

A joint position statement of the National Association for the of Young Children and the Fred Rogers Center for Early and Children’s Saint Vincent College

Technology and Interactive Media as in Early Childhood Programs Serving Children from Birth through Age 8

elevision was once the newest media. When the inte- in our homes, and then came videos and gration of technology Interactive media refers to digital . Today’s children are growing and interactive media and analog materials, including soft- up in a rapidly changing digital age that is in early childhood ware programs, applications (apps), farT different from that of their parents and grandpar- programs is built broadcast and , some ents. A variety of are all around us in upon solid develop- our homes, offices, and . When used wisely, mental foundations, children’s programming, technology and media can support learning and and early childhood e-, the , and other forms relationships. Enjoyable and engaging shared expe- professionals are of content designed to facilitate active riences that optimize the potential for children’s aware of both the and creative use by young children and learning and development can support children’s challenges and the to encourage social engagement with relationships both with adults and their peers. opportunities, educa- other children and adults. Thanks to a rich body of , we know much tors are positioned about how young children grow, learn, play, and to improve program develop. There has never been a important to quality by intention- apply principles of development and learning when con- ally leveraging the potential of technology and media for sidering the use of cutting-edge technologies and new the benefit of every .

This statement is intended primarily to provide guidance to those working in early childhood education programs serving children from birth through age 8. Although not developed as a guide for families in the selection and use of technology and interactive media in their homes, the here may be helpful to inform such decisions. NAEYC and the Fred Rogers Center do not endorse or recom- mend , hardware, curricula, or other materials.

1 This 2012 position statement reflects the ever-changing printed word. The shift digital age and provides guidance for early childhood to The term digital is educators about the use of technology and interactive and the need for digital used throughout this statement media in ways that can optimize opportunities for young literacy that encom- to encompass both technology children’s cognitive, social, emotional, physical, and passes both technology linguistic development. In this position statement, the and media literacy will and media literacy. definition of technology tools encompasses a broad range continue to shape the of digital devices such as computers, tablets, multitouch world in young screens, interactive whiteboards, mobile devices, - children are developing eras, DVD and music players, audio recorders, electronic and learning (Linebarger & Piotrowski 2009; Flewitt 2011; toys, , e- readers, and older analog devices Alper n.d.). still being used such as tape recorders, VCRs, VHS tapes, The prevalence of in the lives of young record and cassette players, light tables, projectors, and children means that they are spending an increasing number . of hours per week in front of and engaged with screens of all Throughout the process of researching and this kinds, including , computers, , tablets, position statement, we have been guided by the legacy of handheld devices, and game consoles (Common Sense Fred Rogers. By appropriately and intentionally using the Media 2011). The distinction among the devices, the content, technology of his day—broadcast television—to connect and the user experience has been blurred by multitouch with each individual child and with parents and families, screens and movement-activated technologies that detect and Fred Rogers demonstrated the positive potential of using respond to the child’s movements. With guidance, these vari- technology and media in ways that are grounded in prin- ous technology tools can be harnessed for learning and devel- ciples of child development. opment; without guidance, usage can be inappropriate and/or interfere with learning and development. Statement of the Issues There are concerns about whether young Technology and interactive media are here to stay. children should have Non-interactive media include Young children live in a world of interactive media. access to technology and certain television programs, They are growing up at ease with digital devices that screen media in early videos, , and streaming are rapidly becoming the tools of the at home, childhood programs. at , at , and in the community (Kerawalla Several professional and media now available on a vari- & Crook 2002; Calvert et al. 2005; National Institute for public health organiza- ety of screens. Noninteractive Literacy 2008; Buckleitner 2009; Lisenbee 2009; Berson tions and child advocacy technology tools and media & Berson 2010; Chiong & Shuler 2010; Couse & Chen groups concerned with are not included in the definition 2010; Rideout, Lauricella, & Wartella 2011). Technology child development and and description of effective and tools for , collaboration, social network- health issues such as appropriate use in this state- ing, and user-generated content have transformed obesity have recom- mainstream culture. In particular, these tools have mended that passive, non- ment unless they are used transformed how parents and families manage their interactive technology and in ways that promote active daily lives and seek out entertainment, how use screen media not be used engagement and interactions. materials in the with young children and com- in early childhood pro- Noninteractive media can municate with parents and families, and how we deliver grams and that there be to passive viewing and over- education and (Ride- no screen time for infants exposure to screen time for out, Vandewater, & Wartella 2003; Roberts & Foehr 2004; and toddlers. NAEYC and Rideout & Hamel 2006; Rideout 2007; for the Fred Rogers Center young children and are not Excellence in Education 2010; Gutnick et al. 2010; Barron are also concerned about substitutes for interactive and et al. 2011; Jackson 2011a, 2011b; Wahi et al. 2011). The child development and engaging uses of pace of change is so rapid that is experiencing child health issues and or for interactions with adults a disruption almost as significant as when there was a have considered them and other children. shift from oral to print literacy, and again when carefully when developing the expanded access to books and the this position statement.

