantham, NG31 9TF Tel: 01476 572611 email [email protected]


Great Grimsby – The Town Hall Grimsby

10 May 2016 “In search of Mama Rosa” Researching in Ewan Cappitt France & Spaiin 04 Jun 2016 Lincolnshire FHS AGM Bracebridge Heath Village Hall 14 Jun 2916 Resource Evening 25 Jun 2016 Annual Social & Quiz at Grantham Colin Young Life of an Auctioneer 12 Jul 2016 Come into the Garden Fanny – The Baring Jean Howard Sisters of Harrington Hall August 2016 No meeting 13 Sep 2016 Conservation of Documentation Peter Noon 11 Oct 2016 Resource Evening 08 Nov 2016 Location, Location: Linking People & Places John Wilson in the Grimsby Archives, 1900-50 13 Dec 2016 Christmas Social

Contacts Mrs FJ Poulton (Chairman) 14 St Andrews Drive, Grimsby, NE Lincs DN32 8PT Mrs Tina Dixon (Secretary) Bolingbroke, Church Lane, , DN36 5 QG


Horncastle – Horncastle College, Mareham Road, (In the Conference Hall)

25 May 2016 Enclosure & the Village Labourer Mick Rawle 04 Jun 2016 Lincolnshire FHS AGM Bracebridge Heath Village Hall 22 Jun 2016 What the Census can tell us 1841 – 1911 Robert Parker 25 Jun 2016 Annual Social at Grantham Colin Young Life of an Auctioneer 27 Jul 2016 Wills Simon Pawley 24 Aug 2016 Outing to Sleaford Simon Pawley 28 Sep 2016 Revesby Abbey David Start 26 Oct 2016 The Real Queen Victoria Jean Townsend 23 Nov 2016 Christmas Social & Buffet Entertainment by Horncastle Ukulele Group Dec 2016 No meeting

Contacts Mrs Kath Holland, (Chairman) email: [email protected] Janet O’Regan (Secretary) [email protected]

Lincoln – Bracebridge Heath Village Hall – 1 45 – 4.00 p.m.

14 May 2016 Quarter Sessions Records Anne Cole

04 Jun 2016 Lincolnshire FHS AGM Bracebridge Heath Village Hall 11 Jun 2016 The Lincolnshire Rising Brian Hodgkinson 25 Jun 2016 Annual Social & Quiz ay Grantham Colin Young Life of an Auctioneer 09 Jul 2016 Customs Officer – Accountancy & Navigation Steve Footit 13 Aug 2016 Oliver Cromwell Dr David Marcombe Democrat or Dictator 10 Sep 2016 Outing TBA 08 Oct 2016 Norton Bottoms Bared Bob Garlant 12 Nov 2016 The diseases which killed your Ancestors Geoff Lee Dec 2016 No Meeting

Contact Tracey Fairhurst (Chairman) Tel: 01522 8700


London – Society of Genealogists, 14 Charterhouse Buildings, Goswell Road, London EC1M 7BA

Doors open 2.15 p.m. for 2.30 start

20 2016 Field Trip to the Women’s Library, Contact Richard Brown for May The London School of Economics, further details Friday 10 Portugal St London WC2 [email protected] 04 Jun 2016 Lincolnshire FHS AGM Bracebridge Heath Village Hall 18 Jun 2016 The History of British Music Hall Peter Charlton 24 Sep 2016 Interesting Characters of the Lynda Hotchkiss County 18 Nov 2016 Members’ Meeting – Keepsakes & Memorabilia of importance to your Family History, with small examples to show


Jeff Royce (Chairman) 121 Highland Road, Bromley, Kent BR2 0DJ Email: [email protected]



FOUNDED 1990 Member of Federation of Family History Societies Member of the Friends of the National Archives

PRESIDENT Mrs Anne Cole 174 Doddington Road Lincoln, LN6 7HF


Chairman Mrs Sue Patman, 31 Church Road, Skellingthorpe, Lincoln, LN6 5UW Vice Chair Mr Peter Riechelt, 60 Gorse Road, Grantham, NG31 9LQ Secretary Mr Paul Smith, 98 Mill Lane, Lincoln, LN6 9PE Treasurer Mr Paul Veal, 17 Priest Meadow Close, Astwood Bank, Redditch, Worcestershire, B96 6HT Magazine Editor Vacant Members Mr Brian Broughton, 20 Manor Close, Yaxley Peterborough, PE7 3NS Mrs Margaret Cromack, Chimneypots, Washdyke Lane, Glentham, LN8 2ER Mrs Kathy Hancock, 4 Almond Avenue, Boston, PE21 8HL Ms Ann Lillywhite, Buslingthorpe Grange, Faldingworth Road, Middle Rasen, Lincoln, LN8 3SA Mr Mel Ogden, 26 Cheltenham Close, Bottesford Scunthorpe, DN16 3SJ

ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTIONS: (one membership category) Renewable 1st January each year UK members £12.50. Overseas Members £15 in sterling to be sent to the relevant Membership Secretary (address below) Cheques made payable to: Lincolnshire Family History Society

Membership Secretaries

Mr BrianBroughton, 20 Manor Close, Yaxley, Peterborough, PE7 3NS (A and C members, Lincs & Overseas) [email protected]

Mrs Stella Postlethwaite, 1, Wheatley Lane, Carlton-le-Moorland, Lincoln LN5 9JA (B members, UK excluding Lincs) [email protected]

Publications – Postal Sales: Postal Sales Officer, 11 Stainton Drive, Bottesford, Scunthorpe DN17 2SF