2 The American Academy of Pediatrics (2009, 2010, 2011a, own criteria for best usage (Kleeman 2010). The challenge for 2011b) and the White Task Force on Childhood early childhood educators is to informed choices that Obesity (2010) discourage any amount or of screen maximize learning opportunities for children while managing media and screen time for children under 2 years of age screen time and mediating the potential for misuse and over- and recommend no more than one to two hours of total use of screen media, even as these devices offer new interfaces screen time per day for children older than 2 (Funk et al. that increase their appeal and use to young children. 2009; Campaign for a Commercial-Free Childhood 2010). There is conflicting evidence on the of technol- The Early Childhood Obesity Prevention Policies (Birch, ogy in children’s development. Educators and parents Parker, & Burns 2011; Institute of of the National have been cautioned about the negative impact of back- Academies 2011) recommend that child care settings limit ground television (Kirkorian et al. 2009; AAP 2011b), pas- screen time (including television, videos, digital media, sive use of screen media (AAP 2011b), and the relationship video games, mobile media, cell phones, and the Internet) between media use and child obesity (White House Task for preschoolers (age 2 through 5) to fewer than 30 minutes Force on Childhood Obesity 2010; Birch, Parker, & Burns per day for children in half-day programs or than one 2011; Schepper 2011). Possible negative outcomes have hour per day for those in full-day programs. The report been identified, such as irregular patterns, behavioral further encourages professionals to work with parents issues, focus and attention problems, decreased academic to limit screen time to fewer than two hours per day for performance, negative impact on socialization and lan- children age 2 through 5. These recommendations to limit guage development, and the increase in the amount of time children’s exposure to screen time are related to two fac- young children are spending in front of screens (Cordes tors potentially contributing to early childhood obesity: the & Miller 2000; Appel & O’Gara 2001; Christakis et al. 2004; food and beverage marketing that children may experience Anderson & Pempek 2005; Rogow 2007; Vandewater et al. when they are watching television or interacting with other 2007; Brooks-Gunn & Donahue 2008; Common Sense Media media and the amount of overall screen time to which 2008, 2011; Lee, Bartolic, & Vandewater 2009; Campaign for they are exposed (Birch, Parker, & Burns 2011; Institute of a Commercial-Free Childhood 2010; DeLoache et al. 2010; Medicine of the National Academies 2011). The Let’s Move! Tomopoulos et al. 2010; AAP 2011a, 2011b). Child Care initiative recommends that caregivers allow no However, research findings remain divided and therefore screen time for children under 2 years of age. For children can be confusing to educators and parents. Some children’s 2 and older, caregivers are encouraged to limit screen time media researchers have found no evidence to support to no more than 30 minutes per week during child care, the belief that screen media are inherently harmful. The and parents and caregivers are advised to work together evidence from public broadcasting’s Ready To Learn initia- to limit children to one to two hours of quality screen time tive suggests that when television shows and electronic per day (Schepper 2011; White House 2011). Early child- resources have been carefully designed to incorporate what hood educators need to be aware of all these concerns and is known about effective instruction, they serve as understand the critical role that they as educators play in positive and powerful tools for teaching and learning (Pas- mediating technology and media use and screen time for nik et al. 2007; Neuman, Newman, & Dwyer 2010; Corpora- young children. tion for Public Broadcasting 2011). Similarly, Wainwright All screens are not created equal. The proliferation of and Linebarger (2006) concluded that while critics have digital devices with screens means that the precise meaning issued many warnings against television and computers of “screen time” is elusive and no longer just a matter of how and their negative effects on children’s learning, the long a young child watches television, videos, or DVDs. Time logical conclusion to be drawn from the existing scholarly spent in front of a television screen is just one aspect of how literature is that it is the educational content that mat- screen time needs to be understood and measured. Children ters—not the format in which it is presented (Wainwright and adults now have access to an ever-expanding selection of & Linebarger 2006). In short, there are some education- screens on computers, tablets, smartphones, handheld gaming ally valuable television shows, websites, and other digital devices, portable video players, digital , video record- media, and there are some that are less valuable or even ers, and more. Screen time is the total amount of time spent educationally worthless. in front of any and all of these screens (Common Sense Media The amount of time children spend with technology and 2011; Guernsey 2011c). As digital technology has expanded in media is important (Christakis & Garrison 2009; Vandewa- scope beyond linear, non-interactive media to include interac- ter & Lee 2009; Tandon et al. 2011), but how children spend tive options, it is evident that each unique screen demands its time with technology must also be taken into account when

3 determining what is effective and appropriate (Christakis & to technology tools and broadband connections to the Garrison 2009; Tandon et al. 2011). The impact of technol- Internet in their homes, begin using the Internet at an early ogy is mediated by teachers’ use of the same developmen- age, and have highly developed technology skills and begin- tally appropriate principles and practices that guide the ning digital literacy when they enter school. Children in use of print materials and all other learning tools and con- families with fewer resources may have little or no access for young children (Van Scoter, Ellis, & Railsback 2001; to the latest technologies in their homes, early childhood Clements & Sarama 2003a; Plowman & Stephen 2005, 2007). settings, schools, or communities (Becker 2000; Burdette & Whitaker 2005; Calvert et al. 2005; National Institute for The appeal of technology can lead to inappropriate Literacy 2008; Cross, , & Schweingruber 2009; Com- uses in early childhood settings. Technology and media mon Sense Media 2011). are tools that are effective only when used appropriately. Young children need opportunities to develop the early The appeal of technology and the steady stream of new “technology-handling” skills associated with early digital devices may lead some educators to use technology for literacy that are akin to the “book-handling” skills associ- technology’s sake, rather than as a means to an end. ated with early literacy development (National Institute for Technology should not be used for activities that are not Literacy 2008). The International Society for Technology in educationally sound, not developmentally appropriate, Education (2007) recommends basic skills in technology or not effective (electronic worksheets for preschoolers, operations and concepts by age 5. Early childhood settings for example). Passive use of technology and any type of can provide opportunities for exploring digital cameras, screen media is an inappropriate replacement for active audio and video recorders, printers, and other technolo- play, engagement with other children, and interactions with gies to children otherwise might not have access to adults. Digitally literate educators who are grounded in these tools. Educators should also consider the learning child development and developmentally appropri- and creative advantage that high-quality interactive media ate practices have the , skills, and experience to can bring to children, especially when combined with skill- select and use technology tools and interactive media that ful teaching and complementary curriculum resources the ages and developmental levels of the children in that work together to accelerate learning and narrow the their care, and they know when and how to integrate tech- achievement gap between children from low-income fami- nology into the program effectively. Educators who lack lies and their more affluent peers. technology skills and digital literacy are at risk of making When educators appropriately integrate technology and inappropriate choices and using technology with young interactive media into their , equity and access children in ways that can negatively impact learning and are addressed by providing opportunities for all children to development. participate and learn (Judge, Puckett, & Cabuk 2004; Cross, Issues of equity and access remain unresolved. The poten- Woods, & Schweingruber 2009). In such an environment, tial of technology and interactive media to positively influence accommodations are made for children with special needs healthy growth and development makes it important for early to use technology independently (Hasselbring & Glaser childhood educators to carefully consider issues of equity and 2000), and technology strategies to support dual language access when they select, use, integrate, and evaluate technol- learners are in place. ogy and media. Early childhood educators have an opportunity Issues of equity and access also have implications for to provide leadership in assuring equitable access to technol- early childhood professionals and policymakers. Some ogy tools and interactive media experiences for the children, early childhood educators face the same challenges in their parents, and families in their care. own access to technology tools and Internet broadband at In the early 1960s, Start and other early childhood work or home as do the families of children in their care. programs targeted the differences in access to print media Research and awareness of the value of technology tools for children from differing economic backgrounds. Today, and interactive media in early childhood education need to educators face similar challenges with regard to technology be shared with policy makers who are interested in issues tools, media, and broadband access to the Internet. Chil- of access and equity for children, parents, families, and dren growing up in affluent families more often have access teachers.

4 The Position degrading, dangerous, exploitative, or intimidating to children. This includes undue exposure to violence or highly sexualized It is the position of NAEYC and the Fred Rogers Center that: images (NAEYC 1994; AAP 2009). Technology and interactive media are tools that can pro- Just as early childhood educators always have been encour- mote effective learning and development when they are aged and advised to monitor and apply the latest research used intentionally by early childhood educators, within findings in areas such as health and child development, so too the framework of developmentally appropriate practice should they continually monitor and assess research findings (NAEYC 2009a), to support learning goals established for on emerging issues related to technology, including 3D vision individual children. The framework of developmentally and eye health, exposure to electromagnetic fields and radia- appropriate practice begins with knowledge about what tion from cellular phones (EMR Policy Institute 2011), toxins children of the age and developmental status represented from lead paint or batteries, choking involving small in a particular group are typically like. This knowledge parts, child obesity, screen time, or any other potentially provides a general idea of the activities, routines, interac- harmful, physiological, or developmental effects or side effects tions, and curriculum that should be effective. Each child related to the use of technology. in the particular group is then considered both as an indi- Developmentally appropriate practices must guide vidual and within the context of that child’s specific family, decisions about whether and when to integrate technol- community, culture, linguistic norms, social group, past ogy and interactive media into early childhood pro- experience (including learning and behavior), and current grams. and media use balances circumstances (www.naeyc.org/dap/core; retrieved Febru- and enhances the use of essential materials, activities, and ary 2, 2012). interactions in the early childhood setting, becoming part Children’s experiences with technology and interactive of the daily routine (Anderson 2000; Van Scoter, Ellis, & media are increasingly part of the context of their lives, Railsback 2001; Copple & Bredekamp 2009; NAEYC 2009a). which must be considered as part of the developmentally Technology and media should not replace activities such appropriate framework. as creative play, real-life exploration, physical activity, To make informed decisions regarding the intentional outdoor experiences, conversation, and social interactions use of technology and interactive media in ways that sup- that are important for children’s development. Technol- port children’s learning and development, early childhood ogy and media should be used to support learning, not an teachers and staff need information and resources on the isolated activity, and to young children’s access to of these tools and the implications of their use with new content (Guernsey 2010a, 2011b). children. For infants and toddlers, responsive interactions NAEYC and the Fred Rogers Center offer the following between adults and children are essential to early brain principles to guide the use of technology and interactive development and to cognitive, social, emotional, physical, media in early childhood programs. and linguistic development. NAEYC and the Fred Rogers Center the public health community in discouraging the use of screen media for children under the age of 2 in Principles to Guide the Appropriate Use of early childhood programs. Recognizing that there may be Technology and Interactive Media as Tools in appropriate uses of technology for infants and toddlers in Early Childhood Programs Serving Children some contexts (for example, viewing digital photos, - from Birth through Age 8 ticipating in Skype interactions with loved ones, co-viewing e-books, and engaging with some interactive apps), educa- Above all, the use of technology tools and interactive tors should limit the amount of screen time and, as with all media should not harm children. The healthy cognitive, other experiences and activities with infants and toddlers, social, emotional, physical, and linguistic development of the ensure that any use of technology and media serves as a whole child is as important in the digital age as ever. Access way to strengthen adult-child relationships. Early child- to technology tools and interactive media should not exclude, hood educators always should use their knowledge of child diminish, or interfere with children’s healthy communication, development and effective practices to carefully and inten- social interactions, play, and other developmentally appro- tionally select and use technology and media if and when priate activities with peers, family members, and teachers. it serves healthy development, learning, , interac- Technology and media should never be used in ways that tions with others, and relationships. This is especially true are emotionally damaging, physically harmful, disrespectful, for those working with infants and toddlers.

5 Professional judgment is required to determine if Appropriate use of technology and media depends on and when a specific use of technology or media is age the age, developmental level, needs, interests, linguistic appropriate, individually appropriate, and culturally and background, and abilities of each child. There is a devel- linguistically appropriate. Early childhood educators are opmental progression in children’s use of tools and materi- the decision makers in whether, how, what, when, and why als, typically moving from exploration to mastery and then technology and media are implemented through applying to functional subordination (using the tools to accomplish their expertise and knowledge of child development and other tasks). Anecdotal evidence suggests this same pro- learning, individual children’s interests and readiness, and gression is evident in the ways that children interact with the social and cultural contexts in which children live. The technology tools. Children need time to explore the func- adult’s role is critical in making certain that thoughtful tionality of technology before they can be expected to use planning, careful implementation, reflection, and these tools to communicate. Just as we encourage children all guide decision making about how to introduce and inte- to use crayons and before we expect them to grate any form of technology or media into the classroom their names, it seems reasonable to provide access to experience. Selecting appropriate technology and media technology tools for exploration and experimentation. for the classroom is similar to choosing any other learn- Certainly, most technology and media are inappropriate ing material. Teachers must constantly make reflective, for children from birth to age 2 (at the time of this writing), responsive, and intentional judgments to promote positive and there has been no documented association between outcomes for each child (NAEYC 2009a). passive viewing of screen media and specific learning out- comes in infants and toddlers (Schmidt et al. 2009). Infants Developmentally appropriate teaching practices must and toddlers need responsive interactions with adults. always guide the selection of any classroom materials, Yet mobile, multitouch screens and newer technologies including technology and interactive media. Teachers have changed the way our youngest children interact with must take the time to evaluate and select technology and images, sounds, and ideas (Buckleitner 2011b). Infant care- media for the classroom, carefully observe children’s use of givers must be sure that any exposure to technology and the materials to identify opportunities and problems, and media is very limited; that it is used for exploration and then make appropriate adaptations. They must be willing to includes shared joint attention and language-rich interac- learn about and become familiar with new technologies as tions; and that it does not reduce the opportunities for they are introduced and be intentional in the choices they tuned-in and attentive interactions between the child and make, including ensuring that content is developmentally the caregiver. Preschoolers have varying levels of ability appropriate and that it communicates anti-bias messages. to control technology and media, but with adult mediation When selecting technology and media for children, they can demonstrate mastery of simple digital devices teachers should not depend on unverifiable claims and are often seen using the tools as part of their pretend included in a product’s marketing material. In the selec- play. School-age children who are more proficient in using tion process, program directors and teachers should technology can harness these tools to communicate ideas consider the allocation of limited resources and cost and feelings, investigate the environment, and infor- effectiveness, including initial cost, the ongoing costs mation. As devices and apps become more user-friendly, of updating and upgrading hardware and software, younger children are becoming increasingly proficient in and other nonspecified costs such as additional items using technological tools to accomplish a task—making a needed to use the product. Other considerations picture, playing a game, recording a story, taking a photo, include durability for active use by young children and making a book, or engaging in other age-appropriate learn- replacement costs if the device is dropped or - ing activities. Technology tools and interactive media are aged. Incentives for children to use the product or buy one more source of exploration and mastery. more products from the vendor should be reviewed and considered carefully. If developers and publishers of Effective uses of technology and media are active, technology and media commit to using research-based hands-on, engaging, and empowering; give the child information in the development, marketing, and pro- control; provide adaptive scaffolds to ease the accom- of their products, the selection of technology plishment of tasks; and are used as one of many options and interactive media tools will be less driven by com- to support children’s learning. To align and integrate tech- mercial concerns and will become less mysterious and nology and media with other core experiences and oppor- easier to choose for teachers and parents (Buckleitner tunities, young children need tools that them explore, 2011a; Fred Rogers Center n.d.). create, problem solve, consider, think, listen and view criti-

6 cally, make decisions, observe, document, research, investi- vocabulary development, logical-mathematical understand- gate ideas, demonstrate learning, take turns, and learn with ing, problem-solving skills, self-regulation, and social skills and from one another. development. Effective technology tools connect on-screen and off- screen activities with an emphasis on co-viewing and co- Interactions with technology and media should be participation between adults and children and children and playful and support creativity, exploration, pretend their peers (Takeuchi 2011). These tools have the potential play, active play, and outdoor activities. Play is central to bring adults and children together for a shared experi- to children’s development and learning. Children’s inter- ence, rather than keeping them apart. For example, a care- actions with technology and media their interac- giver may choose to read a story in traditional print form, tions with other play materials and include sensorimo- as an interactive e-book on an electronic device, or both. tor or practice play, make-believe play, and games with When experienced in the context of interaction, rules. Therefore, young children need opportunities to these different types of engagements with media become explore technology and interactive media in playful and very similar. Early book reading and other joint adult-child creative ways. Appropriate experiences with technology exploration can include co-viewing and co-media engage- and media allow children to control the medium and the ment. Growing concerns that television viewing and com- outcome of the experience, to explore the functionality puter games are taking time away from physical activities of these tools, and to pretend how they might be used in and outdoor play can be offset by the use of technology real life. Increasingly, educational media producers are and interactive media that encourage outdoor exploration exploring the learning power of interactive games and and documentation of nature or that integrate physical collaborative play involving children and their family activity and encourage children to get up and be mobile members or teachers. Digital games fall into a similar rather than sit passively in front of a screen. category as board games and other self-correcting learn- Technology and media are just two of the many types of ing activities, with the same opportunities and cautions tools that can be used effectively and appropriately with related to children’s developmental stages. young children in the classroom. As with many things, Technology tools can help educators make and technology and media should be used in moderation and to strengthen home–school connections. With technol- enhance and be integrated into classroom experiences, not ogy becoming more prevalent as a means of sharing to replace essential activities, experiences, and materials. information and communicating with one another, early When used appropriately, technology and media can childhood educators have an opportunity to build enhance children’s cognitive and social abilities. Tech- stronger relationships with parents and enhance family nology and media offer opportunities to extend learning engagement. Early childhood educators always have had in early childhood settings in much the same way as other a responsibility to support parents and families by shar- materials, such as blocks, manipulatives, art materials, play ing knowledge about child development and learning. materials, books, and writing materials. Screen media can Technology tools offer new opportunities for educators expose children to animals, objects, people, landscapes, to build relationships, maintain ongoing communication, activities, and places that they cannot experience in per- and exchange information and share online resources son. Technology can also help children save, document, with parents and families. Likewise, parents and families revisit, and share their real-life experiences through images, can use technology to ask questions, seek advice, share stories, and sounds. information about their child, and feel more engaged in The active, appropriate use of technology and media the program and their child’s experiences there. can support and extend traditional materials in valuable Technology tools such as smartphones, mobile devices, ways. Research points to the positive effects of technol- and apps offer new and more affordable ways for busy fam- ogy in children’s learning and development, both cognitive ily members to communicate, connect to the Internet, and and social (Haugland 1999, 2000; Freeman & Somerindyke access information and tools to stay in 2001; Heft & Swaminathan 2002; Clements & Sarama 2003a, with their families and their child’s teachers and caregivers. 2003b; Fischer & Gillespie 2003; Rideout, Vandewater, & Internet-based communication tools offer new opportuni- Wartella 2003; Greenfield 2004; Kirkorian, Wartella, & Ander- ties for video calling and conferencing when face-to-face son 2008; Linebarger, Piotrowski, & Lapierre 2009; Adams meetings are not possible; these same technology tools 2011). Additional research is needed to confirm the positive can connect children to other family members who live at outcomes of technology tools on children’s language and a distance. As they do for young children, educators have a

7 responsibility to parents and families to model appropriate, when the use of technology and media becomes routine effective, and positive uses of technology, media, methods and transparent—when the focus of a child or educator is of communication, and social media that are safe, secure, on the activity or exploration itself and not on the technol- healthy, acceptable, responsible, and ethical. ogy or media being used. has been Technology tools can support the ways educators mea- successful when the use of technology and media supports sure and record development, document growth, the goals of educators and programs for children, provides activities, and share information with parents, families, children with digital tools for learning and communicating, and communities. Teachers can use digital portfolios that and helps improve child outcomes (Edutopia 2007). include photographs as well as audio and video recordings Careful evaluation and selection of materials are essential to document, archive, and share a child’s accomplishments in early childhood settings. For example, one of the earliest and developmental progression with families in face-to-face and most familiar technologies in early childhood settings conferences or through communication and social media is Froebel’s use of blocks. Montessori materials are another tools. Displaying photos in the classroom of children’s example of what we consider to be traditional early child- drawings or block , along with narratives dictated hood supplies. Felt-tipped markers brought a new way for by the children or explanations of why these types of play children to explore graphic representation that fell some- are important, can help families understand the critical role where between paintbrushes and crayons. of play in early childhood development. Sending weekly, As the lives of children, parents, families, and educators monthly, or even daily updates through social media or are infused with technology and media, early childhood e- can help families feel more connected to their chil- classrooms can benefit from the possibilities of extending dren and their activities away from home. Inviting children children’s learning through judicious use of these tools. As to take a picture of something they have done and helping part of the overall classroom plan, technology and interac- them upload the photo to a that can be e-mailed pro- tive media should be used in ways that support existing mote children’s understanding of ways to communicate classroom developmental and educational goals rather with others while also contributing to their learning more than in ways that distort or replace them. For example, about the functions of reading and writing. drawing on a touch screen can add to children’s graphic Most educators understand the value of writing down or representational experiences; manipulating colorful acetate recording notes that a child may want to give to parents. shapes on a light table allows children to explore color Using e-mail, educational texting, or other communication and shape. These opportunities should not replace paints, tools demonstrates the same concept about communica- markers, crayons, and other graphic art materials but tion and helps to build digital literacy skills at the same should provide additional options for self-expression. time. If information is stored on a , the photos and With a focus on technology and interactive media as notes can be printed and given to families who do not use tools—not as ends in and of themselves—teachers can technology to send or receive messages (Edutopia 2010). avoid the passive and potentially harmful use of non-inter- Modeling the effective use of technology and interactive active, linear screen media that is inappropriate in early media for parent communication and family engagement childhood settings. Intentionality is key to developmentally also creates opportunities to help parents themselves appropriate use. One must consider whether the goals can become better informed, empowers them to make responsi- be more easily achieved using traditional classroom materi- ble choices about technology use and screen time at home, als or whether the use of particular technology and interac- engages them as teachers who can extend classroom learn- tive media tools actually extends learning and development ing activities into the home, and encourages co-viewing, co- in ways not possible otherwise. participation, and joint media engagement between parents Exciting new resources in today’s technology-rich world, and their children (Stevens & Penuel 2010; Takeuchi 2011). such as 3D-rendered collaborative games and immersive world environments, represent the next frontier in digital Technology and media can enhance early childhood learning for our youngest citizens, leaving it to talented practice when integrated into the environment, curricu- educators and caring adults to determine how best to - lum, and daily routines. Successful integration of technol- age each new technology as an opportunity for children’s ogy and media into early childhood programs involves learning in ways that are developmentally appropriate. the use of resources such as computers, digital cameras, Careful evaluation and selection of materials is essential software applications, and the Internet in daily classroom for the appropriate integration of technology and media in practices (Edutopia 2007; Technology and Young Children early childhood settings. Interest Forum 2008; Hertz 2011). True integration occurs

8 must be available as needed to skills must also be considered in making technology plans provide equitable access for children with special needs. for diverse classrooms. For children with special needs, technology has proven to Digital technologies can be used to support home lan- have many potential benefits. Technology can be a to guages by creating stories and activities when programs augment sensory input or reduce distractions. It can pro- lack the funds to purchase them or when are vide support for cognitive processing or enhancing mem- hard to . Technology can be used to explore the cul- ory and recall. The variety of adaptive and assistive tech- tures and environments that each child has experienced, nologies ranges from low-tech toys with simple to and it allows children to communicate with people in their expansive high-tech capable of managing complex different countries of origin. Technology may be needed environments. When used thoughtfully, these technologies to adapt existing materials; for example, by adding new can empower young children, increasing their indepen- languages to classroom labels, translating key words in dence and supporting their inclusion in classes with their books and games, or providing models for the writing area. peers. With adapted materials, young children with disabili- With technology, adults and children can hear and practice ties can be included in activities in which they once would accurate pronunciations so they can learn one another’s have been unable to participate. By using assistive technol- languages. If teachers do not speak a child’s language, they ogy, educators can increase the likelihood that children will may use technology to record the child’s speech for later have the ability to learn, , communicate, and create. and documentation of the child’s . As Technology has supported inclusive practices in early linguistic and cultural diversity continues to increase, early childhood settings by providing adaptations that allow childhood educators encounter a frequently changing array children with disabilities to participate more fully. Augmen- of languages. Appropriate, sensitive use of technology can tative communication devices, switches, and other assis- provide the flexibility and responsiveness required to meet tive devices have become staples in classrooms that serve the needs of each new child and ensure equitable access children with special needs. Yet, with all of these enhanced for children who are dual language learners (Nemeth 2009). capabilities, these technologies require thoughtful inte- Digital literacy is essential to guiding early childhood gration into the early childhood curriculum. Educators educators and parents in the selection, use, integration, must match the technology to each child’s unique needs, and evaluation of technology and interactive media. , and individual preferences (Behrmann Technology and media literacy are essential for the adults 1998; Muligan 2003; Sadao & Robinson 2010). It is critically who work with young children. The prevalence of technol- important that all early childhood teachers understand and ogy and media in the daily lives of young children and their are able to use any assistive technologies that are available families—in their learning and in their work—will continue to children with special needs in their classrooms and to to increase and expand in more ways than we can predict. extend similar or comparable technology and media-based Early childhood educators need to understand that tech- opportunities to other children in their classrooms. nology and media-based materials can vary widely in qual- Technology tools can be effective for dual language ity, and they must be able to effectively identify products learners by providing access to a family’s home language that help rather than hinder early learning (NAEYC 2009a). and culture while supporting learning. For the adults who work with young children, digital Research has shown that access to information in the home literacy includes both knowledge and competence. Edu- language contributes to young children’s progress both in cators need the understanding, skills, and ability to use their home language and in English (Espinosa 2008). Digital technology and interactive media to access information, technologies allow teachers to find culturally and linguisti- communicate with other professionals, and participate in cally appropriate stories, games, music, and activities for professional development to improve learning and prepare every child when there may be no other way to obtain young children for a lifetime of technology use. Digital those resources (Uchikoshi 2006; Nemeth 2009). Because and media literacy for educators means that they have every child needs active practice in the four domains of the knowledge and experience to think critically about the language and literacy (speaking, listening, writing, and read- selection, analysis, use, and evaluation of technology and ing), technology resources should support , media for young children in order to evaluate their impact conversation, exploration, and self-expression. Technology on learning and development. Digital and media literacy for should be used as a tool to enhance language and literacy, children means having critical viewing, listening, and Web- but it should not be used to replace personal interactions. browsing skills. Children learn to filter the messages they The role of language in developing self-esteem and social receive to make wise choices and gain skills in effectively

9 using technology and technology- and media-based infor- Young children need to develop knowledge of and experi- mation (NAMLE 2007; Rogow & Scheibe 2007; ISTE 2008a, ences with technology and media as tools, to differentiate 2008b; Center for Media Literacy 2010; Hobbs 2010). These between appropriate and inappropriate uses, and to begin habits of inquiry transfer to all areas of the curriculum and to understand the consequences of inappropriate uses. to . Issues of cyber safety—the need to protect and not share Using technology to support practice and enhance personal information on the Internet, and to have a trusted learning requires professional judgment about what is adult to turn to—are all aspects of a child’s emerging digital developmentally and culturally appropriate (Hobbs 2010). citizenship that can begin with technology and media expe- Early childhood educators who are informed, intentional, riences in the early years. Children need to be protected by and reflective use technology and interactive media as educators and parents against exploitation for commercial additional tools for enriching the learning environment. purposes. A child’s image should never be used online with- They choose technology, technology-supported activities, out parental consent (ISTE 2007). Digital citizenship also and media that serve their teaching and learning goals includes developing judgment regarding appropriate use and needs. They align their use of technology and media of digital media; children and adults need to be able to find with curriculum goals, a child-centered and play-oriented and choose appropriate and valid sources, resources, tools, approach, hands-on exploration, active meaning making, and applications for completing a task, seeking information, and relationship (Technology and Young Children learning, and entertainment. Interest Forum 2008). They ensure equitable access so that Early childhood educators need training, profes- all children can participate. They use technology as a tool sional development opportunities, and examples of in child assessment, and they recognize the value of these successful practice to develop the technology and tools for parent communication and family engagement. media knowledge, skills, and experience needed to They model the use of technology and interactive media as meet the expectations set forth in this statement. In professional resources to connect with colleagues and con- recent years, smartphones, tablets, apps, game con- tinue their own educational and professional development. soles and handheld game devices, streaming media, and Digital citizenship social media have found their way into the personal is an important part of and professional lives of early childhood educators; digital literacy for young The term digital citizenship into early childhood programs serving young children, children. Digital citizen- refers to the need for adults and parents, and families; and into the homes of young chil- in the context of children to be responsible digital dren (Donohue 2010a, 2010b; Simon & Donohue 2011). early childhood programs citizens through an understanding Early childhood educators, parents, and families need refers to the need for of the use, abuse, and misuse of guidance to make informed decisions about how to sup- adults to help children port learning through technology and interactive media, technology as well as the norms develop an emerging which technology and media tools are appropriate, understanding of the use, of appropriate, responsible, and when to integrate technology and media into an early misuse, and abuse of tech- ethical behaviors related to online childhood setting and at home, how to use these tools to nology and the norms of rights, roles, identity, safety, secu- enhance communication with parents and families, and appropriate, responsible, rity, and communication. how to support digital and media literacy for parents and ethical behaviors and children. related to online rights, To realize the principles and recommendations of roles, identity, safety, this statement, early childhood educators must be security, and communication. Adults have a responsibility supported with quality preparation and professional to protect and empower children—to protect them in a way development. Early childhood educators need available, that helps them develop the skills they need to ultimately affordable, and accessible professional development protect themselves as they grow—and to help children opportunities that include in-depth, hands-on technol- learn to ask questions and think critically about the tech- ogy training, ongoing support, and access to the latest nologies and media they use. Adults have a responsibil- technology tools and interactive media (Appel & O’Gara ity to expose children to, and to model, developmentally 2001; Guernsey 2010b, 2011a; Barron et al. 2011). Edu- appropriate and active uses of digital tools, media, and cators must be knowledgeable and prepared to make methods of communication and learning in safe, healthy, informed decisions about how and when to appropri- acceptable, responsible, and socially positive ways. ately select, use, integrate, and evaluate technology and

10 media to meet the cognitive, social, emotional, physical, Recommendations and linguistic needs of young children. Educators also need to be knowledgeable enough to answer parents’ NAEYC and the Fred Rogers Center recommend questions and steer children to technology and media that early childhood educators experiences that have the potential to exert a positive 1. Select, use, integrate, and evaluate technology and influence on their development (Barron et al. 2011; interactive media tools in intentional and develop- Guernsey 2011b, 2011c; Takeuchi 2011). mentally appropriate ways, giving careful attention to Teaching in the age of digital learning also has implica- the appropriateness and the quality of the content, tions for early childhood teacher educators in how they the child’s experience, and the opportunities for integrate technology tools and interactive media in the co-engagement. on-campus and online courses they teach, how well they prepare early childhood teachers to use technology 2. Provide a balance of activities in programs for young and media intentionally and appropriately in the classroom children, recognizing that technology and interactive with young children and how well future teachers under- media can be valuable tools when used intentionally stand and embrace their role with parents and families with children to extend and support active, hands-on, (NAEYC 2009b; Rosen & Jaruszewicz 2009; Barron et al. creative, and authentic engagement with those around 2011). Teacher educators need to provide technology- them and with their world. mediated and online learning experiences that are effective, 3. Prohibit the passive use of television, videos, DVDs, engaging, and empowering and that lead to better out- and other non-interactive technologies and media in comes for young children in the classroom. This requires early childhood programs for children younger than 2, knowledge of how adults learn and of how technology can and discourage passive and non-interactive uses with be used effectively to teach teachers (NAEYC 2009b; Barron children ages 2 through 5. et al. 2011). Current and future early childhood educators also need 4. Limit any use of technology and interactive media in positive examples of how technology has been selected, programs for children younger than 2 to those that used, integrated, and evaluated successfully in early appropriately support responsive interactions between childhood classrooms and programs. To implement the caregivers and children and that strengthen adult-child principles and recommended practices contained in this relationships. statement, educators need access to resources and online 5. Carefully consider the screen time recommendations links, videos, and a professional community of practice in from public health organizations for children from which promising examples and applications of emerging birth through age 5 when determining appropriate technologies and new media can be demonstrated, shared, limits on technology and media use in early child- and discussed. hood settings. Screen time estimates should include Research is needed to better understand how young time spent in front of a screen at the early childhood children use and learn with technology and interactive program and, with input from parents and families, at media and also to better understand any short- and long- home and elsewhere. term effects. The established body of research and literature 6. Provide leadership in ensuring equitable access to on the effects of television viewing and screen time on young technology and interactive media experiences for the children, while foundational, does not adequately inform children in their care and for parents and families. educators and parents about the effects of multiple digital devices, each with its own screen. As multitouch technolo- gies and other emerging possibilities become Summary more affordable and available, new research is needed on what young children are able to do and how these tools and This statement provides general guidance to educators media can be integrated in a classroom. Research-based evi- on developmentally appropriate practices with technology dence about what constitutes quality technology and interac- and interactive media. It is the role and responsibility of the tive media for young children is needed to guide policy and educator to make informed, intentional, and appropriate inform practice and to ensure that technology and media choices about if, how, and when technology and media are tools are used in effective, engaging, and appropriate ways in used in early childhood classrooms for children from birth early childhood programs. through age 8. Technology and interactive media should

11 not replace other beneficial educational activities such as References creative play, outdoor experiences, and social interactions with peers and adults in early childhood settings. Educa- AAP (American Academy of Pediatrics). 2009. “Policy Statement— Media Violence.” Pediatrics 124 (5): 1495–503. www.pediatrics.org/cgi/ tors should provide a balance of activities in programs for doi/10.1542/peds.2009-2146. young children, and technology and media should be rec- AAP (American Academy of Pediatrics). 2010. “Policy Statement—Media ognized as tools that are valuable when used intentionally Education.” Pediatrics 126 (5): 1012–17. www.pediatrics.org/cgi/ doi/10.1542/peds.2010-1636 with children to extend and support active, hands-on, cre- AAP (American Academy of Pediatrics). 2011a, June 13. Council on ative, and authentic engagement with those around them and Media letter to the National Association for the and with their world. Education of Young Children. AAP (American Academy of Pediatrics). 2011b. “Policy Statement— Educators should use professional judgment in evaluat- Media Use by Children Younger Than 2 Years.” Pediatrics 128 (5): ing and using technology and media, just as they would 1–7. http://pediatrics.aappublications.org/content/early/2011/10/12/ with any other learning tool or experience, and they must peds.2011-1753 Adams, M.J. 2011. Technology for Developing Children’s Language emphasize active engagement rather than passive, non- and Literacy: Bringing Speech Recognition to the Classroom. New interactive uses. To achieve balance in their programs and York: The Joan Ganz Cooney Center at Sesame Workshop. http:// classrooms, they should weigh the costs of technology, joanganzcooneycenter.org/Reports-30.html Alper, M. “Developmentally Appropriate New Media Literacies: media, and other learning materials against their program’s Supporting Cultural Competencies and Social Skills in Early Childhood resources, and they also should weigh the use of digital and Education.” Journal of Early Childhood Literacy (forthcoming). electronic materials against the use of natural and tradi- Anderson, D.R., & T.A. Pempek. 2005. “Television and Very Young Children.” American Behavioral 48 (5): 505–22. tional materials and objects. Anderson, G.T. 2000. “Computers in a Developmentally Appropriate Support for early childhood professionals is critically Curriculum.” Young Children 55 (2): 90–93. important. Educators need available, affordable, and acces- Appel, A.E., & . 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This is a joint position statement of the National Associa- tion for the Education of Young Children and the Fred National Association for the Education of Young Children Rogers Center for Early Learning and Children’s Media at Saint Vincent College. NAEYC.org Acknowledgments NAEYC and the Fred Rogers Center (FRC) appreciate the work of the Joint NAEYC-FRC Writing Team and Working Group members who participated in the devel- opment of this position statement: Roberta Schomburg, Co-chair, Carlow University and Fred Rogers Center; Chip Donohue, Co-chair, Erikson Institute and Fred Rogers Center; Madhavi Parikh, NAEYC; Warren Buck- leitner, Children’s Technology Review; Pamela Johnson, Corporation for Public Broadcasting; Lynn Nolan, Inter- Fred Rogers Center for Early Learning and Chidren’s Media national Society for Technology in Education; Christine Saint Vincent College Wang, State University at Buffalo, SUNY; Ellen Wartella, 300 Fraser Purchase Northwestern University and Fred Rogers Center. Input Latrobe, PA 15650-2690 from members of the NAEYC Governing Board and the Fred Rogers Center Advisory Council, as well as key staff Phone: 724- 805-2750 members in both organizations, also is acknowledged. Fax: 724-805-2761 @fredrogerscenter.org

Copyright © 2012 by the National Association for the Education of Young Children and the Fred Rogers Center for Early Learning and Children’s Media at Saint Vincent College. All rights reserved.